w ij '' sr vr i "?,' i'l n 'V -f r. ' ,r J 'V?4 j.A , u i. si 1 L&i hW i pis- . j UW i it EVENING PUBLIC' , J,El3GJiJtlPHILAr)i3LMi A, WEDNESDAY, APllIJb 1& 1P20 V . -rt hannrn a .mithi P RETIRING DATE SLf SHIRTS AND OVERALLS! . ROTARIANS MAY WEAR 'EM Harry Jordan Proposes Denim Dungarees as Spring Styles for Mrn "Palm Beaches a la Proletariat" DETECTIVES TAKE 9 AS COMMUNISTS f Wiihholds'Commont on Request vHo Retain School Job ' Until October 31 Sifiie Clicstuift trect. Time Saturday afternoon In April. t)rnimiti pcrouae Hoirj .Ionian Mr .Ionian ii seen moving in the tll- ui'llnn nf liW on HP Me swings ft fWf. MAMFS RFFORF RQARDlP01'81"1'1 can jauntily, tip hi silk-lined i.iinu NAmca Dcrunc ouHnu ,1(,r1)V (f( (lll. rKilt UI tiu. iect. t f it,t L U.ww ,.i final firm, 1i1 fltrAtf n muw .f enm lltlf flOII. 1114 " , , blark tuU-iit kathor nhnri am! trio not i I UT. .Kllin i uhiim-i uii. ...... ....- (,, Knock nilv limit' m phi oritu imiu 'of.Vhooln, who sent hl loicnatioii to I ncroisni t with lu niMnman .loidanese J Ith, Board of Kduciliou ,r.tcr.U. to -"k shirty (f . itiVe. affect June SO Is silent on the ub aIt a mimny., nv ,nu t hne Mr .Tor- iJtct of the propoed ettemion of hi ,ftn alkiup down C'liestnul street onlv trm of offiie to October .11 11'- de in n dk shilt H nine h tmile nnd kllne to Rav whether he will teniain. i n.Hent leather ihoes M hat thii flap- ( f The resignation of Doctor Gather was j nine about iU anlle. nnd Howing In Vcpttii tinnnimouih with the prol nmdnlatinx waxes fmin the routom- of lon'that he remain in offiie until CMo hW broad shonUleis and inauly clle't, llnnest to-tJoodiirss Oxelnlli lOU inut ill' iriiiniu mi .."' v , , ihtr JJ1 in oidei to help with the chool lirrY ...... t "I have nothinc to iav about the' What' Impossible. Honest o .i-. i u, ii.., in, Cnrl.pr Knlil.niss oeiall' h oi cooilnrss snke jofid- toinorroWi mcetini: of tlie Kolaiy Club," he said todax Mr Jordan pointed out that the blue denim stuff c mild be used, not as overalls, but na thfl fhtef Rarment fut men during the (.prlng nnd summer. "1'iolctarian I'nlm BcjicIi Suit" He pointed out that the thinly woven tlutl would eonlstute a sort of pro letarian I'nlni Beach suit "And I nhvays hae wanted to wear brass buttons," Mr. Jordan ndded. t.'l.,.,.,-,,! r'lmnmnn .f lll P.liestnllt Stieet Uuslncss Meu's Assoilation. said he'd be glad to don the raiment of blue denim, but Insists that he would not walk down Chestnut street thus attiicd alone "We'd have to traxel In gioups to 1 stall with," he said i Call on Cltls in 'Km I 'I'lnei, nvorntl i luhs mill one anion Five City Hall Detectives Raid Band Distributing Literature. Bullet Halts Fleoing Man streets that the detccllvcs encountered them, After a stiff fight, the members of the band were overpowered and taken to City Hall, where they were given r hearing this morning before Magistrate llooney. At the, hearing, the counsel for ttic nine alleged Communists asUcd for a de lay, because, he said, ho had been ic fused nermlsrlon to Interview the men. Magistrate Itooncv held them In $1000 bnU each for it futthcr hearing at 2 o'clock this afternoon Tim nrtsniiers ate! AVllllam 1'. Smith, twentv-flve !ieaw old. 