it: fluy.'!' ,- fj'j . i- (. . ( T T . '.1,1 -Hi A. - r " "" " A . 20 EVENING PUBLIC IJDDGEJ-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL' 1 W 1020 ' .' ' BA &i J.1" AfW P 84 $ $ itt M y. ,, Li ALU FWEIGN . CHECKS BOK1DS ft! CURRENCIES M Bankers and Brokers Can You Amrvcr Them? If your customers were to ask any of the following questions, could you answer them? 1. Why is a S French bond for 1000 francs marked on its face for only 50 francs? 2. Which coupons from French and Russian bonds arc good and which are not? 3. Why are the French Ss of 1931 and the French 4s of 1043 not due in the years mentioned? When ?re they due? Tiiese and many other vital questions answered in our new booklet: "Foreign tioiul Statistics" Sent free upon rcqucit. 10 Will Sl.,N. Y. Tel. Rector 5289-92 FINWCIW TO THE HOLDERS OF SHAFFER OIL AND REFINING COMPANY FIRSTMORTGAGE CONVERTIBLE 6 SINKING FUND GOLD BONDS:- Notlw i v 'b k i , , i fi irt On of June, I'r.'O. nursui"! i tit rm- .'f .Article III . r th- liu.i l-ii mur.. ili .1 JUrts 1 mill '-hiitf - ii im'l nxilinnx C to fantln. i tal i I i mm nu! I m' nml Sa tn H,inl( Tr i-i i .pi Willi mi V Kopf. CoTlUM- III I nil I. l, ri'-'l.. bi the rompn iilrh Mi r ui.o i i -UnklnK Funii lhi sum ..f !". iir HunlKil H'sllti Thousand lii ha i ijimiiiiiiii fur tlv imr poao of the purcli i - ..r i.-.TnpInm if uiii tendhiK bowla n.umd l falil 'I rui In denture On June I 1010, tin- trustee win nrpH a,ld SlnMne Tumi In th pur. hnse 01 io. , aempiton uf said IotiiiIs mi prl"re imt .. reeding the redemption pm u then In f feet. Holder if mid boi (N r herbv nntifl I to malic prnpnu.tlx fur ihr al of nald Ii md to the nalil Mlnklnjr I"und Proposil mint t mido to tile Trustee HI I'lllCIKn I I . "h cf before nrll SO. low. nml unit! in- f,M 11 or am pur of the r.rf.-reil All honit r.ffred arid aioepteil for the Plnklnk" I'Ur d nmal lie il. Itwi.o to tli Till" tee on or r .m .liinr I. I a '0. SHAFFER OIL AND REFINING COMPANY, By Robert J. Grnf, Secretary. ai,i;anThTi iihmV i.iTTifi ivTi t tT i nrt Mortuncr .", I'rr I rnt sinking Tumi Cold llnniK ilnr .lone I. 10.11. io i!i iirolliiii of th Mort ake cxpcutp.l .linn 1 mil bv Hi-. lxn arla Cotintv I ichtlne i'omnan to Ui underalicnd n Truatoo to ncnirp an autlior !d lu" of Onx Million rtnllnra Klrnt MortuaEO' Ti nr rent SlnKlns fund Cold nonda. duo lun 1 1031 the underilnned rereby uhri not cr that It now hni on linn I thel um of Nln Thouand Elahf Hundr il I nd Hcpn' tn Dollnra md rifM t'entt (IDR17B0) In thi Slnklnir Kun1 provided by i aald MoriKMC" and that it l ita tnlcntton to ' Dply aald aiim undr tho prolinn of Ilia aald Mortgaeo tn tho purrli,i"p of said bond. I Offer of aald bonds nrr Incited at a nnoa ' not to ejirerU par arrrud Inirpst and .1 per cent premium SValed tidr mIiouI'1 1t addreaad to the riilMd'Inhla Trim Pnni Pny. Trualee ainklne Tund. Alexandria County LlehtliiK t'ompnny Liberty llultdinu N. E eirner Uroad an.t rh'iiiiu' at . Phil adelphia, nnl II bo rrlved until 3 p. m Wednesday, nrll II, 1030. FHitiAnci rm "mar company Trm. tee Ity .inilN- I WW I M I- Tr..iaui.r I'MKO r" 'm i It 10"l riTT.t itr.ii Tm itmori'. IAMI COM. OMI'M riKT AlORTOAtii: .1 (i;T MOMts, DIE VOl rillsr, kij.i. Pursu'int to iiimi of nioriuaae dated Vn rembar 1 1li. tin nun of i.