T , i i ii I ' ' " HUER WINSF0RYAN1GAN Smashos for Circuit in Ninth With Basos Full, Boating Atlanta 4 to 3 . i fi.. A ...If O T.lt.. iiny st. I"". ,."' :::,, ;" , bolt from tup '"-'" V1",,'.1. """'"7 7'.i? nninc 4 tn !(. by n mlslity .Irlvo pt Imins . '.',,, ,.,1,141... !..,,, Ml it Klimlcii tlio Southern Awiocln Hon team's rim coinnm . ""m in". I "" fl r?nt l'lwmB,,7m "." fan.. . i,-i,,i mill It tint onlv but rollr.l to the frnce koihc 421 fe,et from tlic liomc plBlo. Walker In htt nrev oil" times nt bnt hnil w notl luff 'f nny moment. HtrlltliiR o,t oncei "l offering tin; InfleMern caw fcnV.M WIiiro stnrted tlic imiitiR by rhflnce. ",..i Bt lilt tlilrcl lilt, ti bit, a Tl Z Venter. Ilfih ilroppe.l one In iltiKle to Tni?r. '"'"' ""' "."... ' r'.r . t.ttt (t'lin hntf loft but Wcisii. w in uimt-H - .... forVnl nnrnw at third, anil It nnpejired . ,0"-:."..i. it ..mi nil over. Met ttnn flg tllOUK" '"""..., ,, 1,1, , tlf . fflt'tKRMJnTBio-fiS pr".. .1 -.i ......! mi Hip enmn with JiniCltRni nun -..v .-- Mi miRlity wallop. T he Miiek yomiRstcrft appeared to be In a bnttlnR slump; they rpulil make lltll headway axaU a' Sheehan, and mil uiur b'"" n"nV,i. paw who succeeded Sheehan In the fifth, raw ;" " . i,oi limit, and few of these until the ninth. Much of this was due to some brilliant bits of flcMIng by the OeorRiaufl. who u, ... .. ,.. .l.l.-u liv mnrvploilHlV dtchesandfaVt Infild work (jib "on mj never bumpcjl hard, tl o hits made Oil nun were '") " tat It waa his wlWncwi that came near be DS li s unuoiuK , . , , . ... Hi walked two In the third, nnd with out the old of n hit Atlanta put one of then over, and he gave them another SThe .seventh with a pa.. m. error account UK lor mo ouu mui "- "" The GeorRianH would not have had a run ".. .!., 111... norfont Will K. Tltn anymiiis . i"", ;in.,M- Tho eamo was pun. m "" -header, the first being between St. Stan- """"'. i ...! Inntn frnin lvllll. Ml", which the collegians won, 0 to n. ffion uml dinner guests of the col lege. HOPE IS ABANDONED Senator Walker Refuses Further Ef forts In Boxing Bill ... .-.' A.lt n tfnnA thni (hn K Tork'.lwii' I.oglMnture would rnnct fXlker. minority lid.r of the Senate Ml out of the Amhly wy nd menn; S3R recfiiNl from the Senate, wliero It was "".""."" l- hi. .nnnUn.Wnt. Illl ..".i"..i. nS, move the 1)111 until "the iurftptltlou. bchlml-theoor enmpaliin Irilii.t It of thone who should favor Us ad- 'm theV' continued the Mn.tor. "I will cf iff to malte nny effort to hni the Ini wrltem and men supponed tp bo Inter mikI In the namo now ejm to be worklnij under coer to block It. I believe much of JhU oPiMMltlon Ib Inspired by men who haH bn a diriment to the sumo and object to the strict rcBUlatory features of the bill. "Thli measure, If enacted, would prevriit flr-M-nlBht clulis from opcrntlw. and alo would work nRalntt mnnugera who have Hire' or four boys in their rlablcs and would like to arranno bouts between their "table mie. bouts which necr ulvr satisfaction. Senator Walker said he had "Bone far fnoush" In attemptlint to IckuIIzp boxlnit In N,w York state and thnt ho resented charges that the bill was Introduced as a "patronage "The Walker bill U Intended to provide .. ... ..... ....... ... n .lAll(.n 1, tii prepared by Ihe army and navy clMllan Doaru oi uuxitk cunirui Green Tennis Team Coming Here ItsiMner. X. II.. Aprrl .'Fourteen mmchu hno been announced us tho lia'. mUh tennis schedulo for this jear Thrie trips nnd four home contests are Included The schedule: May 1, Wesleyan. at Hanover; May l). Ilrown. at I'roildence. it I.: .May 7. MIT at Cambridge; May 8. Harvard at