p , '-'.' wrvwre. - jx i, , ., !', ' -" .';:-t - i.u , - - "' fo ' ' - -v v, f -, - TV1: .,.,- Sf ' I V I " - , ;;p '- M " VICTIM OF JEALOUS SUITOR TO RECOVER Sirs. Irono Stoylos Is Expected t .. c.iruivn Bullet Wound ' Inflicted by Farmhand STILL REMAINS IN HOSPITAL M-. Irrne Sto.vlrx, of Vinelnnd. N. t S "n 'I.et l..v Willinm Mercer W,1SJ i t recovor. The wmnnn Is in Kf Vnrinnd lloHptnl Kufferlnit from a Zut o..nl In, Hie lieoil. Her con ditlo" thl' inornlnB was favorable. Mercer amis n farm hand nnd was .Jnloreil bv Wll am Boyd, father of M,rCjlM. "c was Infatuated with Mr"! Stelc. It i ")I1. J"'t "he ro iirdcd Mm only as n friend. ' Mr Stryles wus employed ns n sIpii-o-ranhcp in ' Htntc Homo for the CT-Mlnll. After Mm started for lie? place of emnloyinent yesterday Mor r followed her. He accosted the ",mn while "I'"' ns waltlr.it for n trnlto ear. and a quarrel followed. Mrrerr then shot the woman .In the head. When she fell he ran toward pomp" was formed nnd late in the afternoon hl body was found In the "jod, near Vlneland. There was a deep tullet wound In his forehead. Mercer, who was thirty yenrs old, eatne from Wheeling. W. Vn. Mr.. Steyles hnn been separated from hff htihnufl, wlm is said to live in Washington. FORM COMPANY CLUB Dlmonthly Dinners to Be Features of Organization of 312th Men Ill-monthly dinners feature futtir" i nlan mnae lor n ompnny im lormni br former members of headquarters rrairanv. RIL'th Field Artillery, ut a dinner iicld Saturday evening. A cW reunion of the former service -'n U the nlan of the organization. A reunion dinner will be held next j Tfar. The lonowing committee was 'named to nrrnnce tho same: Edward Wtl'li, Tdwnrd Diayer, ICarl W. Daley, S. W. llrooks, M. F. Torpcy. Walter Small. .Ioeph Klock, .Tolin McNomec, James MeKecvcr nnd William C. Jack-ton. Sentence Overbrook Bank Robber Convicted of robbing the Overbrook- Ttink. Sixtieth nnd Market streets, on i January M. William Fergusoii. twenty jear.ioM. was sentenced by Judge Fin letter yesterduy to serve not I cm than ii ;ears and two months nor more than tfii'jenrs in the Hastern I'enitcntinry, the maximum sentence permitted by lnwi EVENING' TPUBUO EDGEBrrPHIIADBLPfilA", TUESDAY, . APRIE 13, 1920 S WOMAN SCORNS GUN, ROUTS BURGLAR BAND BY SHRIEKS Homo Quartet Puts on Impromptu Opera in A Flat. Marauders Flee Without Taking Loot Collected Sirs, Max Olnsburg's lungs were the undoing of four armed burglars at 4 o'clock this mo'rnlng. A band of motor thieve drove up to the Glnsburg tailoring establishment, Fifth and Titan streets, nbout that hour and entered tho place by kicking in a side door. After th.v had piled up several hun dred dollars' worth of cloth in the front, of the shop, one burglar opened a rear door to take the goods out to the machine. That was the first faux pas. An electric burglar alarm, attached to the dopr.'went into nctlon nnd Mrs. Glnsburg, in the npartnicnt above, wan awakened. Did Not Ncrtl Revolver "Max. get the pistol," she shouted to her husband. Max grabbed the weapon nnd offered it to his spouse. She looked at the thing and then decided that she did not need It. Making her way to a window, Mrs. Glnsburg opened It and began a mid night serenade that went something like this: "Murder I Police! Help! Ilurglarsi" Ilnr son, Herger, nppcared witli