ti, f ii 1 V r- ii 15 c- fi l V rWB STREETS OF LIFE Vy JIAZKL DEVO HYTCHELOK Cctlrloht, ItiO, bu tit I'uWc Lttatr Co. jutcrwnru, when it enmo Mr. Snyder, to go, ho shook A lnnc Meets a Young Man . r,n let's childhood is shadolccd , Wmthtr'tnlcUc and he fact L tTaVP'i'd nu,c Alice Car; that if 1 1 1 . . . 0 gcc Anne's fc'i rrtc mote to Orechvillc after VK" o,d Anne h brought a,,ricllu lest hefi mother's tccak rt2 eMcmI to Aer daughter in 'ra nultc suddcnlu her father ilihmc a guano dinner. nHK walKcd ilown the stalls slowly Shct bnnil on the balustrade. Aunt tf.,.f. In tin uimwustomed splendor her Mack drew HU '"" "Jl" ?.V, it nnd her "allow checks lit" "'" . , A.. ..i-Ulnnllv. loOKCII IIP "- hair fuller th,nti usual, she said Biiinly enmc up on the porolv. She lose to her feet shyly and flushed under her father's eyes. 'Xlicy had net or1 heen bcn,t on her In any spirit of kindliness. lie hud either jjlowcred or criticized, hut to nl(;ht there was an unwonted animation about him. "This h my daughter, Snyder," he said as genially as he ever spo'xe. And Anne shook hands shyly with the stranger. "You might it out here on the porch n few minutes," Jim Carter went on. "I'm RoiiiB in to wash up." Anne sat down In the rocker, and the dark-eyed stranger sat in the straight chair against the railing. There was no hammock on the Carter porch, Aunt Mnitha did not approve of swingi i or hammocks, nnd tho chairs were near ly nil uncomfortable. Anne had al ways sighed for n porch like the Ilnrd- Incsi'. rooinA and comfortable, with , llnu-cr.q Hi liowli. and little tables and iid put hasty tentative f"Ks nd a big swing and even a shaded Anne, did not know what to talk of to the stranger. Hhc had never known tlmo' for hands with Anne nnd held her fingers nn unneces sarily long time. Anne tried to draw them avay, but they were held In a tight grip, Mr. Snyder held her hand ns he held her ejes when he looked at her. Anno did not like It, It made her feel choked, imprisoned. Slio wai about to go upstairs when her aunt called her back. Aunt Mnithn nnd her fnthcr were both looking at' Anne expectantly. Aunt Martha said kindly. "How did you like Mr. Snyder?" "Why,. I didn't see enough of, him to judge," Anno began. Her father guffawed loudly., "Oh, I guess n girl ahvayH knows when n man's around, a man as good-looking ns Dill Snyder," ho said. 7'IIeB a lino mnn nnd would mako a good husband. You'd do a lot worse, and I want you to bo nice to him." Anno heard the words with a cqld gr.lp of fear at her heart. POSTAL CLERKS TO DANCE L 1 - r Twenty-fourth Annual Fete Will Be Held In Mercantile Hall The twenty-fourth nnnunl conceit nnd dance of tho Philadelphia Postoffloe Clerks, Uranch No. !, United National Association of Postoffice Clerks, will be held tonight in Mercantile Hall, Itrnml fctrcot. nborc Master. lias been (Tomorrow, A vniiiWIiln tiroernin tins hrcn nr Anno Confides In Cherry) ! ranged to follow thy concert, which will Jostl "Got your v.ien't you?' Anno flushed a it, ..Mnlne lnck. ', it." nor nuiit went on. "It'll j. nd ntic wonduicd again at thp ? n.fiBnro of the guest who was rom Erffbiaunt would overlook "an St of friiollty.so great as that;. 'Cm I help?' Anne asked. .. eurj tiling's uaily." Hlios coming. Aunt Martha.' V friend of J our fatlici s. n Mr. ,.i, (Jo out on tho porch uud sit In ihc.rocKrrs: they'll be hero In a BAnnc"fli'l as tUe was told.' marveling . oath moment. She sat Jn the Sicker rotker on the nnrrow little porch th its t'-nnty vines only half cov- ng ouo side. A moment later she ,i her father comim; up the street. She hnd a good chaneo to observe the .irhn ns with him, and sho stared Tvith flrlWi turlosltv. 