Cambridge, May 10, 11 nnd 12, New Knglam' Intercolleglates, at lloston; May IB, Am hent, st Hanover: May 22 Vale, nt Hnn ev,r, May 2S, Williams, at Wllllamstnwn; ly IS. Itensielaer at Trov; Jlay 20. Ford ham, at New York, Jlay 31, University of Prnn)lanla at Philadelphia; June 3, Unl unity of California, at anoer; June 4. Colante, at Hamilton; Juno S, Cornell, nt Ithaca Klrby Names Committee New lork, April 2. Formation of local committees In a number of cities to en courage participation by American athletes In the Oljmp'ad at Antwerp this summer tl been announced by dustav T. Klrby, prMUent of the American Olympic commit tee After vlsltlncr 1'lttsburgh. Uultlmore nd llhlca Mr, Klity declared he had found "great enthusiasm" for American participa tion In the OOmplud. Itobert Oarrct, former Princeton athletn and member of the first mclcan Cljmplc team, was selected chair man of the llaltlmore committee, with iiorge Turner secretary. Hontit, contcientiouM eye r vice at a moderate coif TORIC A i Low a$4ssi Toric Lentti Mice wider Held of vition. Toric Curved $C Bifocal Lenses as low as aW LOOK THROUGH SPEARE'S Invisible Bifocals No Conipicuoui Unei, no lodging placet for dirt. Open flsturdajr Until 1 f, M, ' SC;CoftMcn IOr-a 8, arch a,. Robbins Island " Oysters e.?v!i"i r,ll0l(','t ws hae re. reived n yeurs. They are nd meaty' and 1,5" loea ' h" lne be,t r.!,".""'' .L" enrloads d. oany,rom ,he bed- " Matthew J. Uyan HOMER JWMhrm lIHl ihi" ..''irlbulnr for BSSSU l'amous Itnl.hlna tm island Oj-.urs v0i '""t nnd nock His. .(xCot'JS mfS Imbard 1103 mIJIvSMlVM ZA l tV3 ssssP'Mr SI Main ISO I BctJ'TM: Tialabll.hed 1880 lv'iijj& jjsjve Gtzesr to ,r?r ? - OLYMPIC SWIMMING TEAM New National Champion Will Compote in Tryouts Noxt Sum rfior With Aspirants to Rep resent U. S. LAUDS COACH CADY jyrl.SS IllKXB OUI3ST. I'hlladel phln'H. Infest swImnilnR iimrvel, who won the fiftyvaiil nntlotial ilinmnlou shlp at tlin Turners' pool nt llroad street aiid Columbia nveniii' Inst week. i is a swimmer who bids fair to win a place on tho American Olympic team (In the tryouts to be held enrly next i summer. ,01JI1I", (tiiest Is eighteen jears of orc. IHlie has been swimming in open com (petition for only two jears, stortliiR her ' nuuatii' enrerr nl flip Woof li.i.,.i, v ;V- ?. A., nnd Is a grndunt of the West Philadelphia Hirjli School. 'I feel iih though 1 owe all mv sue ',s .to .,n-v f""'h. Fred Cnily. of the Meadow brook Club." she said at her home nt 440(1 Mnrket street todav. "I have loved the water and swimming all my life, but without his competent conclilnR I do not think I could have mastered the difficult crawl stroke imtl tlevclOncd the speed which won the race nt Turners'. My greatest ambition is to make n place on the Olympic team, and as soon ns I nm able 1 will represent llie .Menilownrook Club." Miss Guest's fastest time for tho 21!p.ynrd dash is 3:01 and is within n fraction of the record. . t Buck Herzog Ready rhlrngo, April. Charles (Huck) Herzog, veteran second baseman for the Chicago Ni tlcr.nls. who came to Chlcnro from the Cali fornia tralnlnu camp for an operation for n llef from hernia, last night was rendy to n Join Ills tcmmufM )r, Howard It, Chlslett, who examined Jlcrzotr. snld an operation was rot necessary at this time and could Just ns well wait until the end of the season. Her ok can safely rejoin the teflm nnd begin lay. the medico said. Uuck Is taking- the learned cent's word for It, and sajs that lie will bo In shape on openlrs day. VISIT OUK NEW STORE 1432 CHESTNUT STREET 3 GREAT EASTER SPECIALS AT ALL OUR STORES Under present conditions of the shoe