rn ifc ' r& '7 4 V V - PHILLIES HAD TO GIVE OR TAKE A COUPLE OF HOURS "IN ORDER TO GET BACK TO TOWN s EVENING' PUBLIC LED(&EE--PH!HrAiilIltl?HrAl tithskbAY, ' Sj0-$ A Ifl ! i i tfit u I) GA VVY" CRA VA TH IS TO GET BA CK INTO GAME AS A PL A YER-MANAGER WITH THE PHILLIES IN TWO WEEKS Ily KOIli:UT V. MAXWIXL CMFrOim CHARLES CUAVATII. which Is n ioltto wny of rr-fcrrltic to (Jawj. (ncttt, Hunt mid Wooden Shoes Crnvnth, the inminscr if our I'lill. has droldrd to filvc up n lifp of enso mid t'cunfnrt. do"-rt the hoft spot on the bench nud don the innj:lp for puhlic uptienrnncc only, in n ory short time. Clifford Clinrlrs hns been watching iiig bnllplnjeri give their cvvn orisinal version of how the gnme should lie phijed during the training trip, and at the end decided to inject oine of ills own stuff. He will be back In harness in about two weeks. l'linny thing about Cinviitli. He hns been retiring fiom the game for the last four cnr. but just as soon as the senson opens lie can be found in right field without the aid of a guide or a telescope, l'nt Mornn thought the old lio.v was through in 11)17 and bad Claude Cooper all dolled up to Hit in the tight gaiden. Claude was benched on open ing day mid (lnv fiuNhcd the season. The next year Krnic Wiilker. i'itr.geraid and several others were groomed for the place, aud they didn't even start. I.ust jenr l.eo Callahan was on the -job, bit played otil.v occalotinll. The only time Cntvath had n chain o to sit on the bene h and pinch hit when iieeeui vviis Inst oa.r. after lie bad been made manager. Then he had to gite mi nt'livr dutj to get the team in ihape to llnMi in eighth place. If Ornvvy hadn't been on the job the chances me the club oil!d linvc fallen out of the league, or something. Now comes another season, and the noted slugger will not nllow himself to stnj out of the game, lie feels that he should be in there battling with the others. He started active, to sa nothing of strenuous-, training todaj. and will continue until further notice No doubt he will be n grent help to the club. l.nt year he wa hitting cloe to .("00 in mld'-eason and. nftei removing himself and ap pearing as a piuehhitter, linihed with an average of ."-It for clgh( -two game. He nlt led the league in home runs, making an ceu dozen f!imj made a good gues when he decided to inseit himself into the line-up ni T their It a irntou, im ionic irisr guy nine r O tnnihfd Irish Ucuicl'i aim n not stiouy tn it should be nnd he u ill nut uc able tit cut looic until Ihc .tcarm irrnther tin irri. Ciavath ii bcttir thmi his substitute. o he decided to become a iiIihiiiki ninnaticr for a tunc. UKc 7'ri'j Spcukei. Phils Wrecked Thrice by Columbus Club CUAVATII and his athletes arrived here jist(Vcl.i af ternoon. spveralhouis late. They came from Colum bus, 0., whrtp the were wrecked on three different occ.i sions by the Association club stationed in that cit. 'I lie wrecks were limited to tlneo because only three gamei were played. Manager tiovvv was not nnuojed over the railroad strike because he linall arrived here. "Traveling on tin railroad now is like making a boxing match." lie uid. "When a couple of guys sign up at a icrtain weight, the usually are willing to give or take a pound. When travel 'lug on our railroads now. jou have to give oi take a couple of hours." The noted cluggT looks tln puture of health and lw lots of color espeeinlh around his left eje. That optic is wonderful to behold ami was mistaken for a rainbow m the rainstorm last night, lr is a beautiful purple, with streaks of led and blnek limning through like invisible stripes. He tried to get his e.ve on the ball one dn while down iti Iilrmingliam and viiieertled bc.voiid his wildest eipectatious. The ball was not injured. "The lull club looks tine, despite the teirihle tup Xorth," he said, fixing his good e.ip upon us. 