n " K i.i ;? r r F fc' j'j ! a ,f s $ h$ W.ilP''': fcstf 11 EVEMXG PUBLIC LBDG-J3K PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY", ABML 1 1920 N1ENTE ACCORDO ITALO-iUGOSLAVO L,B Trattative tra I'On.Nitti Pasic Sarobbero Antlate a Monte tlclln Jufcoslaia. sotio nhilute n niontc notlzln Iia iirofaiHliinionle ImiirMstnualo, L'urtultuvlii si spent die nl proMluiu I 11 (.'oiisiitllo del MltiNtri sl c ntluunli Anixnnn .11 (tun fAmn l.lnt.l (li-ni'LT' I tllttri In nt-l'tlfll'llXn lIl'UOll. TS 1 1 1 1 ("COT ihmclrn' n pcrsuntlcir i inppreet:tnutl I I'lntprvcnto ilel rupo ill Hlnto MiiRRime. JiiKoshnl ad ntcordarsl roil I'ltalla. (lenernle llnilojrlli. l.o oio ilellti il t nU.i.Ml u n.u.imfMi,, .11 ft'n an lilfin If . II IllnttP P Kllltll (lliclln (II lli'CII ICI f HIVIIIHII f I Ull IIIIIH' lint l "!' ...,.,-. .. .-, .,...-. do! liMiltati del viiiKglo in Italia del iitrjjoiitl iiiieMioiil interne o d! rsamiimie inm-cllirro Misti-lnm limner cd an-Ml prtigrnmmn del lavori ilie wininim nuuzlano rlie important! protpeolll rl Moitl alia iWrietiwi Interalleata ill gtiaidanll ell irvteiejsl ccunomli-i del due I Kan Ileum. Itlgunuli) n tletti lavori pao.11 mum ainii mninii i' rile i .iiiuiiiuiuiumiin inr ,,. """ , ii-i i i alibiu prnineato in j'otueiimie pu auto- qnenoni muim- m "-" ' - a .. pr.t. iinmla iiir.Mtii AilUr n'L'iiiilo Itnllnno. 'niliu. alia Tim ha. all I ngheria oil gua meia for Battle With Carranzistas Nexf Week l J" - M 1 r. JV , ST ', .. rfl . .. 111 '. '. n.1. iJ-fB ",J.w.m..,?hVl" . ,k,-W3v"" A ' ' R . ' "l ".. l" ' "J' J' -S ik ' SWt ' .7 . i . . i nnnnni rnnTinrn "" ho"9 h wt 1n"!! ,odny! 8 u. s. sailors drowned flrH,i,utrnm women ruled ol)f VllmllUA LIIUIILILM,, mint tinvellllS miles b.v train to Casui u u "",". "" . 'gate olliclal promises lo raloinish In " " V MllUllrfll rlltl I IririlM limn,!. i,1 ll,.!!,.,, I,i rivil ni ilfWrl .... . . . . '. t- .i'tl.l..il U...I 1... ... II,. !..'. . . . - t J" lllllllllin I lllllll II II. ................- .-....... exdIos on Sett, Fro to uauncn ai a nivtuuu umiuum uuim: iui i"u wvi. - oannoi uo ue enates orCandlHaii UUIllllll I Will II IIWl i-ountry and inountnin passes for 200 1 """" T ,,. , uh nnni i,i,Vn L.n miMUhpH In Ihl ' !i .1 . .., van"lfiitej miles before they, nu reach here. ' Manranlllo, Cuba isli people liaic been pubiwiccitn intii and Cannot V6to rrnmil O' inWAIinr Special attention will be given to iifttnna. April VI. (By A. P.) , 1ha l'oniln Times soys the ie ( , ... . t-w,n, . LLI1LUA V A 11 A Ml 'L guarding I'ulnlto Pass, which military. ,,,"" '' . F. l..' .' .,...,. lioHs air hardly credible ami that the ifl"" KJ W .U'ZL!!A V) I I III IAHI il HIIUMIllll nlHceiH. cay can be held by a small w1 "" " "" , hiim which would be done bv such a Pm vdri loni'of the no Hp T JP,S" I LULIAflLU nUVnilUL force nenlHt a great mtmher. and In Manz-anlllo harho .yesterday when an "'" "J1' rw, 'I .."" " ""!'?'