V1 tWt,, i (i ,x p. :v SWS'v .. . 'K -( '1V I"''" p- rr- i -I ir r - . ' ' 4 ' ' ' ' .' ' 's iiiiDAf CALLS ARE ISSUED ! Ant.Vare Forces Active in Pre,- paring Enrollment to Assist uomny . ,: Vatc forces In tlic Third Con- Aiit dhlrict ttnloy nrc calling on .rwloMl " , t lngt fnU irn notllnc places from 7 n. m. i0 ,'.d were ntmllfled to yotc n "fmnved from their election division. ''r ! 7 ff nrc'bclnKHent vC! ,e VepubllPBii Business Men's f bi,i inn of he Third district, which ! ?. ',' V ("harlea Delany, admln- 'fenfilfl-Sahend. fV7.;xU even- word In the district nnIo to confer with active M&V"il ld;enn. Jr.. admlnlstralion '!,,l fnr tic 8 ntc Senate from the (i,ml.htP for !., .listrict. 'also hns hcad nnh Kun or "' S lildw, located In , 'h'wmd? whirl,' Is Inelmlpd itaWo 'Vhlrd Co.:sreHSlonaI and the ft I, Senotorlnl districts. FIRE DAMAGE PLANT Ble In Basement of Mince Meat. Plant Does $5000 Damage Tire In the ph"t o( Atmorr- & nros.. lin e m a manufacturer, Taskcr and Front Mrcets. early this morning, caused tfWO .lMinage. wmonr nf th nlant and burned-through the first K .helftlhliiig to the offices of the comrrn. rirenien battled an hour be fore they P'1 t,,c ,,rP' "ndcr t,ontfo1- (JcorRP ItPiuiPlt. nn engineer, dis ocir. Hie lire al 0 :.'t0 oVIoek. He -.. i- ini.ni mill iln'ii Willi Patrol- man hi", unashod in the basement door lrltli an HV fieverai iiiiniircu vum-a in mime moat mill several barrels of sugar nrre slnrcd in the rear of the basement. Origin of Hip blaze was not determined GRAVE DIGGERSSTRIKE.'' Want More Money and Won't Work In Rain TV liijli rot of living, not contpntcd with making lift' miserable, has turned lis HttcnliiHiM lo (he dead.. Sntiiriliiv forty graveuiggcrs employed lit Holy Crosx Cemetery, nt Ycadon, went on strike. iinrn initipi in flip nnnrinnl nemnnii nt the men. "Secondary is the demand that tliry shall not be ninuc to worK in tiic inin. SANDY HOOK NOT SCOTCHMAN,. PUPILS LEARN IN BRAIN QUIZ Good Showing by Germantoivn Friends' Students in Intclli- fgence Test With Boys Leading Girls, but Some .Amusing Answers Arc Given ,Eyisiflara Vvmxc letjgter-yhil'adelphiA; moxday, kPfcTL 1 1920 '..- , i i ' General Intelligence Is one of those things thnt everybody thinks he has until some one begins to ask questions. Then a lot of people nro apt to come out with something that shows they think Sandy Hook Is a Scotchman, and so on. The students of the Oermanlown Friends' School nro preparing thcm selves for these little emergencies in life when a person is supposed to have more than a faint knowledge of what is stir ring in the great world. They have just had their yearly intelligence test, and the boys and girls showed that they nro well up on thnt great mass of facts that too frequently comes under the head of general misinformation. The boys of nil the classes averaged higher in the tests tlinn the girls. The senior-class average was 01.0; first, class, C0.0; second, fil.2; third, 47: fourth. 45.5; fifth, 81; sixth, L'4.4, and seventh, 10. Some amusing answers were turned in ns usual in a contest of this kind. Ilefore Inughlng too heartily, however, it might be a good idea to take another look at the list of sample questions. There were those aiming the students who claimed that a pedagogue was n peddler, an idiot, a teacher who will not listen to reason, and that minarets, silos and tarantulas were musical in struments. Some thought that John Drlnkwatcr was a prohibitionist, whereas bo is only a harmless play wright. Others held that Theseus killed the Monitor, that lluford was tho ship ued to deport alienists who were un desirable, and that Sir Oliver Lodge is the leader of tho Republican party Keeping mem in good spirits, no doubt). One girl (probably tho young lady across me wayj sam tnnt they always make coffee in a perambulator. Quotation's artless aid was admirably shown by selections like these: "Where thero Is a sidewalk there Is a wnv." "Urcvlty is the soul of Francp." "What is sauce for the goose Is gander for the consumer.' Woodrow Wilson was held to be the author of "All's Well That Ends Well," which is n cheering thought at least. Sparta Fritz, ,lr., a senior, led the school with nn average of 89, and J. Hildas Medley had the highest grade for the Intermediate school, CO. INJURED AVIATOR DIES Man Who Jumped From Blazing; Plane Fatally Hurt Ilichard W. Wright, twenty-four years old, of