Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 31, 1920, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    "sf 5ff"
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I ' h' f i - Sff'ft
ttrnc .marob: ai, 1020
Organ plays at 9, 11, 11.55
and 4.50
Store Opens at 9
Store Closes at 5
The Time, to Choose Your Easter Clothes Is Getting Very Short
pwwwrrvi -.i e
JV Flock of Brownish Gray Wild
Geese, Two or Three Hundred
or More
Jn two cirdis-jsweftt along over the edge of the ocean
in a long defile toward their woody haunts of New
tfersey, or perhaps farther'north, heading for feeding
grounds well known to themselves.
They were about a thousand feet above the beach,
tnd three or four such flocks have passed on during
larch, preceding them, as harbingers of the warmer
days of Spring at hand.
The birds of the South started northward weeks
ago; a few robins arc already looking up Summer
boarding houses in the parks
jftontgomery, Delaware
djoining the city.
The signs of Spring have been coming for weeks
from the dressmakers and
ready for the teaster celebrations. v
Of course, we have td
The store is in its
Jk Nature is a good teacher even to business men.
parch 31, 1020.
A Fewr$ew and. Fine Kolinsky.
Furs in Styles for Spring
Kolinsky is one of the furs women like., for Sprung because it
is light enough in weight to be quite comfortable, and because it
is made up in such attractive fashions for the season.
A little cape, for instance, which has a new shaped collar and
fastens in the smartest fashion, may be worn in place of a cloth
wrap or over a silk or cloth gown. It has many tails, is1 beautifully
lined and is $525.
f Even more elaborate, and very, handsome indeed is another
wrap, the skins beautifully matched, the whole wrap richly.Hnud
and finished with tails. It is $1000. " ' . "
But if she wishes a useful and practical stole there is one of
generous width and length at $350 and a smaller throw scarf
at $125.
'(Second Floor, Chestnut)
What $47.50 Will Buy in the
Women's Fashion Salons
Tomorrow it will buy an excellent
oplfn: light-colored tweeds and mixed
ical suits, which would bo higher priced if they were not broken sizes.
ut everybody's size is in the lot.
Also it will buy a dress of tricotine or of serge or Poiret twill, of
xicolette, taffeta, crepe do chine or
Ureases aro beaded and embroidered,
Materials. Colors arc the favorite
fw light shades. .
$47.50 for either suit or dress.
(First Floor,
New Polo Coats,
Capes for Young Women
Time was when the assort
ment of Spring fashions per
mitted nothing like the variety
of this Spring! If a girl docs
not wish a coat, there are stun
ning new wraps; and if she pre
fers something -else, there are
lovely, graceful capes.
Two new pdlo coats are in the
fashionable tan Shades, are of
fine, soft wools, have narrow
belts and are very good looking.
$67.50 and $76.
Quite new and very effective
are the wool Jersey capes with
deep collars of striped materials
in contrast they are $38.50; ac
cordion pleated capes are $40
these aro of blue serge with
checked velour collars.
, Now dolmans and wraps aro
of soft, beautiful fabrics in at-
(Second Floor,
1000 Easter Petticoats
And petticoats at such snfall prices arc so eagerly1 bought that we
ih wo had moro than a thousand.
Tailored pongees at $5.
Changeable colored taffetas at $5 and $7.50.
Cotton jersey tops with -silk flounces, $3.85. ,
(Third Floor, Central)
r -
Women Like the Good Style
, of Plain, Seamless umps
rAnd just Aow there is great demand for this typo of low shoes,
Mcli can bo worn with or without
We have fifty-two styles of those
ir. They are 6f patent leather, black
M white canvas. Somo havo welted,
I'yles of heels are high and baby Louis, Cuban and military.
(As satisfying a selection as you
It moderate- prices.
(First Floor.
100 Tub Dresses at $5.50
Printed voiles, cool and simple,
ith flelf.frtmnitncra onA fnm.
ortibly short sleeves and shallow
lM. -V,
and the wooded lawns of
and Chester counties
the fashion artists to be
get ahead of the .birds.
fullness of beautiful new
suit of navy and black serge or
worsteds. These are simple, prac-
Georgette. A good many of these
and somo are combinations of
ones navy, black and brown and a
Dolmans and
tractive colorings and even more
attractive styles they start at
$38.50 and go pn up to $110, and
includo wraps of yelour, of tin
s'eltone, of Bolivia and of cyor6.
