Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 13, 1920, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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fclKfaiy. . l n,..,i: ....' a:., AmM
-j sji iiquiou ill l rtiuiiv niinniu.
por Sloggiaro i Logioiiari
ell D'Anmjnzio
fulrilthM r1 DIMrlbuted Unittr
pnnMtT no. ait.
Authorized Ijy the net nt Ocloh-r fl.
lOtT. on nle Ht the foslojllco of Phil.
Wbl. P.. A fl ,,,,.
Pdatinnifr Ociirral
lloni. HI apiile. la fnnte nflieiale
I apprende Hip il Uoverno Itnllnno lin
ordlnato I'lnvlo ill miovi rinforr.l nllu
truppe che blorcano In rittn' ill Kliime.
Sfoltl credono ehe rio' pretmla uti'a.lmip
krmata cotitro i leglonarl ill (inbrlele i
T.a notlzin hn pindntio un ciiso d'al
larmc trn i nazinnnlMi i nnali liti-n-pono.chc
uu'azlonr per cloKslnrp D'An
nunxlo dnlla Hlln ill riiinip .provo
cherebbe Kravi roiilllttl Iti ttuliu.
NesMina nntizla iiHicinlc p' tuta thin.
circa II prctrso ncciiriin raggiiiiitn per In
fliiestlone Ailriatlca Irn Nitll piI i rnp
presentanti iIpIIii JiiitjiIiivIh p p l'invio
dpi riufnrxl iiIIp tnippp rpRularl rlic
bloeeano Finnic iIpvp InterprMiirni in
pnso otllP ill poptu-ifiii'iTlpro vi i
puo' ccorKiTP In pimfprinn ili'U'nvvor
tlone ill D'AtiniiiHsin aU'actiirdn steio.
So la tiotlzlii p' vpm ni e' proplivi a
credere, clip II prcsunto nccordo rrsuliititn
dft Nltti lion s-oilillcll Ip UMplrnzlnni
. . 1 1 f f -. 1 1 -
"" """' ing of Pteron Writer
I'arlijl. CI nprilp 1 I'Hiiii Mlnlxtrt licrlln. April HI. (My A. IM The
Mlllrrinid p Un.ul tlcoiKe s'lncontri- I k,mnK ()f ,,, (,, Mo,tj ,icw,al,rr
IIIII1IO ppr dlMlltere In rMltrovcrt ' .vrttnr rf liitiM-nn V I m1iI rpiwtillv
In I'.aneln c riiigMltrrro ichitlvntiiente "rl,7. or Intpmon. . J.. Mhot menllj
nirnviuixntn (IpIIp Inippp francos! ad at carl. In caustically commented upon
(!.t ttel'ltcno. prima clip II Supreme today by the Independent He-ola Hut
lpnli l rluiiisi'ii ii San Hpiiiii, Italia. I newpapci Dip 1 relhelt. It describes
-pii.ihIi. ipi;int piibbllpii II giornnlp "I,e the incident iim h casn of "murder by
Ititt it ",c ""' "''rJ w'"' obvioiiHiy wore nfnild
' In ;,ii.i.... niri.ipldputp .Hploninll.-;j;ie'j7.'urt wu'" u,,mi1 ",(, ,'('utl'
,R..nr.l.. ,Vi,,R?in,V,rBir MTritK Th" "PrtH of the rrrr,oe rc
!M..i.i I rllnv pI.p1. Zi.iHp.Ip .p-"'"" ''' toll that I)p Mott bad
M & . am p rnV la'dl- brcn .shot dead by a .entry while try In.
"iiit" "' Vrfrtt inloiir dol trnttnto ill to wbim- fro... the Pr Im.n at V cw ;l.
