' A W't I r " Si n, V? n K1' V t 4 - rv ,',' BT ,. ft!" J ' r v r V ?. ' WITH DEMPSEY AT THE 1 ' " PHILA. HOXING CODE TO HA VE oiVfl DISTRICT WINS IN BOUT HALTED BY SERGEANT . ! . i Vhn non that bout?" asked Doc bout lintl been stopped Griffo ft"'1 . ihr third round when one of the, boxers claimed lie tri It1" The Doc repeated bis Interrogation. After a "tVo Second district," was Orlrto-s retort. Ily LOUIS ....) ntitr-h rnmnoac the ALLfourucn " boxing code under the supervision .f the rhiladcipnia iuiu .,,.- el "" .. .i u.U horn nre to in (lie promotion oi uu.a. --- ,B ".'..- .n,l a number of new remain "-" . ... wiIhn the tflJtlni wiu - ';t r,Tles have been r'Vffcct since December 2. 1011, but In fnf si""- , , thev have been 'SrUcd. broken and slandered I nrfrlooM", . mlmlnls ndministrn ,10.l Drceor of I'ublic Safety tT!o.yfn,serioURlylK,U,.do,, IIOIVOVCI. ". - .. I.! am uircciui SShVUr? police forc7todoit !' . Unnlil take on a new aspect In u -nMIe will be protected, xnc upon LVuKWl"nhIlgl.crCBlcandbct. r bouts will result. Old Rules Enforced 0( lh present : rules, L which have been jM.inesIrlc't.y'adhcredtoln the future, are: w.U No -The referee , In whoif v.?d. the safety and protection of th iJiftltintJ "J nlcd must always be ,cn.s. nlert and never allow ft contest X.V.. be struck when In it helpless "B'ittinor in th. art of faPIng . the ... t. f blow recenen, ni""' - .," IV apparently outetaaaed the ; bont V.r 11 .Mooed, no matter whether It b ik flnt or the la.U round. Rata "a. S-No one to be allowed to ..mJ.tr a i professional or an ama f.TrPbor who Is under eighteen eara ''lloleXo. ' I0" he allowed tn einte't atalnit an onnonent ten pooi'da ",,ViJr than lilmieH In the lightweight "VSlf"!'!.- .oft f.ndag.a to be "ffi1 ZUr.-T fool Mow known ..X kli.ner poneh.-' de red while piVribedanr tefore hout b.lni,ind If the rul; . bJ'loHted the bout i lo be atopp'd itter due caut'on haa been nlven t 1 incut! of the, .'onferencc held in tteoffhe of Director Cortelyou oil Sat ntdyfternoon number of tegillntlons ire to DC urnwn up o.v a ruivn i-whihhi.-tre. loniisting of seven promoters and iirnanv newspapermen, when they meet it the 'Hotel Walton Wednesday after- .nun at'-': U. Jlicse rccuiniiuns lire m !) turned over to Mr. Corteljou. and upon his aproval tney win ne hiiiicii i the present code. "Xo Smoking" Certain One of the new rules which is certain to be passed is : imeklnt shall be permitted at anr ihiw, whether profeailonal r amateur Wg. This reculation l to b strictly ad- heivid to. and Chief Fire Marshal.Gcome TlHott. who Is to be responsible, for thi rteojnition of the rule, believes he will I I live no tiouble in this dut. "The1 lilt fn is a real sport, said Mr. Elliott today, "nnd. although some of tie bojs vi ill miss their puff or two I ; m cni-r rliAr will not he hnrfl to handle If one happens to forget himself and ; trite, up a match. A tap on the shoul iir. I think, will bs necessary only to mile him put hN smoke away, t do. tot expect to have to go so fur as have, lay one ariested or ejected troin any dub." I Other regulations suggested at Sat- ' nrd&y'B conference to be drawn up, and which will likely meet with the approval of Direi lor Cortelyou are: i FirSt Out-of-town Imxers ehall le- Drt to the management of the tub hrre thev are lo appear twenty-four , bun prior to the time aet for their ' eonteila. Second. Kvery boser whether a ore- , llmlnirv boy or a atar. ahall be (Ueu contract by the matchmaker Utile" , lotirnlnc