'J740 Katp street; Ocorge- Husted. thlrt.f ROUGH-AND-TUMBLE FIGHT An alleged Communist band that has been operating In tle southern sec tion of the illy was anested last night after n fight between nine members of the band and five Cltv Hall detectives. One of the men was shot In the leg. It was while the nlleged Communists were placing circulars headed. "The Communist I'artv," under dnois In the Mn!t of Itlnggo'd nnd Federal years old, iri-niv. ihirtv.mno v Camden: Arthur Cattell. thirty-four four Ftancls Morrot 141 Titan street: thirty-nine years old, years old, 15tS Mount Vernon etri"' ! James J. V. Tiynch, fifty-six years old, 2033 Oakford street: Morris Haker, fo-nntf .nn rnra nlil. "O.'l Ktiilov street. CollliiMdalc: Boyd K. rctklnson, thlrtvfoin- years old. 1828 Mifflin street; I,ouls Hibernian, twenty-three vears old, r1t"2 Viola street, and I'nul I'leta, of jS'oUile street near Ninth. Hibernian m shot during the scuf fle that resulted when the tlvc City Hall detectives descended 'nipon the group The detectives wcic Ilnnlon, Malone, Costcllo, Ncldenthat nnd ttyac. They were sent to tiie nclgtiboTtrood of Ind eral nnd lUnggold streets upon n tele phone message to Captain of Detectives Hnuder. Mnnv comnlalnts had been re ceived at City Hall concerning the. oper ations oftho band nnd the iKiepuonc call was to the effect that they were busy UlStriDUting mcir circulars. When the detectives nrrived they ma'de n rush for every man with circu lars In his hand, nnd a rough-and-tumble fight resulted, the circulars being scat tered nil over the street. Finally each of the detectives hnd one or two men under nrrcst, when Bibcrman made n break for liberty." Detective Costcllo called after Iilm to halt nnd then llt6d nt him, the bullet striking the man In tho leg, Inlllctlng n slight llc,sh wound, Bibcrman surrend ered, and his wound was dressed nt City Hall, nfter which he was placed in n cell. . , Captain of Detcctites souder tcfusts to make public tho contents of the cir culars until the heating today. They are seditious In character, howcvei, he said, and hnve lcsultcd In charging the men with "spreading seditious cir culars, breach of ordinance, nnd lolo tlon'of nn net of Assembly." "HAMLET"1 AT LYRIC W . I I . Pnulnirl Presentation Of Shakespeare's Poetic Tragedy Tor the second production of their (Jhiikcspcnreun fortnlghtnt the Lytic Mr. Sothcrn nnd Miss MnHowc turned from the tomanllc comedy of "Twelfth Night' to the tragedy of ".Hamlet," the former appearing as the Dane and the latter as Ophelia. Mr. Sothern'a Hnmlct Is n wclt-rou-tlncd chatactcrlzatlon, mainly effective In n theatrical sciibc. without dcepln sJght Into the philosophy or the poctty, but It Is eminently satisfying In n dra matic senso nnd tlie verso Is read ex pressively. It js a good Hamlet with out being cither profound or subtle. Miss Marlowe's Ophelia nho haK its lacks. The physical fragility which one imagines belongs to tho role Is no longer hers to present, hut her Impersona tion Is ) Ich In spiritual delicacy. hat is lost In the Ann freshness of maiden hood is more than compensated for In the deeper understanding of the acting requirements of the1 pari that'fo)loWi upon maturity,, ' The Polinlus of Frank Vcter,, iiH Lnertes of Henry Stanford and the flo ratio of Frederick Lewis ajl brought fa miliar and seasoned presentations Mia fAQmti.tWffl rinllb TI,a tmr.1. . . i.. ,iLv,..v I"". .u n.iniMu, sump Hm.il nittl.p. uln.lni . I.mhk..,. and compelled the imaginative partlcl pation of' the nudlence In the proceed Ings. A RFWFFiriAl LOANS SJLt I.roal Itntu on Itoutttialt rttrnliuriw , ntaitlttatt