;:w:t v vr ' m fi ri , r ' :; ,P fcY ' u ;v'w?.Vi, v K W.ar Wtf VT5" '. ,',j y ;) r A' . EVENING ' PUBIvIO' LEDGEKPHJLADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAEOH 31, 1920 ti- 21 ii ,. - 7f " "... . .J .'1, tiF.rininiift MrttCKW rr l,n Htffin n vnu like muilc -rcn.1 musla? .Then come, r over ta the1 friendly Church (MeislahiLuiV (Van) ny Thursday evening, 7,'IS, andhear &.' ihs Solo Male Quartet, gelectoil from Phlla f,' dphla's best Vo:allslat.r real musical treat: 't a pre-gr'arrt! no admission fe: Mnster'kt,, ' ' a doierr iter, from N.'B. corner HroadV farm akd gabden "' It Buy Trees That Give Immediate Shade rOU can buy trees from the Keystone Nurs eries that are large enough to give im mediate shade. You don't have to wait for I: them to grow up. They work for you from the day you plant them. These are strong, rugged tree3, grown in the world's richest agricultural county. , v We can fill and ship at once orders for trees to border entire streets, or for large estates. The same prompt- attention given to orders for small lots or single trees. We have a complete stock to choose from. Norway Maples sizes from 8 or 10 feet to big trees giving immediate shade. Four inch caliper Elms; American Lindens; Pin Oaks. A large variety of shrubs. Evergreens-including Koster's Blue Spruce and Oriental Spruce. Our Landscape Architectural Department is at your service for suggestions. Write for descrip tive arid well illustrated catalog. We will send it free and postpaid by return mail. B. F. Barr & Company KEYSTONE NURSERIES Box 107, Lancaster, Pa. spring nr.sonTu ATLANTIC C1TT. N. J. CZJh e -Ainb a s s a dor Gtlantic GhsMwestand Under management Ambassador Hotels System. On the Boardwalk, yet In the quiet, exclusive Chelsea residential district. Spacious aun decks overlooking ocean. Symphony concerts every evtnlns. Dancing In famous frill and Japanese tea room. Catering to select clientele- ''rite for booklet MW!I I ATLANTIC CITY.N.O I I ArvAjufiijicaiv Plan. Hotel l oi unimaimwvdKieaicomiorT, riRBF-tOOir QARAOt a (.aracni wnii Let ns maka Tan feel at lioma In lha "City or Robust Health" Hotel Morton Ocean Kni Tlrglnta Art. Capacity SA. Pstator. privata baths, ete.i always ope IVfONTICEl-LO t JtaCCLSINCOrUOBT.iUtYlttMOOVISINr iventucky ttve. ft Beach. Cap, 600; modsrn throughout; elev. : (3 up dslly, special wkly., Amer. plan. Booklet. MECKLEY I FETTER. Hi.iUi Carolina near Beach. I'riat baths; tunning water, itoderate rates. Open all War L. B. Arnold. Ownership Management. HOTEL ARLINGTON Michigan Ave. and Reach: exclusive district. Every appointment: excel, cuisine. Moderate riitea Open all vear. Ownership management. Try CLARENDON otcl Jlrclnla Ave, near Ilearli. All. room with; net and raid running wateri nrliite baths I HOTEL BOSCOBEL f"k,r at.. ... . . 1'-x',-"- Open-all year; llfi n weekly. Plmna 117 K. B. MARION. Westminster H' Av n?,r t'c"' but. rcaiuiuioicr ,(i M pPVHt. batliai run stet Sift wklr : 13.00 un dallyi C. Buhra OCEAN CITV. N. J. Hotel Brighton, Ocean City, N.J. villi o'psn June IP, 1020. with Improvements, More baths and hot and cold running water In moms. R. R. HOOY BISCAYNE Pn" Al11"" -'' nunnlng water In every room MOXMOIITHCO.". X. J. A Warm Welcome Awaits You North Jersey Shore Resorts , MONMOUTH COUNTY. X. J Write the mayors for Information. WERNERHVILLE. liU GALEN HMI WERNEfiSVILlE.PA. beqstoannounc the openinq for theSeasonl920 Saturday.AprillOfc a . HOWAMAVlNG UbET HAU. "h" ' " c,," ri.. , 'ul hcrma comforts I 1W -f? lr begullful ptounUIn )!(; P'jiihln, cos, ting, ate. Nat a aanalBrtiwa. rW. . 0AUL, Mgr WJSRNBRBVLL. ti, mfru& tvaieVxAjaazwi MWIAT, AUYKrtTIKArrVTj jjgf ESTATE OF ABRAHAM DUHNLEV, ? deceased Letter, -lestamentary on the above estate; having been granted i Fidelity Trust Company, all person, in. dented to th. eaia (guts ire requested to make payment, and :tho having claim. ?r'- -..; 'i--o.."" ." ms aaiu enmnnnv. Nos. s.'a-sai unestnut etrtet, Phllade ijihla. WM. P. OEST. President, P ABM 'AND 'OABDEN I SPUING RF-SOnTS ATUXNTIC CITT. N. t. Tflosf Distinctive Mel A m V a 3 a a a o r, - ew York) Atitbaiiador, At lantic Citv: Ambassa dor. Los Aiigcltas Am bassador, Santa Bar bara, Alexandria, Los ttino'ci. WILDWOOD. N. J. Spend Your Easter Holidays at WILDWOOD By-t he-Sea And Wildwood Crest Ocean Pier tint? all Its amusements open. Pansant Saturday night. In Floral nallroom. Haslietball game Saturday evening; In Casino Dance land, followed by dance. Hunt's, Blaker's and Avenue Theaters will present strong attractions. Free Band Concert, with soloists, Kaster Sunday at Casino Auditorium. Kaster Mon day. special sports, amusements and American Legion Ball In the evening. Kxcellent hotels. 