'.'&&T JWW '" K v r L, . f v X3K W .' ff ' - ' V ' ,"' - I I ,1 BVlJiSfESfGJ ' PUBLIC LEi)GBEPJEIlLADLPiiIA, WEDKEHDAY, Al'ltlL ljJjgO JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE ' fancy fly"C Ges cc ',c Tableaux at the Iicllevuc Stratfoj-d She Tells of a Pretty Frock She Has Seen Concert Today i . . , nn not nt-1: to we luiytltMK cuirr 1 .i.. i,o tnblt'aiix yonterilny nt the Tif!onitratforl. In which the beaux arfd In oxnrt roplw of .Twlc Will c Smith's lHpki-nn HlurtnUlOM. The Runaway inlr. who were Peter Ilorlc ami nlnr Holicrl. wero too Jarllns for wnnln. Onlnor. yitti nor. Inalstrd " looUInir. off-lilo nml It wan therefore hard for lVter to dry her pjtm. ,0 ns the curtain-, were ..bout to rlo ,c Jt rcnrheil up ami yanked Iter hentl Into portion. Then Mm. Kointos ami iirr four ,Jii danshtern wh , WntIM I in fc'S' ,: r,.,ect'i; four ". all tipoii'tho llrtli of n daiiRhter. Elizabeth MrCown Llitor, on Saturday. April 10. Mi8. Thiuuas McKeen. hriN returned from her vNlt to Charleston and Aiken. . C, to flleuco IIoiiHe, hrr homo iu l.osenitmt. , Mrn. William Ucwion. of (1300 Over brook avenue, will be at home on Thurs day, April 15, 212 and 111). No cards have been seut out. Mr. (Instate A. Hectoclipr, who ha been NpcmliiiR the winter at the Ulrr. ( arlton, linn opened hN home, lle brook, nt Strafford. Mih. IJ'aiiserflchl (ironin. 'nf Cunvvtl. will (jive n lnueheon at the Iijtx.fnrltuii to be followed hv n tlieatre partv on Wednewda.i, April HI. Mw. Ilciijnmln (,'. (SIK of llr.vn ?" . . i JJAh In their white frnoliM mill blue .uinvivr-iitrjtuinetl hrr ."00 Club ev .J nnil dalntv pantalettes to keep Itei day nfteriioon, The memheri ineliuled ," i, their mother's lap. They Mrs. Philip IVi.KtiM.dll Hull. Mrs. "fitiil t wewhftt It vn all about mid (.corse lliiijitoii. Mrs. fin) ton Hehoc ".V... i..i,a.i nrniiml mid one liail I llillkiT. Mrs. .lntm-H Sliiilfold. Mw. .!-.. 1 nit All ?.iA - nm,. lceciiliii: her small quuc - quiet. feet IMgnr lliuwn and Miss Marj Huvnse. Miss Kdlth Watt and Minn Mnry Dqtterer. of Wayne, will go to Annup oils mi April 17. to attend tho dunce, at the United Stnfpi Xuvnl Aendeiuy, tin he uue'di of Madame Louis Mario. .Mrs. U. M. Ilortrr will ntertntn at cnrih nt her home on Tuesday, pril L'0, Among hei' uMn will be Mrs. DmiKerlleld (Ironin. Mr, .fniiiet ..III ut it tlie othcM Kent pretty air' ..',i "MUle Emily," staudlnu on her S,ow Sink with the wind Mnwl-.K III klrtn and hair1 and the wonderfu' Jolorlr Tot baekpound and frock, was rrraarfcnb'e nicliiM. She was litt.e Virginia Uroelt. One of the cutest eoplui wus fitlletj- "The First I'liitj.' VVl i?.i .,?n l-o ''w"m1. Mrs. Ulrbnrrt I.conan , Mlw thc four small tol w ho bad piai ll-e Mary Kans. MNs Con-tunee (lllr. for titi plrliirc eotild not -land tl.eij,,. jj,.,,,,,!,, (!,. , , ,,, , itrflin wiien rcai niuii -." "f i-engifum Jin I. tliflr nlat", so ' I.eotioid Seynurt. I r ,m,vedcdtoeathlsleeereamdlll- "' Sewlnif Clnsi is nnnuxlns to cMi'tli while a Miitill Rlrl claimed her ve n eunl pai U and sole of fiiue nnd VA a the box of enndj she held. wactca art rip. on l;it!aj at the eWOo S he 'wrctwt of (ho jUrtiircn " Bill dluR fur the briicllt of th" -vi of the Mndonna which chnrltj . Thu Indies iu Hmree of this Ml., Smith Imd naliilcd ad ,rccnted nffH Ir will 1, Mrs Cwpc Iteillj. preM li he Hope Day Nureerj fome jenrs dent. Mrs William I Dixon. lcc . ' IV Maduniia wn Mr, Alexander , nrraldent. .Mrs. W. 1. KIN. .hnlrman of Itro'wi and the Imby'N iJani- was not ' entertainment. lton to.u-.. but it wuh too mveet. It, T10 JlrHt , , . . looked all arouiui and pecreu iii .urs. 0,,I)tio1 f(1). p ,n,nt,)U ()-f K- D ,(, S.'MK) Xorth Seventeenth utreet, took lilnee on Saturday inornliifc in the Catli olle Cliureh of the lnenrnutlou, Mftli street an.1 l.lndlev nvenuc. with tie Itev. Pnihcr llrndy officlntlne at tho a.ie wruninjc oi jiihs "rn ai.ien-, t; , MUs Aiie Mnrlc Cona- fcttWiVn& ban, sister of tho bride, wan her only t n Unldonberger.of 142 Delmar.trect, u ! n, t , Mr ' JjCO nurng waS HoxboroiiRb, and Mr. OeorRc h Kelt, ' " "A'1' .' " b. , .. The ceromoy of Indiana, took place esterday. a ter- ''J '" best ma . int ccrem .1.11.1 nr 9d iinti u ..