-mi l.oinU i follows hi e brrn dnwn for reilempllon at par and n.Tiied Inlereyi n of lnj 1, JOSO. out of iiwnil. pa ihl. to slnlunt Fund, when all lnteiei thereon will vie. 7 '.n; )i it in III 7l! l.'TM 1M7 L"W 771 I1T -,;t S7 1014 I -.0 Ii!!7 Above lionda wilh n I iiiimmi ifeil . n ipor a attached ehould bo preeni I f - p.iviii.iit at the orpo of th" irtiHl.. on c s'tor, Mar I. IWO. OlItAItn TIIV-T rOIIIMM, TriMler. OEOH'iE II STt wtr i,i rra-ur r Philadelphia Pn Vpni u l'r.'n TO T1IK IIOI.DKRH OF Till: Tlrree-Yeiir M-. l'rr Cent Mnrtciee Vnlea of Kmplrn Mute Rullrond Corporation Notlca la hereby clven that Umpire State Bftllroad orporatlon haa elected ti pav hII of the afnreaald n ilea outntandlnar on the lt .lay of May. 11K0. teeeth-r with the In terest thereon inaturlne on thot div under the trrm of aaid n. l In.ret n.,1 r.a.e on aaid 1-t fUv of M 1'.mi hoihv iixed for (.aid pj' p en Ih iir.,... i.'o'tr. that he n.'t hi I r ' T T. . on l i v lf i o for p.i m. nt hi h- nfi , .,r i'i-i i ,un,i, i. TrU't lnni".r .f S Vml" hi iriiviw at No .lT a I m" in ilii iv of ,., Tork N v Dai I - ' i" N V Mir. i in IC, o LJLPim: STAli: P.AII.nOAD tonpnitATiov Ily S C BTIVUIIP niiidrnil. orriL'K nr rm: i-lnnmu-ima , MAMFVCTritlMl (OMI'A.NV At a m-rtln of the ho.rl of illrrtor hM this nay a aunrierl midnd -f urn nd onr-liair rr trot v a d-rru paat ABrll Jf. lroi m t. kindrrs of r-or" Marcb Sf. JU20. Clinic ' b mnl d. Aitrnun t: hh-k rillK. eh Ii Marcn 1'J lOl'O Xiiniml l.l"illoii J.lllltAKt tl. Ill I'llII.MIKI.I'lll . for Lcinl .ml Ijrliiti l fh , j. pi trt Tha Alll Wl ri'i'l I f ire inr. i j , Traaaurei il il- i.ihru . f Ch - ..' rhla. win ! h ill i m ' n.r, , , Miindit thm thlril tin of Sl.n nrt i, in 3 o'duik In h uflrrnooii, vl-n ih- l..,r.r mi H ttnil to rv elvH im. ,nn m i , nii, AN thprr ii r t.iii! -hTr. on m h fli ra rtuo "" "nr" r" f 'I" ii i ih.. r !p antntlv lira l-r.h not 'l.. i n ihr m i ba forfntorl ir..b i r.. Mi . liMrf.r imj laiwnf tli-'iiiMi iii . i. il . ,i,..r r jM nff on tl llilril liny ur M ,Mtn , ten ila a il, i df'.i I'll Wi IS HU K -' i pi ti i Mirriil Mritlnun 1 Tha ou"it n ." -rm. ur ,i,i r. any a H.-nt m in. . n 1 1 ninri mvi t tanalon of.'i 1' il , K.iui Trinjlt Compan" 1 nuiproi i tiuki .hmm r. h aeries n " "" -" "- ""n hi mi lrsemnt thin of ! lirinBln under th lirmi ii' 'o i'i"i"""'i ' oiinii ihii ti certain rollinu- aio. k htii is not now now unde-r 2. Tha quaaiinii ' f uihi ling it,,, rornn anant to ttifl an I- .iiol d.-luorv .,r tho r.iliinK tocl whlrh la "V ' '" . 'hi aulij..t irmttir of 1ha propo,l utiai.lidatiil Ua nml ih tali tnr ftf a lna of all of in. hhIO roliint; mu,-k Traction oiiiimo "i i-mia ipipnm or Mn lien or IntereM in all t' liov ininimnrd rolllnB itoc". ,hirli I niftn Tra. Hon i m jiany of I'hlladi Itdi h, ina h,n- 4 Suth oihr und further matt, i a In Hni i way incideniHl n m innnt.trd nh n e.bqva mentioned uh iiiv lie brought befu.e tha aald tneotlnit Uy order or tnf imam or nire. tor A Tl HAT I MAV Aeaiatant Pccretar Proposals rnoroMAi.s u u.-vihuiiiikth-omc or the QuarUrmaater O'neral Clothlnn and Kulp Division. Jlunltlona Uulldlrnt, rtupllcate 'l.Lb.r.neli", '"'. J"11" 'LOO pi, April i'O. 120 for furnlshlinr all or tiy Prt of -IT S83 summer und.rslilrts; Information on requeat I'BOrOMAIJi I'OU lIH.VWptHOftlce of the Quartermaster Oenoral, Clnlhlne nd TBauirJar -!'v,r,lo",i 'n""" , iiuiidlng, fal.hinuinn. I). C. Sealed nropoaala In rtunii! T rale, will recelvsa here until j .00 p m. fSf a siT.fiw. iii:ini(i oi mi SJ ".?.".''"; 1".' ' "!,"". l'Hin timi pany of I'lilluilfliilil i ,ll Io hi , ,n,, omtr of Hip I'lillailr phla RhpicI Trnnll i om pnn fi,n riitiMi.ii Mum I'luinnoipluii on JLtondus April 'Jll I''.'" rt IJ o loi I, in on to conml'T hmI ink d lion upon tho fu lowlnir matir April 2x 19i0- t0T '"""shin all or any -part of summer drawers. Inforraa f? Man on renueat. , RaNllKiJ-VDHlillS ANII KtfTAULlHIIMI TlscXLMltM Oeslrlns to bid for suddUm tar ika Wt'lta tloapltal for the Insane. Canvlila, fSfc.nmrlrijr tu year tfglni.lna; une T. .' v t' J4 ,' ! aiWresi the undsrslcned. statlna h, S5V-IitV, ( ooJ " Proposed w jy, as. 4a aMtubiiM aiewera IOJI rCAPITALS500,000,001 surplusiearned; 2,000, 000.00 j:8 IF you consider how the interests of your heirs mny