'Good trains on both railroads, W. C0URTRIGHT SMITH Secretary, Board of Trade Wildwood, N. J. TOWAXDA. PA. Woodleigh accom.. large mod. equip. country home. Owner trained llirse Bk Address Miss Elisabeth Lamb I'INF, llt.lirf. N. O. SPK.NO APIUL AND MAY AT Pine Bluff Inn INE BLUFF, N. C. ' The climate Is dsllghtful. I lf and Horseback Riding tlolf. Canoeing ar at i their best Illustrated HooUtl I on ueooest. PAUL UfACFAItLAND. Proorleter. MAINE MAINE FOLKS Will Bo There From AH Oyer the uouniry OFFICIAI. State of Maine CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION AT PORTLAND JUNE 28 JULY 5 If - env Inferest IB Siainfl f -""...""ir r.'lulV l.larMled In fff.Jl.l-V. gr..lf.l .wnl. Writ. for circular. ST1TK OF MAINK rOMMIrTF.K "'.hlltltyllept..yilyllall, rorlland.Me. PLAN YOUR VACATION TO FIT THESE DATES X.OSI AND FOUND BRACELET 1 100 reward for return of platinum and diamond bracelet, lost Hun day, afternoon, March 14, somewhere in Over brook, Lancaster Dike, City line, Wynnewood road Merlon, Address K. Wallace, 6401 Sher wood Toad. Overbrook, PERSONALS MR. M, OITLEN la hereby notified that hit eat stored In his name will bo nolcl on the premises 1818 S. 11th art.. April U. 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m.. to cover storage charge., Northern Storage Co., IMS 3. ltth at. I WILL NOT be responsible for anv debt not contracted by myself. BYDNBT nEII.Y, ais 8. Reese, st. HELP WANTED FEMALE AN HJXCBI.I.ENT POSITION J14 a week to start. Kttra rav for cvenintr and niant i Splendid arrangements for recreation Pest niealn at little cost Call to see or write to .. MIPS SMITH M!tf3 UflOADIlUnST 4na M.rket st. 28 W. Chelten ;, MISf .MeCAW MISH. 8TBVP.NSON l'JI S. 32d St. 1631 Arch st. AIITIPICIAI. TCiOTH CO. OFFERS nilU,S PAST 10 TKArtfi EXCELLENT OPPORTU NITY TO LEAP.N GOOD THADK: FUIJ. PAY WITH DONUS WHILE LEAP-NINO. DENTAL CO. OF AMERICA. 1BIB MrKEAN. ATTKNOANTS WOMEN. WITH on WITH. OUT BXPBRIBNOR. TO NURSp IN MEN. TAL DEPARTMENT OF. PHILADBLPIHA OENBRAL HOSPITAL. 84T1I AND PINB 8T8.! (IflOD PAY. APPLY MRS. DURKE. CHIEF NUIISE. F.ELL TELEPHONE OPERATING A SPLENDID VOCATION FOR T1RIOHT TOUNO WOMEN, HEALTHFUL. CONGENIAL WORK COMMANDS aOOD PAY TO THOSE WITHOUT PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE WE ARE OPFERINO 14 A wbi:k AND IIAPID ADVANCEMENT MANY OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROMOTION TO SUPERVISORY POSITIONS Call today at th meat conrnlent office MISS McCAW. 120 S. C2d at. MISS BROADHUR3T. 20 W. Chelten ae. MISS SMITH. 400 Market St.. or MISif STEVENSON, 1031 Arch st. THE1ELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. BOOKKEEPER bookkeeper. G First-class double-entry P. O Pojc 34H4. CASHIERS EXPERIENCED OR INEXPERIENCED APPLT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CHAMBERMAID wanted colored, with good reference. Telephone Ardmore 84 between ft 3ii unci 10:3" m. CLERKS SEVERAL GOOD OPENINGS FOR CLERKS EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE BUT NOT NECESSARY E. F. HOUGHTON & CO.. 240 W. SOMERSET ST.. OR PHONE KENSINGTON 7100. CLERKS GOOD TENMEN, ACCUSTOMED TO OFFICE DETAILS 'APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CONERS ON SILKf BEST WAOrS: CAFE TERIA MEALS .AT COST AND REIT ROOM! ONLY F.XPEWBNCED NEED AP PLY. APPLY SAUQUOJT Hll.K MFG. CO,. JSTH ST. AND HUNTING PAFK AVE. COOK, chambermaid, waitress; 2 white Prot estant girls: sisters or friends preferred: nurse kept Address Box 88, Wynnewood, Pa., or phona Ardmore 038. COOK and chambermaid, white. 0038 Greene. Oermsntnwn 7PB T. CORSET SALESWOMEN ALSO FITTINGS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKKTVS DRESSMAKERS. EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S DRESSMAKER wants colored errand girls. Apply at once. R. Ralston, 1301 Locust st. tours HKOUGHOUT SwitzorlaRtl the eye is eBchantetl by most pic turosfiuc scenes of native life. They are variated and interesting as the evcrchanging panorama of wondrous views in the miniature paradise. While in Europe Cftjaltt SWITZERLAND jour htadquartirs Send, for Packet No. 65, containing the famous Hotel Guide, maps, etc., enclosing 10c postage. Official Agency of the Swiss Federal Railroads 241 Fifth Ave., New York nmnnrX w t -w' w m unt fY CONDUCTED TOURS saMf Vuitiniii Paris, Bolflum, Switg.rland, Italy,1 V M Italian i-aues, r ranee, Uattloholds and llritlsli T l.U. Sailing May 22d, June 5th. 19lh. 2Gth. July 3d and 17th. To Japan China from San Francisco April 27 and June 26. ALSO TOURS Around the World and Summer Tour to the National Parka and Alaska. Whenever you travel carry those spend able everywhere American Express Travelers' Cheques AMERIWN0EXPRESS TaUVW. mM M'anamakrr's Main lloor. Central iiuia.. s Phona, Hitruro S ."SK sr PEPP2& 'Siiiiiihn HELP WANTED-FEiMfXE EMIlROlDKnF.na for handwork In drcs.. making establishment. Apply 1500 Locust street. FINIHHBR8 Women finishers on men's clothlnir wanted) steady posltloni rood waxes. MacOonald Campbell, 1334-80 Chestnut sti , ami. to assist In packing and checking on rope portiere, oenrio i?rns Co., 4'J3 N, 3d st. ' FOnEWOMAN QUALIFIED TO LOOK AFTER CUSTOM WAtST AND