the family ordnnnce nnd aimed at one ot the fleeing burglars. "Click," went the piece. Hut noth ing happened. It wasn't londed. .Then Merger joined in the family chorus with a couple of shrill "murders' In high C. Ilotli Sides Itctrcal Frieda and Max then appeared at the window and the four nitulo the "Anvil Chorus" sound like a kinder garten chanting nursery rhyme. The burglar quartet had reached their automobile by tills time and two fired a few shots Into the air. The Glnsburg family made a united ictreat front the window and tho burglars drove off. Nothing was taken from the shop. antilever hoes "STRENGTHEN THE ARCH" (tfiCHgbUS BLJPBt5"H Tr :tv 7 . Jr , i l i i WA kl?4 KrkJ. llljOr Giant Pansies I'lnnts In timl and bloom, ex nuljllo fhadPB of color and flow r cf enormous size. $1.35 per dor., 25 tor 32.50 $10.00 ptr 100 NOW tVshoewt,me GRASS SEEDS. SWEET PEAS. EARLY VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS. FERTILIZE the GARDEN and LAWN. Call or Write lor Catalog It's Frtt Mell'sfA .kB 1 7 ( k ' il .'l MlRvV LV yjfllmj : ffllJinN, !l , nllUHiV 1 IOl lHf a.l lllWli-lfW Jr I ml i If - JlHIIUIIIIuW 10(01 HW l3ft6tj HUIHUi t "t l 2, Oxford in black kid $12.50 Havana brown kid SU.OU and tan calf $13.00 CORRECT LINES AND GREAT COMFORT CANTILEVER SHOES (No. 57) fulfill all the requirements laid down by the Y. W. C. A. The National Y.W.C.A., in the interests of its many thousands of mcjnbers, made a thor ough study of women's footwear and reported that p r o p e r shoes should have 1. A straight inner1 sole line, conforming to tho out line of the foot and per mitting the toes to point . straight ahead ns they do in a natural, easy posture. 2. Room for the toes with out crowding. 3. A broad, low heel, set to share the weight of the body with the ball nnd the outside of the foot. 1. A flexible shank, allow ing action of the arcli muscles. Far from re straining tho instep, as metal supports do, a' flexible shank bends with the foot and allows per fect freedom. On the other hand, the arch of the shoo should bo shaped to meet the foot at every point, so ns to provide the necessary support to the small bones of tho instep. CANTILEVER SHOES combine every one of these characteristics. In addition, there are such details as a broad padded tongue to permit snug lacing without binding the muscles. Expertly fitteu by cour teous salesmen. We guar antee to fit you absolutely or jour money refunded. CANTILEVER SHOE SHOP 1300 Walnut Street (Over Cunard Office) PHILADELPHIA Made bu Morse & Burt, Brooklyn, iV. '. Vfiw fy H.:X:.::" fH: '? :'B V:ivT-ii CADILLAC Owners who reveled in the soft, velvet-like ac tion of the Cadillac, now experience, in the Type 59, a sensation which they find even more difficult to describe. NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Broad Street IL I """HMBBBBfl5S5iaS5iwH65HHK .. r w .", " , , "Built like a Skyscraper7 r A llendtritlk thrtad, in a chiU'i hnn.i ll strong enouct to make a ktavih loadta Shaiu- Walker, trniver"itait" oft". (From actual fhotograpn.) Shaw-Waucer Letter Files WHENEVER you buy letter files, you intend to buy a result. You intend to make your letters easier to find. Insure that result. Have Shaw-Walker index your files new or old. With Shaw-Walker Indexing, we guarantee. the letter you want, almost instantly. Phone or write for information on Shaw Walker Indexing. 