i-,v r; B h m illi , ": . rfr' MOVER FOLLOWERS Philadelphia Republicans Plan to Form Local Branch Clubs for Ex-Food Chief MANY GIVE THEIR SUPPORT llTliort Hoover's entrauee Into the California nnlltlcnl arena n a Repub lican candidate for President marks the itart of the rninrm.l"ti to be waged In Pennsylvania In Ida lielmlf. O. Herbert Hell, chairman of the Hoover Renubllcan Club here, says the ent-once of Mr. Hoover lido the com Valen as a llenubliean candidate means the victory of that party In the Novem ber c'eotlon. Manv prominent men called at Hoover lirnd'iita'ti'rs. 151.1 AValnt street. toia t reiter. now that Hoover has de clpod m Iti"inti1lin. Mr. T'ell stimmed un the expressions of gratification heard from Hoover ad vocates today In the follow In? state-mr-nr; "Mr Hoover's statement allow. n; hs mime to go before the Itennbllcan primaries in California shows that he wit' advocate a safe, sane tand conser vative platform opposed a'lke to ct treme radica'lstn nnd renctiotia.v poll tlcx. His decimation for the firt time places him liefore the jmb'ic as an ac tive candidate for the Republican nomi nation " Final nlan for the organization of TTrinrMi. Iiihu In rcrv sefttoti nf Penli ajlvania and tlie selection or ile'ejates from thee clubs to co-operate with the executive committee of the central Hoover Republican committee were for- mulatcd testerday at a luncheon in the Jlncnuet Club nt which memheis of the rnimnlttee which ortsinatcd the Hoover movement here were present. Wliile that luncheon was In nrogress cores of men nrondnent In nolltlcal and business life called nt the Hoover head quaiters nnd enrolled ns members of the Hoover committee. The names of many of these men enrry especial s! nlficance, for they represent all shade of po'itlcnl onininn. Many letters and A LAIM CANDIDACY telegrams also were received at tlie headquarters, all of whih pledged sup port to the Hoover movement. Xl Tt was decided at the luncheon that the local committee would use cveo possihle means to encnuinge the forma tlon of Hoover clubs in every section of, Pennsylvania. It is planned to have these duos cnron rrom icn io niu mem- tiers. Knih will perfect its own organ! - ration and carry on Its Individual ciun- palgu in it respective dtatrit t. In aihli- tlou the membership of all clubs, throughout the state will be enrolled as members of the general Hoover commit- The thought back of the plan of or- ganizatiou is to obtain as manv enroll-j meats as possihle and thus obtain crys- tal'Izatlou of Hoover sentiment. The enrollment of women Is eagerly sought, and with that end in view it was! announced vesterday the Hoover Reoub- llcan committee would ask representa- ttves of women's clubs, welfare organ! -1 xations and various committees in which prominent Pennsylvania women ( are interested to meet the organisers of the committee for the purpose of map-1 ping out a plan of co-operation. , Enrollments in the Hoover Uepub- licau committee are coming in so fast The Best Battery Backed by the Best System of Battery Service DREST-O-UTE in competi tive tests surpasses all others in power and life Prcst-O-Lite service every where at your command relieves you of all battery worries. Equip your car with a Prcst-O-Lite. MffBFTr i ii in ) m Ati(Uf B W Stilton Evryuhf SV WkWm fiv''WJP711f "" orwmd IMttrry Ik vf Official Prett-O-Ltta DUtrfbutvrt rMrfftown Auto uiiply Co.. UU ft 133S Mt. Vernon St. ' "s ulnTt ' " ,own " iHH ' iff! ' 'vOPiSJHMSMill HlinilliHII llff""'""!!!!! mm wSLrJBm IHUIMIlUn wi Jm ii! ' nlkiOMiuffli mimC MM m , : um MMkmi . i miiiiiiii ?; HP m Hun 1AW f lira V- X vr7?!slliilllll M$ Wm Milkimn llllllt mi v lllllll llilllk flllii5f 1 I lllllll ' up ! ' I 11111 i Hi' Under the 9f IIIII 1 KS! ' ' VeBe hood ull I IhiIIIIi I i VL lllllll 1 cISIlllll 1 HaHanana ' .a. .. .m4 Anria ak rJDIIIH aa aaaaaaaalialaTaTal Hjni? a, crra-built Into a Hffht jUIWWi"' JJ Ii fSiiiiiiiiSi aHEnil V 1111 til La Roche Bvothera, Inc. llH 1 1 laflBfifln ' HHuni l314 xortSl 3ro4 BtTt lul III 7 .?.