v 'i '?p c A EVENING PUBLIC LEDGlSKrr-PHIADELPHlA, TUESDAY, lAP&U 13, 'li20' 18 , IP ' n KW& v $1.1 ' m New Issue Bond Secured Gold Notes A direct obligation of United Light & Railways 'Company. Secured by Company's First and Re funding 5 Bonds in the principal amount of 33V7o of Notes out standing. The Company owns and operates twenty one properties in the Middle West and is consid ered one of the most successful public utility .companies in the country. Price 98. to yield 8 Ask for circular Bonbright & Company MOniUS WISTAll mtroud. Jr. jranagor 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Now York Uuton Chicago Detroit SUGARGROUPWAS STRONG Gil L IRK Market Picked Up Strength on the More Encouraging Strike News RAILROAD ISSUES Information in detail gladly furnished upon request. Send for Circular jAAcKiEaco. Invettment Banker lumbers Phila. Stork Exchanat Rati Estate) Trust Bid. Philadelphia NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS ivi: own ami oKrnre FOREIGN BONDS Berlin 4s Bremen 4it Cologne 4 Dresden 4' j Leipzifr 41 Munich 4s Manheim 4s Frankfort 4s Stuttgart 4s New Yorli, April 13. Considering what it wns up njtnliit In the way of upsetting Inlltienccs, today's stock mar ket pivc n very Rood account of itself. N'nll street lins often spoken of sweet eners In lonns, but today the market itself reflerted the sweetening effect on leeilrit trndinp of the strength nnd ac tivity in the wijrar stocks. This croup not only supplied 11 powerful bulwark to the cenernl list, but wns practically the backbone of the market. The re markable sugar trade conditions and the steady elevation of the croup of sugar shares oer tin- last two weeks appar ently attracted widespread attention. As these appear to be most susceptible to manipulate influence's naturally the attention of the tradinc ele ment wns diverted to this division of the market. When the rest of the ll.t was under pressure, or without decided trend, as n result of the unrest created I b the growth of the railroad vtrlke and uncertainty as to the money market con ditions, thee sugar stocks surged up j ward with gains of II to 120 points, at I the same time establishing new "tops" 1 tor 1111111) in the current movement uud 1 new high records for others. I The market world did its best to for get the extension of the labor troubles and comforted itself with the hope that the worst of the tie-up had been seen. They still hud the late flurry in call monej Mcrdu to contend with and naturally 11 great deal of caution was manifested until the opening of the call loun market. The renewal rate was tlxetl at 7 per cent uguiust yesterday's 18 per cent renewal and final rate of 10 per ceut. There wus fear of another pinch by reason of the geuernl knowledge that the time was drawing near for tlio announcement, of tlte-tinaneing plans of the I'nlou l'nrillc, Southern I'uclllc, j Atchison and Central Railroad of New .Ier-c. Hut there seemed to be n fair I supply at 7 'per cent, while foreign j exchange was much steadier. Offsetting 1 this, however, was the weakness of the I Liberty bonds nnd Victory notes which ' etabli-hcd new low records. The strength of the sugar stocks, however, held the head of the market to the wind ward, in addition to sugars, various I... .. I.1..I. !....! .. !.l I inr., wnn'ii ruuiur Hn-ui'iuii'u w mi impi'iiding stoik dividends, were taken , up by pools. Hiuh-grade oils rose '2 to .1 point, shippings to 1 and minor or independent steels and equipments " to (1. .Motors nnd their subsidiaries were iui'lired to advance, but deulings in that group were relatively light and rails were altogether neglected. The market derived much of its further imple ment at midilav from encouraging ic ports regarding the ruilroud strike. .Many specialties, embracing steels, equipments, tobacco, textile and cliem i. al groups, showed gains of - to 4 points and sugars continued to rise. FRENCH VICTORY 3s 'rim on application I IVY offer bond of all other for eign Cities ami Gortrninrnf.! S-end for full detailed deM-rlutlon ( lrculur No. LM-3UU Farson,Son&Co. Members New York Stork Kxchnnze 115 Broadway, New York A'etu York Curb IMIUSTHIAI.s, A-tn.i i;piiMv'r . . . Km aln lUz.ir H.'ufunl Auin Prod. tliltibh-Am Toliar, o tie Hrnish-Am Tol, coup m ral AMtilt 11-.lin I'hPin . Nat Fireproof , Nor Am r.iper 'orphfum circuit I'irfictlon Tire Pronmnn I Itndlo Com .... 