be best served and "itfeKunided, you will choose n strong Trust Compitny as the Executor anil Trustee under your Will n Corporation chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, super vised by the State Banking De partment and examined nt regu lar periods by the Examiners of the Orphans' Court. We cordially invito you to con sult our Trust Department offi cial freely about your Will Hnd to consider the advantages of appointing this Company your Executor and Trustee. THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY The P ncc History of Every Stock traded in the New York Curb and in Boston, San Francisco, Salt Lake and other exchanges is given in the April issue of our Free Broker's Hand Book Just out high and low prices for last month and entire year of 1919: par, capital, dividend rates of more than 800 securi ties. An invaluable guide for tho3c who arc plan ning to take advantage of the present technical po sition of the Market. Memo, page, commission rates, etc Aslv for No. T. L'.-Slili JONES & BAKER SECUKITIES Widcncr IJldg., Philadelphia riwifi Dtll, Walnut 1063 k'O'tont, Race 2290 Direct Private U'irtt Offices in 8 Principal Cities Securities Listed on Philadelphia Stock Exchange A new ircular describing J. G. BRILL COMPANY i'i pi'i'PMiH hi i1 H't'tiritles will tin ili-'rili'iiil tml. is Copies can lie i.l.iainerl finm tticmtivlH of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange Commonwealth P. R. & L. Co. Pfd. Div. Scrip Portland R. L. & P. Co. lit & Ref. 8, 1942 nMti:ns 321 CliettnutSt, Philadelphia IJ nnl tra ru Vo ' n id Philadelphia LxemjH Jrom All I mlrral Income Taxes 6Municipal Bonds at Pai Tn ccur fJttmpin tirrulan cut thit out ana maU today uith our name and addrtt (c , The Hanchett Bond Co. Incorporated 1910 39 South La Salle Irft, ChUngo 30 IVoo.tlvjul. Ilrp.- (,. B. IIOnlllNS 6M Tarry Ulde., I'lulidclphia Ttl. Spruce 3241 Stock & Bond Trader An established Mork und Ixind house nlth vrlrr ronnectlona to Irudlnr flnati rUI reutrra has nnenlnc for Iborouchly eitirriruteil trader Box C 827, Ledger Ollicc Lawrence E. Brown & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1(115 UKAIi KSTATK TItUHT OUJO, Investltate and adjust partnerablp athj rorporatloo arroonts. Aiie prepare C, Z. i b im in jSlxth&SpfingGardea Extra by Bryn Mawr Trust Co. Tlio Bryn Mawr Trust Co. Ii&h tie clnroit a semiannual dlvlilenil of 4 per cent and an extra dividend of S per cent pnwiblo Mny 1 to stockholders of record April 10 Pnn9ytrntM riiffufion for D.ifand Dumb, Ml. Alt?, Phil. Test Decided Their Complete Equipment THE Automatic Fuel-Saver as sures steady, econ omical heat at the Penna. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. This institution equipt one of their seven 100 h. p. boilers with the Automatic Fuel-Saver about eight years ngo. The results were so gratifying thnt the other six boilers are now similarly equipt. A letter from Chief Engi neer Fowden states: "All the boilers are Riving excellent resulta. The Auto matic Fuel-Saver makes it possible to burn anything in the way of fuel from culm to low grade rice " Put the Automatic l-uel-Saver to work in your plant. Inefficiency andeconomy will delight you. Write ui today. Automatic Fuel Saving Co. Bulltlin Boildin; Ttltphone: Spruca S874 AUTOMATIC rUEl-SAVER." In Trust r . 'i STtt atfamAfft " i MORE than $1 1,000.000 is held "in trust" by the Continental-Equitable Title and Trust Company for its depositors. This eleven million dollars is more than an obliga tion it is a tangible expression of the confi dence they have in the ability and service of the Continental-Equitalbe. It is because of this confidence of Phila delphia business men that wc are able to offer you the advantages of a dependable banking connection backed by a btoad financial experience. Continental- Equitable Title Trust Company Twelfth Above Chestnut Philadelphia Capital $1,000,000 Surplus $1,000,000 Over $11,000,000 Deposits IS THIS just an expression to you? It shouldn't . M , ue. AFTER a fire you may learn what it is, SO' t CltlUSC. to your sorrow. We will be glad to consult with and advise you NOW! Harris J.Latta PENNSYLVANIA BLDO. PHILADELPHIA. I .