1010 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Phone Filbert 5267 cvmR 1 V ' Mm Steel and Wood Filet Ledger Deihi Card Index Equipment Filing Safes I ! If . U . . iaik;-v Cleanliness Every woman wants to have n nent, clean kitchen, but that is impossible if the equipment is of the dirt breeding, trouble-making kind. Convenience Goes hand-in-hand with cleanliness in the kitchen equipped with a Modern Cabinet Gas Range and Gas Water Heater. Now it the time to renovate. TERM PAYMENTS Broad and Arch and District Office THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Iti'TliHCi'llUlVJirfjIJ fjJPIHI I ' 11 ISfiu!t El () Tll -D1 ZEl- I!t .??- .' i'- '.: "P- H " ft ! ! k t v 'r re vJ.l!N,r -IZiiL-'--ftA-:; . ,j,,?'l.rArtv'. ia,.W Mj w j.. ' . , .A. ..' ... . . ',. FOR WEDNESDAY, APKIL FOUIITEENTH HOURS NINE TO FIVE-THIRTY O'CLOCK STRAWDRI DGE &QDTH I ER Which Shall it. Be ? A Graceful New Cape Of surpo, nccordion-plnited nnd finished with deep hooded collar of silk, or of velour with n contrasting collar and roll front both nt $25.00. Or a Cape of velour, serge or a fine twilled fabric, on straight or Dolman lines, in one-color or two-color effects, plain tailored or deeply fringed or elaborately braided or em broidered, or touched with a bright plaid or revealing a bright lining, .$37.50 to $100.00. A Practical Top Coat That can be worn every day nnd anywhere. Of smartly tailored serge, in blaclc and blue, yoke and sleeves lined, $25.00. A good, practi cal model of poplin, at $."0.00. And serges, poplins nnd twills, variously belted, paneled and stitched, with wrap-like collars nnd odd ncv pockets, $37.50 to $70.00. Or a Smart Sports Coat Loose or belted, hip-length or three-quarter-length, plain to sever ity or very much pocketed, strapped and button-trimmed. Of heather mixed jersey cloth, $30.00 to $50.00. Of tan polo cloth, $18.00 to $30.00. Of tan camcl's-hair cloth, $40.00 to $70.00. Of fancy mixed twerds, $20.00 and $25.00. The model sketched, of tan polo cloth, $22.50. -- fitrawbriOs. A I luilii r rnnil l'logr I "inr. Cotton Petticoats in Extra Sizes FLOWERED BLACK COT TON TAFFETA made with tucked flounce and finished with plaiting $3.00. II LACK SATINE PETTI COATS with tucked and plaited flounce $2.00. HEATHEnilLOOM P E T T I COATS in black and colors, with atti active .-ilk taffeta flounce $5.50. Washable FabrSc ODoves That Look Like Chamois Ucnutifully fashioned Gloves with a soft chamois finish, with unusual style distinction nnd refinement. Short Gloves, $1.00. Long Gloves, $1.7G nnd $2.00. And an especially de sirable six-button length, in white, beaver nnd chamois color, smartly finished with cufi" which is lined and strap ped in contrast, $2.25. Fresh as now after each washing. HtrnwbrMff ClotM" Alnlrs is and 13, Market 8trct Scpontl Floor. M $1.65 Is Less Than We Must Now-Pay for These Umbrellas 'Plicy arc good, dependable ones with covers of Amdrican (cotton) tnlTcta. Women's styles, with plain or carved wooden handles and wrist coid. Men's styles with hook or crook handles of plain mission Woods. stra hri'lm? A Clothier .mi 7. Market Stnvt rais All Kinds of Aprons Ready for You Here Dress Aprons, $1.25 to $3.00. Bungalow Aprons, $1.60. Bnnd Aprons, 50c to 05c. Maids' Aprons, 