1. ihnt nrnrrd tlie li tood chance to look nt his face. Ho .1, about thlrtj-two or thiity-throc. iriih a dark, swarihj complexion and iturk DC In a way he was rather tood'lookiiig. his mouth was handsome. but there wn vnmethins about him that much' disturbed Anne.' nlthough she rould not have told why. Nevertheless, lf.as oung enough to Interest her, is hfr lienrt heat fiiter (is the two men Inen, nnd his direct observation of her . disturbed her. She knew Intuitively ' that her father cvpeetcd her to be nkc I to this man. nnd jjhc made nn effoi t to overcome her shjncss. He did not talk vcrytauch, howecr, and her tentn- i tlvc efforts nt conversation were not very successful. He kept staring nt her ' with bold, dark eyes, a,ud she diew a In ca th of'ielief when Aflnt Martha appeured in the door and asked them to come in to dinner. At the tabic it seemed u" though ( every time she raised her eyes fioni her plate she looked Into the dark i ones of tliu NtiT.nier. although he said ! nothing to her dltectly. lie talked business with her father, and Anne lenrncd from their talk ttiat he had a nenred the house Anno lindi farm somewhere about ten miles from urecnville. sue Had neer seen iter father so pleasant to uu one before, nor bad she ever di earned that It wns io.-sil)lp for Aunt Alirt'thn to be so cx paniive. She kept watch ocr Mr, Snyder's plato and saw that lie whs well supplied with everything. Oc casionally Anne caught her aunt's eye llxcd on her with mi nppraUing look. It was all very strangi1. GET THIS HEALTH HABIT: Drink a glass of pure water as soon as you Jet out of led; drink a small dlass of pure oirande juice just before you eat ireakfasfcfor treak- fest heattwo ShreddedWheatBfccuits inthe oven (to restore their crispness) and. eat them withhot milk or cream. All the nutriment neededfor ahalf days work' 'the mind clear and alert, the .liver and kidneys active,the stomach sweet and clean.Try it for six days and see how much Better you feel. TmvFT-7 t 'Tn'niriirTHnnffTnniTTyy' "i ' k.T iv f W i la' r i n '" jj' .flfil .TTn'i Biscuits by the tinie the table is set Light, dainty, delicious made without trouble No worry-No failures Also makes rich short cakes, layer cakes, and mutlins quickly and easily It If . ' Self TtopnonK Rising Flour F V Practical recipes on every pachage begin at 8:80 o'clock. John J. A, Col lins, secretary of the organization, an nounced that this year's event will be the biggest attempted by the clerks. Choral Union Concert Tonfflht Thp Choral Unfon will give a concert at thy Free Idbrnry. Hlxth street nnd Tn1ilf.li ovnnno. tftwifht. Admission will be free. This Is the ilrst of a series of concerts to be given by the tnorni Union with the purpose of increasing Interest In choral music Inthis city. DAMROSCH OFF FOR FRANCE Orch'estra Director to Conduct Con certs In European Cities New York, April 15. Wnlter I)am rosch, director of the Xew York Syin phons Orchestra, soiled for Havre jes terdny on tho stcntnshlp France to give concerts in France, Italy nnd England, ns requested by the governments of those countries. The members of the orches tra will sail next week. Their IJuro- nenn concerts wltt begin nt tho.rarK Opera IIouso oil May 0, They will r, turn In June., LET US SOLVE YOUR HEATING PROBLEMS FOR YOU IPEAR, Heaters RanAesO have (I. w()i sixtv vears we nuve maae a H stove for every purpose." Stoves for heating individual rooms, out buildings or detached buildings of any kind. Spear Heating Appliances will solve ' your heating problems for you,-no matter what they are. Send for our booklet or better still, call to see a demonstration. JAMES SPEAR STOVE & HEATING CO. 1823 Market Street Rnpsa.s!?? ('.iprur Stovrn mmlc 1r. Philadelphia tlnec 18Si',i Are You Fit? If not miM lfter Join one f onr Ottn rlnMm for bnln nifti noon, ntwr. noon or rrnln -nnd lkn Mtninllr rrrfle undar direction of ii klllru The rirm U nrll lllill wrll Tfntll ntrd. nnd Jlifre'n.nleiilr.of wnmtui.. iIixmi for