! which an attack on Agna PrTe.n ploslo ,c, fire ,o the launch In which m,,lcte .evcijal "JJJOJJM m- cannot be ; y.Sc(! nvmu nun. hi luiui. , ,i ...... ,.Min. nccord ne to a message I n, ,.. nr fireat tlrltnln would nrn dinna elect on lawn vesieiiln i. ..' tuSllh,1 rd nifrlbmJ Undr pnitMir no an. Allthorl'il IV flip bp( nf Ooloh'' S. 101T on fit at the roBtofNc. of rhlU- (Oii lii fornirtzione (II una Pieta pun in alia l(uiM ....,, I ,.ap j,n prima riunione iicna ionicriMizn , l.e notixlc del giniuall ono inufei a San llemo nvni" luogo II glorno II) mate da mi lomunhalii ufTu'lnle nel lonente ' quale e' iletto i he 1 itilluoui tia ltti Aleunl gioiuali iiniiunxiano prosulnio ltem.Pi- haunit nliuiato In mncor- H'lnconttn tra II sovralio ill Hpagno p danra di intoresil trn 1 Auliia e I'ltalla He Yittori.) I.manuelc. I. Inrontro ed I rapport! nmidirrul! tra i due pacsi. avrerrpbbe in Homa e rostltiiili'bbc tin , Tu dimacoio da Kaimdil Indie In- fnltu ill ultn liupnrlanxa politlcn. ; glei. aununzla In inorte del cnpltnnn Busily Preparing, V1., "rvl0. ...r.c,Lc"lflrIr-.i0r'r.n.?r to tho Cuban . Wnr Department from I dure In thet'nlted States "nntl-llrltish state board of election rommlsiloae.. - i .vnniiui in- in niiviiii. iiivimvuo 1'ivoi- r..in ... .!... i i i agitattou or tie Mfflc s nu, nnu as ue ; inc uonru unu prcvioi s y rulei iii.ij -ii. : ient of the lenub c of Sonora. dec ared Lieutenant Roslllo, stationed at Jinn- ."" .''.'. ,, .i...i,i..,.. h,i ni mn pnni.i ni int i n-.. ...v. lllt-' iiit4riMiiiLi?4 ". . .." 4 the cnthc state wa supporting lilm In znnillo. ?.",rj"T.7ir-.V"i.ia.1:: 'n.e .., of u. shiP (0 hid. ti,e In (efpne of state rights .tinder the men belonged and other details of the .Mexican conttitutlnu. ' accident are lacking. Iy the Associated I'ipsh Federal tioops In Sonora weie de i . -i - - - Agua I'rleta. Smioui. April H -This ' t.-lavcd bv ,,",105r,8n,n r-f,.i i Britain May Balk at Holy Land Plan border town, objective 'of Carratun , o"r tn .tlirMa ."" f"! 1 ,.,,,, Anrll 14.-Mv A. P.l- plornble and mischievous as that rcla women could not vote nt the state nrl tlvo to Ireland." I mary May 4. ' tipnin. l i"- : "' """... .- -,-.". ... . linnni ,.,lf Ptnr,pl 1 '.ir In I ip nni.li . CIllllTlllllli mr u. in iiuiuu n- inuni "u "1'V.....' V,r. l..L ,S .Vl ' ... .. a s HUUI.ESO.V lorirvo e del lenenie i.inisi. uue woman Huns lor congress " "; ;-. ",V"-''" ," , ", , ,"," a:'" business has not been n erfercd with. Hcports iroin wnsningion siauug nic Po'-'na.fr Oen.rl axjntnri italinui he nitrano pi eso parte py.-dand Ore Vpril M -(Hi L k t d ?1 1 P 1 .11., " ' ' ' noma. 1.1 aprile-lia fonle au,o:e,ole tvrmr.a'u'unniirT'op.Ine $"&, J,,' ' D'omocralk r.lVnlVSl; '"'SiniH? mfSSmSEyST) - S3 npprende Ac Ie tiattathc .Iguardo nltalo ,''"' HiSP i ,p! flaiWBB fi 5S3SSSSHiiji rx.WAixgyxmstwa'.iTi: TvVwTy?rr?iTtyT-aTg ill dtewaZP CL5S.I?M Necessities Warner Auto-Meter MattiiTr4 Ml.l ,UI,IJ-' iri.im.?i m Ftws.1 4 &EZsl iHs i IjLI,3-so if! JK-SSZ?"1' Sltwsrt Jcwcklij'nt $7.50 MJJ. SIS.OA Ml,.