85c to $3.95. Nurses' Aprons, 85c to $2.00. Tea Aprons, 38c to $2.00. Cambric Cover-all Aprons w i t h long sleeves', $2.25. Black Satino Skirt Aprons, $2.00. Small Black Aprons, 65c. Maids Collar-and-Cuff Sets, 38c to $1.25. Maids' Caps, 15e to $1.35. Dust Caps, 25c to 05c. Nurses' Caps, 38c. Strbrld flnthlor Third I'loor Wot PANSIES H.'iskcts Containing VI Mossominff Plants for 50c I Fine Hair Switches, i Special at $5.00 i Threo-stem Switches of excel- lent quality. Ask also to sec tho Pin Curls, Puffs and Wavelets, ' nnd the various front pieces that I are such aids to attractive coif- fures $5.00. i Expert Manicwi-nq 50c StrawlirbUe r'othlr ti''nn Ilrt Kloor. Kllbvrt Street The price 12 growing Plants for 50c Is remarkably low, and, as hundreds of our customers have been waiting for this event, wo anticipate unusual activitv to morrow. Therefore COME EARLY: We cannot send any C. O. I). 'rawbrjui i noihir Ktlbrt Mriw-t Crus .l "Oh! By Jingo!" and "Marion" New Player-Piano Rolls These two sensational word rolls, of unusual popularity for dancing and singing, have just arrived. They are $1.00 each. HtrawhridTo ( Hothler Fiftb Kioor Writ I Printed Crepes Georgette are women's Raincoats l In Greater Demand Every Dav Of ram-proofed fabrics, includ- -. , "-"' T wx A-'M.y :.... i !. i l Iney arc so summcrv nml ilmn-- t. ,..:-. .11.. , " "u K"U'""i"i "U cuvun weaves. ,. ,. . ..- ...,,.. ov utuuuiuuj, mm one may DQ as Some in full, loose, enveloping ftV ' '" " -ij muin.ng, or as subdued as eventiefc, and still find some- -ivies, otnevs witli plaits to the """., ."- ? ""- iu mt-nion s requirements in th h bcltctl. Vi n- iB ' 1 " anU ncw and radiantly beautiful as a great Prices, , ;' i?,j '""V"'u, ""iJ; w"me" m,1 "icm so satisfactory in bri n vard -v ".v; ui, tv intuca wiuc, 'i.uu anu waist-'.inc and variously High rolling collars $30.00 to $-15.00. PtniuhrliUr X rinll-lr ."'Lonil Kloor. Kilbrrt Sertt The Sale of RUGS The great Scmi-Annuul Sale now going on includes doz ens of different kinds and grades of standard and sunr iner Rugs, as well as Chinese Rugs, nt savings of interest to every Philadelphia household. Strawhrldsrrt S Cluhi. -fourth KIon- W .' and finishes, includin NAVY BLUE. some vast sum- ghtening. $4.50 Sports irgetto srtment (no new Taffetas in nil almlno Swiss Taffetas AND PLENTY OF -y StraubndKr t l lolbiti Amlv t! Centre Also Worthy of Special Notice Are u,n.c l,.; ' . u ,1"-'nc" -'cpc .Meteor, at $5.00; a line of .lli;s that eannnt ho cnnc.J. .. ' ,, .' ' N'oiivpn... ,-,!-. cin:V;rs," "I,". ,,e" pp.canea urepe (Je VnrTi VIL .... ""kilv ""-' mm nre elegant- a fine assi f,-.u r""" nnaaiiii 01 itiii nns !n. fv. Automobile Needs at Reduced Prices Marquette Tire Tools $2.25. Soapstone 10c a box. Clingtite Patches 15c a box. Wind-Shield Deflectors 20c. Panther Snark Plugs 50c. Assorted Cotter Pins 20c box. Assorted Lock Washers. 