All in 14 to 20 year sizes.
Chestnut) .
pumps between $6.60 and $12 a
and tan calfskin, bronze kidskin
others turn solos. Among tho
will find in a day's journey, and all
Whlto grounds covered with
figures in blue, black, lavender,
green and navy.
QM mm.
Many Silk Duvetyne Coats Will
Be Worn
And ft is safe to say that they
will bo among tho most beauti
ful that will bo seen, for this ex
quisite fabric lends itself par
ticularly well to tho graceful
drapings, the many folds and
panels required by-the new fash
ions. .
These same panels, by the
way, are tho excuse for, tho hand
embroidery that is used so much
.on theso coats. Somo of these
'coats aro left without fur, so
that a woman can wear her own
furs if sho is so minded. Others
have collar's and trimmings of
the lighter Summer furs, such
" as squirrel or mole.
The new Victory blue, a won
derful peacock., shade and to
bacco brown are amoncr tho
cplors. For prices thero is a rungc of $235 to
(FIrit Floor, Central)
The Saucy New Sailor Hats
of 1920
sometimes turn up, sometimes turn
down, and' are sometimes straight
of brim all of which is by way of
saying thnt the sailor family is
very large and that' a woman has a
wide choice this Spring.
Most useful, indeed, is the sailor,
for it may be worn with sports
suits and frocks and on any num
ber of occasions.
There aro black sailors and white
(Second Floor,
Young Woman's New Taffeta
Frocks for Spring
For the young woman in search
of an unusual and charming new
Spring frock, thte cascs of tho
Young Women's' Salons hold much
that is new and fascinating and
The dresses are distinctive and
quite smart. They are of lustrous,
firm taffetas in the dark bluo
shades that are fashionable, in tho
(Second Floor,
Handbags of Great
Black silks in fancy designs
and fine black lizard skin make
these bags, which are cMefly en
velope and vanity shapes.
Corners and clasp mountings
arc of 14-kt. gold and the whole
effect is very rich.
Prices $22.50 to $67.50. V
(Main Floor, Chestnut)
Easter Gifts for Girls
May Be Ribbon
Necklaces v
They make such attractive acces
sories for lingerie or Georgctto
blouses, and there is almost every
color to match the new hat or tho
The ends are finished with either
crystal or Oriental-looking beads
and'tho prices are $1 to $3.25.
(Main Floor, '.Central)
Chemises and
Chemises of nainsook and lace or
embroidery trjmmed, $1.85.
Nightgowns of nainsook, low
necked and lace-trimmed; or of
cambric, high-necked and with eye
let embroidery, $2.50.
(East Aisle)
Children's Hand
Made Dresses From
- the Philippines
Not only are they entirely made
by hand, but they aro embroidered,
too, and such pretty littlo dresses
mothers will bo surprised that tho
price is but $5.
They aro of sheer voile'in whito,
pink or blu,e, and come in three
dainty littlo styles suitable for
littlo girls of 2 to 5 years. They
havo low necks and short "sleeves,
and all are ribbon run ntjtho waist
(Third Floor, Chestnut)
, Many Women
Intend Having a
New Skirt for
. It is sure to bo ono cf thoso
beautiful knifo or accordion
pleated velours with a rtlfent
leather belt. They aro all wool
and light weight. Tho soft
pastel colors of tho check, plaid
or stripo pormlt its being worn
with any kind of a blouse and
So enthusiastic were women
over tho first of thoso skirts
thut thoso which arrived a few
days ago havo almost complete
ly gone. Thoro is, howevor, a
fresh shipment hero for tomor
row. All tho styles aro brand-new
and all are moro than ordinarily
nietty. Tho colors are simply
"bewitching. $35 is tho price.
(First Floor, Central)
on Easter
7 u
sailors, as well as sailor hats in all
the fashionable colors with plenty
of blues and purples, greens and
browns, as well as many attractive
two-color combinations.
Thero aro hats of straw and hats
of silk, though the straws predomi
nate. And there aro rough and fine
straws as well as any number of
fancy weaves.
.$5 to $18.
bronze-like browns and in lighter
tones. Somo arc daintily embroid
ered in colors or in tinsel thread.
