:,K Ft'1 rv ujii-n ', v i If- P. I X (l . F 'jp ', -, M,$ ' tr i i.i rr jj va ,C$TrSED AUTOMOBILES Roman Auto Co: There Are Good Used Cars And Cars That Are Badly Used! We, never buy a badly-used car for the very simple reason that we wouldn't sell it to you. For you get more than a used car here you get a GOOD used car. It must be a car that we can trust and believe in before we ask you to believe in it. And the best; proof that it is a GOOD used car is that we are willing to sell it to you ! 1919-18- 7 Stutz T"u"" ,c" lour and six Ipesrrncer and Roadsters, num. with wire wheels ami some wllh wooden wheels. In splendid condition, from 1700 up to $1875. 1919 RsqiY Tourlnr Car nnd Iload- lio ijsax iltr, orlBln,, tlnii lot or extras; trom $875 up to $1230. 1919,-18-17 Hudson purine Swdilti and Ruadsters: wlr wheels; from JI'OO ,p to $1030. 1919 Hupmobile T'",,. practically new. try low prle Packard Twin-Six, ',JJpnm: claDbullt body, four p.-tseenger; a'ao seven-passenger Touring Cara and Roadsters. Krom $1200 up to 13000. 1919-18-17-1G Cadillac t four-rasensr and aeen-psssenger, Roadsters. Coupes and Sedans, tip top condition; a largo varletj to select from. II ISO up to $32UU 1919-18-17 Chandler ";' Chummy Roadster Sedans and Coupe. In first-class condition. From $830 to $1500. 1919-18-17 Buick ; -;,:.:: dan and oupr In excellent condi tion. From $330 up to $1073. 1918 Locomobile UVT car! big sacrifice. 1919-18-17 Maxwells j. $300 up. 1919 Liberty -'. - 2.100 miles. In excellent condition, equal to new. fully equipped 1919-18-17 Dodge 7.' Sedans and Coupes, In A-l condition. From $300 up to 11073. 1919-18 Scripps-Booth , ssnirer eight-cylinder Tourings and four-cyllnd-r Roadsters and Coupes. From $430 up to $875. 1919-18-17 Paige rl!c: en passenger AIo Srort Mod'l. like new. From $600 up to $1273. 'Many other Bargains net S250 up. Terms can be arranged to suit purcnaser. Send lor catalog. Agents wanted. ROMAN COMPANY, INC. THE DIFFERENT KIND OF A USED CAR HOUSE 231 NORTH BROAD ST. wwsiwiwimmBii'csimTaiitwiiiKMw GUARANTEED EXCHANGE LOCOMOBILES AVe are offering a fw Locomobile g exchana-f crs thorouKhly r-bullt and s KUaranteed Thla Is a special on- rf cortunltj for the buyer of a high- g arsde car g 1017 6-llrd"r 3S JI. P 7-paaseneer S limousine i 1017 it evhnder 3S 11 r 7-pansenRer 3 tnunntr 0 1D17 '1-vllnder 4b II T 7 passenger g touring. w Also p Simplex 3s JI P 7-passencer llmou- g ne suitable rorncKin ,, 3 conditio, fe Si 5 rful H In True.. we hm Jatc ino1l RiKer 4-ton In nnml contiif if't Autoctr j ion wuh m hunl- l djmp g body a How J ton Ut? mod1! w'th ranl p exprpw boJ g (.onvenint termi of pamnt can be arrancr-d THE LOCOMOBILE n COMPANY I 2314-2322 Market St. 1 PHir.ADRt.PHIA f ' e simv i Manarer Kxihanae i-r Oenartment d Bell. Ioeust 450 Kestor, Hace 3J80 g.tagasHmiN'iunitiiiiiejenwTiiii mmiiiiiwiia'i'iii.iiin wimnmsM' wnaj CADILltAC touring model .1.1 In good order Qelsal top inclose good runber Chestnut flt Oarage 4l'ih and i heatnut sts TOR SALE TYPEWRITERS RENTED NONVISIIII.K Mi'NTHS. JS I V18II1LR 3 MONTHS. 7 30 UP I v raciorv-reDui i ivDewruers SetvOur New Machine The Century American Writing Machine Co. no; chestnut st. I fslnut 24SB Main 318 BLANKETS for ramp and nungalow 'rom 13 a pair upward TTe save vou nionev on everv pair W II SMITH 4 SONS H 1 4 Walnut st tiKHCE FUt.vrrritrc " lAt9 lot desks safes files cabinets and Ctosral office furnlluie store f.iturea. We nuv Sell and Kxehanae. PATTK.V FfBNITfnK fO . IX)CU8T4070 1127 ni"H ST RAfF. 2808. 30HII PAIRS of ne 12.9S icstllar pru tended to niirli'i- nxernmeni iintonalls. 1", .',0 mall orders at s .1 i'i i Iik Jii7 "II Frankford sve CHAin cana rushes teerts wovsn rane u- Inch flat pit li oa!s fr Hrenn s lUiuid genuine glue 3.1o lis If pint 1808 Marshall nKKKUlBllATOItH and fixtures for zroccra and meat markets terms If desired. UANDAI.I. t, CO 381 N 2d St. mtMi lurririTKii t--liKNiit t.iMrvir-n, half 'price aiiiigue .tuna: cut glass 1S32 TIIUNKH bnx uit. e, rtson(tblr buy re- from mnnuit iurr. nm iou nor , pairing done 31 i N Kith st HTEE1. IXR'KPIIh new condition Vi each Chair Kicha nge a I: cor Mh and Vine fllOWCVHES) wall ciises shelving dellia- tessen. Ic cream 1S8 N Blh st lilCYCLB, master brake lllV "value fsfi Rleder's Tian Office 2200 Houth st bRKSS HUIT and tuxedo sli BS; eteellent eondltlon 1B82 l'lne st HTANDS cabinet st big barvalm Phlla- delnlna Trlnters' Hunnlv 14 m nth t APKK. nrepruot 1 losing out too slightly naer, moilern mskea, cheap. 72 N 4th st, .MEmi'M-HIKE Il'EUOX In good I'ondttlon. Isa Hantn vacuum cleaner 1421 lwust si UlLLURIlS, pwil romli'n. .' nand. Imugfit. 'oM. rented, exeh Keafer. 82U W Olra ra rLOOK CASE ahelvlng shades, gas lamp, P V- K, cor. Hist and Ijirehwood, ' k KLWVATOIt. hand power small! cheap. It . u . , an ?t-Window sahh, iaei, good for hot . ROjUMir rns.p. 111 pi. jn r. I DREPHEH. 