VrrialllPi.. r ph Ii.iip Hip rlmaiip InlPrn-' wI.pi-p Iip wh bpltijt held nmlcr death
inonlp nppiln. IVn." si pprn possa M'litpnpp. Hip piu.sp for wlili-l. wan mit
i'srrp n!"iiiliila nclbi poiifci'i'imi li Han - .. . .. , '
11. mi. i iiiiiitnlii mi i'n' 'di'ii'iisin la rlclil- - .
piCi iIpUii lipriiia.ua pIwi un ultprlorp
pp.'indn ill iPinpn pi'i" addivinirp nl
dUnrnio piI all.t dpmobllltaxlonp.
IItalin. Ki-bbrni' In ni'ooi'do oon
rit.Klilltpri-ii I" piliiplnln. linn approval
hi protpitn vi-rii In l'mnchl p rlfintn i
ill iiKsiii'larvlii. i-pi'iiniln II IVtit I'a.lclpu.
Hunqarlan-ltnllan Bank Organized
Ilinlnpct. April 1.'l. Nrgotlntloua
(lint ll.injtarlan bnt.krra hnvo. brrn
carryl.iR on In Ilnly to wcuro llnnncinl
a.isliitancp havp Iippji siiccpfnl, and a
'Hu.ieiirlaii-ltnlinn llnnk," will, n
oapltnl of OO.Oim.OOO Hip. will Iip or
Eanlxcil witlilu the next few dajf.
300 Dead at Totensteln
1'ml.i. April 1i. (H.v A. 1'.) Three
lui.idrpil pprnonH were killed In the px
ploKion of a miiultlons dump at Totpii
stein. Kast Prussia, on Sunday, accord
ing to n dispatch from French bcud
quartern nt Mayencr.
Result of Strategy
Washington. April JJ1. (My A. I'.)
Private advices repclvpd hprp picture
the situation In Guatemala City as a
trail that has been sprung by President
Kslrada Cabrera on bla enemies rather
ll"L-n ll.iw mv ..-.... -- "'
einplojcd to clvo him the upper hand
with n minimum oi diooiishpu.
HlronK Roverninent fortes wcro
stationed at, Iia Palma, n suburb,
where President Cabrera Is locnted, and
at other points from where operations
Iflii i
I oi.n
i I It A
l xour
tj Jvi-iv I
I) . U A It .M A N I
ji.vi;..i;u ;
Mill St. Uclow Chestnut I
,.-. ..
"Why People
Get Bald"
Dandruff is the. forerunner and
Nnturc's warning that there aro
Genu- in your Scalp absorbing the
to vour Hair.
HAIR GROWER penetrates, invlB
oratcs and stimulates the action of '
the Scalp stops itching, the forma-,
lion of scales and the subsequent loss !
of hair.
Fnithful unc of FEROND'S
will POSITIVELY remove dandruff,
stop falling hair and nourish the
Price .$1. 00 & 52.00 a bottle.
"Just rub It on."
At your Druggist or Toilet l.iuntr.
If they cannot supply, order direct.
424 Sixth Ave.. Now York.
Tclcvhoiio Watklns 380.
Parcel Poit, 10 cents extra
Qha Most BeauUful
Car in America
Uho Moat Serviceable
Truck in America
3fl89 X p Z2BHp?
The fact that we rest our case
vith satisfied Paig'e owners
seems to us to carry sufficient
conviction for the man who buys
a car wisely.
GUY A. WlttEY fiKsident
Jhige 'Distributors
VEN men who aro not profess
edly religious must, if they ore
frank, admit that no community
permanently prosper?, either morally
or materially, unless the church is a real
and vital element m the community
life. "
Put a church in a town and all reai estate values
Put a church in a town and it becomes at once s
center of inspiration for better schools, better politics
and general community improvement.
Put a church in a town and you insure a community
where law and order reign, where the personal, and
property rights of men and women are respected,
where children grow up trained in the ideals that
have made America great.
Kill the church and you kill the Voice that is con
stantjy calling men to more unselfish living.
Kill the church and you cut the nerve of your hos
pitals, your colleges, your civic organizations and
even of respect for government itself.