market values in this town for men who arc particu- wc state, without fear of contradiction, that lar about their footwear. . these three specials arc the greatest shoe if' '' A S vcfc" M tfllllltlf .Shell Cordovan BROGUE Vlonra heel. Stltrhed lil sent. Perforated tin. r.xtrn henry sole. 1432 Chestnut St. 1336 1 Store Orders Accepted iKX :,: '"sr mm. MENS 40x SUITS JIT WIS QW You Won't Find News In the Paper Today to Equal It You'll read all kinds of special inducements to entice you to different stores to buy that New Spring Suit. Some will scream across full pages and large advertisements. But we don't have to. We want you to come in' and see the wonder ful suits we have prepared for this one day. They are the regular .$40.00 clothes and the best way we can prove it to you is for you t;o come and see them for yourself. Every new style for the young man or con servative dresser. Every wanted material coloring and pattern. WOMBS'. .v PHPwPv" 7WST'PrPr?BppP'WWHP J -i-.j '''l5trB'lO'LEDaBR-PHlAl5BHPHlA't FBIDAX 'AMjfC 2, '1920 'w -a--- ys jj ? -7- Brfc &i, LssssssssBKi NKW SVI.MMIN(i CHAMP .Miss Irene iuest. winner of fifty. jnrd national title, hopes to win place on Olympic team ZBYSZK0 TO GRAPPLE TURK Polish Heavyweight Wrestler Will Meet Frank Youska at National Frank Youska, n Turk" and heavy welfiht wrestler, has been selected by Hobby Gunhls to meet Stanislaus Zbyszko. the innmjnoth Polandcr In the stnr bout of the second mat program to bo put on at the National Club under the auspices of the International Wrestling Association, April 14. Gun nis soys three other pairs of star grap plers also will go on. Zbyszko wou another match on Wednesday night, when he defeated Constance de Houvler, of Krnuce, at Hartford, Conn., In two straight falls. The first was in .If, minutes 'Si seconds, and the second in 14 minutes 10 sec onds. Genuine Cordovan O.xford Rubber Heel A very graceful model. S..Penn Square S. E. Cor. 8th & Race v THE - JWimw $1 0 v 5Q-50 ft M Genuine ArA rtnmf jfi. ir z- ,i rr" xr Bro oks O MARKET ST S '.v'va &ji'Vvv.- S'VC' Evening raViVi AV"f2.m jeaLy BIG SPECIAL SALE LOW P1C Fcwstcr's Playing Over; Part of Skull Removed Itnltlinore, Mil.. April 2, Wil liam Kewster, Inllelder on the Now York Yankees, had part of his skull removed In nn operation performed licrpWciliicliiy, necessitated by Ills' serious condition following n sevcro blow on the head by n pitched ball suffered In nn exhibition game at Jacksonville, J?la., Inst week. I''w stpr probably will never again com pete, ns the phjsicinns say thnt he would be risking his life to ever enter another ball game,, Reading Vets Hitting Ball Itnullng, I'll.. April 2, Hlx veterans on the tteadlnir Internationals, now In sprlnn training l Oreenslmro, N. V lire batting at 300 or better. Thev nrp Manager John Hum mel, Mike Konnltk. Jess 'Altenburg, Frank (rnssln, Frank Ilrower nnd Hud Welser Kon nlck made n mark of ..Slo last season, and nil the others were over tho 800 mark In lfllD, I'lnylnc Mannuer Hummel Is confident about the butting end of his club, nnd has a big bunch of pitchers In camp from which to make his selection. Another Shanahan Tourney The third amateur boxing tourney under the auspices of th., Shanahan C. C , of est Philadelphia, starts on Haster Monday night. nt the Hlxth Iteglm-nt Armory Jnck Toland will minauo tho affair, llouts nlso will be held nt the armory on Wednesday, April 7, In conjunction with a bazaar foj the benefit of a West Philadelphia club. Gettsburg Basketball (ii-ttjslmrg, I'n., April 2. To be behind during nn entlr g.imj excpt the last few fl..... ... .!. .a .... mi, n (l.n.nnlnl lllilluLrn nu iiiimi m nu.r .,. ,. n,..