boxlnc here ahall he em- kerfled In each contract i Third. All ronteatanta ahall welsh In t rlnnide and haTr their welchta an- i wonted. A boxer who refneea to welch n er hate hU wettht announced ahall ' ke barred from competition. Fourth Tromotera can refute admie- I on lo a club of any peraon belleed ' lo tie a gambler Fifth Anv apeclator who continue!, to r.url Iniultlur remarks nt a boxer during tn course of a bout after due warning ' bv th police or representative of the i f I'k ahall be ejected, 'lith. If a hoier l enable to appear. i Mhednlrd, the pobllo ahull o b In armed through the preaa. and by the Slaclng of auch notification on tho n- IrinCA Af that rlnh anil hv m n.ii...n..A- t JJ'at from the ringside prior to the be. luinlng of the ahow. I Sjtenth .Managera of boxers guilty of senaing false renorts of bouta to out- Jf-town papers ahall be barred here In (l! future righth. IWiiera who dlaappolnt pro- "POMrance ahall he barred from thl tr for all- months. All of tle above suggestions were "fought out on Saturday, and after ing drafted nn Wednesday they are ' b approved by Director Cortelyou. ine rumpus kicked up by Mr. Cor- I .'ou. inspired by the onesided bout I Z ,flwk, between Lew Tcndlcr and, ,'".? Hinckle. no doubt will result V"r uevelopmcnt of n strict boxing iTa, . )VUfn thp nc,v regulations ' ,.a i ftP(l boxers, managers, seconds no tans will hove to consider them, an rnmo Horlousness than merr I Yrip of paper " rhat boxing is to he promoted In a Xt -i ?!' n(v wa I11 on " I Li l1'1, L,vl,r" ,ll1 National Club ..'."Ok. time bv tho foroln.,1- ' ... .. I ad.l!, ,hl,t- n""1'5 hol" nd sec rasrf. , t0 scveral 0,1 "'le and also pr'red. " a reu,atIon not yet P" tr'mf.iUnt,7' "eferee doe Griffo in nolhln5 I"1. of "" P'-'nuipals to us, hindir. "il snft 0"''Bes on their Ibelr f dvi80'''!. wpre ndvisctl to keep i .E5UMr 1 ,ent an'1 "no "'nokiug'' Iheie J? ! tllc "Mutators. None of (eonnri -.L " "-iwuiibi snout irom a oJmtsi' i roinny Mlenceil when in Tk.. '.l 'lo " uy "rlffo. Itlnt oid ' V1',1;",8 "n,0'1 district ser.-il.i-j5hM ." of the boxers .ad be refer., t i, b"'!x "" ,ow- Although Cj" fair blow. vLli'b was a ' Oriffo rf0iiS",1 btv "' Kloveman., C, .W,"'? t,"'t'-''tion of the Con est ft '" Hn' ",,,s on,,lu8 ' "'"ond .Meet S ''...!.. .hamplon JljL, n'nnw,i ...in. "'PPcd into ,Uu 0l,t nf H""n "f"'1. f fiinkii m.b ,ng Hml into tartar i A resiH5!,81'1';0' ' Wllllamsnort. "lltht SUln.ri,af"1lr' ,ePPed Into the out dinner W,' "1(,ke(l n knock Vhli .?'" Ma'!"l'-e. brought into , a rec. '"). IlewV." ?"uriment of haymitk la.e. ",.."a only not able tn nn,l ln,t-. Mwlri In'dtt'1 bUt at U t,me u 'thifcl'wrved all sorts of credit . 'He An, Fr,fkJTHMnC,nptInB l,lWUl Tat .n'K.1 8 rlht tro)' WN 'notr. withn.V "V""' Hiife. was n "t'eholder K. fc i.lu,t lne Wlddlewc ght ! o he ,ir !ank c "n'1 i the ring ko. IieV.0"0'1?! lctTt It didn't Th OMiil, V0U. win, If possible. f0"d, IfflnV m""1 blK,k "" ht nt 'Bit kLT.'"V? "imosi to scorn with -i ' NEW RULES Cutcli, locnl manager, of Hofcrrc .loo at the National by n police sergeant line bron fouled, little mrditntlon, II. JAFKE one who will show well ngnliiH the best men in his class. Another boxer vl)n put nn a name, gritty and (treat battle was Dave Astey, who also was nn the losing end. .toe Nelson defeated the New Yorker, who bad boxed ten rounds in Baltimore the previous night. While Nelson, because of his aggressiveness and much harder punching, showed to ndvnntage he was kept