(ii.if.i. nrnniin . . . '. u, .71. .1A.I..1 n ir.ii.i.i vi.i.iK.iv low the chtirrli cereinouy nt the homo i of Me. and Mrs. llnrtlott. ' SKIT WAIiUKNUKUOKIt The wrddltiK of Miss Clara Walden- H mi! t. TC"hI)clIcvue-Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. n,.,i ; ti.n'rVremoiii I niK left for n trip throuuh pastern "' ,..b.r.r.''T.V: X New York and upon their return they MltS. K. I.OWHKIt iSTOKKH Mrs. Slolirs ni Mlis .Mary II. I, JJroolie. Her weddliiK look idncc today at .St. Mark'. Cliurrli IMPORTANT WEDDING TODAY AT ST. MARK'S Church, Maunytiuk. A flnnfltttt lkittfntiM mi.; if ,i r-1 ii .V. nii, t ., i,ri;..i ,w..,", on" "P" as maid of honor and Mr. John l'ea.,wm I,vo '" vlMy; cock acted as best man. A reception , followed the ceremony nt the home of I h'A'SXACIIT AKGHIJL'nOKK tho bride's parents. After n wedding, .i.ionc the early spfliiK weddlncB wan WS',?r- n"tf x1."!.!1 V11 1VC nt that of Mlw Ilarburn M. AuMburger, 442 Uelmnr strctt, Itoxboroygh. daualilrr of .rr. and Mrs. Frederick rM.v.7S""inuT AtiKsburiter, of 2125 Itellcvue street, uml riKNMH-lLST Mr WavnoH. Katmneht. of l.T-'JI Oreeu An attracthe spring wedditiK was street, which wan solemnized in the solemnized with high nuptial nlnss at Tritiltj Oermait I.ulhernn Church, Six- 10 o'clock tbli nioruliiK iu St. Stelllcn'H, iirnlh uti-i-ci nbore Tinea, on Saturday Catholic Church. Ilroad and Hutler afternoon with the Ilc. Ileyry Kmpu, ' jii ',. 'f rcrl- at T-JIO o'clock this streets, when Mls Helm licet, dauiili- the pa.toi', offlcintlnn. The bride wbh M fjl !' uor'r 80n will lvc 4..- ..I lt I M..u lot,,, lt,.vl rtf IJ'll ..l.'.l...l I... Ml... t .;..!... Il.l.il.nr n.t IHtlg. -"'H. .MOrriBOIl III t- lf, in .in. fun. .iii". Hi'im ..i, ... . .. ,iLit;iiurii IPV illlT I.UIIIOW All .II.IHI I .iu. West Krle neniic. became the bride of MNs Mjrtle Connor. .Mr. David A. Hennls of Oil IJat Chrl-' Mr. Knsnaeht had for best man, Mr. ten nviiuie, (Jennitiitowii. The llc. M. M -rrill lIorton,nnd for usherH, Mr. .1. Huffcrty. lector of the church, ofil Itayinonil Hill mid Mr. Albert J. dated nnd wni a'lted by the Hey. M. Uohrer The tervlco was followed by a A. Drennnn. of Mv York, awl tan reception nt the home of tho bride's llev. .!. P. O'llellly, of the Church of parents. ' Sfr. and Mm. Knsnaeht left the (lesii, Mr. llcst suve hw tlaugliter f,. . , (aCi wis., and upon their tetiirn they will bo at home at -IL'O llellewic street. Itev. Pnther Kltzmaur.ee. assisted liy the Itcv. John Uurke, the llev. Kdward Uyrno and the llev. P. .1. 1'ORBcrtJ . Mr. .Ward will give hl dauKliter iu marrluge. . , ,. Miss Isnbclle Dorsey. sister of the bridegroom, will be bridesmaid. Hho will carry pink roncbuds. Mr. "nrr Uorsey will be best man, and Mt. (Jcorce IIde and Mr. Austin Harry, of Newark, will net as ushers. An informul breakfast at the home of the brido will follow th" ceremony, after which Mr. nnd Mrs. Dnwy will leatu for the South. They will be at homo after Mny 1 nt 7021 Turrc.Mlalc. tttcnuc. V? suA M. I because it fits n -1 In tniirrliiffp Mlsa Mnrffuret C. Hest wbm her hIs- itcr'H maid ol honor. Miss Mo Uetc- ueller. of Jaekhoiullle. Phi., and Miss Marie C. llcst. sister of tlie bride, weie Ihc bridesmaids. Tin little tlowcrgiri was Miss Mary ltlchter. Master Thomas Illehtfr wns a pate. Mr. Joseph H'-niils wa best man. and the ush v included Mr. Ld ward KcUy, of Cleurllcld. Pn. : Mr. Paul Northrop, of Melrose Park: Mr. . I-d-ward Do.xlc and Mr. A llllani lelin. The eeremon was followed by a break fast at the hum.' of the hildes.par itita. .Mr. and Mr. Hennls lnft on an extruded trip, and will be nt home nftei Hi. at o:;u i.nsr v iit'iivii Miss Mnry B. I. Brooke Bride of Mr. E. -Lowber Stoke3. , Other Marriages The weddinc of .MNs Mm-) II. I. tlronke, dutihter of Mr. crd Mr-. 