(Mint SIS 53,000 Baldwin Locomotives I'ait of the story of Philadelphia is tho history of Thr Baldwin Locomotive Woiks, which plant has, at least in part, occupied its present site since 1835. Tho thou sands of locomotives constructed to date are continually spreading all over the world the name and fame of Philadelphia as the leading American Manufacturing at The Baldwin Locomotive Works I U. S. Liberty Bonds All Issues Bought and Sold $50 $100 $500 $1000 Gfiaham. Parsons ffcC 435 CHPCSTNUT STMKKT FrtilasUlpMa I EQUIPMENT NOIES ARE EASILY SOLD Safoguards Thrown Around Such Issues Make Them Popular Investment Itnilrontl ftcrurltioR were under gen rrnl tlliciiaslon when n bonkrr rcmnrkrtl tlint lie llnila' that railroad rquininent crrtillrates iminl umier the Philadel phia, plan arc perhaps the mnat eftslly ijilarod of nil iiich peoiirltie. There Is, lie Raid, n rooiI Hiibntantial re.isou uti tlerlyluK this preference. In the flrt plaee, the new equipment Itself is the tangible security back of the certificate". At delivery of this equipment, a uibstantial cash payment Ii act usltle. uml subsequent Instalments ure made nt Interval", which ofiHet de preciation, and in this manner main taining the security behind the notes. In the event of a receivership, the Philadelphia plan, he continued, is a protection to the scetirlty holders In a way not possible in the case of mort gage b6nds, becnuxe the title to the equipment is vested in n trustee till the lint maturity in paid, and failure to meet thV obilgntlon glvea the trustee the power to tilke over the equipment, which would neriouty interfere, if not completely stop, the operation of the mail. Speaking of the $.100,000,000 revolv ing fund which a created for the bench"! of (lie railroad" that might be seeking to borrow money and found (IllnViill.i in tilitniniug it, this banker nnld if good Judgment at not used In the loaning nut of tliU fund. It would soon be exhausted. lie said lonnlng It out for equipment purport's would be ideal, lie said that clalmr of shipper which nrose during the government operation for unjiiit rate, ctt1.. if allowed in anywhere near Ihe volume In which they will be pre-i-ented. would mn exhaust the fund from thnt source nlone. Another thing, he yuld. It was In tended under the Ksch -Cummins bill that I In- revolving fund should tnkc enre of coming niatuilties of the weaker rondH. In hN opinion $300,000,000 will fall fiit- nhort of the amount necessary, even with the best of management. The contemplated offering of cej'tlfi catei of imlcIiti'ilnexH by Secretary of the Treasury Houston to yield 0 and u'i per cent was being discussed. A banker said thnt no better answer could be given to the importunities for financial nsituncc from Kuropcan countries It would me impossible, he said, for the I'tilted StnteH to raise u loan of $t. 000,000.000 or more nt the prcent time unless it would offer It nt term which would mean the complete demoraliriitlon of our outstanding Mb i ci-H loan" Already the loss on these i I bonds to the omall Investor is so great ibXi rA1 (LAw& ,Sr 1NSUIVANCE Kara 3481 that It would be vcr.v dangerous to do anything to Increase it. He said that, in Ills opinion, the re cent record absorption of a fw large Insues of securities did not indicate that tho market wns glutted with Investors' money seeking attractive