V . - ...j' ?-, "l& ' 1 .', 11 1 . U '., '-, r 14. - k i i Kt- . fc . Hi IS - Tfc r. Hi p '. A1 EV.ENIXG PUBLIC QLEDGHH-r-PHILABELPHIA, THURSDAY, 'APRIL is, rAVJt li)20 -w ry. i,. ,,'', 'V" M, u MAYOR INSPECTS 1' LINE TO FRANKFORD , 'Aviator Will Take Birdseye r Photograph of Transit Situ ation in Rush Hour URGE DIVERSION OF LOAN Mayor Moore today Irupc tod thr route of thr Prnnkford elrntel m company with Tranlt Win-tor Twin lhg nod City Soliiitnr Snutli !The oftli-lnl port Ml t itv Hull Bbout 10:"0 uMih'I thiCmorniiiB. Pi" .cfedlns to I'ront nud Anli lif''i nd ,'ttien northward along the Imp of tlir ''li" to itspropoP(l not thnn toninmi Mill Hill ilili)il li IIIIIKIIIITMMMMW tf . rf Sm amHBuJtHB T t Bridge stiret. Fi-titikfnwi Mr. Moote wnntr-d tlrM hand infm rnatlon o pi-r-Mit condition" nlotis tlif route. Tlir tour was n iitrlliniiian Jto definite plnn for romnletion and oneratlon of the hih-ppcd liu A "birdseye" view of trntlii- fiitiRr- Hon in the ic-ntrul bMnei dNtrict will j Partial b obtained today by the Rapid TnitiMt ' Co.. when n former nnny tiler will tuke ' photographn from nn airplane. If weather eondltioni permit, the fiijtht will be made durin;; the ni-li hour period, with the plane pniilng rnt orer City Hall at .r.:18 o'cloels this aft ernoon. The Tiewd will be taken nlon: a vertical line of light at an .-leMHion of about S00() feet The camera "but ter will be synchronized with the pro pellcr so the resulting phture mnv be pieced together into what is known a a mosaic map The map wll ho the poMiimi of erery street ear. automobile and other rehkle in the area. The 1. It T asserted the Tiews will "how traffii engineers the condition" over the entire business district at one particular time, giving, as far as possible, the measure of the relative congctiou and ntnmiut of traffic. Diversion of pan of the .:.-. 000. 000 loan nuthorized for the Nroad "trcct rabwny to the Philadelphia Rapid Trnn it for equipment and construction of more surface Hum i" urged by the Mayor's transit committee. The diversion would bo in the form of a loau. according to Colonel W. P Barba. and would draw interest "ijfli cient to cover the sinking fund charges. The loan would be payable whenever Sthe money became needed for llroad street subway work. The plnn was brought up at a meet Idj of the committee yesterday, t'tep" were taken at once to determine the legality o tne proposed step. If nee eseary it was suggested that Mayor Moore have Governor Sprout call a special session of the Legislature to in dorse the diversion of funds. Jolm P. Dwjer met with the com mittee yesterday and pieented the transit muddle from the viewpoint of a newspaperman CHARGE DELAWARE BOY SLEW FATHER' HIWtMvS . NICHOLS Itepublleaii congressman of Dctlolt who condemns the treatment of :il levxl railir-il" rnuuded up under Attorney (.riieial Palmer's oi tiers COAL FAMINE THREATENED Shutdown of New England Industries Looms Huston. April 1.V (Ny A. P. i A verioiis shortage of coal for New l'nglaiid's railroads and industries threatened today to necessitate eaily Mirtailment of nil passenger schedules mill n partial indii'tiiul shutdown. Coal Charges of Palmer Viewed as Bluff tnnllnutd fiom rte On In prison, all without formal trial and many of them without warrant heaped up in baskets, apparently without nny pretense of system." said Mr. Nichols. Without having seen the condition with my own eyes, t could never have be lieved that an. thing so iin-Amerienn. , so contrary to our every free institution, could esiM In this country. "H i" apparent to me that a large pnrt of the condition 1" the result of Inefficiency and confusion. Attorney (lenernl Palmer felt that he was called on to make some demonstration against me so-cniieu alien extremtstsr lie se- ' lee ted the Communist party roster ns the basis for his attack mid ordered the ' arrest of all the communists who were) nlien. It nipnnrs that no adequate pre- ! liminnry investigation was mndc to dr- termine the nitual recoids or