nnrf InAorfd Net" CaU. TTH or Phon Walnut i.i.j.i BENEHCIAL LOAN SOCIEH Ucenied.Uartey.trtnJtra N. E. Cor. Broad & Chestnut St.. ilJce.nint tir Stale nnWn rjimmlMtB MtmbeV or.Chsmbcr of rommwre , , Mtmbrr nrd of Trtdo tmbe lil njfortn niirtiia fi ntn. ulo the Ixwa Shark Krll. Incorporate? tflHf 'l li.vu nnt rfffPllCfl rnril flf the action of the board nnd an make no comment until 1 do so ' ( When the resiguat'on of Doctor dar Iker came up for discussion. Joseph W Catharine, a member of the board. Inioved that it should become eflfeothe J. Mr. Catharine pointed out th.it with -'the expectation of the school suney about to be realized it would be of great aialstanco to the work to hae Doctor Oarber remain In oflice as supeiin Ittndent. , , , The committee of lUe appointed to carefnllv consider all applications nnd candidates for tlie otllco ate fotuiei i.ludge uimnei iieeuer. iii '";"'" fjnseph W. Cathaime. lohn ana inker and Hcnrj T Stoddnrt : dr! j. s. neff resigns Betlres From State Health Depart 1 ment to Go Abroad. Ir .losenh S. Neff. formei director dieu Snere nulle i liaiiieau lion L,"b hae just been organized at Boati Name of okc. Va.. with a membership of 1100 a Montana .ia.k rabbit! ilhcrj student at the University of Anhow . Mi Jordan said todnj that , South Carolina has agreed to wear oyer h, was serloml considering the over-1 alls, ei.cn when they call on their girls, al' moiement which orlginat'-d nmong until clothing prices destcud. At U ch business men of Tatnpii. Fin . lened to mond 1olX) business men hne joined Ulrmlnghnm. Aln . and N gradually the overall club, and at Atlanta Oa.. an bprtadlug fioni citi to citi I order has been placed foi J000 pairs of 1 intend to tnke the mattei up at I overalls and jumpers HELP "SAILORS7 INSTITUTE PRIEST BARS DECOLLETE Arizona Pastor Posts Notices Ex cluding Low-Necked Gowns riioctilx. Ail.. Vpril 11 (U A. li-All cntiniues to St Maiy's Catholic Cliuuli todnj boie notices -nv iiii: eiitrame into this chunk is foi biddeu women wearing loiv-necked drc-ses ' 'I he name of tlie Ilcv. I'. . i... in, ir, this ilir. has tendered EtOoTernor Sproul his tesignatjou ns a jinteBiber of the advisory couucil of the 8tte Health Department. 31 The only cause tor uus ocuuu. m cording to Doctor Neff, is the fact he I 'will not be in tue state more man two lor three months durlnj the next two 1 . TT l.ox turn Kndmna.l fr.iin u t tl n IjWeat, he said, and will soon loavofor iiiyurop. J.nt winter cumnic oi imin 5 Tm TYTtlmA. tnuAii ntitidior fnrtwmi RJhealth director of Philadelphia is one 'of those promineutly uientiuned foi ft'Doctor Neff's post on tlie ndvitorj S f onncll. L ...... .. -aMv .mm auu uauce xi ie uiveii luiiuiuun L NCOLN SHU I t3t) TtAMS AUU't .i,g at the Fhllopntnuu Club Emergency Aid Takei Charge of Ex hibit for Seamen's Church Tills is Kniergenoj Aid Day nt the miulne week ixhibit of the Seamen's Church Institute in the I'aikwav ltuild iug I'meigeiici Aid guls and women m I their regulation wartime unlfoim pie sented n snappv appeatamc as tucy v . .rilm .... M,bscribed I marched to the building to take charge -Q"""" lf"' wns lupgoriucu ot tue show, xncy set veil ns usuern I and explained the various exhibits to visitors. Moie than 2000 persons vis i ited the display eterda Admission is free. , So rnanj marine displays were loaned I bv those interested in the Seamen's i Church Institute that it was decided at a meeting in hcadquartus. 