'The pitchers are better than I exported. Kuej. .Meadows, Smith and Cause showing lots of stuff. Mack Wheat and Witlierow arc good catchers, with Tragess.-r on the job to till in. The Infield, outside of third base, is all right nnd the chnnces nrc that Hnlph Miller, 'the present third-sackcr, will Improve considerably. Miller has great possibilities. "Stengel nnd Williams are fixtures In the outfield' and Meusel will be, there ns soon as his urni gets strong. His injured wing is stronger than last car, but I do not wnnt him to tnKe nny chances until the warm weather sets ia. He is entirely too valuable to be laid up permanently. I.p Itorveau looks good, but I am stuck on that kid named Walsh, This oungster is n semi-pro nnd has impiovcd wonderfully in the Inst three weeks. He is n rlglithauded hitter and stands up to the plate like lieorge lturni. I like him ver much nnd he probabl will stick. m J1-' playci . outside of ('; 11 itlitiini, hnic mW 6cri hitting a lick for the Inst tico trccki. Mnny have been ill, Meusel. Iluncioft. Stcnpel, Causey, T.c Hon can, l.uderus and W'cinert bcini) laid up nt tarioui times, Stengel and Ciiusey arc sick noir. but ihould be in shape in a couple of days," Perry May Hurl for A's injhc Opener IX Till! meantime. Connie Mack hns been lehearsing his A's for the approaching fray with the yunkecs. which is scheduled for the morrow. The boys worked out in Shlbe Park yesterday, the wenther being ns warm as any they experienced outside of Texas. The infield con sisted of Griffin, nt first: Uugnn. second: Gnllown, short, and .Jimmy Hke. third. Walker. Welsh and Struuk were the outfielders nnd ltalpli I'c'rkins vas behind the bat. This probnbl will be the varsity line-up tomoirow. with .Scott I'err.v in the box. Hy the wa. the opening battle should be well woith seeing. The Athletics will introduce a new. lighting line up, with aggies: ivencss sticking out all over. The bovs aie tenl scrappers this .vear. After the St. Looie Cards iopped four straight on that trip through the wild and woolly section of Texas, the home folks onme back nud won five in a row. That was something cntirel new and Connie wns much pleased. TIip last time one of his teams pulled u stunt like that was in 10M. or something like that. The visitors alo will bp on flip job with attractions. Carl Mas, who almot busted up the league last winter, is on the payroll, nnd George lttitli. the world-famous slugger who knocks 'cm dead in every game, will uppear iu icnterlieid. Habe has ,vct to knock a homer in a regular league game as a Yankee, but admitted he is not wording, because the senson lias not yet started. "Wait until nfter April 14." he said seriousl. when cjucstioned about it. The Yanks have spent carloads of money for a pen nant, and the team has received more advertising than any other in the league. They have just finished n series with Brook n with adverse ieults. fOOI) thing llroukliin i m the attanul J.rugur. vJ 77l(. )rt;i.j icill not rc ihrm aijam until next iprhiij, tinlcii it i in the iimld serirv. Hut don I bet the old homestead mi that iliance. -7 TT ( I WANT t0 IVe Cot ) SAMPLE JOJT To Go MB OttToPfEtt l"Jnc BILt- It M WT W OH, MAN! fllf THIi ALOnnT) J WHAT, YBU WANT f -THtl GIVtT HIM ALiERT . . a&i S-. I !- - -." 