v i, ffimff-GWJMI HAMPERS FIREMEN v Meat Train, Hold. in , Reading ', Yard by Strike? Blocks Way to Burning House Mfln tho ,rar f 810 Noble trcct at Z o'clock Hits mornliw, ww n- ,h.!,o'ftlIc,l!mn0oCMr..Ma.Bar.t "wIm the rnplno compmilM nriivcd seb .,i,Ip). were tied up by the strike !," t ennble to move their Inwratu within fighting ills nr.ee of fffMMf. Ab0,lt ",.xtjr carnU 'oni,(tl i tli nient for the Armour plant, were firf on the Noble street tracks of the it0u tlfe blft7e Rained headway the fire U themselves with portable .hfmienl appaiattiH, climbed over the toiM ami finally succeeded in ex dnctiWiinu the (lames. The file wis jSlSri by a defective line. MISS LOUGHNEY SINGS It Heard In Recital Here With J.( ErWln Mutch A souk recital was given by Marie louehno. mez7i)-HOprniio, and J. ! i'ln Muteh. diaiilnlle. baritone, in With wnoon Hall luct night. 'Hip affair was ndcr the man.tRcment of Mr. Helen riila'ki Innct. of the Mntlnop Musical Hub Walter (Johle uns at the piano, )IlV l.oughncjN voice hai warmth unit inngo. tn two fiioups of balladH. Including "Chantons Ics Amours do Imd " b Wcekeriin : "I've Been & I Hoin: "Katy Boll." by .Stephen ttxter: "The Kerrj Dance," ir Molloi, and "In the Silence of lMitlit," h Ilnehmanlnoff: "The Fairy CHIklren" and "Canterbury Hells." by Btl) ; and "The Shepherdess," by IIorMnan, he was at her best. Follow n "Canterbury Hells," thc applause i so entliusiastle that siie repeated it. Mr. Mutch scored with Ills "A Bally nine nallnd." and showed the dramatic ibllitlc of lil oice in "Kri tn ehc Micehlavl." from Vcidl's "Uno JJnllo in Mucliera," Of the four duets sung, && tet y tfr EH RETS SLAG ROOFING EHRET ROOFING & v MFG. CO. e, DREXEL BLDG. D forty fiv& cjjmm The hiat) fart,, WthasinalLfmitt Th. Idl rl.co (o MEET EAT Platter Dinrter, 85c i Incline Soup. Jicsnert and (lolilfii (iIoh- .Colter. HerMd lUeryiLvpniiig un.lin. 1' IM) tn R '10 P. M. In s .10 J' M. Our Hpnlultv: -French r&alry Km l"reh Dally 1225 Market Street 1'ormerly Horn & Horn mm U. r "" Save Money Ujc standard sizes Window Frames Doors, Mouldings, Sash, Interior Columns Stair & Porch-work Jobbing Lumber Wo Delivery Anywhere JAMES SHAW S2d and Woodland Ave. UoiMllnnil S7. Went -tftt ',,lNgP& V; Yes, Plenty v,f JSmp u $60and $65 Worsted Suits All New $45 and $50 Youngl Men's Silk Lined Suits All New Tl eplenishments in these "'two special value groups keep selection fresh a s t o styles,, sizes, patterns and col orings! The worsteds are all worsted and the silk lined Suits are typically young men's styles! Both groups are in won derful demand! William H. Wanamaker 'X 12,17-19 Chestnut Street L,'tf I A- .i" SV'l. .. . . J"l V r.jX , .iVe.viTt ' - most applause followed ."Home to Oiit Mountains," from "11 Trovatotc.", .Miss Lougliney is the daughter of .?, V. Iioughncy, treasurer of the Contl-ncntal-Kqultnbte Trust Co. Two years ago she won the Nationnl Federation Prize for voice. '00 , Dldier-Mreh Co , rtlh Amboj, N, 7. MtnufoclurTi of Fin Brick American Industrial Roofing Tile Established reputation backs each installation. More than materials, more than roofs we offer roofs delivered cqmpletely erected on time. Use our interlocking tile for pitched roofs and fiat tile tor flat rdofs. Write for "Data Sheets". n jmerican UmentTileMfeta 824 Oliver Buildinjr, Pittsburgh SO Church St. aotOll.Dldf. New York PMUtUlpUa B09 Brown-Mrx Dldf. Olrmlntliim DRAWING INSTRU MENTS AND SUPPUES Williams, Brown & Earle, Inc. g 018 CHESTNUT NTRKKT Wept. T, 9 minimal inini uiiUUiiHiminiiiiniiiiiWhin TVE UXIV DIAMONDS GOLD & SILVER Jewelry -f Al Kinds Illehest FricreFall Penn Smelting & Refining Works "Tne Old Gold Shoo" I flOfi FilborJ St., Phila.. P. FOR WOOD-METALORPLASTER 4T0II Stores-Aj or ThomscjiWood Finishing' Co. . TieGRlFFIN SYSTEM of PROTECTION ts the outgrowth of an ex u pcricncc of 31 years inAhe SECRET SERVICE of the U. S. Govt. PROTECTION Industrial. Dank. Financial, ItusI oe, Fersonal,' luvcutlsntkini. THE' MATTHEW GRIFFIN CO. )r.ttlicw K Orltnii, Pre?. Ftrrjr IHdr. Fhonn finriico 0017.0018 P HOUSEHOLD AND COMMERCIAL Refrigerating Machines Not an experiment Not a toy But a practical operating re; frigcrating plant on simple, compact, small scale. The Robt. J. Berryman Co. Refrigerating Engineer 511 Bourse Bldg., Phila.,Pa. of Them! $50.00 $38.50 J 1 TfcTHE WHITE 1 1 11 ,1 T J W H '' r 4 . I K V, $vmtfst(b VXJBtjf6K MD0!EilHXLABii3LEHIA TUE&DA1 S-S-STAMMERING ndll deftote In oh eurtd. Aftrnrv;n n1 fvenlnit rln.". Call, Write or rhone Foplnr 1332 for Partlrnliirs THE QUIGLEY INSTITUTE i tlrsr th cure of nil dtrreM In SDeeeb 17X7 MASTKIl STIlIiKX V(smjj AUTO SUN SHIELD, $1 Frflrtnfa 'h I I n il I n e -i... j- ; j- :. Ktntd to. the wlnd- shlfld. . . Atljutted In any position. Homo Specialty Co. 830 Walnut St. Phila. VAPOR H FATING $ ttr-.-!'.. 1-Vii 1 eg ' 1 "Harmony is the .Perfection of Relation" Sir Juiud RtjntlJi IF VOUR car has a fine, smooth motor, a sturdy, graceful body and a name to be proud of bring its up liofstcry up io-thii standard. Shtlhn Looms Automobile Upholstery Fabrics are fine fabrics made for fine tar. A variety of patterns and colors in desirable shades. ?r7aSffl A ywzrMuwh V0 THE SEAL Or DISTINCTION Sidney BtftMEHTiiM. W Co, Inc. 395 Fourth Avenue, New York uiiiiiniii'iimiAiiiui 1 JJecause this, as well Jj as the srreat majority of our Diamonds, wcro impoitod from prcf cried markets over a ydar ago, wo are enabled to offer this exquisite ring for 250.00. The present-day value is much more. Containod ore three largo and four small stones all perfect. Pierced platinum Retting. Kennedy & Bro. Diamond Merchants and Jfwrlrrs IIIIIH102 S. 13th StJi e. r eoixbrock. pass. .E fuitfM$ MlllJ , 4j T MlllltJ'llffliM PHHHMB SECURITY SIGNAL SALES CORPORATION SECURITY AUTO-THEFT 1IONAL Mr. Car Owner: I have solved the theft and joy riding problem. I am not selling just another lock. Locks have failed miserably. My method is "The System That Protects." Do as I tell you and within two weeks every officer, man, woman and child, wherever you may travel, will protect your car against thieves and joy riders. How -why? By publicity! The fear of publicity prevents more crimes than a man's conscience and all the courts and I use it, and even more, in my system. Today my method is successfully protecting over 200,000 cars. I've had a talk with your dealer he knows the System. Ask him about it today or write to me if you would rather have your car than your insurance. lljR:r?l f'i'. fluit&iaJlfljt- . -A , . T li . ,v.v SrRREmiRS Valra seals planed Sn position and new valves furnished. Alt kind of engine repairs. Fhnne Wnl. 1S14 and Main 3144 ' ZI2-a!t2 0.iaARIBNST.V We Specialise In Lighting Fixtures hat nvery other fellow r. rlniin't t:, Uons. quently you buy our ( nrlalnnllty na well a quality nxturea at moa- eraie prices, "'" ' r I? KoofmfaAUKownmfje. STOBUfEa2& CREWI VLVHsinUVUIIUlCtS OPEN k CHARGE ACCOUNT 44, South 8th St The April Q. R' S. Player Rolls Ready at Hall's W.e shall be glad to play therii.for you. A largo selec tion, of previous numbers is always carried in stock. MYERS F. HALL Inc. 2626 Gcrmantown Ave. rhiln. Why Kuehnle? You can depend on quality, work manship and' fairness of price when Kuehnle does your