100 rtoxen at 18 pr .ayna, B13 N. Msrshall st. ' 4H ana recorna nouini, sniu A WereeBoff BOS We'nnt at l'h KiefcMMr and bollsr also 'c: .i 1 ' 7 ; WTOWOQrlAr la. jiarrsauv au - -; USED AUTOMOBILES 1919-18-17 Chalmers '',7 five and seven psssergcr; also Sedans, Roadsteis and Coupes, In perfect condition. Fiom $S0O up to $1130. 1919 Apperson TourlpJ;s, seven passenger. sllghtlj uicd. wire wheels. very ex clusive looklps. 1918-17 Franlclin(Th-iny,rto,ad: slirs and Sedans, wire wheels, In tlrst-clsss condition, l'rotr. $14u0 up to 11800. 1919-18-17 Oldsmobilc t- si and eight c Under, also Hoad iers and Sedans, mechanlca'ly per feit From $030 up to SHOO White Tnurlne Cars. In '"""'" ,Mm( condltlnn; lota of extras. Krom ItuoO up to $1330. 1918-17 PeerlcssCnu"mumV1nvo'a,';: nera and sb-dans. repnlnttd, eoi'U tlrs. like ntw. From $'J73 up tt $1S00. 1919-18 Davis $&. ihantcatly perfeci. In ecellnt condl lion. From $!0i up to $1100. 1919-18-17 Reo r2lTs Z drr ltuadsters. Ped.ma, itood condl t.im i rom $ti0 up n $1'30 1918-17 Studcboker t;' six c Under, nlso llodstrs. Coupes and Redan.. In A-l condition. Iron. $tOi up to $7BO. 1 Ol B 17 frill' Touring-. I" excellent 1'JlO-l ( OOIC c n rt, , i o n. fully equipped. $730 up to $1400. 1919-18-17 National S Tloadsters. very powerful, sllght'y used, l'rom $30 up to $1330. 1918-17 Saxon 'wir?0.';1,; wooden wheels, slip cover. From $473 UP to M0- 1918-17 Briscoe To ,' ery llttl u"l- From $475 up to M-VHrtnv -2-T3 Tuurlns Sedan: llk-iieri-t-l n.Wi ,,, model, low price ry " r T"TOt.1" J listed. 1000 used cars from AU 5-T0N WHITE With pr,wer holt steel bodv perfect foncl on Immediate deliver', has not run --aou miles. General Motor Truck Corp. 4812 CIIESTNLT 3T. PKBBI.E88 limousine. 101S. thorouhl overhauled and reflnlslied, -vll I sacrifice for quick sale See Mr Hunter. Marmon Agency. 710 N nroad at Poplar 7i)70 MA11MON Nearly all models, rebuilt nrt iiAimoN-Nearly all mi.i. ,.., J. JrilniBhTi Wrainf!."'.lu't!?-?r"- Jrln i rennisliert iruirantetd used cars, baraaln i prices. See Mr. Hunter Marmon Aaenc. 721' N lirisd i Poplar 7870. nl ' , n'll SAI E-nin lluuroril and 11)17 Ford , roadster ApplJ Atlantic K-flnlnr Co 3141 Prtss.unk av . Phlla. STOItAOK batteries for sale 0 olt Is 1 olt MO positively In a-nod cond Star Hior" aee lutterles unit N. 1.1th st I. fust aw STEAFlNf-KNIOHT limousine. 7 pars 1017 model perfect condition Arpl to Antony IsoU 7,11 8 10th st Phone filbert 4?aa y Hhl eKIVN HIOO perfect inant extrns Ford tourlnir 1300 rare unrkaJn .",u3 finrire st (J EHI.ANI) n pnas . 4 cyl. 3,1 h D Hers Is a r-al buy for 1.V.13. .1 fine tires Overland , Harper Co lrt;ii Arch st. Open evening" bT.NHAHI) s. 1H1H and H1I7 tourlnir unn derful cars. See Mr Hunter Marrnun At-n.-i 7-'0 N Ilroad Penis r 7870 """""" PM KAHD touring 13.1. luat ,.erhaul-rt m r, -.htipe good rubber I'hentnut Sr .aras 4i)th and Chestnut sis STORAGE AND MOVINQ ESTAIIUSHED 1872 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20TH ST. AniiVB TIIKSTNUT STORAGE I MOVING PACKING Household goods and personal enacts packed and shipped to any part of ths world. I 'I Mepnone i.or-1'ST loan Dougherty & Sons, Storage I Get our epernl rate for moving by our rell ab'e and careful men ("all Poplar 4r,8.1, 7Ce'nne Ps- 1127 night nhons Dl. f,',a. lCIMUnnL. NDTnAN8FKnr-o Columbia and Sydenham sts . local and long. dlstan. e noiing lv courteous einsrlenced men. c.-sn du.t proof rf-oms for fiirnltur.- I let us est, mate Phone Diamond 4472 ' , WATSI1V S STOIlAGi: I -org I ,n on.:j,- ! lane, haullna New Vork. ntliiml?.. ?.l": Washington all seashore resorts Packlnr erating and shipping Kxpsrlenced men Trices r-avnarie r.siniul free lit in Poplar n.'M Miller. North Broad Storage Co. n.n,il .hnl. f.ehlrh Phnn. nt.. .....i... k.i.t . -,.i e ... v. ""'""'' .'400. , '- "O KtadV ' CTfi aV122'- VICTORY STORAGE" 6JM filbert Phone Relmont 47o ta estimate Pleree-Arrow vans, " M riL'EI (TY I'lREPROOF1 WAREHOUBM 1811 TO 18111 MAnifET ST? enTIt r i:NTUHT Storage Warehnua. .. lutsly fireproof apeo piano, palnfg A ni rms Perc-Arrow vans used. 8120 Market" MONARCH STORAGE, rt, ...M70 r.ANCAB". Tr.it a v. ai.-i r.rt-n-e: HTnRAan ii-i-TWn TlMn.ntflTiMPll unwnin UW PACKINO IINO-DISTANCE MnVTOO. CAHPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING nuunfi, 20th at above Chestnut Orltntal and domtatle carpets and rugs cUansd. scoured stored Tsisonone uocuti juoi riANOS, MAYEItS. TTJNINO.ETQ, J268TANDARU PLATER. 100 rollai nsar n ro"i i iMi', "'iw vivid.'. ipirn mvt OLD GOLD OLD gold, silver, platinum, plated ware. old. ItylS JSWffirr. lf.m pifc Mvwain lor MID, LlllT. J, U CUrk. rnnr. sot agniou. OL 'J''' I EVENING PUBLIC USED AUTOMOBILES V RELIABLE m f I " lv.