1 lAUMVT MOITAUY JlVKGOTsl CneADiNO C coop fAW tuts MOMtf J hbu. FIX '"V T I r v. Fkiri"" .'i I i B'. TVLF AV.VQ 5k wm? a v.srik jnm-r--, s-ji v-in jmjufij. - w. 5Miice v irmei. uv- jm,s.m ur.j jimtm A4 'HI 7A i,i vib ns'Z t2azcaas?7 B 7 WM J w1 1 M vm .t-Jrv I x I ' i Taking ANYTHIMG ANVUAY im err HOOCH FOfc 1HE RCSTCF MV LIFE " r& 'j ' a. " i . ' 11 J I Ifi "lCAH Ft Ytto UP "iVN uiut -rmD .in ot (I .A thM COLLIWS' .on 'ittWD A SlLVqP Hit 5MD1KK bU OR A s Gin 0M3Y-crPebm A SOU OK AM OLD FASHIONS P COCKTAIL, CAN riJsTOU U VWITH A CHAMPAGNE ' COCKTAIL - H9u D ..A MAMlfiTAYWH- SUIT IbU ttt A t HOT BUTTnOB RUM A SHERRY EGG NOG IS VPtV SMOOTH OR ( APLAIN RICKCV , . jrfc DKnnTi V-LO.T- j-t 1 A MORNINO G1ARY FlXT. i .WITH'A PA3H OFABSIHTHG , CR A FRAfPC ORA POU33E. (CAFC. SHERRY ANO ECO J . A HIGHBALL. V " i IOLP ALU OR .. nnno tuitim l r.vrA IT ncstnv I. -ts.ay. .- .; fctVs-Vfc. Sk, r 71 I I I IU. I FSCONF v. TJJK Wire -J WAIT A.HINOTC & y$L? S&t'fri . ,e-t k A-flr-4 I YCS SAY U3TCN i ill ac a urr. LATC TONICHT" VCAH- WORK To DO AT THC 1 'Z -.- ,'. . n- I OFFItL- I 1-U Dt- HOnC A3 soon 3 I rOOi'Di.' I CAM WRESTLE DESPITE STRIKE Zbyszko to Motor Over From N. Y( for Match Tomorrow NJght IleRardless of railroad bonditions, Stanislaus, Z.vblzko. the Pole heavy MclRiit chnmpion, will bo here tomonovv night for his engagement at the Na tional Club In n eatch-ns-catcli-cnn ! finish irmtrh against Frank Vouskn, thb Turk, according to n wire received from .f. II. Ilcrmnu. manazcr. "Arrange J incuts for nutomoblln service to carry the I'ole to I'niiadplphln nave ncen made, should it be necessary," Is another portion of Herman's telegram. Zbyszko'H npnenrnnco hero v.v ill be the first for more than six jrars. during which time the 1'olanTlec was doing his bit In Kussia. Htanislaus is In good I slinpe, which Jic has proved since his return here, having won all of his j matches. 1 .11 in I.ondos, the (Ireek, will take on I Steve Staslak, Kusslan, in another star bout. Other matches will be between 1 .Tack I'dwards and Harry Stevens and (.' clone Uiims nnd 1'nnir Johanscu. Philadelphia College Meet Tonight Tonlsht In th Ontrnl Y. M. C. A Bym Die track teams of ltallnrrrmnn Medlcnl. I'harniary and Textile Colleges will battle for the l'hllndplplilii eollogo track rhnmilon lilp. TIib last meet was won lv Textile, with n score of ao points. Italincinann and l'harmacs tied for second place, with I'll points earh, Homo of the stars who will fonioele In tl meet tonlnht aro fiovel and jr.itlcv, two Pharmacy sprinters: Toomcv nnd Ualton. Hahnemann, winners in field ivents. an-1 Weldel and KeBrclai". two (aat men from Textile DONLEY MOTORS HERE HARVARD LUCKY Lusk Elected Manager IMnnrd I.ilsk, formerly flold nmnaBer ol tli Ilarronate baseliall club, was electnl Fsterflav to tako full cliarKe of tho S. II. . II V. I'lelsher team thn romlnft season VatiK" Dlsher. tVoller Maililn. James I llvsn. formerly of Harrosrate team of last xraiuu. luwe already been alened, toiether "Illi Al llHRy, of the Koulhiimpton rlub; rnlrttiirn nt Jlerchnnt Shin; I.oren", of LUii- lon's, Welch and .Mllllc.in, formerly of the . HoiiilniK club of tho International I.cuguc Umpires Assigned CIiIihku. April 13 President Hon John--un. of tho Ameruan League. haN Hn nounceii tne ns-jicnment or umpires for the opening Karnes of the season Wednesday trw f TT"! Ti TT H fT TT "W TJ 71 W TT T T" Tk TT "W "W Y lit I tX I VI I I VI I VI I It ' - V -.- nnain.ciim mil Owem will oiTni,,; , VE""'J x m j Mum im n. flV mm i5:!:3-ta:-feis3 I I III I r I I 1 1 1 ff Mickey Has Rough Ridel Through Jersey, Then Bumpety-Bumps Foe at Olympia Ily I.Ol'IS II. JAKFK JOV-IMDIXft. with the reversed Kng-1 lish, was In stoic for both Mickey! Donle nnd .limni.v Miirnh.v last nlcht. ThpeiphtPPn.iuliiiite.ipurIiey over which action ami wallops Donley i-nrned MtirtMir in tlio main mix ' i,.mni at the Ol.vmpia was anytliing but pleas- . ant for the well-Unovvti West 1'hiladel- 1'irphy Hallles pliiau. because of the huiuDclv-buinn ' Airain in flip funiili linnlpt t -1 . 