besss V 'vV f f I I r? m- t j ('. w HEAL ESTATE j70H SALE -- rinwrMT'nn.i. - Chestnut Hill, St. iVt.. ?,fIrSunrt' 'nlflcent minim etc i ?mr ?.! h.Ti"?' ""ft 'Jf"r for thauf looii i.!w.J. '"' "J"" foo,n- reception LTOX... r i '".' rvcm. dining room, pantry, i!i m' n,n",15,,rvJ ""vnnrn- living room ii ??.... ,nor"" " mauler bedrooms. 4 balh Im '..,!.rvlnJ' lfHm rt'l bsth, sew V1Vu0.W) "Tlacea throughout, hnce, IOV4Am?r!?. 271S'? MANSION with about WthMf i..' V'T.'1- "uiH( on one of the In. Vhi.pnt" Jn.L'heatnut Hill overlooking for X nLl.r",r,,h v""'v Sl0" rB room 1......!. "nl uiiHrtom for chauffeur. r r. In. ' ,,,,h " rooms nd bsth 1 hrn il ."' 12,,, 'elbp garden, cows, I room'. iL.J",ii?""' """ a large drawing 5V2K1' .'. """' reception room. Urge lining rnoin butlers psntrj. aervflnta' din-' iVSJ: i. .ic,,'n- '"' 10 master bed- I roomy, .1 bathrooma seivnnle. quarters with l STONK COLONIAL HOl'SK over 1 acre nrorooma. I bilhroom large linen room. I of around Stone garage for 2 cnrs lat: storeroom and trunk room oin llieplacea In I large living room. hall. lavator. dining 'try room Price JliS.ono ho mom. pantrv. kitchen, laundry, 2d and 3d: .,.... double bedrooms. J hatha, double maids' STONE MANSION, with .V, llr of I room and bth Trice. J3T.30O.C0. tround, with garage for 4 caia and rhatif- " quarters, reception hall, muilr room. I.AROIS STONK HOUSK. I l-ln nrres, UDrnry dining room, panto Kitchen laun- I with gatage for 3 car, lat floor 3 rooms, rt' .'v"'ory and den 7 msster bedrooms i -M ami 3d floors S bedrooms and 3 bath m hatha I servants' rnoma und bath, linen rooms' hardwood floora on 1st and id floors. i"n incc. lnnrc roiJNIAI. HOUSK. etable and STONK IJETACIII'.ll IIOl'HK with about jre, with room for I'haulfeur In garage. I " of an acre lat floor. Hall and 4 rooms. About 2 acres of sround, large llbiar, re- -'d Pid 3d J bedrooms. 2 bathionnia and reptlon room 2 pantrle. kitchen and Litiu- storeroom, hardwood floors throughout. In ry, elr. 7 bedrooms 2 bathrooma tiunk- I exi ellcnl .ondltlon. flue old shade and ahruu foom. large atoreruom, 8 open flrepiacea ' ber Trice. $2S.0O0.U. ' rice, 33.O00.Ofi. u...... ' MT MltV Corner vroperli Stone. KTONK OKTACHKIJ IKIIIHK Lot. luo I pebble-dashed detached houae; lot TiixIRii -SO. JJen ItMng room, dining loom, music Milng room dining room. llbrar. pantri room, runtn kitchen launlr. I bedroom kitchen, hall open flreplacea In each room. T pwinmomi. 2 storerooms. Price, .",'iot.u'i . ... .IK.I. ,Md.ft JIAKMIU.N tall 1 730. I.Mfffft llfin at sill nnA a u . 1. 1 1 living room, reception room, dining room. Sanlry kitchen anil porch 3 rrnln purihea, bedrooms J baths. 4 siMnts' rooms e eellent .hot-wafr heating svstem ifm de sirable location Price. $23 non lat STONK SKMItiBTM'IIKI) HOI MK I ..l 0x21X1 Possession June I. living room dm ir room, kitchen nnd Inundn, u b--lroiiins, 1 bath Price $IO.imnim Jciseph M. Jennings 'to Chestnut Hill 2057 i rilAXKFOKII ife&HKBg SUTkltUWM .iMSSM. NEW HOMES ' In choicest section of Frankford Largest two-story semi-detached houses in city. ELMER B. HAMPTON ARROTT and OAKLAND STREETS Frankford, Philadelphia. Pa. i,m;N niinv THE BOULEVARD, HUNTING PARK AND YORK ROAD CAR LINES SWII'IK Hill SI. ...'i4 V altSin'U srllKKI' THE Jltwr COMPLETE IM1 HBAI I'IKI'I QIWI.ITY HOMES ' IN THE CITY A COMBINATION HARD TO EQUAL Sl ROOMS M HATH WITH l.MtVdh .MOIVEP.N PPOIM MKN'T LUCEY & DALSEMER ..Tin UKllM VN m K. rr.N.Niii.y.i.Mi si nr nnx i?H!nWPKKiPniintiuiiHiiiiu'ViHt!HattHU'iu!innu-'''iiiM.i.,f,tiaitiwuu,niuiri:MS: 0VERBR00K CUtEXLI. novo Flu old alone house , .Htipieiel modernr.ed i.nna! hall din ill rni living room paiitrN klti hen irnl lun dr on first IWi I bedioonia J tile hatha nrt hllll ird room on serond floor 4 ldiooma ami bath on thiid floor hardwood floura eie irn: Hani modern nxture. emiai-plani heal atone garage J tara laise Inl with old aheje lieea immedia'e pussessmn' can be shown o appoiipinient. MERI0N I'Oinrr i-milnrt- lit a i wtjiiiin rhmba?i l haidwoatd hot-water heal KaraRf ondm fret po ion SO dava f1Hri tn lit-1 0VERBR00K This a w.lhout doill't tt.e lached atone house iha' h ii d pm b rhaaeil foi l-aa than l." iiiiii r brook iniperp rinlallis I lied bera and liaih on secon! flo,( bail chamtieia emt bath mii thlnl rendition is eicellent ihioughm P le h.llll Sllll ft"., I t 0VERBR00K OI I'MIII V KN'I K 1 Ston injdi-ia hd honi- on mis- S ioi llvini room u Irh npen flifpa' rtlninir room and kiuht-n in rtiii flout A bod loom and iMth nb Imilt in howt' on aeiond Hour j ndrooin p and bath on third Awn n tnc'v g modern houa in prf- ' mditnn thfra u vaiatif ith i mmii nnd Uai'h y W. GORDON SMITH 1 lit ERHRiNik sJppii H 6rjU,ltiilli;Slillltll,!i!IB..iai,liLlillliral't(li.'.Miltiih!iilTi,wlill,1i1,-? COUNTIIV STOItK ui lladwll Hsmldatarhed dwelling hi (Slal Taw bungalow 2 a'lea in i:.mi .i'iiiii nUlng JII1II I reek alle 'iioiiii Hmall garage and lepuii sIiimi 2uiiii 110 housea at Nairniti I.Hspioii lo f;,iiiipn WILLI V. T H villi I -4 ?ll, llavelfoid ae Vaitieittl V-i UKNTLKMAN S vountry home and turn.' (13 aores iibovi Toireadale splendid ma I albn. '-a looms hot water beat ilghte water plant with elrmii pump laiue gieen houae, 2 tenant hou-e barn mms- ,IM, houae and stable" oihei uiiihiil, lings r.imini, Impltmenls apple, peaih mlin null ilr rlsnty "f aiiawburles .,,1 ihei imnII rults. mansion parti fumished must be said to chief estate PATT0N & T0MLINS0N I IM'OLN HI'II.IHMl TOHNTUT STOIIE at Oladwyn Bu Kemtdetached dnellinr st llladwyn s 601 New bungsiuw 2 acres overlooking Mill Creak Valley . . Jn ,100 Muall and repair shop ... 