- 1 J ".fc S -- ARE you In the walking clnss? TKoro is no need to bo in this clnsa when you enn own n dcpcnchiblo, Kunvnntccd used car of the standard RELIABLE grade, by paying n small deposit down and the balance on convenient weekly payments. Stop in, wc will gladly explain our easy method of car buvintr. H00 CA11S TO CHOOSE FROM. CARS OF EVERY STYLE. .Inrrlnn 1QTJ T"'1 Tourlnc; 4 duruan J.JJ.J pMi whM,leai. ly excellent; ehos no wcur. cord tires and ttlre vhrrls lludsons 19 19-18-17 Sedans. Coupes speedsters and Tourlna- Cars: rnual to ne . splen did (Miilpment. At low prices. Marmon 1919 Vri',l""v'er"v pnerful. meeliani. H excellent; qulpiied with exirns Pilio-P 1011 Sf.e,llrr. 4 psss : eniilpned nlso tPI 17 TourliiB Cars and Roadsters Cadillacs 19 19-18-17 TourlnE Cnra. Se,l ins Cnmes and 4-pass Speedsters met hanlvallv TW'-fr't llta itrv i n T?11ip1f 1010 Coni" -t cendltloit. inin.l-17 Tourlne '"its ntnl Hond ters. excellent i iillilon ni low figures RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE CO. iWT, Til T Till! NAMB lXII'l.ti:S) 249-5 1 N. BROAD ST. At,i:.Nis WAN-run si:n rou khi:i: nnnis m i.i.ktin. '-. If price and quality count in a used car when you se lect yours this spring, the logical place for you to go would be to our 8-story sales and service building and you would be convinced that an organization like this couldn't afford to sell anything but the best. Our used car department has just O. K.'d a number of six and eight cylinder Olds mobiles including 1918 and 1919 with closed and open types all overhauled rcfinished and winter prices still prevailing. Also a most complete list of other makes that will prove satisfactory as to price and condition. 1919 Ford Touring i 1920 Overland Touring 1916 Ford Touring I 1914 Pullman Touring 1917 Ford Coupe 1918 Chevrolet Touring 1919 Chevrolet Touring 1917 Reo Touring 1918 D--.d!ie Touring 1916 Overland 6-cyl. Touring LARSON OLDSMOBILE COMPANY I .ell J hone 1'op'ar 4t'7 Kejstone 1'hcne rark 1S0I. This ttgS&gr A limited number of Standard "Eight" high-grade used cars at attractive prices From $1000 to $2500 4 Pass. Sport Models . 7 Pass. Touring Cars Sedans Limousines All thoroughly gone over in our shops. Poplar 6580 EASTERN MOTORS CORP. BROAD AT WALLACE Distributors Standard Eight I 1 Used HS ars j All These Cars Are Ready for Immediate Delivery 1918 Paige "6-55" Coupe Ileftnliihed rnr . tre WVMIiirhouf hot.k abturberu. (juardntcfil. Sirntr 1919 Paige rue-passenger T irlnu Car. iih winter top: In flrst-tloM londltlcn, guaranteed. 41130. Paige "6-55" Sedan 7 passenger model fine condltb be painted To fc . ,jer, HOuO 919 Big'elow-Willey Motor Co. ralg Dtitrtlutor$ 304 North Broad SL Philadelphia 512-TON MACK with n"w ,i ih'J " ani jtl h1. nns noi r m iiVm i In pi r(f t con lllton Inun itlitip 1 rv General Motor Truck Corp. ki; i'HI M VI'T 8T A REBUILT MM TRUCK I ) t? H4 ' I'ellNei V HA1 AS' E A !KR TO PAY rtebullt ' iilred gu lantwed by manu facturer "ii mjiilrpi I Mih new tires, a uods to u 1 vour bUJinm, VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. STI'PEIIAKKH fi pans electrk lights and 1 starter, k ! tires lip nnd palm 1423 A real buy s I-.ok It c tr Oy-rland llurper " -" ,, -. "- - WINTON ligM ix touring car. lery flhe ion ditlon throughout, overhauled and reutnted, guaranleen 1 ne n ,niun 1.0 nut , irrnad st OVEULANO eountry Hub a to choose from now. dime early and make a selection They rnns fast OierUnd Harper Co 1U20 Arch si. "pen evenings 1 MTITZ 4 passenger reh.il 1 model i- good &t?oytVrt.h:'e.C4'or.n'.'ndr'cf,e.tnn1utf'.",ts t'h",n,n 11 nil" n "rrn nnt KIN Ml Cjr'l Ht CHALMERS ,' Pass late mod-l electric lights and starter motor paint and tlrea in splendid shspe Has this c-.ir Oierland Harner l'-n 1020 Arch st Dnwi evenings. STANDARD 8 limousine, 1018 model, newly can be seen by appointment onlyi no dealers, puintras cprn urea; inrciiunicaiiy psrtsci; Answer 1V9, wjnnewooq. i-, My t n"-!? LEDGER-HILADliJLHlA:' WEDtfESDAlT, MARCH 31, 1020 USED AUTOMOBILES SW V" Peerless 1918 -; cy brand new nliows no wear, "-pass ; equipped with extras. A Darft-ain. Maxwell 1920 'J,0"J!"B,B 1'Lk" new ; n I a o mtli'18-17 Tourlna- Cara and Hoad sters. splendid condlllon. As low aa $100 Velio 1919 tp"'""1' m"u Bi only n, short time; fully eaulrped. A snap. uoage xjij riin m nls, inifi-lH-17 Touring fars. lload stera and Sedans, wllh wire wheels. Chandlers 1919 - 18 - 17 Tourlnif Cnrs, Speedsters, Pedans Mini Coupes, .larue variety to select from, ns low1 as $7110 Willys-Knight 1918 ; handsome hody. beautifully uphol stered. 4-cyl.; A-l condlllon; new tlrea A snap. Used Car BARGAINS 1915 Chandler Touring ; 1916 Chandler Touring 1 1919 Mitchell Roadster 1919 Oakland Touring 1918 Oakland Touring 1916 Hudson Town Car 800 N. BROAD ST. Week Paige "6-39" Roadster 1917 1 'art more' "l"M 1' uh WJ', 1919" Chandler DlNpatrli modH wire wheels, cord ttrrn, 1' at cIhii California rurtntng. 