even the, character of men to be ai rested. Thej 1 were jut herded in. and then u hap hazard process of sorting was begun. Calls System Reckless "The fact that hundreds have nl . leudy been ieleacd in Detroit alone. ! bceausn there va no evidence on which I to hold them, is proof enough of the ' absolute lecklessness and brutality of' tlie system pursued. "I presented to Assistant SedPlnry Post a lint of 174 men still held at Port YVayue in Detroit, forty -eight of whom never had u warrant issued ngainst them. All 174 have been in. prison three months without trial. I have demanded the immedinte disposal of all of these cases, either by trial and deportation or by release of the men. Mr. Post hns proiuised that they will be taken apparently without investigation nnd without warrant, and his recent propa gnnda with regard to the radicals in the railroad strike. Unless Mr. Palmer convicts some of the numerous cnemlen of society that he knows nhout. If he really does nothing about this latest revolution he has dis covered, people here ore likely to find out the reason why. MOVE TO IMPEACH POST IS HALTED Washington, April 15.--Plnns for introducing (Ry A. P.) n resolution in the House today looking to the 1m peachment of Assistant Secretary Post, ot the Labor Department, for his nttt tittlr toward deportation of radicals, went suddenly awry when the House met today nnd the resolution prepared bv Representative Hoch, Republican, of Kansas, was withheld nt the request of Republican Floor Leader Mondell. Speaker Gillette had arranged to recognize Representative Hoch for the Introduction of the resolution and called on him twice for the purpose. Hoch. however, withheld his resolution nnd Mr. Mondell nnnouneed that the Re publican leaders wanted to study it fur tJier. Hoch said he would Introduce It later. LETTS NAME PEACE TERMS Demand Thai Soviet Ruaala Pay War Indemnity Kovno, Lithuania. April 15. -(Ry A. P.) The Lettish legation here an nounced today the conditions on which T,clvlii,l!i willing to declare jience with soviet Russia. The terms comprise n number ot strategic guarantees, n wnr indemnity of a cotlple of billion rubles In gold nnd the return o nll.rnllwny material nnd bank securities which were carried off by the Rolshcvlkl, or, If this is Impossible, compensation to the amount of 1,000.000.000 tuhles. T.etvfa further demands a, portion of ll. A RIIaaIaII Mali! -.JhMA -... A m " IIC 1H1MIUII RUIU IITOIUi WHICn IS U1.I to amount to 127,fi00,Q0O,0OO rubles I ,. Wf.i iilt c over nrt .n. nnhlln .1MI -: irvr.ll0 ' ".v.xw nj lt t.n,l an offset to of the Russ an before bolshevliini cntno Into power Tu Lettish Government nlso asks consM crablc railway nnd forest concessions The Home You Are Unconsciously Seeking We r Intf rested In people who want Ml th comforts at tlty without Its anemllns discomforts We uro desirous of inMlnc reople who wnt clesn, fresh sir that blows from a plcturesqut sea nankM with miles of boardwalk that was built for their pleasure and ntertalnment , W hs leen ilnninic and worhlna or people who re looklne for a Home lh.it will satlsfv their rvrrj wish To all of, those ueopl wn extend an Imitation In visit nr Ipqurr about th hus that th Oennrnl lmprovemtnt Company of Atlantln City has built and la nnvr building on Jaclson Avenua and Vnasar Square, tho 1r.it two streets In cntnor t'lly. . . The flrat-floor plan has a apaclous roreh, romfnrtable llvlnj: room, dlnlnff loom. Mich'n, inald'a room and lavatory, and U Unlah'd In eak. The aceond-noor plan lias four bedrooms and two tiled baths. It la finished In mahotany with white trim. The floora throughout are double and ot hardwood and the roof la of black rlats Thre are, In addition many convenience that show the houses have been planned with enre. Tho price, not subtct to chanec. Is IH.OflO. "For the lancer house, with sit bedrooms and three bathe, th price la ttS.fiOO. For further particulars, visit or write the following nrms, all located In Atlantic City: C. J. Adams Company