LINGERIE WORK. APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S OIRL for milk laboralorv, give experience and salary wanted, P 423, Ledger Office. Kin OlRI.S WANTED ' OVER 10 YL'AItR OF AOE IN LITTLE CIOAR DEPARTMENT LIGHT, AIRY FACTORY DESIRAIILE STEADY WORK f,' WEEKS A VKAtt HOT LUNCHES SERVED AT LESS THAN COST PHYSICIAN AND NURSE IN ATTENDANCE HOOP PAY! EXCELLENT TREATMENT LIGGETT ITJ" A.J5,Tn"s TODACCO .CO. 8D AND ONTARIO STS. GIRLS AND WOMEN. NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE A STEADY. GOOD PAYING POSITION IN OUR NEW WEST WORKS BOTH ASSEMBLERS AND X IAOIUnV: OP." ERATORS NEEDED. APPLY Ml) OT EnI TRANCE ELECTRIC DENTAL BLDO 83D AND ARCH STS TAKE ELEVAToit 3VAnT,i OSS" " T- .STEAC : GIRLS AND WOMEN We have Just In stalled, another new lot of machines, also enlarged our assembllni departments; now Is the.opportune time for you to secure steady work with a modem, up-to-date, Krowlns concern! experience not necessary! good pny foi beginners, with rapid advancement, tnke elevated, surface or subway car to 32d St. station. Applv factory office. II. T. I'alste I'o . 320! Arch er 100 GIRLS AND YOUNO WOMEN v2n.t,EA.K,Nf'' ,r",N' AN" MISCELLA H?wcmK EXPERIENCE NOT NEC o'fiSnT.V..000 PAV ANr) PLEASAN'I SURROUNDINGS. 8-HOUR UAY. NATIONAL ntSCUIT CO 1301 GI.ENWOOD AVE. GIRLS. It to 10 .cara of age; continuation I.- Up.rl,ll,,e! d wages; steady posl VSPJ' . Frl'dberaer-Aaron Mfg. Co.. 4800 N. 18th st., nenr Wayne Junction. il5rWft. W"J r"iP'o' winders and .-P. . " i al R0'1 and clo an oppor LhiiJf i'.0.lparn. on KpPl'r knlttlnB machines. ? Jfii R .'."' portion 'or the right kind of a girl. Oehrle Brow. Co.. 42.1 N 3d G1HLS xynntni (o lenni tassel Hnlnhlng; toS.'"rSlU,4 'ian.work- R w- Maurer .22"!;?-?,, Wb"0 ie.. near 18th st. '''uhrPM'hi'' cnVl"J'' mklng. good pay I whljo Icnimlng Applv Wolf Bros . 12th I snd Csllowhllj l .Ixiii floor. OIi!.V,in".",,f1n'..,or Wc, xIII"ns various GIRLS for Vine st. Ilstit mechanical work. 121'j ai.OVE REPAIRER APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S!. HAND SEWh'RS APrLT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'K LADVS MAID, refined, good server: hest wages: reference required. 1B2I N. 10th st. l'onlsr .Ift'jl. LAUNDRY COLLAR SORTERS ..j'PLY MARKET ST. LAUNDRY 130S FILBERT ST. LAUNDRESS, irtared,; jirjate famllv. mod ern lauudrv; referciKe rMtulr.d. Call Ard more 81, Bell phone, between n.:ui and 10.30 a. m. ' SALESWOMEN SPLENDID OPENING FOR YOUNG WOMEN ON OUR SELLING FORCE. BE SIDES GOOD PAY. AN INVALUARLE TRA1NINO AND PROMOTION ON .MERIT, THERE ARE ALL SORTS OF ADVAN TAGES, SUCH AS INSURANCE. SICK BENEFITS ETC. BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S TOUR'- i vr V?.'fv LgN w- mm - SrAJtXKBHT II. ' V VTTI J iV ' rJ&CZWM'S i I tt lM A TI Jt.'l . Iti I ,i n if.' i" '-vjt i BUM I "A" i Vi HELP WANTEDFEMALE LAUNDnY SHIRT inONERS, EXPERIENCED APPLY MARKET ST. LAUNDRY 1308 FILRERT ST. LONG-DISTANCE TELEPHONE OPERATING IS THE MOST INTERESTING WORK IN THE CITY FOR YOUNG WOMEN 114 PER WEEK TO BTAnT HAriD INCREASE FINE OPPORTUNITY ADVANCEMENT FOR ATrLY AT ONCE AT ROOM 734 ROURSE RUILDINO 4TH nEI.OW MARKET ST. S A. M. TO 8 T. M. WRITE IF UNABLE TO MISS JENNINGS SE2E MILLINERS. Walnut St. experienced, wanted. 1700 MILLINE1H. experienced on One work; wek r,ljr.i".,''?0"or!!!l,"'8d' Positions. Apply Gotlllet. Co . Hllfl Arch St. NUllHKlir UOVERNEHH. French for girl 9 ears old; reference required. Phone Hell, Ardmore St. between 0:311 nd 10:30 a m. NURSERY goerness. white, for three, chll- .t'1M'.nV.coSntry Mr'- Albert Hall. Mount Holly, N, J. i-m.BH I'liKDERS. experienced on Gordon presses good pav and bonus. Applv Wolf itMFj-.. iui aim t-Hiiimmi ts.. slxlti floor SKEIN SPOOLERS on 8-2s and 40 cotton; nu can mako out well and hae u guaran teed Hll-vear-around Job. Oohrln Bros. Co.. 423 N. 3d STENOGRAPHER EXPERIENCED, FOR POSITION IN PRI. VATE OFFICE. APPLY BUREAU OT EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S STENOURAPHEir nml upewrlter: a respon sible position awaits a responsible young woman: pleasant office centrally liicateil, applicant must b experienced, a high school gradunte and Protestant C 120 ledger Off STENOGRAPHER, rapid nnd accurate, who has had experience In an Investment bank er's office: good opportunity, replies treated conndenllallv, P f,32 Lodger Office. STENOGRAPHER wanted with some expert core In office of wholesale paper house.. A Hurtling fc Co.. fiOfi-Mg Rape st. STENOGRAPHER and typist. central and northeast section. plnment Department. 21 N. 2! experienced, U G. I. Km- M st STENOGRAPHER, trained PMH-iJonci'd lus per week: speed v aihnni-enient It cnpabln, r"rmRpent p"lllon. p ,31 l,gr office TELEPHONE OPERATOR, exoerlenced oS Bell nnd Keystone boards: J13 a week, give telephone number If pos, M 113. Ledger Off. TYPIST wanted, one who understands arns and general office work: state nge, rcfer enie, religion and salary expected. P 030. l-odger Office. WEAVERS on Schaunt 4 Uhllnaer Jacquard looms' rteadv week work Job at good wages. Oehrle Bros Co . 