131 ."i Walnut street, to have the Maioi delher his. address on the project in the Atch ' Street Methodist Church Uioud nnd Anh streets, tomorrow night instead of iu the rnrkwa jiuiiuiug. as onginam scheduled. The exhibits little not hrft enough loom to accominodnte the ciowd expected to hear the Mnior G fkv Soldering Furnace -' and Appliancei m.xd 'on cATAi.oavn L. D. Bcrger Co., 59 N. 2d St. lli'l Maikrt IS', Keystone, tlaln inot American Upholstery Co, President Slain by Booth's Bullet Over Half Century Ago Vtfv.fiffA T.nMi n pn tnnlpKf Alirnlinn, I T.tniMln waa 1,AI' n 1Vir,1'c rrhntr in I irVaahlngton, by Wilkes Kooth. 3 1 as Lincoln 8i in a uox in iac uieuire J .wlux Airs. Lincoln uuu n purir wi friends, John Wilkes Booth made his way to the passage outside and at 0 :u0 3 'clock fired the shot which ended the Jife of the great President In the uproar which followed Ilooth Utr"'6 h-iabir,.. hi ler. nnil Ami thrntlpli flip SfviMa 1'he mortally wounded, l'resi 3 tnt wq larrteil in n house across the J street and died there at 7 oO tlie next norning. V&jl.v.nf f tlil nflh.i. line nA plunged the nation into deeper mourning than did this when the news spiead met J the country. Alumnae to Entertain ' The lomniiltee lOmposed of iiiembeis of Mount St Joseph Alumnae Chestnut Hill, will be hostesses nt a card paity ei e-The pioiecds ate to be det cited to the cs- I tnblisbing of- a scholarship fund illilent i. I arcrM iiou ot its Kind. Old I'arlor Rults rte-ronntructnl I'lihnMlpretl anil 1'ollsheil """ IP illrst Claas MolU Chmrnnlffil Sllii lovers Mnilf I.. ClpiUr 1V rr lrit n-lfrtlon or Upholster mat aln sHlin.? ut nliulcinle price 305 Arch Street w$&t $0T SI "Oh, You Dirty Watch!" You're rnlnr In Mayfr'i ti iNt. I'm tlrrd of mlnlnt trains " PROMPT "JFnvirr. I. MAYER 1732 MARKET ST. Panama Hats fm nnd rrlnimed in hut MIHv Vie iii nn x'VHPsaasV ii Id to Injure your f . JEFFERSON HAT CO., 135 S. 10th SHOP WITH STORE ORDERS That Buy Anything from tltn Iradlnr lorn of hit... HI- mlntton, C aindtn nnd Mhintlc CltT I Easy Term FRAMBES & CLARK 1112 Chestnut St., Phila. SID Gunranlrr lr. Wdr. 30 V. Third St.. Atlunlle Cllr Camden BONWIT TELLER & CO. C? Jpeciattu JkopofOriqinationr CHESTNUT AT 13 rw STREET Present WOOL JERSEY SUITS and SPORTS JACKETS For Women and Misset s TAILORED expressly for Bon wit Teller j5c Co., these suits and jackets of all-wool Jersey show that distinction of cut and fineness of detail characteristic of custom tailoring. In plain or heather mixtures these Sports clothes in a va riety of styles suitable for ten nis, golf, motor ing, traveling or shopping. Cor rect for town or " country. SUITS 2Q.50 to 4Q.50 ' JACKETS 25.00 I Ij ( 3sjr J 1 1 I I The first day and months later nr HE day you buy a stylish - all-wool suit and pay $60 or $70 for it, you may say "Well, that's rather high" But months laterwhen, your suit still looks good and stylish, and the other men who bought at a price $35 or $40 have had to buy their second suits youll say, "I saved money that time; my suit was really lower priced than the others" And yoifll make a resolution to wear nothing but all-wool in the future It's economy always Hart Schaffner & Marx a- - Our label in clothes is a small thing to look for; a big thing to find i. T Strawbride-e & Clothier are ttie PhilaHelnhia Distributors tif Hart' Schaftoer &Ma?rotl:ynf :&;'' , 1 LiLii it...