InKPtctlon nnd uto 10 A. 31. tMCA 1J21 Arch St. ---" "t ---- ---- FORTUNE IN OLD CLOTHES CHEST l "Diamond Dyes" Turn Old, Faded, Shabby Apparel into New ' Don't orr.r nlioot prrftct rrtulti. L'e "Dlmnond I)jk," ruaranUrd to the a neir. rlrh, fudflen color to any fabric, wlicllier It bn nool. stlk. linen, rollon or mlietl londu drrtwrn. blooM. ulncklnin. klrt. children' coat, frntlirrn. drnnrrlen, rorrrlnss. Tlif Direction Honk wtlli cteh park ner tells no Plainly how to diamond dje over unr color llmt Jio cannot make ft nilntako. Tn mattli niir mnterlat, hare drurlt Ikit nu "Diamond l)jo" Color Card. Adr. v & flHHHVflRt IB'' BiMi r ASCO. ASCp. ASCO. 1 STORES CO. M ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. k mW oil Mt tV V 1 flfl ilf && b Tfiif t .AJtfcwifcftSfc-M y I I k x m hl k Five Leaders From Our More Than Seven Hundred Distinct Lines Thu American Stores' stocks are' filled, not at random, but only after studied, mature judgment has been passed on every purchase. Our buyers are men of wide merchandising experience, men who know their specific lines as the mariner does his compass. All of which means your pro tection as to quality, and prices that are the lowest possible consistent with the high-grade groceries we handle; a reputation lor which our stores are famed throughout this broad land wherever the name HffiBKH is known. !WM.W.-M,VMm,WMJM A 5 CI o A S c o A s r 6 A S c o A s c 01 A s c u A s c o- ' A s c o A s c o A s s A 5 O A Fs c o A c .0 iCjGSw','vv,w,' Our Stocks of m A&aaaaaaaaaaaaaaS 1eL-- Caaaaaaaaaaaf I W "Gold 5 -SES"3- " 0K OK TIIK 1 WMMWWMM Seal" -.oii,oot mW W&L EGGS are full and complete only the very choicest new laid Eggs arc packed in Gold Seal cartons. Needless to reniind'you when you buy "Gold Seal" you buy both quality and quantity. There is a big differ ence in eggs. Why not serve the best? , WZ5MM -BREAD a eeeie'ie,frrerreee'' 'Victor" QuaIity & QuantilyJ Loaf Oictor f Loal Bread Unmatchablc The All-Uaj. the lcrj-Mcal Drer. One Ncrcr Tires. 9 of Which We repeat, our many tinier stated contention .hat Victor is truly "the loaf without a fault." It is utterly impossible to make a better loaf of bread than Victor; whether from tho standpoint of quality or quantity it is in a class entirely by itself. 'wa wwMywuwyywyyyywyywyMyyAodwywy WerWfrWWftrwvwvN BUTTER wwrrwwvyvwY' The Best Made, Always Fresh and Sweet, That ', "Louella" Butter AyywyyyMy Produced from tne rich pasteurized cream of finely-bred cows that are fed in the most wonder ful dairy district in tho world. Tho qunlity of "Louella" never varies it is this uniformity and dependability that makc3 new friends for "Louella" every day. r,yv"ipi"y",vrrvvyiivv 4fJ-t r rr S n i IMBajJtaaaaa I ITrrrrrrrrrWV "ASCO" Blend (Our Very Best) Coffee 42c Economy and satisfaction in eery btfan -economy because of extra strength and body; satisiaction because of its distinctive character and flavor. We say to you knowing whereof we sneak thu best value vou evor drnnk. wny pay uuc or 00c for Cotiee not as ood .' vwyvwvvvvvyvyyvynvw I EjVSk 5 ISMTaSr aaaaaaall I Haaaaal "ASCO" Blend (Our Very Best) Teas lb c I,,. Hi nL-cr tn l.ll. . in Our Teas arc all selected with tho greatest care Wo i( ,.m ti.. i V T ' ' I "'"l,i? u UUUUfc our niiiut the flrst cup will nrovo the most pleasing that ever passed your lips. ' w,u Prvo wny pay a dollar a pound when "Abco" Teas are 4Kc? ,i ;i :a- I c? i A S c u A Si CJ to v A i s s rS iC r al V A S. r 0 A S c o A s c o iA S c o r. A r c IZ - O U s C o s c 0 A s c O -jC ii n sl xi vl 51 , i oiurua avBrywncrc in rnuaucipnia anu Tnroughoul PcnnByl vaniu ' New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware ' ASCO. ASCO. ' ASCO. ASCO. ASCO AsrrT " ' Agp'n" ",rL ' ' " ' f n iuiiiiiliiiyiliH ., a'-j .A " f u.cJ . .. . ,, U. '. . . " .V t , sO(. N' ' 'i