run '' i- 18. tiVElSflNG PUBLIC LEDGEft-PHlLADELPHlA, WBDMSDAY, APRIL '14, 1020 OiVE ST?ir: PLENTY ON RAILROAD, BUT THEY'LL TAKE THREE IN BASEBALL CIRCLES TODAf i-'e, fc u m i,' i i . 1 " 'i, i' ItU m m M) If f "W.4JT TJLL iVEXT YEAR" QUIBBLE USHERED IN TODAY BY EIGHT BIG LEAGUE HEADS AS SEASON BEGINS THIS Is the ilny which wilt tidier in Mint fuiwum inoss covrreil RigRlo which luti Iippij nnllitl bj our Imiliiig ball eltirn for the lut hnlf century, eiitllh'd "Wnil till utxt J ear!" Tour mnnngern in onrh lcacnc will prniK tlml niim-nt lino before nlirhtfnll. If there hnnpcii l be a winner mid n loer in the openinc oombiitn. Thi- nhvnv I lne on opening tin, beiatiKe It li the firt i.piorlimllv to tiM their melnnriex. , Today iIteeii innjur hull Hub- -tui t mil vcn Moplirti tvitli hope pprhiRinc eternal In the bren-l of their pilots. In ft short time there will be n few pilnripiil In the pen nant act, with the muJorlt Ktiimllng in the burl, row rarrjitiB spears. The iliiiriii is iicciiir.v. howeu, for it furnishes rciirT. loeal color and tliiiiK" Wc that. It OlfO makes Mie pet fonnunees Inteneh intni-tini;. as n hands out a lot of laughs to the lenih'i-. to -mv nnthlug of the audiences. Opening ilni nlvvui iic mti'iietiiu Shivering fans like to gaze upon the Kiiiibunied nthleti jnkt bid. from the nunny South, and wonder win tliev wricu'l -hot In Mead of handed that swill vacation and lovrl.v sunburn. It mtiit be remembered Mint Apt II bi-eball nlwnjs U played In April. The pluw aie iini'lmis of mrlv -doasou hardships and act in ronliiul.v Tln-v nurse their nrmn, which Is slang for miIiuj win. iefue to extuul themsehes, and while the inanageis me lumding out "wnlt-until-next .ear" alibi tln-v aie coming bad. with Conversation which sounds like "unit till the weathei tclM warm " Hut we should not be nmio.Mil hj little things 1il,e that. There h that competition, that tle-irc to win. which keeps the athletes nil kovetl up. ii'i much as an athlete can be I.ejcd up in April 'lliere will lie lots of citors. the bean work will be cucm1iii?! bum. but the bojs will bo out there triug us hard as the Inns iilvvn.vs tr m April. Thcrrforc, it's all rn. Uemembcr. evinj igg was a good egg once. PHILADELPHIA funs are lucky bieause then hare the firit opportunity in gate upon the 1910 edition of thr Xew York Vtnilir. irhirh has been cditcil at mi cnormoui cost. Minut ('ml Mays, ti ho has had a run-in iritli thr L'lir 'Itrribh, tliciv Yanks trill combat our A's for a strategic position in the icon and lost column. Iloireiir. ISabe I' nth. teho irM toM oi the hoof foi Sliy.'tO per pound last icintci, intl be on the oh. and 1hi ISnln iv icoith the pni 1 uf iidiiiicioii. First Appearance 0 Ruth as a Yank RUTH has been hippmlioming in the Nmth tins jui with iiioip or bss MiicPrs ns n "luRor, with the accent on the Io-. He wa advertised s oUt iimw h in the hot biscuit belt that the iii-tninei-.. who patted with real rnh after a teiilbie struggle, dedanil thej wore. Bwludled if he didn't knock the inier off the ball (crj time lie supped up l the plate. Tlipv lid not iealii It tool; some time for a sluggi r to get hi optics on the bulb and the pitchers oicaslonnllj impioved more rapidly than Mie hittei. Tliev would cheer him as he steppul up to the plate and hand him the real rawsherr. whin he whilTed And I'alo wanted nianj tmus on the jam circuit. Today lie makes his Ilrst appearance m a champion ship contest as a member of the Yanks in good standing. He also hns n contract whkh calls for $1!0.