1 Itadlo coin vret .... Slneer Mf t Submarine l.om . . . . .Svpt Co I' s Illsh ripee.l Tool. . F S .Stwim FnltcM Plct I'ro-t . . . . L'tiluil Profit f-hurlns-.. ltlsh -1 so M is r.' 1 Low ! SO so ml 3J ax. is .'ISi 4 us i". i.-in llhi 1". 31 , :i' 4 L'. NEW ISSUE- New York Central Railroad 7 Equipment (Philadelphia Plan) Pennsylvania Railroad 7 Bonds Bought Sold Quoted Struthers & Hiscoe 20 Broad Street New York Itrrtor B413 i Allen Oil . Alllfil I'll Ill Hciilt . Hoston V".'jinln ivntral Oil . f'ltles Sirvlre -U c Dominion Oil Ksmeralda Oil . IVderal Oil illllllaml Oil (Irunad.i Huffey llllfpl .... Horn Petroleum ... r tit Prtrol Island Oil . . . I.HIncnton .. M.iittr.j Oil . . . M. tropolltan IVt l"Xlco oil 'Unar OH ... Producer and lUrtnern lied ISok Oil IDan oil Seaboard Cdl 4 Gus v imins Pf t ... .sk.llv nil Mjer.l I I Pet T-x.-ia Hanger ... T XdN I ' v I I n Texan Oil . . i torla Oil new . . White tarfl.. . . IMICI'KMIUNT OILS :, 4.-i 11' ln'l UJ, 34 M FJiJ 3JI, :' 411 :s IN 4'H J II 1 li US so', tl- ! l'l SI .1 44 S: SI't 4IIT, U ' 3'i 311 It' 3S4 3'J 3D T'i ,; 4-, 4 Oil H at! lill'i l' 5S I I'a SI Mt . in. Si So 2l llll IS 3", 4 I. "Ill I IK 3 3. S7 40"i 14.4 '4 3', 3Ui 1S" SS"j 3 40 Hi St. II. so;, ss IS 24 Sillri S200 100 too ion (100 1000 oo too 22900 J00 700 ino 2.100 200 000 700 300 400 530(1 200 2S0O 100 44011 81)0 JI00 1000 10(100 2000 .100 100 12300 M00 200 100 too 100 100 700 300 100 2000 100 1(100 30200 200 100 too isoo 100 R100 .too 700 100 200 300 200 COO 100 200 1200 200 200 300 100 100 100 100 400 soo 5100 300 100 200 200 I 300 1000 3000 400 100 M)0 4000 400 4UII 11000 300 4S00 100 CUU 2C200 1100 400 100 401) 100 SOO 100 300 100 7C0 0(10 400 500 200 400 1200 S'Wll 700 500 1S00 coo 200 172UU 1100 1200 300 100 14700 100 2400 200 1000 1700 400 100 0011 800 C200 100 2000 a 3000 &200 1100 1200 100 000 WOLF & CO. Investment Bankers Thirteen five Walnut Street Philadelphia Respectfully beer to announce to the public and their clientele that their company is not now nor lias not been at any other time affiliated with any other concern. G. ALBERT WOLF. MYER J. CLICK. B. F. Goodrich 7s, 1925 Mahoning & Shtntnjo Ry. & Lt. 5i&6i,1920 Southwestern Bell Tel. 7s, 1925 Dell Tel. Co. of Canada 7s, 1925 Ponna. R. R. 7s, 1930 N. Y. Central Equip. 7i, all maturitiei Texas Co. 7s, 1923 Western Elect. 7s, 1925 Bought Sold Quoted AgCownCQ ' I.AMI T1TI.K I1MIO.. I'llll.t. Member I'lilladrltilibt block Kvclmnt A mka-Ilrltlnli Helcher Dltldii Heicher Kxtenslon .. -.i d Mln , Carson Hill ( (ins Cop M Cortes tllp .... Crescent Mi.Vamara Iiolorei Ipr.inz I dude Kxt I'inm.i PI ... . Kureka llotlv Forty-nine Mlnlnff . llol.l l),.el . Hold Silver Pick .. ;oid one Ilecla Mlnlnit Knox Iilde M( Namafrt Mnrth Mlrt . . .. Mother l.'de I rlrce i ou . . . It x i onn It'.i heater Mln-3 v er Klnpr of ArU sum r I. a. I T nopah Holmont . Tono DMilo 'I ono-Jttn H Tonopah Mln t'nltcd Kantern ,. ., iVletor Vest Knd : White Caps JIIMNO Columbia. . i!1' 13 3 J 31 I'n 07 1A 11 I' 1'. in Us I'll 4A 0 so'"' :.;i s" Is S3 1 3 '4 IS 1 IS l' 10 12 32 Sll"j '. B3 ' SS 10 1. 1. to IS so 4'i II t. Ill A3 ' IS 70 2A 11 Hi is 13 32 30 4 57 2i! it i ,p in IS S!l IA II Is S3 3'l IS 1'. is Anrto-Amrrlritn IVi, 102.1 l'liOa. Nub. I. us A F.ler. 5b, 1060 I'hllii. Klrrlrle 0. 10'iJ Ituqiirsne I.. A , 1010 (T. (I. I. fl. 1021 Malmnlnc A Nhennnso llr. A II. 5s, 1020 HENRY D. B0ENNING & GO. Biont KXCIIANOK nUII.DINO Direct 1'rlvaU Telephone to New York Members 1'hila. block ICichans DESIRE TO MEET PARTY of means who would become financially interested in organiz ing mercantile company in Phila delphia. Very good proposition. C 830, LEDGER OFFICE. Mnniifucturers' AVuler roimianr Nulmrtimi as oi iiiiiuueiniii4 'eonhitnli ItullrouU 10-1 r 1 nlteil. () of I'ldlmlel anli ItullrouU 10-1 ear fins liiiurureiueut Co.. w Chester Watee Co. imt eflileliem Nteel llir. Mono' T.-:-. . ...-. ...-i---. i--. 