2 1Mb , 1U boutts at Narlierth S3S 00 to liv uil WILLIAM T HAKIIIH SOB Haverfotd ave,, Narbsrtli Pa SKAimFl I. mansion house in excellent ,0 cation with An elevation overlooking the , river also 13 acres of ground readv for de vsiopmeui imspiis ior i.uuiiirj' rum or large (tlluilui ' (1 ( .1 -4X71 AlAm m hlHI Uturtv F RuWKKIl MniMiinr. or Hid Phlla OKNTLEMAN S COl'NTHY ESTATE twnily miles from city oonlalns fld acres and T bulUlltigs In tmst cnnalllon 30 vesis Mlieellnn o rare plants, trees, u from li 1arl Of Ihe world In thj 10 ares of garden Ib.tfl Christian sl ii i Mril Sl -vnsi i"i" iw..i i,ei. ,,i .-iiy 1 nwstrn stona and gtiieni homes, wtlh hulll. , W TBMt I rooms. Uundrv and prlvals MTU" HT Oil's r rc"" "ri or cjty (.son i ns.onn 'W.' lijfcWN J, r. DOl'dllBRTT VP V ; jjsj?' wnt-1 ' St. Terminal jjansdowns 8TS JIEAL ESTATE FOR SALB CHESTNUT HIM. Martins and the .VKIiy ATTHACTlv K RESIDENCE About I acres Finn old ahade, magnificent view, garage for .1 tara ami a nuartera. large hall, parlor, dining room, pantry, laiatory, kitchen and laundry In basement, IS bedrooms and 7 bathrooms. Trice Slltu.000.00. KWKIK STONE ' KOCSK AX'l) HAKN. About hu acre, overlooking the White matah Valley, large garden, lawn and gardener's house, cdntalns 7 rooma on tat floor, with nricn fireplaces 2d and 3d: master bedrooms. 2. hatha, 3 servants' rooma and bath Trice. fl(),0t)0 00 COLONIAL STONK. With about 1 acre of ground garage for I car tat. 0 rooms. ,1 porches 2d and 3d S bedrooms. 2 baths and 2 maids' looms, veiv attraitlie. Trice, III) Oi lu uu , t'rue 33.1M)U uu I o wdroom. 2 naxna; ,t open nrpiacea laundr In tiaaement room to erect garage. I ' i I'rue. 2tl O0O.O0. i x:II-tUT VCIIKl) STONK Hill'SK n lt Alr Lot about 2r,xt23 Possession June 1 reception hall, living room dining 'room pnnnv. kitchen, laundry 0 bedroom. Ilhran and 2 bathrooms. Prlc $3,100 00 sTO.NK DETACHED nlVKLLINO with about 'j acr of ground room to build ga iage. hall tiling loom dining room, kitchen. iMiitri laundry 0 bedrooma. storeroom and hnthronm imiss .fai I PrHe $111 OOil 00. SUBURBAN REALTORS , CHESTNUT HILL. PA. IHAMvl'llRP I'SHmi ,1lIUeslsta", INCI.OShll I'flltCH AMI f:KKY pONM six I.KKT.) I'KXN YI.AM 1 IHKIIVN A FEW SAMPLES $9000 '"-'-' ",. tnentohin lotatiun. convent ent in na. us en, I iiolles in rooma and hath mixletn Improvements S I 4.000 """""I Piopem. .omenl v' " " ii, to Tioga Station and e,eil ti,, l eis l chambers 2 balha. $17,000 . K"i OP- suburban ' " deiinil it .hambera 2 i.eins ,n neiv modern , lose to atatlon $25,000 vUl"" '"" Property , , ,,'"1",","" f""" "tstlon. haa ata,,. , .,,. 17 roon,. 3 Lalha, bam mini an i aio- $45 000 """" '""'-log and ga on i.'v inenis 7 phuiiiti.'rs .1 hatha Mauran, Dolman & Co. K up net tlinud end 1'tiealnilt Sta I SIVE rooms 2 .lira Phon, ,11 i onvetitenre inMl 2H3 W for ! ror I Hullillns Lot InTII I "SPrVi'K ST" S W , mi) bids lota, Woodlaml a,e lis lota at nrooUUns . cor. 114 linn I Ujrb 411 0011 I B.OOO M) building lota at Sejlei avilia l.etge ini at OalinoM Station 17 acres near listen 'J's aiea - -tit. on Da i afurpj 4 Sflil rind b lllll A mill vi 1 11 IKIll'P .'i'', llsverforil aie a -Perth Ib SMAJlfHMiJltE district ,1 1 hftiiniaarh .",ii 17f, high wtound water gaa electric in sueet train and tlollev 11(100 eacti will sell all at a redui lion I I' .I.Xl'KSOS Walnut sp rholie Loinluin! ,ts2li AIIJNOION lesiilenre 11 riMJina ami oath 3 lilllillnea fiuit tires. 1 111 re Win I .lones YPiltlv lt! ooin tor ' viuund I.IIN r aale l.lson." I7U1111 ,",7 SEW IIUMHX f"t 113 Qllii illiei a als tjul id 1 He: altra uuui .,,oip 10 (1 IMJII and ai ledue ull jr ri. pilies Wilt" Vldaii Pa I'h OLIVER TfRKIN'nTO.V alisdi.wne lit ltlM(lltK Three-itory Motloin Sfini-tletaclietl, Brii-k Dwelling I'ibi t1,p hail living 00m dmtng iopiiii l-iichen laundo er, ond floor : tied' ,miiis iMtti third t1i,oi J bed inotlia pi lie 17000 Immediate poaaea WM. A. McCREA "', $6700 niul.Vl ft nl r- tl li lU moiJrn up-tu ta( rpi ,iMn(.e biir vmIuh Wit I 1AM .1 OTT Pbone I. BROOKI.LSK ineich 2H3 PA. IIKOOKI.IXE UOrLKVARD $1 1 000 Nr,v atoii- and stuico dwelling I ,UWU n,ar ,(,o, on ol .10X2UU looms hot egtar heat elactrir light WILUIAM J OTT HROOKLINB. PA Phana Llanerch 'Jti.1 rOf.l.lNflHUAI.B ' , ahlngla , ArriArt ... ,, JnAQOfl Wll P"7V-" honi Well bull atone and 7 looms and natn finished . ., -r-J- " Vldlllllla .'70 I IIEKCHWOODi attic, nttr HWtli at trolley. JOHN J. POCUHBRTr HUth A' 'lrilial. Belmont 7703. Lirf4o-n-87e . r' I-: TSVENiyg' TOBI3C DaER-PHILDELPHlX WY. 'APRIL) 5, 190 HEAL ESTATE TOR SALE CHKHTWIT HIM. Whitemarsh Valley STONK DKTAOHKU IIOtlaK In HI. Mar Ina. i,ot o23l Hall, living room, din ing room, pantry, kitchen, laundry, 4 bed rooms 2 bathrooms. Pries 113,000.00. ,.,2'OSK DKTAUHKD HOUSK, In the Uhnemarah Valley, with about 3H acrea. UMng room, library, dining room, njntry, kitchen and laundry In basement: 7 bed- rooms anu a uatnrooms hnt-water heat and electricity. Price. $40,000,00. (as , STONK AND ItKICK detached home, frame stable with 241 acres of ground. 1st floor contains 7 rooms, with hall and lava tory. ,1 open fireplace) laundry tn baae. mom, 8 bedrooms, .1 bathrooms and linen closet. Price, $35,000.00 STONK COLONIAL HOME. of an aite. with room for garage. lat floor. Largs hall, mlng room, dining room, butler's pan try. kitchen, laundry, servants' porch: 3 open flreplacea. S maater bedrooms, 2 bath rooms, room with toilet and waahatand, 2 aarvanta' rooma. large storeroom, linen cloaet. Trice. $33,000.00. DETACHED STONE HOUSE IN ST. .MAHT1NS. wllli about of an acre lat. Hall, reception room, library, dining room. Pantr, kltrhen and laundry. 