Cleveland, 0., died at 7 :.'J0 o'clock this tnnrninc In Cooper Mospl: tal In Camden ns tho result of Injuries received Saturday afternoon, when he jumped from an airplane near Marlton, N. J. The plane took fire nt an altitude of 1700 feet, and Mnrk Uoguc, of 'Fort land, Ore., tho pilot, nose-dlvcd the flaming machino toward earth. At an altitude of 200 feet, Wright Jumped. Both his legs and both arms were broken and he was injured intcrnnlly. Mrs. Wright was at her husband's bedside when he died. Hoguo had been with him constantly since the nccldcnt. Uoguc was only Bllghtly hurt. DOEBOY BEVERAGES CAN'T BE utAi rmmwmsim sis fe . M If tftiSy FOR INSTANCE - THEPTEfi B?OTCO. CUZABETff, N.S. A Wet Day Deliveries Ml Ilium U lource of woilry uiilmi jour ifouilH rctrolnicd wlih a aild-rlieiUiun alir I'ruuf Cun ii lour. Fmhioncd lo fit aiiy nUe rlulit ii. vur own ion "7" JPfen vuv vur Qn ions. F.VANDERHERCHEN'SSONS "iiifr nirrn. riillutlrlplila 1 N. S-I-N-G! Q,R'S (Word Ro,lls) Ceitainly you cun nine;. Don't worry L i.S.0uIVls liko 1011 FHwcr goinff "Pmil. "iou're sure at least to please one person-youruclf ! Wiicn a word roil unfolds, each word of the song JP" opposite its note, so you can ih 1 youi" own nccompanlment on no player piano. Come in and try i!,vol,ra these our booths arc ound-proof: "Lift All Alone A8aln Bluet" "Ro,e of WaihinBton Square" pyer Pianoi from ?SS0 up. Convenient terms. WYMANN "BELL 'AND WING" By jFrederick Fanning Ayer READ WHAT THESE AMERICAN AUTHORITIES SAY OF THIS MOUNTAIN-NEST OF VERSE, THESE SUPERNAL FLIGHTS OF SONG "Absorbing, virile and inspiring". .' AT. y Herald ureat originality ana depth ot teelmg" Boston Times, it r -m si .- k i btrikcs trom the shoulder," The Standard, Bridgeport, ConnA a vinie work- Boston Globe A great work : Boston Herald iear the stars The Urcgontan, Portland, Ore. PRICE, NET, 92.50 THE BAkER & TAYLOR COMPANY SELLING AGENTS 354 FOURTH AVENUE NEW YORK MOUNTING on Muslin and Cardboard of Maps, Posters and Plans. NATIONAL BLUE PRINT CO. 38 S. 6th St., Phila. Market 1900 Main 569 Galvanized Boat Pump L.D.TltrtOT Co, tlmiH 4000. N. id nt. Mnrnt in. OFFICE MANAGER Tho services of an Individual whom we hnv knowrt for oms ear and whon buitnflfl record has ben hlgllly aucremfui will b nallabl April lnth. Thla man Is a true expert In ofrtce management, ayatematlzlnr, ac rntintlnK and merclianrtlinB. le ahoiva result right from th start. Kor Interview address or phone Franklin Advertising Service IliillHIn nnlldlnr. Philadelphia N. Z. GRAVES Intorporated 400 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA Tha Ilonne of Rpeelnltle In Fnlnts nnd Vnrnlshea HEATING VENTILATING POWER PIPING STEAM FITTING H.L.Roberts 118Northl6"Sr. Advertising Not Only in , Precept but in Practice TN the United States there are but five advertising agencies that show their confidence in advertising by persistent ad vertising of their own business. There are five agencies who, when they tell you to spend your money in advertising express a basic business principle that they practice themselves. If you hear of an extraordinarily success ful advertising campaign ask if one of the five agencies who advertise their own busi nesses prepared it. Nine times in ten you will find it so. Genuine, successful advertising is more than the mere vaunting of empty phrases, or the protesting of ephemeral ideals . . . advertising is as intensely practical activity that uses every legitimate opportunity that turns every possibility to advantage that weaves success out of elements that the uninitiated do not know exist. There is a reason back of every advertis ing campaign we prepare from the earliest investigation and research work to the completion of the final piece of "follow-up." We plan to uncover the "vital appeal" that is contained in each sound proposition, because in our ability to do this lies the reason for our many successes. ' Our Experimental Kitchen is an impor tant factor in this direction, on food ac counts. Many food and kitchen products are here tested as to their merchandising availability. When they pass our severe tests many new uses are discovered by our cooking and domestic science experts . . . and advertising "copy" is written that car ries the full knowledge of its subject a feature that makes an instant appeal to the keenly discriminating women buyers. Our "Bulk Window" with its trial dis plays is