5a, 1030 flu, 1052 7a, 1030 fl, 1021 As, 11113 It), 101IS Ss. 1034 I., W'fne ttabasn alley Tr. Stimuel K. riiilllps & Co. i rmiaaii.iii mom Kiehanr . tM7 CHtfeiNur ar. Foreign Exchange In spite of the pessimistic opinions of many financial authorities, Sterling ex change has shown an al most startling improve ment during the pnat few wooks. In comparison French francs have shown a slight decrease in value, and therefore it is still possible for Americans to invest In French Govern ment internal loans on u basis which provides possi bilities of profits in excess of 200. C'i'rcufar E-71 on request Chandler & Company Franklin Bank Bldg. Philadelphia New York Nw Haven lloiton Ilaltlmore niv. In I High .. Advance rtumcly , ,., 44J, (I Advanco llumely pf.. 70 8 AJrx Rubber 7J ..Alaska Gold Mines... 2 .. Alaska Junoau O M., 24 .. Allls-Chalmors ...... 43 7 Allls-OhalmcrB pf .... S2U R Am Arfrlo Chem .... 0t? 5 Am Dcct Sugar 1001s 10 Am Qosoh Miignoto.. .120 12 Am Car & Kdy 113 X .. Am Can 49U 4 Am Cotton Oil 0yi 6 Am Kx press 140 80 Am l?rue Syn 1314 . Am IIIilo & leather... 24 i 7 Am Hide & Leather pfllt 4 Am Ice 4S?'s G Am Intcrnat Corp,...102H 1 Am-I.ii Kranco JJng... 13), 3 Am Unseed 92 yi 7 Am Linseed pf 04 C Am locomotive 100K .. Am Ship & Com 23 4 Am Smelt & Ilef C8H 3 Am Steel Koundrlcs. . 40H 7 Am Sugar Ret 141H 10 Am Sumatra Tob...., 101 7 Am Sumatra Tob pf.,103 8 Am Tel ts Tel -96M 5 Am Tob sea temp ctfs f8?4 7 Am Woolen 13'j 7 Am 'Woolen pt 100 js .. Am Zinc Lead & Sin.. 18V4 C Am Zlno Lend & Sm pf 54 . . Assets Realization ... 5 7 Asso Dry Qds 2d pf .. CSJ-i 0 Atch Top & Santa Fe. 81J4 5 Atch Top & S Fo pf.. 7S!i 7 Atlantlo Coast Line... 87 10 Atl Oulf SWIS S..172 7 Atl Relnlne 7 pf...l09 4 Anaconda Copper .... fc3J4 3 50 Baldwin Locomotive... 142 .. Baltimore Onto ... 334 4 naltlmoro & Ohio pf.. 45 .. Barrett 127 .. Bethlehem Motors ... SOU 8 Bethlehem Sll 8e pf.112 A Bethlehem Steel B... S7;, Booth Fisheries 11 .. Bklyn Rapid Transit.. 15 U 10 Burns Bros .. 123 50 Butto Copper & Zinc. 0'5 .. Butto it Superior Cop. 20H . . Buttvrlck Co 18 . . Caddo Central O & It 23 7 California Petrol pf.. 70 10 Canadian Pncillo . ...121'j 5 Central Leather 80 4 Cerro da Pasco Cop.. M 10 Chandler Motors 150 4 Chesapeako & Ohio... 55yJ .. Chi & B 111 Kq T ctfs. 0 . Chicago & Ot West... 814 5 nil st P Minn & O.. C3 .. Chi Mil & St Paul 35H . Chi Mil & St Pnul pf. 52 S Chi Pneumatic Tool. . .108 .. Chi It I & Pac 34 0 Cht R I & P 6 pf.. I3'4j 7 Chi H I & Pac 7 pf. 74 li .. Chllo Copper 18J 1 50 Chlno Copper 3H 3 Colorado Fuel & Iron. 30 5 Columb Ons & lilco. . . 13 V 1 Col Graphophono .... 47'b 7 Consolidated Gas .... 85 C Consolidated clear .. CRJ 1 Con Interstato Cal M. 18 3 Consolidated Textiles. 37J 7 Continental Can 0."Hi 1 Continental Candy. . . . 12H 4 Corn Products Jlcf..l05'4 7 Corn Prod Rof pf....105 12 Crucible Steel 272 7 Cruclblo Steel pf TVz 10 Cuban-Amer Sugar... C00 .. Cuba Cano Sugar ... iS'i 7 Cuba Cane Sugar pt.. SI 1 Donw Mines 11 2:50 Net Low (NYtm) Chw. At.. Pf 4rt 20H 851j 11014 100 13 Vi 144 86 90 30 37 . 2C!5 . 15H Duluth So S & . . Klk Horn Coal .. 7 Kmtrson-uraniing 5 Endlcott-Johnson . . 7 Hndlcott-Johnson pf. .. Krle .. Kilo 2d pf 8 Famous Playcrs-L . . . .. Famous l'layer.s pr ... 3 Federal Mln & Sm pf. 3 FlBk Rubber . . Frceport Texas . . Gaston Wins &Wlg 8 General Klectrlo . .. Gen Ulectrlc P.ts . 2J's 0 General Cigar 3 7 General Cigar deb pf. SO 10 .. ... 1.. Motor.) 3049 0 General Motors deb... 74J4 7 Gen Motors aeo 7... 82 35 Genei.il Motors New.. 3SV4 C Goodrich B F Hi ,. Gt Northern pf 70 C at Northern Ore ctfs 3'i Gulb Mob & North pf 3) 1 tTnU,ll & Marker Cur 75 '-i 21 Yz 88? 8H 57' 4M 147a 252 85 142 Vz 112 38 V' 07 H . Homestake Mining. 1 Hupp Motor Car ... 7 Illinois Central . Indlahoma Ref Co.. C Inspiration Con Cop. . Interboro Con Corp.. . Inter Con Corp pf... . Int Agrlcul Corp. . . . 5 Int Agrlcul Corp pf.. C Int Harvester 7 Int Harvpf new ... Int Mcr Marine . ... ,. t. T.r Marine nf . . . 50 Int MotortrucK 1st pf. 70 International Nickel... 2jli International Puper. 0 Inter Papor pf tpd Iron Products Corp. 83 H 75 40 4214 00 H 75 2 41 V. 82 U 01 u 07 u'A 142 4714 47 139 n 13 A 24 113 47f's 101 13 H 00 91 105 22 H 8 4(IH 137 Vi 98 H 10214 90H 00 130 100 H 18yi 54 5 CSH 811 78J 87 108 109 62 13814 33J4 45 120 2914 112 ' 11 lo!4 153 91's 20 4 IS 22 Yi 70 K 1214 85 62H 15114 55 SJ4 13 35 ?J 51 Ts 104 H 33 Vt (3 74(4 18 H 30!4 38?, 13 40 S5 CSJi 1714 au' 02 14 12' 1021 105 2073 714 5D0 5G 8214 11 4 Is 20 8514 115 100 13'4 l'A 81 H 80 38 J 50 H 25? 