$" ( and (he work of the official bf the com- inlttiT at tlie pfecont heailnuarwra ha ln-comb co itr-avy tnnt it win oe ncccs nary within the next few day to obtain new headquarters. The urtweut tem porary heudquartew It too cramped for efficient operation and more adequate quartern ure being sought In the panie neighborhood. Ah evidence of the utrong Minport which the Hooter movement is attract' itig. the following names of tncinhcM enrolleil yeaterdny were made pulillc last night: Walter I. nwper. of the Otii Klevator Co.: .1. Ilenr.x Scatter jrmd. Maurlee J. Speler. aoiMuut ill trict attorney: Walter I Ilngnr. Charles .T. Khnadci president of tlia Centra' National Hank: LouNC Itlock, Herbert I), Allman. Chnrlcx F. .lenkins. Albert Ctom. J. WINon l'rieliett, of Fraalcr & Co., ar.d llarrv 1). French. Many of these men pledged active awlxtahcc In promoting the Hoover uioirment. For Instance. Mr. rrlchett ent tlie following letter to Mr. Hell: "I waut to congratulate ou on the Hound basN on whieii you lmc organ ized the Philadelphia committee, to expres my oympathy witn tm move ment ami to volunteer my services In any xmall way In which they ma be of live to you. "I haw decided to tk- .-iflernWe time off from my jMitnerxlilp In tlie en l Murrlnnrl nnd Uelnwarc. Mr. 'SpeNer. after enrolling in the committee. -ald : "I nm lor Heibert Hoover for Picsi dent. lie, to my mind, sliould appeal tn i.verv voter as the man who compre- ends in hlm,e,f ever n1 "-; Slltles "a"c ;1rile,rAme,!c"is,n!,C-a tlinrotlgll Miowictige oi uuciuni i-uuui-tions. ioclal. economical and political, t nnd he Is the one man mo familiar Ith International conditions. v c nre rt longer a provincial naiion. nuii iuc , man who is to lead our nation should have an international and comprehensive knowledge and experieuce. Walter F. llagar sent the fo lowing mcaifo to the headquarters: '"ill be rind to do ins bit. Call uprn me at any time. I urn for Hoover. tirt, last and all the time." Hoover or Wood? Problem of G. 0. P. Mlonrd tram ruMinf , , , , . . i, . ...!, - slonal viewpoint. Just as Rooeelt s entrance into the rate In , "'It. helped Hughe., whom the machine disliked, but preferred to the reb-I of Ml. Assumiug then that Wood goes on as he lias, carrying the 'pivotal primal ies. nii showing greater strength man nui 0f i,j rials. one nin. say that he is a um0 moro tikrlx to be nominated now tMnu ,e was befoie Hoover became im u vowed candidate. In that case the ma (.hine cannot turn from the leader tu Un rncc directly to tome dark horse Dark Horse Locked Up if (t passed oer Wood it opens tin , convention to Hoover. There nre two men who stand ahead of any dark hor-e The dark horse is in the barn. The door Is locked and the key is thrown away. Hut will Wood go right on carrying big state after state, esppclallv-with Hoover entering the primaries'' Wood's nrospects of losing botli Michigan and Nebraska were already good. He had a hard fight on his bauds iu Indiana Hoover's enhance into the race compli fates the primary light It iill be harder for W ood to carry tlie essential XorrlMown Mctor Co Mats and Burbadum Ms.. NorrUtnwn Us tiro srrvlic Cu. 541 & 62d M. 1. J. (ornfil MW 'htniit Ht. Vnltrj Auto .-.Jiiplr Cc .110 N. Birt St. OTfibrnoiTAula Klertrle Cu. Uli .Miirth 3il i-t. SantltMnrk Unitlon Co. iail-l Hnraw Ave. IVanKfiinl (laruc 1I6 t'n'tr Ht.. t'riiiikfflril AmrtraB .Motfir Mewlea Hi K llmad tt. Camplon-Ilullnr s lor, Ilala Are, t t ll l.l, Hul Jahri W. IharJcant 6545 C.ermtntowa Ave. Waslilnrtnn I.an 0r ani Mnrhlne shop Jfnklntnwn. I'a. CrntrHl Oiirntr lmsdnwne. 1'n ddlKon Kolrr. Jr.. Imiam twrb. Ta. 