(I00 a ycat. but we will not mention that because one might imagine there is commercialism in Inseb.ill. The Knbe s evpd'tnl to get something like forty home runs Mils jeur. and man) hope to see bun begin tod.ij. if his wallops do not inter fere witli the success of tht MucLtncu. Iluth nlwajs lm- In ,u mk mi npeuuig d.n In Die olden times, whni lie w - imtli'iu bin n let. hnuditl pitcher, lie mine t.irniigli with irtnn- m dm ilelnit. F'lnBtance. in l'.HO he was Hill Curlgan's choice for the pioneer fray of the ji-nr. anil, nssisted bj (iinrge Postei. walloped the A's by the scoie of L' to 1 IIo didn't git A bow that afternoon, bit pitchers never woirv nbout things like that. In 1017 he again opened the !,ea-on for the Ked So and trimmed the Ynnkte 0 to :: lie batted four times and connected with a smgh, whidi wiis inightj good for a left-handed pitcher Two years ago, nnaning in 1II1J. Ituth pitched and trimtu'd the A 7 lid In thut ion for Southpaw Too Strong Southwark Rival in Star Bout at Auditorium SMITH STOPS RICHARDS Frankio Clark started off like a win " ner against .Ind. Tolund at the Audi- orlun, last night but after leading for two round the South Phllndolphinn u. me lupi inur rouuos Toland vdio Is amioiis for a sesKf,u with Lew Tendlcr. was entirelv ton strong for Clark ( Inrl- whs Mie pv. ercr, but Toland's piniriiei. urrled too much power for Praukie and Mte litter was forced to hold on m almost ivery opportunity: Toland put on a swell bout .Mutdi tnaker Marcus WIlliauiK plans to mnich tile Twentieth wnrdoi with nuothu Philadelphia llghtwught in two wi.ks. nnd then follow up with several oth-1 13.1-pound matches in an effort to -i lect a logical local npiunenr for Temlli r Ilarrj Smith resumed boxing undei the wine of llillv Mlviuimn lir uin TiS' rf,Jv ""vTW f,r"m Joe Ilicbards, of .. ork. Thin bout was stopped by the poll c Kid Pat- umi iiuucnen in-orge nriliatl to sleep wiin a riKuinnnuer on me en n in the third. Toiichev Ducan stonneil IMd. McCarthy in thi iirsr and Tommv Ackers outfought floubj Head Ten Spltters In American t'lereUinl. O. April II nni ie Ar -r lean Iiicua pllelica nr- lis to u. tn 'lOltball" durlna- tlf i i.l iMinii I'rr n flant Johnaon nnnnune I hr hh nlcii previous to departur. fer nv Tori Clvlivnl han nom'ri.l" ' i v. hki sn 1 Caldwell rhli i" .tt .u l Tal . r V frolt Lonar1 and A .t si Ixn'a !,., and Clallla, New York ijjim an I bjton JIUMall I Neither rhlla'l'lrtihi nor V nphlnn m mala any nomination whkh mean mat nIUi i nf Iheee eluba ha a pllrh. r el e bM in 1 r th new rill ndoplad at th T'lruary at i. mletln; In riil, no m i ija j . M.MMM. . Schmidt Admltj 58000 Salary rullf nril n vvii r .f,rl' .."'". AI?r" .!.' . !1 r ponmiai, rorin. li i.uurgn vn r.Vd.V that hi, tetm had been m. by th Itratf and that he would leao Thur. any to Join the team In the 1'ui.t Ai tlanal Leafrue Club announieil hire ie cdrdlnc to bihmll'. ha la nlven a tour contract at jnuno n jar Pal Moore Beats Frankle Daly V.l..