iqmMMMnH ' --Baws- BBa , '1 111 II IIIMIIilil Storq Hours, 9 to 5:30 Philadelphia, April 13th lijj'k'; jpfj 6rtriber.s Be fair. Equip your kitchen as thoroughly as any office or mill. Doesnrt cost muchhut, if it did, there still is no excuse. niinViol TTrtnco TTiiiMiioliitiirK rtvn niii'n-Tiilltr rrnlhnvntljJ!H. efl and we sell nothing just for the sake of getting youM mnnev. Eauin vour home fairlv. ?.v A J. V V "'i4 4 Sheik Sayo Allah Will Bleoo All ' Who Dlo Fighting Against Fair That Woman Should j j Nationauoia 'insurgents near capital ' I - AT REBEL ADVANCE It 7 Uy the AM)cltfd Prw CoiMlnnllnopIc, l April M.Siiltiin "Mfhinod VI of Turkey Iibh (Unsolved . ih.Vliombor of Deputies nnd lins thrown ill Ms polltlcnl nnd relliciouA power into tlio uulnucc ns n flnnl mensurn hi rombatliiK the Nntlounltot movement In Aln Minor- Observers here, dcclnre the next fort jilchl will detrrmluc whether he can 'rflllv nny renl foree. to opponc Mimtnpha Keinnl, 'liend of the notionalist move ment, who Is virtual rtilcr of most of .the Turkish pohsckoIous cost of, the Dardanelles, iiu'mih of heaven nnd eternal tor- .-( nt hrll" are called down on the heads of all Moslems who do not support the sullun by uurnznuo aduuuhu i fcndl, the new Shclk-Ul-Idam. He txcorlatcs the nationalists and declares "all Mussulman who kill Nationalists jll be blessed by Allah nnd nil wjio die fie'i'lnR ,lic rcUcls cnrn ctcrnBl e'ory kMobitellon of -the sultan's .ndhcr rts has beuu in tho Wands. In. the sea of Marmora and ntoiiR the phorcs of the lilack sen. Anzevour l'nsha, formerly i Clrcasslon bandit, has organized scv ral thousand opponents of the ntlon- .. . . litnt.n ntwl Pnnnrmn nil IMP ausis in. "'","",'" ::. ;i.;m. southern snore 01 mo m ........, and Is the most Important supporter of the sultan. , . Nationalist forces nre reported to be doslne In on Auzcvour in nn effort to tut him off from Constantinople nnd capturo tho city of Uruba, fifty-seven X southeast of here. This Is the ancient capital of Turkey nnd the Nn tlonallsts wish to secure it for senti mental reasons. They nre nlso said to be approaching close to the British base at Isrnld, but It is doubtful if an en gagement will be fought there, as a formidable fleet Is supporting the Brit ish land forces. There N little disposition on the part of the Turks in this city to Join the nultan's forces. They say their fathers l ,...11..... nrn lnlill1I ill Mimt llllllfl Kemal's urmy and that they will not engage ir. n civil war. Home. April 1H. (By A. l'.f Ques tions which will be discussed nt the mwting of the Supremo Allied Council t Son Homo were considered by the Council of Ministers yesterday. Italy has reached an ugrecmeut with Kng land regarding the Turkish problem uml colonial compensation, according to the Epoca, Thoroughness typical of every Wilson job Just the way our men brush tho paint Into every' "noolc and cranny Is typical of Wilson thoroughness1. This, tocotlier with tho fact that wo use only the okl-tlmn paint essentials pure wlilto lead, oil and turpen tine accounts for our being on the job for Bit years. Thorcwsrh. uess pays you and us, Will sland the test of time 44iN.Ttb.3t n&Wi y75Warloet Dine at our. perfect Kestautfcmt Reliable Merchandise Your tonfidence in our mer-' chandiso la justified becauso our buying judgment is tho result of long buying ex perience. Wo find reliable merchandise tho most profit able. Put rccor'"mnl American And X Thoy nro roliable aro 8av? your Power Red hly lns,t,al,cd - and ftSm i, y cxSolle"t service om tho manufacturer. Send for our compiett eaalofft CHARLES the Family Drudge ix Be Jy - f Is it fair that man should apply the "helps" to efficient work while woman labors at the wash tub with the old -style washboard? 1890 Meth od ric Won't Answer S2tJi0BJrV,bUea holes ln tl,u wdshboard tSe.T '" m"W faCe " to Uw for 1 920's Work The Old-style Washboard Has Had Its Day It was the best we knew in 1890. So was the can dle, the stagecoach and the old horsecar before human ity's needs demanded more .efficient means. The candle was costly for the light it gave. It wore out eyes. The stagecoach apd horsecar were costly for the time consumed. They wore out the vitality of men. But the washboard wasyes, and j the worst of all. It wears out women. Our country can't afford such waste. Mothers are worn out and they cannot be. replaced yours or anybody's. There is an alternative you can afford an Elec tric Washing Machine. No man who ever worked under the comfort of steam heat or, in summer, sustained by electric fans and ice water; who has derricks to do his lifting and en gines to move things, has any moral right to let his women folks be old at forty. What lies tombstones tell: "Beloved Wife The 1900 Cataract Electric Clothes Washer Sold on Easy Monthly Payments The washer is- demonstrated at any time during store hours by trained representatives who have been sent from the factory where the machine is manufac tured. They will gladly explain the operation and mech anism here or will call at your home if you are unable to visit the Store. The "1900 Cataract Washer" for 1920 s Sanitary, Labor-saving Way The most scientific washing machine known the' most simple in construction the easiest to operate the easiest to buy. No moving devices to wear out clothes. No mov ing devices to wear out women; no lifting; no hard work to clean up after the washing is done. The only machine operated in a rocking, swinging rnotion that swirls the water through the tub in the "Figure Eight" movement. The solid copper tub is lined with tin and built so that the clothes idle back and forth, allowing the action of the water and the creamy, soapy suds to do the work., . The swinging, reversible wringer is worked elec trically, thereby eliminating the tiresome, nerve wracking hand work. . As for the work it can do this machine does a family wash for 5 people in 1 1-2 hours, washing wrist bands and collarbands without the aid of a board. And at the approximate cost of 2c an hour for electric current thereby saving labor, clothes, money and woman. Comes in two sizes home size, which holds the equivalent o f 8 sheets; or laundry size, which holds 12 sheets. All Electric Washers take most of the wearing: work from the woman, but the "1900 Cataract" takes all wear from wonum and f the clothes. Come and see. ' GIMBEL BROTHERS, Philadelphia Please have a representative call upon me, so that I may learn the full details of your interesting easy-payment nrono sition on 1900 Cataract Electric Clothes Washer. Name Address JUST PHONE OR MAIL THE gC0UP0N TUjurapinand,, do the work mil JrHklWS ' Ki A .'4 v L-?l tDeSa r E. 14113:20 .. pM, M''ti.W( J.. i,-..-a'.l .-liP..:. ..fyAtA u!.i...Jiafcl..iaiL4.A.V'!..v,--.l,t- v kf& COMPANV L iyflAHCH St. v M m