Thirty denominations, realizing that the problems fac
ing'them are too great to be solved by any one de
nomination alone, are cooperating in a great forward
campaign under the name of the Interchurch World
No modern business could have made a more scien
tific survey of the task than these denominations have
made. No budgets could be more carefully drawn.
You have the satisfaction of knowing that every'dol
lar you give has its po9t of duty assigned to it in
Every dollar for a better America and a better world.
For an American where the ideals of Washington
and Lincoln and Roosevelt will continue to grow
strong. When your church calls on you in the cam
paign week of April 25th give, and give with your
heart as well as your pocketbook.
"Wforld Movement
ofSlbrth America
Tht fmilicathn tf thii tivirtiitmtnt ii madt fmiibli
through tbt (ttftratwn tf thirty Jentmiitathm.
You Yourself
If this advertisement were headed, "For men
with rcdMiair who like liver and bacon," would it
me'an you?
And if it did, would you read the message?
The constant struggle is evident in advertising
to make you mean you.
In nearly all announcements to the general
public, the advertiser addresses a selected audience
But the reader, himself, does the selecting.
Each year, more people are learning to follow
advertising, (a fact too momentous for such casual
mention), and to ask themselves, "Does he, the
advertiser, mean me? Am I included? Am I in
this selected audience?"
"If it is the purchase of a railroad he's talking
about, count me out." ,
"But if its a new car or a. hand saw or a copy
of Jurgen or a face cream, I guess I'll listen to
what he has to say."
Each year it is easier in advertising to make
you mean you.
The Delineator
? 2.00 a Year)
($.50 a Year)
The Designer
($1.50 a Year)
Hiirgpiils unci for lerinn. The water
to have iinnoimceil to I hem Urn capital bIcrc, t".o lncsaagc added. ln order to
would remain miner wrKe until tno ui iianicn n compurmiycij- uiuomcss vic
Patent Ixmthrr
(.lull Metal Calf
Baby French heels are an attractive feature of
this popular pump. Extremely moderately
priced and containing all the correct style, .fine
materials and good workmanship the name
Hanan implies. '
Good Shoes are an Economy
1318 Chestnut Street
Who Makes the Best Time
A MERICA owned 6,300,000 pas
Zjk senger cars at the end of 1919.
JL A quarter of a million in and
around New York. Over a hundred
thousand in Chicago. Philadelphia,
Boston, St. Louis, San Francisco
every city has a like congestion.
With 'everybody depending on his
car for business purposes, the faculty
of ordinary cars for getting in one
another's way becomes a serious mat
ter and the striking ability of the
Packard to run around and through
traffic is doubly worth thinking
THE Packard Company speaks
with high authority when it says
that performance of the Packard
kind cannot be "assembled"
into a car and cannot be "tuned"
into it,
It is fundamental with the design
and construction of the car.
The Packard Twin-six engine,
with its steady flow of flexible power.
Throttled down to two miles an hour
on high in the jam, and pick
ing up to thirty miies or more in
half a block.
The Packard brakes designed By
Packard, with large, long-wearing
braking surfaces; equalized, with
even, positive braking action on each,
wheel ; easily applied, sure to hold.
The Packard dry disc clutch, posi
tive and velvety in action and the
Packard forged, heat-treated gears,
with their exceptional strength and
long life,
The Packard stearing gear and
other parts controlling the car, quick
and positive in action, easy to handle,
tough and reliable.
YOU often hear people say that
they ' ' get there so much quickejr"
in a Packard,.
The Packard driver watches the
road rather than the operation of
his car.
He has less gear-shifting to do, less
strain on his attention and Jie can
use the flexible power of his Pack
ard to advantage every yard of
the way. (
"Ask the Man
Who Owns One
319 North Broad Street
BRANCHES Atlantic City, Bethlehem, Camden, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Reading, Trenton, Williamsport, Wilmington, York
I'llilrty-nlnc Motor Cars in one City btock. Traffic delays on every MAIN street and high road arc largely due to the wide difference
, In ticrlorntancc ability anions tlw cars that crowd it U
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