11750, Overland Model "90" Sedan 1917 Vi pasniror $700. "6-55" Larchmont 1918 New biKly painted blark. brown un holsti-ry; llfiSO. ' I 'AV YOC r.B A NEW OR 1 rSKIl ('All OR TUt'l K' ljr pecUl tnn rsjment plan has n.sde It; UOHillile for mdiiy People tr, -tun in business I lor ihemseltc with a truck ind ror many to 'ijnx in. i,irMnure aim comroris or a rnr prompt Inquiries essential OWNERH' AUTO , el.SANi K 1 II 4H7 1 heslnut st 2111 1,1 1.1 N Marshall tt Phl.adelphla I'a STANDARD EIGHT I 1010 himM I rasvencer touring fullv guar- ;'! eil ',(-00 mil's rucord Innf.S like ie IJiiirf) 110 dealers ln'iuirB 1520 Ma !et M 1017 niRD touring one man lop and fend 1 frs new speedometer shock absorbers, de mountable runs 'i nin tlrea. perfn t me cltanual lundltion S too J Hrlnghursl i'hii i.r, ri i I ul. I'r.iifln .r.:i'.. atln 11 1, in l.ausdowna 3SI1 W or AUTOFARTS SCUOBER. 3SS9 MARKET ST. WE TEAi II YOU TO DRIVE ANO REPAIR A I TO.M01IILEB OPEN HVNIIAYH Jji I-'oll snd complete course 128 IlAY ASH NIOIIT CLASHES LICENSES OI'ARANTEEIJ PATTLER'S 10m KPR1NQ UARDEN 8T OLONMODILi. 4 roadster ll17, perfect 1 condition, il new Kelly cord tlrts. Just repainted motomeler, spotlight snubliers. etr v 111 take Ford roadster In pari pay ment Frank Qeraglity, 807 N. 40th st OVERLANUH. all models. A and 7 pass touring 2 lo 3 pass roadsters, all othsr makis and models, spec basement bargains very day. Urns naymsnta, open svenlnis. Overland Harper Co. 1K2D Areh st OVERIAND.' 7 P 1 pass., wonuncniai motor, aood natnt. motor therAtiirhlv ,ass.. Continental motor gooa tires, sooa overhaulsdi ready for 'lha rued 1 tlms pay. rli rnsn imM.i,,,u.,ni ti,vvn jiram, "' V V .!.., ,-, USED AUTOMOBILES Can You Use a New or Used Car or Truck? Our special time payment plan has made It possible for many people to start in business for themselves with a truck and for many to enjoy the pleasures and com forla of a car. Prompt Inquiries essential. Owners' Auto Finance Co. 437'cilERTNl'T ST. 8lll.13.lfr NrMAIWIAM. 8T, Philadelphia. Pa FOnrt touring: 1010. tlrav ft Pal alarler. In ened onler, Chestnut St. Garage. 4l)lh and t'heslnnt sis. . FIlANKI.IN touring. 4-psss I0IR. nnnderfut cond. thrnunhout. Sec Mr Hunter. Marmon Agencv. 720 N. llrnail st Poplar 7870 7 CADIl.tjAl'. model bj, summer and lnler top. excel condlllon. Pee Mr Hunter, Mar mon Agency, 720 N nrond si. Ponlar 7870, ! Warehouses Auto Storage Warehouse for Sale Modern concrete building containing (10.000 sq. ft aultablo for storing automobiles; lieav-flnor construction, lde span; railroad siding, three-fourtha can remain on mort gage quick possession. P .133. Irfdger Office ROOMS FOR RENT I CHKSTNUT ST., 102T 2 largo rms. with bath: southern exp.: dec Its, ft hot wtter. CHKSTNUT ST . '013- Small third-floor aide room for rent, nrnr Imlli CHKSTNUT ST.. 2107-011 Cheerful slngje or nnuuir imu. i, ,.,,,iw, iirt m limn; conv tlLAMOND HT . 11107 Controllable furn : frt rm . ran, water, rhawer, genl l)la. 7H.10 J MT. VKHNON, 1017 Two housekeeping rooms; nlso apartment, wllh prlnto bath, ronxenlences hot water 1STH. N . 111113 iJtrge front room, brautl fully furnlshrd In mahogan to adults de slrlnit home of refinement; bath adj.; shower unlimited h. w ; clt-c, ; 8 mln. to Market st . retcrencc. . ' lOTH. N 1S9 (IIOTKI. IIU1UC) Up lo-date front, rooms; electric, h.-w. heati dally and weekly rates; conv. to stations good accommodations ror 'rav veung people 45T1I ST. -. 022- Second floor. rront roor.i. new house. nteentlonallv well furnlali tu ilafil; Wnodlwnfl "Mis l. GI.KNS1UB Three unfurnished rooms, third fli'or. to couple without children from Awll 1 to Senlemher t. Call Qgnnle. 12.1H t 11TH ST . S . 117--Furnlslied room' for iMiusekerpIng llarlng 718(1 W. . m:w .iK.nsKv Ml'.nrHA.NTVII,l.r7. N. J. Two large Turl nlshed rooms, single or communicating, bath, nil conveniences: private famllN excel lent home table; convenient to train or Irol le, frequent service; 20 minutes to Market st Phlla. Phone. Mercliantvllle 7s It BOARDING CllKSTKR AVK.. 4124 Pecond-stor rront room tor 2: Imard. Paring 7ort7 V SI'llUCK. ST . 1032 also rloublo room. -Three rooms nnd bath; BOARD WANTED ONH Oil TWO ItOOMH. In private famllv for mother and Ti-jeai-old son icf c rhnnired, telephone Filbert 4073, or write fully 1224 Wldener Hide. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS BROAD. N.. 11)221100; hskp. apt (I rms., prlv. bath hardwd. floors'. Jusi completed. TWO POOMS with uso of bath 20J7 Green street. APARTMENTS NEW APARTMENTS Unfurnished, housekeeping, 3 rooms and bath, to ," rooms und bath, prices 8,1 to 12.1 per month, select neighborhood. SMULLEN & BARRY Iltoad nnd Chestnut (Liberty Pldg ), , iiKit-AL,L.v.-s ai-aii j aiK.vra. 2107 Walnut I st. Handsomely furnished arartmenta of 1. 2 und It rooms, embodying all of the met. ness of home nnd the charm of snlendldly anpnlnted furnishings, enrage privileges APAUTMB.NT. rumlshed. 2 rooms .ind bath; unusually large and airy. In strlcllv prl vnto family, references cjchanBctf. Phone Preslon sold. 3432 N linOAD HT.. unfurnlslie.l house keeping apnrtmetits; a lnrgi cheerful rooms, kitchen and bath, select neighbor hood, adults. VriilY attrarlUely furnished sparttnents. I roi'ms ami bath; parlv wishing to sublet froni April 1.1 to October 1,1. or less .tlms. Inquire at office. Newport Apirtments APAUTMKNT IIKAUQU MITERS Central aparlmnts n specially. Sherwood Apt. Agenc. 