Ve'if, k ;.jv w , 'V11 ,"WX-, rt " ;?' ; riu w ''I? ,w :C V 'u v ' v ;t .' h ' jfcsr GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Tells of the Tableaux This Afternoon at the JicllcvUc-Stratford She Sees Attractive Costume. Girl Scout, Benefit Successful t SAW Mr'- WH""m IInrt ln n 1 u'aloiit MrMt enr yMtcrilny 1ookln, t ihftiiiht. very Imtiiliomc. HUr- was h.J about her n. which yu IZ of "how hplMl h from yellow onf 0l. "'"tt-- W u- n mnll tonne t(. brown " fine blnrk strnw. the "own w .A roundPil nbnvo tlie brim, to ntl S tam-o'.Bl.antcr. only t vvni iat. ..... --- ------- , ...- tne rrnwn ucing Ktini inn i'101!. . i. mn tmn. Ahniif llio 'n,frn unturned brim was n mnlrc X bn!l of Allee blue, which Juil -.trlTcil Mrs. "nrt T"' nntl ", n? "InH bceomlnB with l.ri- wonderful '"nievrr we ber thnt I, do not go bnck t memory some j-even'or c pl.t jonr-.. . t L tine tile tab emu of "AnirclN In ft'" "ere Riven nt the Hellenic Kimiford for coiifc benefit, mid Mrs. ft'?t wa Hollo llobbln nnKel. The iorieoui llnhtlng on her wonderful cold y made it a picture not easily or (,0011 forgotten. Tlin performance of "Mary" at the Gnrrick Theatre lanf nUht which ., i benefit night for the (Ilrl Scouts' wmmcr "am , was splendidly attended. (n.l ft M decidedly My occasion. Mr, Willis Martin entertained In one nf tiie boxes, and every one wan so Rind , ' ice 0en Martin gettlnu lounil once more. She fell and broke her lc In juuarr. ou remember, and U only 11- colne about. Kven last night Mie k.H tn use crutchcK. Cecily iiarnca lmu number of guest in another ' CllJwitJ U. Smith, Jr. box. ulso entertained. , . Throiigbout the audience there were members of the Scout Council to br Pfn anil every member of the executive lomniittcc was there, ni well as many fSptaln". and some of the little Scouts 1 n"nC,a festive audience, for nearly ,rerv one was In evening dicr-s. and that' always adds to the Joy of nations, o mr v,ay of thinking. 1 saw Mrs. Nenbold Taylor, who was looking very ect. She was Anne Melrn. you re member, and was married during the ,r. Elizabeth For was there, top, nod r.llen Cassntt nnd Mary I.overlng am! Mrs. Albert Tancoast. Mrs. lien Math. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdwmd Mrown in. Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles M. Young, nn,I Mrs. Kilillc Dale, Mr. and Mr. Hlllio Heevcs, Hope nnd Tony ('reiiiwell, who had Sarn Pentose and Marjuret Wtlglit with them, utul hu oilier girl, whoso face I could not see, but I'll tay this for her. she had a perfectly dear hat trimmed with n bril liant green feather. AND this afternoon Wft have the tab leaux at the Ilellcvuft-Strntford for the benefit of the Hope Day Nursery. The fact that .Tcssl llleox Smith and Leopold Seyffert will pose the pictures tellt ns v.hat kind of an affair that will be. l'crsoimlly, I'd hate to miss It. TT SI'KMS to ino that the fashion 1 Miow which Mrs. Dobson Altcmus is jetting up for May ft In connection with the Indoor Horse Show will be auitc remarkable. Certnlnly die lias gotten ume wonderful lookiug women to net as mannequins that evening, nnd we will have a treat In seeing the very lntcst In gowns, for the leading, dressmakers and eliops are making the frocks which nlll be worn. Kitty Smith is to bp the hrldc in the reproduction of tlio wed ding vine, and Mrs. Hob Montgomery will lend the evening-gown section of the how , l.ln Norrle. who Is Mrs. Altemus's niece, will be the leader of the iifteinoon-gown section, and Mrs. llillj Clothier will lead the vldlng-hublt anil spoils-clothes department, l'auliuc Hell, (iainor