15 , 152 no 8G 349 741 82 3414 09(4 70H 38 30 71 Gil '4 20 34 88 ? 814 65H 4 1414 21 817, 130) 112 ;in 9(1 70 22 si, 7.1 40 ' V H 3H 5i Vz ? 3 514 114 H 14 1H "? 214 14 14 ' U "h "is H 1 3 14 (4 ?i ' Yi 44 G9H 75 2 S14- 43 saw 9134 99M 314 1I9W Yt 113 4s 56 139 ?i- 131 . 2414- 114 47J4 101V4 13H 80H 01 10514- 223i .. CR 40HK 14 140 2H 9914 314 103 - l' 08H Y 08)4 214 133H 114 100 j4 n 1814 !4 51 5 os 14 81H- 7sy , 87 - 02J4 J38J4- 3314 45 120 30! 119 973 11 1514 123 914- 2014 1R 22(4 70 U -12114 85?, 3? 15114- 55 - 0(4 814 (,3 35M-51Js-108 34)4 (3(s 74(4 18)4 3014 38J4 G3 47 85 - CS) 1714- 37) 9314 12)4 10414 105 -t- 270 714- (.00 20 57J4 l's 84 11 4(4 --H 8514 '-116U 100 85 90 39 -37 2014 1514- 1C314- 2)4- 70 10 30214-13(4 74)4 ?4 832 3414- BOH- 70J4- 3 30 - 75 -f 0014- 2114- 8834- 8H 57 4 - 14J4 25 85 141 112 3714 90)4 79 Sales 100 100 100 400 300 1100 niv. in I 2 '. 1 34 Y 1 114 14 114 54 1 14i 1H ' H 2(4 !4 1 Hi ?4 14 (4 !4 Ti ' 13 900 1 20 800 0 200 3 50 300 i. 7400 3 300 300 12 1100 .. 3100 10 400 1 75 100 100 400 7 ; gooo in 100 8 200 2 21400 1 20 1000 4 300 500 . . 400 300 3 21ft .. 100 4 100 3 50 300 1400 7 300 100 C 1100 G 100 10 100 1 100 200 s 100 200 2 50 2000 .. 200 7 400 1 200 5 1800 4 2100 400 200 3 8309 0 6000 7 100 1 500 3 330 .. 200 300 400 3 1400 .. 200 100 400 5 100 7 3900 8 300 8 22400 S 500 8 200 1 1700 4 500 12400 7500 b 0700 900 100 0 6600 100 2 100 100 200 . . 200 2400 8800 400 2000 7 000 00 100 100 .1. 35 20 3J0 7 7500 4 1100 4 14000 7 200 20U 3300 10 3000 COO G -100 200 5 llleth Jewel Ten 10)4 Jewel Tea pf 38 Tones Bros Tea ..... 24 , Kan City Southern. . . . 1014 Kelly-Spg Tiro 13114 Kennecott Copper ... 31 H Keystone Tiro & Rub 4J LnckawAnna Strel ... 79 34 Lehigh Valley 4314 Liggett & Myers rts,, 10(4 Loewo Co .'. 35 H Loft Corp :.. 19)4 Ixirlllnrtl .Tobacco ....142(4 Lorlllard Tob Rts... 714 Manatl Sugar 148)4 Manhattan Shirt .... 30)4 Maxwell Motor 37 Maxwell Motor 1st pf 14. May Dcpt Stores ....128 Mexican, Petroleum... 201)4 Mexican Petrol pf. ... 91 Miami Copper 2414 Middle States Corp... 331, Mldvalo Steel &. Ord.. 4714 Missouri Kan te Texas 8)4 Missouri Paclfla 2614 Missouri Pacific pf... 44 Montana Power 00 Montgomery Ward ..3714 Mtllllns Body 4514 National Acma 37 54 Nat Aniline ft Chem. CO National Biscuit 118 Nat Conduit & Cttbto. 12 Nat Knam & Stamp.. 77J4 National Lead 01)4 New York Air Brako. .107 Nevada Con Copper. . . 14 New Or Tex & Mex... 40 New York Central... 70J4 New York Cft St L.. 3GH Nc York Dock 41 Ntw YorkN II & H.. 32)4' Norfolk & Western... 03 J4 Northern PaoWo .... 77)4 Nova Scotia S & C. . . 00 Ohio Cities Gas .... 43 OUla Prod & Rcf.... 514 Otis Steel r.114 Owens Bottling Macli. CO Pan-Amcr Petrol ....1071 Pan-Amcr B 103)4 Paclfla Mall 33 ,3iS0. Net, Low iNYimj urge. Pennsylvania It lt... 41 14 Pcnn Seaboard Steel.. 33 Peoples Gas Chicago.. 30)4 Pero Marquette 2714 Philadelphia Co 38 J4 Plerce-Arrow Motor. . CS Plerco Oil 18H Plerco Oil pf 914 Pittsburgh C of P.... 02 Pittsburgh Steel pf . . . 01 Pressed Steel Car ....111 Pullman 119 Punta Alegro Sugar.. 111)4 Railway Steel Spring. 104 Ray Consolidated Cop 19)4 Reading 83)4 Remington Typcprltcr. 86)4 Replogla Steel 58 H Republla Iron & Steel. 11114 Royal Dutch NY 100)4 16)4 71 1714 8 ' 15)4 22 32)1 11)4 80)4 2!4 7G 18)4 -2H 100 2 50 114 54 ' ' Ya 3 Y 3b 54 V V 14 1 4 1' 1 14 14 - 1 82)4 75 -I 40 - 900 12)0 700 000 7500 300 2000 ,200 200 100 2100 3800 2700 3400 200 22000 200 2000 200 2500 100 18100 1000 400 700 400 100 100 400 2500 1800 100 800 8 io 4 12 St Joseph Lead .aviige Arms Saxon Motor Seaboard Air Line . . Seaboard Air Line pf, St Louis San Fran.. . St Louis San Fran pf . Shattuck ArUona . . , Shell Trans Trading . Sinclair Consol Oil . . . HIoss Shcff S & I Southern Pacific Southern Railway . . . So Porto Rico Sue pr.110 Standnrd Mllllnc Co.. 159)4 Standard M'llllng pr. . 85 Standard Oil of N J.. 710 Stnnd Oil of N J pf.. 109)4 Stewart Warner Sp.. 50)4 Stromberg Carb 104)4 Studcbaker 110)4 Tenn Cop & Chem... 11J4 Tcntor Fruit Prod A.. 45)4 Texas Co 20014 Texas & Paclflo .... 41 J4 Tobacco Products .... 