2d nnd 3d floora 7 bedrooms and 2 bathrooma, Trice, $3.0W.0O OENTI.EMAN S COlTNTflT SEAT Em braces about 10 acrea of grounds barn with ' room for 3 horaea. I cow and man's nuar i tera, gaiage for 2 cari chicken houae for 1 noil chickens, pump houae orchard, old ahade and sbrubber) ; house has large hall, living room, dining loom, pantrv. kitchen I and laundry, 7 bedrooms and 2 bathrooma: i hardwood floora throughout In excellent condition. Price. $20,000.00. COftNEIt PftOPEnTV Stone. .ml-.le-lached Lot. 40x110. Room to build (a i age: hall, living room, dining room, kitchen iiutalde kltrhen. A bedrooms 1 bath Price. $4000 00 COLONIAL STONK HOl'SK. In the Whltematah Valley, with about ' of an acre, and garage for 1 car. thoroughly mod ern living yiom. open fireplace, Ubrar. dining room kltrhen nnd laundr. 1 bed rooms. 3 bathrooms and sleeping porch. Price $2.Vhhi mi. Company Chestnut Hill 1337 PKN.VsVl.VAXl mmtiKHAX innv VK HAV K nnniiier of verv desirable sub- i ii i ban homes tanning fniin $40i)0 tn $10 (Kin lih liniiu-JUtr -iiaeeasinii special this week Purdv. lhf Prnvifii-r 1 Cheater Pike. I Darl v. P IIKll'K 3-ators huiiie. near 3th and .Main: & iwilrooma, lot 23X14U: alt conveniences; $43011 SWOPB t SON, .'HI Main. Darby IIKKXF.L IIIM, JIOUKItN aton and stuccc home. 7 looms. bath Im iituli v garare nrlce attractive JOHN J BOfOlIEUTY tl'.llh St Terminal Helinonl 7?nft Lansilowne R7ft KlilSiTONK FRAME HOL'SE. 12 rooma. large barn, cood outbuildings, -b eti ic light, gaa and Sprinx ' Held water available 7 seres of good land, j ih a would be a irood development for a I aoott , hiss of house near Eddystone. sacrl- I tire price if sold at once IIEN.I T LEVIS. .'I outh aye Media pa Phone Media 4.1il ( r.i.KNNinr' " ' SHINGLED BUNGALOW AND GARAGE W ITH l.AKOE ATTIi' HmM of special rpree wood de taihed. lot 7" by :I4A fi neatl graveled drliewa 2 aituaiee to trol lev 3 betlrooma hoi-water heal elec tric hardwood floors, open fllepiace: 1S OHO THOMAS H. EV0Y IMp'.i AY.NK Av tl UKi;.NiDK MANOR In on high isruuml. uriOiiKn nn1 no mew. vhw onr -lfpil North OIMiild( as un Utal pUc-f of rasiilonc. church, ihrtoIi. lore. alt con vnlencr ut hand all lmprocnifnl)i. lars Uttm moderate prlctn und jirMIm lrur imrtatlon to reach our nn'P-rtj mi tUil plac tor h tiomf u iubtAntiul ilac c for an lnvtinent come out Haturd) hft-rnoon or unda . take. rr No 41 rutinintr vct mi IZrl h. Ki o(T Ht ArdiI. ntaatlnn and in quir foi our teurrnntati-, OI.KXSinK .t.XOIl UEAI.TV CO suit 3fi..17. inti chftnut at. T-gUphotn-. Walnut &Hl OT: , Oi EXSIOE-Modern alune; lot 10U2IM ' heat elec and it I convenient to school Phone Ononis 113.1 J corner dtvalilni ,"i bedrooma. hot-water . ,,unCu I'orcnea iram, trolls) . l0,tuD Jmsiii Attractlvit liunnjlovv. even- cunvent- nrg lot 75x12.1. garujre. Call todaj. fleniiliiaer lr Heiinlnaer (llenslde. Pj I7HU0 Semidetached alutco on brick,, perfect i-itidlfioti' larae lot near atatlon R.ENNlMIjyt a HF.N'XI VOEK. (Ilenai.le Pa hilt OKI) 2'j-Story Modern Senii-detached DwellitiK llai. living roam dining loom Kiti hen aeiono flooi 4 bedrooms bath thud t nedrooni and aetvlne room hol-ivate' beui gaa and elet iri'a JH50H Arat mortgage se,oml 130(10 cash re- .m,....ll X. ........I.,, SJItOO nulred WM. A. McCREAA,"pA"f: rdmore 270 niniti.xii MODEjtX 2'8 -story all-atone slati-roof dwelling meal location, beautiful shrub bery and shade contains 8 rooms and bath lot nrill2 until ft minutes to Htitli st JOHN .1 noUUHEJlTV rtttth st Terminal . Heimoiii 77o. Laiiadowne STtt HHIHI.a,Xn PAKK .lODEUN htlth ' stone livvelliua 4 minutes from 'leiininai on Weat Chester pike Ifl .mil aiath aarige, ot tiOtlSti D. F. RYAN. 5908 Market St. fllflHLAXD P-VlfK Four mm fiom"th st 'ermlnHl. modern stiict-o dvvg . tenter hall 'ulng room dining room breakfast room Kitrhtu 4 liedrms . tiled bath attic: gar age foi .' a ra fleo , Barnes 12(11 riieatuilt U(lHEIt .1 , storiea a 1011ms and bath watei electric lot gaiage .MIX 13(1 v fi - inn, liot lie tlii.OOII F RYAN nltls Market I.XXIilUIKNK UNDER REAL VALUE (it on ni tout- houa IT rooms a I. runts hardwood flmh w idf rcnttal hall, two hafha four flrplnc ) in parfect ordi aaiant- 1 uii ijfrti aratiun, urlo much Ira tlun r placement alu of Jiou- alon a ral bar cam immdiatH pOKit-anlon rETHnSlhOX OSCllKSTNL'T BT IMUI. rril I.ANGJIUH.N'K J)alrahta uiinti iwelttna luitt to atatlon trtraae, lot I flit 3M I Edward I-Lt.4LX Vh-1 I.VNMQOWNK I EXCEPTIONAL. WHY? HtH Auii l' tn ttii tjit 44ction tttmoMt , on half tierf of r round old Nhntln tlm I Iihi hu lu t g tjdroomn hath ," 1 !di(f roi-iiiifi (low natwtrn vtTV room m I j rue iim Hiifl llxh' 1 Ifo' watft ht? li irir liitilv m nl in i-fioil 1 unrtltiun of mjprlor ion m 1 u M01 1 mi oiieruFrii ut rourae m s m, ruuai Iih Mr n id icallv Know, till ri arlttnt'.H-" r'i llfl 0Q0 arraniffl fot '""""HENRY S. BARKER "tnOfl "amlis-iaiheil home, stucco 8 and laundry hot uaiNi hf b ' niH ntners. rinin 1(1300 up L 10 South "' I.J nslltllVVnal atlas nenry a. barker UNSDOWNE I'A 400 S Lansdnuiie 1 squlalte IR 000 rms. . 401210, possess C 417 Ledger Oillie .I.S.XKRC1I nm new DETACHED. S'I'OXi: I i""" ami stucco conati uctlon on lot .'.OslfiO beat of location 7 looms, hath laundiv snd sleeping pori ti William j orr iiiioorci ixe. pa tVione LlanelUi 'Jft.'l MEI.IIOSE PARK 'IIIREE beautiful bungalows all modern 'onvenlencea private garage lot tfOglSO ft take Yorl road trolley cars Sli or 24 in Melrose ave walk 7 squares east, pries 113 50H 115.000 tlrt.BOO C I, HEMMER I ,Y builder and owner on nr-mlsa a HELROSB PARK Three now 2-atory bun. gglows S bedroom 2 baths, lari" lots, garasea (3 cara), prices lIH.oOO to IIR.OOD, JHIIfs II, nnpr.i.i.s unit rq ana nstn avs Miuiiov Lr, OpTACJfJCD modern stono house, tveaiilirully $1 I w locaiea, ssj.vvv, ii. a., jisnaif, -ji a. