n iW i. N lp. B. 1 - r fev 'l Rv SB u SB, i- 1 EVEX1XG PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, ' APRIL' U 1020 FIX N. J. UTILITIES F HEARING OR MAY 3 atcd by the records. Some. Iiowyvcr. would ip(iilro testimony, nml Mr. Iter onl proposed to nttncK tuo worn uoi" i l Dtignld ('. .Tni'knon. of IfnMon. "V i port for (lie liourd In npprnislitK llif ' property of tlie I 'u Idle Son I'p Corpor ' nllon. Up !nld lio proposed to lm h) proof whnt ntij public utlllt. roimnw I lon ulintild bnve done in the interest of 1 the public. ' BOOZE CHARGE AT ALBANY i 'Senator Alleges Whisky Was Used I to Unseat Socialists CHANGES ADVISE F OR CONSTITUTON Governor Agreos to Postpone Trial of Commissioners Until : Legislature Adjourns ' , , Albany, April 11. Chnrj;o tlint ikti-f..ii.nnr.'n -r nnrnniT ' Hqtior wns ucd ill great qimntltiei to I WITNESSES NOJ PRESENTjnn11Pm.P vote, to un.at the five So- rlalltt assemblymen were mnde In tlie '" ir.tnn .n 11 p,.,w,lInM Semite jesterduy by Semilor Georse T. AatMa tl'" " "" ----ra- I . firnuiM liv .Trr.rv Cltv to ntit the pica- , ' liompson. of Miisnrn ' nt members of tlio Public Utility Com mission for nlleqed otlielnl mUeonduct nd neeleot of duty will not be nriued hefore Governor I'dward mitll tlie Ipr inlatlve Nccalmi linn onmr to nu end. 'This was nxreed upon jesterdnv when the hearing before the governor IIxim) for yesterday was adjourned until May Jl. Huscestion for tlie au;ournmi'iu wn Senator Tliomp- son's necuntloni uero oired in the course of the debate on tlie passage of the blll recommended by the I.tik committee, which investigated radical uctltltlfi. When the Senate reconvened last night .1. Heurj Walters, majorlt) leader, nnnounrcd that he intended to move that Senator Thompson's remarks DUSK'llDII U1 "' UU.," lint' m " - I , -- i . . 1 nl I ...1. made bv Gcorpr I. It-cord, counsel for ! )c expunged from the record. The I.usk Jersey Citv, who bnied the requeit upon , bllN pnurd nre designed to inovide . itevcral grounds. He oid his awulnte. ' That the attorney eencial be author- to ctnblish and mnlutaln In bi office a bureau for the inxeMlgatioti ,nnd tfotirt on Important legislative matters ;iroceution of alleged violations oi the iliefoie being called upon to act on meas- iiiw ncuiust irimlual anarcl. That the education law be amended 1tflinll Vnnvlnle waq encaced ill IZPii epurt, while ho had heen unable to obtain tho presence of two witnesses In hehnlf of .lenrr fill. These weiv M T. Pnt,. JI.a1ah nt mtViWt initi nf i PhHndelnlila durine the niankenours" . to rcnuirc cliool teachers to admlulstration, and Trof. 13 AV. HemU. . tjilco nu path of loyalty to the ronstitu ot New York, at) expert who has repre- Itlon of the state and nation before they iiented municipalities in numerous sim can qualify as teachers, liar proceedings. . A'"1' VTSV Ration"! Institution None of the commissioners appeared be licensed by and under the i-upeni- , personally before the governor though .son of the state board of regent. Ibis , all were represented by roiiusel. 'bill is Mnicd at such Inst tutious as the li. Edward Herrmann appeared as; Hum School of boclnl Science, counsel for the entire board ; V. C. Palmer, of Mount Holly, wnr present) Levy for Sewage-Dlcposal Plant to care for the interests of CommN- , ii:(i()0rilIo1l. N. J.. April 14. The' loner Knight: .Tcf.iah Strjker aiv)eared i boar(, of rnmmi,sionei-s has repealed' tor President ; S , peum and ( oirmlssiouer , r,n,mmr proiding for the pigment , of the proposed new sewage disposal Francis Slumk Brown Tolls Re visers Superior Court Is Not Well Treated Harrishtirg, April M. Caution In making the phraseology of the new con stitution clear, elimination of tho word f)od from the constitution and voting machinery for members of the Legisla ture for the passage of hills, 'vere urged by speakers at the puh"e hearings he fore the constitutional rcvlslou com mission. Frnneis Sliutik Ilrown. former attor ney general of Pennsylvania, gave the commission much advice. Hn defended the lower court judiciary, of Philadel phia, In the mnttrr of making appoint ments, and criticized the Supreme Court for its decision ngainst the anthracite coal ta. In this connection ho suggested the Governor be empowered to ask opin ions from the state's highest appellate Brown pointed out the sectiou l.l-ev Mr. relating to the Supreme Court provides that members liall not be eligible to another term, while the section refer