13d ward Hrooke. of 2:1(1 Kacr llitt' uhoiise squnre, and .Mr. Kdwntd Loubei Stokes look plii"e (it noon WAlny iu hi. Mark's Piotestnnt I3iliti).il Churih The bride an gien in marriage h her i.mi.T. iiuu was nimiiieu m .Mr-. .-,;';,",.; "nw,..,nl fred Putnam us fnattou of honor. The" ..., nllli Twelfth street, b, DKNTZEL-SCIlA13ri3U An intcrcsllni;j,eddlue will tako place this v cuius lu 'ho Trinity Lutheran Church. Sixteenth aud Tioga streets, when Mr?. W. C. Holiacfcr,. of 2018 North Thirty-third street, daughter of Mr. Christian Wagner, will become the brjde of Mr. Edward P. Dcntzel, of JlOU .tciniantowu nvenuc, sou of the late (f. A. Dcntzel. Tho ccrcmouy will he nerfoinieil lie the Itev. II. Krollt). nnstor of the church. Tlie bride will be attended I KINSMAN MORniSOX The marriage of Miss Gladys C. Moif rifon. daushter of Mrs. Limnn Morri wn. of .'lOi'l Kast Price utrect. and Mr. Harold S. Kinsman, of (5820 orth Ninth Mreet. will take place in SI. Mleliael's Protcntaut Kplscopal Church. eve- I,.,.. lis. .Airs. .Morrison win - .l.mnlitAf In mnrrlncr. and the J(CV. (Mlbcrt Penibcr will perform the cerst inoiiy. Airs. William J. McCutehen will nttentl tlie bride as matron of lionflj and Mr. Itlchard Kinsman will act us best man for Ids brotlier. A reception for tlie immedliite fumilics will fl ow the ceremony at tlie homo of the bride s mother. ... i After a short wedding trip Mr. ntiu Mrs. Kinsman will lie in Oak l.unc .Tiic cvcr-incrcaring nation-wide popu larity of Munsingweur is proof of its fine quality, durability, wushaliility, comfort and economy. Light, cool, fonn-fitting knitted gar ments for men, women and children loose-fitting, woven athletic garments for men. A style to please anyone a sire to fit everyone. the satisfaction lasts KkN3INQTON Mrs. U. Jfclcher, of 21T4 Cast Cum berland street, entertained at n luncheon yesterday afternoon ut her homo. Among tho guest were Mrs. E. Iteuvcs, Mrs. J. Zoflbgcs, Mrs. II. Slouu, Mrs. K. Cramp, Mrs. II. Wicst. Mr. M. Ellis. Mrs. Al Hudson. Mrs. Pecrhnlter, Men. H. Lambert and Mrs. II. Harris. Mrs. J. Sept ember nvenuc. KKNDIiK-PACK All interesting wedding to take place lliN cM-niug Is Hint of Miss Adele Pack. .1 1 df Mr mill Mrs. V. lllialll Pact., of 10(10 North McrUiie street, nud ; Citllf Mi- .iniin li. ivenii e. . r.. oi " i gohocklug Mrcct. The ceremony will be, WAKD DOUSED nerforined nt 7 o'clock In the Cooknian i A jlltorcstne rddlnc will be sol- k In the ( Church. Stnnsbur.v bos returned to b MNs I.otil4i. ltelnert as maid ofincr Home, at .'.-- i rnimioru avenue, honor. The best man will be Mr. W3l- fr"" vIs't '" Harilsbiirg. limn Dcntzel. brother of the bridegroom. ' yH i;,.rtrudc Miles, or East Mout KolbiwliiB the ccr.-UMi u reception will ; Bomery avenue, will spend the week he held nt tho Manufacturers Club, 1 0M(1 in Atlantic Cltj as the gue-t of after whlcn thci bride aud bridegioom Mm William Marshall, will leave on a wedding trip, muklns .. . .. Mll a.iM1, . ...n .I,,.,- nfi.. .ti.i,. i ... neon n Pnrit. . .'If-, nnd -Mrs. Max Staub. of .SID .. .. ' " ' I i!nwl nvnmin it 1 1 ti tll nint llin jmirilCP 'ilium i t nnmimi.v. mv unri imunt of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth r. eisbcrg. to Jlr. .Mejer bamson, of Hoelict.ter. Mrs. C "illllllVIIIUraiilMKPrllillllJINUIHIII'lliiHIffllinilLmiHiliHIM I George Allen, inc- -Chestnut Street 1214 1214- Exquisite Millinery Especially Created for Dress Functions ic, Fresh from tho werkrooma Small Drown Rough Straw Satin Hraid Hat. 