'hon CM in OrZHnillllc llilivri (.umnui in - .. n... . EVENING iittA lnUtM than It would lirc bn befow etatw than It would hare been beforo Hoovcr'H entrance into the race. lp to the present the primaries have had the effect of practically ellmlnfttjng Harding and !owden. The coming pri maries mnv do almost as much damage to Wood as the South Dnkota and Min nesota prlnmriea did to I.otden. The loss of Michigan to Johnson, or even the division of Michigan with Johnson, and the lo-s of Nebraska to Johnson or Pershing would check Wood and give the Hoover supporters a breathing spell In which to get their work started. Wood would In that case enter the Ohio nnd Indiana tighta under a handicap, and an thing might come out of the Chi- ago convention. The Michigan primaries next Monday may have a decisive effect upon the nomination. If the do not, those iu Nebiaskii, Ohio, Indiana and lllluois will surely do so. McAdoo'a Chances Hrlghter Some tiolitlclons here sny that Mr. Hoover's announcement makes certain the nomination of formrr Secretary Me Ad oo by the Democrats This, they as sert, is tlie ohly clear result of the former food director's entry into tlie Republican race. Mr. McAdoo is Mild to be the real choice of the Democratic organlrnttnli forces which will control the conven pumentary As to Mr. McAdoo's statement to Labor that he is not h enndidate. It docs not mean that he will not accept the nomination If It comes to him Well informed Democrats here understand He has kept oo S.he It to the desire of t that Mr. McAdoo is ready to accept. primaries out the admiuistra- The OKET during & alter INFLUENZA RlchMUi !Wk fli Utlted Oral a Bxtnct Nutritious Digestible 7nstantly prepared no cooking Used successfully over )i century j-Get Ask for Horlick's Thus Avoiding Imitationt GLOBE LIGHTING FIXTURE CO. MnnafartureM I Own s. m NOItTll I0TII hTRKET I Till P. M STRVtsiurs t iiirt'i' iiii'ii ax in niiiiriii liii i-miri'ii iiu wic louiiiiuiiviiiiirT miii. M5tvS5?5SS1 ! nv flrWBl cTr ltSilr,XTUREs - N$SsSMIr ! MBML SHARP REDUCTIONS VSWlJ Brj 6-Uoom House I N!BKS t ?srW. Fitted Compltta A rlwMSnVT - ,. S-Tf I HJiUNyjiSEMKAISnA &mr m i . Ft AND S!. M.SII WMEjS e.ittle to the 1 at Kaal I'urtnliciilb Nen orli to the Orient r i I'annnia I'reuueuib e orU tu llrltLh IndUn I'orta Mrnllily '"' Tor f.,rtlnilar, 'I1';Vl?Orl7w!a7l"V1V.?B'C,",,",,', "mC"- iiiit'iu yyriiAXor. tiiicvtiii coi.man m ii.iiimi. i:tti.k m AMER8CAN LINE NEW YORK PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON One Cabin Claaa and Third I Inai St. Paul Apr. 3 May 1 May Philadelphia .Apr. 17 May 15. June 12 New York .. .Apr. 21 May 22' NEW YOKK-HAMUURG Mopfdl ...Apr. IOMtyZZJalr 3 A. 14 Manctoria May 8' June 19 July 31 Philadelphia-Liverpool Andalusia Apr. , Haerford Apr. 10 A Steamer Apr. 20 , rhiladelphia-GlasffOw FuBtern Sea Apr. 3 A Steamer Apr. 2j .Philadelphia-Hamburg West Gambo Apr. 24 RED STAR LINE H. Y. SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP Lapland Apr. 3 May 8 June 12 Jly 17 Finland Apr. 7 May 15 June 19 Jly 21 fvroonland . May 1 June B Jly 10 Zceland Jttne2GJl 31 ,vCT,e'Phta:An,."'.Ct, ! Holtond-Ameria Line West Clurow Apr. io i Philadelphia-Rotterdam Weat Gamlia April 24 . Western Plains Apr. 30 A Steamer April INTEEtNATEONAL MERGAKTILE MARINE CO. Pmenjer Ofice. 1319 Walnut St., PMI. f Lel'V 0IStN 40S'8 B"r'C B-IJt" Plli1: aJlj h B M III IB WkWWw aXAailWUB-HalfcTyi cmM3iL;mxs?Jw United States Shipping New York to Rio de Janeiro, H. S. MARTHA WANIIIMlTU.il, in oo tpr.a io r. r. ,,,..,.., ,,,"" IIIIFII, 17 h. N. C'AI.LAO, 13.000 tona 'a) ...... ...ii ta) llrai claaa, (b) Plrat a Si claaa lei Flrat '.M t 3d i Ilreiel Itinc. 1'hlludrlnhlii Heraer nidi. Ililllinnre. EAIlN-yNE Ineorparntrd ll U. S. Shipping Hoard Steel Steamen General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester I SS"DcsMomejBridge"Apr.20 Philadelphia Havana SS "Lako Foxboro". ...Sailed SS "Lake Galera". . .April 10 For rates and particnlart apply lo Earn-Line Steamship C? 