ring to Hie Superior Court sajs the member shall not be re-elected. Hn said the commission probably meant to treat both courts alike, but that fn tho case of Superior Court justices there would be nothing to prevent a rc-np- pointmetit. Kenneth li. M. Pra. secretary of the Public Charities Association, advocated the proposed plan of making chnrltablo appropriations, but said these should be gradually reduced until they disappear. Dr. George Woodward, president of the Children's Aid Society. Philadelphia, said that stnto aid reduced private charitable donations. T. M. Hyneman, Philadelphia, advo cated provision for the passage of gar nishee laws nnd Lawrence II. Hupp, Allentown, spoke In favor of a provision permitting the creation of new counties, nnd brought up the old "Hazle County" question originating in Luzerne nnd northern Schuylkill counties, VIZIER APPEALS TO ALLIES Asks Aid in Policing Constantinople While He Fights Rebels Constantinople. April H. (By A. P ) It is reportrd that the Imperial Prince Dienal IMdine Pnslm. son of Schefket Pasha, has been designated by Mustnphn Kcmal, the Nationalist lender, ns Viceroy of Anatolia. The Grand Vizier, Damad Fcrid Pasha, has ndvlsed the allied hjgh com missioners tlint the government is mak ing every preparation to suppress the telicls. and wishes to ue the local gen darmerie nnd police, us well us locnl troops, against Mnstnpha Kemal. lie requests the commissioners to Bupply troops to police the city. TARM AND GARDEN FARM AND GARDEN Goal, and William I. Lewis appenied for Commissioner Wright. Counsel on -ttred no objection to the postponement, but announced they would prepare to proceed with the hearing. Explaining the procedure to be fol lowed, Mr. Record said he proposed to substantiate the charges ot Jersey City 'by proof. Pome of the charges, he said. were susceptible to prima facie proof "and roost of them could be subtnoti- KELLY'S 12 n. 9th Open Day & Night Oysters in Every Style Planked Shad Dinner, COc plant, to cost $75,000. by general tax ation nuil passed an ordinance providing for the amount to be assessed against I the propertx owners who will benefit from th- improvement. ' IjKJjfiTfll vol -aa PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM nmoifOtr.drne ItopfUiljT&lllcc KMtores Color and Scanty to Crar and Fadedllatr U& And ft I no At dru.r1.ti- Klwos pm. win. Mrtn-in. W YJ -Sfclfer jn,JJ&dittty Co. J$. lltfJSmdi METAL LATH AM, OACGK9 PLASTER BOARD nCTTER THAN WOOD SHEETROC itau. n.A3TEro noAnn IVttabltshnl tSftS K rblladtlpbla Warthonse Stock Pcarce Fireproof Co. N. E. Cor. nroad and Arch Pt. of Tho Ilarrrtt C. Contractors for BARRETT SPECIFICATION ROOFS SLAG ROOFING PROMENADE TILE KOOFS WATER PROOFING ROOFING MATERIALS 3Cth St. & Gray's Ferry Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. Beauty and Sturdiness EVERY horticultural product of the Keystone Nurs eries is noted for its beauty and sturdiness. Care ful cultivation, plus years of experience, gives each tree, each shrub, a grace and symmetry that marks it as a perfect specimen. B. F. Barr's products draw their rugged qualities from the soil of the richest agricultural county in Amcricu. You can depend on them. Make your selection from a complete stock of Norway maples sizes from S-10fcct to the big fellows that give immediate shade four-inch caliper; Elms; American Lindens; Pin Oaks; many forms of shrubs: and Evergreens Koster's Blue Spruce, Oriental Spruce, nnd a long list of others. Our Landscape Engineering Department la at your eervlcr tn offersuggestlom, ortketch your grounds and drawup a complete Elantlnsr plan forou. Write (or a copy of our big new profusely luitratcd eaUlog. We will send it by return mail. B. F. BARR & COMPANY KEYSTONE NURSERIES Box 107 , Lancaster, Pa. Increases daylight 19 to 36 W! 