busy by Astey throughout. Dnve made n sensation rally in the last round, but Nelson's early lead entitled him to tho decision. The .lack Pnlmcr-.loe Stnccy match was stopped In the third round by the police, whom Palmer claimed be" was fouled, .loo Welsh and Tommy .tninison put on a hard six-toiind draw in the semifinal. hihI Kid Wolf won in six rounds from Willie l.ougliroy. Daubert's Brother Joins Cressona I'otlajllle. r April fi. The Cressona baaeball team, champion of thi coal region. woe badly depleted when a number of pln era. left for other cities. Shortstop Adams and Second riaeeman Lebenaood left for nanvllle. .. whore they will enter the F. fdJ!nonU LKU' .. "uinel.lcr Mauger and Pitcher Kepncr left for Hjrncue Dlemer nn Infle'der. departed for Atlanta. Ja . to play with the Southern Association team of I that city. Anions a number of new pUy. I era. Manager Ituff. of the Tigers, ha n gaged n. brother of Jake Daubert. the fa mous Cincinnati Ilrat baaemHii Troy, thr alugslnp outflelder. hna refused an offer I from tl(-adlng nml will remain with tli Tigers. j Flelaher Wants Games I The .S. II. U. V Tlelsher Kmplmea' An i oltlon la thla ear placing one of Phlladel i nhlfl.'n ntronapAt ninilnrn tntna nn ,i,a fiai.l and would like to arrjnse mniw, either nt I home or )', with Hllldale, I.lt rii-o ) ( aiuricn city, Uacharach Dlanta or teams of -.iuMi iiirr... . uric.mnu wnn or pnnn. Manager IM. I.usk nt the SUA 11. w. I'lelaher plant. Tcnl-lxth and Itc-d treeta. ., To Form Indiana-Ohio Ball League Rlihmonil. Iml., April r The IndlBiia Ohlo l)aalall Leaitue will hp rnrmed at a meeting of renrcscntatlNea of Ave Indiana and three Ohio cities this afternoon, it waa announced laat night. Th town to he In the moposed circuit, aitnrdli.c tn Jocal promoters Ir t night, are Munri. An lleraon, Fort Wane Rlulinu'nd nnd Marlon Ind.. and Dayton. Lima and Kurlnztleld. O ENGLISH SOCCER RESULTS London, April ft ftuxl iiani'i "on Satur ria resulted as" r.illuws I'ardlff. 12: tlarharlans. il Snanaea. II: Harlequins. 7 Plvmnutli. II Merchant Tailors, 0. Hrlatcl, 1.1: Leicester n niialn. .1. Waterloo, 1' Northampton. :.'": Nuneatun, 7 Northern I'nliin Harrow '.17,. Uradford. 0. Ituddersfleld 1": Bstihev. .1. Ftramlev. 11 Hull Klngeluu.s:!. Hull. Ill; Turk, ft Ilorhdale, H. Huiislei. ft Oldham, 7. Salford. 3 Halifax. I'J. Wicau. 7 Wldn. 14. Warrington J Bobby Jones, Star Golfer, Will Go to Harvard Cambridge. .Mass., April .". Harvard's golfing interest has been brought to a state of excitement over the news that Hobble .lones, the youngster who last jear was i mi ner -up for the national mm) ten championship, will enter Harvard next fall, .lones has been a student nt Georgia Tech in Atlanta for the lust two years. He hud intended to go abroad this spiing and attempt tn capture the ltritish championship, but his parents insisted that he con tinue his etudies. .lones's arrival at Harvard would strengthen the lather weak team of the present time. I Thcres I w m A T R H BBB, SSBBl v. gggBJ h m "?! VH r bw bbbV .bbk bbbHt m. J B bbbB PUBLIC BAR, HE MAY BE LOOKING FOR BIT ON DRAFT SURPRISES APLENTY IN PINEHURST GOLF Harold Weber Is Outsider Against Ouimet Today, but You Never Can Tell Hy SANDY McNIttMCK I'llichiiist, N. t'.. Ajiril n. When J on throw back jour locks, If you have any, to be rumpled hy summer breezes sweeping across the benches nround the starting hero today nnd look nt the ploy from this col tig of vantage. It doesn't look like such it