rrV I K- , tf t ? J it fcr ly t - r . v , n: , 7 RREBRAND PLIED BY IN FEINERS t Officos In Dublin, Bolfast j,' ? and Cork Among Targets of Wp ?- Easter Attack POLICE BARRACKS ASSAILED Insurgents Commemorate Dublin Uprising of 1916 The 101C Kastcr week uprising, which was commemorated yesterday, began April 2t with the proclama tion of the Irish republic. About 800 Sinn Felners seized the Dublin postofflco nnd other public bnlldiDKs Kaster Monday nnd held them until Saturday night against eomo 30,000 Uritlsh soldiers. Tiro hundred people, mostly civ ilians, were killed in the fighting. More thnn 1000 were injured. Fourteen insurgent leaders were executed later, after courtmartial rials, and hundreds were jailed. By the Associated Press London. April fi. Reports continue la reach London today of. the destruction of property by raids in Ireland by armed bnnils. most of which occurred Satur day night. 1'oliee barracks seemed to barn hern thp main objectives ot tlie raiders. Amonc the places where the barracks were cither burned or blown up were Cork. Clonclough, Dunkcrrin. Clonakcnny, Hal Lymake.v. Dolla. Bal Hnderry, Ardfcrt, llullyheigue. Kath coole and Drinngh. Several barracks in "North Tipperary also were destroyed. Other buildings destrojed include the Ballyvourney courthouse, while the press association reports the Protectant schoolhouse at Milltown burned, und at Glln the stained glass windows, the organ and various articles of furniture broken ou Sunday night in St. Paul Protestant Church. Raids were carried out on customs and ezcise tax oflices in some places. notably at Ncnagb and Sligo, where the .Income tar pnpers were destroyed. The Dublin postoffice today reported a. general stoppage of telegraphic com munication to the north of Ireland. Dublin, April 5. (By A. P.t The fourth anniversary of the rebellion of 3010 passed quietly iu Dublin up to noon today. During the morniug the streets wcra somewhat deserted, owing to the large number of people attending the Irish grand national hore races. lleports of the burning of police bar racks anil other outrages Saturday und Snnday contiuue to pour in from mauy parts of the eountrj, but the general opinion here continues to be that there will be no armed rising. The Shin Fein Hug flow all day long from the masthead of the flagstaff on the admiralty pier at Queens-town. It was hoisted during the night and the Eole was well greased to prevent it from eing hntiled down. Malcontents attacked sixteen ta offices iu Dublin. I!elfnt, Cork ami other towns, uVstroj ing the r'"ords in various ways, but mostly by fire. The series of incendiary fires in Dub lin kept the fire-fighters rushing from !) o'clock Saturday night until nfter mid night. The oflices of income tax rollec. tors nnd surxeyors in Dublin were vi ited by the incendiaries, who did their work well, as the fires were wl ml -ranced before tli lire brigade arrived. Just before the outbicuks the caretakers of the burned buildings were held up by armed men. Belfast. April ." -AVirr- communica tlon with the soutli and with Scot land was severed Saturday ntsht Unknot u persons ntrrii tin- custom house Hud the Grand Central Hotel, which is now occupied in the mrn- i ment offices, and burnd oflicial docu- ' ruents. ' Eary yesterday morning sewn Sain Felncra forced au entrance Into thd Ncwry customs house. They covered the caretaker nnd his wifo with revol vers