'HAT happens to the sunlight after it enters your factory windows? Is it wasted? Do your ceilings and walls absorb sunlight instead of reflecting it? Covered with flat finish paints, ceil ingB and walls collect dirt instead of re pelling it. When soiled they cannot be washed clean. In a short time, there fore, their reflecting power is greatly diminished. Yet the same ceilings and walls cov ered with BARRELED SUNLIGHT trill increase the daylight in your factory 19 to 36. Actual tests assure this. BARRELED SUNLIGHT the OIL paint with a glossy tile-like finish re flects ALL the light that enters your windows. Moreover, it will retain its reflecting efficiency for years. BARRELED SUNLIGHT (Tne Rice Process Mill White) is the ORIGINAL Mill White. It contains neither var nish nor lead. Its hifih gloss surface resists dirt and may be washed clean like white tile. It is of durable, elas tic composition; it can, therefore, ex pand and contract with temperature changes. It withstands the shock and jor of heaviest machinery. Remains white longest Applied on the ceilings and walls of your factory it will remain white longer than any other mill white. This wc guarantee. Moreover, although its price per barrel is slightly more than that of other mill whites, its actual cost per square foot of space covered is less. Its extraordinary covering power and case of application save 16 to 21 of the cost in paint and painter's time. In more than 6,000 plants, artificial lighting bills are decreased, daylight working houra increased, by the use of Barreled Sunlight. Sold in barrels, also in cans. May be applied by brush or spray method. Write today for our illustrated book let, "More Light." U. S. GUTTA PERCHA PAINT COMPANY Providence. R. I. 1 FOR THE HOME Thtt$ an toon icKirt watfa Mft, ttati on mtodvnrk art f ituftarfy Mini, wth at ISt liiciun, tiuritry anil talSrom. BttttUi EutiUfM M4M ron brilM, cAttral aai $tnltaif. It it tktajitr (Jtuatwamrl and ittitrlo afflf. Soli i fatimi, aaV-eaflnu. nofJ, pll Warehouse Stock in Philadelphia U. S. Gutta Percha Paint Co., 1003 Bailey Bid. 1218 Cheotnut St. The O. F. Zurn Co. 2738 N. Broad St. Cliarlei Bond Co, 617-610 Arch St. Elmer E. Cos Cliai. A. Gillinf ham Camden, N.J. 12th & Mtrrla Su. Caperoon Taint Spectaltlet Camden, N, J. Simei Druir Co. 13 South 13th St. See & Fahcr Co. 2008-10 N. Front St. W. II. Price A Co. 200.211 S, 10th SU G. P. Darrow Company, 6621 Germantovrn Are. T, Crano & Company US N. Matt. Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. George C. Felkcr 9 5. Kentucky Ave. Atlantic City, N. J, k .1 j1""""' aV- - - ..k THE RICE PROCESS MILL WHITE," WRITES TO JERSEY VOTERS Frellnghuysen Says He Will Favor Candldato They Want Wftililiiclun, April J4, Henntor l'rr j sen. of Now Jerw. I'nniiMinic for'dclruntc-nt-lnrge to llin ltcinilillcun nntionnl conventiun, lias Ippucu n lot tr to tho Now Jor.oy voters, setlltiK forth hi position. After declaring for n rominon-iouso camilriutc for l'roalilcnt who will ho n lender, jet not a dictator, heiinlor rre llnxhtiven rnyn: "If tho Itopnbllcnns of Now Jersey decido to send me to Chicago, I shall go thero to support a plntform nnd n oandldato which will stand for such n rhnufje in governmrut and in policy as I have suggested. "I propose, however, to rarry out the people's will, not my own. If they express n proforonee for Oenernl 'Wood at the primaries I shall, in the event of my election, vote for him so long ns he Is n candidate before the convention. If tho people declare for sonic other I will comply with their wishes. "I desire to know how the Repub licans of New .lersey wish ino to vote nt Chlcngo. Their will manifested at the primaries will be obeyed by me." STATE HIGHWAY BIDS MADE New York Firm Wanto $1,983,957 for Work In Lycoming County llnrriiburg. April 1. Tim first bid to bo made nbovo n million .dollnrs for n stnto highway construction contract was submitted by II. S. Kcrbnugh r.ud It. (1. Collins, Jr.,' ot New Yoik, for building 02,476 feet of road from 18 to '2'2 foot wide In Jackson, Lewis nnd Coganhouse townships, Lcoiulug county, Tho firm bid $1.08.1,0."". A Wllkes-llarrc llrm bid nbout $7,000 higher. No bids were received for work in Crawford Fnyettc, Tndlana, Luzerne and Tioga counties. Tiids running Into hundreds of thousands of dollars Worn made for work In Ueavor, Delaware Huntingdon, Mcrcor, Lawrence, Schuvl ' kill, Warren and Westmoreland coun. tics. No action was tuken yesterday Hotel orrame t W. B. KUGL.ER, Manager Broad at Fainnount Ate. Table d'Hotc Luncheon 7Cc DAILY Tabic d'Hotc Dinner $. 