investments, The reaction which hnd followed these recent sales, nud which was very much In evidence yesterday, showed plainly that the public must have n breathing spell bctnecn such campaigns, ntid he hollered any banker or syndicate thot had a large issue ready to launch would show wisdom by waiting for a couple of weeks. Philadelphia Markets WHEAT It'crlpta. S074 bushala. The market ruled Prm nt Government prlcea. . . COn. Receipts, 111,701 buahela. Quiet but ateady. We quote new, as to duality and location at II. 731. SB. the latter fcr No. 2 vellnw OATH Receipt a, 3000 bushels. Firm at Ute adMince Car lota aa to location No, 2 white. II 1001 "JO. No. S white. ll.lTHCf 1 l'i; No 4 while II KIT 1.1 7. r"IX)UR Receipts, B.1180,188 lbs. In eacVs. Firmly held but quiet. Following were tha quotation I'cr 1H8 Iba , packed In 140-lb. Jut sacks Soft winter, straight weatern. Ill W 11 HO do. do. atralitht. near by. lo.7nOU.2.1. lmrd winter, straltlit, ItL'.nOWlSi do, short patent. 113 2.118.75! Drln first, clear. 110 7.ll.B0i do. patent. H8,7ftH.2B; short, patent, tl4.ridO18.10l fancy sprlnit and city mills, patent, family brands. Iw.KVrtlS in. Itsp flour. tllll.Bii. I'noViafONH Qul6t bit firm, lleef. In ats. amoked and alr-drled. fiOci beef, knuckles and tenders smoked and nlr-drled, flics pork, family, BOc, hams, S IV cured, loose, 281f; do sUnned, loo, .loO.'IO'Ao, do, do. emokert SL'MS'.'Wci hams boiled, boneless. 4!hj; picnic shoulders, 8. P. cured, loose, 21c: do, smoked, 22c: bellies. In pickle, loose, L'I'le, breakfast bacon, 3Jc. lard, 2SI4C. nui TTKn naaln hlcher Tho quotation. RMM.Milin piaimMV. fnnr.v. hlah.arorlnff goods. 7flW7fc. extraa, 7(ic; extra firsts, 72M 71cs firsts. (IStfUOc seconds. BSWOnc: sweet creamery, choice to fancy, 77(?v7flei fair to Hood, Ro7Cci prints Jobblnr at MdtKc fcr fancy and at 72i(SJc for fair to (rood KCIOM further ad'-mced 30c case. lreo cases nenrbv nrsts. IIS 80 per crate; near by current receipts. 113.08: western extra firsts, tU'.t.O. western firsts, tl.l.SO: southern. 112.00; selected fresh exes Jobblnr at 81 10 B3d Per doiten. C1IBESK Fancy stock firm New York whole-mim, Hat. held fa no 30Hat31c spe elnls htsher; held, irtllnary to Kood, 28W Jllc; current tnuke nominal, Jobbing sales of fancy iroods, :i'J'injc. 1.1 VK POl'I.TIlY Fowls, fancy, fat M BBci exceptlnral lota higher, do medium. 47 (t4R do, Inferior, 44(M0c. broiling chick ens. fanc, oft-meated, welKhlng l'l US lbs apiece ftT.snnc aprlnir chickens, nver aen soft-mented 44(T4o; do. Inferior. 4UW 42c; stagR young roosters, 80M8'.'c old roosters. j.'iWViic. ducks, white renin, 4HW 4.c: do Indian Runner. 42 W 43c: do, Mus covy, snW32c turkejs. 40043c. pigeons, per Pair. .10 A Vic DREaSKD POU1.TRT Fowls, fresh kilted, dry picked In boxes, weighing 4 lbs and ner apiece, 43c. weighing S's lbs. 4041c, weighing 3 lbs . 30W38c; fowls fresh killed, In bbls, dry nicked, weighing 4 lbs, and oer apiece. 42Hc weighing 3'-4 lbs.. 3II5H 40c; weighing 3 lbs 33.17c, old roosters, drv picked 30c FRESII FRUITS- Apples per barrel, as to quality 14!) (Ill, do, per box. linOf4RO. Oranges, Florida, per box. 13. .10 an. do, Cal ifornia per box, 12 307.80. Clrapefrult. Flrrlda. per box. IliftS B0 Strawberries, Florida per quart. 80fff7r.c. VEQETAnLUH White potnloes Per cwt t7 78Wf. Sweet potatoes, southern per baniper, I1V2.2B. do, Jerse, per basket, 7.1c Ittl 110 Cabbage. Florida, per hamper 11 W 2 2.1 do per bnrrel crate, 11 61W.1 00. Onloin per I IIQ-Ib sacks Yellow. 