while they ransacked the placo for documents which they burued. Thirty disguised men attacked nn untenanted barracks at Loughbrlckland, which they completely wrecked with explosives. An adjacent dwelling nnd a mouso opposite were likewise badly damaged. A 'White Cross barracks near Ncwry was de stroyed. ENIENIEDiED, LENINE EXCLAIMS Bolshevik Premier Exults Over "Change of Sentiment in Outside World" PROTEST IS SENT TO T0KI0 My the Associated Press Moscow. April 5. "Consolidation of jarty Interests and centralization of departmental activities as the result of Uussian victories on all fronts" were emphasized as the keynote of the soviet government s policy of Mcolal Lenine. I5olslieik premier, speaking here at the opening session of the ninth convention of the Communist party. "That this miracle of victory happened,-' he declared, "notwithstanding the imperialist world was acalnst ns. was due to centralization, sacrifice and discipline." Recent peace proposals received by the soviet government; denoted a "change of sentiment in the outside world and an Entente policy indicative of lack of unity." T.enlne said. "Our position cannot be determined from the view point of jurisprudence." Representatives of Swedish and Nor wegian workers tvere welcomed at the conference. Paris. Apill 5. M. Tchiteherin, Bolshevik foreign minister of Russia, has sent .Tapan a note declaring he con siders the Japanese attack against Russian forces at Nikolacvsk on March 10 as a violation of agreements reached regarding operations in eastern Siberia according to a Vladivostok dispatch re ceived here. Serious losses were incurred by both sides, but dispatches fail to fix the re sponsibility. Loudon. April .". (By A. p. j On the Caucasian front the Bolshevik! are advancing along the Blnck sea toward Xohougskaia. northwest of Tquapse. Moscow reports today. On the eastern front the Bokhcvikl have established guards along the Chinese froutier. SEEK U. S. RELIEF WORKERS American Warships an Hunt for Men "Lost" In Syria Constantinople, April 4. (By A. P.) American tnrpednboat destro'jers are nt Beirut. Syria: Morslnn. on the north j const on the Levant. Moudania, on the ea of Marmora, and NitiiMin. on the Black sea to the west of Trebizond. for the purpose of trying to communicate with isolated relief worker.- in Anatolia and Sjrin. Numbers of thee workers have not been heard from iu niuiij weeks. New 'ork. April ,". (Bv A. l i Official- of the Near Bast 'Relief Or ganuatioii said today that they mr not been informed of anv conditions which would iirompt American destroyers to tv t" louite relief workers in Anatolia aud Sjrin. None was missing, according to la-t reports. NITTI MAY ACCEPT WILSON MEDIATION Adriatic Plan Wins Some Favor in Italy, but Not in Jugo-Slavia MODIFICATION IS URGED M the Associated Press , Rome, April ". Acceptance of l'rcs adent Wilson's settlement of tho Adri atic problem was first seriously dis cussed when Premier Nitti was in Lon don to attend the conference with the ueads of allied powers, according to newspapers here. When a critical situation nroso through President Wilson's Refusal to accept the compromise suggested bv trance and England, it is said, the Italian Government realized that adop tion of any other alternative would leayo it merely tho pact of London, which would have meant tlint Ffnmo must do Handed over to Croatia. Italians ore most anxious, above