- A...H 11 Sl.mnhl. n.1 Mn,.. Mtiin. Anrll II Meinohle I'nl Mo AQlfiAlnted P-ankle Dalt nf New York In thill twMvp-round tsvul bifrre the Armorv A. A. kt nlKM Pal. naa a willing boxer Tint Aiaara wii an s oea an on th Blaten liland boy a fa Bio.ea anil neat a taioo and bod ''. virtually every rouno Noted Trapthooter Dies BAreoport. la., April 14. Fti1 Wettlaf, . traJir)0ter of national reputation, died ai Hy ItOIIKItT W. MAXWinJi llHOCoieliiUc - I utah SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS 8 A TTI rpIIEV all get it sooner or hltir. I or a li I II I L I t .i . i Jl I II A number of months American ban- H I ! I I tllms n,1(l feathers had lecn attempting ill ill to put nwav Jorv Ko the I.'nglisbmun to no avail, .vot mm c id snnie of our (iv best boxeisfji t.i knockout .7iny,l,"1 A A tjii'irrou iiluht. but a lot of 'em vvi-i link to win.' "" "'r,' ".'an'" '""I ' loou.ct a- it r ox would uo alone giving the topnoteh 'is hot uld t es. 'I In ii on Muudnv ..ui.. ...I' :V ":'" ?" -"V," ' '"'." " -"' i eHieuilllUK Iioin mm. ford t onn , knocked riiiladolnhiam sill v J.. I,,l I,.,.... t....'....i j.: .!.... mis w in iieine io tne enei t tint r. ,,;,v ' -". in,... in "tilUt that it will mil n a knockout." M.i. bT '"n """ of HolthnoK ; ,uil itattlmg Murray thin morning i fc5 An1' "l0 f?1,,,w U, sav,;lafter loming off tho road in his dailv Jolinnv Kilhnne n tough tussle scvei-al runuing woihnur, speaking of his comiug lnoiitlis iil'o He has nerfoimid in P h h .n..,. i, .,.. w..i. .i... "ii. ... ,i. c .1 1 .1 a. ',"n7 '" Vi'" '. novor .Nas ,ho ' Umek,: Nl-rthc. nlnnej c.i.iy a torrin- i.uneh. or else the rus-ed .- - -..- .... ,,i ini'ii. ik-.i .tii'iniu. ii ik it i .in i tun i ' '' iiik innde bv Pusideut Harrv V Edunids tn CP( chaiiiv to take on the winer senooinov . pruvnllug. or i.hiim, ' "l" tl0 satistiietorj with Phil iilass- loan diMirte Ail lint . raR0 bmitan 1 v 1 h .in mi. cf Uin rUlit fluff I vr'ir fiiii utniiprii ii iiui rounrla at th " it nl .n sv,i u . nnrM tli.- VVImlj In, i s. viluntirlly iusk U I to Hurry 1-. I rJi ;f the Oljnip'n t ijfrinlt him hgi ' rouuh v ih hl inntih nt (h dull Muni i ht nt a lir-uno In prli lie wan wl.llni, i i h liln suuiinlfr of S1VI cut Io $75 till l.lwaMn sal I thut Adams ivoulil bo tulifn off th. cnril entire1 oi els would cl hi or dlnl Burir.l When Adam vva in rormii tlml n would box en Monday and "? uAi." -rr-'.p'hontMSt'iss nn no linnaiion I luirl.T ngfli. 1 rntOTi nsht innnnr ini'i .!' ntll r thai hltf rmv nrntfire J hnny Valli-r fnrnfrlv of rrlro. hud lirrn nv no to mel llueli llut-hlnnon nt tha Tr i ton A t n m Munduy nluht It Is to b. m eht r 'ind uffair miitinc imr r frank - iirank. m tun "Ivmplii nr cnim I r lucht lack Io mind m or the lvrit leinUinji who vr iOliipi-1 " ,ix" flvi tri thia . Ity VMin aim In hla pT "ir ""r defiaiin K'id William limn ehampiun anJ luhnny oulon llraillry re l,rr,, '" ' itn'o ba t'l-r bn-n aniplil return i the rmic llradlK U In ths bU rlal er bulrcv no v and il line nicely V.nutlier Imver ho llkhiiiiK pna In the ' mj t program