72 Transcontinental Oil.. 2414 Transuo & Wms Steel Twin City R T Union Bag & Paper. Union OU Union Paclflo .... United Alloy Steel .. Unltea I'TUU United Rwy Invest . United Retail Stores U S C 1 P & Fdy.. U S C I P & Fdy pf. U S Express U S Food l'roducts.. U S Ind Alconot van U S Realty & Imp... 04 U S Rubber Ill 14 U S IJubber 1st pf U S Steel U S Steel pf .... Utah Copper Utah Seo Va-Carollna Chem Va-Car Chem pf . Vanadium Corp . Wabash Wabash pr A ... Wells Fargo Exp Wester Maryland Western Paclflo 30 Western Paclflo pf. . . t Westlnghouse V & .I Whito Motor Willys-Overland Wilson & Co Worthlngton Pump . . CO . 35' .124)4 . 3414 .119 . 48, .210 . 11 797, 22)4 55 8 08)4 ...111)4 ...105)4 ,..112 ... 70 ... 974 ...18 ...110 ... rOH ... (4 ... 20(4 . .. f8)i 10)4 52 05 )' 24', 73J, S3 H 1014 38 24 l14 131 3114 3714 77'i 43)4 1014 3414 1914 142)4 7 142 39 37 5914 127 198 94 24 3114 0H 814 2614 43 H 0114 3714 4514 37 H 05)4 115 11)4 77J4 8914 107 14 40 70 3014 40)4 31 S3 14 77 G5 43 .', 31)4 00 104)4 9114 33 40 V, 32)4 36)4 27 3854 0014 18'4 01)4 oi?4 91 100 118)4 10S 103 10)4 82 85 ai' 109' 107)4 1034 71 1014 8 M3, 22 3114 1114 58J4 4114 75(4 t7!4 !2 110 159)4 85 730 100 H 4814 100 11814 11)4 5', 20514 40 70)4 2214 00 35)4 121)4 31 118 47)4 310)4 10)4 78)4 22 Vt 55 8 CGH C2)4 0114 Ul 11134 101 ' 111)4 75J4 9)4 74H 110 80)4 8 'A 20 57 10 30 01 51), 0)4 2374 737, 82 14 54 T4 14 214 ?4 54 54 3t4 54 54 154 14 14 154 1 s.. 54 154 54 454 54 .74 114 14 14 2 1054 38 21 1654- 31K4 40 79)4 43)4 1654 3174 1BH 11254. r 7 146 29 37 5954- 127 - 199 04 - 24 3254 4714 854 20)4 44 6474 37)4 . 4514 . 37)4. 60 118 107 14 40 70 3614 - 0354- 77 - 65 43 S 31)4- 60 101)4 -40 J4 33 - 36)4- 15i 37 38M 9134 "01)4 01 109 -118)4- 110 103 - 1014- 82 - 8534 f 55 110 107)4 - 1014- 15)4- t 22 3214 11)4 80)4 18J4 i?54 110 15034- 85 -710 100)4 ' 50)4 2)4 10414 414 110)4 1174 514 30014 1154 72 t-2254-00 35' 12154 31)4 110 4814 310 103- 7074 22)4 55 8 tfl-34 05(4-1- G4 11134 11134- 7574 f74 7.1 110 - 8034- 814 20 58)4 10 30 nt 52 51', 24 737, L OCAL ISSUES REMAIN E I . fc. e -5 - - K . . -t- ..1J-J I t n HFAUY "Commercial ' Further Sharp Doclino in Amor ioan Gas on Small Transactions 54 13 54 'ill 14 214 54 34 14 154 334 "34 14 5 54 '54 54 14 254 14 'A V 14 2 54 454 2 34 154 14 54 254 54 1H 154 54 1)4 14 14 1 54 714 54 1H !4 1H 134 1 34 54 H 54 54 2)4 o y 14 "y, 54 114 '54 154 The local market continued to show the same drooping tendency nnd ns n re sult most, of the local stocks sought fractionally lower levels. The weak ness of American Qan nnd the strength of Electric Storage Battery were the outstanding fenttircs of the trading, to which could bo supplemented the con tinued llmiidntion of Pennsylvania Ilnll- ronu. The offerings 01 American uos were reintlvcly small, but in view of the similar limited buying demand the prices sustained n further shnrp conces sion of nearly .$1 to H8. On the other hand, Klcctrlc Storage Battery, " fairly heavy buying, was carried up nearly 53 to 122, n new top for the current movement. Not all the gain was sustained, but the buying was of 11 confident character, Pennsylvania Itnllroad was again sold freely with tbo prjee declining to 'loy. thereby equally yesterday's low anil within a Rinall fraction of the lowest price the stock has .sold in n great many years. There was also further liquida tion in Lehigh Navigation, which yield ed 51 to (!3. United (las Improvement, at the same time, continued alo to be freely Riipnllcd, but the price was still pegged at 40, the low water marl:. Trad" ing remained moderately nctlve In .1. O. Urlll, with a fluctuation of $1 between M and 55. Small wiles of Philadelphia Electric depressed that stock to 24. American Stores continued steady, as was Lake Superior Corporation. Phila delphia Traction, on limited transac tions, receded !)j to COM, new low record, A circular letter sent out by a prom inent downtown house offering an even exchange of the Philadelphia Co. first mortgage 5 per cent bonds for the Pen 11 sy Ivan I a llallroad new 7 per cent bond) conic' Ic for considerable discus sion in local fitiiinclal circles. There was more or less speculation as to the motive. Philadelphia Stocks Crises" Valuable Book Fre.e ' One well-known businc"ss man remarked, "The American Company's frequent pub lications arc not simply interesting and in structive; they, arc a most worth-while contribution to modern business literature." "Commercial Crises" is of 'the. sgme high standard that wc aim to make a characteristic of all our books. It thoroughly discussed the present economic situation, showing the fundamental causes of previous crises, and suggesting precautions for averting any fu ture panics. Every manufacturer, wholesaler and banker who reads this book will want to keep it handy for frequent i-cfefcncc. Write or phone for your copy today. AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO. or NEW YORK E.M-TREAT, president ISSUES BTANDARO UNLIMITED POLICIES ,W. J. MQUPHY, Alanagcr J. F.McFADDEN, Gen. Agt. Mutual Life of N. Y. Bldg. IMioik Illbert 6503 Philadelphia, I'a. HIkIi 102 Am Strs. iWi 1011 Am Oils.. 40i 5 tllaldwln I,o pf. -101 M: 2411 Drill J (i. .I." 50 tChi Mil & StP !!.-.. 870 El Stor.. 122-1, pjo 1 Low 44-ls .'58 101 V2 53 1 .30 Net p. m. eliKc. IS -3?i 101 i Vi 5.1 . . :i.-Vj :i5Vj m m 101 17: ki n? I Vj-t-1-Ji ;w . . 28 Vt.. 18j.. o:i 1 4:1 jj 07 V "j 40f)i- ', 10 1 Co x A :io :io 50 rets f nil 2SL'. 28 '4 00 M S Cor 18'-j lSj 102 lh Xav, 04 0.". 55 I,ch Vol. 4:iTs 4.". 42 X Central -i,2 07 '-. 1070 Pn It It. 41 40-Tt 100 PhHtt Co cum pr. ,'ta :i:: ' 75 Phil Elee 21 W 10 Phil True 50M 50M 700 Ton Pel.. 2U, 2 2& III tl U 1. . . -HH4 -Hi 411 .. 120 tU 8 Stl.105 104W. 104. . (15 War Iron & Steel. 8---C S':U &T'k 1'H tNet ehnngp mndo by cnmparlnon with last said on New York Htock IIxchHiiKe. FOREIGN INTERNAL BQNDS Wc have established t Direct Cable Communication with Belgium, France, Great Britain and Italy nnd through our agents in these countries can offer subject to change in price ' ' :i.l 24Ji . 50 4- 1i u HhIps In IIONDS 1:30 Net I1O0O lllffh I.otv p. m. (Iizd. 1-10 City 4s !." OISVj Ji2 l):ia. . 5 I.ehigli Val gei. 4s ... 70'j 70. 70',-j-f Vi 1 Lehigh Val Coal 5s... 1)5 1)5 1)5 1 5 Mb Ilonds 2d 4U.. 87.50 87.50 87.50. 20 25P.-20.1il4Ms 01.40 1)1.20 1)1.40 .,'12 40 4th -IMh.. 87.80 87.50 87.70 .'M ,T f. Vic X 4-i, s 1)7.10 117.10 07.10 .08 2 Penna R ."is SI SI 81 .. 2 7-10 Phil Klec Ul 5s.... 88 87-H S7-?, i FOREIGN EXCHANGE N York. April 13. Opening foreign exchange figures showed a continued conru.-ed and widely fluctuating market. Sterling opened at 8.92 V tor demand and cables were 3.93. Compared with yesterday's final, Swiss were down 2, cullders U. pesetas and Copenhagen 10 while ' Stockholm and Chrlstlanla showed gains of 20 points. Belgians lost 10 centimes, while marks gained 7 points from tho forecast, touching 1.92. Uuutatlons wera: Demand sterling 3.92U. cables 3.93; frai.. cables 10.90. checks 18.92; 1 Iro cables 25.30, checks 25.32 ; Sss cables 5 5 .-hecks 6.54 ; guilder cables J7W, eh.-eKs 37 U; peoetaa cables 17 CO, checks 17 50; .Stockholm cables 22.1S. checks 22 00; Chrlstlanla cables 20 15. -he-ks 20 00: Copenhagen cables 18 63, h... i,m 1RK0: BehTian cables 1600. rlu-ks 16 02. marks 192, currency nominal at 20.05 to 20.15. Around midday, marks had decllnpd to 1 72. against 1 85 at the opening. Otherwise, the market wan stronger all aVoun Hterllng. at 3B3U for demand and 3.91 for cables, was up l'4o from the i-.irly figures. French exchange wim 7 centimes better, at 16.08 for cables and 16.70 for checks. Lire showed ft furtlur consldcrnblo advance t" il.OO Tor cables and 21.05 for checks. Belgians wer better at 15.35 for cables and 15 38 for checkB. , Tho market continued very confused with differences In quotations of as mui h as 30 points by leading operators. YliHTEHDAVH FINAL QUOTATIONS Hterllng Tranca Lire aulldjri CahU'H 3.911- 17. OH JH.40 3I'i TODAY'S OPEN1NO QUOTATIONS .Sterling Krancs Lire Oullilrs Deman.1 . . ?'('i IBM S JJ HJ. BANK CLEARINGS lUnk rlearlnus today compared with 1 re.pondln dnUat to yeara. jjftj Phll.i .. J8(I 083,:iD7 Jllu.llJ.uju ow. IJ HOStOn HHIHS.MB Ilaltlmoro H. 191, ISO N. Y 1 00(1 am Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET Chicago, April 13. Itoports of an improvement in tho strike situation on the railroads here nnd an easier tono to the cash article caused selling ot Corn, principally by local operators, this morning, and the market was weaker. On the decline there was bujltig hy com mission houses. ' Sentiment was more bearish 011 tho theory that the technical position had been weakened us the result of tho recent heavy demand. Tho orriuls here today were seventy -three cars. Mnv onened at SI. 00 to S1.G0V;. against $1.07 at the end jestenlay, uud later sold ut $l.