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. tlonlo havo unlantroeted deleitatc ftntl J tlon to have unlottructed delegated nnd to kern ponlrnl of tlin nartv ns Ion it as possible In the President's 'hands. Washington, March 31. (Hy X- P.) William O. McAdoo, fdrrner-secretary of the treasury, replying today to the nurstlonnalre or Labor, the rallroml brotherhood's publication, says' he U, noi a cunoiuaie lor me ui'tnocrotic nomination for President nnd that his "campaign is not financed because there Is no campaign for me." Mr. McAdoo savs he t willing to Join In an appeal to Congress to imme diately enact legislation compelling can didates for the presidency to make sworn returns showing nil moneys expended. "X think," he. wrote, "the corrupt tise'hf money to nominate and elect candidates lo office Is one, of the most sinister and serious menaces to demo cratic Institutions." Palatial Pa.i(ner Steamihlp . ,.-.1 - .. ... ..... ,-... L'lTrff WkUk Opening sizV. Week $$P Dancinrf PHILA.'S I Sw3yfSYFFtf:WvV NEWEST 0CMCALAUs-'MqVv exquisite gPEASTER Specials g' 'STUPENDOUS 0, i. ii r. i' .. r, Qi iMi9iMnv I (H Rlcbolieu Pearl ..$12 to $40 HI .AMAZINGLY Olhefi $lto$100K BEAUTIFUL 1 Q . BiAvfcn Jler A elirsmicii D FLOOR I Qj'n"'11" 1732 Market St. X I IS PC. ORCHESTRA I arji0CyDM)O6 I ' BROAD above I COLUMBIA AVE. (Columbia Bldr ) I a I V VrfcHtsSaa 1 ointmnf vliUVV A MTAMxIllPS - or i,uuo,ion to I ' JAPAN.CI4iNAf . m am S&. iMk am I ' I f or 21,000 fton to From Seattle to Hong Kong via Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shanghai and Manila 'iu:ir,iT skrvici: WHITE STAR LINE .-CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON Wriatlc Apr.24i.May 29,JuIy 3Aug.l OLYMPIC ifl'9 '"-July v . Atijr. 4. Aug. 28 NEW YORK-UVKRPOOL Ccdric Apr. 10) I, , Baltic Apr. 17My 22Jnn2S Mctantie Apr. 2lj Orlan EnilApr.l I,., "' Celtic Mav 15Jun 19,'Jnly 26 NEW YORK AZORES niBRALTAR NAPLES GENOA Cretic May 27July 21 Cnnopic Mayl2'July C "ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE Philadelphia-London Went em Maid Apr. 5 1 i Apr. 10 1 ....... .Apr. 20 Wathena Mackinaw t Amm H jbj J m m 6mi aa Board's raBlenger Service Santoi, Montevideo, 3a:not Airei April US UiV 4 111 111 IB IC ..... .- v . ... .-- .M.y3, Id cUl. For paaadoe ralra and cthir parilculara applu lo diiv rmiriierr Agency or lo MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE i'eaaencer rteporlnient, kt-01 lleaier eiirett, .S. Y alan al 41S tlllte Hlrret Mt l.oula Mnhlle, Alabama. Headquarter Since 1880 CTEAMSHIP TICKET3 ESCORTED PARTIES IPECIAL CRUISES .JTL V " AirrxETTpyKsjep. 2.00. isxy t.w WML rftXt frftOV CARgr Green Star Line Nhluiiln; Jlnnrd Plfel lfi,niee a I S "AHIIM l". ... ,, l-oadln r.iMm a iiiiu iki;ki- JOMAR JNbA'- I.t lUrek Early April urn rSs. Latest Styles LatesfcStyles fW MJker teJWMref ' i.rji Vl ftA M$&m G. intonovan, 13S S. 10 Sh KELLY'S u 9th Open Day & Nlfiht Oyatcr In Evci-y Stylo Planked Shad Dinner, 60c Radium Luminous Dials . Add lo jrpue wsteh r (UtV this tsst tmnertsnt ffitiir. a naiU"nt I.jmieyiis dial. enn paint en kind at ulsl. HARTMAN STUDIO ?, 81 t. pi HT . rhil'il'ehls. Ta. Upholstering reeonntrufllon and polltila pf old furnlluro ourapeclaltjr. Klnoit worlinlnhlp mott I modemt prlce.i. 1.1 our reo- rctntattv! vc ran and timt. Indintflnl t'lihot, i lVm. Ca. Ihow i nfnm una Fctory hi 10 KM St. W-lte or iiiioiw Wainut U38 . an r intn mi. OH, JOY1 I'M FIXED! llm ran rlr n ray ntw. I Nftr mli trnlrt. Al - uk.. .. ,1m waoTip"iivicB I. MAYEH JuTflfr A Hllttrnrtillh 1732 MARKET ST. Mr. Manufecturtrt Tho HIGH COSt OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION nEtit'CJLO a to 4 rai cknt t plan and dprflflcutloh a rurntt'ifd br prUat lndlflda.il. ttftcrtnee furnUhcii. n in, LrtUtr offlrr. PUBLIC SPEAKING! NEW CLASS A ahnrt rAlirae In public nrnklnir. -If-1 coildil'licc builnfn -lncllatl uid n.f-decl-opmnt ltoth ml OpuiilnR in u J- rl ). i hii!ii4 April 0, at H. Iroo to pubih Cat'. I w.rlt or plinno Hprilre 3213 for inmructUn lltrralure. I NEFF COLLEGE -M-.tm t "iri PARTNER WANTED A liun-f hkh raUII liUaiitvi- blialilfi.- fltHb ir !'