'IVimminjr oi French Grapes nnd I03C with touch of 1'oliaRC Priced 10.r0, LarRo Black Garden Hat of Lisere Urald. Alloc Uluc Sutin fucinfr, trimmintj of bust quality Alice Blue Velvet Kibbon PYenrHi ypray of Folinffo and Hoae.s AISJiO. Black Hemp Tricorno Hat cdt?rd vith soft black f.lmw braid. Solid Roho crown, topped with Heather and Roues $18.50. You will be charmed with this collection just in time for the Spring social events. llroun's face and looked offstage, uiid c,twn,. (Niurch. Willow (Irou-t.uihrtdesinalds Included MNs- Marj Dixon , tlcb,anl Hndcllff.;. f rm.Mirc niiirit have bu cooing u!l lo, ?illl,.e ,.tht ,,, at , .ni,f,PVU0. Ne-hold. MN.s Margaret Shoh.r. Miss , tlio chttrrli. M iss t,n .1 Ion ', h 1 bVcnuvc when they decided to 0 lH u. t 'rJot ' '" Km,Py (',,oU' MI I'm,"e '' r,vtcr ihov the i-Muio for the third time, . ' ,,, 'nie II Air i j ,. ' ,.'i f i Mis, "an let Chain and Mies Katharine S:...i.ir.n(..f,.rr.ntniellMrh. Brown. .. ,';" "'""Iv Mr: .,lni!. J !''.. Charley . h,,..,,,., Tll i,..!,!,. ,. ., l,n.. .ntl i..f... li... ,uwlteii...( whs treated to see- J." "'";" ."' "".' "' .".. Mel, o anil ..,. i,-!n.nieil uiit, ix.lni i... m,,i i.oi-1" .i,ii. rt.. innilli.'i. best man. and Ills " '" .' ."-. . i. i . .1. " ....I mv. liiiwa ru ... ivei . " . :"..'." '"".::.""'. '.." " '.'. ; -,,-. ,... .. i M'l was or in nt ace. I ic inn cmiiiiii ', n-c u he Air. . onn uiiriiun. ..i. Anderson, of Htelln avenue, llusli. of Mem- indclluite stuy. I ill eiitertnin the i "--- . . a HIIIIMI II I 111 IIUU J wmutw - .,.. -. .-- i.,.:.l'.. uiunr will lie mnlU ot IIOI10l.i,- nim n,..nl.l .i,.t ,.111 Im.n.... tl... i f.-illnu-liif Imllev nt . ".ilin' fninorrnvv lift. The bridesmaids will lie MNs Ksthcrbrj((. ,)f Jlr Kinnk J. Dorscy, sou of ernoou : Mrs. I.epold. Mr. Jinks. Mrs. j Osterlund nnd Miss- Clara iMiwaniM. iti u)l ylxii iiarrv Dorey, ot'Tacony. i Lambert, Mrs. Timmsmnn, Mrs. Lodge, Mr. .Iiiim Ann liiumh. oi humus iniij. T.. cercmony will bo performed by tbc'.Airs. I'otts nnti .Mrs. Lmstcad. '".i rninlrd with a nuptial imm this morn- , '"', ii ? I 'r ,f the llev. , , . , fc Sl .onrhm' ('an,. N nt?rtMnlnp Mrs. .. pastor oft ol chntvU, when Miss Cecelia Ward, I'1''8' 1(,"- or an Uv Pack. l'ei(lllII((,r ,)f Mr Jin(J Mrs fJoln AVard. I Mrs. Men llaiues w Icf Iiit exit ler.liig nothing in the round opening of the picture but the halo. The portraits were gorgcotia. Mrs. Itandnl Morpui was simply wondciful ami Mrs. illll) Clothier, as tlie "Little White dirl" by WhNtler. was as pretty and. jlrllili as could he. The two (.leu linninits in costumes or I .Til were per fcctl lovclj. Inderd the whole after- boou a an artistic treat. GERMANTOWN ANl Jrii.i the lorc ihci-ni'M nf nrehiil nink liinV.n nml blue I ifftn hats fneed with pink. The cnr.'hd limniiicts nf lni-ksnur. tiinL rn-.cn Mrs. AVnltcr It. Siebcr nml h'-r .vmiiig , and vllnw daNio. The I(e Ifnrrj son. of S4D." (icrninntovMi ineulie, are LBogetl, ii'-Nlcd b the K"v. Cllint spending Mmie t ini" along tlio Man. I Wlilic, peifuriinil the ceremoii iimIuimi, X. J. . i Air. Thnina. Stokes, u brotlier t Hie Mrs. SIcIjci'm brother aud later. Air ami .Mrs. .loliu .Milclicll Hove, forme of dcrmantowii, but imw of lluiholme. nie Mini iiiem. John Thomp'-oii anil Mr. Ilurr.j Krug. roll.iwliiR the service thero will be a icceptioii for the families nnd the bridal attendants at the Hotel endig. Mr. Keudle and Ills urine win icmc mi u i, -in nnil will be at home in tilinside .... II.. in 'Clin 1irwln .uipr iii.' i". The bridegroom served NL in the evening there was .Ittle Sxinphouy aud Adolph I ti.il in with his ballet at the Academy. I must cay 1 was absolutely charmed with that ufl.iir, too. The wirlcty of bul Isti, the coitiimes, ihc grace nnd tlie ciqullte iniiiiic made it a most le loatkiible perfonnance. It was glcn for the benefit of tlie Children's Hos pital. I SAW Sarah Penrose nt tlio theatre the other night, nnd she hi the first one I have seen wearing the new very iLort r-lreve In a ihirl; dress to whom luch u frock is becoming. ( Imolvcd and complicated remark, but