-,,...,.. victory In that short space of time was the feat performed by the college sophomores, when Phillips, tho soph center, tallied the decisive goal, Ballplayers Signing Up llarerstnun. .Mil,. April 2. President rtlch ard Hartle, of the Hagerstown MTseball club, Illun Itldgo League, has received from Mlkn Mowrcy. manager of th club, a number of contracts from plajers signed for the season. Germantown Acad., 8; Friends C, 5 Qermantnun Academy opened the Inlrraca rfm1n Lfneur haseliall senson with an 8tor, vlfinrv mpr Frli nds Central, al Tabor, ves- ti-ftnv before a large croud. Germantown won by use of the squeeze play In the last two innings. Scotch Brogue Heavy Norwegian leather. Heavy soles with waterproof Sill). 161. 8th St. and branches II EaTIi sWlulBBfiilwilw iWtfi' lit VHl ' i If 11 If- ct i SELECTS PENN NINE TODAY Red and Blue Baseball Team Optns 0 With Cornell Were Monday The Kaster vacation nt Pcnn started yesterday morning, but not for the bfiHeball candidates. Coach Cnrlss on Wednesday night advised every mem ber of tho squad to be on hnnd nil this week nnd next. Yesterday the witlro- Sfiuad turned up for practice nnd. in suite of the rnln nnd the slippery field, the first and second teams went through a snappy batting nnd fielding drill. The team will lie selected' for Monday's opening game with Cornell this after noon, Walter Iliintzinger, whoip phiiug ns a substitute on the champion basket bull team. had much to do with the iUintet's success during the last win son, H rounding Into the form thnt characterized his pitching hist jear with the freshmen. Shelley, whose showing since practice started brands him us a much Improved pitcher, will prohnbly draw the assignment to face the Ithnca nine on .Monday afternoon nt li.IK), Cook. McNIchol. Shrlver and Swee ney will In nil probability make up the varsity Infield .Monday, while .Too Straus. Herman Harvey and Peters will do outfield duty. Hnbe Warwick, the veteran catcher and shiRger. will do the Receiving. Harrlng injuries or scholastic difficulties this will be the make-up of the varsity for the comlug season, olwrn A. !., a fast homo nine, has open dates for clubs of that class offering reason "bio guarantees, Charles If. fJouke, Darby, n rt?Ja Our "Cost Plus" Plan SavesYou$3to$15 Here is another radical departure from old business methods, COST, operating EXPENSE and PROFIT, all shown in plain figures on every price ticket to substantiate our statement that Wjr.tfsTal jba 'tu7. ' r 1 ra t:.nc f0. "H vn Ti,- 'Jit.:. u'er - CAe.r In ; "oor u r l"1 W te,.l.,.: fc fefltf "" I ''l9 fr T. SW. ".! ,.. "e ., WfcLL thlrWli J.Pt, ""'ne-.. . iy, i Nir I Hll f. "" -fl"Pom r ..'ss-Kt " t.- "Mil '".-tnd ru i orr- in - -ijpi )y ?trLy fflutS?nr'&iu5l 'o. :vni,'v .. "9p.,,-. tirh .mtmF'u . i tmn cu ,- -2. ZZISSSL,.! i..""flui-;:- , .. oTA jti j&2: iZVatr m ,z"ini.'"uif :'r b.,-"B- ReVSltfarrii..'f -"" Lf-yr i. .-na, w ff;,'!,ffe. W"rtj;. . spring SuitsToo many and too varied for us to attempt to describe bhem. If it's the thing, you will find it in our stock. A wide range of prices, as low as $21.59 to the finest at $64.34. 