1 tho iwhniiRs and bangs uncorked by the upper hand. Hut .Micke.v w'as not so lllilebrand at Cleveland' MISS WALSH BOWS TO IWISS BALUN Philadelphia Girl Eliininatod t From North and South Sin gles Championship I'liiclmrst, X. C, April 13. Ths first round of the mixed doubles and women's doubles, the second round of the men's doubles nnd tlio thjrd rounds of the women's and men's singles were nil disposed of in the Xorth and South elinniplonslilp ycstcrdftyi with nil tho favorites surviving, with the single exception of Miss Helen Glilenn dean. Miss Gilleaudcau was gener nlly picked to come through) to the send, finals In the women's singles, but was defeated by Miss I'ditfi Hlgourncy In ths tenture match of the day. Miss Slgour n,ey, runner-up in the recent national indoor championship, won in straight rets. 0-7. 0-3, nnd is expected to com through to the final tn company with Miss Marion .indcrsteln, Canadian singles champion, conqueror of Mls Molla Itiiirstedt in (he semifinals of the last nntlonnl championship nnd present holder of the North nud South chnl lengo cup. Miss Slgouruc.v will meet Mrs. II. 1 llriggs, of Telham, in the semifinals. Miss Zindcrstoin and W. T. Tilden, 2d. lost the first three games of the first set in their .mixed doubles match with Misa Gertrude Delia Torre and Kenneth Simmons this morrilng, nnd nearly lost the fourth game. Then they struck their accustomed gnlt, captured slv games In n row' and finally won the match, 0-:i, 0-K Zbyszko Defeats Cutler Sprlncflelil. Mass.. April 13. Stanltlmia Zbyszko. the Pnllnh wrestler, eailly defeatel Cleorge Cutler last night., Tli first fill wai gained In one hour and ths second In lrjfl than nva minutes, oach with a sciuori (omblnatlon, Rules Committee Meeting Is Postponed Till Friday The special meeting scheduled to day for the committee of fifteen on boxing rules in Philadelphia was postponed until Triday nfternoon nt the teqiiest of Director of Public Safety Coitelyou. Other matters have Mr. I'ortelyon tied up until tho latter part of the week. to earn an even Penn and Oxford - Cambridge CombinationsNot So For- i innate as Crimson ..: 7f ""I.. f.. If.... . - . . r .. 'i Ltvuguv villus nave fUiniCIS Of Stars ' "lfl- v" 'n l J11SI1 "l u", '"'t or rnsl in this session as he had been ill SlTMvIM: of swoll iiltilmis ,... i,,,,. i, ivi ! j Italian ancestry. i the first two. He was contented to box . i , ,1- It lr i.f V the Dodger nuin- I .Previnus to so.king Murpliv. Donley from the ilMnim- and hold on in the tett. lousistiug of I fpiffer. Mnmaux. Cndoip. Smith had a little unpleasant ride of his own. I clinches. Muiphv made a swell 1 nlly nnd Marquaid. Then, on the other mitt, takp a look nt ! In otdei- to kepn his' engagement with I In the fifth and' sixth, sro.lii nfton lone.v. Iiarnes. Douglas, lienton niid.Xehf. of the Giant. Also.gn.sp upon Alenudcr. Vaughn. Hendr.vx. .Martin aud IJaile. of the Cub, and Sallep. Iteuther. King. Hllcr and I'isher. of Cincinnati. Last, hut not least, take the Phils with Hixey. Meadows. Smith. Cause nnd Wcinert. Looks as if there were soiiip i lass.v moundsnicn in the old league. Copynght, loin, bu I'ubllo r.edgcr Co .leeins. Donlej had to nress an automo bile into service and rough -ride ovpr thp ruts of New Jersey's imperfect roads down from Newark, because of the railroad situation. Donley appar ently was not affected by his bumpety- with both lefts ulid lights, but no matter how mean the West Philadelphinn wielded his niitts Donley's earlier ad-' vantage enabled the Jeisejlte to win. It was a case of Murphy getting stinted too late. While .Mm was suf- SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS JACK T'OI.ANI) is still on the tiail of a Knights of I'olumbm boxing ho to . ... 