It's true.) ir.nnlli lhn.it wlinrl ulnt'C.u nrn mif ,1 h the wrong place, ecn by the best of ,r-e'"' -Ips- Claude Bedford and drc-Kmnkcrs ; that is, the wrong place ne'r family, who hae spcnl the winter for the wearer's arm. Home arms nre '" Philadelphia, will move to Mcdln in rot luctty. f)it know. But this brown' " hl""-t time, wlieie tlic will take the fwk which Sarah wore and which was ' '!1,"", 'r '' JamcH P. Iliitchliison, on trimmed with oiillled ruffling was ns t reel! load, for the summer. . , hi idc giooiu. uetwl hi best man. mid for ten months oversells with the Sjv "'Ithe imher- were Mr. John W. Stoke-. ent. -ninth Division. I. S. A. "lho rl Mr. Walter Htokcs. Mr. W. Stnndley bride is prominent iu niusical c rclcs. Stokes. nln. brothers nt the In iiTegriMiiu: 'nnd 1-'the contralto solmt oi . ook-' Mr. lOiHvmit Brooke. .Tr.. nml .Mr mnu CWurch. Mr. aud .Mrs. (ieorgc Beck, of I.SP,.1 I Heorge Brooke. Ud. brutlier.s uf Ihe Pillut-hl incline. hne i-etiirned frnin nn bride. A brinkfnst followed inline . ifif'tvl.A COBAlfiH e-tioniicii msii in 'iiircntd. 'niiadii. Hii'tei: utter ilie ccn iiiuiij ti r tlie In. an M. i in... -i.i.ii "f 'be lirlt I...; ..:.. ..t"r . '" . V ",1,IV!V ." and a few .- i,..v mi i-iipiii-ri nun ini-iieis in lie s parents mr tlie ranuliev liilimale frii ml-. , tlie (leriitautown A. W. C. A. on Priday e filing, under the nilsuiccs nf the Women's Club, of Cicruuiut-iwii. t Mrs. NcImiii Stiller. :t(5 Wiuuun ne line, (eriunntuwii. eutcrtiiined at bridge a niiinher of friend-i yesteidm. DELAWARE COUNTY AUMSBV-ltlOl KAIII' The wedding of .AINn Jsnbille lilnr-gnw Beul.nillT, d.iiighler of Mr. (icnige W. i IteiiknufY, and Ctipl'iln Criif-t Iliirdlng !Aiuiby, took place at noun tud.ij in r-the Church oCOtic Smlor. Thi.-lj eighth "treer. below .AiurUei tinlj inc lllber ,,.llv umMlnrr took llhlCC lit l-:!t(l o'clock lodav in the Tiogu Methodist t Kplscopal Church. Tioga and Light eentb Greets, when Ml.ss Pniillno Jo-I b'liigh. daughter of My. ami Mrs. l.d wnrd H. Cobaugli. of M North SU tccnth -licet, and Mr. Hurry L. Biekl. ot :t4:::i North Sixteenth utrect. were married lry the pastor, the Bey. Sam ucl B. MeWilllanis. The bride was .teen In imirrlage D.V ner luinur. nun it I.,, Hi rniiillfiKi unit linm.u',.!.. fr! I !".. ..,i.wln,l l,v Atl-M Cllltll ! ll 1 1 II cllOT were present. The bride was given in Mr. AValter B. Itlckly was .his brother s nviiiitige by her fntrfer. The Ut. I!r. b st mart. Mr. and Mrs. Itlckly left on Tlmiiuus .1. (!arlar)d , , .innneil the cere- u trip to New York nnd through tilt' monji. Mi-. Staiile.; Clndd-u Wileot inortheast, and will be at home nr er was nntroii of honor , and Mi. Llovd Mnv 15 at ".SOI Noitb Bouvier street. ijxon, ni l.iotie, i"n,. M hi-t man. i Tlie cereuiiuij wns followed a wed- ! prettj ns could be and most becoming. She had n small brown hat of hand maile straw, trimmed with rather dark 1'rfiidi tluwcn, mid that coloring with' hr foft .Ijlit brown hair and dark eve Mas iiin.it cffcctUe. Mrs. William Shew ell IJS nnd her duughter. Miss Kinnces Kills, who have been al Atlantic Cilj for u wick. Iiiim1 returned to their home in Aim Inn. T UNDERSTAND --jrlin tliN nf.ernoo MOORESTOWN i- Mr. aud Airs, .luseph Kulliwui bin. 11IUIICII 11IMH illllllllic 1 1IJ. ding bic-H.rust. at the clgia 1.1. lifter which the bride and liridegrooni left for it month's niixcnce in I-'loriihi. ' ( unttilu Ai-iihIh . who 1 the mhi of Dr IIcm P. Aiinvii., iImiii nl Sltiti I'ol'ig", .Hid Airs Aiui.h M't'M'd in Ihe wur i(i l-'iancc. in (hi lirt 1 iigiueer dixNIim whldi left fin- I't.inn (' r.l'RNS CONA1IAN rci... .....i.lln,. .,( AtUs Aludllline fniinimii. ilnnehter of Ml. Cathtirlne l' Cniiiilillll. of l.'JO WcllcilS llMlllie, nnd Mi. Stynley Charles Biiriis, Mil- concert to be ernoon nt the N'eu f'en- tllFl- lll-.ll. in., n..... . ..in 1 . 1....... .j .'