all, to safeguard tho Italian status of Filime. Which, it is nsserfeil. Is much better protected by President Wilson's settlement than by the London treaty. The only substantial difference- be tween President Wilson's project nnd the Anglo-French compromise is that the latter admits of territorial continu ity between tho state of Fiumc and Italy through a narrow strip along the coast. Although the Wilson plan re fuses this, an understanding seems pos sible 1f some modification is introduced. Jugo-Slavia. it is understood, opposes President Wilson's suggestion more strongly thnn Italians, which makes it difficult for Premier Nitti to solve the question through a friendly accord with the .Tugo-Slavs. which he earnestly hopes to reach nt the San Remo con ference. The San Remo conference referred to is apparently the meeting of the supreme council, which will be held about April drawn up by Peace Conference experts. Schoolless City Wakes Up t?aragosa, Spain. April C. (By A. P.) The local newspapers record what they call an unprecedented eicnt in Spain the Inhabitants of a city de manding the establishment of n public school. When the Municipal Council here held its first meeting Saturday, u crowd invaded the hall, snouting, "We wnnt a school!" Saragossa has been without a school of any kind for fifteen years. WHITEWASHING and WATER PAINTING LTAIILIMIIU IS 1EUIS B. Southern W Corner and Spruce v?i &. 12lh Savings Dank Investments Pitts., Cinn., Chi., & St. L. R. R. Co. Cons. 4i2co Bonds DUE 1910 AND 1942 PRICETO YIELD5.30PER ANNUM Tho Pennsylvania Co. guarantees payment of the principal, inlereat und sinking fund of these bonds, which are secured by a mortjracc covering the entire 'Panhandle" of the Pennsylvania Railroad System. Free of Pennsylvania Stale Taxes We rfcommenil th above hich-irrado rll rvad bonds tor tho conservatho Investor. Carstairs & Co. Investment Securities Mrinbtr. rhllndtlnbln nml New lork Mock tUcliantri 1119 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA 71 Broadway, N. Y. VIENNA'S EASTER HAPPY Business Men and American Red , Cross Send Gifts to Needy New York. April C (By A. P.) A gift ot 3,000,000 crowns by American business men has been forwarded to the mayor of Vicuna and tho directors there of tho American convalescent home for sick nnd undernourished children of ienna, it was announced here today by the American commlttco of tho organi sation which is now in process of foundation. Frederic Courtland Pcnflcld, former nmbassador to Austria, now chairman of the American Relief Commission for Sufferers in Austria, has indorsed the home, Vienna, April C. Four thousand dcstltuto Austrian civilians, who during tho war were interned in foreign prison camps nnd who are now temporarily lodged in municipal barracks outsido this city, received Easter gifts from the American Red Cross. Each individual received sugar, coffee, cocoa, canned meats ond crackers, nnd every child was given chocolates nnd condensed milk, the gift of tho Junior Red Cross of America. DANISH STRIKE SUCCEEDS King Christian Dismisses Llebe CabN net, and Workers Will Return Copenhagen, April fi. (By A. P.) An agreement to end the general strike, which resulted in forcing King Chris tian to dismiss the Liebe cabinet, has been reached by employers and work men. The strike weapon now has been em ployed with surprising effect in two important constitutional crises. Tho first