Law Building: General Realty Co. Guarantee Trust Bldg. Ruffu Corporation 2104 Atlantic Are. nn nt once stocks of tli inili'oails were sitiil to he I In- Munition is reaching tiie point sufficient fm onh four or liic tlnj of where Congress is likely to be asked to normal operation Industries surtered investigate the auti -radical activities through lonfiscatinn by the railroads of of the administration, the disagreement commeri ial coal in transit with no re between the Department of Labor and ilenihtnent of their bins in sight Justice, Palmer's miscellaneous laid MuiiytiiiiiiiimmmtirmntiiitrtinniiirnmrTfitTiTiiinrniimiiiiniMn,, A Aged Farmer's Throat Cut. Body Placed in Path of Fast Train OFFICERS HUNT FOR SON Speciil Disnti'ti to IViHi't rublit. Lrdu" Georsctotnt. Drtl.. April To. Oliver Morris, twenty years old. is suspected of cutting the throart nf Derrick Morris a Millsborn farmer, seventy-eight. whoec dead body way found last night by a train rew on ihs' railroad track ntar Millshoro Ofr'-ers are nov in searrh of tho tr. The) bov had tpiar relcd w'th his father f- some tinif it Is said, and had left hrne to woik on an apple farm. The son come home Trierd.i lie, worked until irJ'out o'i 1 k The two were seen drinng along ihe road visr before the murJer. and it i charged that the boy timvd tlie aff.au- larefullv so that he coulcf get to the railroad about the time tie night train came along. It is supp"ed thnt he ut In father's throat tbe.v. The carriage was drnwn u miss th track as tlie train sMo.pt on toward it. hut the engmeei was jibln to stop be fore it was hit when the u-ew made the gruesome finil of the dead man. The son hns not ben veii sim-e. Toung Morris and Jus father had been having mntiv iiuarrels iiue lar fall, It is said, when Oliver irifatutl tlon for n mm h older woman gienth displeased the aged parent. P. R. R. to Lower Its Tracks Rurllngtoii. N. .1.. April ." Motoe Ists will no longc be compelled lo pluv leap-frog in crossing the IVntisvhnn'.. Railroad tiak nt Itiond nnd Migh streets. 1 CwfM4 twls rf mml, taur, tilt v4 1-l A FOOD A Sturdy food The full, rich nourishment of select ed wheat and malted barley, balled 20 hours for easy digestion. GrapeMits requires just enough chewing to develop its rich nut-like flavor 5 A wonderful building food for young and old 1 GrapcNuts needs no suar 1 "iTrrrmniriiiiiiiimriir rniiiiiiiimiiiiiiurM fiSrd Anniversary Sale The Sale closes Saturduy night, April I 7. Scores of desirable lots at special prices will be found in every depart ment Underwear. Hosiery, .Sweaters, Silks, Woolens, Cottons, Laces, Trimmings, Handkerchiefs. Linens, Notions. Neckwear. Infants' and Children's garments, Corsets, Lin gerie, and many others. For Friday, special attention is directed to the following: Women's House Dresses in various attractive models, one of which is shown $5.85, values from $7.50 to $10.50. 75c Suedc-finish Fabric Gloves 55c. Chamoisette - mmmmiimMmmmmmmMmmmmmmMimmmmi 1 iiKi mm mm n'in'i!' mm ,15 Gl oves- Wnshable -$1.85. rrcnch Kid Doeskin Gl oves- $1. 85c. $2.25 Gloves- $3.25 $2.75. $4.50 Pique Suede Gloves $3.35. Bead Necklaces, including many of the popular jet shade special at $1.85. Rhinestone Bar Pins in many styles special at $1.45. Silk Bags in "pouchy" shape: black or blue; with purse and mir ror: nicely lined special at $5.95. Pearl Necklaces in various lengths and graduations reduced 25. Umbrellas of taffeta silk, wom en's size special at $7.25. Little Girls' $4.00 White Dimity Dresses $2.85. $3.75 Seamless Sheets, 81x90 inches $2.85. Women's 50c pure Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, yheer and cambric weights 3 for $1.00. $5.00 All-linen Luncheon Sets, 1 3 pieces $4.25. Tho piopn'y equipped nursery is not a luxury, but a necessity. A" the leaiiinp specialists in these (luinty sanitary articles we carry all the newest practical idea?, and thrv ire not expensive because with irjsonublo care they lai-t a lonp; iim. IJemenibci ! what help you helps the