1 hlrl nt Thirtv.lfflirh urwl ..rUet rtrrets ot J.evv leniller i Uo 'twentieth on l-rldsi night. The bouts nr lll Ul-. JOEY FOX KNOCKED OUT Briton Stopped by Young CI Fifth Round Hartford. Conn.. April j:i? Young bump dash to Phllly, because he stepped j fering from n bloody nose and n cult and more than evened up for his i "shanty" or something, uuder his light three-hour grind bv grinding Murphy eye, he appeared to be just as fresh as I In mo-t of the six tliree-minute cantos. ' Donle. if not fresher, when the final Donley got his gas up early, threw sound of the goug clanged. In the last ! himself into high gear and set a ter-' mlnutp nf Hip sixth mimil Mmnhv haneu In ! ,iu P'l,p ft,r ''""phy early in the bout. . opened n gash over Donley's right eye. rtney m The s,nRnPtti yr- ,, i,jH .ft ori. Weights announced gave Murphy an Ward southpaw is anxious ti hook up "'" v Tom McKearnev. Cliff Ilent vs f.nnor ,,f iiMin,, iij" . t With the Philadelphia lightweight ace. ""-j.,il"T-11,X31,K lil? Vkn'S RS rTT 1, , ' ? ' 'U J-V and if he can prove his wo.th his am- H-mtrt."U. rj.SdnwnW"hit riWraW ' lov '"K'1' fctherw eight, in the fifth WILDE TRIMS KID Southwnrk In two weeks the winner will meet another Philadelphia light weight, and ..before the regular season wilde. the Ilritish Hj weight diamliion closes Matchmaker William- will nmito defeated Zulu Kid. of Ilrnokhn. iu ten nn effort to Uiatcll Tendlei With tile best niiimls Iw.i-r. List nlwht Thn Itrltnn hflil of the Philiidelphh i:W-pound crop In the lend throughout, kno. king down hi" v Jm.n i:e&n and Jimm Murrhi m A! louild of II scheduled 10 louild bout lieu IU"! Illglit. ( iinnev was the aggressor from the stait and sent lepeatvd blows to Pox's head in the first three rounds. In the fourth Chancy shifted his attack to the body. A right and a left to the jaw brought the Knglisliman down In the fifth round. bltiou probabl will he. icall7ctl. Mar cits Williams plans a lightweight elimination tournev to scln t a local logical opponent for Tendlei. and the first ot tuese bouts will be neld tonight at the Auditorium A A. Toland will Chamn,nn Trmr. 7, p,P,nn i ' ik nitted agninst rianki- Clark, or --.. indsor. Ten Rounds (Int.. April IIS. .limmy Baseball Popular at Vassar roiiElikemnie. N. ., April 13 Su r- n onds mi lunch tonight's somihna! Ilnrrv Smith, of thn opponent tor the couut of cijht m tho !?,tn' 'n"rT," I'lt'.'.'ii?1 "I..." 'i?irM Eighteenth ward will IW boxliiB socond round. j Sc'SSffi "m "vSirSWSX after a la oil of several veins mis 4 dean left to the point of the jaw aoort to rank with hotkey nnd bjsketbnll uc so fast, with an occasional right ndvnntnep of n nnnml nnil n hiilf'nver cross, and both hands with such veloe- Donle. who tipped the beam nt l.'SS. Itv and ferocity nl close quniters that . . , Muiph wns given little oppoitunitv to i "Hams Loses do inuili execution himself. The New- Young Coster, a pielinimaiy bo.v, ark boxer won the first two lounds. succeeded in outfighting George Adams, In the spioud Donley punched Mur-' of Chicago, who also was stopped in phy so hnrd on the ropes that the West I two lounds nt the National on Satur Philiidelphian, in trjing to evade the day night. Coster was knocked down in Mick s wallops, pushed himself through one of the eaily rounds, but he enmo the lopes and nlniost fell into Sammy Ilnlpern's lap Sam aided Jimmy to bis feet, nnd he fought bnck hard. At th bell