responsible for some of the most active co-operation on the part of dealers because by its means we have been enabled to produce some of the most powerful win dow displays that have ever advertised a product. Our section of street car to show designs and color effects that make the most ef fective display in this form of advertising' . . . our store shelves to enable us to see the best package or carton display for "behind-the-counter" are all minutiae of our thorough-going methods ... all typify the practical nature of our conception of true advertising . . . these were all sug gested to us to help our clients because we, as advertisers, understood their true value. Perhaps the most convincing proof of the value of really knowing advertising by advertising is our unusually long relation ship with our clients. Our present clients have been with us an average of seven years and six months. Our business in 1919 increased 150 per cent, over that of 1918 ninety-six per cent. of our total volume of business in 1919 was from accounts that had been with us more "than one year up to twenty-five years. If you have a proposition that you believe could be effectively merchandised let us, who. know how it feels to spend, our own money in substantiating our belieTs, con sider it with you and advise you as to the best way to go about it. Such a conference would place you under no obligation and might be very advantageous. Donovan-Armstrong National Advertising j 1211 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA FOR TUESDAY, APRIL THIRTEENTH HOURS NINE TO FIVE-THIRTY O'CLOCK Strawbridge & Clothier's Semi -Annua I Rug Sale An Economy Event of Interest to Everyone w r ..11 M Hi I ' 'Mil w 1 V i 4 1 H J y i J I . h Old Wedding Rings Made New The same WcddingvRinK in substance, but made new by a beautifully carVed design, or a platinum coating. We shall bo glad to furnish an estimate for making YOUR Ring over in tho newest effect. Btrawbrlda-e A Clothier Jewelry Repair Desk. Aisle, 8, Market Street Don't You Need a Smart Coat Of This Type? It fills that wide gap between the Sports Coat and the Wrap, and lends itself to every practi cal use. Of serges, pop 1 i n s and twills, i n black and blue, $25.00 to $70.00, those at the h i g li c r prices beau tifully lined t h r oughout, the others with body nnd sleeves lined. The model sketched f ti n n n typifies tho prescribed silhouette by its distended pockets, and por trays the fashion for contrasts in its combination of plain and stitch-barred twill. The Shorter Coats Heavy tan polo cloth, in sports length, $18.00 to $.".0.00. Tan camelV-hair cloth in he longer lengths, $10.00 to $75.00. Fashionable Capes Sonic new models just arrived are of vclour tan velour with blue satin lining that rolls back forming deep hood collar and graceful rover effect; another in the same stylo is in blue, lined in tan $50.00. Also a great variety of serges, plain nnd accordion plaited, fine twills nnd wool ve lours. $25.00 to $100.00. Straw brldcn A Clothier Second Tliior. Centre In Preparing for Summer New Bed Spreads Favorite kinds are snowy white or white with colored stripes, cool looking and easily laundered: While Bed Spreads Of pique in neat designs, 72x90 inches, $3.50; 80x90, $4.00; 90x 100, $5.00. Crochet weave, 78x 88 inches, $0.85. Satin-finish Marseilles, 80x90 $7.50. White Bed S)rettd3 with pretty Colored stripes, 80x00 $4.00 Dimity Bed Sets White with blue stripes, including a Spread, 80x90 inches, with scal loped edges and cut corners; Sham to match $7.00. In all-white, a Spread, 90x100 inches, scalloped, and Sham to match $7.50. Strawbrldne Clothier- Aisle 11. nib-H Street Decorative Fabrics at Special Prices Unusual values, of timely in terest to people now brightening up the home for the coming months. Colored Scrim 55c Rright "and subdued nllover Foliage and narrow border effects in backgrounds of white and cream. Army Khaki 55c For Awnings. Khaki of Gov ernment standard, 8-ouncc weight and 28-inch width. Colored Burlap 50c Good plain shades of blue, brown and green; 50 inches wide. StrKWhrldci' ft Clothier Third Kloor. Centre THE fact that all previous April selling1 records have been ex ceeded thus far in this great Sale is a very definite indication that most folks fully understand the conditions in the floor covering market, and realize that it PAYS TO BUY HERE, AND NOW. Cost of