& jrara. do- iltntd Iu rtiliadvlpnla 0r V5 t Iti neurly I400.(i00, yiarly bualnaas. ahuwlni about U0 ttum, ftrht a, nail roilnecttU tllnh-ltrad man tu Inndlu It flimtirlfU unit onir ilftmrttriftu and who 'atili tu Jitvi'at ilbil.OOU. mukinit poaalT bl nrccaaary rxpanalon to double turn orr Bnd proflta. Insted capital Iwould l rally a. cbfpd bf vxlatlnir aKata of the Companr. rrlnclpalB enly. . nb aanti- in mT lndfr or financial InatltUtUn- will bo dealt Kith. Address Box U-627, Lrdftcr Ollice owiJi)iiltoTEL UNUSUAL SERVICEa. Orders Taken and Delivered PIPING HOT MEALS t'oinnleie dinner oun taffl OC ileert aerred nt jrour iplaaaal home by nuto dellterr, . Flneit French Pastry rltnrd In uhd from our Pastry A Ice Cream Shop NORMANDIE HOTEL ftftHft Minna llnrlnr lR.1 r BENEFICIAL LOANS At I.'oa Rait on irout'hoM ruraltur. Jttat y.tlat nmt fndoratd Nott Call, ll'rile or r'.oiia H'dlnut J-l ?! BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIEH Llcenaed-Mone -Lendar 10TII Liberty Building '"'' I l.ll in; N. E. Cor. Brand & Cheitnut Sti I.ltenar.l br Htnti it llanliln! Cnmnil.Mne t'ltpnihrr nf fommrrK M-r lli'itnl nf Trade lrmn.r u. Slenilwr Memlier l.eeul real iifiui ru. Iinrrnii tu Film. .iiiirrnti t niml. vll. In,ndki. , Bate tne iuin niinra vu. InrnrwirateJ . ... ... 'Wrwr I 2CH rollllilnc Done Qaltkl Piano Polish 'AMOako y rURNITlMEl been ued tor oyer to POLISH """ ?.n. J".. Jwt ""'" trails P I A N rt K AA HovAtoVMa PUIUHITOItn and I Iji. euaranteed to pteaarea 4itfcSt Ul, VAHNISI1 and pro WpbA.e4 J -w, t, turnlnir hlilk f. prod.irea a lu.tre UK nw h ; MM ' eat ettnrt Trv t nr your ,UTMntltl,rt. 50c Can: 3 Carts, SI, Postpaid Ni:v rlANOK. JJJJ to 8.1 NKW l'MIKtlH. " tto nwmvutcmr .3o-h3s.io-84t-at ma NOItl II OTII T. - NAVY RETAIL STORE OUTSIDE NAVY YARD GATE Open from 9 A. M. to fi l. JI, ARTICLKM llnakrta, roallng lllanVfla, 88l In., drab. . til inkrla . . ..,,,.. . Illouaea, rulddr. rtavr blue llrnoma, vthlak Ilrtiahra. Iialr , , llrurliea, arruli . ...... . riticn .tl.13 e,i No. 3 8.t3 " .3 " .. e.trn .. ,o ' . .30 " ... .IB " . ,0 ' . .Ml " Ilnikliea, at lurl.etN, re ui.vna. ti hue ..... reinlnrred. lalV. Iron ii in, Tlde, tn il In. wide, w .ii. Sn I . . .113 Xd, f'.nitfa. 1 1 Nn ,70 " 6,(10 " (iihi 3D-oi, ovenont. n.nr.Mne l-0l K.n; lib) I lot Ii. ik.iii . mutlna, na: n.xrt nnta, ruuiier, jinrine... o Irnwrra, , lieiiyr i, nirdltii , mi Ilia, n oolrn .ln nr, 1.55 : lronera nt. t . . iir'-era aoK , ... llntra, h ,,, ( ,,,,. HI ' Hatii rulilie j rkknlve ff- Jeraeya V.1S Pi". ),ecKlna, n -vy . ...... ,. .jiien. niihlfMelieil 39 In. wide lilriiilh. tnTf, Kl In. wide ;nllali, inetitl, I -lit, an rrianra, n in,, muni ,11, llllllll . i ... ottun, nrthlenrlied, 4n-ln,. a. heel nn, n kl, (! hiireilnr, ciittnn. tinhloarhrd i.-in. .nl pniria, iinniiri. iinvy rlhoea, ajmna.li.in , ... ole, half, leather. . . Main, laumlrywt eakf . MAeua. irnrtl. Iieerv . .X B.M e, l.lll .n.J " Xoeka. blaek. rnltan ik frunka. Ilhtr . .,,,,, , ndera'i'rta, rolton , .. .f)eraMrt, he ivy , i.. . Vnderelilrta, medium t :::: I: l.ni) ra, ,nd ' .... r.a.i .. i.r-j " Car route Noa, 3. 30,1 ' hi 00, 03, tit, TP and (1 transfer tb'route SO, which com Hired to fat. Rln POlrK the way to ator. &rfj ifeSa! Inforrtiallon rniV" bf nbUlnedbf pkon, DRU. tnlon 8300; trai)Cl Mi- tfU A Q Solj.rlni FrncM A ! KM mi Avpllancet L. D. Berget- Co., S9 N2d St BtU UarM IU Kilo. ifa jttl MiM3iiniKiinnitiauiiiwM COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHS MADE Wllllomi, BroWn & Earia, Inc. OtR CKKHtMVT STIIKKT Dtpt. I rwwjMnmnMnM:imrMwi W. J. STEWART, D. l. 8. Removed to 1208 Chestnut St, SPECIALIZING niaiin. undrivetablv di-ntUir.