Ilnlnl, Muriel llishop, Sara I loin n Hope Cromwell. I'eggy, Thayer, Ilfbceen Thomson .Mnry Norris. Mary nu.l Ellen Gleiidiiinln, Mrs. Victor Mather Mis. Harry Wnln Hnrrison. .Mr- Tony Ge.vclin Mrs. Itlchnid Wood .lr . nnd vnrlous others will nose. It nil soiitidt pretty good to mr. MMW HIIOOKE and Lowlier Stokes nml their bridal party will have tie reheiusal tonight ut St. Mark's. on know Mnry and Lowlier me to be married tomorrow nftcrnoon theie. And It will certainly be n pretty wedding, for Mnry will make a lovely bride, anil h'r bridesmaids arc all us attractive looking lis enn be; In fact, most of them arc exceptionally good looking, so It is H'liitH to be n tiHist stunning wedding, lucre's to he n reception nt the Uroohe's lious.e in ltil tollhouse square after the ifreiiioii I hope the railroad strike lll not interfere with any wedding trip plnn itut what's a railroad htrlkc hMi motors can he had. PHAXDMOTIIKR took Polly to church Y fur the first time on Sunday, nnd "l uns apparently prayerfully harmed with all the doings. She otehf(i tho hov rhorliters with round "fs nnd she folded her small hands .n . ''"ring prayers nnd behaved "together heiuttlfully. When they enmo nome grnndpu, who Is always Inter "toil in tmdliig out what Polly really ''"ight nhout ever) thing, nsked her tint bnnppued ut church. And ns frntniinotlier and mother sot hreathli'its ; hear Polly SUy hoinething pious. J"' ""fwered sweetly : "It was awful nnny . dranpii. they was two mans In il ledipssps theie. nnd they Just tnlkod U the time NANCV WYNNE. . SOCIAL ACTIVITIES M. aIkp (Jllpii, m DP tllft fillMt 1 Lii?!,0,r nl . Hm tea which Mrs. -""'ii iiwrie wm give in her npnrt- lnnl. .. ' " ntl UIHIll" n,l T,OI!tl"nNt ,orn;r of KlftMllth nSn 'T' ?VSW 11 ,l'lny after- noon 'iipin s engagement to Mr. y Llojd has recently been onouureil Hini. R'l' MrR- Charlton Yarnall. ill ', T1' m:1 T'0 Btr(,,ts. wl" Taft . rnor '" ,,onor f Miss Helen ('olL. 'tl,,B ll,rfl,nt of Bryn Mnwr VarnSn 0m.A,1"'11 M Mr. and Mrs. ?id I Mrl'V!"'1 M,r"- no'nnn and Mr. n n Alc,taiulcr o" Ynrnall. lll h "inl !10dely of Pennsylvania ' lib on V. ll",,cl,pon t the Unlveislty W",? the -,; ,;; . ,;-""'; m-ii. xno rommuiep charge consists of i Francis M. Brooke I IIaII-.,.,., i ''"leih'lpi ''.iV1 ri'omiwon. of 202T "herCn , V Vi' ' 1,P n.1 hom" Frl,,u' irnoon , ' 'N W.eol H'"1 I''rl(,av ntt M... t ' """'I' I0(k Rl. I. I Jill" Mill he iiH.sistrd hy her '"isiitrm on niiH mi . "'"uucin ". inninp nl! ttl i" '"'"'nlilne Thompson, No ." "Uve Iicpii pnt out. H nn7l,,.7" n(1,h0 rornp11 1'nlvei 'baC , . .I,V"M . .of I'eniiHylvnn er .1.1 -.. la! 'olo VT1.mi b? the cuosts of I "ir nm,',,,,, r , uliuit Rtreot, aftrr "f tw Ymi1, ;Io,,n Edmuuil Hubbnll, nnoin?Ce ,?'k' '""""-ly of Mt. Airy, M Us uJmri ?? ,,f tl,eir Iu"l1 "''I M (lnu'rlun tbrtl. to Mr. Don- Vllllim w,hr?P' T of Mr- ""'' Mm lnii, o ,,. ( nwlhrop, of Oerinan " n Saturday In New York. f rfbrooWam.i' Uflcon "Kl". h lont M?i,",',1,'"'-'-. nre.recelv wliirr i"ii . . n" ne uirtli or a "ir, l.lizi)b(.th .UU)KMr,t ioukIoh, JlMon nt'L Mr!' . 'IIJIni oubIbs . 9 ChciUut'lliji; will cnlwUtn Mrs. Itoy Weekfs McKlnney. nt the opera next T.uesday evening. Mrs. Jfe Kinney will arrive in Philadelphia from Kentucky on Thursday as n gueit of the Phlladeliihla Chapter of the United llnughtcrR of the Confederacy, of which she ti president general. Mrs. Mllnor Wilbur will give n ten at her home, on Snyder avenue, on April 10, in honor of Mrs. McKlnney. Colonel nnd Mis. John It. Wiggins, who have been living at the Itltr.-Carl-ton during the winter, will open their cottage nt Chelsea tomorrow. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles II. Ilean have left flip Ilit.-Corlton, where they have spent the winter, nnd moved out to (lothwold. their home nt Moylau. Mr. and Jin, Frank Mayo, of Ard more, will entertain Mr. nnd Mrs. Dlllowoy, and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Tnft. of Wellesley Hills, lloston, for several days this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. William M. Wagner, of Sherwood, will entertain at dinner on Wednesday, in honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kills Stokes. Jr., and Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed ward M. Story, of Overbrook, Mrs. K. K1IN Schuyler, of this oily, who has been traveling through India since November, will arrive in Frauce on May 14, to remain during the summer. ' Mrs. George I,. Parker, of this city, with her niece, Miss Harber, will sail for Holland, on Saturday, to visit Miss Kthcl Parker, daughter of Mrs. Parker. A rnrd party will he given at the Ttlt teiihouse todny for the benefit of the Iiih Hospital. Mis Miriam Wylie Townsend. after a week's visit to her home nt Ogontz, visited her friend. .Miss I.lbbn Owjnn. at Danville, Va. She returned to Stuart Hall, Stanton, Vn.. ou Thursday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Palmer enter tained nt dinner on Sundny evening, nt their home, 7.'11 CIvmer street, and an nounced the engagement of their daugh ter, MUs Catherine Palmer, to Dr. September Mnmmarclla. Among the guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles J. Cristinzlo. .Mr. and Mrs. Peachon, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Uradley, Mr. and Mrs. Tnrimia. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nick Pilli, Mr. Italpli do Placclo. of New York; Mr. Frank Vollono, of Ucll Harbor, I j. I., and' Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Funclelo. of Atlantic City. Mrs. Harry- D. ltccutwill entertain the Monday Club at cards on Monday, April 11), nt the I.cnox. ALONG THE MAIN LINE Mrs. Joseph Gilfillan, of Overbrook. has sent out cords for a tea to be given at her home on Thursday, April 22. from 4 until C o'clock. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Story, of Germantown. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Story, of Over brook, over the week-end. Tho partv which was to hove been given by Mr. and Mrs. Humbert B. Powell, of Wayne, on April 10. in hon or of their daughter. Mls Edith Powell, and their son, Mr. Humbert B. Powell. Jr., has been postponed until Muy 1, ou accouut of illness in the family. BALA-CYNWYD Mi Kentiiec JIcGeorRe. of Mont gomery avenue. C.vnwjd, was hoxtess at a tea nt the College Club. Thir teenth nnd Spruce streets, on Monday uftprnoon. Mr, Lucius Cole nnd Mrs. Gideon Boeiicke. of Wyuuewood. ai hlsted in entertaining. Among tho guests nt the Easter party which Mrs. Tillman (I. Lane, of .Tilt Chestnut avenue. Nnrberth. gave in honor of her daughter. Miss Dorrltt Lane, on Monday afternoon were Mi Marjorle Lane, Miss Until Caldwell, Miss Lois Caldwell. Miss Honora Sny der. Miss Murion Bottoms. Miss Vir ginia Smith. Miss Mnrinu Blodgett, Miss Bettv Williams. Miss Lea Mad dox. Miss Hnbelle Needhom. Miss Betty Needhnni. MUs Anna Compton. Miss Katharine Lauglilin. Miss .Josephine Gallagher, Master Robert Boss. Master Robert Foote, Master George Bottoms, Master Edward Smith. Master Stanton Nickcrson. Moster Philip Nlckerson. Master Holmes Troutmnn. Master Donald Taylor. Moster Bertram Tay lor and Mnster .lunior Compton. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Gallagher, of Woodslde avenue, Nm berth, entertained the following guests at bridge on Tues day evening: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Clement McCrea, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Rudolph, 2d. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Toy. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hunter MncDowell, .Mr. and Mrs. Wil Ham Mitchell. MUs Linda Kirk. Miss Marguerite Kirk. Miss Margaret Stiles, Mr. William Day and Mr. Phillip Shoe maker. The guests at the dinner on Thursday evening, which Commander and Mrs. A. B. Cook, of Cjnwtd. gave In honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Casey were Mr. and Mrs. Otto F. Mnllery, Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Howard Ilhoodes, Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Dulles Allen and Mr. Gilkerly. MOORESTOWN The wedding of Miss Katherlne Lewis, of Maple Shade, nnd Mr. Ralph Ellis, of Washington, took place very fliiletly In St. George's Church, Phila delphia, at 2:.10 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. The rector, tho Rev. La Quality Special Reduction Tomorrow 200 Fine Dresses I Taken frpm regular stock and marked at these very low prices to close out quickly and make room for our lovely new Summer frocks just arriving. r Formerly esm EVBrNGF PUBLIC I LaaaV-:' ' v Ht wQKtBtSH&Sf, & i ', '. "' ,''' Wt lam jh '&&??' w&Lk.iiH 1m T-?i&WIOlK.,&''i-i?mlKFlt l'hoto by J Mitchell Klllot. MISS MAHKIi l'ULLAItl) Who was maid of honor nt the wedding of her sister, Miss Lillian Pollard, nnd Mr. Samuel Conrnil LitiUcns, which took place last week. Pin Smith, officiated. Only the metn bers of, the family wcic nipsent. After May 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Kllt will be at home in Washington. Mrs. William Hervnon, who was. before her marriage, Miss Nuncy Stokes, will be nt home at ftiOO Over brook avenue on Thursday afternoons, April 35. 22 nnd J0. No cards huvo been sent out. Mr. Asa Matlock Stackhouse has returned to Hamilton College, I'tlca, N. y., having spent the Kaster vaca tion with his parents. Mr. Paul Githens. Jr., lias leturned home from Floridn, wliero he spent the winter. Miss Myrtle Uonniwcll. of Auckland, New Zcnlaml, has beeu visiting friends for it few duys. .urs. isiiuum i inner nus ii'iunieii from a vhlt with her brother in Pitts- mttt i Fi;i..i i . i burgli. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Harry Loch, of 1S.".1 .!..i' r i.- ....i.ii.. ..t .!...: I .1 i. Af!.. il:..t t i. ...t vi Tn'.' n.,int.i. nt "us Vnrtii I Twelfth street, on Sunday evening. Anril 18. nt 5:30 o'clock, ut tin- Loi- ! raine Hotel. The bride will be nt tended by Mrs. Walter S. Dcssmier and Mrs. Benjamin II. Gordon. Mr. Walter S. Dessauer will be his broth er's best man, and the ushers will be Mr. Armani! G. Loeb nnd Mr. Leonard l.oeb, brothers of the bride. Mrs. .1. II. Comely, of 1222 Wagner nvenue. and Mrs. (J. D. Fortman gave a shower last evening nt the home of Mrs. Comely, in honor of Miss Jo sephine Dork, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Dcrk. whose inarriuge to Mr. William II. Fonlk, Jr.. of Germantown, will take place on Wednesday. The guestd included Miss Florence Johnston, MiHS Hildn Johnston, Mrs. Chnrles ,. Mrs. Richard I Ocrkcr. lit.. J. Wilson A. Mav. Mrs. II. G. Silcox. Miss Cer trude Johnston. Miss Sura Johnston, Mrs. Willinm II. Fonlk. Miss Helen Foulk, Mrs. Joseph Dcrk. Miss Lo retta Derk, Miss (Srace Taylor, Mrs. II. Randall. Miss Helen Fortman, Miss Marie Roberta nnd Mrs. John