1710. ARGENTINE TO PAY LOAN Obligation Due May 15 Will Be Met on Maturity lluenoa Alrea, April 13. The Argen tine short term 6 per cent loan of JBO, 000,000, half of which Is held by New York hankers Hiitl half by London bank ers, will be paid upon Its maturity on Mny 15 according to an announcement by Domingo Salabcrry. the nnance minister. Senor yalaberry, who te turned from a visit to New York jes tcrday, did not state, however, whero the funds for payment of tho loan would bo obtained. La Ilazon says today that the finance minister has arranged a loan from Urltlsh and American bankers of 2S.- 000,000, subject to amortization In , ten years. This sum. It Is believed, ' will bo used to meet the various gov-1 ernment obligations maturing within that period. Including, possibly, tho loan maturing -May i& LOCAL MINING STOCKS 10NOPAII HTOCKS t'ash Hut 09 II Jim Butler 21 M ill.l Ail, JlacNamara 'a Mldwav U 17 Mlzp.lh Et 12 IA .Montana til I.-. North Slir oil II Hrscue Kula . 21 2.1 lonopah Kxt I, -js, Wtat Und l'i 2 West Tonopah . . .0(1 OS DIVIDE STOCKS Allied Dlviila . . 0.' u.1 Alio DMilo . . .07 nil Uelchsr .. to 12 lien Ilur 03 .Oil Urouprh DUlde ' '; Divide Kxt , 4 iilvlile Hvndlcili, n-.' m llvlde Cons u;i ii.'i Dividend to 13 Kust Dhl.le nil ii,, Hasbrouck Dlvldn 02 ."I HlKh DMde 02 03 Kc-crt DUlde IB In Reno Dlvldn 0J ,04 itosetta on nn Silver Kina u:i on Tiinopah DlNlde ... -jt, J, Tnnopah llaslirouil, . . In 1,1 Vlttun DIMdf 11 i:t Verde Divide . 7 in Zoni. vrt 2S (lUI.Dr'IKl.D HTOCKH Atlanta , .02 0.1 lllun Hull ,n.. in Booth . . . . n:. Oil O O II . . .112 0 Combination J'l.ivlion .... 03 05 Crackerlack is 20 Dlumondlleld II II 01 02 Daisy ii.' m Florence. . 'jr, 3d Ooldflelil fotiB u in (loldtleld .Merger o.t On Ooldfleld Di. ... . .OH 10 Great llend . . 02 03 Jumbo V.xl . . .mi il Keuanus ... , irj 04 I. one star . . . . ... mi ns Om .. . . in u2 Red Hills or, nil Silver I'n l . . .is jii Spcuthejd or. 07 MlhOKLLANKOU!) Aniparn i'a rt ArUoliu I nlled ,", n I Kilen i, , I .Mutlier l.'iil . r,u .-vs N'tiMlda Hill uj ui Nevada It ind irii jr, I Pronuintano ij .N'evmla Wniidei l,, 2il reiopa llllllIU IIS l . White f'au. i; id Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Otllclal illsoount rules at the lweUa Federal llesene banks were as fol- lous (The first column ries rules for all periods up to nnd Including a fifteen day matuilty the second for a period of sixteen to ninety duys. The thlnl nnd fourth column give the rate or discounts of collateral loans tecureil bj eo ernment bondH or notes.) t'om'l paper rjovt pnptr 1A to DO lotnBO I3dds dais IB days riUNM I noston New York I'hlladelphU Hlchmonil Cle' i nd Atluntu Chlcarfn fit Louis MlnneniMlln Kiirsas City Dallas St." ft It ft 14 ft'S B'. fl' ft't r.vj .i'n Hun Kran lto aH Ilntes on outstandlnr certlflca.tea nt Indelitetlnehs continue unohaiiBed ut 5 pir cent, with tho exception of Mlnne. apolls, wlmro the rate Is I" per cent Bankers Win Debate Opposed to ili'lintiTK of the riiatharu Literary Annoclutlon at fit. l'aul'H He formed KpiM'npal t'liurch, Ilronil nml Venango streets, lust nlsht, H. H. Ueppy. .Jr., I'mil H. IMwiler and Wil liam AV. Allen, Jr., iepreneiitlng tho riiilnili'lpliiu HnnkiiiK AsHOciation, ron inecil judges thut it would be Unwise for tliiH eoiintry to adopt compulsory military trnininc. Refined Sugar Market Unchanged New Vork, April 13. The rellnetl sugar market today v,aj unchanged both as to conditions and prices with kutllns reflnlnK Interests quottnf; IG centa less 2 per cent for cash for tine granulated, Prices for raw sugars weic quoted ut 17,43c, CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGOS rhlcairo, April 18, UllTTKIl, Higher. Creamery, 46 0830. , BOOS 'lljihir. nclDt 1S,01! caaes, Firsts, 40tM0Vici ordinals firsts, 3rj tPIT: at mark, casts Includid. aT89Ho; r m', l T7. .HMI M IIMIHIIM U. A Standard Unlimited Policy of Credit Insurance providing for protection against loss on accounts arising from goods shipped during the whole Policy Period no matter when