22.1 h Ilroad st Some very mxrn'iiv,- iuii,. ,,,n . iwiiii. iH'uwRKeeoing (OKI N. 1STH- Kurnlshed or unturnlshcd. 2 rooms, Kiicnenciie, private baths, hot moil PINE HT Furnished apartment. moms and bath, excellent table. Locust 1 4 70. WAl.N'L'T. opposite Itlttenhouse Square, chol, et location. 3 rooms, bath, kitchen etle Annlv Samuel M Onvlev. lliim Pine. AIT. IIOI'SE, 3 HPtk h. w heat. clic. h. w floors, room for gr . cor.; Ideal loca.i 114. .ion cms terms Penrose, S27 N 1.1th MT AlllV S rooms and bath, furnished, Ift.-i per niorin. m .-.-i ioger nrtice MT. A1RV Three rooms nurlshed, t.1.1 per mmith and II 2: bath rur S. Led )if Kt'nN APTS cent loi by week If desired. Sherwood Apt, Attni' 22.1 S llrui.l st APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL COLONIAL SPRUCE at lira bt. Select apartment family hotel; In ll-a centsr uf tht city operating on the American plan; ur table will nlease the most essitlng. 1- fllliA.-s iiAKEit jr sisnagsr. THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan CHELTEN AVE ANT .)RnlS ST, QERMANTOWN' THE I.I'ITI.E HOTEL. 21 S Uroad st A hlladelphla. good p'sre to live while In FUT4NTSHKD APARTMENTS ATLANTIC Cm ATI.XNTIC i ITV. Georgette Ai.' No. 10 S Maryland bm 4 rooms .in-' Uith, fur nished, spring and summer m ir.iha. BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE err I S. W. Cor. 19th & Cherry Sts. I Three-story dwelling, lot 24x1i'-, JAMES I l W1NCHEI.L 17th and Saiuwn its, Hul HES for sal' In all parts ,f city: list sour wnts 11 ihU office- v- ' t ing results. I.1TTMAN HOLMES ! I INH frankford l'hons Frankf, r I 2HHI JiH KENSINOTO.V AVE. Cur r proiierty, store and ilwelllng. hot-wati-r i ut cheap est corner on Ihe avenue. JaNoPHKY 4 HRNT Hrrun 3I4H; ,WK THESE OVER 1821 t. i -,,) Cabot 1 18th and lilrard). coay. (I -., ms. rent 120 EMERSON CONKA11. 'I V 10th. 22l NEAR HACK r.iixlWl! f.v t. iniv or ifraae. t site for H A Mt'EI. M OAVLEY. lllii'i Pine st. CENTRAL 404 8 Ilroad St. , I- . 'Ifer takea "on & Co., V. .' V ",.... 1. 1 M,IU II inis miu.i'i, i""-v.' .. . "I l-l ;i ntn m Mem fnua. neai i,.ui. iia.rH 1422 RACK l (Hroad ana 11 ,t,. ) fnr (Ilroad and II vale innlie incaiiiui pnuii i, h.. MA ft. pt-y lIAJtTMVN t CO.. 1201 ! .tout St. iT, u.fi'l.Vi -:' lu 72B i!i- -1 . hftsloh, ult ibb '" parage or nlh' 1 uiposcs. C. ('Ill 11 l 11 MIHUI "' oj N .'-I' rT 1 runms, J tj n, panics , Ith anl ' aiinnhlll. ' liiMiiKi. ( 0 S IIIIOAI) HT i buy thin kn, location ,1 11 Wllsnii & to '. 2J Herman'- Mliwui'i .. - -.,:-,, ,:.. 7. - -":' ',ii"ii- in.vn ae aieinner iniie. "' r .1 ue Hoard. ai) rlniilh 40th Htr. 1 2S0TflrnIAMNI)-i;orcr.. 1:, joorna, 3 eiec nr.ni". ..- 1, i.ioumoia. E.irp al. aUn --d rent 14--ml Dlrklnsnn "':" " ,tm i.iVK7.i.Y h iTTll TO U2 SIIIEL HT, II I U1U ,u. ivB.I.Y. Ilth and L acii maon. JISI2 N HROAD ;""";.' 23s200. nna iao.01111 (llenn. lnl, 1 , lunihh. Ht. imTn iirril 1 rm j l"t -'4xl72 10, . ' re tSHtlfnl home, fllert. .MT Collimhl. ,-.un.i N HROAD HT.--12 r,. ns. lhxld.'.u. n. home gon.1 con. Olenn -,17 Colllmhla I'OSdb'riSION ul isics. '"' '' 1 ullowhlll, 3. stv new dwa Hmllh. mil" IM nrenie ave 1 '14 N 3inil SI' 11"'.' ilwelllng. va. 'V-Jnt MlO(i TAUI.AM' mill WhIhiu ., w . .!.T.,,,.n.!.,.K0' .?;.W!'jrw nun """ " "' I'lrHinaart 1300 HLK. N ""OAI' Particulars upon renuest 11 H Wilson b ' , 2l220ln av. illll R1DOB AVE Store a- I dwelling, nn business loci tll.800, Penr ,, B27 N ln.h l0fiSSfcSgli,li,rr 24H3 KIMBALI 81 roni mod.rn; good home 1IHI8COM. 210" Catharine '""" 1100 DOWN, 12.1 mn. will buy. 3. room housei 18lh drove, Karrell. 71n ft. !nV!?' 1U00 HIICK Hunlln rk ave. more and H-room dwg. Apply 4227 Osrmantnwn ave PO88.T 1702. Cayug at. I 14 rooms 1 lot K! W, Mtn, Erajl tkhuriof. 427 QlD, aV( 11 , .' 1 TlEAI. ESTATE FOR BAT.T3 CIV $25,000 Store and Dwelling West aide, of Front at.t near Dyipnln 2208-n. r.KTTKn"l.T BJ. 2 atory, convenlencM' lol B0x7O $4300 241B CMFKOIID ST llented nt 6o monthly $3200 3276 Dflerade at. 2 alory, porch front $1800 Investment 2403-O3-O7-OO-U Kmerald al. 3 alory, range, bath; rent 110 GINSBURG FOR GROUND BENJ. GINSBURG 1101 Pennsylvania Bldg. K W. Cor. 15th & Chestnut Sts. Phones, Spruce 929 and 930 kWIWIIIMIIIIW BIG VALUE, $11,000 Modern brick house rnnlslrf Ing llxlnr room dlntnr room, tiled kitchen and laundry; 8 bedrooms, library and bath on second floor; 3 bedrooms, trunk room and bath on third floor; hardwood floors, gss and clectrlo light; hot water heat; rront lawn and porch; house In nerrcct repair; southern exposure; owner nioilng Into much larger home, only reason for sell ing; convenient to train nnd SMULLEN & BARRY nnoAn and ciibrtnut bts. i i. 'if h ii i,irfrtv HlPiT.l CENTRAL BARGAINS- 6 n7 f h?el"aUnt St "-""SSK -""on 'ntlrii lot 2,1x1110. to rear street. 