was in Germany, where tho re actionary government set up by Dr. Wolfgang Knpp was forced to relin quish power at the end of five days. An encounter resulting in n number of casualties in wounded occurred early today outside the foreign office between extreme Socialists nnd the police. A po lice motorcar wbb destroyed nnd two policemen were badly beaten. Revolver wounds were suffered by a few of the demonstrators. This is virtually the only instance so far of apparently premeditated violence during tho crisis here. CIRCA IL PROB El L DEUADRIATICO Si Spora una Dofinitiva Solu- ziono alia Conforonza di San Romo PabttthM srd DMrlbuttA Undr TJrT7T?. Mrt ni. Mhorliea liy th ict of' October 9. 7. on din at th tntAm .. nt.lt.- Pbla, Pa. a. b. Bunuigc-N. Poctmaatcr Oeneral. jAtl EW YORK LIGHT ourrLiLUwrAWi 18 N. 9TH STREET Manufacturers and raUilers of lighting fixtures of dittinc tlvo designs t to houio with a 14-yesr reputation for fair and honest dealings. OttPL DISCOUNT &0 1 THIS MONTH Open Monday and Saturday Evenings Roma, 3 aprllo (ritardato) Sccondo 1 giornall dl qui' la acccttariono dclla proposta del Prcsidcnte Wilson sulla qucstlono Adrlatica fu prima scrlatncnto dlscussa quando il Prcsidento del Con siglio On. Nitti ei trovava in Londra per parteclparo alia conferenza con i capi dellc potenzo Allcate. Quando la sltuazione divenne critica per '11 rifiuto del Prcsidento Wilson di acccttaro il compromesso suggcrito dalla Francia e dall'Inghllterrn, el dice, il Govcrno Itallano reaHrzo che l'adozlone di qualsinsl ultra nlternativa nvrebbo condotto nU'appllcazlono del patto di Londra, 11 qualo non contemplando Fiumo avrebbo fotto si cho la citta Mtrebbe nndata in mono dclla Croazia. Gli Italian! crano molto nnslosi, dopo tutto, di salvaguardaro l'itallanita' di Flumo, che, si asserlsco, o' megllo pro totta dalla proposta del Prcsidento Wil son cho dal patto dl Londra, La sola xostanzlalc diffcrenza tra il progctto dl Wilson cd il.compromcsso anglo-frnnccso o' cho quest'ultlmo ammctte la conti nulta' dl tcrritorlo tra lo Stnto di Flume e l'ltalia per mezzo dl una' strl scla di tcrrltorio luugo la costa. I plant del Prcsidento Wilson, lnvcco, rlflutano clo ed una intesa sembra posslbllo so alcuno modificazloni saranno introdotto. La Jugoslavia, b! apprendo, si oppono al suggerimento del Prcsidento Wilson plu fortcmente dcll'Itnlla, rendendo cost' difficoltoso per il Primo Ministro Nlttl di rlsolvero la qucstlono per mezzo dl uu amlchevolo accordo contgll Jugo slav!, che del resto, si spcrn possa cseero raggiunto sella Confcrcnza dl San Remo. Roma. 4 nprile La offlciosa "Agen zla Stcfani" comunlca cho la confo renza del supremo conclllo ollcato in San Remo o' stata rinviata al giorno 10 aprile corrcntc. ' Nclle efere governatlvo si rlticno clic in talo confcrcncza, alia qualo parted peranno i cap! del govern I dell'Intcsa, la nucstlone Adrlatica vcrra' risolta dcflnitivamcntc. Alcunl nsscriscono cho la Jugoslavia ncccitcra' la soluzlone proposta dalla Francia o dall'Inghll tcrra, contro la quale o' insorto il Prcsi dento Wilson. Se la soluzlono in porola sara' nccet- tata dniritalia o dalla Jugoslavia, il Prcsidento docll Statl Dnlti non nvra nlcuna ragione dl opporsi ultcriormente. Lowden Reveals His Expenses Washington, April K. (By A. P.) Governor Lowden, of Illinois, sent a representative hero today to submit In formation to Senntor Borah, regarding expenses