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE EKNNHYLVANIA HOIllinniN fM HERBERT HOPE 5901 YORK ROAD , EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS IN THE YORK ROAD SECTION modern-! S"OAP,.?T;rDlt"Ai,.,:5,,onli, Hton home, n rooms. moaerni .-car garage; let 7SX11B1 a bargain at $22,000. 5JJ.T9PK ID. Heutlful English RSrj ' J1 .'i0?.""'- .a baths, hot-water "if?1, 'trlclty, hardwood floors: let hS,h,0i.V,Lh "' lf no 1'1 h-fo April IB will be repriced at $23,000. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? INSPECT LATHAN PARK BUILDING LOTS NOW 142. NKrniO AVE. IleaStlful S-story modern home.. Inclosed porch, hot-water heat. electricity, hardwood floors, shower, garage; over $1600 In extras; a bargain at $13,300. in oodC(i?nML'rR'V. ASJ? iC.AX,AC. 8T- T!rei atory. twin, tl rooms. 2 baths; in good condition; garage privilege: lot 42x130: priced low at $11,300. 0317 CAMAC ST Nine rooms, i! baths, electricity open fireplace, newly papered; tot .ISxSI, Immediate possession; only $8300, , WHY NOT BUILD IN PHILADELPHIA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL' SUBURB LATHAN PARK ."i9J3 .V IIROAD ST. Now being paved. 7 rooma and bath, hot-water heat, elec tricity lot 20x118; monthlv leases only priced until April IS at $9300. 11804 CHEW ST. - Three atory, rooma and bath, all conveniences; good location; $4200 each. LATHAN PARK IS FOLLY 1 AFFORD TO MISS siriimifflmi:iiffliPiiiMniNin'jiii ,PJil-imHWWii'Sii"i'""S'W'Hinimwmn..Hi.m,ilim...rWiH-wH. '"'"" Mll.l.imUBXB 13 Marlborough Rd. Heinldetiiched 2' torv slone atsl. stucco divelllng K rooms and altiT up-to-date In respect, gaiage on the premises 30x84. possession; terms open ror ini"nion "TV"' dav by appointmeni porch, front modern electricity. Mastbaum Bros. & Fleisher VIIMM' I'lH'ONO 'TvnpisrWK of over three hundred acres i with building contalntnir 27 rooms, suitable for a club, together ivlth.burn and farni noiisJ. altuit'd In the, heart of the hunting and nshlngr-ln Cnmmunlcnte with II. M I ROSKKKllIt City Controller. Eaaton. I Pa HOMES IN NARBERTH $3800 TO $25,000 PU.4 4KSHION' AV ANY TIME TERMS RIGHT JOHN A. CALDWKI.L .NARHEP.TII. PA Ptiune Narlierth IAH7 I HEST nelghborhondr modern hollnn-tlle tea delict and garage .1 bedrms 2 hatha ami ""' n.lld top- I aewlng room ana large living room, apieiv 1 arrangement; an unusuaii) altractlvn plop ertv , I'JU.uuv uuiir-ur j ,-samii. 11)111 1 cbeatnut at or phone .Varbeith H0f. WONDEHEL'LLY attractive brand-nen hoi POIV-iip-t ituiiseivn ummn; iwi.iiun. ,, ,ie,i- rcKina 2 batha. sleeping porch, oorch and very Urge glass-Inclosed front i porch large grounds; tlH.OOU. JIOIIEIIT .1. I.NArM. luoi I liesinut. or iiip .aruerin ooi,. IT 7,'xlOO ft . modern, H-room-and-bath de tached reaideme. Immediate possession: ilu.SUU P.OIIEKT J NAMIL tool Chestnut at . or nhone N'arberth rtO.V I iiINOO Seiuldetarbed atone and brick iesl-1 ilence. near station. H nwrns ami nam, hot-ivateH heating. ItOHEKT -I. NASH 11101 Chestnut at or phone Narberth UPS ' Mllt'lll III.KaSHlK ATTRACTIVE STONE & STUCCO HOUSE witn aarage on latge corner lot divelllng Is modern In every respect hoi-water hMt end electric light; wood work finished In lietr and white In perfect londltlon. Thla i a high-grade properly. Xo Information i,er fibone ., I WEISSTEP. 30J Abbott llldg Phlla OVKItltKOOK Beautiful Corner l.o. i i unsurpassed ever modem ap pointrnent a few of thp festftres Crj; tral plant heat, lot SCintfld feel 1. nio'ns 3 tiaths. wall arranged, mrloaepl and open txirclies' garage for 2 cats an'l nuartera for cliauffeur, cloie to train and .rollei this properly la noted for being one of tha most attractive high-class homes in Overbrook Price. $50,000 lr.p?ron may hn obtained thiouuli Seidle & Nunan Sato"0 .Members Phlla Real Estate lioanl BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOMES IN THE OVERBROOK SECTION From $3000 to $25,000 WE CAN FINANCE AXT PnOPEIlTT WB SELL. L.UW . 1VI. 1YJOII WKST Of H3D. Phone flelinont f9?. OPEN KVENI.NOS (NT I L II O'CIXJCK. 1 903 Wynnewood Road i'nr lot 90x1(10 Johnaon buiii and tbcr oughlv modern garage for H fara price 12S.000. can only be seen on order fiom opir offlle SWARTLEY. 5214 Chestnut CORNER WITH SEPARATE GARAGE .RAIJE. .-.Tltlltr HOME WITH IIASE- 11 rv i iviiv-.ii.-s .s.sL, i)ii,i,iajiji llliovt. OTHER SPECIAL FI.ATORES I1S.0OO Lambert & McDermott .Vti? LOOK AT FOLLOWINO MODERN HOMES 2h -' nam st. .lll.ftoo MH N 'Wynnawood , 12.000 M41 N Wynneword IS.fiOll lOIW N HSd at. .. 20 lino Lambert & McDermott y,1ffBnygTT OVERtlROOK. 816 Wnnenood road vacsnt. 3-story twin, southern exposure 10 rooms. 2 baths, modern beautiful home n mVKN KY w: . Vidlaliil 7137 PF.NriKI.Il TTHACT1VB stone and ehlngla"dwlilng; 8 rooms, tils bath, laundry: modern: lot !ix!2S: beautiful shade and shrubbery with in 4 minutes' ride of 110th st. terminal. JOHN J. DOt'OHERTT 89th St Terminal Belmont 7703 l.snsdown e 878 ' ROI'TII ARDMOKE ItP.7in N" daMched, JJUJV raardwood floors S rooma and oath. aas and alenrl, 111- hat.mtir HIWI Idiouil!., ----.- - -- -a..