Muiph) was bleeding fiom his nose. The third round found Donley slow inc im and he didn't wink to his sec- i. liner ne wns lostng his back. Ilooied Adams and nut on such a hurricane finish that lie was entitled to a shade victory. .Tohnii) Itussell, the t.vpical Chailey Van Loan "pork-and-beuner" ami who wns .welcomed with "Here comes the Jersey Devil again." finished a close second to ictiy .viciiugli. who illil the Foitune smiled on Harvaid aud frowned on Penu and Oxford-Cambridge relay combinations yesterday, when pole positions were drawn for the I races of the Penn lelay cniiiivnl to bo held on 1'rankliii I'leld April 'dO and , Mav 1 ' The Harvaid ipiiHtc! will face the starter nt the pole positions iu u two- mile race spilnt. medley rulav and the freshman mile championship. TIip Penn ' athletes wero much less fortunate with nary n pole position falling to their selection of the cauls. The best the Quaker could do was a third, which full to the Penn -Fresh mile four. Uoth the sprint and distance medic) s to be held on the first dny of the laces found Coach Uobcrtson's aspirants starting fifth from thp pole : tenth place wns nwardptl Penn for the oue-niile cham pionship and twelfth in the fotir-inl)e race. The leputed two-mile championship in which the Oxford-Cambridge team will add a foreign atmosphere bom ic sults in the drawings that cast little luck upon the favorites of the larp, The best that Vice Consul Pox could draw for his Knglish runncis wns twelftii from the pole; Penu will start at the elbow of the first llritou iu position No. ' 11. with Cornell on the other side of the visitor. Minnesota diew the pole position for the mile relay aud Chicago brought tho West into another fnvoille selection bv icceiving tin choice place in the distniii-'e medley. Penn Charter has the pole in the iuternendcmip mile nice. Southern in the Philadelphia High School chnni- I pionsmps unci Itufinlo was the favorite in the iuterscholastic nicdlev. 1 'W s? m $ I 1 I f v jl J A John Sleiger 1.i.l! AHEAD Of All Competitors!, The Cigar That Never Varies It never can vary, because our source of supply is fixed. We use tobaccos of the finest quulity, perfectly matured and properly cured. It never can vary, because tho workman ship is under the most exacting supervision and the highest nunu-mnae stanunrqs are main tained. It never can vary, because the conditions under which the tobaccos are kept nnd the cigars made, are always uniform. We assure you that El Borita i.s a genuine Uvo-for-a-quartor-quality but the price is only lllllt tscumm V southpaw, who is under the wing of w.nt; the American down, and it up Billv Silverman, will take on doe Jlieh- ppared as thoiich the bout had ended. ards. ot New York Other bouts: Kid P rnp and lasted the louud with n Pattillo. negro. v (ieorge Christian, KOod rail) negro: Toughev Dusan vs. I'ddie Me- The American came back slicing iu Carty, and Tommv A kcri vs. Hobby the third-reriod nnd performed well in Kcatl. , the seventh, eighth nnd ninth rounds. ,.,., ,.,.. but was outclassed at every angle. u "a'opia'frJa,;,.- TistfVT ' , Wilde tried hard for a knockout In hl next I'hllal-lrhi-i onicisement. The klnit the tPiith, in which his opponent bugged of 15S.poun.vr. Is f. tk on Knockout . Sitj- i t c opportunity. Tractlce H alrealv under wav for the t'l unt-iacims i:ain wnien lias necomo un jn noul Hiring feature at the college. nnce fiom hie own exeitions or else the knocking out cl (ieorgie Adams on Sal continual lushes of the Philadelphia i tirda) . Mclliigli was the better boy b) Iiibhiunn ort of sapped tlio New- far, but Itussrll put on such an nwk" arker's stiength. Aiiywa.v, Murphvlward bout that Terry was lucky to rami' back in this Period with enoueh I snueeze throiich a winner I I -,-.