cinch, ns It does in blnok mid white, (hot Francis Ouimet will win the amateur golf ehamplonhlp of the North nnd South. Ouimet teed off tlilt morning, for ex ample, against Harold Weber. This Ohio star was one of our foremost nmn tours some years ago and this winter ho lias already won three southern tour naments. Ouimct'x fine pub shot is going big on this course, but they all get home. It's geJJing Into (he cup front the cra,s ncrosx the nnd greens that hns decided every match here so far. One day the and U heavy, tho next it's fast. One day jmt got the groove, the next you don't. One day J on sink 'cm, tho next the other fellow does it. Tliej never llgtired F. I. Newton. Stnten Island champion, tn get beaten by Sam (irnlinm lnt Satin day. or Newton to bout Adair, who started like it house it-lire. Graham teed off against It. K. Itockonkamp. western HnaliM and southern champion, neemding tn the statistics heie. and ISockenknmp may prove tho big surprise. Thoio sic liowderr sand bars, nine trees unit things when- it is practically impossible to get jour ahol. The nature of the tuff makes it ulitliciilt tn pick up n i clean lirussle or a tieal iron carrj : atij i .7II sliy. title to me inclusion 01 giniinu tiling may boppep tn a lopped bull. keepers and secretaries, where as nf the Itut despite these few words, (lie fans aie still picking Ouimet ns the chiss of the iiiattet still left In the imltle f,,r It was morel a gift to which they the title. were legally but not morally entitled. Among the gnllerj was tiemge Ade. They had done nnlliing lo deserve it. the Indiana pnlfer and writer. Kvery- With a tine ball dub they were lucky thing lie saw in Ihc mutch this morning In finish even as high as third, lucky icuiinded h i in nf his ever-ieady stnrj. ' beciinse .Mays happened to arrive in the "Tho fnrmerN play our little course in nick of time. Iiiil'rnn." aiild Mr. Ado. 'and que dny About one more squawk of this na n friend bellowed to me ns I was coining turn should bring the club owners to ii. 'Ilej . (icorge. j'knnw Hint 'etc pesky abolish any gift to second anil third flislholeV place cIiiIh. "'You bet.' I holleied back. , For apparently the more money many ul. goldtirn it. I jest iniide or in rS' MrAi'lo' stniKKlcd with the Knllerv back of Ouimet. The worst gallery l ever had." he . siild. "was nt my home where I hove It little course. Visitors come in Hie plaic till the time, and just ns I was getting set to make n null to bieuk m , iccord nt the green near the gitrngc tlueel largely because it was either too fragile old Indies rounded the corner unil Mood or loo listless, 'right in my line, squinting at me theie, Thev have never jet gone mil nnd in the sun. I shifted my glance and set- , mde 'a good, haul fight for tho pen tied iigiiiu. feeling tidlciilous. and look tnun. They have been content lo merely n serious contortion over Hie little ball.. ,,.jM along with the line-up alwuys I decided to putt nnjliow. despite my' hroki'ii through injuries or sickness or lirivous nun.. ..urn one ,M ill.' IIClll'V o- i lent old ladies cried mil. This bere, game's polo, ain't it. mister'' " Another New Baseball League Itlrhniond, Ind.. April ft. formation nf the Indiana-Ohio llHacball League, coinioi..l of six teams, wna announced following h meeting of representatives of the clulia here Uetalla nf the organization will be lumpletetl at a ftnnl meetlnw to b.. held here iext Nun dav According In announcement to.liv ' the league will open .la It wlih tlw I .1 i lowing cities on the circuit. Port Wnvne Itlchmond. Munrle and Anderson In In diana and Hpilngfleld and Lima or Mlddle li, n In ilhlu Reds Former Owner Dies Clrulnnall. April 5 Aaton S Slem slx t seven vears old. foi titer president .ind ownei of the old rinclnnatl Aincil.au Asn .lallou haiehall dub. died here aftei ain aerlng lllneas During Mr. Sterna owner ship the I'lnilnnitl Association team ,n the pennant n 1R82. Th club was sold bv hint In 1SS7 to the late John T. Itruih for meily of Indlananolla. who took the urgjiil , r.atlnn Into the Xatlonal League. Wins London-Brighton Walk Ijiildnn. PlU ft H V. Rnas ( lllll won ih Lonrion-lo-llilRhton walking! lontest in nnnrn in mining, against nis own time f s hours' 11 minutes, nude In tnon LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA', MONDAY, ANOTHER CASE OF A DISCONTENTED CLUB New York Yankees Still Squawking Because Third Place Money Seemed Shy "The More They Gel the More They' Want" , Hy GUANTI.AND HICR IC'nrurlohl, 1010 All rhtilit rucrvtrt ) The April Call Oiipny-llrnrl, il' April limr, April of thr Orchard l,unr, April icheir Ilia totr cfi'mfi Though thr sunshine nnd thr ruin; April of Ihc far. green moors A I Ihr gohlen edge of spring, April of Ihr oul-of-doois, Though Ihc trind is hlusleiing. n i o in n ii tofn f h ' I'M'"" il aiding out through preen ami gom, i Il'i'iidi'titi out bu"hill awl stream. Through Ihr affifn night's enfold . Thiough the pink and red and irhitr Iflossolns ft ihc load unfmled, Where the lilies lean lo linhl In the m Di i in a of the world, (llipsil'Unrl, irhg should irr trait Till Ihc April dienm is ymict Life i'i at the Morniilg dale ('alllnp im fo follow on : With Ihr flags of winter furled W'hrir the hills and vallvif gleam, Lifr is waiting down thr woild For I he vagabonds of dicam. IN TIIKOItY the decision to split up a portion of the world scries receipts for second and third place should hove a beneficial effect. It should add keenness to the peniiiint tnce nnd keen mote clubs hustling up to the final day. In ptactlce, as ii has worked out among the Yankees, it has merely made a number of ball players more avari cious than they were before. 'PIipv have been squawking nil l lie spring because they figured the spill was SUtll) tliey icceiveil. not a ceni wukiicui- ally earned. plajcrs get tho less tUej ate cnntenteii. The Case of I be Yankees mllK Yanks lertainl.v have no loud JL roar coming over anj ttentnient they have leceived. V.l llicv lm. cinlininilU lieen one of the big disappointments of liaseball nnt I.i.chhsm Hie tiilent wasn't there, but Vllln. 1.1... ,,lu,. f j,ev are to win anj iihiiiihiiI lliN season thej will need something more than the batting and pitching they will , cany. j They will hI-o iimoiI a large addition of fortitude iiihI, keenness for Imltle. I two details in which they have been , sadly lucking. 'As it stiiiids now the.v will likely be , very popular with other clubs if their .constant squawking over third-plocil money forces the two leagues to call Ihc I entile sehoiue off. Money anil Sport MOItK than two mouths ago we of fered the suggestion that the greater amount of money there conies into sport, the woise it is for sport. The athlete is entitled to his per centage ftoiti the actual receipts, ami the more he gets, the less interested, upon the average, he seems to he in handling his daily play. !qni: J five ball piajer, when he finds Mint e liox seals lor Ills tmesis uu been