423 N. 3d WEAVER, for out-of-toHit clnthjn f..rtnrv. nanti weaver on woolens; 41-hour week. good wage, M '.'llll. L-dger Offl winders. soft silk. best wages: cafeteria meals at cost and restrooms: only experienced need apply. apply hauquoit .silk mfg. co.. 18th and hunting park ave. WOMEN wanted, white and colored, for work In factory manufacturing waste; good salary. Apply H.W S. Swainon st WOMAN bright, energetic, pleasing person ality to learn how to sew In a business which offers excellent opportunity for large hmI permanent Income. P 417 Ledger Dfflce WOMAN of refinement and good personalltv to learn a ery lucrative, dignified and inncrnlal business P till l.cdcer Office WOMEN AS S(lp DISPENSERS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKLRK WOMEN TOR CLEANING DAY AND NIGHT WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN AS BUNDLE WRAPPERS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN, good pay. light table work, ex, perlence not tiecesarv. eirHd enipouient 4t-hour week. Frledberger-Aaroti Mfg Co., 400O N" 18th st , near Wjvue .I'inttlun WOMEN to sew baseballs In factory or at home Apply Tulln and Palmer sts.. Pal-ln-r st iloor .. YOI'NO GIRL wanted, white r iiilored, tn assist In housekeeping and ti taka care of fhlldren. good wager. April Pcarlinan, 417 S O'.'d st YOITNG GIRL for office, must be tvplst Wllllmns. Brown & Earle, Inc . ais Chest- nut st. YOUNO WOMEN AS CASHIERS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S General BUSINESS SERVICE CO. BUprs . stennga . clerks llll Lund Title tvnlsts J13-30 HELP WANTED MALE ASSISTANT TO S LFS MANAOKP. ASSISTANT TO SAI.KS MANAOKtt IS DM SlltKO, HFADQFAnTKns IN PIlll.ADKI PtllA. TO ASSIST IN SALHS WORK CAN DIDATE MUST ni: MAN OF UIILITT A.vn piiomisi: looking ron piiiimankn-i CONNKCTION. MUST II.WI. HL'SINri.SS F.XPUIIIUNCK AND AHI.H TO HANOI. K COHIIESPONDHNCK. APPLICANT MUST STATU AOU. HXPtCRIILNCK KDUCATION ASM) IJXPKCTKO ItKMUNRUATION. ONLV applications mapi: hy LKfrnn will iik coNs.tnnnnt adurfs vxcuum OIL CO Al'TOMOTIVK dkpahtmf.nt njt i'iiustnl't st phii. di:i.I'iii. ' i AmsISTANT TIIUST OFI'll'HH Pnght anil I energetic oung attorne In nideuHake I trust rampant" state age experience ami I salarv cicieil. r. plica stilctl' ronfldriitll. t I' t IK Ledger Office i XI'TILS'OANTH MIJN IN MKNTAI. IK PAltTMFNr PIIILA OKNK1IAL IIOS- I'lTAL. .iri'll AND PINK STS (lOOD PAV ' APPLY MP.S ntlftKR. CHIEF NUII3B. II NK. L'i.KrtK -Kxperleniert preferred ss IS-'JJ Address In writing Textile National llsnk Kensington i and Huntingdon st I IIRCKKlt. SMITH PAUK. INC. WATKH AND SNYDER AVIt. Ite'iulie the serlceii of hoa aprt young men to learn Ihe wallpaper manufacturing business, good wages stead i work, good oppor tunity, also have openings for men for factor wnrU. lahorers accepted I nn.N'cii AND FLOOR HANDS DIEMAKUItS MILLWRIOHT nF.P.XIRMEN RIOtlKllH and niaonns hulpkrs TF.MPI.ATt: MAKI'.RS PRESS HANDS (da and nlghtl FILURS (SIIEF.T METAL) LAHORERS apply i;r n nunn mfo. co 21T1I AND Hl'NTINQ PARK AVE. nOOKKEEPF.R - THE ACCOUNTINO DR. PARTMKNT OF Till; PI'HI.IC t.KUtlElt IO DKSIRF.S Till! BUIlt ll'KS OF A YOUNO MAN WITH AT LEAST '.' TEAnif HIOH SCHOOL TKAININO OR ITB KQUIV. AIINT. ASK FOR MR. PRICM PUPLIC LlSpUtiH t-tTUOUl AtiV VHf'ITNUT ST. HELP WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER, must be experienced In double entry; good tat figures and under stand office work- give references and .state salary required M 201 Ledger Office. BOY, American, 1H to 20. with some ex perience, to feed Job printing press and to do general pressroom work; good wages snd fine opportunity for bright bov. Sec Mr. Read, fifth r.ior. mm i nestnut st. OV, about 1H; position In Investment bank ing house; fair education required; state qualifications and salary desired In tetter. M 1 27. Idner Office IjOY, aged 16, for office, shop and messen ger nerilce. U, G I. employment depart ment. 24 N. 22d st BOY. over 10. for offlco and errands, ply Hale A Kllburn Corp . 18th Glenwood r. Ap and ROYS having experience drilling and lapping cant Iron can secure steady work In a clean, up-to-date factory. In quire for Dcpart.nent No 120. factory offlc.-. H, T. Fahte to., 3201 Arch. BOYS, for messengers between 14 and 10 ears of age. Apply Employment Dept,, Cramp's Shipyard. Richmond above Norrls. BURNER, artificial tooth co. ; 48 hours per ueck. Dental Company of America. 1019 McKean st. ItUSHELMAN ON LADIES' COATS ArrLY BUIJEAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CARPENTERS SHIP JOINERS Inside work! no lo of time: long, steady Job Rrlng tools ready for work GEO W. SMITH CO Soulh 40lh st. below Grays Ferry rd. CHAUFFEUR for 'ilch-arad rir. wllllr.i to make himself useful. Addresi stating experience, former emploser and rererenci P. .",21. Ledger Office CHINA AND EXPRESS PACKERS EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CLERKS. Juniors. 