.Mnillh "Ul'l.l Itlll LH.1 UIJ IIIIUI' . ,,., til II ., I -. ,1 eating. The h-st part of it Is that It if1 J . '''V'1 ' "ih gtic it Lifter dunce film bj the studentN of the Philudel- " atiirilaj evening I'he pationcrM-s Pbin Seliool for Christian Workers ;, V1Pl'l:.M,,', 'lllnm I . Rctwc Mrs. W. jcu kiiuw. joung girls who aic prepm- ' 'V'11' Mr; Juxeph J. Potter and inr fur wlal and religious work. It Is 'Mr, ' hestou htokcs. under the ausiilcei. of the Preybytcriaii Mr. mid Mrs. Ucorge Cull.bert Cil th ,. ,."n r ",' fhurches. and bcshles Icspic. Jr., Mr. and Mrs P. Walllcc . ' '? . the school who will sing, ' Armstrong. Mr. and Mr i:. B. Lcem- m .1, . '". ?f " pnvnio pupils, ing. .Air. anil .Mrs. V. r " mm 111 me piensure or flic lifter- ' ami UU 111 IlllfTlllr i. !. II.. . 1 .11. I -mm . - .... t ".' "iKiiiii iLiiii inriiiiiir iiik 1 in mv. 1 wtiiu aim nt..i m. 11-1. .1.. 11 j..i.i .. ... . - . ..it r" . -"" -" ;- ". ...,,,,c, ...I, um, ,nf, 11 iiiiuii 1- e .1 , I '11 v nn 'ii'iiinn. nml ah.. mmnQ m lt. A!is Amir North llnrili'tt iiihI Mits ('arm. In HoiiKljib IWuiU'tt. str-t t rs of . . - -" him iiiiiiui iiiiiiuiri uiiiiii - . t 11 1 Hliwl rnf.. will ,.i. .1 .. ,.1 ' '' I'liue. win oe iiuwer gin-. Some of the women Intercste'i PLKKA BAUTLP.TT 'I ,ie innrii.ige of Mi'-.-i C, Ktnoi-j Burt ietl, daughter of Mr. and .Alir. North ICniory llarllelt. of (CJ1 I Wiijiip ne line. -ami Mr. Hubert W. Peir will take place thU afternoon at 1 o'clock nt St. Petei's ICpIscop.il CIiiihIi. liir nmntown. Tlie He. Si wait P. Keel ing, reitor of ll hiirch, will utliciiile. Mi '-j I.oiiIm' Hurdiug will iitlc'inl MNf- Kartlelt cs 11111 111 or lion t. nnd the Kapnek & Kapnek SVSarinello Shops 3iwrlullnH In Attifrlo ?truiilns and Mm tlsy 1 rriftmnts 1615 WALNUT ST., PHtLA. n . Kcnl'ii-l.v Ar., Athntle f'ltr tmAertfe?1 1624 Walnut Street Invites your early inspection of their exclusive display of Millinery, Coats, Suits Blouses, Dresses, Sports Clothes I . . Jf' ffc5J2J Sr Ct'C' r I T roK T.FX .m. - sa IKivgjrT)3cirJtJj s jV iBK, fjJKllS' tpr-Jl J m Of P&5, 'fWrTV Sale of Ivory Toilet Articles Savings Average 20 (( OiT Usual Prices l-ory Toilet Articles ot tbo better kinds: there In a oompH-ie an i.jrtment of nil tlio needed articles fir tic drcsrlnc ttible. na well r.B ninuv iioveltleB. frHincM. jewel boxes, cushions, etc Tho present prices leprewnt hii nverngi tnItir of 2n per cent nnil It ould bo real icoiiorii) 10 buv n- w even for rbrti-tnuv! giving an i lose artiel. o have ndiiiti,il In Pi ices to Hint they 111 cicl btitf aga'n js much this full Hair Brushes. Xt to SfiJO. Bevel Glnss Mirrors, S2J50 to SI.73. Puff Boxes nnd Hair KcceiyerH. 00c to ?2JiO. Hair Pin and Jewel llvxes. i.'ic to $t..'0. Cloth Brutihci. $2.00 to 5.00. 30c Buttonhooks, FUch, Comb;, at 23c each. And the full assortment of Ivory Articles ut -lowered ptrceu. i t Sale Washable Fabric Gloves Knyhcr'n Chumoisctle Gloves hi tho new spring shades and white, 51.00 pair. Fowrte's Filosctte Gloes in white, chnnipugne and diali: con trastinc stitched backs: 2-button length, special, $1.2) pair 8-button length, special, Sl-50 pair 12-button length, special, 51.05 pair Women's Hosiery Specials Senti-fanliioned Silk Hosiery in a shades, including Black, Vnvy, Petirl, Chocolate $2.00 a pair. Cotton Hosiery, full fashioned fret; Peril i-cuiuIh; special, 9oc a pair. iJluck only. White Ljslc Hosicrj, full far.hioni-il Ooc pair. Extra-hi.e Hosierj in cotton nml IHt lualitics :51.25, ."51.33, $1.30 and $1.7." pair. splendid npjortmr'iit of Brown, Cordovan. Seal, -light sreunrb : -pccial in plniidnl eaLrig iJ5V,'.M!l1- ,os,,l'l ,,.,:,'r'-' M,'('- Adele hriilonumN will be Mi S.irah Hmleii , in . :'"' i"lJ Mfi .- San iiicl l L. . t Ti ", ",v- ",r,-, weieiimoiitr the Kiiests nl the noucliteu . 