overlooked, threatens to tear down i the grandstand nnd plow up the dia mond. Others refuse point Ijlank to.enrry out contracts which they had dictated. Some vears aco. when the.v stnrled fightlug for their rights, they found tho press and tho public with them. ' Hut neither the. press nor tho public is going to stand for much more of the, IflL'O spirit that has crept into tlm game. :b; SI0IIAl.K is a great game, but IDI8 without it when the work and fight order chnsed n whole flock of embattled athletes to tho shipyards. What. Indeed? What is so tair as a dag in spiing flrr winter has sounded tups! When thr bratsir shots seem In ti'r and sing ' Orri the bunkirs and haps! What is so rate as a bark-spin rut That drops bg the wailing rap, Whrrr Ihr duffer gobbles a Irn-fooi pult lusl as thrg wakr him up! "JF DKMI'SKY is bailed." an--- noiinces nn exchnnge. "f'arnentlcr will aiitomnticnlly take over the henvy weight chnmplonbhlp." Why? Shoir mr sadder words lo sag "Sri en down and right to'plnn." pONNIK MACK has spent five j onr9 1 v-' in the cellar, but-the quaint part of it Is that he spent four nf these be fore piohibitlon arrived. Miss Piper Wins Rifle Honors rinehiirsl. x. c.. April ft Mla I'ollv I'lper. of I)ctroll won the flrt prlre In this week a ilflt, contest for vonin at th . "JnehurKt (lun Club with a leudlms Mrget ' if Ihrletlm. and Itolan Corlett. of Cleveland scoicd respectively 13.1 and 132 The wpcV. i," oiu ui nossitue i.,o ine .Mines Iv iiuttlnc content ended In n nuadruple 11 fm th first prlve nt 21 between Mrs (J M Howard of Halifax, and three New .lei- ii. V.i V -irs, .! iiaKer oi ito - -r-,.. .,. , .ruivn iioKari, or HiizaDcin, sin. lira. It c Ulnncke. of Montclalr, who ultimately on the llnal play-off. Philadelphia Team Beaten iiummorr. April .- - In one of the nios .si - l "uirui-n aocter aamea of the present - - -w;". "", c ...nk l-.IIIUiril ,l . mud nelds or I'lar. lra lh Ilaitlmorc Su-.r ' " lull. Mars land statu thamniona. won a well-earned victor, over the Somerset Kool son nllA.I n,t r.min.l. .I.. v&nKi.i .... hall Club of the Inle r-AHIetl League of Phil "dtlrhia eienlaj at I'aterson IMrk. 3 to I - - Today's Bowie Entries flist race, maiden, three..vear-olds ft'a i fin lung Captain i:vane. 111). Dominican I 111 itenmaii It I: Short I'h.inue. llil. Sand .ta(, 1 IK; Soscol 111. Sea Mine, in, I'rlml tle. 111. Teacher's Pet, 111; I'olvnvm. Ill Ashshula Sd. Ill Second race, claiming, fnur-ear-oldi and. up. Hi furlongs Karneat. 112.1luzaja, U2 Refucee. 112. Little Kd, 110. Plureeil, 10.1. CSeneral. lift, 'Apple .lack. 10!i 'KilkennN 1 lii'.i. 'Ktiache 100. slna Ka. 107 'Valerie , West 102; Mietsey. loo. Third, race rinlmlng. fnur-veur-olds nd till, ft'a furlongs. Frenchv. 112 Thistle 'Jueen. 107. (a).Margcry. 107. (a)Onlu,, tilt Redlnnd. lift. "Deckhand. 112. Mlldreil En. rem,, uu. -tiuron. ii. in,, -rarasenn 107 Mohn J I'asey. tOft. 'Meddling ,tl., Hit Mlsa Wright 11)2 (a)l'rancla and Arthur entri Fourth race purse, three-vear olds and i up , furlongs Chief. Ill), lloiidaae tin Von Need 101 Tort llllas. 101. Dullitpro'of , , HKI. My Dear. SH I'lfth race, (liilmmg four-vrai-nids and I up. 1 mllo viinl 20 ards- Xebraakn. 1 1,1 i 1 .lohn L Dav. 112 Svivann 112, lielle Ron erts. 107. Klngllng 2d. Ids. 'Bagpipe 101 .Mallowinot. 101 I Sixth rucc claiming four-vear-olds and 1 up 1 mil nnd 70 ards Arbitrator lift i , temper Stalwart tlft. flr-n Mint.' 101) Charming. t07. Wind. 107. Rob Baker 1111 Kebo. lo" 'Verlt. tOJ. 