-vmi.iin IfcJ I' 'J & 11 36 . ,i JS3 -- I t nlnl 1 !, I -feSSiSiSaiS i -. - --. J K-Mjia BfS6 ! I j I S-sjrtrl l4 ? Si st,-Tt il'l (l. ' Ml ' it I MlWWi1! wi II n ill n mi I i'i. .".Tiwr 1. i taix.Jt:titi'jxit'j VK ll MlMKIll iMiiilllillllWHW ii 1 K?iSl3!SSS5arffS!3 M 32' " 111 ssa-f Auto.... .j igo STEWART PRODUCTS SERVICE STATION 641-643 N. Broad Street iiF.i.i. nioNK. rorrun ;a.n Send Us Your Repair Work Hnrrisburg Service Station IIXI Mulbcrr Strccl uri i mo M,4aiil v mt nr. L. Stewart Speedometer M.iMLiTm $35.00 -5sanW!TTSPlBC3riH3 (b35iBSMSlfiSyi!1Si asv .i'5K3rKaS7 rifcW VVCy MiirSlsSfSi r XVf w ,! ra.va iiii iHBiSaiEKKff.f ;a . rd m rnmu.1 ,. ? ,.rf 11 ,ir. . i ci- ivKiirmrii ' 3 iuw i w , 1IW ecio p 5po JH! wsMl sv' jUii . Wfiki x. ""e'er JRciiBn . S JWLT,?:. ! fc r iia aemm wm VMQ W HS Iffi BM $10.00 J I iTfrH TSiiiiiMJirnfi ii iijMeSSEaP r w TiRi! i m ru r mn I 1 ( ZSZ Mm 31 c .rt lSi53y smj-.a-ti 3W" - i x ius pgj n'j-- S4.75 'M Stows rt Mt Ut-0fW Warning Sigral rrMWr.t!i $6.50 3S$Sl3!3i WWarfyrfyf-fcJrSVTiYf'HMTifararrf i .Vwt NMtU r 'rWmiift' TW SM wiuMTf ntif , iMt tMHMJ; WdrndaftUrf f r Ji 1. at. i ti 7! v .i t. m rs5 SJ& 6tof l Coinpl&ta Without nno'nl tSSft!!22u2Sn5jSt3fffialii m mm M hmi . ' II rini r i. ; okxa : HSSSf'I ""Wri iasfc-j "ww Ipj ItrJS ! Tniiiii. -- - flisSl- ?-zmrn fSMsmzzsTzr-r-Jimm sMmss'MmmsSSMsMi ym Sk'ECH'Y Wfer yic Pcr'ccf Water Pninl All Inside Surfaces John C. Oeters, Mfr., Phila. rfiss nrrVO A iiwwve rOUSJL ZQ? rollnhlnc none Qnleklr Piano Polish Thin preparation hut bn unit for ever JO rr nn th lilehest. mail ri isns and FVnNITt'nU a ii 1 Is Conta VlfKF" .. VAT1VISII anil tir. Mi.aaK(3r ' '"' " lurnlnx hiu ,,U L nTJ ,; J rroiluo a luslrp llk I.ffor' rrr ! Pn our A 1'TOMOBII.B. 60c Can: 3 Cons. SI. Postpaid vr.w riAn. n to nso NK1T n,ATEn. : tn -ion HOWmVINCENT 836-838-840-842-844-846 i NORTH 6TH ST. Increase the volume of your business - You can figure in dollars and cents the actual business increase and the delivery savings effected by this Oldsmobile Economy Truck. It is not Ritesswoik or theory, but the result of facts backed by the records of present owners. Let us demonstrate. Larson Oldsmobile Co. Trurk Division 800 N. Broad St. I X -AND ENGRAVING , zjm iSrx n'H thc Correct Style 9 W ifl ) U n's From Hosklns. J pB L-aiher Coodi. Personal stationery reflects 5 ll Traveling Bail. ... . , : gJ ov.rni.ht n... your personality in a mark- rj B H'y Lu8i. ctj anj imprcisivc manner. 53 Fancy Hand Daat. . . . ; ia Br... .nd Fancy Your lcttcr'is your personal g Wm pHT' N"1,l" rcpreicntative and y o u 3 ZZM Card, and uimii. , ' S J Floor Lamp.. want it to look the part. S fB Cutlery Uml.r.11... Lct m Jnow you the latest 3 ' rm Electrical .? 5 i J Appliance.. styles in nne Stationery and 3 W Fountain Pen.. !?.:, 53 ' zM c.m.r..