17 to 20 yea's: must be oulck at flgu:e: $1 to $22 per week. Apply North Yard Emnloment Dept.. New York Shlnbulldlnc Corn . Camden. N. J. CLERK Young man for general office work: cnmmerrlsl house Applv 4 S Front. CYLINDER PRESSMEN wanted, good pa:i . steady work throughout the jeRr. plant Is located al Argo. III., about 12 miles south west of Ihe business dlst-lct of Chicago, homen can he purchased within walking dl- tance ot me plant on very reasonable term" Address Employment Dept . Corn Prod. Refg. Co Argo, 111. CYLINDER PRESSMEN wanted nrown Bailey Co . 410 N. Franklin St. DRAFTSMAN, experienced on Jigs, fixtures and special machinery; those with practi cal shop experience preferred. Apply tu W H. G'Ardenne Ed. G Budd Mfg. Co.. 23th and Hunting Park ae DRAFTSMAN. structural detaller. with ex- Derience on convenor svstems nreferred R, II. Beaumont o . 31 n Arch st. DRAFTSMAN, mechanics!, with die exn. preferred. Apply Die Department. Ed O. Budd Mfg. Co.. 2flth nnd Hunting Park ave 11 R A FT S M K N DESIGNERS Electrical structural nnd ronoret, hinctt pav for competent men experienced In large power station. VJbstatlon slid Industrial work, onlv A-t men need appl ; personal Interview desirable DWIOHT P. ROBINSON I Co . INC 1 IS Dtiane st. New York rl t v DltAFS.MAN. form wanted Immediately I for power plsnt Job; only those with v eral years' experience on concrete detailing need apply, must be able to read prints (iiilrkly and accurately. Apply Stone Welister. 1314 Beach st. DRAFTSMEN. mrrhanUal; perlence. salary desired. Office. state age, ex P 404. Ledger ESTIMATORS for moling must know plans on hiilMlug construction stnte experlepue pnd a'-r'' o stnrt P 31 I Ledr lirf,.. EXAMINERS I'lrv-clHsi. prac'cal tailor good, steady position Tor right party. Ap ply Drejfuus . Lang. Broad and Wallace streets. FOREMAN First-class toolrnsker foreman to take charge of toolroom of 73 men: good inonev tn the right man. , Applv Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd . Morris Bids.. 1421 Chestnut st . rhlladelnhla between I p -n. and (1 p. m.. Wcdnesduy. March 31. I FOREMAN warned By an eastern tire and mechanical rubber manufacturing company, ai experienced molded hose foreman, to take charge of a large and successful molded hosa department. M 132. Ledger Office OASKETMAKERS Wanted, asbestos gas ketmskers: also oung men to eBm gas-L-etmaklng steady employment Apply 21u N" Brnsd st. HOSIERY DYER. cxp. : good pay, unusual nppurliinltv. writ- llnm II 73.1 Led Off LABORERS APPLY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTME.V f CRAMP'S SHIPYARD RICHMOND ADOVE NORRIS ST. LAHORERS wanted, steady work good wagpp. i'niu uii.i luwKiiii; ., weeK I llaine Colte Cc Swedeland. Pa Apnlv IV'l Vich si . Phlla ' 1 LAHORERS Wo . mertlme nnd Sundaj tide, i ahout 13-3 weekly. Uu Pont s com inUsirv 1"-'. Arch si. I LATIIEMF.N Wauled for hlock-cuttlng department nf wall P.iper manufacturing plant, good wdgeu. steadv work Applv at once. HKCKF.R SMITH & PAOK. INC. water ami snyaer ae LAUNDRY SHIRT IRONERS, EXPERIENCED APPLY MARKET ST. LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT ST LMIORERS wanttd at Dywood Applv P. J Lawler. contractor and builder .10c. per hour, lake eleated to 00th and Market, a souares west on Oarrctt riMd L.XHOREHS wiir'e.l Applv Hair i. Kllburn Corp lSlh si Hliil Oleilw'ood ae IF TOU ARE nniFTINC. ALONO i . FURTHER PROMOTION SEEMINO III- POSSIDLE Tour Present XVsge Insufficient to run a Definite Futura You Wnl Permanent Work Where XVagst and Advancement Depend Upon Your Own Efforts GOODY EAR'S Hnormous Expansion la Now Offering This Opportunity tc iOOO Skilled and Unskilled Men In Good Physical Condition. MACHINISTS for Experimental Work Horlng Mill Ut Lathe and General Ileoalr Also Men tn Learn TVides tn Rubber Production Apply In Person or Ccmmunlctt. with at One. The Factory Emploment Offlc THF. OOODTEAR TIHB AND nURREn CO. Akron. Ohio The City of Opportunity HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUMENT MAKERS EXPERIENCED STEADY EMPLOYMENT GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS CALL AFTER 9 A M. THE S. S. WHITE DENTAL MFG. CO. B15 TACKA WANNA ST. FRANKFORD LABORERS Whltet strong, steady men; day work. Standard Steel and Bearings, Inc., I fill snd Merlon ave. MACHINISTS and bollcrmakers wanted by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Co. Apply to J. R Gould, supt. mothe power. Richmond. a . U. W Robertscn master mechanic, Hlnton, W, Vs.; II. M. Brown, shop superintendent. Huntington. W Va. or W S. Butler, master mechanic. Hunting ton. VVa . MACHINIST Lathe hand: production work only. Apply Samuel M Langston Co,. 