insolvency of the debtor occurs. u d. a A Standard Unlimited Policy of Credit Insurance providing for protection on losses due to insolvency of debtors and occurring during the Policy Period. Guaranteed Collection Strvict obtains under both Policies and adjustment! are made dur ing the period of the Policies after excessive Josses hive occurred. : OUR SUPER SEIW1CC Losses Raid In AmericanQjrrrncy LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT COMPAN Y LTD. I uues Standard R. A. IRVING, Phone Lombsrd 4016 820 LsFayette Bldg. HUjMi.1.1 .lfcliIJUUI,Ullll.MsaMlll.lia4JaJa.Mi FARM AND GARDEN P urpee's eeds I -arfltaaUaaCat3aaafctaaCSaaaMP1:1a'JT" IH n Law It-TM J gB M aaaaaalaaaaHaaaaaMlaaWlla; ' Ws.BaK. M IlllBl iJaiaa I yJB--tftOli T aHMflHHHa;l alaHLm iaaVVW&trrVUIaO jit Jj SlL aalalaaalalalalalalalalalaalalalalalalalalalalaHaW BURPEE'S DOLLAR The Highest Quality Seed for Bean 2 Pkta. Duroce's Strineless Oreen PnH. Dnttle, tender and absolutely atrlnglces. Baan 2 Pkts. Hurpet'g Brittle Wax. Tha finest of all wax beans. Absolutely etringlru. Corn Burpee's Golden Bantam. The molt ' famous sweet corn in the world. I Beat Burpee's Columbia. Deep blood red i and of rich buttery flavor. Carrot Chantenay. Sweet, tender and of a dorp oranr.o color. Onion Yellow Globe Danvers. Pure white, crisp and mild. Radish Scarlet Globe. One of the beat homo garden varieties. !?nrpoA Dt"v5 Box lister! above is prepared specially for the home garden, ZOx dO feet. If purchased separately the seed alone will cost$1.60. Theentiro ' tu"c"'u" ""' "" "" lo VT uo" ! Ju,t dip out the coupon """ " " """ "" "" " """ "" " " W. A 1 Ltfc UUKPEE CO., Durpee Buildlnt s, Philadelphia Gentlemen: Encloied I am sending you JJ.0O for Burpee's Dollar Boa of Vesetable Seeds. Name , E. P. U April 13 . aaAth ' "uu,cl MS mine EarlyMorningStarPea Over 10,000 bushels sold last rear. This season the demand will be ireeter, trote who plant Rutat eeeda are proud of their crotw arlad to tell their neighbors how to set the same results. Dulil'i Earlv Momlm Star P a a are the tea (n the world ready for nlrkliis In 4'.' days. unenuaiea r o r hardiness, prodUo tlveness. sweetness of flavon pods lares and with stand erect changes o f tern. nerature. I'lit ,IOn rt. 35ci Ot. fiScl 4 QU. .ISJO Ily mall postage, Cstrn I pint wrlsha 1 pound ,fr,d Today for Our Trtt Harden fluid ROBERT BUIST COMPANY 4 ana 6 S. Front St, PVlidlIui, Pa Wwi fu mm 111 mm wwvjjf Vt:l!Jl S. A. AT YOUR SERVICE Established , Eighteen Sixty-nine Unlimited Pollelet General Agent WALL BOARD Shcetrock is not only cheaper than lath nnd plaster, but saves time and labor. It's made of pure gypsum rock, can be papered or painted ns well as plaster, is stronger than wood, and won't burn, warp or shrink. Ask for n sample and you'll sec for your self why the Government has used over 60,000,000 feet of Sheetrock. JAMES E. TAGUE & CO. 10th & Columbia Ave. numond soso FARM AND GARDEN row For the busy man and woman we have put up a box of Vegetable Seeds comprising some of the most popular Burpee Specialties. AjComplete Garden Plan drawntoscalewith special instructions for the en tire summer and the, Burpee Leaflet "Suggestions on Seed Sowing" to gether with 16 full size packets of Bur pee Quality Seeds. BOX OF VEGETABLES a Complete Garden 20 x 30 feet Rsdiili White Icicle. Crisp, tender and snappy, but mild In flavor. Turnip 'White Egf. A table varlsty of the finest quality. Swiss Chard Lucullui. Crumpled leaves of finest splnach.llke flavor. Lettuce Black Seeded Simpson, of the finest quality. Early and Lettuce Salamander. One of the best for the home garden. Tender and Crisp. Pariler Extra Curled Dwarf. lias no su. perlor f or fla orlng and sarnlihln(, Cucumbei Ilurpee's Fordhook White Spine. Dark green