- -... WILLIAM J. OTT. DROOICLINE, Phone Llanerch 2S PA. si'niNQFii:i,i THREK-tlUAllTEHM MILK from Taylor's development, 2 squares from Media Short 1 ,ne atone farm house remodeled, modem conveniences, llvlri rojim with open, firs purs 8 bedrooms and servants' bedroom and bath nn scond floor, 2 rooms on third, porch on 3 sides, lis Vr wUndtd old shsde and shrubbery. poMlon at oncai additional woodland with springs and stream If dtslreij, Yocum & Powers Co. $&&. . TWO beautiful hom slte; large lots. 00.170 i acn; prien si riiTii. r ' .JOHN J. DO(KJKIlTT Aoil, nil. Tartnlnal BlmonU770fl W-dyr j NAItllEKTII 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PKVNSVI.VAMAStmimnAV 2 baths, strictly IS! 5 NEDflO AVE. Strlctlv modern, hot-water heat, hardwood floors, elec tricity, showers garage) this Is the only paked-rocf house for sale In Wldener place an early Inspection should b made. 0303 .V. l.TTft ST Three story, ptaa 4er and shingle, rooms, 2 baths, hot jvaten heat, electricity, hardwood floors: lot 38xUHrvoiithern exposure: $12,000 for a quick sale. o912 PARK AVE. Two and cne-half atory stone and shingle detached modern home, 8 rooms, bath, hot-water heat, electrlrltv: In excellent condition; lot 40x118; $1)300. I42.-I 0BTII AVE. Two atory. modern. II rooma and bath, hot-WHter heat, electricity, hardwood floors: 142(1 Sparks at.. 0 rooms and bath, steam heat; $4200, little cash needed KO4-OS-08-1O CITY LINE Three slor ii rooms and bath: large lota, will separate or all; J.'SOO each. i DEVELOPED YOU CANNOT AN .INSPECTION ,., , ; Hi''ii'W'WWPI.IUWHinui.HgtUU)HUI'miliniillllU;ilJltlOTilHllllllJIIJW'lITI'IHjf;)Jt KTItAKKORD POSSESSION SOON Thi Jb'V.ti'uJ,, corner home al Htiafford. lvlth 3' acres of ground house has electric lights ami hol- Mmti'J,""'.1 '" ,d,'",! lHr" r8' with rhauricur a room: present owner spent. Hii.ono for It and must sell Howard B. Wilson & Co. Realtors 2122 OK1IMANTOW.S AX K JYAYNK Homes in Wayne 13 rooms, 1 bath. lot loox'.'ao not-air heat 1 1 1 lllll) 12 rooma. 2 baths, lot Oarage; hot-air heat 14 looms. 2 baths lentrel steam heal: lot U2x2.-,0 Immediate possession nne location and house readv to move right Into 1.1 .nil IX niiit 1 moms, bath hollow .X225. hot-air heal rage tile KHr- HERMAN WENDELL 1IP5 WATNK AVE . WATSK. PA Phone '.Vane -tutu SKMIDKTACIIKD brick hou.a of 4 rooms. I hath, gas and convenience m good loVa ' lion la offered for dale in V.'svie i iJsnfr i CIIAltLES M. 1JAVIS Vva'vne Pa" I WVXNKFIKI.II I 91,!0tHeaaoniihle nrre ,...n.p. . nr .'. , W, ,,on.e "Uence. modern In alf defalia iiiiludlng about 1 sere of around: can be lul 'Stf'"1 n.Y...lm- FL'IIIIMAN Empire Hid umi iipi vvainill ata. I'hone Walnul o. VKtlMIX NKAK FERNWOOI. STATIOXrrn7irL.. atorv home. S room. .w.e,.Ll,p., ,".th.-T t"'.,.'..,ta." J,.nd -'-clrlc flTtures. laundr.' trav? let vrmaim. imon swopj.; 1 "six ,ra"' XF.1V -IKKSKY SI IH KIIAV "Ml j-A,h- Pungalovvs. I80U toliiimoTTTi ronvenlencea. few bungalow a for rem AaK for K'ulfuisi'i or write Itox t2I. grocery store Clementcm LAKtlK. 1KACT of land ner Palmyra Sta" lion. Incl. ator-ehouses atocked vvlth lumli.e and materbJa Mr bid.-. Dr I.amh"i.J,V-m.r ASIILAXI HtlllHE. !i rooms and bath, with etabTVaTirt larae rhlrlfen l,n,,. In ."twie ' alio den : r. . ,.r'v- :- .. v uiiies inim r. lot 130-176 ft : Immediate t,...'..ii ' , Immdt... -.-.--.. IOLLANI1 It CO.. till) s VhT;.""' MHIIKK.HTOWN FINK PflOPEHTV on CentTai street of town, ner..- golf couise "i , n lawn excellent conalrucMon: slste to v e show- I rie heal na nlant. rnmi i..,i i"' . '" vo oor; loof fln.-. i.r, i:,"""'""' parquetry nd will shi :. r.,,:.:r" ".. Jfn"" . 't n.......ln ni -;.. " -" "" '"".V terms: (V'-n'"iloip SB lyile r WOODI.YXX IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 13 i;'l" ave. .verj house: exteMen con dltlon, 7 rooms and bath: larea "v.Wi. . ip.JOO 0ner. t!22 Che.tnut'It PhllSds? nhla. aecond floor niiaael- KW JKRHKV HKAHIIORH o- jfiitntsr I'OAST NEAIt SPItlvn nvu lleautlful home on corner 1,1.,. i ocean.2',-stor bungalow'i'a r"no nH." frotii balha. elegantly uetoiated. electric lla-hi. V..T. "i" Place., hot-air furnace Ilump",?, D?.?.' -o-l ranges coSner' ..;. "J J", fopper sci reus. wiwiii porcnes and 20X2.V for 2 era ement. walks: garage, fnim ocean- mortgage. Uracil Haven, v 'j" 'mJ"R, "n 'lilts resort and these lot, "bould be vvotth nig incrrsse In ahon im(. Agent Haiaieaat j IV ivrlle vrLAvnc citv ' LAKOE COin'AUEThrickirii'ii r. atrucllon: all mo-lirn Improve .?,".',?. conJ bath, on Chelsea i. ' , 1,"t .'" """ nd wall, Apnlv Alex "ii." r'rv'r- a,i Stephen Olraid Hldg . llKXKI.T iiav I'HHOCSE ON KAMoTlM"n-li51-7,Vn. HAY. ID mlnutss 1 gunr.lng grounds on toaal llshlnir and ?, room- and batli. " roan anu aarage l8.-,(iii ,.i. KEI.LEV. IOENT 11,.,""' if"!- A VV. sO EXT ru rjie -H 1 x j ISl-JMI IIEK.HTK SIX-ROOM COITAOB. completeirfiiUhTd all conveniences ner ik.V....' lurnianeo. !MiSJ: .. - - -,. -,,,,. I.,!., WILIMVOOD I'WO-b'I'OltY Hl'.VOAIeOW'oii S WldTef Learning ave. ner beaLh. 4 sepafate apartiiienta containing .1 rooms and north annual lent Slovn prlc, JS5O0. lnsptlon ""nmVKKH 4Vtl", .appointment. "" HtivvivMt 4.1,1 Main at. Manayunlt OCENj3ITY BAi'lo.nF,""A",,Vl-N'Nfioisrd.5r- tage, 5111 Central ave , 57th at atalloii Reading Hallway. Oce.i, ". 5lre! "y . n the beach, gaa long pnichea Address 1. V Taylor 104 Asbury Ve Ocean City or 0n "T" n",ch'' ''ft0 '"nlr.liv. r,'l'ii' "Prlireiii houaea and bungaln'ws al''on'e" WW " P U1"'? FOim.HEDROOM COTTAtlE. baTir"g7so'r .e.,.?irln,t .ni lighting, price 12.100 Ask JOHN J. FOSTER Realtor. 510 Mb sl. NEW apartment $7300 to til 600 Phone 4 57 It Iioilsea mil hitig.i'r.nrs, H K OOETZ. 892 Sd St. SEAHIDE P4.KK DESIRABLE LOT. lornar of and II St., 103128 ft HOLLAND at CO . (lift H Ifttyvlew 4flth st. NORTH MII.DWUOD ' TWO desirable lota 1 corner: bargain for nuick sale. 8WEKTWOOD it SMITH. 