.&''' y M0: i.. rv ..rt I- J$nm8$-i fofeBIO iLEDqEfi-PHrUADBtiBHIA, 'FBIDAYr1 &PBPJ' 2, 1920 v SPORT IS SURVIVING . LINK AMONG ALLIES 'America Cheering Carpenticr and Ready to Welcome ftflgllSIl ixuiuivia o. u, jruijvrs ir m ne ' Greetcd Warmly on Trip Abroad i By ohANTLAND ItICK (Cepvrtoht, lilt. AH rtphti rettrvet.) PINEHURST GOLF ir.n1alnlmr Hio Squawk When tome one is sccminp to suffer, hZltting a terrible squall, yfuumLow it is only n duffer Who lifted his eve from the hall. w,.n nrofanitl), rabid and hearty, mZXsoZ""iih a slash and a out, VaJviinnoto it is merely some party JiVho's Just blown a Ueeniy-xnch putt. nnYf(l A,1ntl 4 lint PIIOF. M. HUUUlilO HUluiu. , imw .need lms its uses, but states Mint iJ'SSt blttors are fast men. Pre 'f1 - Ynu mny reoa tho slow nnd clsoly. 1" "!"' ,Pv nobb: Hilda MJ fooTackMn. acorge Staler, Ed- die Koush nnd Tris HpcaKcr, among others. . .,-..... XI10 surviving ' . . .... tttfrnmnHnnnl ftorrrt to .tte. that tho friendly fee ling ffc nnd 'the Unite, States, Is nono too keen. , ThH applies, in uic imu, . " j falrs portnlnlng to economics and pol itic There Is still one surviving link. TWlcThf three countries are growl- lntlcr arrives from Franco to receive P"u"Ai i Anmrrn. II s anncarancc f? i. - olrnnl for n vocal cataclysm, no matter where he mny report. Three golf delegations pot ready to .tart for CIreat Britain, where they are lure to welcomed. These delegations Inst twenty years. Three isn't enough not with Mnthcwson, Johnson, Alex ander, Wuddcll nnd Walsh on tho select list. Josle Gorman Reponcl rnrv "PI 0 furlongs IMiltnfy! cjuii uum, in; rj in-, innrminir. .Jr inn( I mi 100! 'Comonn 107 X ". professional Invasion, tended r-'wnltcr Hngcn. and a rulos.com- aU,heajlcd by, rc.iaeuo: y t-l. II.W1H UOUIIHV14 -" --- r- Bowla Entries for Today llM,r.Ttf?ln'.:.5!iM,, .mftM,!n two-rmr-oid m- nil'r it J "I?"-;Nnrthorn Tady. 114: Fading f.'i"' Mry..Krb. 114: Culllnn, 114s ! rlRlnilnK, four-year-olds nnd IV'y.:..1Vi. W" ih. 114; XlAhl. ill. nMLi,...V 100: Thistle Qucn. inn': uiiRcne. iodi Shundon. Mnk lA'i"0 ioI1."";' !?" f Connolly, lia Soil, ill!' Vnierlo West, 101: Alex ..S. J5C' ur.yeiir.bldii ind up. OH furlonn Tho HelRlan 2d. 117: Rylvnno, 11?: Fourth rac. clntmlnr. thrnn.tMiM. ....j lied. -402: Klrah. 102: Dominican. 102: '..,,?"' "01a' ""! Martha Luckett. loo: Who Carm, 107: 'Annabelle, 100: na- iioi vo. 'Deininua. cv. Vltlh race, pumo, nillcs and mares, 7 (urlonsi: nubfdlum. I)S: Antoinette. l08; C.?bi' 'Ai' A?.7' Wood Violet, 103: Queen lllonde. 103 s Alllven, 07; Taylor Slald. 100. Sixth race, claiming, four-year-oMfi and VPj 1 mile and 70 ard: Captain Kodae, HI: Hen 1 lampion. Ill: Ulua Thistle. Ill; Hrntlmentnl, 100: .Tuanlta ad. 100: Iloirart. 110; Han.lfull, 110: 'Will Do, 100: 'Torn Brnoka, 100. Boyenth race, elnlmlnir. four-year-olda and Up, 1 mile and 70 yarda: Crumpenll, IIS; ghlck Itarkley. 111!. Hempcr Stalwart, 111; Arbitrator, 111: Dntroie. 100: Dob Baker, 100: Klnallns 2d. 110: rrunee. 