- Cti our nnd oorrlon rtottlon aaa Im- arovmnt, Radical' tpaltnont oi cror. rha. - 'MnLess Kitrnrtln; Orlndlnf, lirlllln andNfft; TrCMlmfnt by )t local . dtniltUlntr rnflh.id wlilch i o unraiiinny.emcifni in uprrt hand that all dentin will noii fomrciiM ii, irn w in it. . Adtnnrd Efflrlml ItraMntol lMnliilHGF5ffiS, Correctly Lighted Rooms l our tiirtlaUy. W mut fh Plkht in tura for Hi rUht room-, nt h RIOIIT I'RU'KNI UltiMrai nrii Ini llnri and KlertMo Tnhi ADOLPH SADKER o N. filh hi. M'nlnut 4IB1 nwn KtntBc SHOP WITH That Buy STORE Anything from tli a Wadlnc lor of I'lillA., Wit mltiKton. rnmrfrn and Atluntlo cttr Easy Term ORDERS ERAMBES & CLARK 1112 Cheitnut St., Phil. CIO (lu.iranttt Tr. nidc. Atlantic Cltr 30 N. Third HI., Cuuidm 1 a' Heat Treating Small Porgings Blacksmithing Automatic Screw Machine Products iy..i la. General Machine Work The S. & J. Tool Co. 2217 Chaitnut St., Phila. SjsmrCc&QtuzJfctfy j?yuvc4 m 8bJSttocfc4n Toothache during the night? BAUME ANALGIiSIQUE BENGUE tinrirts case itnd A relief from pain. Then you can sleep Tkna. tevaalm a C M, V, NEW YORK LIGHT SUPPLYCOMPANY 18 N. 9TH STREliT Manufacturer and retailer of lighting fixttirea of diitlnl litre (lelgrl the hpuie with a 14-year reputation for fair tnd hoheit dn&Iln8 OKI DISCOUNT CiO' THIS MOrJTll Opn Monday and Saturday Evening i:iU'f.TinV.i. Until Hee LEARN LANGUAGES AT tllK ERUTZ SCHOOL . l6llaClilWTM'Tk HTnUl. Inlranr oi Kill Street Ily IU llatllta iU'tnod Bllldtntl learn not only tu read and writ. bui eepeclally to undratuii4 and in Mifuk th torviall Uu tU"fl,Jl'A l.WBapy. vnr.K ' , I i , I Our, railu.ilv r In tunaiHiit, demand Ikr aood'PayinK pnaitioua. wieax anyrtnanu, ihe eaey, apeedv ayatem. vnniPKt uualneti tnd aacrt tariai cour.ee. uav ana mini Clnaira, Intenalv tralniuc, Knroll any time. Call or. writ writ sor run l.ui tlotilaea anri eatalAaue. H111.A. iifiaiNKM cnu.r.ar. nnd rollrce uf I'onimen. . inn Ileatmit tt. I'ftll irfflnHU LUAKN WIRELESS In .th liool the Kovernment aeieetad . foe trnlnlnt VIIIhi men Ilahllaheil In Ihll Ih. nnl arhnnl tarhlnff w releaa eslualveie i,i America. Marronl Panel Met and new (in I'nreat nan'i rnone in operation Kiperi ritriietnf Pal) IIIII.A. hCIIOIH, tit4 llltl!I.K8 'arkay IHill.. llruaJ A Cherry Hta., I'hlltt. Ll VMN I" Vt.t 1 1ltllKI ll, i'r.rt . It.QOiauai leeauna in inaiien nnii r renin fl.t e Wutnmi. taenkr Kim M -4J (I flcn,. r'n-iae vnnii v Stroyer's DuslntJas College I'l'll '.rli-Mrt'e tlreilteal lllialneaa Nrlmftl ff,. 1 (.,, IMivna lV'tliiuf 111 s.- " ' ' '-r- ' l : Tt tii; nn. , NEW JERSEY SCHOOL ron ATYPICAL CHILDREN tEXTNOB PARKWAV ANh "tJMNKtt AVH. hfa A Mfft, vrhnol nf ndJUnimfcnt Vh$xf. ii niHrsuifi inrHi niiniiiin 1 nr, nt f. u U iiuiTiuuni invuivai wix t n. rp. i e nt In ne ml . cat Tlie nxtnre a i Hpprn- lio far a. low crii- t. In nunr nioif. rtc. and Floor Ijiinip II 1 1 ntmmjfa&x 4jPk lrm i fiaiiaeu lliuiviuua, inauiva, 11U ruuraiiupi, Irtatmint and training. comMn.d trlth th Invlaoralfn .aualltle of AtlnM" pity ml maie. , nt'mu at lh kreltelt phyalral urill tnentat rievtlonhient In nervou and . trard thiidren, Dtalli.t linan laallaaHa ;&"tif: .' ,r v, !' m v: j Wliimi " Arf?J lCjIttlirtlfl'Jrl tffYMrtl 9 V Jfartaf MalUj, K(cniitrndf4 ,f IJpbnlnternJ 'W iBuanpn ,t fv Woih Iinrnn((nl . Blip Cojjrn Mad . ta Ordfr . V1V4I. ! Wa,rry a lore nHretlon of, Uphdlator mlr at. JTlnr at holii.prlcf(.n. 305 Arch Street, w,fc&r. f?? Kirtnkmtira 'im 4.A. . M. MU m frvi, i np mpr,, Contmdorii ttt -BAttRBTT , Bi'ECIFICATION ROOM SLAG ROOFING FKOMBNADE TILE ROOP WATER i-noOKINQ HOOFING MATEhlAU 38th St. & Gray's Ferry Avx Philadelphia, tn. I..,,,,,.,,,.,.,.,.,..... I BULDElRS, 1 MLLWVbRK Doors, Sash, Mouldings, i-j Columns, Etc. i THE HANEY-WHItE CO. 17tb and Glenwood Av. Warehouit 21it and Glenwood Ave, Lists From Plans and Estimates Given ! 's:: POULTRY AND SUPPLIES t ltAHUilt MAK Qun'.ity, Safctiind Convenience Every chick wc sell is hatched Im1. Im TJl.llnMlnttn In m,. ntl'il modern, well-equipped plant the ...... , . 1ti.l.... 1m it.