'Alex (letz 10 Llndly. 1114 'Pas de Crane, int. (o)9av I , When 102. 'Tom Itionki. lu. Alma 11 tin 'Juniata. 3d nil. 'Kezlah, 00 Also eligible Tiger Roee. 107. la) Coraon. i (ainrock-Mlller and llunbury entry Seventh race, selling three-vear-olda n.l up 1 1-in mile Handful. 110. Cruniosali ' Mil. Torklat 107, Mlrzu. 107; Courcell." left 'I'lger llo.e 102. 'Indolence ii ' Prunes. 111.,. 'KlnaUng 2d. 107. 'Jlallow- niot in,,, -voraon in,, -i.oajti, iirj. 'Alma It. 07 Apprentice .illnwance .lalmed . 1920 a, PEl'S OPENING TILT P0SIP0NE0 Cornell Game Prevented Rain Play Lafayette Wednesday by It's all off, this opening "f the col-i leglatc bnsebnll season today. Cornell nnd I'enn had perfectly good Intentions of breaking Into the lOJO national pastime at Fianklln Field this after toon, but. like lite joung Duly who wonted to go to t lit shore on Muster, the.v had lo stnj indoors. The sternly downpour of yesterday and today made Franklin Field Impossible for baseball. The diamond wits not rntll'oll- until fur unnrt. Ill fuel. Ml WOllld have been Ideal for it crew race, Itut I nt thot the I'enn management held out ' and the game was not postponed until i after I'J o'clock. Il Is likely that the contest will bo j nlnv.ed off later in tho season If the coriect date can be arranged. It was tho only time that the Ilbncans were slated to appear in litis city. Cornell has left town. If they're lucky the Quakers will open tho season nguinsl Lafayette hero Wed nesday. If the rain still is with us the inaugural game will be staged on Satur day against Rutgers. Coach Curiss was disappointed over the postponement. Cornell has been sliowiti" in eonil form on ils southern trip and he wanted t,n get a line on the ability of his men under fire. Lafayette hns nn excellent nine nnd is very likely to hand the tted aud lllue an exceedlnglv tnitgh battle nn Wednesday. diverts Win Title Iteadlng, I'a.. April ft Tho Tteadlng OIL .rtn trlumnhfl ft.pr lloyertown. 17 to tft, In th-Bnals for the nerka county cage cham- THE SECRET OF ADVERTISING aitrrrAKfiilly Im so almnle that few nre nhle to muster It. The eperta nre men who I hate served na newspaper editor, or re porters ho hate studied the narrhologr of the printed word. That's the aorl of training I've hud more than fifteen years . nf It. I am open for accounts of nn legitimate rhanictrr or for permanent . ad- rrtlslnr-titihllrltv manaaeraliln. O 411. ledger Office. 1.1 i t Spectacles and Eye Glasses Carefully Fitted Williams, Brown & Earle, Inc. HIS HIKTXl'T STKKFIT I. Drill OLD ROOFS MADE LIKE NEW Mays Plastic Cement Will Stop Leaks in Any Roof IVn'te for Booklet 11-11 Phone, nlamonrt 34B5 r.stal.llshed ISO ROBERT A. MAYS Rinert In Itnoflnc. Knot Tainting;. Coating and Spouting 2352 North 21it Street 2J03Vtf-lW cRtuii u,vininuviiinius OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT 44 South 8th St. MOUNTING on Muslin and Cardboard of Maps, Posters and Plana. ; NATIONAL BLUE PRINT CO. 38 S. 6th St., Phila. Market 1900 Main 569 Galvanized Boat Pump L.D.BeTger Co..B N. Ill alt. If a In 4000. IfnrV.t SSS. IOIIT AMI MM! TROUIILEA Insantly rellered hv our epeclal arch eurporta, ntted and adjusted by experts. I Our Penniless Elastic Hosiery, the moat comfortable, support for varl rose veins, iwotlsn limbs. weaK Knssa and ankles. Trusses abdominal and athletic aup nnrters of all kinds mfrs .of defnrinllr appllanrea in th worl. rfalladelnhtn (Irthnpedle Co.. 4D N. irtth a. i ii .nil nnd keep for reference