of bis Republican presidential campaign which Senator Borah" recently criticized. SYRIAN KINGDOM SHAKY Felsal Abandons Demand for1 Allied Recognition London, ,Aprll C (By A. P.) Tho demand made on tho Allies that Syria's independence bo recognized has virtually been dropped by King Felsal, accord ing to a dispatch from Damascus dated Ainren aw, Tho dispatch says it Is thought Prlnco etsai m sut now easily bo induce visit London nnd explain matters. minced to It adds thata tho Syrian Government's position Is far from brilliant. ' Bedouins of tho Ilnuran district and tho Druses strorislv onnoso h ..1. ' ment's call for them to enter ths liS The, Tleilnnln.. eanerlnllv n-A"5 &, Tho Bedouins, especially angered. 2?! cd tho town of Dcraa, whither AuSf rv in nnnensn tliom. link wln...i'"fjl success. ''w1! PUBLIC SPEAKING sew rr.ARa i l short eourite In publla .pUlnr ,1'' Bdenco. Iiu.in... Bnsll.h nf ,?i'jW1 l.nl. Until OTl. Dnnnln- l....."'M'trt A ron NEFF COLLEGE I1A Chwtmu tn Since 1872 In 48 years of continuous business, in this our home city, we havecstablished our name as a standard of quality and reliability. There is no question as to the prudence of selecting one's jeweler with every care. S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS SILVEnSSIlTHS T & Will YOU Profit by the Experience of the Pictorial Review Company? 4 The Pictorial Review Company of New York is using 36 Dictaphones in its Circulation and Pattern Department. The results, in time and money saved, have con vinced this company that The Dictaphone solves the problem of the busy publishing house; viz., greater speed, accuracy, and economy in handling correspondence. Whether your office is large or small, we are ready to install Dictaphones in your office, on your work. THE airrapWrNE BONWIT TELLER G,CQ CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET FOR TUESDAY ONLY A Most Exceptional Sale of WOMEN'S CAPES &WRAPS At the Very Special Price 78.00 These Garments Were Made to Sell for from no.oo to 145.00 Specially Featured are some of the Most Fashionable Cape and Wrap Types in PEACHBLOOM, TRICOTINE, BOLIVIA Lined with Crepe de Chine, Pussy Willow, Foulard Thcsccajcsandrvrapsarc typical of the individualized fashions sponsored b) this shop eight different models arc presented; each one is distinguished by certain style characteristics which will appeal to those who seek something apart from the usual. Kej.r 8, Pat Off and rrln Countfl. "The Shortest Route to the Mail-Chute" Wettcrn Union Telegraph Company, J H Nfceil ever, Vice-Pro. ident in charge of Commercial Depart ment, eay: "The Dictaphone i. in eilemive use in our variou. department, and I. giving nood aatufx tlon. After The Dictaphone wo. tried out experi mentally in the fir.t instance, a short experience ahowed it to be a time-and-money .aver. Our use of The Dictaphone ha. grown atcadil." - ' Minneapolis, St Paul & Saulte Ste. Marie Rail way, Minneapolis, A. E. Hod. on, Freight Claim Agent. .ay.: "We have been tiling Dictaphones in this office for about eight year, and they have given us excellent results, and we would hardly now be able to do ' without them. Hamilton Brown Shoe Company, St. Louis, Mo., says: "We find the 29 Dictaphone, used in our variou. de partments absolutely necessary in handling the large volume of correspondence. The Dictaphone is a lime suver of the first order. That it saves u. money, we know, for our dictators can turn out at least 30fo more lettera than formerly." Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co., Hartford, Conn., A. V. Cornell, Supervisor Audit Department at' Chicago, .ays; "The 14 Dictaphone, in our Claim Audit Department at Chicago .peed up letter produc tion. They make it possible for our executive, and their assistants to dictate every detail of an important subject while it is fresh in their minds. For after-office-hour, dictating, The Dictaphone is indispensable." 5 Ptiont or write for convincing demonttration in your office, on your work THE DICTAPHONE, Phone I ftft' !:!ii Call at 40-50 No. Sixth Street, Phila. Offices alto located in the following cities Allenlown Wilmington Ilarrisburg Trenton Reading WllUe.barre T.tro il but one DicUpbovr, trade-marked "The Dicliphont," nude nd mcrcaindiicd by Ike Columbia Graphopbone Co "The Shortest Route to the Mail-Chute" m4 PEACH BLOOM WRAP with a shirred yoke surmounted by large cloister collar. Colors: twine, sparrow, cloud, par tridge, victory blue. BOLIVIA CAPE with shirred back broad fold-back rcvers ihc entire length of front de velop into a large graceful col lar. A string belt gives a smart finish. Colors: mole, radium, partridge and black. BOLIVIA COAT designed on straight lines with a fascinating soft draped collar. The narrow string belt and novelty pockets are interesting notes. In suede, reindeer, victory blue. NICOTINE CAPE in navy )lue, large adjustable col lar, strap belts and pockets. in PEACH BLOOM CAPE combination with pussy willow which forms a large collar and develops into a surplice across front. In mushroom, cloud, sparrow, victory blue. BOLIVIA CAPE topped by a large shirred collar draping gracefully about the neck. The silhouette 'of this cape gives a suggestion of a sleeve effect Colors: suede, reindeer, radium. TRICOTINE CAPE in navy blue and black, broad fold-back revers entire length of front de velop into a large collar. String tie belt. TRICOTINE CAPE in navy blue with string tie belt and without pockets. & y tfjg By For Economical Pencil Luxury UsofJ VENUS f PERFECT lENCIKl American Lead Pencil Co11o Fifth Avenue, UX : i )0Mrr iv7t$v W THESE DEALERS SELL Hcl VJeVeaeaTaVV-'eBleaai.eaeV SbIbIs S KfBSABKaASHeViSBKeamBeaaaaV HHsHiVaB.1 TeiayBBe jClXaJrtl&Y r,W,MTVvr Floor Finish Dries Hard as Lava ' XOKTIl OF IMAKKF.T HTIUSET A. Abroliama, OOO Foplar 8t, J. 8. Anderson, S.11D lnlrniounl Are, Abernethy A Co., 4.1.10 N. 6th St. ItaUer & Kllrrllr, 2470 VrAnkford Ate. Harry IltcMiorT, 20.", N. Oth SI. 1C. I,. llell, BOIO Old York Koail. S. Ulron. 2017 W. Olrard Are. John 3. Iloorse, .'IMO N. 10th St, Jas. A. Iluraess, 42.1 Mntn St., Myk. Cooper A ritton, r.OOl Chew fit. J. Harry Cox, Est., D20 Olrard At. V. n. A II. Cralr, Inc., IUdce Ato & Jefferson St. E. .1. Driver, 2010 Urrronntonrn Ave. I. H. Krlchxon, Jr.. 1714 N. 11th St. l'auser ft Maurer, 2030 Columbia Aye. Jarob Fellon A Co., Itlslns Sun Are. St Tnbor IIohiI John Frit, nth A Tlolier'n Are. I'aul Ontter, 2S22 N. nth SI. Itnilolph Gaiter, 447 1'oplnr .St. Otis. (). rioebel. 47110 '. Front SI. (I. M. Ilaesele. 23lh A Somerset St'. I M. Kane A Co., 2012 Kennlngton Ar. F. (J. Kenyon, 18.TS Columbia Aie. lllrharil Kern. 3001 N. Cth SI. E. M. Klrby, 1011 Y. York SI. E. It. Knorr A Ilro., 1S17 Orlhoilnx St. Ollirrr Mntsbury, 142.1 Itldire At. E. M. Mnrkmauii. 