129 Walnut St ''"Hr-'tory commercial 14.7 WctlllUl Ol. building: nnase.slon .lulv 1.1 price Interestlnc for quick sale. 763-5 S 1 1 th St Two .Vatory store i.KJ-J J. I I Ul Ol. ,,na ,i,ellliigs; first mortg.ign IDSOO; itssessed I15,COO; can be bought below assessed alne. JACKKUTNER Be' phUT Tru'1 Member of Philadelphia Real Kstate Hoard Investment Properties IMS 8. IlSd at. 2020 N. 10th st 1717 Marslon si 2017 N Iflth si 2H01 Sergeant st 2IPN N' Marvlne st , rnlored. 725 N. Uber at., colored. 1K1K N. Van Pelt st., colored Itemed on short-term leases. Must be sold to closn account J. T. Jackson Co. ,hth .""' "l CKN'TRAI. COHNUnH Rofore-tne-war prlcea llOH-1110-1112-1114 Walnut at. 8. W. cor. 18th and Chestnut all. N. W cor. 1 2th and Hanaum ats. N. E. ror. 11th nnd Sansoni sts. fl.12-3.14 H. 17th and rear (cor. Panama) 310-832 S. lPlh tcor. Panama) 108 S. 20th (cor. Ionic) S. V, cor. !2d and itansoin sts S. W. cor 8th and Chestnut sts. J. A. PATTERSON 1.10 3 10TK ST 1919 MARKET STREET 20 ft In x 120 ft.; 4-slorv build ing, opposite new Stanley Theatre; bi'uml to rapidly Increaso In value. KERSHAW & CR0WL f.215 CHESTNUT ST. THE PARKWAY The avenue oT trouble for autolsta from Oerhrook. Hermanton-n. Chestnut Hill. Main J.lno and other points Is the best site In thn city for nn auto salesroom, nccessor store tiro bldg. or business as aoclated with automobiles; 1211 N. lHth measures 33 by 107. Is n corner and splendidly located for our business: sals or rent will give -in Improvement lease. FRANK II. HCHRENK. Ally. 12IW Chestnut st lb20 t'OLl'MIIIA. store and dwelling. 171.1 Columbia, store and dwelling. 2030 Ridge, ktnre and dwelling, b rooms. 1033 N. 17th 13 rooms, JII30O. 2(101 K. Norrls, storo and dwelling. 1087 K '-Dili store and divelllng, I) rooms, 01 Montsoniery, n rooms. 2047 I'arllsle. 7 rooma. 1223 Wallace II rooms, vacant, S4000, 2130 N 7th li rooms. 2040 Woodstoik, 13200. 2013 Jefferson II rooms. 12000, 2041 Nicholas, H rooms 2127 llerks, 7 rooms f2r,00 Wm L. Crmen'a Bons, 2010. Columbia ve. HARRY J. FASY N W cor 18th and Stiles sts. 1212 N 18th St.. 12 ima., 1 bath, laim .Ipfferson at 12 rms . 1 bath. 1821 N 10th st , 10 rms.. 1 bath. 1721 Htlles si 8 rms 1 hath 2(1L'0 Poplar nt 0 rms . 1 bath. 2122 N 21st st. I" rms.. 1 bath. 1717 l'loru at 4 rms.. 1 bath III2H Harlan si 8 rms . 1 bath N W. cor. Cleveland nve. and 8llles st.. store and dwelling. 7C2-4--8-70 N. Huck nell st LMih FRANKLIN- 10 rooms, pins . 4000, 2131 N 7th, side yard. 1(1 rooms, JIU00. 32.12 N 2d iHinh. 7 rooms. J30O0. 2143 N 7lh II rooms. 18000 1 182 W Dauphin. 3 stories 12200 ' 2178 Sergeant, cor. Hepvlvu, grocer store; S3 ',00 i.MS Seplva 12 rooms. I2IKI0. 23IOAmbn. ror Aritona, j.1.100 430 Wlngohoiklng. cor. tiwreiice, porch; 7 rooms. S40U0 2210 lluncock. N rooms, possession S3200, AHI'.HNETHY I82H Chestnut st A REAL HOME 28011 block N. 20th St. (eaat side) 8 rooma, Imth, porrh, electric light. hot-wtter heat, benutl'ul londlllon, IRA F THOMAS. 231fi W Lehigh ave. HOI WOOD HT , M rooms and bath, good condition near Pnrltnay, value bound tu Increase, Sl.ino MICHAEL A MALONKY. 11121 8. Until at 3003 N HMEDI.KV HT , tor property. 0 rooms and bath, hardwood doors through out electric light, hot-water heat: immediate possession LeuU Cohen. 2d. 1113 Lincoln Hlitir and H. W cur 17lh and Iftilnhrldee. ton lilM'K 8. 1STH BT 3-slnrv dHelllng. llrst mortgage. 12000, price, J 1200. month 11 rental 140. II 8 MILLER 1482 N f.2.1 st H W CORNER 18th and Falrmount dwell ing purllnn. suitable far business or a home WM L. CHAVEN'H HONH, 2010 Columbia ave fS.Kio Knur houses 800 B Wlshart at.. II rooms and balh. t)orc)aln futures, etc s hom owners' roir CARNEY 848 E Allegheny Phlla, 1727 W OXFORD Three atory. 12 rooms: elegant private home or suitable fnr apart ments WM L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 2010 Columbia avt. FOR HALE Four-aiory apartment house, Hnruca at . between 0th and 10th sts. fln.000; owner will finance to wjthln $2000 on ursi in,, iww, .. . . ...ii.-t, o, W. cor. 8th and Locust ats. 2818 8HIUCE HT. Four-slory brownston rosiuencv, 10 iiwmi, a unumi price tiu.ouo .ibv twrtns. possession Anrll Estate of DWID M I1ESS H04 Walnut st 1I2 N. I1AIIUM HT Two sty., fl rms. and bath, banaln; early possession. Integrity Tens! I'n 4ln snd llr,,en sts. CORNERS und stores on South si, lusrt of business; act quick I bargi In the ins. CLAYTON ymiiMAN. HO.l R, llnh 30O HOUHEH FOR SALE, all sections; $lou down, balance same as runt. KENNEDY 4(ld H Van Pelt at. 8 V COR 23111 A Parrlsh Fins business ror,, lease expires Oct 1 Price 70O0 bring fl00l In Oct. l'snrnse.8V7 N, 18ih. Pop! finsii lORNEIt paint stora and dellln. hoi. water heat fine location Call 1227 W, Columbia, 410 CA1.I.OWIIILL -mros-Mory dwelling. 8 William (l, ilenk. IQVina. i,,,,u-iw,v -, . w. erl I lit i-neemnr sr 038 N, 8TU . 8T TMree-slorv. dwelling. 14. raaxng, 8 hajhsi moderatt. Vllllam r?', lautkcrt? 