- on. local l'fci- ."lsht nt ! Pounn" rtnlde a' "i C mpia Mud. -Prn .' Sainton l' ' - '' ! fellow, has Ikii alined up ' lt-rm m lliml n to a nveear contract Trunklc smith, i llei. !"' an?a,V"' boxer li th hf- en-n ; the 1w lilildm tournainnt 'o Ik h( IJ nt PhlUdnlpnia Jack O'Brien s Willie MrOoskfj l 1eet man lied with .Tohnny leal for 'h ktar bout at th Cam bria next Krlda niwht Johnny Duffy vs. Youns Jimmy llson vlll h In tli semi Other ImutH Phllnd-luhla VVIIII Iakson n, founit Wagner Joe K iyer vs Jix-k tjiis. pie antl YomiB J-k ltanlon lounc Joe Tuber Herman Tnlnr annonnee I at r Kht ih-i ticket" for tl J mm) Wild llattl'ne JIurra bout ould be put on ul tocla As a reault Johnm M oulsan . huvlnn a bue time of It a' the Ulnsham Austin Ioneliert. one as atani to Her man Talor in promotmc bouts ar the old Srojdivai A " Is tho father of a babi Kir! .Ma. An I Vlar li her rnuther nam a Marcus WilllumN is orkma on a bantam twiut for hi i.adner at the Auditurtum -. n-xi Tu" l niffh' loe rlsht a) liaa been aft r n hot' ulih Hank Mulovern of Tort lib lun nd nav Kt this upportunltv If Jlatchnntr V i' una eutci eds In makin; Atlafa.toiy unaiiKem nts Jnlinnr Hay. llspnund amatrur ihamplon nt Atlanll' t want to meet Jack Pern. Stay haa been hnxma it& a professional for neveral months under the (tuldance of c'har M lliuius ' al bn manait.r Amona Tlay'a opisint mi. ha e been lllllv Devlne Kid Waener, I'.a O M,. ie unl llobbv llurman. '"in "ur? uc ituuni ! 1U) nr Hddie I.nny of i barley Williams a . lllllla Murk, . i.rm'r amateur chamn. la open for pr f i-i.nal b uts lie nould UKe to talie on n.i ri. faek la unoth- r iPi. "Jackie Clark beat Mlu O Dowd in Prune and he can do it attain " Is the irlst of a atafement made hy Charley i;t linger, of Allentown Clark and O'Doml ynet tn T'arls lu n sn lal bmit of the Ameri can K V champlonahlps t'lark Is a cleer middleweight and Im has been proving h touch cusiuiiKr for the bsi of 'm In his fit !. Joe lliirrnan. rliHgo Iai mm N tn he fkmons thosi) ihcri' nt rh MeUidv riuh dance to b given at th s ..ttlkh Hue Hall on jsrrll 30 Ilohby Ilurman local bantam, will l present loo Joe ffcrlntlann s bat k In Philadelphia srlth Jack llusso from Ilnston where the llihtwelKht defeated Joe Jawson tn a tweHa ounder. Ruspo vas given the referee'a de. Clston Tt'oorta stated that Christiana champ toed with Jawson Negotiations now are on for a bout with llusso and Willie Jackson at P troit April 2fi. Marty Kane, who looks like one of IVe rnost promising of the local bantam products la afUr bigger game lie la open for matches with Hank McQoveru. Little Sear nd Hobby JJoyle Joe Marks Is matched for two lwuts lie rill ibnst In Tleadtna on Ant II 20 nnH at Itrrlsbunr May I Jon Wright also will X on mat uate at jiarnsnurg. Cltlrh Carsey writes that promoters are raasltig un a crackerjack Imxer bi keeping Cbarlev Walters idle Walters' j last bout wa vlth lrnkl Karmer ' fftfn tiuatt r" Included on lie proertm Assigns Umpires Nen Vtirk, Ap-ll IT President Ilevih.' of the National Ilaseball League conferred Ith his staff nt umpires eMcrda' antl In at meted them so that there will be u uniform cnfortem'nt of tho rules during the coming season Those present were Hob Kmslie W J Klem Charles niglcr Henry O Dav I'eter Harrison Uay McC'ormUk Hotnirt Hart und I. O. Fire ?!"ran and Qulglei were unable to attend At New York, 0'Da and Harrison- at nrnoklin Mci'ormlck nnd Hart, at Clncln natl. Illgler and Morun, and at Ht Louis Klem and Emalle. Joe Burman Beats Sam Seeger Trenton, X. .1.. Ainl in After box.nj the Ilrst