1U .'; ow',L;,i, Kriiiidduujthter. will Mmrls weddiiuf on Sntiirda. !',? '"'" will Hnchel Wliltmcr, while ' - WEST RHILADELPHIA Mr. aud Mrs. Kiedeiick Itn.vce htno returiird from Klorida and are ut liomu ut tlie lilili rest Apartments, Thirty fourth and Uiiee streets. Mm. Hoj'ce wai. before her mnrrinci, Miss Ilcttic Drlckcr. T IIEAIU) such a darling little ntor.v ' SerReiuit ami Mrs. John V. Job r,.l f1 ,TCP two-jcnr-old. and it nil '"''' KIukscsIhk ucnue, cntertiln -i'i" iu inieij , Jou. Little Two 1 III llm w- ' ",i;c Mt- I'n,lis F- Uenson, Mrs. tl. '"'In'. Mrs. William Clothier.. nn. hninuol Heebner. Mrs. Samuel, Mn,',.". ''n"""'. M". Alexander K?"'.,Mr- Vf"y Allen anil n nitni- , -i ui uiaers. so I must tell it to Mr Ni l-oii Perrj. a brut In r of Ihe liridcrooiu, will be best man. it ltd the usliuis will fticltide .Mr. Tliomat Tinder. Mr. (leoige ll.vder nnil Mr. Arthur llnnllng. A smnll reception will fol- 1lt c;biC$i inrirraw i P0 Allen's French Hair Nets 10c each, $1.00 a Dozen RS& Our sbp-on cap p.iapo nnd import special ntiuu;lil shape. Our i. nn'ee Wki t- ry ut lo IT - r-ftiu UbWo wear or , will icpljce 1 I trf.li Nets iti. ,ul inc td t-. nm li nn extent thiit . i jiuh. mi vw ii'tieh loner will bo nine im i.i Intuln tills price Yah nt.i .... -.. Jli X h ,',.,, tpnJpnrcnts while there "' slcknek In Mt ... i. n i u iiuiiiL-. tie ntiu room ndlnliiliiL- ilie most ciijovnb UMJII. i Ined on I Mntlll-itnv nflcrnr.mi finm 'i miltl K ' o'clock in iioiiur of their son, Master loliu l-rancls .lohuson s seventh bi'.th "Ickat-Sk n lik ,,. ,,. rn... .-..'.. " luiiii-- 7.71" ."eupieu the ""iiililaililj'ii." day. Thoie tircent were Mlt-s Morv Miirphj. Miss Cath.irlne Itraily, Miss Winifred llrndy. Miss t'ntlitirine Pa fey, Mibs Mary Uiissell, Muster Hubert . n. 11 n inrtUT nitini'iiti ii artof t, (iIIV waH (ui ioi . 1i()ih Fcehrey. Master Francis Peehrey, Mns nai.'"1"1.'." ,llc uioniliiB. nnd Oriii-il ''',' M- ( '"'''J' ml Mafter Prancl- Ilrcn iTra ll,1,,w ,."" u" tlie Hlgnnl for it. Vc ii " on In. I'm read." ft lltt, , Mla'" n,l morn lie a Mi i . .'."I'i", ':p",,ll ,,,,"s",f uutHlrtP ' luiluw llu,i hegtm his cheery little ihlitle thro.? n. l,'"tt tho bedelothcH' r',,lfk nil the happiest lumlni ' PV0.r, hcnrcl 'n'' "t. 'uminr, era ml, In, 1,1.. i... ....,'. i -''?. i iiiiiiim;. w ere little "I'm ijgfitfta W J STEW AIM. D D S. Itcmuvcd to 1208 Chestnut St- SP.ECIALIZING In nrtlsllc iitnlKli'ttalile dentistry. Con tour ann rxprvfulon reitnrntlou and Ira-uruvfiiH-nt IUdlcal tmitinr-.it or cynr rhfn Huhlrnlnu Ioom tfetli PAINLESS Kitriirtlns. (Irlnillmc. Ilrllllna and Nfrr Trrntmrnt hy h Lite Inunl die.mlttitn( mrthcid which If vo unfalllncly erncltnt In expert liamli that nil drntliti will noeii be comrHled in learn lo uae It, a.dvani'ril Kniili-nt Itrnaonahte Quickly and easily madcMou can al ways depend upon them, to turn out just rigjnt No egg, roquirod Directions on pickaga ell of many Uses PopularFlwors.Chocolale arid Golden Vanilla. &f t Your Grocers iz ft tCA MORRISON CD.rfulj. M -FOUNDED 1658 DBWBE'S n i " ri While and Gray Nets, 13c Each; $1.30 a Dozen ' 'I OTjJili H""1'" iliWUIIJTOIIISimrailllMlllllllllitWMilBiI IPftm nWI fi cn-Tult., Ji VrlJV WiMKHH flllM JIM mmWitf XANOr WYNNK. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Jr. oflglla?1,?- Wll"n K. Goodman, ranii , i. '"'"""town avcuiio. Knve C'?' '""A cvnlD- AliiODB Oorlie1 " y wwf.Mr. and Mrs. Pislier OUow "'LM'innil Mr. William A. Mill Viv. n Mr' un(' Mi-h. r.ooilmun CrI ckVt r8,hUl,,1, at,,,ie Philadelphia a Kriilm 7 . , lu y ,,1B raov cs, floodn ,.'. or "?fr son. William K 'ne ruchih will be en- "linger net, rUROlCR scjcsrvor jr. formerly tUOl (.'heatnut M. FURS OF DEPENDABLE QUALITY NOW lll.HI'I.AYlM; RUSSIAN SABLE HUDSON DAY SABLE FISHER STONE MARTEN SILVER FOX In Small Novtlly Ntck Pltctt IL.l" ""."". ",rl "t thn -Mr i .. ' : t, Jr ,?,', J,,1,n Browiilntt Clem- P""W""H JL. VMBTBrTanil btim "' '"?' !Lt,nill'.wiii Rive a hinnii hTJJr -Tll m. anrt M. .."""'rooy even air for Mr. I. " T' VSaHL " Mm "". "iiniiiton Dlwiton. Hiverfm'Y1 ?'