- -I... Olliy liirKi; iiuwuui ) iu um til. Chicks for April and May delivery should bo contracted for AT ONCE. our lll'istfntert aaaanptlvo nieratur "Thi; Old nelinbl" mallodifree on request. Orchard Poultry Farm ll.xnceat llntrherr In the Cltr) Sfi60 Filbert StreeL.Philadelphia. Pa. MAIL OBBER Rotinion Craioe CoiMon Heel Piatt Co 1220 Filbert St, Phlla., Pa. PAIR MAILED, 20c Box 3 Different Pairs. 45c Whv anend 60 ctu. for Rubber lteelif Thta loclt and wear like rulilief hel. A fh'ld oan put them on. No leather to Pull off. U MiMKii". l." tnau4Ud.' " r Witt I'aucr. Il0 foe 180 ebftu. A Toilet I'antr. U cue. hnjimli. ul.ll llAtArf. ' p Mat tu and (Tear Uatt, I Kck llnxta. 3 for 550, ElVm IIukn ir ."(U Tjpeur't.r ritpir- Rilille and yellowv lee Cream Hoea Nrtteltlea, EZRA LLVINSON frJ'M" l-omhnrd 3U .Mujn 8837 ll. . DIAMONDS BOtlGiriV 1,'rln u. souf'diarbohda'tr Voli fnl to feailte the hlL'heat.poaalblt.urlc for tne niuneai.peaaima.vric lor.incoa. Ml matter wnai oineianii .jrov iirtl, net our prlc.iefnr,'ou i e ny 13,00 ttr in.U0 fnr acl lnre than otherd pay. fee um and M. eonvlucrd, We bur. anr Ite, an ne.eoio'.. r-Pn-n 1 eke fir -dleMld. hfinli. ' EI.T.V ro,, r..riui 'WTvrT stp 'rlrf e i f- n.11 e, KEI Ptr-i AVER EON ARD 1 LAYER SPECIAL SALE of all Demonetrated nnd il'thtlr UJ I'lajer Hanoi Price a Low a $250 In A-No. 1 condltloni Iron-clad suaran- lit: free mua'e; f-i a-rvlce, I'Et'LI. TKRMSJ F. A. NORTH CO. 1813 E. Allegheny Ave. 213G N. Front St. L- OldReliableMALONE Stands Dack of Ills Bicycles Established 30 Years Always. Has Bargains In New Bicycles . ("n I and lank them over, They are all peau'lCK ,,-, ,.,n liitr, uniiuiiiia Ooodrlch.- Un'.led States, FhrtC, Pennsylvania, Grip Tlte, I.llnral allfiwance nn your old tilrycle. r...r.nii.ni,nii mrvriea. iiervininir i Cerythlni( In tbo Illfyele j.ihe at I.uwel I'oeaible l'rlrea. MlcUel ulntlntf. atiamalln. brailna. weld' In, nil klnda of repair Work guaranteed. We are rienfiar than th chea.p'at,. and pur wnrk la lietler tlmn Iha lat. Call and Ik conUnffil Open evehlpa. GEORGE C.'MALONE 1203 G.rkrd AvenilP. Philadelphia J'llONK. I'llftiAll 8US Quick, Painless Treatment IS of any Decayed Teeth t miC roUr ' mouth. well and nliaolulely nuarantSo pertrot work Fllllrni, Ode ta $1.00 DR. HYMAN .Bib & Market Sti, Open 6 A. J t. I a . p, M. riiilii(a, 16 tq a ur i s,i nffXwmti i c j m iiB a hi fflir n iWjl!r ir mmM fiam jr .J J 'f.vil jC.iMlflWSf TESBMSti wwsssi'lL.. jWtA -a, ,4iiM .aaaSXSVX .'SiSV"aS.,n. I Hi. w KaBWiMBfcJCsaiaiMSKsiiaMHt MMliHaMMWaiaiiaaivwM' Ciuticura Soap 1 H HIthy -, ShaVing Soap CfctUaf Bahmltawttat. KtrtMrM. HBeatbfil (I.. 10, ttt fii?iSTr.LT.wMnrr..fj.M'M. feA5"!:7WA $3-?of 14, 01 ('0UClh fefifa ,Uod3tofjf, V, .a i m.. i in nar. inc.. . Frivai. Hon rrV'm"V'n.a, miv call Th.i.. .. fn -TV. II - " - tlili! Cttifln ntttimtnr. itflntiva nnd friend., aTjo BftirjWthj.iljlK.Clndf Co." P. " im d4irhter'B frtld.na. 41 N. I:dw60d all (Rlllh anA MiHIl t l.l . I ic ii KrWnd rid 10 m ITNKIL-rMiKh 29, A. WATNB. hti. ?."S?l?!8Vn phtrry Jlltnar. ad 1. nl. ......,,.. j.,ii:ii jWi i, hai ,',- f!"u .rirnas, .ivin. l.. k r fl.itytnt.. -ca IJiAt . .. and A, M.i Other Araranliatlona wilt . anrt A . . , Alitmm ABKfclaa .Iaha ... leh lie ira connected. Invited u runer.i. connected, Invited lo funeral. Morlaft Cem. jj3 a,,0Tia t. int. Mi, JSHSUXSrM M tlth L, March n. Tmtna fl, and lata Si'liii."'''!. VU an O at,, mi. David If. t rn, runerai atrvirea rn,, Bchuvler Did.. Droad and DlgiyiAnd ata Int. nrlvatn. n3-'M'AnT. 21.17 N, Stanley at. SerU; ana tat. at convenience of fdmlly. Ileinaln IjtJTCHEn. 'March 39. MAftTJtA A . widow of Johaj Butehr. ;ed 1. Punerai Mfvlce ThuraA 2 p, m., 5t chew at., lit. Airy. Int. private, -S.LA'U5'r1,ch. i0 8AJlAir. wife of Jarriea Clark. naljtlVM and friend Invite lo furterar, t-rf,, Sjiio . m., 1S03 Karrlaon at.. Frfinkford, .Int.- private.' . cochran..