with meat crisp and cool. or l.O0. and fill in the space below. "" -" RUNNING WATER -ANYWHERE- Kenlp your fsrni er reuntry heue Ith a nisi'xunja ivatkii hiifpi.t SYBTKM and yeu w an abundance of pure, running water wliererer you want It and under suf. niientlr hUli preiaiire to afford ample Bre protection. These outfits sre automatic In action, rrqulrlnc very little attention, and operate by either tasollne or elertrlcltr at surprisingly iw cost. Write for booklet. Tzzxxbtas.Co. Plumbing A lltallne SuppU'i DISPLAY S00MB 44 to E0 N. Blh St, BOB Arch St. 130-41 Federal St, Camden, N. J, KlUlOATIOWAsi lloth Hinea Our, craduatea ore In constant dsmaniffsi rood-paying positions. Urerst shorthand the easy, speed 'f SSSS&. "STf'ti JttMM ana stcriaria Clasifa. Intsnalva tralnln. ..'".i any time. Call or .write for fnU partlrulars and catalogue; " nilLA. niWINEHH CdM.nOfl and College of Commwca ion nestnnt nt. I'hl aiMni,!. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY"" CHAMDEnS 1N8T1TOTB. A Hlgh.Or.a. School for Men and Women. New Clati ti intr. beginning- April nth. Unroll Now. N?,5' tx-r Mmlisd. 2040 Arch St. Ixicust Bl'"n Indlrldual lessons In English and Fr.nlJ,. nan.hla MwM.n laanhV linn M r.rHCn! Fhonn Poplar apOtl Wf THE TAYLOR SCHOOL 100T pregK Shorthand, Touch Typowrltlnr , nooK Itsaplnr. Bsoratarlal Courass. Day h til.". French For. 5 month rrciii.ii apaak. undsrstand, rinniah tntao languages. month rou Isarn t rjad and writs 12T Ch7,ggg.' Siraver'm BiMinrjin Pnlli. Plilladrlnhla's OrtaKst nuslnrsa Hehsol S07 ChTStntH Bt. yriionB Walntu i! JJTJIIIIIMPIWII The Economy of Brick. MR. BOWSER lives ih a frame house in the suburb of Lowdow'n Heights. On his last bill for painting he read the motto, "Save the surface and you save all." "Well," he said to Mrs. Bow ser, "it will cost all I've got in bank this month just to save the surface. I wish thoy had sense enough to build houses of something that is the same all through." "Some people have," replied Mrs. Dowser. "You know I wanted to build this house of brick, but you said it would cost twenty per cent more. Brick never needs paint to save the surface. It never shrinks nor cracks. A brick house would have saved us three "tons of coal this last winter. And you're paying twice tho brick late for insurance, too. But ft that's the way you save g money." H "Mrs. Bowser," he shouted, H "I wish I had some bricks here H to throw at you." g "Better save them all to KJ build with," said Mrs. Bowser, H placidly. e Wise women know thnt com- g mon brick 'is the best and S cheapest of all building ma- S terials. m KRANKroim urick works j Tnrresdale Avenue M KKTSTOXE nniCK CO gjj (iodfrey near Second Bt I'llie g north rim.A. nniric works m Rising Sun nnd l.uzernc S P flEITTEIVH SONS g Vlcetown I.ano and O HI 3 H M. ft C 11 SINKR H t'hurch and Taconv B JOS T IITRNU KST B 20th and Clearfield m JOHN it. nAitu:v IS Nlcetown Lane and D St. S "RUII.D WITH DRICK IT JASTS KURtyjIXN HOTELS HOTEL GREAT CENTRAL and HOTEL RUSSELL LONDON HOTEL MAJESTIC HARROGATE Are open for the RECEPTION OF VISITORS Comfortable nnd Up-lo-dnle Accommodation should be reserved during 13S0 by cable or letter TOOTS COOK'S Travel Service Covers the World Benefit by our experience. in rejecting your Steamship Accommodations We are tho accredited AgenU for all Atlantic and Pacific S.S. Companies, THOS. COOK & SON 2?5 S. Broad St., PbUa JAPAN.CHINA Conducted Tours Sa rlna from San Francisco 1 f April 27, Juno26. AlsoToursl Around me World, c.uron, national 1'arks. Alaska, si. Lawrence, Saugenay. 'Write for Details, AMKWflAN KX I'RIWS IllitVltli 111.11. tVannniaker'a, Main floor; lentrai I'hlla.. I'a, IBniX VgSC . J. w. f.' "& eeoa r ' , '&lAW&.k'd&Lii& ,. , , ffl" ,! 'frs '.r .. I . ...... ,V 'iii-,'- .r