Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 13, 1920, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Tho Streets
of Life
UmniU. Ml. H PWJ Utatr Co.)
Unhappy Reminiscences
, i.. Carter has an unhappy child'.
UA Iter father nan a nam vaiurr,
i'.Atn Amir is seven trtes to
Trilt eAW-Wo.ro the beautiful
iflmtir ma,. This drive, Anna,
Z(Ar to suicide and the Garters
Z ri from the aid gtay farmhouse, to
Tmolt toun ealled Greenvtle, where
iZis brought up. At ,uttm,he
fXpt aa from all Ufa and pie.
L. and her best friend. Cherry
Il"r'diW. it l 0"0l'1 fi' tor her to
loir. She ft not even allowed to
attend Chciry's graduation party.)
The Woman's
broke her
nwnkc that
)UT of course she hail to tell .John
1 TWrfleld thnt She wan not going
. th imrtr and It nearly
. i. j li (iUi. lav
uliht with small clenched fists,- thinking
liiht clp of John rorterfioIdV arms
he danced with Cherry. For the.v
vtit solng to dance on thr broad
t(rind, and to Anne, dancing was the
most wonderful thing in the world, al
though the had never danced in her
f outside of her own room. Some
times the very thought o dancing had
Induced her to tRkc off her shoes nnd
perform intricate dance steps which she
larmtcd herself before her mirror. If
Jim and MartliR Carter had known this
thej" WOUIU nnvc uecn uui.iutu.
It was a vnnn July night and Anne
toutd on her pillow. Finally sue got
up and knelt by the window, straining
bit ears toward the Unrdlngs'. which
liy several squares to the north, but
there was no sound of the gaycty. Out
tide the crickets chirped dolefully and
luddenly a wave of utter loneliness
iwept over Anne with the memory of
that other night when she had knelt by
the window waiting for them to bring
home her mother. That had been ten
inn ago, but the memory was poig
nant. She could see the old farmhouse
ind hear the frogs shrilling In the river.
Then she remembered that nwful mo
ment when she had looked down nt her
mother's still face surrounded with Its
dripping hair nnd her father had turned
and blamed her for what hud happened,
fibe crept back to bed and went on
thinking vaguely about life, her vivid
tfriint m'0'1 torturing her very soul
Bith'deubt of herself. What was there
ihrfut her mother that wns wrong?
Anne" remembered her. mother ns some
thins beautiful. She remembered her
mother's slender hands, nnd her sprigged
mnslja frocks' and that faint scent thnt
nlways clung to her clothes. Her father
hid said s hundred times thnt her
mother v,at weak nnd vain, nnd that
ibe. Anne, had inherited this weakness
and vanity. Wn it wrong to like beau
tiful things? Wns It wrong to bate
kectigly clothes nnd tp trim over her
' hata'to that they would be moro becom
ing? Was it wrong to like flowers, and
the'smell of them? Wns it wrong to
1iHf? ITir (other nrvir nin1ntnrri nnv-
thlns to her. lie never told her why
h" thought It was wrong for her to do
the things that other girlf did. Jle
(Imply stated a fact and required her to
kliere it.
Anne's mind leaped to thnt sunny
ifternoon when he had wnlked past
the Sutter House ulth Cherry. She
retailed Cherry's sidelong glance nt
'the men on the crnmln, and her own
fi'irnlng checks And then her father's
injr. ami her yhnine nt heilie sent
l")Me like n rhlld. "Why did she bate
the jc of those men on the porch, nnd
i hat.did Aunt Martha menu when thc
i irade strange illusions to Tjucy Prntt
and what had happened to her? Lucy
Pratt lived down In n poor part of
town, nnd Anne had never known her
fry well She i refilled her vaguely
a wrak pretty girl, who bad left
school at fifteen to work In thn ovr
ill factory There had been a 'great
deal of talk about Lucy, hut Anne had
utier iimcrioon u. fine nio Know,
however, that whatever Jt was, it was
metbing to be iislinmcd of, to speak
of under one's breath
That night after her father had re
turned from dowuto'wn Anne had over
h'ard him talking to Aunt Martha.