reminded ih fan of a icimb r ol frenaallonul a -up in Philadelphia n that of Al Sclaun N'elaon. now In th n Ijrlnn I.uhIiit muIi hl brother-ln lan Williain llortelli hrtu tu t been ultend '' bout fn luintly be iuv h I on th' ro I llneei le miaae keelng li v mni.r trother Joe NVIiun I n ai Hon I apt mh for a .eran every oliro In u uhlle ' ,, A, Vnd on. of the, day I may box ? " , J"?. " "vj""" "a''pJ '.nJr ' 1. ih, chTnZtnshln hJ?e I.ath'r I 'lkl" chimpionshlp there Willie Ttirrle la now under tie inanasa I meat uf Iddle Itundo Currla Is open tt r I 1 rotntietltlon with nn cf thu tveltrrMi lahtu. I i innuuiim j i. i aa ami juiiim rfiirui llltnn ( lnh. of whirl .hero r n , ntnhi.. of boner member la to Imld Ua f mrth hi i l I I a I r la. nl"' I if ih .'' piv Vudttoriu i i tail Plik Gule an OhTnp... uner I noinr o don th. mut-ne Clalo will begin with tho rlmon pure comrttln In amateur competl I lion raon ins joa'puuniiera. diet he batted .Il.Tl, connecting with the slnnts of Ulmer .Mjeis and Adams, who arc gone but lint forgotten I,at jeur Uuth was not a pitcher. He was n slugger, and in the game against the Yankees had a swatting average of .100. On his fir-l trip to the plate he socked n homer off .Mogtldge. it was a long drive to (entei. which evaded Duffy Lewis, mid the ball probabl.v is going et. lie also gut n single mid 11 fiee pass dining the game. Jf l)flln from the dopi Utile Am brrn n hoodoo to our .('. He bint them neiji time he fund them in opinimi botlln. and hns n deme to ion tinnei his 11 oik of deilruetion today. Still, a 20,000 Win Am a tougher 101c to hoe than a $30011 left-handed pilelur. Johnson Lost Ttvo Openers 0SV1 of the best things Walter I'eirj Johnson does Is start Washington teams off with n percentage of 1.000. Tlie Die Itall King has hern iimiI in nine open ers nnd fnflid oiil.v twice to subdui' lih opponents. Onie. pitching well he tossed his own game awaj with a wild heave whli h gave the Athletics 11 puii of tallies, these proving enough to win: and 0111 c, when in bum loiiditlou. he was badly hntteiiil by Mie Yankees. The blow -off games lost bv Johnson vvete those of lfirj and 1II1S, the Macl.tnen nnd New nrk being successful thin bj viorcs of I to - nnd l! to .'1 irspi ctivelj . liver sltiic Clink (iriHith haw been mnnager of the Washington club he has In off nt the stmt of the pi 11 nant pursuit with his nitdiiug aie, and said ace. s was .said before, lias failed him only twice. Walter hurled one lid-lifting tussle fur Jim MeAlct r and almost got into the Itall of fume. One blow, n double by frank Maker, which eluihd the Washington tight fielder bemuse the spectators had spilbd over on the playing cieeu, was all the Athletics got ou Apnl 11, 11)10, ofT Johnson The score was II to 0. In MV2, when (iriflith took hold of the Nationals. Johnson hooked up in buttle No. 1 with John Wesley Coombs, now coaching the Tiger twlrlers, nnd the deci sion went to the Mnckmen I to 1!. Wnlter bent hlmoelf by a fervid heave in the llfth which handed the A's two 1 tins. 