88th and Christian sts Woodland 7189 W. ILOHIDA LKAHN rili; TRUTH AIIOUT FLORIDA Don't believe all you hear, good or bad art straight, authentic farts unblssed and unvarnished, the Florida Orower, Florlda'a great ststr paper tells facts, answers ques tions about soil crops town etc . land Inspection department aids von In aecurlr.v desirable location, helps you In a hundred ways, nu nerd this splendid paper send II now for a tl months' trlsl subscription your question snswered without charge AddressT FLORIDA OROWEn, Box C. TAMPA. FLA, JIIMr We will build your home on pro. s'lsrnrisan near janKaonnil U.h. Writs JAXI.HKlOUTfl ianksonrlVl' kt 110 uu,, . JL -" ' ' ".wr. 13 K Main MVKK.O.V FOR SALE RIVErtTOXN f r:yi.r,lo?.1or;:bVeharhTo;:n(",, usining anoivri p oi isuxlSO in.r,;iiJt r "Ul pliiea hollji .'nm"!? ? La,In"' marble Uvvn fuinltuie doner beds J ,.hed'"' Plica J2.'),IMI0 Purlher iiariVnV.e rU,i 'Lc' toL-raph, applv to W! Ilk "'"r",nV'lph?- at llronklvn X Y """" 19 Maple (virs. Iliixill I I. Inn la r REAL ESTATE FOR SALE VIRGINIA VIRGINIA RIVER FARM' One- of the. beat values In the South! 720 acres, 800 hlghlv productive land: larg portion .of balance very fine, hunting marsh: dwelling In nice old grove and lawns barns, stable, store building: freight wharf on property: front river: C minutes walk to ,Htn.l Ifl ,! Pa ltlhrtnnri, ,rla IHR.ntin. on liberal terms: yielding In cash rent nearly' r per cent on total price: iota to settle an estatei complete description on request. MOHTO.V O. THALHIMEn Karm Department lllfhtnond. Virginia FARMS FOR SALB Farm and Country Place On Chesapeake bay; prcpertv of lata Fred T. Chandler, known as Chandler Tarm: 233 acres fronting on E X river, directly opposite mouth of Dohemla rlveri beautiful waterfror.t; productive farm; price $13,000. In cluding atock and farm Implements. Apply to owner. CHAS. W. MILLS 1210 Land Title nidi., Philadelphia, or your own Droxer. rKNNHVf.VANIA FARMS A REAL BARGAIN 127 acres, 23 miles to City Hall. Phils.: close to station: good soil: 18 acres alfalfa, 14 acres wheat, asparagus bed, fruit, timber, stream. 14-room stone, dwelling, bath, elec full complement of oulbldgs. Pr'ied for prompt sale $14'i per acre, W. FORREST MAGEE Southampton, Pa. TflACT land of about 400 acres, well tim bered; lake of 115 acres, well stocked with catfish, perch and pickerel, also 'I mile trout fishing; good bungalow lathed and plas tered, 32x20, Including bedrooms, kitchen and .cellar, porch 32x12, large field-atone fire places: good water from driven well 105 feet deep In rock': this Property la located on Uooae Pond creeV Mi tnllea from Creaco, on TJ l.. and TV' It, It.. 24 miles from Ilrlck Hill summer resort: fine bungalow sites: this property will hsve to be seen to be appreciated. For Information oi:o. nANyriKRnT. Kast atroudsburg. Pa. FOR SALE Secane, Delaware County 2o aches. MonnnN stonr housb, HAIIN AND UARAQB PRICE REASONABLE WILLIAM C. BENKERT 1421 rilKHTNUT ST LANOHOltNI' PA.; sale or a pin'E parm To close estate of Lewis Reining deceased: 4 blocks from Ianghorne station. Philadel phia and Reading; modern house, 14 rooms: hot-water heat, bath, eleotrlc lights, etc.: fine barns: 100 acres if ground of high rertllllv on State hlghtva Sale April 10. 1020. ei 4 n m . mi Dremlses I HCCKMAN 4- BltCKMAN Atlotneja. 405 Lincoln llldg.. Philadelphia. ' 185 AtlRES, country seat, dairy, atock or grain farm, situated halfway between 1 Media and Weat Chester, on good stone , roads, 1 mile two stations, commuting dls. Phllu : stone farmhouse, new dairy or coiv barn elegant land timber, cheap farm of fered latelv . Immediate possession $1 1.000. iIKA,',-, SON. AVest Chester. Pa 1 SEff JERSEY FARMS SACItlFICK Tvvt nt-acre farm, anri liarna and orchard l ! It ... I fnlie f rXm Humeral village, with 2 railroads and good markets fishing nearbv. price 12000: half on moitgage A W Kellej. Agmt Harne gat N .1 I REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT ' CITY PARKWAY PROPERTY SALE or" RENT I26N. 18th (Cor. Cherry) JOxlo;, l-slory building, will give Improvement lease Frank H. Schrenk, Attorney 1218 CIIESTNl'T ST ltllWTVriT Wlf.T. Very Desirable Residences for Sale and for Rent KI'P.NISIIEO . JOSEPH ,M. JENNINGS CO. i-HESTNI'T IIII.U PHIL Hell Telephone. Chestnut Hill 13X7 XWW JKBHKV MKVHHimK ATLANTIC CITV Kurnlalieil KimNISHEU cottuges and aparts. for sale or rent. Ilorson I- Seltzer. 1 S, Maryland ae hi'rixii i.iki: iiErn SPRING LAKE BEACH, N. J. IIEAUTIKCL SUMMER HOMES FOR SALE OR REXT liesplie unprecedenteil demand we have for nnl attractive cottages at 1500. ttlOO. IH.M) 11200 SHOD il.Vin. 117(111. 11800 120(10. J 3(1(10. I40IH1 and tniion, also well located Iota for aale HORACE H. I'ASSAH' AND D WES MOORE TEL VKNTXOR 1-T'll. COTTAOES KOR SITMMER HENTINO ALSO COTTAOES IW. SALE: POSS. MULF0RD T. ROSE LITTLE ROCK AND ATLANTIC AVE Jl. 33. SALE OB "EXCHANGE NKW JKBMEV 70-RM; HOTEL, completely furnished, near Tamp Dlx; about M acres of gtound: tiada for rlty unlmnrovrd or seashore pioprrty. T Munioo Dobbins 1.111 Sanson! st . Phlla. fsKALESTATE WANTED PROPERTY OWNERS " What have ou to sell in South Philadelphia? WE HAVE THF BUYERS SEND ElM,l. PARTICULARS A P. ROSSELL lflth and Tasker ata WANTED In Oak Lane or Melrose, 6 to S mom house, good lot, tnuat be well situated trlvc complete ileicrlptl t with lowest cash prlie no agents p 05, l.idger Ofllt-e HAVE CLIENTS walflngto putMiaae for homes and Investments, single or bunches, batweon "Irani and Erie aves.. west of llroad: S20i0 to J60U0, also want store and dwelling on Olrard or Columbia ave send full irtl( olara. iuIck answer. HERor.BT. Hllll N. loth t WASTED I'"ORrcASH Smalfhouie or bun- gslow, about U rooms with mod. conv one with Karaite pieferred. noar transporta tion in suburbs of Phils . glv full iiartlculata a nd lowest taah price C 20,1. Ledger Office SMALL funilahed bunealow in auuurl.s n creek. 