'Anne's wsuk," he had said bitterly.
Shs like her mother."
Aunt Martha had'befin bending over
if stove and she turned around now.
.We don t want a I.ury Pratt, scandal
in this house," slie said darkly.
And Jim Carter growled out. "I'd
till her "
Anne wondered whnt they mennt. Her
yes were beginning to close and her
eoujnts came now in soft waves, beat
ur "Vht ,'hore linn of h'f mind soft
..a ,8h' too'icnt of John Portcrfield,
nd her heart stirred dcliciously. She
remembered the wav his hend was set
!. Vr,onr """"Mt. nnd the strong
..Aof htt" U" 1""1 flashing white
it,l??i '""V?- ,ow wonderful
kJ id.bp,t0 ,lBn('f wltl him. to wear
Arj. !.,rps, ,h, one shn wore In
re fit hi."?? '" Iook, "P, ""d'lenly and
"' his blue ejes looking down into
her )n k sr,nnKp thrill went through
Sbhirhi .t,Io?Td Jnn"ilately by the
".fturb ng thought thnt her father would
lnk it vas wIclor, it k
Tralnlna Children
7o tlit r.dlUr o ll'anian'r faoe:
Dear Madam I wish to gather some
children nnd tench "them bow in inn-
duct themselves on nil occasions. Wll
you (ell nw )f there Is n book, I may
secure to help me nlong those lines?
Mrs. 0. II. C
There arc n number of good books
on eltquettp, If that Is the kind of thing
jou mean. You can get them, In the
book department of any of the Inrge
department stores. If would be n good
plan to study tip on this subject well
befote you attempt this undertaking,
for you know how children ask ques
tions. It Is ncccssarr In knoiv mm.
Stlbiert from nil lrln H,nt ......
give a convincing answer to lh mmi
unexpected query.
Photoplay Studios
Jo lit t'(titer nt IFoman'j root:
Dear Madam Can you kiudly tell
me where n film company Is located
in Philadelphia? When applying for
0 position In the films miml tun pn
personally or have to fill out nn apnllcn
tion7 ANXIOUS,
Thnrp nrr tin nhntnnta, ,.nM.niMn
that is, studios in this citv. The neiir.
est one; is In Uetzwood. which ii about
twenty miles from rhllndelphin. be
tween NnrrNtntvn nn,l 1l,nn..l...iii. i.
would be better to npply in person, so
that the director can see what- kind of
character jou would be fitted for.
Biblical Character
lo the tUHtor nt Woman" t ragr:
Dear Madam Will you please tell
me what kind of costumes the "high
priests 'wore in the times of Naomi,
Ruth. Esther (ns In tho Old Testa
ment stories) nnd how the.v could easily
be made? It Is for a biblical pageant
to be given in our school. B. D.
Mako n loose, voluminous robe of
some dark material for this costume.
The sleeves should be full nnd wide, like
the sleeves of n monk's robe, nnd there
should be n cowl or hood to go over
the hend. The priests of old wore long,
full benrds, nnd their bnlr wns worn
rather long, too, uccording to the pic
tures. An Easter Lily
To Ihr Editor of II oman'n rapr
Dear Mndain I have nn Easter Illy,
nnd would you be so kind and tell me
how to take cnie of it after it is finished
blooming, ns I hnve never had oue be
fore nnd don't know how to take care
f it- ., Mrs. O. 8.
After n lily stops blooming there is
nothing In do but wait until the. plant
dries up nnd then store the bulb nwny
in n dark place until next season, l'l
can be planted ngnin, nnd with catc
and coaxing will bloom ngain.
Qrvildren Should Nevipr
Drink tea or Coflfee.
They are harmful to growth and
development and have a particu
larly bad effect on the nervous l
eysterrv of the child.