(IUUj. July started at ?1.504 to $1.5014, against $1.00 at the close yesterday. September wus quoted ut $1.04 Ms to $1.54 at the outset, against ?l.(Wa, yesterday's last price. Trade in oats wus light uud the mar ket was easier. A leuding beuboard house bought May. The receipts hero today weio eighty -one cars. May opened V'sc lower, at l)4a,e. and later sold ut 040. July started Vjc lower, at 85:&c. and later sold at 85Vhc, The receipts of wheat hen- toduy were tovi'ii curs, against tweuty-four curs last year; at .Minneapolis, 101 cars, ninliist ninety-eight cars: nt Duluth, forty-two cars .ogalnRt three curs, and at Winnipeg, aou cars, ugainst sixteen cars, Lending future rinded fa follows. Corn (new dcllvcrj) icnirago umei Vi, 147,13.1 12.3SR.1I'-' IM0 707 I0.'.34-J 700 I 0 177 GOVERNMENT BONDS I'apHnu foupon 2. 193(1. . . Panama reeliter-d 2 1038. . Pnnuni coupon Ss, 108H. . . . Panama renlHler I 8s 1038.. Panama coupon 3a. 1101. .. . Panama rmlstered 3a, 10111.. Philippine 4a, 1(1.11 Phiiippino u. ipsa Philippine : IfdH U H (lovt. roupon 8a 1930. . U H Ont. rssinered 2. 1030. I' H (lovt. coupon t 192S . .1 H Govt rental e.-eii la, ln!.V DUt of folumbl S-IWIa, 1021 DM . lOHt IOIV4 ,101'. .101U , 8(1 . Nil . 85 , 85 . H.F mi1. ,10l4 ,10114 10014 . 07 Ask 10.' 10.' 10J 10-.' B0 80 Uj 11.1 U.'i 102 102 107 107 100 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS riilrata, April 13 HOflS Eitlmated re calpts, aOOO head, left over 1148 head. Utile dolnc, a (tw aalea around 2Sc higher. Aver-' B SC2. Y.t,K&&..,-lv.,... .... t.... ,1." piiiii.ru ivicm. ..v. (. 7Q0U nta C'TLK Estimated receipts SfclEKl Bstlraatea receipts, Open 1 ml 1 59' 4 Ma Juis OatJ May Jul Lard May. . . Jul . . . I11D8 Ma.... 18.22 Juh . 1S.U0 tAaked. IU4 85 Illuh 1 H7 i.r.u'4 83, Ixw 1 US'-, 1.37' flV-t SIS 1(1 ..'10 a, rn, 1 B3 1 SsW 03. til's Ye clone 1.07 1 00 Ot!, bu't 10.0.1 20. In 19 nr, 211.45 18 22 18.70 16 20 tlO 40 10 K.1 20.(12 20 15 f.'ll.DD 18.01 18 37 18.0.1 18 70 tl8 2.1 118 75 urc estimated ut 10,000 bules, ugainst 111,111 1 bules a week ago, r.'.bOl bales a jear ugo, uud 1,531 bules two ycurs ago. May July uctooer... Deccinbir. January. . .M.trcn .. Pie, clonn 41 H5 :is v.i tl,S3 31. SO 112.73 32 01 Open 41.33 IIS.75 31.70 U3 as a j. 70 32.00 (N. Y. 11.30 a. m. 41.23 SS 8.1 84. Hi 32 70 time) 1.30 P. tn. 88.08 34.12 34.10 Prices Firm on Paris Bourse l'nrln, April 13 Prices wcro firm on the Bourse toduv. Three per cent rentes were quoted nt 57f; exchange on Ixiudon 67f 18c, 5 per cent loan. 88f uoc 'l Ho dollar wns quoted at 17f 5c. More Gold for South America iv York, April 13 (".old coin to tho amount of $15,350,000 has been with drawn from tho stibtreasury for ship ment to south America, MONEY-LENDING RATES NIJW YOIIK Money on call, both Classen of collateral, opened today iit 7 per cent for lending and renewing, At midday, an urgent demand wns reported nnd 7 per cent bid for call funds. There was nothing doing In tlmo money. In addition to tho heavy shipments of gold to Argentina, the United Htates Government Is withdrawing $25,000,000 from the banks today and will taku 120.000.000 moro shortly. Tho largo volumo of gold going out to Artrent na and tlio nrosnect of still further exnorts to that country, takes away mobt of the significance from thu-l Imports of tho yellow metal thus far from Great Britain. Prima mercantile paper averages 7 per cent minimum, with occasional spe cial quotations at 63t per ceut. 1'1IIL.I)1:L1MIIA Call, C per cent; time, C per cent ; commercial paper, threo to six months, ti per cent. LONDON Monoy Is quoted at 3 pot- cent. Discount rates, snort bills, :is per cent; threo months' bills. 3 a-lGti 3 per cent. Today's Range In Liberty Bonds (N.Y, Lib Hoik! "!.. Lib Ilnnd 1st Lib Pond '-M Lib Pond 1st Lib llonil :m Lib Pond llil Is . I.. U.S. 1",S. IVis. I lleh IMI.tl!) 1I0.M) 87. NO no.no s.oo 111.