'Hie lioxt Jive siasiins found Johnson on the pitching penk 011 opening dav and produced live victories In llll.'J he coiupieied New Yolk L' to I, in 101 1 lie defeated Doston I! to 0. and In 101." New Yotk was subdued 7 to 0 Jlli: lanl.i jloppid (wuiii 111 IflH), ,1 to , ,, elcien. innum. liny t'aldnell Idiiiio the deei sioii. 1111 fit HUH he blue prm ihd the A'l to 0. lor Hush against Aim. Ty Cobb Is Early Starter EIJMIj I.AN.VKJAN has din; up some lujeirstiuj; dope about T.v Cobb 011 opining davs Tvius the (iieat has .ippcnnd in elevni gland opt mugs an I Is an ncioin plislod peifoimer. Ilnl.v trne he In en shut out without a hit. frank .Smith bamboozling him in 1000 uml Willie Mitchdl. of Cleveland, loming back with the s'unio. stuff three jeais later, I'he dope shows that Cobb is an e.irlv stmtpr. jn Us g t.ivav g.unis he lias upped off vivtcu smashes, eleven in' tin 111 bdng for etia bases. He missel the opeii'ii" davs in 10110, 10K5 and ItU -. ami the other liggers follow : 1 rur. ;ufcAi' and elubs. . .t.. If. II. l'C. HlOtLieuhardt. Clcriland . ..',00 ;.10S 11 hite-Mlioek, Chicago 7 .? MOO tOOU smith, Chitaao .7 0 0 .000 l!H()-loi. ('In eland 7 ,( .' .(00 ;.' ll'oMA. ( hiut'ia ( ,',ti l!l!-Mit(lell, 1 Irvrlund ( '1 .1)01) I1)! -Ueilwnn. s, loan 7 , nn I'lft - Milihrll. 1 Imlitnd . l',i) I'tll'i llussrll I'alni, I'hiiaip) ( ,t',tl? innCatiUikir. Cleveland J .' ,;,nn f'oumhc. Cleiel'd. . II 7 l't US ..J70" Tii- .piaker, on the other hand, is a slow starter. His hutting average for i lev en getaway afternoons is .211. Hut Spol.e mIiouIiI woirj. He usuallj up for it later in the mi. sou loiurijlit 1010, hu Vuiilic I.tdoir Co. l;e")l for tliren boutir 1I will nriir at tho Nntlonnl April Jl at thr Oltinptu ukiiliif' i niuhk April .c, ana in lioston April i 2T j .. ,,,, u h.BuUt t0 1)OV 0n i s-imicrrK in in. i tii, i,nnt u iin. r.. mun K. U., iUriC, bATb rlUhMT 'Phlllv Battler Certnln Knockout Will i ' Determine Match With Wilde ..r .i ..-. i .. ni..... . ..... . '" '"" "live uie uiiBiiicsi uoui i l ..... i .. IH.I. .. lull, "null . lllfelll. Ill till' Camden Sportsmou'H Club with Jimmy ;:S, ;" nnU m " "J " t. V. e. x. I .'. ... i -...: ,. I , II 11 IIIMIIV Will HIT IVIIllVIIli: Illlt'lV . lie nuking the weight I ((.in below lltl no '" the battler concluded M.iti liiniil.i r Tnvlor said l.isl night that WYdi had retuincd to Jcisev Cm folli.iu' his intorj ovir the Zulu Knl at Wuiilsfii Cannd.i, Mouilaj night I In Iinii ii v ill list torn dav oi so hi fm. In iisiii us tiuining S. . Corner 13th and Market Oven Urenlnc Cat. on 13 U St. My ONXT fltor Knocks-H-out of "H. C. L." which means C-LOTHES at the L-OWEST Prices Thursday la Boys' Day! I 512 Suite at $8.95 Nobby Hulls for bova In cheviots and mixturoa, that h t v e nil the I S STYLK und 8NAI' of JUUtlll $15 Suits at $10.45 humo materlalu is above. Thane two .Suit BpectalH tre Burely Horn? that thrifty par 1.1 ents will appro elate' W 5-1 Blue Serges Value ttt $14.95 Btyllh Butt of quality Beree mm win Dianu iiara wear SOMEBODY'S ALWAYS TAKING THE 1 1 1 a VJCLL VMS OLB . Jc1 SECrJJ ra j S- THCUTefteiT IM wuucb arcomdL, k 1 a J five" J, T I WH ",,5'.'r2S V - T , c? 1 V J JKT 3ggW5 - J OF ALL PftoPoRTlOW -L 7 Tlrft i; Ly 1 y TuBtt Bur of ) To tra mcrits a a T ( K,BPAwJnJ I COOR3C IT ' tJftlvsB. tr 11 ut ' lb "t ATTeMl7 iS'TTRue VV MAUPACTUReC