5 or l rooms, with bth; within an houi's ride to Philadelphia! state, terms and when available. M 107, Ledger Office. WASTED To rent house or part of house. with uao of bath: city, suburban or coun try yearly lease, state price: will buy If nrlce la rlaliti Addraaa M 214 Ledur Office WANT TO HUNT by July 1. building 0I)0 to IB. 000 sq ft auliable for tnanufactiir Ing puipoirea. convenient to the Delaware rlvei Address giving" improvements and all partliulars C 215. Ledger Office HOME HUYERS waiting, uulck action am pari of rltv: list your Properllea with lvVIH COHEN". 2d. 1 IB Lincoln llldg . and S w tor 17th and Halnbrldge. WANTED- -Tvvo-atory houses, northern e Hon, demand trealtr than supply. Writs Kraiiklln II Snltrer L t.'o.. Lion Venango WANTED Seven or 8-rnom house, unfur nished. May li .-early lease. Write IPS. OVERl'IBLD. 714 Land Title llldg WANTED--Havo several parties for small factories under 10,000 square feet What hsve youT DIETEHICH, 787 Walnut at WE HAVE sold all the houaea on our Hat. AN DWB CAN BELL YOl'RS. FAltREU. 710 S, 20th at SPECIALIHINO In South st. properties What have ou? W. O. (llbson, OsJs B. Broai road WANTED garage, give full details; will ah P iiio. i.euaar vjiiire. ESTABLISHED mfg. wants to rent nearby small town a small plant, purchase later. C 404. Ledger Office' Ill a may Off Ira Hpai e Wa n I el WANTED lo share expenss, office with architectural, mechanical or electrical en gineer, spare for 2, Including stenographer, equivalent I private rocmt our lines mutt supplement esclt nthtr without conflict: rati throw bus vour way, C HOs Ledger Office. rihiiirhax DETACHED dwelling or farm house, pre ferably unfurnished, with Improvement e. alKlut 1 rooms, pn Pennsylyanla B, 7L' be twrsn Ardmnrs and Devon j possMslon with. Beatyf XUJ452li ' ' w BEAL ESTATE HOH BENT OAMDRN FOR RENT Attractive Modern Houses ' ?" Fairview, Camden, N. J. (FORMERLY YORKSHIP VILLAGE) 4 to 7 rooms; all conveniences. Direct trolley service to Federal Street Ferry, Camden. Within eaBy walking distance of West Collingswood Station Phila. & Reading Ry. FAIRVIEW REALTY COMPANY 1327 Collings Road (Phone Camden 3166) " Rental Office open Sunday 10 to 4 CITY FOR RENT O.NTAMO MILLS. 2d st. above Co lumbia ave.: three floors, comprising In stl over 22,000 feet of space: automatic sprinklers, steady and ample power and unexcelled service to our tensnts, THE ARROTT STEAM POWER MILLS COMPANY 431 WALNUT ST 170 A MONTH for a few houses Just com. , fileled. Woodstock al flrtOO block north; Urie of Chelten ave. cars, weat of Limekiln pike. East Oermann mi, 11 MKimiru 2840 Ridge a via WANTED TO RENT less thin 50 acres for one year, with prli liege of purchase: barn to accommodate thoroughbred Uuernses, also 2 horses; good pasture, with stream es- ' K-ntlal: also cottage for herdsman. Ap ply to SO Walnut St.. Room 311. Phone 1 Lombard 484. . S. W. Corner 1 8th & Fairmount rvivullltta. nnHlnn; .nltnlile fur home or bus! or bull ,na. 201 ness uurDOtes. Wm. L. Craven's Sons, 201 fonimbis ave S032 N. flROAI) ST. for rent, furnished: immediate possession for 4 months only. 1 Menders Soils. Walnut 801. 151 S. nroad al Its re 282 WILL ERECT cential gaiage station, capacity flu cars, rent annum M 318 Ledger Office. or service I14U0 per a.', a vjii i-mlr hulldlnr: heat location Weat Phlla.; long lease. LEWIS COHEN. 2d S. W. cor, 17th and Halnbrldge. IIA8RJIBNT-M1 Chestnut St.. BOA q ft,. excellent for storage purposes 1 C. , OCAI.LAOHAN 1)20 Cheatmit st rjuauioa "ropertlf aopt Store .1,1)00 SO. VF , OBNTIIAT.. 4,fMI0 SQ. FT , KENSINOTON. H.OOO SO, IT., SOUTH' PHILADELPHIA. T.OOOHQ. IT. NORTH PHILA. R.000 8. IT WAnKHOL'SB. Olrard ave. fl.OOO SO. FT KKXSINOTON. Iti.tiilli S. IT CAMI1EN AIlTHUIt If. FRASEH. lt SANSOM ftACE '-'Itatl SPHI'CE 3:iB N AV. CORNKIl Iftlh ant Woodland Suitable for barber shop. CHAHLKS K. ICOLU. Weat End 'fruit llldg. Fai'torles. Warehouaea. Maniifactnrlng llaora WAREHOUSE FOR RENT 1st Floor With R. R. Siding POSSESSION APRIL 15TH 15.000 an. ft : within few squares of Cltv Hall, on II months' term, with probsble extension of 4H ears. J. McNALLY l.OCL'ST 96H. 2211 t AHCH STS. FACTORY SPACE ."ill.uuO feel of inanufactuilng spaie, with heat, light power and elevator New building, on .Main Line P It. R, Im mediate poaaesslon Can divide. W. GORDON SMITH Ttltphona Ov! brook 8700 STORAOE SPACIC .Mini PEET. UltOUNIJ KI.OOR NEAR MTU AND MARKET .lA.fKH. I). WIUIIISIiIj I7TH ARM RANSOM STS 3000 SO FT. 1 ist . 3-car R. R siding, ir,.00ti sq ft. ground floor. It. R. sldlni. .1 A1.AN MlDDLrTl'ON. factory specialist and indu.lrlal engineer. 002 Wldener Hide wilt, erect building. 30.000 lo 100.000 square feet, for responsible tenant on long . ,,....,. '.. i.'.inti, a, leaae oiciruui. . ...., ,. j WAREHOUSE. 8000 squ.e feet, central, pa-' per rilatrlU; possession. DIETER1UI1. 737 i Walnut. 4IFFICKH. HDSINKfia ROOMS. TTTO. PHYSICIANS' OFFICES 17.14 SPRUCE HT. IH'.'rt SPRUCE ST 2038 HPRUCK HT C.F.SIMON. 1 12 S. 16th St. PORTION of a suite of offices In one of the brsi buildings vicinity of Uroail and Chestnut ata., on atreel aide: furnished If de sired. Phone Ixicust 27J5 W or write P Old, Ledger Olflre WANTED Single offife room lBd to 200 su ft In desirable office building (.'. 11, & II M. Taylor, general agent Northwest? Mutual Life lnsutanco Co , 807 Chestnut st,. second floor. 001 WALNUT ST Two communicating i offices on second noor. containing 050 so I ft.: rant 1UI0O per annum. Estate David M. ' lless B04 Walnut st . .19(1(1 MARKET ST. Double front, suitable for any ileal rauie uusineaa llelmont 1147. D. T RYAN. 61108 Market st TWO furnished rooms, clean, refined neigh borhood, AV. Phlla near L, use of kitchen If desired: terms reaa, f it4 Ledger Offlre. ORERLE I1LDO., 1708-10 Chestnut Dtslr studios rent, J. 1'. Jardellu. 