twu rounds (artfully. Jo Ilunnao of Chicago. Mailed Into ttamnu Seeger nf New York and won nil the way In tho vlnd-up at the Trenton A C lost nlghr .Mike Arras pelted Joe lljder. Arohio (Kid) Lwls and Willi Jackson local light welghta. met for the aecond time within a month and the former won. In the opener Kid Ilushtnan dived to sc-fety after a min ute of acta its with Tobey Green iSsiiH53IHIHflBE55SES55aSEE552EES532!ES5sjl Fltisimmons Beats Delaney l union. )., April 13 IMdlo ritzsim mons of New York outpointed b a narrow margin Cal Delaiey of Cleveland. In tin 1? twelve-round bout last night Delaney was Moond In the eighth round, the first Knock down In his long careir. It was a slugglns inati h Tillman Wins From Jack Perry I'lttabtirgli, April 13 -Johnnv Tillman of Mlnneaiwills. was entirely too clever un. crafty for Jack Perrj of Pittsburgh in their ten-round bout last night at Lxpoilti Hall, nnd waa n ea winner Tillman used a clever left Jab that rocked Perry's tuad back time ,ind again and several times made him look foolish MOTOR TRUCKS World's BEST Wrestlers l. Tomorrow -Night. 8:30 NATIONAL "TU AM 7llMZKO, role. V w V (i II T H MIIK. TnrL I.OMin-s. tlreek. vs. STASIMv. Kasslan IMwards Tt. s,tf,,ni, Hums vs. Johnson Tioketa on Pale at llonaghr'a, 33 .South 11th Nt. llernuunn'ji (Ijmnaslum. Keith Hide. Major Biddle Tournament April 13th and SOtb. Knroll Now. Irlf Cold Watches, Gold l'obs Prize. PHILA. JACK O'BRIEN'S Holing Taught. No Punishment to Pupils, H. K. Cor. 15T1I ti CHESTNUT 4th Floor. Auditorium A. A., 6th & Broivti TIIKSHAY KVKMNO. APItlt. 18 RUMINATION I.l()IITVKinilT CONTKAT JACK TOL.NI vs. FUANKIR t'LAUK ramhn'a A C I'urnt & Ferney, Mgrs. tatiiDriaA, v. Kfn,t Atb a 0;nfr;e, lTHIlW KVKNlXfl, ArKH, ISIb WUIlB Jlcrioaker r. Johnny Mealty Four Other Craekerjsck llotits I ' World leadership in only seven years The Stewart Mbtor Corporation, in seven years, has taken rank among the world's leaders in truck building. An astound ing growth an industrial achievement. Last year the world paid over $9,000,000 for Stewart Trucks and wanted more. This year, in a vast new plant,' Stewart production will probably exceed $16,000,000. Phenomenal? Yes, but inevitable. For Stewart design eliminates hundreds of really need less parts, not only saving $200 to $300 in first costs, but pro ducing a stronger truck, simpler to operate and more economi cal as to gasoline, oil, lire and repair costs. Chassis prices . o. b. Buffalo : -ton $1350; 2000 lb. $1655; I yon $2250; 2-ton $2875; 3h-ton $3805 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Gomery-Schwartz Motor Car 128-140 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. I-wVifi a lr Is-I tMm I w.N v ? V vV JC-JW ars1s-s 13 w-4 y J At your fueoritc dealers. ? n i John Sleigerwald Cigar Co. XSr p! U'j-127 North Seventh Street I 4f It.. .. iviiLLL, 5 j .. Ztt St., 1'Iiiladelpliia Distributors tss ..in! mmmkmk BSEESi yZr7?r- WWimWAm MfMUtZg&3 I I xTrfT,- Pardonable Pride. . S IT is only just, after all, Robt. Burns any compro- i kl ( that smokers should re- mise of quality is out of the 1 KsSs i alize what tremendous pride question, nowand for all time. 1 ld j the General Cigar Co., Inc., Perhaps this attitude explains 1 takes in Robt. Burns. Why Robt. Burns 13 the only 1 'SsS om- -ji , cigar with a full Havana filler SSc Th s pride alone will al- which has achieved national I Wmk 1 ways be a sufficient guaranty standing. I sSSSsM oftheuniformlyhighquality ntoC CZa.Z, I ' fi ' of Robt. Burns. dependable cioars"' To the makers of mild !!?haffi,?i C W j HAVE YOU TRIED ONE LATELY? J f National sizes 2 for 25c and 15c , Invi'blo sM T 2for2Sc(J3cforl) 1 I & .