production is higher now than when our stocks were bought, yet we have hundreds of Rugs marked at reduced prices. HE Sale continues with interest unabated and with ample quantities and variety at very attractive savings. A large number of Rugs in discontinued designs practically all grades and sizes at av reduction of 30 per cent. Hundreds of Rugs standard wool and worsted weaves and many Summer Rugs as well at a reduction of 15 per cent. Thousands of other Rugs, of all kinds and sizes, at a reduction of 10 per cent, from regular prices already low. IN THE Sale are also nu merous Oriental Rugs at worth-while reductions, and, of especial importance, a number of CHINESE RUGS in carpet sizes at a reduction of 20 per cent, and all other Chinese. Rugs in our stock at 15 per1 cent, below pres'ent value. Many of our most attractive patterns of In laid and Printed Linoleum are in the Sale at somewhat less than regular prices. Every home fur nisher should bc'intcrestcd. .M n i Cl About 1000 BOYS' SPRING SUITS are Reduced to $8.75, $12.75, $16.75, $18.50 and $21.50 Hecause they are lines from our regular stock that have been depleted in range of sizes by early season activity. Straw lirldce Clnthler -Seronil rioor Knt $L 1 m r 83 88 all Dsv .ffiffl IL- - - - TTj MX Ji ffl aPRl tPtrtn Wx P8 Jute - - -F4 S'trawbrldjre Clothier Fourth floor. West Men's Spring Suits Special Suits with Two Pairs of Trousers now $Jf7.50 Tailored by the "Alco" shops and other dependable houses, in fine worsteds, serges nnd cassimcres. Regular, stout, slender and short proportions, too. Smart Spring Suits $36 Fabrics arc blue serge, un finished worsted, smooth wor sted, iridescent cloths, fine cas simcres and smart cheviots. Straw lirldBP Clothier Second Flour. Kant Famous Nemo Self-Reducing Corsets, $5 to .$10 The Corset that have brought com fort, health and symmetry of figure to thousands o f women, w h o prior to wear ing Nemo Self -Reducing Corsets were burdened with super fluous flesh over the abdomen. Model .'$27 flf rnutil or firm, light-weight usaro cloth, is made with elastic inserts at the top and fitted with- Nemo Self Reducing Straps of thf original type, as sketchod $0.00. OTHER NEMO CORSETS Nemo VonderliftS7.00 to $15.00 Nemo Marvelace $0,00 to $12.00 Nemo KopScrvice$4.o0 to $10.00 Nemo Diafram-Reduciny, Flat front Corsets $10.00 Strnwlirlilee t Clothier Third l'loor. Market Street. UH Men's and Boys' Sweaters, Reduced Models from regular stofekn an excellent line of desirable shades. All the well-fitting, well made kind. Men's Pull-over Shaker-knit Sweaters. V-shapc neck $7.50. Boys' Coat Sweaters, with col larnow $6.50. Htriiwhriilce Clothier Hunt Store. Elsh)h Street 1 I ...J 1 1 1 'sVl n VI 71 Uwi WW ten lJUr Nainsook and Other Household Muslins All those sturdy White Muslins thnt are so important in outfitting the members of the household. Most-wanted kinds and qualities: Tine Cambric. .16-inch 38c yard 1'ine Nainsook, 36-inch 65c yard Suiting Munlin, 36-inch, 58c; Im ported, 72-inch $1.65 a yard By the 12-yard I'iecc Nainsook, $7.50 ; Long , Cloth $4 .50 Strawbrldse & Clothier Aisle IS. Centre New Black Crepe Georgette Waists Women who wear black, will be delighted with rthese new Black Crepe Georgette Waists and Over Blouses, in vest, slip-over nnd side-closing models, many richly embroidered, beaded and braided, others in lovely tucked effects. Some especially intended for mourning wear, in all-black and black-and-white. Prices $9.75 to $48.00. Strawlirlilrre Clothier Second Kloor. Centre Francis Bacon Pianos and Player-Pianos Sold here exclusively in Phila delphia. Pianos, rich in tone, that bring to the home music that all the family may enjoy to the fullest. THE METHOD OF PURCHASE And when you have learned the easy method of purchase we have arranged, and seen the splendid instruments we have to offer, you will wonder why your family has been denied this great happiness so long. Upright Pianos $.',50 and $175 Player-Pianos $750.00 and $S00.00 Soloelle Planer-Pianos $850.00 Small Grand Pianos $850.00 Reproducing Pianos electric) $U50 Gradual payments without additional charge's1 of any kind can bo arranged if you so desire. Moreover, we will accept your old instrument as part payment. 0 TW'3I .11 '. 1 1 I J i mvwM Strawbrlilte 4 Clothier Fifth flopr, Watt ,',, i . i"ty-f J" : ' ' .V'-J ' .f ( .,".. -to. ..w .- r: .-." 'n I , lff5iSB5BSHBBBBB