Kervin. Mrs. Curl E. Schaeffcr, of tR:,,7 Xoith Fifteenth street, is entertaining at enrds this afternoon nt her home with the following guests: Mrs. Willinm Yoorhees, Mrs. Stanley Querns. Mrs. Howard .Tnntr.en, Mrs. Alfied Cona- "Viyella,' Flannel Skirtings Mannish weight, but in feminine effects; white with black stripe, or with black cross bars. Or plain white " iyella" in two weights. Also a smart black and white plaid in flan nel of another good make. SATURDAY CLOSING HOUR, 1 P. M. . ItrRlunliiK Siiturilii)', April 17, nml until furllitr. notice 1008 Chestnut Street FOUNuSD 1856 DEW&E 1122 Chestnut Street and Standard Famous Over Half 75 Georgette and Tricotine Dresses Formerly Priced From $49.00 to $55.00 ji 75 Tricolette and Georgette Dresses Formerly Priced From $59.00 to $72.50 50 Dresses of Combined Materials Priced From $75.00 to $98.00 LEDgEB-PHICADELPHIA; TUESDAY," fAPBIC 33, 1020 way. Mrs. Victor IJcck. Mrs. .James li. Hrown, Mrs. Zone Hoffman, Miss Jennie Querns, Mrs. Klmer H. Hamp ton, Mra. Frank Schick and Mrs. Her bert Jlrooka. Mrs. William Henry Goll, of 1417 Allegheny nvenuo, nnd her sister, Mrs. T. M. Downs, hnvo returned from n visit to Atlantic City. 80UTH PHILADELPHIA The Supreme Council of Jhe, Mystic "Thirteen" Club, of Philadelphia, held it monthly sodnl nt the 'home of its president. Mr. George K. Schoen bcrg. 1810 Porter street, on Saturday evening. Thoso in nttendanco were Miss Mnry K. Simon. Miss Jean nettc 11 .Shetiillnp. Miss Ttuth K. Smith, Miss Kvelyn Messlck, Miss I.ydln Caldwell, Jtlss Hose Shlslcr. Miss Kralllne Smith. Miss Dorothy Ilenzler. Miss Henrietta Punt, Miss Emma Cunningham, Vice President Harry F. Hauck, Secretary Charles W. Judlek, Treasurer I.eroy A. Single, Mr. William E. Trlbet, Mr. Herbert U Sassc, Mr. George Lex. Mr. Jantcs Me Calllster, Mr. Ocorgo Hrotigh and Mr. William Cooper. Mr. mid Mrs. M. Lunkcr, of C37 Pine street, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Rose Lunkcr, to Mr, Myrou Kdelmnn, of this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Maurice Katlin, of 1M10 South Fifth street, aun6unccd' the en gngement of their daughter, Miss Mol ii.. Hv-nHln tn Mr. Samuel Itatncr. on 'Sunduy. March 21, at n reception given at their home. WE8T PHILADELPHIA Mrs. 11. Morloy, of Saginaw, Mich., nccompnnied by her daughter. Miss Julia Morley, has been visiting her son. Mr. Edward Morley, of 3010 Locust street, who is a student nt the Uni versltv of Pennsylvania. They have Just returned from Atlantic City, where they were guests nt the Hotel 1 ray more for the last fortnight. Mrs. nnd Miss Morlev expect to return to Hnglnnw nbout'April 10. TIOGA , Miss Mildred Slantell mid SIlss Hel cue Hains gave a luncheon and shower ou Saturday at the home of Miss Man tell on North Eighteenth street, In honor of Miss Edylhe A. Wolfsori. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander olfson, whose marriage to Mr. Isadore J. Fag- unn nf Mr. nnrl Mrs. Nathan rag- ffen! of Germantown, will take place on Anril 22. Mrs. Norman Kelly entcrtnined the fii.!.... nt Imii'Vipnii nml bridge yes- tor.lnv nfternnon nt her home, 4012 North Carlisle street: Mrs. C. Harry Johnson. Mrs. Stanley nudcrsllce, m, wtllism W. Stevenson, Jlrs. riAAA f imvpnit nn. 11. jirs. unuii'i wvtii,- v":-"";"1, . , ,. Ilildreth, Miss Alberta Do Long. Mtss Min ren nrerrur. uui rn muutv. Mrs. Henry Ptlieger nnd Main. Tlltlehrnml. Mrs. Lestct Mrs. Gcorgo Knnc. of r-c llnrrv MtUnr. of West Tioga street, entertained tho members of the frin fnHinm' Pluh on Saturday eve ln nl hoe homo. Ilpr EllOStS inclUaCU Mm. Harr.v