AlOD Vol VAJlTH A I YflO ARB OlJt OP Th5 f X eSSr FALL WHO 4T.UU RCTA.H ( .P I COULD HAVE 1 2C w 1'IMaT on I S JAIM.MG COMVERTS J U u Uptown Playors Got Another I Victory in League, Beating Northeast, 5 to 1 LA SALLE WINS GAME! I'p tiermantown wav there is a big institution working on the "icpent oider" M-ale. lAidently Coach I.aeke has bunded down the cdiit that this niuot be another ilianipinnsliip cnr for I the (icrmnntowu Iligli School bnt-eball te.iin. for vesterday the uptuwn bovs I won their thud consecutive league vie toi,v bj tiouncing Nortlienst High, " to 1.. tleimatitown's leioid to date in tin. league vein : Ocrmanumn liltholle lltch. - liermantoivn, tJ Centrnli -t (niuMowii C, Northoait, 1. v Next Tridny the High School League leaders will have a real test when they line-up iigniu&t the I'rnn I'rrshmen. 'I he Ited nnd Ulue jointings tojed with the Atlantli Citj High plajcrs last I wed. and huve a spU'imul uconl to date. '1 he gnme v ill be plnjed nt i'lanl.liu I'leld and should attract cou- mileinble nttentioii, as (termantowu is on the way to another league title. West Catholic High has a speedy baseball team. Condi John ItevnoldsV bovs were in line for the Cntholir League honors', and had hoped to out wit La Salle 1'ieparatorj jcstenlav, but the dope went wiong. La Salle turned out a tenm whkh took iidvnn tago of everv play and triumphed, '' to 1. When I'cencv utole home in the second inning and (Jnl'ng'iei icpeated the li id. in the foul Mi fm the w lulling inn. it was La Salle's game in spite of the battle West Catholic put up to tallv noir than a run in the ninth. Frankford High mirang u big surptiHO bv beating Southern bv an i iglith-inning rnllv yesterday, 0 to .". Up to the (ichth the hooro was tiul. .'! to ".. Central Iligli defeated Catholic High. 1U to (i, but own tlulr thanks to the i'urple aud (mid pliivcis tor ni'iny of tli" inns, for enors plajeil .i big p.u t I! the game U lien ( lav ton d liiited Wenonah Mllitaiv ust.rdnj. the II to U vktorv ,,.. t, ..,:.. ,i, v.... I - 1 nun - ii nut ii ire v7 ill" ill if I Mj at' btt's It was DuHois' single that won the g.imu in a ninth inning lalh. FIRST OF THE SEASON Washington-Red Sox Game Post poned Because of Wet Grounds Host (i II, April 11. -Tne Washington Tunlrlit K::ia i r 1 rin r-l K T 11TI1 VMi ii s-'i.i.Jj t ArlI mt SS, rtv.sI.O, Pole k , Mil si. Inrl, I IIMHIs, IoitK. is s.t vm, Ki.s, l.ilw arils vs. srtrn llurns vs. .Inliiisiiii TI l.etn lii s. , llniiiiBliy'H, .11 sniiili llili si llcrrin inn'H (oriiiiishiin, Idlili lllilr. Havre De Grace U APRIL 10 TO 30 hi (Inclusive) SEVEN RACES DAILY M Special Pennsylvania Railroad Train S ' Leave Broad Street Station 12i3l jjjj P. M., Wet Philadelphia 12:38 tt P. M. Direct to Course. a B. & O. train leave 24th and J Chestnut Street 12:35 P. M. ADMISSION: Paddock, $1.G5 Grandstand and including govern- ment tax FIRST RACE AT 2:30 P. M. IIAKICIIAI.I. I SHIBE PARK I 2IhT hT. AND I.KIIIOH AVIJ. OPirSIMi TUB CHAMriONHIIII1 hi: WIN i ATHLETICS vs. NEW YORK II M CONCKIIT 2 TO .1 O'CLOCK j (J.Mi: AT .1 O'CLOCK He.rnti! Sr.ila on nlo ut dlrulirla a, Sihildlnf a IIII.VINO TO.MOKIIOlt MfillT REPEAT OS! FOR GMM01 n Germantown A, A. K'ot'c'.t. MtT Schedule for Today DAM.nAI.I. (.erniiinlovvn lllili nt Chestnut IIII1 Aniflrinv, , , Itlille. I'nrk lllth nt Norrlloni Itlsli. Cnltiflllr llttli at NnrtliroHt lllili. Nnrherlli II rIi nt IVilille Instltiitr. Moil la Il.'sli in Ivolsfopnl Ariilrin)-. TR CK VliHirr'limn llluli nt rolllnuMTOOil lllitli. TKNMS (rrnmntiiun IIIbIi tit Ilavrrforil Srliool. vnTr.iti)vs llAtl' lllcli School Lrnsue l.ornmntDwii 1 1 1k1, ft NortliMst rri'inkfonl lllili. 