painting. Unless we gave all these things always, we coudn't sell our serv ices to this city's most intelligent buyers of painting which we arc actually doingl "Save the Surface" Kuehnle PAINTERS Vine & 17th. Sis.' apnucEW nAce.2895 Get our estimate no obligation P. P. O DONNELL. VlCI PUSS. i' WW, Ml if "'- I I P 7&& Ifresh paint! tA8efeye MetiL distributors 206 West Tenth Street PHONED, a A. 70D4 WILMINGTON. DELAWARE ($&c&t6ioTC Signed) Security Signal Sales Corporation Wilmington, Delaware L f i '-,;, ..Lft ,kh,S KELLY'S 12 N- 9th Open Day & Night OyBters In Every Stylo Planked Shad Dinner, 60c HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER iron rutAT. Mew principle! constant plyi 24 to 80 callons. lo. sui Heat rsamiors, loo. .nsr i noin tngr Just s sood. Free book. Reeves Stove 38 & Foundry Co. So. 2nd REFRIGERATORS iod (All styles) FROlfa $12.50 TO $50.00 UIIITFI ENAMETJCD AND rOUCEIwVIN LINED AT FACTORY THICKS GOLDMAN'S S. J7. Cor. 3d A Berks fits. Open Errs, We Dcllrer Anrwliere VarnisHn Then the United States Marino Corps speci fied MARBLEITE, "or varnish equally as good," they wcra looking for quality, durability and lus ter. They get It in Marbleite You can get It at all good dealers Phoenix Paint and Varnish Co. 124 Market St., Phila. DROP ON A CORN! LIFT CORNS OUT WITH FINGERS Hurt? No, not one bit! Justdrop a little Freezone on that' touchy corn, instantly it stops aching then you lift that bothersome corn .right off. Yes magic! Costs only ft few cents. Why wait? Your druggist sells a. tiny bottle of Freezone for a few cents, sufficient to rid your feet of every'hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the much talked of discovery of the Cincinnati genius. P. K. DTERLINO. IT S THE ntru THAT PROTECT" Prttttient -. jt...; .... rebate) R I imi. '!(, :w "wr'i ' ' . ' ', . V V rl 'lAJPBIi; 13, 1920 (r WANAMAKER'S Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store HATS That Are Springtime's Delight Even if the trees are a bit backward and only a delicate veil of green is to be seen, bright jade taf feta hats are here, "and surely that is compensa tion! Then the pretty things of hair braid, transparent and light, ever so com fortable and becoming, are taking numerous shapes, both large and small. You will probably no tice that lovely shade of old blue, which is being so greatly used this Spring, especially in flowers. Smart hats, too, some looking as if poised to fly away, are here in great numbers and individual choosing for almost every woman. $9.50, $12.50 and $15. (Market) I A Sale of Women's Chamois Lisle and Silk Gloves at 65c and 85c Both Short and Long Gloves It is a lot of "seconds" that we have just received from one of our good glove makers. The imperfections are so slight that often they can hardly be found. There are many styles in white, pongee, mastic and mode in chamois lisle ; most of the silk gloves are white. Not every size in each style. Short Gloves, 65c Long Gloves, 85c A few pair of chamois lisle gloves for men and children are 65c. This is a splendid opportunity to get a Summer's -supply of gloves at very much less than the usual prices. (Central) Charming Two IS to S2S Many of them bespeak rrench in fluence in fringed double ruffles, delight fully unusual skirts and attractive com binations of colors. Materials are all Wanamaker quality and the dresses are well made. A dress maker would probably charge as much to make a dress such as any one of these At $20 Figured Georgette in all its loveliness of color is trimmed with taffeta and made over a silk foundation. Interesting Choosing Among Frocks At $25 Georgette