Some havo tho narrow rufllings on
.the skirts, a trimming that is quite
the fashion. Practically all nave
short sleeves.
Usually thero is just ono dress of
a. kind, and prices begin at $50 and
go to $98 and include 14 to
year sizes.
She'll Want Fine
French Gloves for
At $3.50 a pair are overseam
sown kidskin gloves in black, white,
tan, brown or navy, or whito with
black stitching. 2 clasps.
At $4.75 a pair are smart new
kidskin gloves all in white, with
heavy crochet embroidery in gold
color, French gray or black. They
are pique sewn.
At $5.50 a pair are fine kidsldn
gloyes with heavy, mottled crochet
embroidery and contrasting horns
tho white gloves have black and tho
black gloves white. 1 pearl clasp.
(Main Floor, Central)
New Slk Guimpes to
Wear With a Suit
Sleeveless, of course, but they
give tho effect of a very pretty
Some aro of whito satin, with
pointed edging down tho front.
These are $8.60. Others are of
striped tub silk in blue, green, red
or lavender stripes and they have
either round collars or none at all.
Frills or points simulate the front
closing, $12.50.
(Slain Floor Central)
3000 Waists in a Little Sale
1000 Porto Rican Waists' at $5 to $8.75
All hand-made, and several styles, two or three of batiste with
roll collars; voile, some with high collars and somo with' real filet;
and somo with very attractive drawn work and crocheted buttons.
500 Cotton Waists at $3.85
Odd lots of batiste, voile and handkerchief linen. A few arc
600 Silk Waists at $3.85
Tailored pongees; dotted and plain color Georgettes, some
embroidered; and Japanese silks.
900 Georgette Waists at $6.85
Dark and light, some with beads, others with embroidery; in
certain cases tho embroidery fs in tho back as well as front.
(WesH Aisle)
aby Carriages Special
Three styles- which can bo
bought just now at a very decided
The first a carriage with a reed
bodw rever8ible''gear, steel tubular
pusher, detachable corduroy cush
ionsj Price for-tho shellac finish
style, $80; for gray, $33; for white
enamel, $35.
(Serenth Floor,
Making IJair Mattresses at a
Reduced Price $36 Each
This is a result of buying to spe
cial advantage 3000 pounds of
a particular grade of good, clean
hair. Wo make these mattresses
in ono or tw.o parts a desired,
covering tbcm with ticking of tho
best grade, each mattress weigh
ing 40 pounds.
Wo will make smaller sizes in
prices smaller in "proportion.
Also wo are making pillows 20x30
inches, 2Vi pounds, from clean,
Here's Old -Fashioned American
Broadcloth Wash Silk at $3.50
a Yard
It is quite possible that this is. a
silk that you havo been looking for
from store tp storo and getting the
answer that it is not in stocknow
and is very scarce.
But if you have found it, it is
likely that you have paid at least
$1 more a yard.
It is undoubtedly a very scarce
and very desirable silk at this' time.
By reason of a largo contract
made a long time ago we can sell it
today at $3.50 a yard, and mako a
profit We could just ns easily
tack on another dollar a yard and
it would sell for it is fine and it is
in groat demand. ,
This silk is 32 inches wide, and
wo have it in alUwhite and in white
(First Floor,
Silver Flower Vases
to Hold Easter
They make the most delight
ful of gifts and one may choose
anything from a vase for the
tiniest rosebud to one that would
hold a half - dozen American
Beauties or Easter lilies. All
are sterling silver and the prices
are $6 to $245.
Somewhat more unusual aro
colored glass vases with pierced
silver holders, reproductions of
Georgian urns. These have lids
and may bo used for other pur
poses besides holding flowers;
$245 and $295 aro the prices.
Also there are many crystal
vases with silver deposit deco
rations, $10 to $34.
(Jewelry Store, Chestnut and
Fragrant Easter Flowers and
Fresh loads come from the
greenhouse every day, so that
there are as many flowers and
as fine ones as tho moment the
sale opened.
Easter lilies lead, of course
fine, vigorous and sweet.
Azaleas and roses, cinerarias,
feathery spireas, sweet yellow
genistas, double and slnglo dai
sies, lilies of the valley, hy
drangeas, big pink primroses,
ferns and bougainvilleas, and
cheerful common little plants
such as geraniums and pansies.