1585 Christian. UKKUMS 1ILDU., 1708.10 Chestnut Deslr studios rent. J. H. Jardalla. 133,1 Christian - i Warehouses WAREHOUSE. aOOO so, ft : central, paper district. DIETERICH. 77 Wnlniit WKHT 1'IIireAHKU'IIIA $150 Store and Apartment 122 N. 620 STREET Sple'idld llualnesa Location Kershaw & Crowl .121 5 HESTXUT 4902 BALTIMORE AVE. STORE, 18x00 Ideal location, meat or ptovlalon Restricted Inquire 404 llaltlmore ave. 52D & WALNUT STS. RENT. 46ill0, on Improvement lease. sult- apie ror automopiie business, FRANK A, Mr.MANUS, Attorney 800 Ieafayettw Hldg HOUSE for rent tn refined couple retained 11070 Allman st 1 room Kirtorlra. Wareliouoee. Maniifarturlnr Fleers STORAOE SPACE 8500 VEET. GROUND I'LOOR NEAn 80T1I AND MAHKBT JAMKB U, WINCHKLlV 17TH AND BANSOM STS, PKXNSVI.VANIA HimUHIlAN ftTIIAFrORD Talr EieTdows mansion house, lis miles from station) garage, garden, orchard, large lawn, large modern house, hot-water heat, electric lights, open fireplace, line shade, Colonial style, early lease or for summer season! 1100 month nearly, 1160 a month for season, A M. Linv. 200 Uncolil Rulldlng. Plions Walnul 55R" fURNISHBIl country home, in miles from I'hIUdelplila, en Reading. Railroad! 14 laa,rooms,,a modern bathsX 6 Iiedcooms. all psiis .nu ,aii7i uarsu nsrags, lanius Yl bara- oarasi, tannls Kiurii nne uisaa irse i 4" V- -ft.! HEAL ESTATE ItQR RETnHl CAMpKN- riiyysrTAANM-HniiTtni..vr ovK3nnooK VoZW?fflSrZZru vacate to faniii.7 e-i or more sdultt ... longer: hlgh"fT.".y,, 'VttrVpi"i?m"" S square from train a Si .11!" 1"e Hug. T ground: fmii ..H."n.d,r9.yi over 1 i..!-' jSiS&'Vs.;',!, jummen months7 Addres, TT 'i Vr " ' 8B2N (,:. .""' -8, Ledger om;." frt rW -. a riTTIfr't 1 -iiwnil SVC, -'-tvr, -''MH'M'AXM v.i..7 "" Dairy and Stock Farm.TTJX; I AT riAD.VOR STATION. P n f, ttl RADNOR REALTY CO ' ..S.2..,,a Tru.r Bid,, r' ,''V-sa. a ar,. - re listed with tlila SfnJi. "r Pfopertlei '-1 IV'toor see JIOnuiSON. nEAITrVir'"'" J ave- helotr sm i "LALTOIt. Oceui'l nre ,..i; .'- "Ummer nrnn T mtlt.ais . ' L- hulld nr: I1"nn ii Jr HJ5 1 4th st . naa Phone -iri7 n 'tan. JIT'h "" UUUTZ. KK" as ., 34 it., tillbHh. furillsheo si.l.n.nair oeurooms: s.,..."""'"'". Hll'i .trf .. CJOETZ. S02 rarage, eM e,ni. " ' od l. Phono 467 n ' I PUftNISI h'n imriiTa' : " "ni and sa"" ,n3 Br,'' "'"rlwn fow- ..BP.VTINC I nUN-Tllwi'VtM "" ' nts ht ivmi Hit- TOR RENT-Frm-rJTgTTFrT Gentlemen's Country Estate on Elk Rivrr Mel ,fun,1.lhUedgVnT,.rd',,o"n,,Jl,h!,;ih'i,,-1;"n''' loo.-linr tlie. v i. T..." !.?' . ." bluff nrar. of Chesapeake bay:TUnXVr'nihM acetylene ass -"""'-"" ass i gin ng: "a .-..:.": 1 Shtlnr. -ik - -""". "' CHAS. L. BROWN & CO. . 21 7 S. Broad St. Edit RENT for II ,...'- ;. : : e garage, garden arrss rr. j v"p;prnsr lwls fford Phone Wavne ! Lswranra ninnii nira .11 .VI -ivrr. I'nilii len ,-- -. ....,.uipia Prniis en i ' wommuung dlstanrs JJ2!ilg.- or Delaware a 4(K. Lad oi'- .."KW.1IANT01VX Stone Colonial House IMMEDIATE POSSESSION I na - 1 a VA . .. on,., flrepuce; dining ZSi,' 'WR'JZ!.2V 'I MIIIIUL llliri all Ileal M. a. a Kiicnen, rear norch. I.undrv , ' ,Z ' aeconn noor. wJ?i:,MW'tt I TlAfls An.,.- ". -V. ..,,. Joseph M. Jennings Company Vint. ... ... . .. r Jiaai'ift urn i:i7 "'kk.FA, CHF.STKIJT mr.1. mil 2t I.AROE IK rnvi ..x-..... 3 aues or rrnV,rf. 1y.con Inln ivut i fly i" " "?. ll'''lt 'tuai Idlninifoom .!! w,l!,f 1 2 " ava7 o ri?.u",ry' H I iroms. 3 bth thl?rt V S cars and garage vrlth f rVnir,er" fnr ehuffun i.ii-1 f"'"" large uorary, Wtchen. laundry, ssr- ih. .u7"V'L '""' maater bed bedrooma and billi .! .!'?" Vrv,n"' ' be hail f?Mn"'m"."L ""' rn' "om: aesslon .lima i months or 1 jesr i -...-.' "'.''L.'wixas co " Jieauors hMtmit Hill. I'a Chestnut lllll 137 inestnut JIlll 20T rjWtSVI.rAXIA Himiinmv FimNIHHED- farm hn,. o ".,..- Wayne: 5 famllw 1,.-V.'- ""' 1"" ut'.',",' i: oonr.1 swai ,"'n " r month. Iloo. "SSSSi.- aSKfcWi? lZ ' 100111a, bath ... , uvuiwuii .. -- m.Mr JjEW JKRHKV KAHnnP! JVrLANjIf) CITV VM.I.IN alAttae.. 1 any oeason iii ii,.'low"' P-rime nti: .tiy .-.on.a.ll ScSm,&. .,.. riiiaranlee Trust ripildi? BaVi.V... ,. -- - "liaillltl L IT Wtr ri.'riiiiui.v"i t - andToV,r..-oVi,tion. Vna'ttlTi1 UppII Ions for first, aecond and split moriiirJs n any section of the city or aubiirbl"mJK loaned on Judgment note. WILLIAM ? taJAK KEOOH. Land Title Bulidlny. JA-JBS TO N2jiN, StOIlTOAOKS 27 S. IBth sl ' $50 i,:. "If." curliy lrnmi- u,iw nsiiicniant. Int...., A. TO estates bought. Cash at ones! $2000 EDW. M. MOLL ' FIRST MORTGAGES rOR SALE. ' I3J. IV000 each; 0 per cent Interests fir nnl title policies with each mortgage, PEMIIER TON ESTATES. Harrlaon llldg. SEE FINBERG Mortgagea placed for home buyers, 2.14-2,15 B07 Chestnut st Roams LOANS, REAL ESTATE AND ESTATBS. ANY nlleM DELANY. HI S Hrosd (West End BMg ) W, 11. HALL HON 48H LAND TITLB nulLDINO HOME 1H1YERS Mortgages, first or second. JOHN IS. WALSH. 2467 Kensington ava I HAVE 12300 for a. first mprtgsge, homr buyers. C nil. Ledger Offlos. FUND of I40UO to Invest In conservative flrst mortgage. SI0 Otis Hldg. MONEY TO IiOAlf YOI7 CAN BORROW MONET ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 25 AND HP, , . ,2 PER CENT 176 AND UP....1'4 PERCENT RIEDBR'S 121 MARKET BT. HIDOE AVF; AND OXFORD ST. 22D AND SOUTH STS, , READY MONEY- DIAMONDS. WATCHES JEWELTtT United States Loan Society 117 NORTH P. no All 2X0 Markst at. 2548 Qernisntown are. NEED MONEY )X,ft?j,ZWfi'A honMt employ" fui4. 't '... bonMt employ; .V'" ,l,k , JtUIUttW V . - T. .MARTIXH bi. .VIAKTINM Kurnlshe.1 h.,.. T- "H 1 UMI1IX! gift """ '"-"-V-SKAStinn. OCBAN rtTT rct i i ip MORTGAGES tmes Jr"M Cn- lnrln. ' SWARTLEY 5214 Chest,, Fb . . C .J ' ;ti'i-'. fihK.I, , .. . . .. ieUlfcitf'i '-. j'JU " ai '' i s' .Ph-' .4