crepe is in various models and colors: orchid, flesh, taupe and Copenhagen. Taffeta in navy blue is combined or trimmed with figured Georgette in ways that are new and different. A Dozen Styles in Young Women's Sports dr---w, Arrive r more The Sale 27x54 inches, SI. 36x72 inches, $1.76. ,a K Y. ' w I IB "7n r New Coats and Caps for Wee Babies Babies aro needing pretty little hats and coats for their Spring outings. Long and shoit coats of creamy-white cashmere are soft and nicely lined. They arc hand cmbroidcrcd and many havo scal loped collars and cuffs. There arc also some pretty short coats of crepe de chine. $8.C0 to $18. Dainty lawn bonnets aro Cue to $2. The lawn is sheer and white and the trimmings arc neat laces and embroideries. Pink or blue China silk linings to go beneath the caps and add a bit of -warmth aro 85c. (Centrul) Hundreds of Gingham Dresses for Schoolgirls $4.50, $5, $6.50 to $8.50 Plaids Stripes Plain Colors and combinations of stripes, plaids or checks with plain colors form some of tho most attractive school frocks for Springtime weather. Styles must bo selected more carefully than ever, for soon, you know, Httlo daughter will be swinging off to school without a coat and, by way of suggestion, plaid skirts that arc pleated make "such a nice motion"! Sizes 6 to 14 years. But, Meanwhile, Tweed Coats April has been misbehaving and wc aren't quite sure of warm, sunny days, therefore tweod coats. Sizes 8 to 17 years, $16.50 to $32.50. Sports Suits for Juniors Jersey Tweed Toppy tweed suits arc all made with leather belts and are most moderate of price. $25. Jersey suits in heather mixtures or plain shades of blue, green, blown, etc., are $29.50 to $33.50. Sizes 15 and 17 years. (Market) Afternoon Dresses Unusual Groups lovely white, navy, (Market) Coats at $15 Spring conts in ovcry particular, from the lightweight material of which they are made to the last button-trimmed pocket. They are of velour, silvertone, wool jeraoy, polo cloth and burella in re freshing Spring colors, as well as In tho staple blues, grays and browns. Wool Jersey Coats aro splendid for knockabout wear. They will stand the hardest kind of uso and are always comfortable and pleasant to wear. There are about ten stylos between $15 and $35 which include long and short coats in lose, tan, bright green, black and navy, As well as in the heather shades. The coat that is sketched is of tweed jorsey in Oxford, tan, gray and blue. It is half lined and is in a good, medium length. $32.50. (Marktt) of Japanese Straw Rues 4.6x7.0 feet, S3. 8x10 fnor i nn 6x9 feet, $5! J J$ f 50' (Clirfttnut) 'Vis,, WANAMAKER'S !? A Little Sale of Lingerie Blouses at $2.65 Some of these arc from our own stocks and some are manufacturers' sam ples. They are of white voile and batiste, trimmed with laces, sprays of em broidery, ric-rac braid or hemstitching. There are all sizes, 34 to 46, but not in any one style. (Mnrkrt) Envelope Chemises at $1.65 arc of soft, fine white batisto trimmed with blue hemstitching and shirring, making them quite dainty. (Ontriil) in Durable Sheets, $2.35 Of sturdy, full bleached muslin, they are 81x90 inches and seamless. (Central) On Wednesday: A Clearaway of Odd Curtains and Panels at Half Price Curtains, one to three pair of a kind, .$1 to $5 a pair. Panels, one or two of a kind, $1.75 to $4.50 each. Of course, some of them mussed or soiled, but tho reduction more than com pensates for that and a pressing or tubbing will quickly freshen them. (Central) !ls $25 S9.r. . ' :' v ' .'J. i -, "4 IK ft a V). 'M Ai t'vl VI HI A n ,q . n M'l fl "( .!'. u t TU"4J U'Jrt afltA