Tho last, by the way, are 85c for
a basket of a dozen plants in
Prices generally run from 50c
for a geranium to $40 for an
(East Aisle, Slain Floor
New Tan-Colored
Coatings for the
Fashionahle .
Sports Coats
Polo cloth, a fine all-wool weave,
64 inches wide, has just arrived in
a new shipment, at $8.60 a yard.
Also tho real camel's-hair coating
in tho softest and most beautiful
quality, 54 inches wide, at $11 a
Both of these materials are vory
much used for the short and long
sports coats now so much worn.
(First Floor, Chestnut)
The second a carriage in the
new gondola shape, reed body, rc
versiblo gear, full-length detach
ablo cushions of corduroy: shellac
finish, $35; gray finish. $38; white
enamel, $40.
Tho third a carriage with a
combination wood and reed body,
very smart, artillery wheels, in
whito enamel only, $4G.
gray gooso feathers at a special
price $3.50 each.
And we havo a number of bed
springs to sell at less than regular
prices, tho "Bellevue" boxspring re
duced to $35 for tho double and $33
for tho single bed size.
Other springs of a very widely
known make aro marked $10 and
$12 in standard singlo and double
bed sizes. This means o reduction
of about 25 per cent.
with stripes. Tho designs aro con
servative and of tho finest seloc
tion. It is genuine old-fashioned
American broadcloth wash silk, as
good as ever. There has been no
deterioration in its quality. It is a
silk that will wear it will outwear
another silk, it.will outwear cotton,
in most cases it will outwear wool.
It is a splendid silk for men's
shirts, women's Summer dresses,
pajamas, etc.
If you want a fine Summer silk
choose this at this low pi ice and
you will have something that will
please you at a distinct saving of
Boys' Colored
Handkerchiefs A
Wonderful Collection
at 50c
Wonderful because there arc so
many styles and designs and colors
and because tho handkerchiefs
are of such good Irish linen for
this price.
Tho handkerchiefs are all of gen
erous size, and they are in the very
colors and patterns boys like.
At 50c apiece many people will
like them for Easter gifts. .
(West Aisle)
Plants and flowers are not re
turnable and cannot be sent
C. O. D.
nnd Fourth Floor, Central)
Perfectly Huge
Easter Eggs That
Are Hollow
are made of wicker and intended
to hold sweets and novelties for
Easter. They are tied with wide
satin bows and are $10 each.
ChocolBte Easter eggs are 15c to
$2 each.
Bird eggs are, GOc n pound.
Easter baskets, filled, arc 30c to
$25 complete.
Jars of eggs (and you can use i
tnem as flower holders afterward)
aro 75c.
Solid chocolate roosters are 75c.
Fancy Easter baskets, to be
filled, are $2 to $5.
Jack Horner pies" for the table,
$7 to $8,50.
(Down Stolrn Store, Chestnut)
Novelties for Easter
such as Kewpie brides and grooms
for the wedding breakfast or
luncheon, Jack Horner pics for the
center of the table, fancy boxes to
hold the cake, little favors and sou
venirs for the guests all these you
will find in most interesting as
sortment, and moderately priced,
in tho Candy Store.
(Down Stairs Store, Chestnut)
S pPjaum ff tHIsbsVh tllll Vi " if HI Ml f
hSXwiffi fill maiLa TTjlf llin II III 1111
NmSSSi t
Men, This Is a Clothing Service
You Can Depend Upon
To the man Jooking for new clothes for Eastertide the one thing that matters is
where he can get just what he wants for the safest low price in the quickest and most
satisfactory way.
Many stores will claim to come up to that requirement.
We have tried to make this a store of service rather than of claims, and this ti
just the time when our service is being tried and not found wanting.
This is a store that men can depend upon to have the suits, the overcoats and the
service theyare looking for today.
More and more men are seeing the wisdom of buying clothing of the kind they
can rely upon, especially since the unreliable kind has become so plentiful. They see tho
advantage of dealing with a store that has always held to a standard of quality which
insures the largest safe measure of excellence, value and service for its patrons.
In the long run, the good quality of Wanamaker men's clothing never costs as
much as the poor quality of some other clothing. Always it has been a good investment
today moro so than over.