.rB' 'T; l0n LtHter. of , -'. rtiir I'Of'M V n nn.... I-a . ... LuujtiuiUIUlltlUH 7w to Wave Hair to igggf Naturally Curly nimi', l?; '.'"'r c,".'l" ilar to u "'I unS,L""r ' kind that r.maln In Uim. a"J iJ5,."nil )l. wrthr fooifl- -V . '"f!" pni to hav, h.p, ' t h tlfk ... Inli?' on Ullr. n" !?' ttnEEuV itntF- V lo Jb b"lr V iM".lr,J"lf licautr i Khoszs't.b'1' "'Jlnt, rl'Wrrlni ,frl!.,lr.,t!,u'l b.' if liquid l tnSi ,li?j?.i" nrotflrt nnd follow Hi JyiotM li Goldmun's "La Natural" Hair Color Restorer The moat perlect coloring lor laded and Krey hair Wa$habU, and Abtotutely Harmtett in oil color, blonde to black. When ordering, oencl temple of hair, Pric $2 with full tnitruction. .. . . .- Telephone, Spruce 2958 TT Fur Storage and Remodeling at Reasonable Rates L UIGI RIENZI COKKECT APPAREL FOU WOMEN 1714 Walnut Street REDUCTIONS These Garments Are Selected From Our Regular High-Grade Stock of Smart Models COATS CAPES Formerly 45.00 to 375.00 NOW 39.50 to 250.00 Exceptionally stylish models Formerly 49.50 to 285.00 NOW 39.50. to 200.00 DRESSES Tailored Twill, Georgette, Satin, Crepe Meteors, Tricolette Formerly 57.50, 89.50 to 225.00 NOW 47.50, 72.50 to 175.00 REAL VALUES WAISTS Georgette, Satin, Pongee, Crepe dc Chine, Pussy Willow Formerly 5.75, 15.00 to 33.75 NOW 3.75, 12.00 to 25.00 WONDERFUL VALUES SUITS SKIRTS FURS 1122 Chestnut Street -. I. I -. , , r. .. .. . : . viuamy ana otancinra ramous uver rtair n century An Exceptional Opportunity lo Procure Spring-Like Jersey Dresses Formerly 29.00 to 59.50 . Now $21.50 For funtiiiuoun liurtl wear there is nothing more durable tlinii u jersey ilrcsB. Tlu-se druped tunic model- ro cm- broidercd or bniidcd and come in beaver, tan and blue. liotli qnien'B ami mines' sizes arc includetl nnd tno s material is of an excellent qunlity. I w6oltex Tailor-mades Knockabout Suits of Scotch Tweed s and Homespun, $28.00 to $65 RcKularly jirictd at $39.50 Jo $79.50 True sport lines with patch or cut pockets, leather EE or self belt, leaves nothing: to bo denired in a nuit of thU ttpe. Irish Homespuns. Scotch nnd Rainbow Tweed and HerriiiRbone, including tho Dewee.s rtamtsml make, havo I guaranteed lining.s of pcau dc cygnc. c Dewecs TOWcouNTRY E Suits '- Worsted Jartey H $26.75 to $39.00 Tlicso suiU aie mado of thu durable worsted jorpoy p which Ik now goncrally 55 known to bo far huperlor to wool jersey. They will' not stretch or .sag, aro bo ss coming to nlmost any flg- urc, stand hard weur and SEE: do not have to bo continu EE ally pressed as other aulta EE do. They come in all tho s wanted colors in bizea for EE misses and women. &i?iwAvmw. wSSlSSia ee 'BSE&MW ' nwfecv;- iauw " , ntBKWv'&'-W Allllltr MS t 'ffr I' f tff$i,t titu rat vi Lclk a Hull tnsri Sole Representative for PhiUdelphlr Qyp)wion is ALL of. Music To eliminate bamenchs; to strest. this note; to Ijghtlv touch that one; to bring out one phrase fortissimo and diminish into daintiest pianis simo in the next phrase; to put feeling, expres sion, lnuiviauaiity into any selection, is easily accomplished on "Mpollo : PLAT ER. PIANO 1 1 is a piano of highest character, distinguished for tonal beauty and rcsponbivc action, coupled with the famous Apollo player action. The exclusive spring motor of the Apollo, with its patented feature assuring absolute time control, and the transposing device which allows one to change the key Tor word rolls to suit the voice, are two much-appreciated fea tures of the Apollo. In coming here to learn more about the Apollo, remember we are more than "just a music store." It is our duty and pleasure to inform and 'advise music lovers, whether they arc thinking of buying or not. ir a . J l 'M BELLAK lrM,TCESTOUT-r, ' . t, ' 1. Ir ll1 , - ' 1? GOLDMAN'S J62,Chf8thut 9tre?t sYePfaY Pay More fit, Henri's I ''&,. rwMuriiin uELWMIm ' ' :f: .. V: iiii l. ;'. Ml"' I 'if X ".v:jrf , r rtm y,. &m