1425 Chestnut Open Saturday Night Heckert Plans League York, l'a April 2. Ueorge Washington Herlcrt. of baseball managerial fame, M arousing a great deal of Interest here by ne daring there are possibilities In baseball for York nnd other cities, nnd by saying thnt they are again rips for league linseball. Hu has In mind Class II league with a salary limit of about $2400, and he thinks that next season would bo the logical time to launcn such a league He ndmlts that were a league organized lie would manage the Head ing team. The league ho hns In mind would Ir.clude York Hnrrlsburg, Heading I.ancas ter, WUIIamiport and Wilmington, Railroaders Form League Itngrrstnnn, Md April 2. The Western Maryland Italluny ahon apprentice hae or ganized a baseball club here with the fol lowing? Piayrs- Wibberly and Hoch. catch ers; I.lrer, Moore and Cllim. pitchers; Wlebl .first basenmm (Jlbney, second baseman Hon man, short Hop; Hchlottcrbeck. tnirn base: Huyett. Hnlalrr. Hendricks nnd 11 Clopper outfielders, resene. P. Clopper. Fleetwood Trips Allentown .Fleetwood. I'u., April 2.- Never relinquish lne the lead from the start. Fleetwood Hlg'f overwhelmingly defeated Allentown High. 78 lo 11. yesterday, the first half ending 40 to 0. W. J. STEWART, D. D. S. Removed to 1208 Chestnut St. SPECIALIZING In artistic, undetectable dentistry Con tour and expression restoration and Im protcment Itadlcnl treatment of pyor rhea, tightening loose teeth, PAINLESS t'.xtrarllng, Grinding, Drilling and Nerve Treatment hv a late local desensitizing method which Is so unfailingly efficient In expert hands that all dentists will soon bo compelled to learn to use It, Advanced Efficient Reasonable. PHILADELPHIA INDIANAPOLIS merson 2nd 1225 Market We Are $3 to By the Federal The Reason WE CONCEDE the profit fixed to be fair for the average store. We can and do sell for less because we have no high first floor rents; no free delivery; no charge accounts; no bad debts or other superfluous expense common to most stores. "'UWfi bnm '"tsvnsf nt - Ja4.. ---v 7r7Hssw- .Pr ""'Um . . 7iWv?. Cotou es' . rau .i &sss cla-i ooZlltt Of r OSm' Jnl ?& r ifca - II wi r i -m ctnt '. a w. "itf- j - . '" th. "'t IT. ,M. '.oi ifari, reotl tf"e tK JVe i me?. ?,? Ms ' tflo "-I ii an "" ,.. . gBsisisisaesk-uy . tnti r m " - i a i r t. 0f iTssssWj- wj"fc0 Tsah.. -.ra,. saws . uVffl "Murh . n. . $3 ,,. rt . ih. . "art .. . v"a. .- wi., r th. I'm ri.? a-;",'" fn:'.'a h"M , j er co,,,,cfn.; a rr,,iiZ re. - n Dress Up 2nd College Trapshooters Organize Cambridge, Mass.. April 2. An Intercol legiate Itapshootlng astoclstlon hsa Just ben formed, of which Hnrvnrd, Yale, Dartmouth and Pfbiceton are tharter members, Factory to You All the New Shapes and Shades Soft and Derby Hats $3, $4, $5, $6 Caps $2, $2.50, $3 The Nobbiest and Best UNITED HAT STORES, Inc. 1217 MARKET STREET BOSTON ST. LOUIS KAN 6 AS CITY CINCINNATI Floor M25Qiesnui $15 Below Prices Fixed Fair Price Commission The Proof PLAIN figures on every price ticket show what we PAID for the goods; show in detail ex actly the COST of SELLING and show our small PROFIT. It is not necessary to take our word come in and figure it out for yourself. Our Second - Saves YOU Money by eliminating expense. No high, first-floor rent; No expensive free delivery ; No costly credit accounts ; No losses from bad debts; No unnecessary expense. You get the r Suits & Topcoats to $1 5 Below Usual Prices Just Look in the Case at Our Big New Store 2nd Floor 1 22 S Market for Easter! 'Spring Topcoats -Without doubt, we have one of the finest lines in the city. Just arrived in time for the big "Easter Parade." Prices range from $19.21 to $54.34. Floor Ottawa Wins Title ' Hlnrml linrkpv rhninnlnnshln WAS decli nlalu when Ottawa defeated Hfattlei n This was the nfth game nt the aeries, team naving won iwo eacnf Stores Coast lo Coast Floor Plan saving. 1225 Market Irion., Fri. ami Sat. Evenings U fl A . .j. r ' I i y i ,ai 4 "V. 4 ITi "-'J IBROOKS 1532 Market St. it fr M, .v - i ,. &.: , ;-,!' w - .! ?J ' yJ, iit J.: ' I .. &il