Men who want to invest will buy clothing of the Wanamaker quality. Men who
want to gamble will not. Our stock of Spring overcoats is believed to bo tho best in our
history, but no better than the Spring suits are in their way. Prices for suits and over
coats -$45 to $75.
(Third Floor, 'Murket)
"Thoro In only one way to develop taste In
nny art, nnd that Is by saturating one's self In
It. To learn rules or hear an occasional con
cert, or memorize a few pieces on a piano after
years of disagreeable ondeavor. Is not to become
"Tho beauty of the player-piano and tho
talking machine, artistically sneaking, was that
they laid down no rules whatever. They jilmply
lilted the Amcrfcan home with music good, bad,
Indifferent, as tho tasto of tho owner elected.
Taste docs not remain stationary, however. '
Thero would bo no progress In any art If It did.
Music develops Its own standards; It Improves
cars, comprehension, taste, as It goes along."
Now York Tribune
There WILL Be Easter Music
in Your Home Will There Not?
Even if you have still to choose the piano, player-piano or
reproducing piano which shall make it, there is yet time.
Music is so vital a thing that great care should bo taken to
make sure you get an instrument that will produce music not
merely sound. And tho kind of music you want soft and sweet,
or brilliant and vibrant.
You cannot decide wisely unless you compare widely, but nt
Wnnamakcr's you have the advantage of being able to compare
widely in one store. Hete is a group of the best pianos in America,
including three that rank high among tho half dozen or so great
pianos of the world. There arc scores of styles between such a
wide price range as $425 to $3250, and any instrument may be
bought on convenient terms.
Supremo among this notable assemblage are the marvelous
Amplco reproducing pianos.
One of the characters in Arnold Bennett's great play, "Sacred
and Profane Love," is a famous pianist, to whose genius the
capitals of the world have paid homage. The actor who portrays
this character portrays it well splendidly. But he cannot play
the piano. And In the first scene he MUST play iW-play it as tho
character he represents would huve played it. How is It done 7
. . . You havcguessed right. Such a scene could not have
been put on, properly, without the AMPICO. .
(Egyptian Hall, Second Floor)
Here Is a Man's Wardrobe Trunk
for $100 That Tops Any Other
Vacation Trunk Proposition
We Know Of
In every way it is an extraordinary trunk for the
considering that $100 is a good deal
Wo have only twenty of these on hand. That is all that wo can sell
for this price. Any more that come in will have to be half as much
again, according to the figures we have from the manufacturer.
It is such a trunk as may be expected to last for a lifetime, and
always to maintain its usefulness and dignity.
It is made of veneered basswood, extra heavy fiber, covered and
intorlincd with fiber. It is fortified by solid steel mountings and has a
patented locking device that secures the trunk in four places at once.
The inside mechanism locks the drawers -at one time.
It is fully equipped to accommodate a gentleman's complete traveling
(Fourth Floor, Central)
Half-a-Dozen Books
"Health." a handbook by Walter Camp, $1.25. Simple direc
tions on how to got health and how to keep it.
"Mercier," by Charlotte Kellogg, $2. Another story of the
Fighting Cardinal who has become one of the great figures of the
"Sunny Ducrow," by Henry St. John Cooper, $1.90. The story
of n little cockney girl who makes her way in a most astonishing
"The Gold Girl." by James B. Hendryx, $1.75. A girl, a lpst
mine, a jug and the West these are all in the story.
"The Rose of Jericho," by Ruth Holt Boucicault, $1.90. A
story which has caught the glamour of the stage.
"It Might Have Been Worse," by Bentrice Larned Mnssey,
$1.76. A motor trip from coast to coast.
Plain Floor, Thirteenth)
The one individual nbove all others who feels disappointed if he fails
to get new clothes for Easter is the average normal boy.
For church occasions he must have them, but he feels he should have
them anyhow and he is right.
The store that deliberately sells inferior clothing for boys has no
right to exist.
Wanamnker boys' clothing is today what it has nlways been the
standard of the country. We take no special credit for this we believe
it is only ns it should be.
For boys still to be outfitted for Easter, this is tho Store with the
suits and overcoats and service that make for satisfaction.
(Second Floor, Central)
money ven
of money.
Boy 1
S v2
M (Third Floor, Central)
(Sixth Floor, Chestnut)
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