baby. Best White Enamel Nursery Furniture Aseptic "Kiddie Koops" Cribs Bassinettes Dressers Wardrobes Scales Dainty Blankets and Comforts L Dougherty's Faultless Bedding flair Mattresses llox Springs fJcdslcads 1632 Chestnut Street DEALERS tell us that many people infer Vacuum Cup Tires and "Ton Tested" Tubes are high priced, assuming that quality and high prices naturally go together. To the contrary, they are vcrymodcrateIy priced, due to a perfected factory or ganization operating in a plant utilizing every modern improvement and prac tical labor saving device, and marketing under an independent zone selling sys tem which makes possible highest quality at economy prices. Compare these prices standardized net and uniform throughout the United States with those of ordinary makes. Pay no more for Pennsylvania products do not expect them for Jess. Adjustment basis per warranty tag t Uchtd to each casing: Vacuum Cup Fabric Tirs, 6,000 Miles Vacuum Cup Cord Tires, 9,000 Mile Channel Tread Cord Tires, 9,000 Miles PENNSYLVANIA RUBBER COMPANY Jeannette, Pa. Sia 30x3 30x3'-: 32x3!-2 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 32x4'. 33x4.4 34x4't 35x4'. 36x4.'s 33x5 35x5 37x5 Vacuum Cap Catbii-a Fabric 18.45 23.70 27.30 37.30 37.95 40.05 40.Sd 52.75 54.90 55.35 57.60 58.20 67.40 70.95 74.60 Vacuum Cup Cirinn Corn I 38.551 c 42.95 J 54.45 56.00 57.40 61.35 63.00 64.65 66.15 67.80 76.60 80.35 84.05 Channat TraW Caaln Con T 35.851 39.95 J H 49.05 50.45 51.65 53.75 55.20 , 58.20 59.60 61.00 68.95 72.35 75.70 "Ton TUd" Rtfular 3.00 3.50 3.80 5.20 5.25 5.50 5.65 6.80 6.95 7.00 7.10 7.30 8.05 8.50 8.85 "Tn Tested" Tubas Extra. ha.T Card Ttp 3.75 4.40 4.75 6.50 6.55 6.90 7.03 8.50 8.70 8.75 8.90 9.15 10.05 10.65 11.05 ll'iir'Mi'raaiN IIIWIiJIill To be sure the Ice Cream is right, buy of the dealer who displays the sign rTfiliTTf wr HKhUH UPPLBE ICECSEAM "Has a better flavor" Rich, pure, delicious in the various flavorings that have given Supplee Ice Cream its high reputation. A quality that makes you want it again and again. 1 -DALS1MER STANDARD SHOESSS Dainty and Dressy Mary Jane Pumps Patent Colt or j uit t Metal "alnl j to II Slf. s to ( $6,00 $3,76 $3.00 Ian. $5 50 ran,-4. I.n. Jj 50 Tin popu,ar Pumps for tiny tots you will find at the Dalsimer Store in a complete assortment of sizes, fitted by experts to insure proper care for the particular needs of your child's feet. CHILDREN'S EXTRA.VALUE HOSIERY J amlf.laaminiia .. . .. . I CSG OXFORDS I $6-90 J Dark Tan or Black Sizes' 2 J4 Calf Calf, to 7. 'TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET dkamm. m TT ISKO works quietly, dtpmntt ably, in the basement or wher ever convenient. The ISKO brine tank in your refrigerator Electrify Your Refrigerator The woman who has Isko, The m Electric Cold Maker, in her home, m will be quick lo tell you of its Jj countless conveniences. j Most important, perhaps, is the fe fact that it eliminates the need of s ice by making cold electrically. ) And the cold Isko makes is clean and dry and constant. Germs can- J not live in it, food is protected and 'a kept fresh in it day and night, sum- mer and winter. & Isko makes convenient ice cubes M for table use, freezing pure drink- - ing water for this purpose. f Call and see Isko demonstrated. ; You will want it for your, home. Immediate deliveries are being ad- $j vised, for hot weather demands m may mean delays. 3, Isko also comes in larger sizes, for 'a hotels, clubs, restaurants, markets ' and other commercial uses. $ Our illustrated booklet, "Refrigeration Without -As let," tells the story of Isko. Sent upon request. & rorc the cold and take place of ice. th Domestic Utilities Co. 1717 Chestnut St. ' Philadelphia ,1! ' J I Made from the famous SUPPLEE-WILLS-JONES Gold Medal Cream 'HIE BIG SHOE STORE 1 204-06-08 Market St. Electrical Refrigeration "::& &J&i& b ii MnHHM 11MH 1 f 1 1 Inl '4VJ, . -"fii't ? .iAK? 2L&2hli .. V.vr4- ,v' "- '' 'Aii' u ''Vitfife' i VBlBiittBB j I muLav imSqUAL1TY AND" VALUErzz:rz5 '