-Fiim. Engraving;. g I M Headquarter far Waterman' Ideal Fountain Pent r H Zf&iAJfTnA STATIONERS' , U XQfJJlAz2 ENGRAVERS H CHESTNUT STREET AT NINTH ONAL SEXTET BUILT IN FIVE CUSTOM BODY MODES ' The Secret of Sextet Style LUXURY Motor car luxury isn't soft cushions, reclining backs and re sponsive springs. These are incidentals. Pierce-Arrow luxury lies in thc car's unbounded power, its flexi bility, its alertness in changing pace and steering, its noiseless, easy shift of gears. Thc Dual Valve Engine, dual ignition, improved trans mission of thc Picrcc-Arrow insure comfort, confidence, safety, satisfaction qualities that give luxury a new meaning and represent thc sum total of motor car enjoyment. F0SS-HUGHES COMPANY Twenty-first and Market Streets Philadelphia J T DUAL VALVE SIX ' m ; '&.i,::-.j --,:;',l tilmmU r J ft. I wm'F1 hr$nt ferdetiate inriifij.,tl! The read-hugging lowncss of the new National Sextet, whicli is thc basis of Sextet beauty and thc secret of Sextet style, has its genesis in a method of body mounting that is both original and unduplicatcd. The custom-styled bod of thc National Sextet overlaps the chassis frame instead of sit ting on top of it, as has been thc common practice since automo biles were first built. Thc exceptionally deep body sides arc brought 3 ' s inches closer to thc ground. They descend, without a break, to within a scant two inches of the running board. Thc high aild ungainly running board apron, common to other makes of cars, is replaced by a trim' and slender valance. Thus, a smart, low -hung appearance, un matched by any other American autonip bilc, is gained without thc sacrifice of road clearance or thc acceptance of other com promises equally undesirable. This exclusively National method of Demonstrating cars are at your bidding. National Motor C r c Vrmri.E Corporation, Indianapolis 'Jurat teih titcifujul Yfir HejJ-cn,)n ii ; I a i'Mnat body mounting, moreover, has practicl as well as artistic advantages. Broad timbers, known as sills, form the foundation of every automobile body. I pother cars, these sills are laid flat. In thc National Sextet, they are set on edge for trebled strength. Thereby is afforded a support of unyield ing rigidity that eliminates thc "weave" which imposes heavy strains on body joints and causes the squeaks, rattles and other noises that de velop under a method of body mounting less secure. Arrow-straight lines, individual front fenders, a high and narrow radiator unmistakably National. and a flat upper body edge arc only a few ot tne many striKing style features that contribute so much to thc charm and grace of this fine car. Yet the Sextet is more than a mere assembly of artistic details.Thc beauty 'ffn t't ,Ji' , - . . ' ""11 tmarth flat and style or this low, lithe cfr arc achieved through correct and advanced design. fis&ifffiPi fie rMi5$gsiftsBS V3Rr?i'$.?ttvSdV7nn9'3lBN!NBsNv3liR r inHgllllg W?Mk0iX&& Jt3 IJ!mSB9!i. l: I jy ; lis t SAMUEL EARLEY MOTOR CO. 675 NORTH BROAD STREET Poplar 1991 ' aMaklihahiAiiArn - ' inm mi.ii' ' u V?'V".i fV'Ul V . Edward Roberts Garage Camden, N. J. Petry Motor Sales Corporation Trenton, N. J. Pcgano Brothers Vineland, N.J., .A. ... , j 1 " irH, SI. Lehigh Valley Motor Co. Allcntown, Pa. Hoffman and Shriner Bethlehem, Pa. M. L. Mumma , HiriWfy'PR. 'r H. M. Vondersmith Lancaster, Pa. Harry E. Waster Shenandoah, P Corbitt Brothers , 'il'IK t-.3rMVt, .',, ck- v-oroiu oroujora m