01 Soullicrii Itluli, 5. ( cnlnll Itlsli. 10; Cntlmllu lllcli. 0. Catholle I.enEiin l.t Millie Ircpn. 2i AVcst (atliollr, I. OTHKIl t peer Ilnrhy lllcli. t AMnrtmi lllcli. 0. firrmuntoun 1'.. !M Ambler lllnh. 2. st. I.ulir'n KpUropul, 3 I.plsrupal Aradrmy. (I. (lujton Illicit, .'li VVrnonuli Military Ariiilrinj. 2. JOY OUT OF LIFE LOST 1919 OPENING GAMES Phils Dropped One to Giants and A's to Washington Last Year Last year both tho Phils and the Athletics lost tho opening games, the former flopping to New York while the Macks dropped one to Washington. Tho statistics show that for the Phils, Callahan made the first hit, scored the first run and received the first wnlk of the season. Hnncroft connected with the first sacrifice, Adams was tho first man to strike out. Huird made the first error, Ludcrus the liist putout nnd Adams tho first assist. Of these. Ban croft Is the onlj mini who will bo in the lineup today. For tho Athletics, (Jeorge Hums leg. istcred the first hit and nlso struck out first. Kopp drew the first walk and nlso had tho first assist. Perkins made the first error nnd Witt tho first putout. Our A's were blanked in Mint game, They also failed to steal any bases or but who take keen enjoyment in follow mako a sacrifice hit ing the fortunes of certain players and wnicn accounts lor tne missing nrst run. Save Family Shoe Bills The expense of making the family's shoes last as long as pos sible is very considerable. You will need to have shoes re-soled only half as often if you get your repair man to use Korry Soles. They wear twice as long as other soles. Think what this means with those youngsters who scuffle through their shoes so quickly. And Korry Soles (genuine leather; arc permanently waterproof, flex ible, and won't slip on wet sur faces. It will pay to ask for them iii, buying new shoes. They arc as good for dress shoes as they are lor work shoes. I ronve GENUINE LEATHER SOLES Korry Soles are tanned by the J. W. & A. P. Howard Company, of Corry, Pennsylvania. They arc sold by reliable shoe repair men. If yours does not have them, notify our local branch and we will see that you are supplied. J. W. & A. P. HOWARD COMPANY 3rd and Vine Streets, Philadelphia Telephone, Market 1721 PREDICTS CLOSE RACE IN NA TIONAL LEAGUE ( Rice Believes Cincinnati and Neiti York Have Edge With Brooklyn, Chicago and Pittsburgh Close Behind. Thinks Cleveland Has Good Chance in 4L. , ., ' . .? ny GIJANTLAND IUCE Prying Off the Lid Weill Weill Weill Look who's herd Old Man Hon Store Let hint have a cheer. Old Man IJase Hit, Old Kid Run; Old Professor AUhi, when the icrap is done, y If I the pals and cronlci, that tee used io know Hack in othrr Aprils, long and long ago. Let the lid flu