8th and Jeffersoi sta,. Camden, N. J, MAN Shipping department man tor general work In shipping snd stock room; ex perienced, permanent position, good oppor tunity. Frledberger-Aaron Mfg. Co., 4000 N 18th at . near Wayne Junction MAN for stockroom and shipping department, experienced; permanent position: good op portunity for advancement. Frledberger-Aaron Mfg. Co., O0o N. 18lh St., near Wayne Junc tion. MF.N WANTED EXPERIENCED HOrrMAN GRINDERS APPLY AT THE ATLAS BALL CO. 4th snd Glenwood MEN AS STOCKKEEPERS IN CHINA AND SHIPPING DEPARTMENTS ACCUSTOMED TO HEAVY WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S MEN anted, to tr Bailey Co.. work In waiehouse. Brown 110 N. Franklin MILLWRIGHT Experienced man on wood- mill machlncrs. Apply Hale ft Kllburn f orn . IHth el and G'enwood sr PRESSMAN EXPERIENCED ON POWER DIE PRESSES ATPLY BUREAU OF EMPl-OYMENT WANAMAKER'S PRESSMEN for ryllnder presses on halftone anil color work: slate Bge and If union nr nnr-. pn Tie-id -rk, best tiay Address M 203. l.edgerOfflce PRINTING EXPERT tn take charge of all PM'ss O. K.Im i (id liM-kilti for cllndet ireees In a a lit. in Ohn Tnnst hae thorough knowledse of general printing, cata-ii-ue Mdxeritsln fd re color norii rpiI Job printing: a verv desirable position for the right man. wrn answering state ace, experi ence. f unli or nonunion M 11 l.vdcer Office. REGISTERED PHARMACIST. X J Steady reliable Christian, by large drug store In Newark N J : chance for advnnrement. glic full partic ulars In first letter Address Box c 314 Kinney Hldg . Newark N .1 SALESMAN HALES BEPRESENTATIVE 1H DESIRED FOR TERRITORY IN EASTERN PHNNHYI VANIA. CANDIDATE MUST BE SALES MAN' OF PROVEN SITi'Kxcr, AI1I.ITT LOOKING FOR PEERMANENT CONNEC TION WITH OPPIRTl'NII Y FOR STEADY PROGRESS: APPUl ANT MUST STATE AGE EXPERIENCE. EDUCATION A.Vi) EXPECTED REMUNERATION. ONLY AP I PLICATIONS MADE HY LETTER WILL M j CONSIDERED ADDRESS VACUUM OIL, f'O . AUTTOMOT1VE DEPARTMENT. 32S rni.wi.M i si.. i-uii.Auii.riiiA SALESMAN WANTED Producers' Oil nnd Refining Co. of Texas- 2000 acrea In piactically proven territory n liest Texas. Luiilslsna and Oklahoma fields HIST.il cash commission to salesmen nnd gen eral agents write Immrdlatcl;. giving i.lioi i number o- address B M I Ledger Offli" SALESMAN, oier .'(I onrs to assist ninna aer PMInilelphla t.'o P 41 S ledger nffli-e. SALESMAN ocr .'.", oars local work I'h'lHdelphlu Co P llll ta'ilc r Offli-e SALESMAN wanted exp In selling raw wool C. dnldman 731 Walnut st. i.i:smk' wantkh roFIl EXPERIENCED STOCK SALES men high-grade e', security; lo cai. enti:rprise address p. o. box 1001 philadelphia. SALESMAN wanted A-l salesman to repre sent nn iir.lu.pnbllo cnipnn. must have A t reference aa tn abillt and hopestv; salarv and toinmlsslnn tngan Tire Co of America. IH4 N Hroml st. SALESMEN- Three experienced sLurltv salesmen Phone Sn r lire H33 SHEET METAL STRAIGHTENERS Experienced finishers on automobile bodies Big pav. beet wo-UIng conditions Large orders pruductlon methods FREE DISPENSARY APPLY HALE A KILBl'RN CORP t'.Uh st and Glem.ood ave SHIPPING DEPARTMENT Men wanted for shipping department nf wall paper manufacturing: experienced men pre ferred, but not essential, ood wages M;eHil pcsltlon ppl at once BECKER SMITH A PGE. INC. Water and Snyder ave b'lUCK S LESri:.N X number rf exp men on llhersl commission tn sell shsres In Slim. Dun enmnant to manufacture fire brlcV. suhscrlbers protected by trust scrceinent with bank, small denominations essllv sold Information a int'riiew ti nun i.eager Off I STONEMASONS 0c per hour at nnod Applv P J Lawler contractor and build er Take elevated to until md Market. L' I squares west on Garrett road. TAILORS hushelmen. pressors and flnlsheis nn men's clothing wanted stead. position good salary MacDonald A. Campbell. 133.3fl i I Chestnut st I TRANSLATOR and stenographer, single man needed for duties In Jtexlco' must h ispablc nf laMne dktatlon In Spanish or English Address tl I. Campbell rare of .M'snlle lleflnlng Co .1144 PassMlnk lv. TOFNO MEN' OR ROTS TO I.KXRS X TR XDE DI'.VI'XI. INTRI MENT MXKIN'R CLFXV M1RI-M .mi; M'ORK STEADY EMPl.nYXIENT APPLICANTS IIXINO IV FRAVKFORD Oil VICIMIY PRErERRED CXLL A FTTH X M THE 9 S WHITE DEM XI. M l-'O CO. 4545 TACKAWAVNA ST. FRANKFORD i YOUNO MAN about S.I ear old. must ln I Knowledge of foreign exchange and col I lections Xddress n G Campbell Atlnnti" i Rrflnlntf Co fill! Passvunl. av 'YOUNG MAN. with knowledge of woolens in take charge of piece goods, gnnd stcad 1 position for right pnv Anntv Dievfoun ,t Long. Brnnd and Wallace ats YOI'NO MAN wanted with bookkeeping-ev i perlence for tai lor office Apnlv to Vr llugler National Hlsiult Co 1301 c, ,n (trnerul ISRKKVEXVAI.IVS A SPECIALIZED EMPLOYMFVT SERMCF TIFSINESS DEPARTMENT sieadv drinaml upon us for trained nfflrr executives mii and women comptrollers sccountsms ofnie managers rorresnnndrnts sales mid advertising mauageis bookkeepers private secretaries hlg!i-clas alenographlr posltlors ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Flul dealrable connection for lollcgp a) ( lerhnlcal men production rf clencv im n Industrial power-nlam ctvlneers elerirlrai mechanlial engineers foremen sup'nn lendents labor bossrs emploinent and In dustrial experts all capacities SXLES DEPARTMENT Solicits apptlfatlons from trained sslrsm-n with clean records, who can show a good rarnlr.14 (aptuM . no others. SPECIAL EMPIOYXIFVT MXNXGER man ixiss. ssmi. tarl and good judgment good address ispable Interviewer and keen Judge, pf.ihat sclrr ind fllness. PRIVILEGES AVI) nEQl'IKEMENTS No enrnlhmnt charges- a thorough. Invcsil gallon extended on even position, nn charges iin-! position Is anuull accepfed; all applicants must he under 1,1 applications from loial and suburban residents only, no others, Gr'cnwalil's Emplovmcnt Hih-UhI-ts. 