Give the children
Instant POstum
and avoid tea and cofifees harm
"There a Reason"
hr r urms round hp
'",h.,,n'J "'h. implor
Iiik him to buy
Lapln's Handy Pad
for removing- ihln..
rei. rourt and food
ln from elolhlnr.
n, rt3. tr Haa
mnv othrr unci.
. , . coin only ISn,
cry. IIardwr, and Clenr-il 8tor.
Blade nnlr br The T.npln To,
si rarrlih Hti..
S. H. Cor. 16lh
f " ..jAIAJ 1
,. .- , ' ' ' .-- A'
rhiu. I I
Decorated Glass
Sandwich Trnys, Cracker and Cheese
Servers, .Mayonnaise Bowls with
Ladles, Cnncly .larn. Howls, Vases.
Footed Jellies. Compotes, Sugars nnd
Creams, Lily Bowls.
Flower enameled decorations
with Gold, in beautiful colorings.
Firal showing In Philadelphia.
Wright, Ty 11 dale &
Reputed (he
ynclale er van Koden. Inc.
Largest Distributors of High-Gradc Dinncrware
1212 Chestnut Street
(Tomorrow, Anne mee ,o
Special Sale
Gas Ranges
'.&&& ,i
A ErTcEa?,ty . th,M Ut
"Ullt mi,,,.. u"u lenses, wu
' WelBvinL,r5?ii,i?nJBtruct,on' Bt"1'
'tn door wi,,:1": "' ihb dki
'a lan, a Du b""oiler door; enam
ft rncf TOn,ry-.c9mplBte "nd com
""' X1."."' ,n Mnch space.
6B,00 TlUt
"PsoUi for Tbi (enen
""Only 9)59. 50
Cl ;"jf,'',w '"d Suburb:
"QvuUtT".n,l..ril,e. f1"". "Plt line al
. nil IU(rl(trtori.
..?,$? cownnc of an
n,,.Ua Kitehan"
put a
you would be surprised to rind how many of your troubles and repairs are
directly traceable to improper lubrication automobile experts sav 75
per cent. ' . '
After years of study and tests we have developed Sunoco Motor Oil
the latest achievement in motor lubrication. It enables the engine to
generate the greatest possible power with the least wear and tear It is
m4de in six distinct types, so that every make of car- can now be pronerlu
lubricated. ' ' u
SUNOCO is straight-run distilled oil assuring absolute uniformity
purity and cleanliness always. '
is not a compound oil made by mixing heavy rcsiduc-oils with light olla
Lubricants of this character arc the chief cause of carbon deposit. EiiEinea
lubricated with SUNOCO have run for years without the least trace of
carbon. SUNOCO contains-no paraUln. Paraffin oils thicken and lose
their lubricating ability in cold weather. Burnt-out bearings, difficulty in
starting and many other serious troubles result.
Ask your dealer for SUNOCO. He should have the SUNOCO Lubri
cation Guide the recognized authority which enables him to supply the
right type of SUNOCO for your car. vpy
SUNOCO CflH ba had hi mm minHlu n0,1 ."n n., .....! ;.. ..,.
scaled cans and in handy drums for home a-rages.
Philadelphia Office Finance Building
nfinerieu Marcut oofc, Pa.; Toledo, Ohio; Yah, Okla,
. A Cheerful Kitchen
brightens the many hours the average woman
spends each day in that important room.
"Wear -Ever" utensils are so bright and
cleanly that they are a pride to own and a joy
to use. Their presence adds to the modern
atmosphere of the home.
Aluminum Cooking Utensils
are made without joints or seams from hard,
thick sheet aluminum. Cannot rust cannot
chip are pure and safe.
Replace utensils that wear out
with utensils that "Wear-Ever"
Look for' the "Wcar-Evcr" trade mark on the bottom of each utensil
"Wear-Ever" utensils are sold by leading Department. Hardware and
Housefurnishing stores.
The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co., New Kensington, Pa.
3E " " ie JL MttmU
9n?hiladcJ,hl Store
f' it .. . 'l''"wapB Wmmm9mmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmm
Mjk..-.. , . ,. ; - '"!2 : tz
r A-