p L .argsav SUDDEN APRIL SHOWERS; come in n jiy. come in n jury, lotii' ' . .t 7 1 7'.i , nioiits ko in a Jiily u ', hauled ''. ncovcred. Keep out wa- If ,ii icr spoilage )' devlioichen ter spoilage with a Van- ' A ateiproof. . , v. Vnnilcrlierclten's Sons , . Muter St. -ii What Is Your Condition ? Tou Tan Improve It by Joining; a conditioning class for Business Men that will meet In our Oymnaaluni Tu'adaja and Tluirailaya at l'.jo p'llcul. for in we 1.4 heclnnlfig April fl. Full partlcula a on request. Central YMCA Hit Arch St. BENEFICIAL LOANS U I font Units on fcrscioM I u,-,iturr lltai hsxiir a id fiifforxin' Vole To" ll'rttr or Pnoue lrulaut l-t ?.J BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY 1 iienand Mono Lend, rs ILiMilt Liberty Buildingy 'i))R N. E. Cor. Broad & Chestnut St. APRIL yjfij&Lsi I rlllirj-auri YiiS fhTl I ! mail, C-'-.n' -si- 4 iJ(M reneil b Mat, llanklnr rominlaslonrr I I .Memhec of (liamlier of ('mmrriT E Uemlwr lloanl of Trade r'r' I mher gu nrforoi llurmu to KJIml I l',1,'''aM'iiiaaiyaa.A aaanaiiiiaaasaas. TwoBeachFront Cottages AT HEACII IIAVfCN. N. .1. Commanding unobstructed view jf ocean. In hp.dt. nf vonsn'r. Cnntrnllv located and For Sale Head for the in R & V KNIGHT SIX It A V KnlgJit Ma "Tlie Car Thai Maximum I'otccr I F-.T '-" is, uaj show jou liv ilcniniisttatioii whKt a mmlcitui on H wlllmiit nhllcatlmt tn Sedans and Sports ICfMdatcra one week. PFEIFFERSATTERTU WA I'VE, Inc. Dtsttibutors or f.ncni t'lnnsyli im fiinf Honihrn . if ei..iri Hood Trnitviy Oprv lor Hcuiioniiiblc Healers mi ChvKtnut Street Spruce 2Ui Dfolinc-Kniplil Parts Iflj r9V IJtr S"lM I J IS' -nr 1 eWjJfTfePgl'X . Tie sirxol I allays skirv ii?ritatioiv m m -mmw mmmiK - b Rosinol Ointment is vvhnt you want for your skin trouble Ros inol to stop the itchinp and burn injr. In many cases it even clears the trouble away completely in a reasonably short time. Resinol Ointment is not now nn experi Here's Good News WE HAVE just placed into stocks for this week's selling a great quantity (new) f these wonderful $65 to 1S all-wool worsted suits, which we have been selling and which we will continue to sell for $ These patterns arc hand somer, if possible, than the first lot which we advertised and sold so quickly. The cloths are fine, close woven worsteds the kind that wear and give a man years of satisfaction. We say that they are $65 to s$75 suits, and do not overstep the mark. Examination of them will make this so apparent to you that you will buy them as I J hundreds of done. William H, lil7-19 Chestnut -Strefet ,0 VlE-v ."t ready for occupancy. Both cottages nre " V'J completely lurnisncci. rney were nunc ny Mr. John II. Converse and Dr. Williams, of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, for their own use. Prices $1G,000 and $1J!,000, re spectively. This is an exceptional opportu nity. ft Estate Wm. F. Read, 211 Chestnut St. Open Road nn 'Innrliia Never Gcl Tired" Minimum I pkeep volt lniiMeill.il,' elollwrie-ti Im ; tlelhericH of Touring Curb m and Service Station ... r - X jt A ment although it may bp to yon -' rs it lias been used for year! with Resinol Soap as a standard -skin treatment. Try it and walch f how quickly tin skin lo3cs it's anjrryl look and healin- begins. P.BSINOL HHAVl.Nf- STIIK Is a U vnrlle with dlscnnUnallni men Tour ' druggist sells the Resinol produc" ,' u 50 other men hav Wanamaker rV: t'l St .s 1. I -AV e.t r I ' J- f. X'. fi I- " - v V 1 ''e. j: ' ? J ,. -''.tV' ! S-.4V . !&