4IIK) N. (llli SI. Jos. II. Maurer, 4.11.1 Mnhi St., Myk. VT. C. Powelton, 22.12 N. 21Mli SI. C. II. Kledlnger, 3.117 (lerniantnmi Ave. IVrn, llledlnirer, Jr., 4llin N. Sth SI. A. IV. Illgnall, 20lli A Itiilge Axe. S. Kuscnzivels, Sth A Erie Ae. Harry Schmidt, 47S0 lllclunonil SU, Ilrldesburic H. SrJiuenenian, 281.1 Jefferson SU Chas. ".. stahl, Itlslnr bun Ate. A Itockland St. O. A. Supplee Co.. 1730 Market SI. Oeo. Stephan, 1001 Cotlmnn St. Mm. Shauirliiiess.v, 123 E. Tabor lined E. 1. Swank, Oreene A Carpenter bis. Karl Welcand, 422 IV. CIraril Ate. P. M, Wellienmayer, 300 N. Ilruad St. Ilatld lnfcln. 813 N. 13th St. C. .1. Wemlncer, 313.1 N. rront ht. D. I IVItmer A Uro., nth A fierinan toirn Ate. Paul DeJU lVKiner, 4218 Germantown Ate. WEST PHILADELPHIA Ilerlln Ilros., 7272 IVoodlnnd Ate. Wm. II. Ilnrr A Sons, 3D22 Market St. l'lnnnreutA Haley, 00th A Thompson Streets. Flnnareu A Haley, 2-1 . 52nrl SI, ('. A, Cllllng-ham, 2.10 S 00th SI. Matlark A Mollet, 00.10 KliiEsesslnr Ate. Mfls Peterson, 4017 Wooillnnd Are. O. C. Price A Son. 31(20 Lnnruster Are. C. 11. Sloee. M17 Mnler HI. G. A. Supplen Co., 4018 I.nncmlcr Ate. . urani tv.tlle, o.llia Lliester Ate. SOI'TII OF .MAItKET STKEKT Louis D'Ancelo, 810 Cathnrlne St. P. J. Wet lit, 2nd A Washington Ate. Jas. Gray, Jr., Oth A Moyamenslng Ate. P. S. Miller. 237 S. 12th SI. G M. I'eppleinnn, 2nd A Tusker Sis. Phllu. Gluilng Co., 3rd A HrKean Sts. Shnes Drug Co., 13 S. IUIIi St. CAMDEN Ehtood Antrim, ini4 Federal St. Ehvood Antrim, 20th A Federal Sts, C. C. Freeh, Colllngsi" n,, N. ,j. J. H. Mutlark A Son, S A- vine Sts. H. II. Olsen, 1811 Hroiuhviiy. II. M. Parker, 1024 b, Sth St. It. T. Hurleneck, 24th A Klter Itond. Jos. nutlenberg, I2S KalKhn Ate. C has. G. Paxsoii, 132 .Main SI. Martin A. McNully. 307 Kalghns Ate. PENNSYLVANIA James Ilarrrtt, Doylrsloun. W. P. Ilollon, Chester, llonehrake A Mentser, lVnynesboro, IVIIIIain nurllng, Oxford. W. It. C'hai.ibers, I'nlontllle. Harry S. Clark, Unlontown, Clrland Simpson to,, srranlou, Craitford Drug Co.. Unmnttllle. John T. Daub, Lansdale. . M. Deck A Co., Ambler. Dickey Ildne. Co.. Lock Haten. John E. Dobbins, Troy, JV. 1. Dougherty A Son. Altoona. Drass A Co., Duncansvllle. Steward Flagler, Stroudsburc. J. S. Geller, Est., Ijinsdale. Paul S. Gerhart, Jr., Telford, M. C. Grclm, Est., Morion. lng'ton' t'rlm", b"' TMt Do,Tn Wm. L llayden. Uryu Mawr. ,.",,:.,.,1""r""rl' Penbrook. H. J. Ilrli.fr A Co., Hahnnny Clly. Hoslerman A Sloter. Mlllhelrn. Houldln llros., Cheltenham. K. V. Jarrett, noyerlown. Kemerer Ildne. Co.. Lehlghton. Keller Ilros., Indiana. T." 1!' I-"'1"''-, Niintlroka. V. D. Lewis, Norm Wales, i J'l!,"u.n,""' tion Ashley. bur,. """D" h"""" WPP".. Geo. i;.' Morrow A Co., Alloona. J. SI. Morgan. Tatlur. c7tr,5r' ,'"t"llaw ,,,lw'' .'o.. E. C. Myers, Woshlngloi,. Nelman A Fry Hdwe Co vi., JoW ci!"T Co. Wlliipo,rV.own John I. Oleulnes store. IlelItfol";, Spring TENNHYIiVANlA Geo. It. Park A Son, Wayne. II. n. Pearson, York Springs. E. W. Penslnger, Greenrastle, Itaubenhold Ilcltre. Store, Hamburr. M. Holier, Olyphnnl. H. P. Rarmond, Bllddletonrn. John F. Itleqenman, Franklin. D. Fred Itoblnson, HrotmsTllle. Horace Rogers, Plttston. II. Sclunalts A Co., Kennett Sqoars. N. S, Srhmehl, Kutttown. Schneider Ilros., Scrnnlon. C. W. A C. C. Sthneller, Calasauqus. A, !. Stirrk, Chambersburg. G. C. Slack A Co., Ilenoro. J. C. Smith A Son, Sluts College. Smith A Yocum Hdue. Co., Norrlt