110; 'Mai lowmot, 100, UPSET BY YOUTH Porry Adair Come3 Through Vic tor in Qualifying Round, Four Strokes Ahead , I SANDY McKtoMCK rinehurst, N. 0. April 2. Ato we about to witness once more tho sad spcctnclo of more favorite tnklng the gol( high dive? They pulled out tho thunder sheets, nnd set tho storm sccno for that very-thing here today. Sixteen stars tcqd off for match piny in tho nmntaur championship of the North nnd South. Four-stroko buccaneers have already beaten out Francis Oulmct for the qualifying round. Whnt they will do to him in match play will appear In later editions. Terry Adair Is the chief youngster who is throwing the parnde of national stars out of step. lie carried tho flag yesterday by virtue of a card of 148 strokes for .10 holes to qualify. That was four better than tho nearest man of the 320-men Held, the biggest that ever competed for a district championship Here, could do. Sam Ornlinm, Greenwich, followed up n 75 of the first day with a 77 yester day, but it was not enough. The Con necticut golfer smooths that out, how ever, by admitting he Bhouhl have had nt least a 00 yesterday. He blew about seven putts. The chief barker of Adair down hero is J. Douglas Edgar, the psychological, who is Adair's tutor. "Perry made only two misses yestcr dnfr." said he. "What were they?" "Ah," quoth .T. Douglas, "that's the secret, but he did not do It, so that's Ltlio reason Adair didn't scoro a 70, we take it." a ,oam Graham paired off ngnlnst Jimmy Blandish today In ono of tho star matches, night back of them were Adnlr and Newton. Most of tho gallery picKcil up this match. Lou Hamilton plnycd Weber. Ouimet went off this morning ngnlnst B. T. Scofleld. lie nnd 13. II. Augustus should meet In the semifinals as tho strongest plnycrs In the lower bracket, though Weber may have a good chance. Adnlr, Standlsh, Graham and others are all In tho upper half, DISPLAYS SPORTSMANSHIP Zbyszko Refuses Decision Over Frei burg, Who Is Injured In Fall Ntvr York, April 2. Stanislaus Zbyszko, tho Polish heavyweight wrestler. re fused to accept the decision of a referee In his favor after his opponent, John Freiburg, of Chicago, had been thrown from the mat as Injured after the match had sono ono hour nineteen mlnutos fourteen seconds with out a tall. Freiburg's head struck tho floor at tho edge of the mat and he was unable to con tlnue the match: Ho was not seriously In Jured, It was said. Zbyszko announced his willingness to meet the Chicago wrestler when ho had recovered. rreiDuw -was --me ocai nun no nstn met since his return to America, Zbyszko said. Ftilton'a Manager Refutes Offer l'ortland. Ore,, April 2.r-Tom O'llourko mansger of Fred Fulton, said today that he had offers for Fulton to box Johnson In Lower California, but that he would not ac cept the offers. McCarron Knocks Out Flnefrock Allenlown, Pa., April 2. Jack McCarron ecored a technical knockout over Hon Flno frock, York, last nlsht whnn tho referee atotuwd the bout In tho flttli round to save the York entry Blgelow to Lead Harvard Hockey Cambridge. Mass.. April 2. Edward V. Dlgelow, of rioston. was elected Pt" J or tho Harvard hockey' team. He has played at center for two years. If 2: Iho "Wiseacres" arc tho boys I am appcal InK to only the "Don't Caro" follow la rv subject for rcady-mades" ut $65 a throw IMPOlRTED WORSTED QI TITQ MADE TO Blues- YOUR ORDER Browns Greens Hundsomo pin-strlpo suits, such as arc sold all over town and in Now York for $65 and $75. Made to your order for Real Value . . . .$65.00 My Price .$42.75 You Save $22.25 42 WQAc ---' dl'UN ixcrc. UIUMY KVK 1105 Arch St. MONDAY AND 8ATUIIDAY' :M. & II. SELL IT FOR LESS: ".!. 1! We by Bob' Gardner and others, who will compete hi i"; - championship. .,. nlnr runners are hcudlng th s wny for the Iennslvnula relay cnrnlval. IiOr-al Application r itEQUIHES no international testi mony to show the bhidlng qualities fPr!: . i.. mi. He l.asi assumes u imimuwub " tude toward the West and the West has loud snicker on tup ior uiu i. .liUt llHTVIiru BUVO iu viui.iv,.u. v . It!