(10 Lib Pond 4th l',is SS.OO Victory X '!:Us... 07. 112 Victory X 4;"is... 07.18 Low 01.80 no. io S7.!i0 no..".o 87.0 01.40 87.4(1 fm.no 07.0J time) 1:13 n m 115.40 110.40 87;40 IW.H0 87.48 01.00 87.71' 07.10 117.10 BAR SILVER Hur slher was quoted ',d lower I London today at 69 Ud an ounce. in 'i. COTTON MARKET New Yorli, April 115. Strong cables were ignored by tho cotton market at I today's opening, which was 1 to 50 points net lower, except for a 3-point advance In January contractu. The nelling appeared to bo local and . bnsed on fair weather, .except reports of thundcrshowcrs In the Carollrias. I T.ivernoel was a btlfer nrtd this, with ' auliaenucnt trade buvlng of new crops and reports of lower temperatures in Texas, caused rallies which parriVl nrlces 20 nolnts above tho opening, ai-1 6 points over last night's close. ' The receipts at the ports for thejiiy 1 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LIBERTY LOAN BONDS Loans Kale 1st 3V2 7o l$t 4 o Victory 3 lt 4V4 2nd 4 ; 2nd 4V4 4th 4V4 3d 4V4 7o Victory 4 Appro. Yield IC Apnnn. ,.,,,, .. i iillNl. or If 1 If Id to lallalile Due helling- nt Pur .'Maturity on Callable Hate 1932 1947 3.96 3.76r', 1932 1947 5.01 '( 4.60 1922 1923 5.00 4.75 1932 1947 5.27 4.87 1927 1942 6.10 4.94 1927 1942 6.26 i 5.20 1933 1938 5.60 5.31 1928 5.53 1922 1923 6.20 5.77 J50, $100, $500 AND $1000 DENOMINATIONS MONTGOMERY & CO. 133 S. 4TII ST. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA CHICAQO OoTammeot SsetuiUea Department TKLEriIONK9l Ball, Lombard 4S:o. Ksjrstana, Main MM . , t M.mM.ntaf.ji Belgian Govt. Restoration 5s. . French Govt. Victory 5s ..... , French Govt. At of 1917...-., British Govt. War Loan 5s. Monday' Closing 1'rlres ,.$6334 per 1000 fn. .. 541a per 1000 frs. ,. 44 V4 per 1000 frs. .359 per 100 I'rlcesnt Tar Hclinnge Normal $193 193 193 486 193 Italian Govt.ConsoIidatcd War Loan 5s 36 Va per 1000 lire Belgian Govt. New 5s. 1920 $6712 per 1000 frs. French Govt. New 5s. 1920 60 per 1000 frs. Wc aro prepared to frivc information concerning theso and other Foreign Securities nnd invito correspondence on this subject. EDWARD B. SMITH & CO. Bankers 1411 Chestnut St, Phila. ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. . Bankers Land'fiUe Bldg., Phila. Let your money earn 8 . WHEN you purchase 896 Preferred Stocks issued by well established manufacturing companies, earning several times dividend requirements, containing strong sinking fund provisions for retirement, with no mortgage indebtedness, you are taking no risk in having your investment depreciate in value. We have a tartfulhj selected Hit ef PREFERRED STOCKS TIELDING 8?o which we tan reefmrnend to the moit conicrvativc investor. . Ask for Booklet No. P. P.L.-3S7 HollisleiWhite&Co. lCOSPOATCD North American Building PHILADELPHIA BOSTON NEW YORK NEWARK SPRINGFIELD TROVIDENCE The Service We Render V. Correspondence EVERY client has a full correspondence privilege. This gives him the right to ask for special fe'ports, infoimation, advice and opinion on any security in vestments or any financial or investment subject at any time during the period of his subscription. IT is especially useful when the client fs solicited by security Bellcrs to purchase new issues or urged to make changes in his present list. A very largo per centage of our subscribers secure a great amount of investment protection through correspondence of this character. Many never make changes In their holdings or purchase new securities until they have secured full information, advice or opinion from us. OUT of town clients find the correspondence privilege of great value, as It necessarily often takes the place of direct personal consultation. Our correspondence is handled in the same efficient and expert way- ,tha( we carry on the consultation service. Local clients also make full use of it. THE scope of this feature Is very broad, and it Is really a service In Itself. Does it not appeal.to you as an urgent need? If not, wait and watch. Moody's Investors Service JOHN MOODY, Pml,,1 35 Nassau Street Pcpt. 21 r, New York City t. kfi "cji''." Lte 't. ''iiBaaaaam. '-. v. mz . , i t '.-!!& &,,ikJl KfA j.toimmx . -M. At ?.,- ,".' .atTtteWv . it :mm-wv