town. K. E. Springer, Cnlontorrn. L. A. Stelnlor, Palmerton. W. II. Slraub, Milton. Suplee I Id ire. Co., Malvern. Suplee Hdne. Co., Pooll. .1. Fred Tag, Sharon Hill. Templelon'a Drug Store, Washington. Elmer Tetellng, Mill Hall. G. L. Thompson, Perkasle. W. C. Throne A Co., York. Edftln T.tson, Wynrote. Chas. E. Williamson, Chester. Worley Hiltre. Co., Reading. J. W. I.undy, Nenrtovrn, Pa. NEW JEUSr.Y M. naUcr, Wlldwood. J. fi. nurd A Co., Pennington. W. O. Champion, Mllltllle. E. P. Clark, Vlneland. Cretdon Hdwe. Co., Mt, Holly. Chas. F. Dare A Son, Ilrldgeton. Geo. I. Deacon, Dordentovrn. V. 8. Estllow. Sweilesboro. Fousl Ilros., ndtldere. Helns Hdtte. House, IunbertTllle, Irrlng I. Hearing, llammontou. I'erd. Hoch, Somertllle. J. L. Lnmont HaddonHeld. Harry .MacfcrTeu. lladdnn Heights, Anthony Itlcr, llamniontnn. 1). b. Sampson A Son, Ocean City. Smith, Lenls A Powell Udvta. Cu Salem. It. K. Teel, Hockeltslowit. W. Franklin Woodruff, Ilrldgeton. Seaside Heights Supply Co., feesslds Heights. Samuel Moore, Jr., MlllTllle. ,eo. 11. Whipple A Sons, Drldgeton. DELAWARE It. W. Adkliis, Delmar. George G. Anderson, Chesrrold. Thou. ,1, naker, Wilmington. T. II. Cortmell Paint A Glass Co., Wil mington, W. F. A J. It. Clements, Clayton. Geo. W. Datls, Odessa. E. J. Elliott, Drldgetllte. Frankford Hdne. Co., Frunkford. Harmonsan Drug Co., Wilmington, E. 8. Hughes, Fellon. C. E. Hurley A Son, Senfonl. J. G. Justls Co., New-port. D. n. Mnloney. Tou-nsend. Mllford Co., Mllford. Wllllum Norrls, Smyrna. Thomas A Polls, Newark, John Frettymnn. Ellendale, Thns. It. Purncll. Georgetown HedRrate Ilros., .Middle torrn. Jodiua Smith, Harrington. II. C. Sonthnrd, Lincoln City. J. C. Wlinrten, Houston. Geo. II. Waples, Milton. MARYLAND Harry J. Cropper, Orenu City. W. II. Clarke A Co., Pocoraoke, M. F. Dunn, Masseys. Dormnn A Sniylh Hdwe. Co., Sails bury. Forninn A Mason, Centreillle. E. II. Furness, Eastan. W. A, Iljlnnd, Galena. Holland A Tliompnon, Centr.tiUs. T. E. Heitlher. Murydel. Haines A Kirk, Rising Sun.. J. W. Hurlork A Co., l'ederallburr. C. P. Janes, Mllllngton. G. L. Jump Hdne. Imp. Co., Queen Anno. W. T. Jnrmnn A Hrolhrr, Goldsboro, C. H. Jurnuin, Greensboro. Jnlinsoii A Rhiindes, Berlin, l.iuie A Lang, ltldgely. Samuel Long Thiirmout. Dr. V. 11. Mrtralf, Sudlerstllle. It. C. Peters A Son, Ilerlln. Allen O. qtiynn A Co., Frederick. J. A. Honey North Eust. Ralph II. Reese, Chesapeake Clly. Kmllfi A Wulls, Denton. Sadler Hdne. Co., Harm de Grace Henry Tarring A Son, Aberdeen. NEW ENGLAND Anderson A lllooin, Inc., Foresttllle, Conn. 1'. W. fuse, 40,1 Slate St., Sprlngfleld, Muss. L. C. Chappell, New London, Conn. II. XV, llormm, 243 Congress Are., .New Hutch, Conn. George r. Huwlry, Danbury, Conn, P. F. Kelly, New llrllaln. Conn. Herman ohm 110,1 Hurnum Ate., Ilrldceiiorl, Coun, Charles Smith, OU Congress Are., New Haten, Conn. T Stillltun Hdwe. Co., 200 Thurber Ate., Piotldeuce, It, I, Thonion Hdwe. Co., 8511 Westmin ster M., Proldrnre, It. I. Wells Hdwe. Co., Main A Cabot 81s., Holoke, Mass. Most of theso deal ers also carry the VS. .Quality Line VarnlsiicH, Heady mixed Faints and the incomparable Paradox Enaineln. Felton, Sibley & Co., Inc. Philadelphia flaKMacdirera of Colors, raints und Varnishes Sinco 1863 . Ait s '"mV' 2 ' OUA. . ... Jlk alfJl Wkak..4su kL ' v j.u.bJ ...Ai. ..u, . .. , .J.i!i i . . . 1.. J.fc. J LLalalsH fr f'tettifttWiJ.. IWjjjfj, A&&mtekA L"-tiiLi.ii1