- ..Ann. H)hWftM lwl IVflOtl .1. In lonnw linvn HCrilllPll tile UtlSt io5 ." - --:: .r -i.i i and dirt from tne raw pmem-a oi muu meat they are an grcai nuic num. There's nothing like clean, hnrd com- ..minn in prnKR mlsuuucrstandings. litre is nothing that will develop Quicker respect ior iuu umui- rauj, A Matter of Sporting Blood THE entry without any sporting blood (of the right sort) in his veins doesn't count, lie's a sap, anyway. The one who has it can always appro bate the same quality In the other dele gate. ' American sportsmen can appreciate the qualities of Carpenticr. And while the Ilriton is a hard lobcr, ho isn't any harder loser -than tho American, and together they can nlways make a big car of it, no matter who fliflshca on top. IT HAS been suggested that if Babe Hutli would cut down his home-run ing ho would bat over .400. Who mints to hit -U singles In placo of thlrty-firc home runs. You bcldom hnvo to run out the homers, and this is going to be a fitramy summer. Now, You Know If you request tho proper way, Ills name s pronounced Carpenticr; And nof as you so oftcn.hcar The coves icho call it Carpenticr. FAX desires to know tho names of the three greatest pitchers of tho Here's the Fisherman, Here're the Fish arid Here's the M. & H. Tackle to Catch 'Em Oh, boy! Trout season opens in Pennsylvania Thursday, April 15 opened yesterday' in" Now Jersey. Don't your fingers twitch to get your trusty old rod in hand; don't your cars drink in the music of the swi3h of your lino; and, my, don't your eyes open wide at the thought of tho sight of that big speckled trout making a "strike" and taking half of your lino before you finally get him ready for tho landing net? Get away from that desk, Mr. Busy Business Man, and take a day off Hide away by some tumbling trout stream where you breathe pure air, out in the sun carefree as a boyl We've Everything the Fisherman Needs Here, and We Can Save You Money Steel Rods, $1 up Silk Lines, 50c up Leaders, single, 10c; double, 15c Wet Flies, $1 doz. Dry Flies, $2 doz. Enameled Lines, 50c up took iter TWSltt itDoorry : OPEN &"Eiiiiln & THUllSDAY AND HA1 UKD AY KVKNINUH ' KtKV K vl gw i B gHB-HswllsggggH sggggggggEr gg9sgg-ggiigggasgggggggggH J&l " i,a BBBBmBB THsBigggggssggggggimsgff igggggggggggggggggW nlB k 1 " J'"&S!z&d&- r2k, 5 slsgggggggggggggBsgggggggggggggggggggg ju II C i- vi ll I if Lids Landlords iii' JJ13DsrUM A sTi'l gggB IV Sft sw J nmmMwmnmnmt.wvAVimvHmBKmHKrBm"" ..' -mtwanmmnB?.- '.Tiiiiswpwrgggggi i,T jm&rk :, w ; ?v "T"?. , , ' 4 vrm w r v" v!gB , " ' )ll' I ZZZZ HI -I .-P' '111 ruth .m Jv 1 ii I and jp .-A'i'htt Ill . -isggF .r M IV " "V- xn-- ':-9,',k lgggggggggggggV 4m MM m i Aw f-rk I I sggggggggggggggf .ssf ggggagggT m .r I mmMMk III m S rm m V& SSBSlSlSlSlSlSr.,-::,lSlSlSlK, r I I T ggggggggf L-M .sgg ST SBBF .Jggf ,SBBK- i rPPi-f.'.'Wl'ssti III .r ssssssssWssssW .ssssssissr H .ssgst sssssV'jusstTii'bJf. '.A'';, I I .T ssssssss sssssT .sKssssgr Ww1Z&for III gg .ggggV .rw lBmr'S'Zs, Z ''. S5X.I I I I ' .Jsssssssssssssssggggff .sssssssV aW ymmgp i ym x SEE THEM II M mW l" "IN MY HI M kl II WINDOWS III J my (jjvem. j (1NG8 The Home of Famous Clothes for Men and Young Men WUMHfllM MEN! Extraordinary! ! For a Limited Time, We Offer Suit and Extra Trousers Of Finest All Wool Suitings Made To Your Measure At the Very Special Price .