D. Brown, Mrs. Chnrles Williams. Mrs Arthur Swuyne. Mrs C. .T. Young. Mrs. Charles Duryen. Mrs ir'nn-v Ttrvnnt. Mrs. Grant Rockefeller. Mrs. Josenh Clayton, Mrs. Horry S. Wright, Mrs. H. Baugh. Mrs. Harry Pauline, Mrs. E. M. 8tone. Mrs. Hun nnl, flnv For. Mrs. Emma Rnbcr. Mrs. Elmer 'Connor. Mrs. Emmn Merrill, Mm Klmer Crosslev. Mrs. Joseph Tom- iinson, Mrs. J. K. Shultz, Mrs. Emmn Pnrlln. Mrs. John Illnley, Mrs. Luther Marlon, Mrs. William Murgcrum, Airs. Henry Oechlcr. Mrs. Charles Pnxson, Mrs. Chniies Lytic. iMrs. vuinam Lo gan and Mrs. Henry Behm. ' FRANKFORD Pn0,'tnill(Mi number of friends nt their J Pfan gtrcct on Saturday eve- Mr. nnd Mrs. Willinm E. Walton ! .,:.,., in nn tr tlinon nresent were: r. nml ir. Wilbur Hopkins. Jr.. Sir. nnd Mrs. Wesley Lightfoot, Mr. William r.loliifiuil. Air. anil .Mrs. ftdwnru lorn llnson. Mr. Edward Tomllnson. Miss irinrn 'I'nmllnsoii. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Rex and Miss Anna Rex. of Jersey Citv; Mrs. William Walton, ot jersey f'ltV : Miss Myrtle Seibold. of New York: Mrs. Lunra Heabcr. MIkh Grace Mrs. Anna Selliold. Mrs. Wil bur Hopkins. Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Churles Harvey. r . .Miss J.nura jiarvcy, a Century 27.50 39.00 58.00 Master Charles Horvey, Jr., Mr. Alien V. Harvey, Mr. William Allen Walton and Mr. Manning J. Harvey. Miss Louise Cameron, of Orthodox street, will entertain the, members of her sewing circle on Thursday eve ning. Mrs. John lloylan, of 0220 Jackson street Is entertaining her. niece, Miss Vera Murray, of Denver, Col., for a short stay. The regular monthly meeting of the Mothers Club of Frankrord, will be held in the Frankford Library to morrow afternoon. ROXBOROUGH The Iter. Frank L. Sullivan will give n lecture this evening on "'llio jjuii Tree" In the church nuditorlum, under the auspices of. .Mr. Harry A. v cut zc1'h class of the liiblc school of the Itoxborough Baptist Church. The lecture is ope of the scries of community evenings being given by the members and will bo followed 'by nn Informal reception. Mr. Anthony Wetherlll. Mr. Georeo W. Levering nnd Mr. Harry Craven are the class o dicers having the nllalr in charge. The clubhouse ,of the Itoxborough Country Club wa decorated with spring flowers on Saturday cveulng, when the nnnual spring dance of the club was held nnd was largely attended. Yes terday afternoon the first of the spring series of enrd parties was given. Mrs. William W. Wilson, who so successfully conducted tho winter entertainments, wuh In charge, nnd wus assisted by Mrs. William Spink, Mis. Chnrles Simpson, Mrs. John A. Struse, Mrs. Samuel Kcnworthy, Mrs. Harry Mil ler, Mrs. W. Itoss Taggart, Mrs. Walter Hodson, Mrs. Itoy Robinson and Mrs. Gordon Stafford. WI88AHICKON The members of the Allons Club will give u dramutio entertainment followed by a dance on Friday evening at Wood valc. the clubhousu of the American Bridge Co.'s Club. "Farm Folks," n raural comedy, will be presented by the talented amateurs with the follow ing In the cost: Miss Wanda Itchder, Miss Augusta Pollock, Miss Katharine Ilrltsch, Miss Blanche Miller, Misn Ivn Dalley, Miss Helen Jackson, Mr. Harry Blei, Miss Adcle AValton. Mr. Irvin Britsch and Mr. Ernest Dinkcllachcr, who will direct the play. The patron esses include Mrs. BAbcrt Lu Fort, Mrs. Charles Britsch. Mrs. Ida Miller, Mm. W. Dailey, Mrs. H. Jackson, Mrs. Martin Blel and Mrs. Barbara Walton. Miss Mntgaret Stafford has returned to Swarthmoie College after coming home for the spring holidays. Mann & Dilks A1B2 CHESTNUT STREET. 