20c box Assorted Lock Nuts 00c box. Assorted Screws :!5e a box. Largo Sponges $1.50. Strong Brooms $1.50. Ronson Wrenches, fit 8 sizes of nuts 50c each. Double Wing Blow-out Patches, 3-inch 15c each; .1-inch 70c. Striiubrlilrfo 1 I'lntluor Fourth I'loor Men's Neckties Thousands of Correct Patterns fine to $5.00 Ami every Necktie Four-in-hand or Bat-Wing Bow tho bet that can be found nnywhere at this price. We have assembled a great col lection unexcelled in Philadelphia in value, smartness, or extent of handsome, correct designs and colorings. M,.,hri.u noihior 1 Al." 1. Murket Sirept I n IMV g 1 efi"nrts House Dress Special at $3.45 O f A m o s k e a g G i n g h a m, w i t li white' poplin collar and trimming, fin ished w i t h pearl buttons; sizes 30 to -It). M a n y other pretty models of checked s t r i p e d g h a m. in vtsf some h slvuvl some PI fi.'l to f?7 85. Voiles and Fine Ginghams Many dainty models; one of figuied voile, in est efiVot, with white collur and cuffs. $;i.-l."i; one with shawl collar of white organdie, $-I.G5j a pretty navy bliie-nnd-wliito model with net collar, S-1.05; others in figured, dotted, and barred efTects with vests and sashes. $5 50 to K7.S5. A straight-line, plaited model, with white orgindie collar and eufls, Ptl.oO. si,wi,-i,iB. a. .f, ,hi..r TMrl floor Fl Iwrt Str-. . r CRETONNE for Slip Covers An Extensive Collection at b, $1.25 and 1.50 a yard Exact reproductions of high priced imported fabrics new and exclusive English and French printings on heavy cloth. Allovcr or cluster designs in many colors, many in "new-art" deigns and novel colorings. Our present prices arc very close to those now being asked by wholesale dealers incentive for inuKing blip Covers early this season. w i Pf.'1-l Th.nl F'our in ntre MEN "Rain-proof" Spring Soft Hats A Special Lot tf0 f F To Be Sold at 0&OD A fortunate purchase of thtse excellent Soft Felt Hats in a number tf smart new Spring shnpes and colors -at a price-concession that permita us to tell them for almost a dollar less than their actual re tail Value. Siri,rl.lsr A i lotbi-r- Sti ii J Floor Market street Kait Men's Leather Coats Reduced r-..c T he a laJse number of Men's nnd YounK Men's Leather and Leatherette !lT I months ago when the cost of leather and labor was much less 'than at E! ', " Kti,m v ?dTTan8,v- Now thc Prices aro considerably reduced which Z, r!! , owThA1TS ARE EXTRAORDINARY. These Coats should be more popular alwaVs s t0r motop tour,"S iind rin HPrta is h- ThcyTo Genuine Leather Coats $18.50 REVERSIBLE. Tan leather on one side, dura ble suede cloth on the other cither side ,,, VALIE. 0NR-TIIIRD LESSTHANMKSENT Genuine Leather Coals $J2.50 REVERS1BLK. Tn- i-n.-.. -..- ,, .. verse side of cloth in U?VWt and U'Spun weaves. Very exceptional value. "nespun Genuine Leather Coats $28.50 REVERSIBLE. Tan, black or gray leather- the reverse side of tan raincoat cloth-either side can be worn outside. A great saving at tho price! i Market St. Eighth St. Filbert St Shorter Leather Coats $17.50 MACKINAW LENGTH. Genuine leather one side, corduroy on the rcversu side a practical Coat for motorcyclists. Reversible Leatherette Coals, $32.50 Tan leatherette, guaranteed not to harden, with reverse side of tan or green suede cloth or mixed cheviot. Very durnble, rain-proof Coats, very (M usual at the price. " Men's Leatherette Coats, Now $21.50 FulUlonrrtli fonts nf itnf .l(fl-l- ln..itw.u. I proof, .smartly tailored, with roomy pockets; belted nil nrrtiimt l-V 8traHbfiUo L t Uitluer 'Berond Kloor Uait i STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Market St. Eighth 8t Filbert 8L MM t ' i Ns L ' - h ' i J . H j-M-jtfiiifcii iitr hr "'- ' '"r.-i-i S- -"tA .AX't F. -i-iii- hi I - t'i,.,