$49.50 - $65.00 and $60.00 Values Tin's is the greatest news in years. Greater value giving would be impossible. Just consider carefully a suit and an extra pair of trousers made to your own individual measure at this low price. Why man a ready made Suit witli one pair of pants will cost you as much today. Yes, sir a large variety of all-wool suitings in the patterns you want. Remember this offer can only last while our stock of woolens holds out and there is no time for delay I Order yours tomorrow I Bring Your Coat Here For An Extra Pair of Trousers The large stock of patterns we have on hand gives you a good chance of matching up your coat. Newcorn & Green sssWsssssssssssPJ(S5l WssssssssHsssaVV TssSffWsSW. aSUssssssssssWvA PsssgsHPlKgsgggl tt-litt Merchant Tailors 1032 Market Street Open Saturday Evenings CometotheShop That Specializes in Famous, Nationally Advertised Brands of Clothes For Men and Young Men YOUR EASTER SUIT AND TOP COAT gsMigsssMgggigggsgM aigggggsgggKggVgggjgi ggsMgCiVsMHWiisiMggssslsVggag Will Cost You $5 to $20 Less if You Buy It Here, and You Have Two score of the Most Celebrated Makes in America to Select Them From. Prices $30 to $75 Our vast chain store business of nearly two million dollars annually has been built by special izing on famous brands of clothes exclusively, giving our customers the broadest selection ever given by any clothiers in this country. We can not only fit men of regulation size but also those who ordinarily find it difficult to be fitted the long, slim, short, stout and "extra- man. 'wmwisiiimninimiraw iammmmnatmmmMmmmmaammm wmmmmmrmmmWmm''w ' ids Land lords '$1012' arid Qoirtg ctp IF these $8, $10 and $12 prices for hats you see around town take all the joy out of Spring and make you feel as if a hoof-hearted landlord had just told you to pay double or move just move 'in front of one of my windows and take a peek at the styles I'm showing the values I'm giving and the prices I'm, quoting and you'll run in and get under cover. Last week thousands of men who could afford to pay more preferred to pay less because I've got everything anybody wants in a hat for $3.85, and I challenge the world to reproduce to-day the values I'm giving for the price I'm charging this -Spring. I've got every staple shape and shade and a lot of new Spring colors and styles, just pick out the one that looks good to you, and I'll make good if it isn't as good as it looks. ,- rir Tf x MV y 1 rMsssssSssss 0'im Am ttft 4i f "--glkJ Hsssssssgk BsP' jssssssssssssssssl Lgggggggggggk. ggggk Lgggggggggggggw issssssgggk sLsssssg. JUmmm 7mm iAey're all one flrice 4 &S ctwvex I E& Umadqua.ri.cns Sw'&fjixts 1307 Market Street ; .. , r' i ,- .. m.Wijji ' ,.!? ' 1 j.li W ,LT tVAjiKj.A 4 . 1 Ussw: 1 1 11 sUsllssI 1 Cr- . JjL.'i,i-i ". .V A-siat lCh, , s ,: '&& i SgSgwSS I Special Feature of 2500 Easter Suits $ 45 Unequaled Elsewhere in Philadelphia Under $60-$65 By special urranKoment with each one of farhoua makers wliom we represent, we have cured 2500 Suits in till to sell at $45.00 the est lished retail prices ot which are SG0-SG5. Choice all the newest models current for Spring, in elega worsieas, iassimeres, uneviots, etc. All sizes. ' ws!' I I 'CZAA size" 1 15th and Chestnut Open Daily Till 6 P. M Saturday Till 10 P. M. lILssaK-wp Yprk.HeadquarlerstJ$ Weal 3Uh SU Jiv . "i p v I a iv. V