00 daily Sunday $1 CQ Dinner 4A,i?U r"or Sundny's Menu sec Saturday's Evening Ledger I RESTAURANT DEPT. TIIOS. IIlCKnr. Manager KltANK SIEGHU Formerly of KUGLER'S RESTAURANT LABQH and 5MAI.I. Banquet Rooms Banquet Department LEON ANDRE GOEBEL, Mnnagor v,m..i KUGLER'S'RSTAURANT L H id IS mm,MWlMiM 25 Special Offer! Have Your "Victrola" Delivered Immediately, But Dpn't Even Start to make Your Pay ments On It Until May 11th provided you mako your initial cash purchase of records from us, which we know you'll be more than glad to do anyway, as our record library con ulstrj of 45,000 records, assuring you tho selections you most desire. Victrolas Special Terms 75c per week MT These hove nil tho charm of tho famous tone on which Victrolas have built tholr reputn 1 1 tion. If you havo'nt a Talking Machino in your homo, CERTAINLY you want one of these now. I you have ono of the large Cabinet Models, you want ono of these any way, for use on tho porch In the aummer timo or to take with you to the ahoro and on camping trips, etc Get in tomorrow early and make sure, of yours. Special Exchange Offer Any time within a year well take this VIC TROLA In exchange, at the full price you paid for it, for any cabinet model VIC TROLA. B. B, TODD, inc. 1306 ARCH 228 MARKET Pianos Players Yictrolas Records S Open Monday, JTrldar and Saturday Krenlnf VICTROLA Model No. U In Oak only; plays any rocord equal to tho highest priced model. VICTROLA Model No. 6 Choico of Oak or Mahogany fin ish; a wonderful instrument at 35 t You are welcome To a 10-Day Tube of Pep. sodent. Send the coupon for it. What it does for your teeth it will do for others in your home. For Children's Sake Test this new teeth-cleaning method All statements approved by high dental authorities Brush is inadequate Children's teeth arc most important. Their whole lives will be affected by bad teeth. And rarely a child, under old methods, has escaped tooth troubles. Glistening teeth appeal to adults, but with children the great question is proper tooth protection. Judge what this method means to children by what it docs for you. The enemy is film Dental science has discovered that the teeth's great enemy is a viscous film. You can feel it with your tongue. Film clings to teeth, enters crcvicc3 and stays. Then it discolors some times tartar forms. And that film causes most tooth troubles. It is that film-coat which discolors not the teeth. Film is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, arc the chief cause of pyor rhea. Also many other troubles arc now traced to them. The ordinary tooth paste does not dissolve film. A soapy tooth paste even makes it more viscous. So the tooth brush has failed to end film. Mil lions know that well-brushed teeth dis color and decay. Tooth troubles have been constantly increasing. So dental science has for years sought a way to combat film. Now that way is found. Able author ities have proved its efficiency by care ful clinical tests. Dentists have watched its results for years. And now leading dentists all over America arc urging its daily use. A new-day tooth paste has been developed, called Pepso dent. It meets every modern requirement. And this new film combatant is now embodied in it. Applies a digestant Pcpsodcnt is based on pep sin, the digestant of albumin. The film is albuminous matter. The object of Pcpsodcnt is to dissolve it, then to day by day combat it. This method long seemed impossible. Pepsin must be activated, and the usual agent is an acid harmful to the teeth. But a harmless activating method has been found, and now active pepsin can be twice-a-day applied. Two other new requirements are met in Pcpsodcnt, but its chief impor tance lies in action on this film. Watch teeth whiten The results of Pcpsodcnt arc evident and quick. Your mirror will soon show them. Then you will realize that those whiter teeth mean cleaner, safer teeth. Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten as the film coat disappears. It will be a revelation. Compare your teeth now with your teeth in ten days. Then judge the method which is best for you and yours. HjmjKjjkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar Millions now talk Pepsodent Millions of people are now using Pepsodent. YoU see them everywhere, nnd you can know them by their glistening teeth. These users, plus thousands of den tists, arc fast bringing this new method Into general use. Make your own test now. It Is highly Important. Cut out the coupon so you won't forget, TT Bmmmummmmm pat off i WEG.U.S, The New-Day Dentifrice A scientific film combatant, combined with two other newly recognized ewentials. Now advised by leadinjj dantiato every where. Supplied by all druggists in largo tubes. 10-DAY TUBE FREE THE PEPSODENT COMPANY, Dept. A, 1104 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent to 333 J I I l M (..,.. - " I I , I I i' : r I T tr. : if. i. . y uk.i 'J2U 423 ' ' ' T 1 fc rtnl. ..' ,,.1.1,.J -i.- . " " 'rAgm r Ul iiW Zm