'j.lf) S. Illh st Since 1SII7 1 RUSINKSS SERVICE IV 1114 Land Tltlo XCCTS - Commercial public S-ltinu-MiOn HKPRS Pub nil cxprt ,ni-t linbr 13100 i LERKS Pioductlon cost tvplst. HS-i'n CORRES. . Sales sviling exu assl, K. mgr DRAFTSMEN - Meih and struc . 15U(l-;dl)0 KXKCUTIVE -Mech must know acctg mfg mutujng mid selling S30i)n up ENOR8 - Design stokers 30lill-5onn Indus MORS. -Oen ii'fg plant fd and mach slip innrio- proiluctlon vvoodivnrklng S7A0O un. STENOGRAPHERS Slid nrlv s-o'v In glsnil RAILWAY MAIL CI.ERKH tUO a month experience unneccaean loung men. 17 upward desiring clerkships vvrlto for free particulars J Leonard Ifnrmer i Ivll servlct examiner). Ort'J Fqi-itabt Hldg. WashltiEton, AGENTS AOI5NT8- Pli lure men send us' your print to finish, crayon, sepia and water color) good work, prompt service, alr-bruih work. Hyde Sludlq, J430 W Phlla, st Ytirk Pa, SITUATIONS WANTED- MAI" AUDITOR and strictly first-class corpora fiiS V-' sreountant desires to negotiate with eem- cern needing executlte pr assistant; 'ha worked In association with the 'automobile business as Junlqr bookkeeper and promteel a- fn Benin,- mltA In ...rflfn-. mhh ,..-h1.I. - - - , ".'. .. nut....... .m lUIIIIBM ',WUi . . tfi reasons fcr leaving last position In govsrtl' -, M mem emrtlm hat. It, mln,. ..)., a iiaa ? ?& per month highest credentials. O 121 Ledger Off re i, u ." CHAUFFEUrtr single white, wishes rrlvstf O nosltlon. O dears' exn. liest nrlvsta reff rll or country B 720, i.enger irnce. CHAUFFEUR, 10 Sears' grade cars, wishes n nxnerlence nn hthj grade cars, wishes position with private fam.i ellynr country. t3fl c ina, f.ed. Off. IMII-I. ............ wanta nnsltlon In private fninllv In cnuntrv A.. 30S N, latn tr COST ACCOfNTANT desires responsible n sltlon strictly first-class man, SO veara age. hae technical education and 10 years' practical experience In both manufarturln and construction cost accounting! best ref rretice C 123. Ledger Office, . COUPLE Japanese dcslro to take entire1 charge of family of 2 ur gentleman' niaea. In country, long expcrlenco; best referencest O 3ns N. ISth St.. Phlladelnhla. ' :4 EXECUTIVE and torrespondent Thoroughly cxp man deslrej responsible pos. In altltw rann nviillnh'n nt once C 123 ledger Off. YOUNG MAN, 29 years age, college educa tion, clean-cut and able to meet all class's of people desires to locate with corpora tion or responsible concern where ability Is appreciated, have acted In the capacity rf purchasing agent and assistant auditor In manufacturing business and haVe. some In surance and banking experience; highest cre dentlsls C 12B. Ledger Office. , YOUNG MAN wishes to represent mfg. firm In Havana; experienced as salesman! can furnish bond and first-class rccommeiV datlon. speaks English, Spanish and Oer msn Address Mr, lgnaclo Adrian, caro P. & II. Co. Postofflce Box GO, Havana, Cuba, BUSTNESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS B0UGHTTrhSgn,,.h diamond fo us In turn Into cash. WHY NOT VOL" Thev know we pay the full mar-. kct allle Tor them We have trie iraoe, therefore we pal 10 to 20 per cent mora WP-. MRrni a i.i. I7P. A-p nvcrc. See. us nnd bo cohvlnced We buy pawn tlcketg tor diamonds WITt 1 V fL- Til M2 CHESTNUT ST., rU.LL,Y Ot LU. PHONE WALNUT 73M Over Child's Restaurant (private),) Suite 21-22 DIAMONDS BOUGHT Poslllielv highest cash prices for your dia monds, any slue, from H to 10 carats: nona pav higher, also old gold, platinum and illnt bought Estates bought (prlv.). Est. '10 years. The Diamond Shop ,bl'tt. DIAM0NDS--PAVN TICKETS BOUGHT F R O M I'RIV ATE PEOPLRt TRAVSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL: FIH.ti VM.I'E PAID COLONIAL TRUST BANK HLDO imil AND MARKET. ROOM WIS lint'PH 1 1 '311 M TO t '30 P M. C .AKHOFF bought the New York Iron nnd Metal Co and the Star Pancr Stock Co of 022 Callowhlll st . from M, Davl. All creditors apply In three days. DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W SMITH 717 1ANSOM BT HAVE 'our old hahy carriage remodeled new Standard Baby Carriage Co.. 28It S 17lh st Phine Main Kill A ELFCTR1C irestmerft and manicuring. Room ins. Heed Hldr 1215, FHheet t. Loe )fT ASHES removed from cellars: all kinds of hauling done. IS Buttnnwnod Mkt. 4471. Diamonds plstlnum, old gold bought. Trnhsprt S31 ph t.. 5d fir hl.t-l. I'HH'Ali TBETMEN'lh. tioura. let fl . re IPO g ITth at ELECTRIC TREATMENT also manicuring. Office. 