open with a Vail or Strike, Yon can shoot, professor, any time tou like, , IN 1018 the Cubs ,won n pennant. For 1010 they added Alexander nnd then finished third. Wc mention this erratic detail to let bu know some of the bizarre eccentricities of tho sprightly dope. I N 1018 the Ited Sox won n world championship. In the unrlng of 1010 they looked better than ever. They finally managed to finish sixth. It'tt a great life if jott cut out guessing. Ilaco Aspects TI' THINGS break gently for Clcvc--L land that club hn a chance for forg ing well nhead In the American League. Hut If fate pcrMatH in assailing the, line up, New York and Detroit both have n chance. The National League race should bo the closer of the two. Cincinnati and New York predominate in the early dope, but Brooklyn, Chicago and Pitts burgh arc no great distance nwny', where n few midden turns in the luck may keep the entire quintet in a sum mer knot. There is no club in the National League that seems to be ns far advanced beyond competition ns Cleveland docs in the American. Cleveland can still win with n shade the worst of the luck against any one llvnl. There is no National League club In this fit. Any one of three or four clubs can taltc n bhade. in the breale nnd win Tlio Inner Meaning TH1 opening of two major league sea sons adds more than , mere triflo to the inner glow of the populace at large It means added recreation, in a spectntorial wny, for Hevcral million in habitants who help push the turnstiles around. It adds something more to others who rarely go to see a ball game certain clubs. This list in larger than any one rnjjht think. The flaming career of th6 spectacular Ruth will be followed by thousands who will never see him In action. Hut what he docs or doesn't do will add a new interest to the various episodes of snrln nnd summer. The worth of baseball In the way of added pleasure to a nation makes It all the more necessary to see that the game Is cleanly run nnd cleanly plnv0,l with both magnates nnd players at their best. Leading Figures ' ' STAMPING the Reason the leading figtircH, through their efforts In past campaigns, Incltlde the following: First. Babe Huth champion hon-o run hitter. Second. Ty Cobb champion batsman of both leagues. Third. Tris Speaker champion out fielder and manager. Fourth. AValtcr Johnson bestpitchvr in the American Ieaguc. Fifth, (trover Alexander best pitcher in the National League. Sixth. Eddie Housh champion bam." man of the National League. Seventh. George Slslcr and Hogm Hornsby, of St. Louis runncrs-up w!n may supplant Cobb or Iloimh. Eighth. Eddie Collins still barobali'i best second baseman. THESE start tho season as tho mam gate attractions, with Htith lenillni tho pack. The big slugger will remain tho leader as long as hr can propel tha ball out of tho pack. If his homo rua propensities die out he will bo onlr fair card. IN THE peppery interim re-enters mir old "side kick."' sometimes brttn known as "The Standing of the Clubs" after all, this is where tho ultimate rebuttal lests. .vvMnnsntuir WaTaJ svVa . m r - 'Mr,uH TIIUK OTUEU GOOD II0C13 ", I'lit - ... Mi ...f t,'.(.V-v!tV 'VI ,y& M d&fti BttrmaB, thd-,i36i:kirout, li