11 1 rV II Wk is l I (mn I c ill e MmmV MANN & DlLKS UB2 CHESTNUT STREET The mark that sure of style We feci sure you'll want a pair of these graceful La France pumps in your Spring wardrobe, for you can wear them in the afternoon with a taffeta frock and they'll be equally smart with a dinner dress or a fluffy evening gown. They arc made of Sterling Patent Colt and you'll be glad to know that their price is most reasonable. Come in and try on a pair. You'll like them for their comfort as well as their beauty and they'll give you long and faithful ser vice, too. 'TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET THE BIG SHOE STORE 1204-06-08 Market St. ll PRETTY WEDDING OF MISS J. C. SANVILLE Takes Place This Evening at Kensington Methodist Church A nrMtv tveilitlnir which will take place nt 7':.'50 this evening In the Ken sington Methodist Churh, Ilichmond and Marlborough streets, will be thnt of Miss Jane O. Sanvllle, of 1730 North Fifty-ninth street, who win De given In mnrriage by her father to Mr. Albert IIoHbnrh, of L'.7 ISast uiraru nvciii -. The Itcv. Itoland Gnrber. assisted by the llcv. Dr. Henry Hess, will oti- ciate. A reception will follow nt the homo of the bride's parents immediately after the ceremony. Tho bride, who will wear a gown oi white sotln and georgette and carry a shower bouo.uet of roses ana sweec ocas, will have as her nttendnnts Miss Mar ian Cummlngs and Miss Isabelle Me Nnul and Miss Mildred Latcham for flower girl. , .... Mr. Hosbnch will have for his best mnn Mr. Alfred Itced, and the ushers will be Mr. Wilson Sanville. n brother of tho bride, nnd Mr. Arnold Pelffcr. After nn extensive wedding trip. .Mr. and Mrs. Hosbach will live in West Philadelphia. LEWIS 1 1 AKS 1 1 Tho wedding of Miss Bertha Harsh, daughter of Mrs. C. C. Entenmann. of Sabine nvenuo, Nnrberth, and Mr. George M. D. Lewis, of Scrnnton, took place on Saturday nftcrnoon nt 3 :30 o'clock nt St. Paul's; Lutheran Church, Ardmore. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother. Mr. Wil liam Harsh, wore a gown of white net nnd carried a shower bouquet of white lilacs nnd sweet pens. Miss Helen Win throp wns maid of honor nnd Mr. Na thaniel Holier tson, Jr., of Scrnnton, was best mnn. The ushers included Mr. Fred Harsh nnd Mr. William Lewis. Tho cerenvonv was performed by the Itcv. James Kichnrds. Ou their return from their wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will livo in Scranton. PHILIPS WAGNER An interesting wedding took place on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock nt St. Thomas's Church. Seventeenth and Morrla streets, when Miss Elizabeth Philips, dnughtcr of Mrs. Frank Quinn, of 181S Hoffman street, became tli bride of Mr. David Wagner. The Rev. Father Naegle performed the ceremony. Miss Martha Knnc was bridesmaid and Mr. Bernnrd Gormley wns best mnn. Tyrol Wool is well known and has an established value. SOLD HERE ONLY Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Suits 29.75, 36.75, 49.75 Many new colors also white. Light shades will be worn this summer. Girls' and Junior Sizes makes you sure sttre of value mmmm$Lm A quiet reception nt th6 liomc of tho bride followed tho Cerrmony after which Mr. and Mrs. Wngiler left for Atlantic City. They will return to their homo on South Woodstock street about May 1. CONNELLY MEI.IA An Interesting spring wedding was thnt of Miss Gertrude M. Mella, daugh ter of Mrs. John T. MpIIh, of 8(113 North Mervlne street, nnd Mr. Charles J. Connelly, of Fern Itoek. which wns solemnized on Friday afternoon in St. Stephen's Komun Catholic Church, Broad nnd Butler