41 12 Market st second floor. P.CHHKR paired Goods of al dewr1p:-oiie re Andrew T B'rrhett 303 4. 22d st. WANTED WE BUY OLD CLOTHES Men e suit- inerioat. trousers shoes, eto.t ladles- ontf - cots. street und evening dresses bought: full value. WRITE. CALL Oil PHONE FILBERT 2171 OR FILBERT 2172 SELIGSOHN CO. .'llll N NTH ST , Don't Sell Your Diamonds Oft mil Itnutr vr lmi f riini nil lu ran iPuHrrt. ri?pirtm.il itorri Hnd IndlvlduaUl rfstHbllhcfl or To parc dlnmondn Jow- ! vr hrlr-d-lirar old cold m! nllver, va flr I pnMns tho lncrrnr-rd prlrn fop diamond, OLD CLOTHING BOUGHT My jirkcn beat them all. Try mChefnYe, any one eisr riie or iiiuinc i uueri f,7D w, M SIMON. 241 N 11th st , WE III" V women's, men's and children' 1 worn clothing and shoes-, best nrlctspal4i . ou- autts call at your convenlencei In UUfjJp'.; I cuoiur . wmni "i iiuiim- oirrn.i. nsnaini I Hons S37 N. 4th si Market 24JB W. .".a E WANT at onre. household furniture. ' I slorc flxturvs, office furniture; pay spot cash! honest value, phone us about It Locust I 4"1 O'd Chwre'i cor.. t2th and Cherry sta. ANTl'JUE furniture and ship pictures ra re pieces antl'iues china, silver, old war highest prices paid for H12, Pine. Locust SMt, CAST-OFF clothing bought; r pay highest prices! we call anywhere any time Phone. Dick. HI 33 Friedman Bros 1444 South at. I 1 PAY highest prices for old clothes and i shoes send postal Perlowa.r.04 Callowhlll. I' I AHHES Cakt-ofl sho'! send postal. Sneldtnan. and hats bought: 922 Poplar si. MACHINERY AND TOOLS M.M IHM'.RY ENOINES Corliss Automatic. nnd Slide Valve. HOILKRS PUMPS. Hoisting Engines. . Ohs und Gasoline Knglnea. MACHINE TOOLS. Lathes, Planes. Shapera Drill rreses. etc, WOODWORKIN'C. Planer". Mulders. Kind Saws. etc. 1 LECTRIC Machinery, Dnamos an -Motors AND 31TPI.IKS or ALL KINDS FRANK 127-1: TOO.MKY t.VC ti N. 3D ST. I 100 Power Presses; Dill. Sizes 10 No HI llllss Horning presses, good aa new No 1fc' llllss power presses Toledo presses. Leff ler presses. -lni.h and llah.nr mann prtsses l'Vrracut" presses, llrown presses J Vl'TTALL. 174S N Mh al. LARGE STUCK Rebuil' and guiiraii'c,'l engines, pump", air Mtinpreasors and insi hme tools send for ointili tc i Elaine of stuik HERMXN I. WINTERER 11.V1 V Front at. PuWER-PLANT KI.L1P.MKNT Dynamot motors tollers steam and oil engines pumps, air compressors. FRANK TtlOMFY. INI' 1'.'7 N .last, ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOli! POXVER EQUIPMENT pnniEN MACHINERY CO.. 1H N. 3D.flT. TOLEDO elcxtric welders nni nriler cnmple.le and In 1 NM'TTXl.f, 17l V Rill st HALING lllellt PltFShl K. I II :s portable 'Jevator equip- .Co mi.v4r r. aa at DVNAMOS motora and inachlnerv bourht U -i.ul we buv plants Y"earsefcCo.,aa4N.3d, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Contractors Subcontractors Estlmatra of engineering construction checked detail plans mails, quantities computed, reports submitted roats In ve igated bids piepnred layouts Uncs and grades supervision Inspectlpn. II U3II Lodger Off lie ,. LARGE PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPHING PLANT ', for s4le nld-e-labllshed house In center of .' , . n v haxlng excellent clientele modern nulDmrnt, offsri and highspeed preasest nwnei wishes In retire 11711 Ledger Offlc. r MANUFAVTlltEIVS rrpreaenlatlxe ivantcd. I open office nnd inatiaa salesmen, vvonrierv 4 , ful opportunity, meritorious proinllloui sold , J. In inrrclMnis vvholrsalers and rotalksra: -a shwuld net SID 000 annuallv fSOO to IIUHJ capital reiiulred Manager. . Reaiu r '-' lltnik Chi, ago ' r HAKKIM and Ice cream saloon. Including proportj xci llent corner location In north- t I east aecllon OwelUng entirely modern; thj-. SVi Ing busUiea OKORGE II, McCIIACkSn, f J .,,-r, ,. " '- --..,,, -, , .. HIAWATHA IIOTISL. Heaside ParkiN. J. Can l tmught at low figure and on terms to suit lurchiser splendid location: eslsb lislud trade furnished Apply n .1. H'. V'll' klnson 't.'in.'l Rare st Phlla. Pa. PMl'INKR with iished c -owing iriiiuf) t, JIO.ihiii, esi.tv. wholesale liuslutsa af filiated wlllh tho harilwaro una spnrtlnr good, tradn. exceptinnai opportunity for . business man tl Kill, ledger Office. STORrJ mi principal corner Uneoln Hlglt ua In Lanihucne, SI lulled lltadliu Term, mat convenlanee.t at unce MtTHUK P TOWNHEND. Langhnfne.Pg 8TAMrS AND roiN 'rtTAMPa AlllUMH AND BtlPPtlBS ' ,f fo itatiin culltclnrs . i1,' . PHI LA STAMP LO, ".'I H TH HT, 1 DOQB. BIKDS. ETO. POMERANIANS for sate, male and Umt4i', 1 qUKLU, OflJ N 'ion,' jwi plips, ' ; ;j KR ''rfstmssr.' v 'J)amJH it fa ff'it ' &'iiT ft 'mi 1 Mm . J-1 m &5i ' i"t v'iS , 'it-j .M J, V .. ..... A r-i i Vj A, .V. ."U . iT l M2 ' iK3,&2$i$ili T iJw-,. .j i.ti).;.,y,V y.iVJrlJL,.a?id