1121 .Chestnut st. ' ' lt E. J. GRUBB inn n. nAuriiiN rt.. ruin. H REAfr ESTATE gOK SA'iC CITY I HOTEL FOR SALE Wc arc offering for sale a well-known Philadelphia centrally-located Hotel, completely furnished. Con tains 183 rooms, 83 baths. Well patronized Cafes and Banquet Rooms. Owners will lease to a respon sible tenant. MASTBAUM BROTHERS & FLEISHER , jaMimawMwara OTHBHSIBlim A WISE OWNER Is one who llsls his Real KMato with a live, active broker If you have any real estate In North riillailelprtla It will ho to your advantaeo to list It with us. 1&eMm?. N. E. Cor. I5thanc) York Sts. AND 606 Liberty Bldg., Broad and Chestnut MltMllMM NORTH BROAD STREET TIsceptlonat offerings, Including howeg, apart ments, automobile salesf room and service sta tion, commercial build ings and sites. C. HARRY JOHNSON 1420 Chestnut at. Spruce 440n.no. Race 2987 Member rhlla, R. E. Hoard Hibberd B. Worrell & Co. 535 N. 17TII ST. 401. Trwnn ror. LelthKOW. S'J'-'OO. 1lrt Volti Ifl finml 'i wthS. ths. Poplar nfftr hroad, hot-water heat, A hatha, iplar near iiroaa, not-water n hardwood floora well rented. 808 Perklomen: 11 rooms. B12 Porlnthlan ave 11 rooms, poss. 007 N. tilth st 11 rooms. 581 N. Iflth st. 12 rooms 1320 Dreen, 13 rooms. 2 baths, I12R Wallace. 10 rooms. I3R00. B4D N, 17th. 13 rooms. 2 baths S12.1 Wallace, store and dw-g.. $2,100. Sill Green, broarnslone, mod., heat, 2 baths J 014 Wallace, 13 rooms, poss, , 000 v. Madison St., ror., 2 story. 1680 dreen, 10 rooms a hsths. 202S Spring Oarden. 30x130, 13 rooms. 2004 Oreen. 12 rooms, side nrd. CORNER PROPERTIES 2540 N. 33d (cor. Sergeant). 3 story. 12 rooms, hot-water heat, electric ..... light; southern oxposure 18.100 443 'v, Indiana (cor Orkney). 2 atory, 4 bedrooms, store and duelling; suit any business, Al condition 0500 310O N. Maraton (cor. Cleardeld). 5 room, bath, porch front; aouehern exposure; possession April 3100 220S N. Lambert (cor. Dauphin), 8 rooms, bath, shed .: I00' Store and dwelling; cor. In northwest section; hot-water heat, clectrlo light v-v:i fl2Jrt 20fl7 N. Orkney. 0 rooms, bath. Al condition, possession April; can arm see owner-tenant :. 1044 E. ltart.laiif (hear FranUfnrd ae. ), n rooma. bath i.v; 1800 2000 (IKUHllt; 11, aiCVllAi Ken. 2.12S W l.ehih ave. Plsmond 340, N. H. cor, 4th and Falrmount ave , atoro and dwelling, 3flxH7 15,000 471-73 N. 3d st (cor Noble st.). store and dwelling, 24i80 14,000 ,MH Ulrard ave., store and dwelling, 0 rooms and hath. .0,500 00.1 Amerlcnn st,, front and 3 rear properties 4,70d 241 Columbia ave . store, 7 rooms and bath 2.500 ALBERT H. LADNER, Inc. N, W cor, 5th and Green ats. PL0TS0FLAND5verorap'm IX3WEST PRICES LOUIS S. GINSBURG 1201 CHESTNUT STREET Any ground anywhere In Philadelphia. Uicr a quarter ccntury'a experience at vmi. rvlpe, HIS N. 18TII: 8 story. 10 rooms IB.Mia 1047 N. 18lh: 3 atory. I) rooma 450U 1308 Melon: 3 atory, 7 rooms 400(1 021 N. 11th: 3 atory. 10 rooms .1800 1714 N, 10th; 3 atory, 8 rooms 3.100 1:1110 W'akelleld (flermnntown)i 8 rooms. 2800 2221 Carpenter; 2 story, 0 rooms 2AU0 H88 Hambreyi 2 atory. 7 rooms 2300 MYERS It llARTH, RIDQK AVE AND 1IITII I Lancaster ae. tc llarlng, store L dn-g.JojOo I llarlng St.. 3819 dwelling 3J00 . Moore at.. 308. corner 2510 K Rush St., 2137. dwelling 1IJ0 li, Mt. Airy ave., 008, dwelling 0230 hdwd V. Lansdale, ll Walnut I.AWNDALB lxit 203x108 feet. 1 square from trolley: fin dMached 3-story. 12-room house, with lit at, electric light, stable, chicken house, variety, of fruit and old shads, bargain to settle an estate. CHARLES W. MILLER 401-407 Commonwealth llulldlng 19TH ST. ABOVE WALNUT Rest central section; attractive residence, hoi-water heat, electricity, tiled baths, par quetry floors, adaptabl apartments or bul ncs price and terms Interestlnv. 11 ois, lditer flfflre $3000 1003 lo 1S21 Eaat Dlrch at., near tr,.-.!,..-.. ave and Cambria; twp-story. 7-rOom. noreh. front dwellings: monthly leases, MAMUEL 8TERN 210 North American nidg RIDGE AVENUE baOrgHalnP;PlB'oy0b.1000 " L'8 f"1 ,honl1 M.Cetz&Son.Inc. 00V,;ir'y VACANT 18.11 N. 13lh.. 10 rooms l'rlco $4bUU, act aulck M. Getz & Son, Inc. TTlW- 33D NEAR DAUPHIN 3 aly, porch. 12 rooms, electric, hot-water heat, hardwood floor! $12,000. M OETZ A HON. Inc. OOfl Liberty Rldg. (283 N AMERICANS modern 547-M W, Somerset; 7 rooms and bath. 1237 Stiles, 8 story: 8 rooms, 1 4200 block 8thj modern. WILLIAM FltlBDRICH A CO , Rill N 12lh VACANT 2121 N. PERCY, RAROAINl $1700 M . (J KT7, A HON, INC.. Iflth and York 2820 N. WMKDLKY HT 7 rooms and twlhi idW t 1VII ! , u-ivry dock UWg.. U h st , 8-story brick dwg.. 0 :ti; good light 1 desirable loc. TITLE AND TRUST CO. Ilroad and Chestnut its rooma ana """! THE lAnu lr. vvsiKcr 20.14 RACE 8T for sale, 17 rooms and 2 bathrooms! lot 20x1(15: near Parkway; promising location, Jlarber, lUrtilmn A Co,. 1201 Cheslnut at. ' 014 UJCUHT ST, and rear, 2 propsrllea. 1J0 Race at.. 0 rooms anil bath: $1300. THE I.AND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Ilr. Walker. Ilroad and Chestnut si. 2551 N. 16th St. 10 nOOMSj .MODERN. PRICE 84300 M. OBT7. SON. INH.. I nth and York 7lrt CAItPENTEll ST. full Information fur 1 .' HI properties; n,l An .nla.ll..' TUB LAND TITLE AND TIlUi IK ...