streets, with the Itcv. Father Stowart officiating. Tho brldo wore her traveling suit of brown trlco tlno, with a hat to match, finished with n touch of Alice blue, nnd n corsage bouquet of orchids nnd sweet peas. Siie wns attended by her ulster, Mrs, Stephen Bournp, ns matron of honor. .Air. John i-ipzci, or uverDrooKi wns best mnn. The service wns followed by n reception nt the liomp of the bride's mother. Mr. Connelly served two years ovcrpens as lieutenant In the First division of the United Hlntcs Med ical Corps. The bride is a graduato of the Catholic High School for Girls. Mr. toMBO&mzazmszamsEzmez I Don't Be Fat f RE VIVACIOUS have plenty of "pep." n jj CURPLUS FAT not only adds years to jour k appearance and causes constant discomforts Jl But also means that your Organs are impeded by U useless fatty tissue, T'HINK what reduced (n iiom fntif nlnMn A 'In comfort alone. And by our Safe, Natural Methods of BntiiH, Massage KxerciHcs and Expert treatments, which equal the famous "Spas" of Europe. Trial Demonstration Treatment- COLLINS INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY Bellcvue Court Building Phone, Spruce 5L8U 1418 Walnut Street flairdrcRsing Department fem&3tt&z m M nil rrX Jtitz - ikM jrMaacDihia. OF THE XEW SPRANG TAILORED FROCKS reproduced paris styles and original qiodinq designs in tricotine twill satin taffeta and tricolette in Handsomely embroidered BEADED AND BRAIDED EFFECTS GOWNS . WRAPS TAILORMADES HATS - FURS BLOUSES AND ACCESSORIES Our Formal Opening Will be An nounced as Soon as Our French Salons Are Completed tararejrarHjrajfargjrejrarHjrsJfB 1 1 jJiiiirpiB' tpK Master tailoring is alone responsible for the smart lines in Jaeger Polo Coats of natural camel's hair. The con summate care with which each coat is cut, each seam is sewn, assures the fit and finish which "Jaeger" implies. and the material. The softest camel's hair the finest which England's mills weave. Jaeger 'dad always means best in tailoring and material. Catalog on request. Prompt attention to mail orders. Sw , t (J I m yj' Lv t i Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen Syatem Co. PHILADELPHIA HUSTON M.IV WHOLCSALIi 3S7 -llt ice and Mrs, Connelly left for a fir) stny In Atlantic City, aim on ai they will sail for an extended through bitrope. ' STRAWHfeHHY mliOwi .yJ(a Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Abrarai f'4?J 1804 North Twenty-eighth Btreet, Atw fSJ receiving congrauiiniiuim u uw " of n son, Herbert L. Abrnms. MW j Abrnms will be remembered ns MIm fit .Ul-JIIU J.UV.l . .ill The Beth Israel Alumni Is makln ,5 rnpld progress In U rehearsals, fit ' "Whon Eugene!" the musical com-1 edy, which will be produced at Mf c-s contllo Hall on Mny 4. under tbo dU rcctlon of Mr. Morton Elseman. , ... ... . .. .. .. m v AllSS J'JISIB U. AiailBt guvu a uiujitni t,, on Saturday evening In honor of MIm. Jv Until Zieglcr nt tno nome oi iir. aa m .Mrs. Jlny M. Kiegter, aoua xibihohw AAi. riMirt MtiAtitai nrrtBnf TirnrA lff and Mrs. William Hamilton. MIm ,f noscinnry iinmiiion. iumn uuiujjj Hamilton, Mrs. Louis Hornbcrger, Dr. and Mrs. ViUfam J. Wrny, Mr. and Mr winism McDowell nnd Miss i Itoberta McDowell. weight would rrican to you rtrl Wo en ahov nrnmn1tclt it's ho easy accomplished , SI simple -Gralis ' 00001 ? S L jwxvxs W -V w 7th "3lftk&tonw .N.JB, . - mrlton PRESENT SMART VERSIONS Why Jaeger Polo Coats Are Different roo-jwi kTf ! " clOoolitkM& IQOXrURE NATVRALWOO 1516 Cho.tnut Str.t TOllK OIUCAOO 393 Foufth Ave., Mew Voilt 'V V n VI V ! m Kim i I ,i fl v'l -1 1 m IsyiaiigipiiaiiTO i LSv, v,' un jaditis