-. 11)1,0 AND TIIUBT CO, "---.v;: im.,m.. -7...r .!-:. -ri,'"-"iii,i, Mr. Wslker Hroad and Chestnut its 82BiS.T liAlw'iuil'UOi st, nd 12-3U-SH Otewl uaii'iiii'uu ni, katsr, t. fir sflsi )qb 83a ntrsrinaalUin! t alraft frt authan tpo,, liin ctM o.-i8J ail reiilsdi oentra rrpnta. . HA8HR. haiit: Mtnl u !K ': ' h. i REAt, ESTATE FOR SALE $ riTV wwmBHjvl Central Residences A FEW SUGGESTIONS Rooms Daths 1914 Pins St.... I.... 10 3 111, .loo 2121 Kpruce at 13 2 120,000 1024 Clinton st 13 2 f2.1,l)0U 1008 Clinton st 12 2 118,000 SEND OR CAM. FOR LIST EDGAR G. CROSS 1111 WALNUT ST 114 N. 13TH STREET. N. W. COR APPLETREE ST. Extending to Clarion St. 20 x 115 4-story business property, good location for any retail business; especially automo bilo sundries; tailor; whole sale dry Roods; notions; cloth; electric shop. Mastbaum Bros. & Fleisher 1 1 I. IIOI'HLS left for spring; occupancy; balance of operation of its houses' can not bo completed until late summer or Woodstock St., 6500 North West of Umekiln pike, 1 snuare north Chellen ave., transfer lines from Old York road, aermantown nnd Wayne avea.. route 75 nnd 40, Ulenslln division neyen rooms hardwood floets through out: nn Ideal home In every respect WILLIAM H. LIEBRICH llulldlnr In this locality last 8 curs Main Omce, 2840 Ridge nve. ' EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS Choice Central Properties 13th and Sansom sts , N. W. cor, 13ih and Cherry ats., S, W. cor. 12211 Filbert st. 1I7 Spruce st. 113 8 Uth at. 328 27 8. 12th st. '"210 Locust st. aoth and Locust sis., s. W. cor, I71U Sfprlnir Oardn st. a,'in?racMInCBPpr?1P(;r.t.,"!, c"n b "UrCha"d J. T. Jackson Co. Vnth'"" "' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION N. E. COR. MARSHALL AND OREEN bTS.I, THOROUOHLY RENOVATED 11 room brick housei PHOTOGRAPHIC SKY LIOIlTj roomy SIDE YARD on OREEN ST s SUITABLE FOR UUfllNEBrl PURPOHES; sice of. lot about 23130; Immediate nonet slcn. Apply at Wundtrle's Candy Factory. 130 Psgg st. (opposite 440 N. 2d St.) APARTMENT HOUSES I.ltfi and Green; 14 apartments, mffdtrn, heat, prlvnto baths and kitchenettes, electno lights; 38x180 to llrandywlne. Oreen near 20th. 8 apartments wllh prlvs's pains. Kiicncneiies. eicciric Hants, aloe yaru, flra toT'er. HIRRERD R WORRELL b CO.. .133 N 17t' ItENT 12000; prlco $14,000118(1 N Hlth St.: terms to suit; 1 fine npartnienta; Ji rooms and Utth, hoi water heat; elertrlo light. KERSHAW & CR0WL 3213 CHESTNUT ST. '& 2304 LOCUST ST. Three-story brlrli dwelling. Nine rooms! nil conveniences: $10,001). ZACHARIAS & WALLACE 1480 H. PENN SO. Cor. 19th and Mt. Vernon Double residence, nn a lot 118x08 feet Hh garages good location for apartments, clus, sanitarium etc. WORRELL 88 N 17th. . OARAUE or factory at N, 8th and Njdi,i sis.. 443 to 4.13 N. Sth; 2 street enlranrt'l building (MlxflO, 2 floora and electric elevuln'l also 4 stores; big opportunity; owner llira ill N Y,- will sacrifice fcr f3l 003. Pliutis l.mnhard 84BB. MeMurry. 11311 Drel Ul d 1 2817 N. BROAD STREET 10 rooma. 2 b&ihs, ..i' nush; noss. JAMES C. HIMP.SON. 2ju ,, .- iiidr vi-itr 0111.-11 A'ririvKi,n,i .i u.t fi , -, v vardt 7 rooms, si one piirch, hoi ivat r XI heat, electric, parquetry fioora, aplrndld h m lallon: sample house oien. Kl'IIN JI Ifl LOWERY, 3lh and Rockland sts ,J IMA1.L. central .ipaitni.nt building lisnd- f. I aomeiy iiirnisiieui a vaiuiinie reniini pni' erty yielding an excellent income .rineruu 1 Apartment Aaencv. 223 iV llensri si I210O 1303 OAKDALU ST, (near Lllli a '1 Lfhlgn ave.l; 2-story, il-room dwellln ,.,r.r,iltly lease, SAMUEL STERN. 2111 No, 111erlcs11 lllil- ItENTED $20 per month: price llli.lu atory unci, aweinug, pim nrciariiir 1 below Spring Oarden at.) monthly lease 4AMDEL STERN. North AmerlcK erlcan 1 111- .-U31 N. LAMIILItr HI. dlxhl rooms anJ bath, hol-alr heat, gas; $2IMMI, ni-:.r. 1. iiAitrvi'.n 1111 1 nesinni .i .'832 C1ERMANTOWN AVE., modsrn ntor front properly, posseaslon at mice HBiriML A I'O- 4th and Calloiihlll . 2330 N, N. (IRATZ HT. : bargain; $2.1(1 S N. INC.. 1.1th and Torlc 7 rooms M. OETZ so: 2225 IAHJU8T 8T.T-lX)t 10x7lt, 2 bathrooms! modern plumlifn 0x70, II rooms and t noss. 1: r. niJiun, iijn Iflth at HTmiE and nrooerty. 1700 block Houth si price. $13 OOOi lit rooms and storrruo'u II." 8. Mll.l.Klt. a.'t St., below Lancaster nji if. W COll. 2lril AND DIAMOND STdr Elegant large store nnd duelling. 10 rnoiiit, Hint W. K ROYCH 2000 Dlsrnond l .. ; uuii,..,un. 1,1,1. I nil lul.al lnnirnvitieillS 20.0n"o an, ft. I located near 4th and VI' li nut sis . OOLDMAN. 731 WainuP si f, UTH H'f. below jslfereoir iirg- li-i' dwslllngt uwnsr .nuit sell! ti'M ff!;'J' able. For particular address llns I' "" ' 1 ,! orrli-e VACANT, a It I nloa home, peal of iri)'' lot to barU street 1480 N, S7th ' t-tinunM f?rtjnAii aa w Hub, 1827 OIIRI8TIAN AT Hnd bulidlnrf In r'' ,"1 iHWl l'l lwmlll aMMlupi. m X s' rb L AV M "..fi. iw. .t " rnr ,r : -K?v&xJ&m: j-xr- '4(.4. , "V-M.? j