--Maron 20, JOHN COCltnA.V, yuaoana oi r.iiA tnee i.yons;, uu notice ofc . , ii . uv.ir Aiaeirr Bl, CONH. Jtaroh 80. CII citAnLOrrTK Ino Mra. of Captain Clor Con. and mother of Mra. wrn rei., H. llnnce. ed1. . Funer: mi itfve't rvlc v. m., juii a, iin at int. Hlllald Cv. niT.T.rY. Mareh SO TmtStWI.Vtl H h.,.. hand nf M. Alice Dlllev. late of Philadelphia, Pa. lMYeK and frlenda, Pt. John' t.odw jo, iiii . narmony v;ne.p5cr no. n'j ana St, Alhan Commandfry No 47. Invited Ift fn. neral eervlc, la. , 2 p.. m., at Llrerpooi. Pi, lot, prlvata . nouattBnTjr.r-Jhrch so, UKKfttr. v.. lre of Patrick I. Oouahfrty find rtnuahter if fleorse H and, Cora M,Mlller. At't -jo. itaiaiivea nnn rrirnaa ervlce. Thurs.. 2 o in. Invited to fun-r.1 , ni4n Chew l. tn, N'orlhwood Cm ii lernaln may be viewed yen s to ion, m t)IIFW. At Pennaarnvfe. V. JT.. March nfl 0N K. pWFt. Rolntlvea nnd friend nvlted to funeral etvc. l.Naylor ave.. rennairove. FrJ.. il o. m. . -int. L.aivnsl! wm,. wonoatnwn. . .i( IJCKTJUT. Jtarch ?, rcn 7", forrrie'lv rrf SuBPtr co., ninth inc. a. r, eon nr J aervloea nf Julia nd !( Jacob EcKert, Funeral vine Thtlra. I :an n, nt . mtthmrA ...u dene. "310 flaul at. ,Int. private Morthwood qau ilrtt F. Ce-m. .nemlrt,mav M tl.wd wed eve. Ei.r ni. an ah, jp Marcn xa anni ANN1K ELB .ilAM) rl ni lyiniri II, Nil lleman. Knneral ervlcea on Thur., at ii.,10 p, m raaldenea, B211 nedman at. Int. private, lit. nenea, Wrlah iiouman at, inc. private, ait. ' t rAr,r.OtV3.r.Siiddenly. JMreli 80,1XtAAT A., wldnw of Marey rMllow. Notice ei funeral later from flflin lirnwn at aALB.-r-Mareh t, ANNUS, dutiahtar of Mitrrv ard Nellie V. Oale. hwA B. Kuneral Thurn.. 1 v, rp.f SoOd 8. 13th at Int. Holr Crnaa Cern. . OnunBn, MAreh S8, at th home of her daughter. Mr. II. O, Inrd, 431 PatK ae Colllnastvod. N. J., CIIIUSTlANA. ORU tltcn, a Bed AT, nefatlvr alid frlenda In. vtted tn ervlee, Thura , 1 t. m.. Oliver II. nalr Hide, lfiift Chestnut at,, I'blln, IM. private. MAHann,B.-Huddenlr, March 27, Af rnBD nbion , HARor.ovn, "i Jtxnnr.OVn. Mirvlee ThUra.. 2 t). mr, Oliver If. nalr Hid., 1321 ChMtmit at. Int. private. Int. prlvMr. areh ill. JAME M. ItlPPLK. frlenda Invited.. to aervloe. m.. SOOO Uumorid at. Int. iiiiPMs,-nir Tie uiives ihd Thura , 3 p. fn.. tlrlvat. innrit. Marrh , nr.nKCCA. win of ?muei uirren, ru ttlrrr wiah runerl Thure.. 2 t, m., Iv'x j;. wahr,t ., tnt. ntlvats, tfAiiriAnTrr. widow William J. nt. nrivats, 'llle, Ta.. March "I. xrARuAncrr. ,w"iow wiuiam jrtan. neral nrnlft tVtt, 1 n, m., funernf ot, rllarnld I,J llulllaran. loth t. and flerrran itorvn uve.'-.lrtl, Ofeanmoutit Cm. lCmln itorvn uve.'-.lrtt, Ofeanmoutil rr, l,"vlired Thur. .eve, i jnkofWi. Mrr, an. truesa. wlf tr Rrmanijariiiorntlib yunerai ww., an. m., M1 I'aiyrifit-rt.iit.j-'Int. Creenfronnl Cem. .' KAZaSJtAN.e-iiarCD. 1(0 JOHN, ana of atartt "and Manrtet J.aaaiijlan. servio Thur 2 . tn 11 W BSd t. Int. Arllnt tin 'Cem. tin flocr, bdnatlon to Arme III n Orrhsife , u IiBWia.Miepl,,3H, Sldrttttfl I. W!WI, fi, Atred 8? neUllva td frlerda inyiied In f'unaral rervlcea Weil., :0 n. m 2fllT I Wlahart at, Ifit. flrli'ate HMItown Pn. Trll leavea win mi. ana i.oiumuia a,e oi., . .., Thurft, for,Co)rnar, Pa. , ,,. f .IVRZRT. lvnili-dlv, Third Mnnth CTth, MAHT R. C rMew of Chnrle Llveiav. Funeritr rervloea rifth-day. rourih wnlh lit 2t1( r -r P!"rh("lth Krlendi' Mmlnff. StANNIpN,--At Mnorealown N, J Mari'h 30 .irmfitANNION, UeUtlve and frlenl Invited tn funeral, 80S Xnnnlon ave.. Mnr7 tnwn Sat., rfl(l a. fn, Prvfe Our I,dy or Med C'ruiil Church 10 a. tn. lilt. Mt. Jar- mei i-m M ARKII.I, Bitfldfniy at.Mt, J , Atarrh'L'D nonEHT C, MAnSUAUIJ. U 81, nral orlvnte. 210 r!n St.. Mt. Hour. Tnorav, p. n, m. i.. a i ." ViTAI.f. ItneeH 90. .1RNNIR V.. lf , nf Wi'ani O. Makall. Sfrvleea Frl 1 p. m. ' ISA Waahlnetnn eve,. Norllf Walea. lot Oreenlewn rm, MahavunH fin per r cony, VfKKN7,in. Mfch 20. nKqKCCA,.ndlif nt fiimuel VrKensie nnd d'uahttr pf '.t rrKrnx' rrilra'l VVUIUm and iriiaTdfr'na. rimeral rrU 1 Wolleau, 11 M redr t. febn'v Illlift'orth at . Inf. tHvot. MI. Mnrlah Cem, ...,. MMf,I.ort.--In memory if .W-MAV ftT)flBC'rtMrl MKt.l.On, Rntfed Into reit iljrch 31. 1 f10 JIH.MS.AI jha JMethndlet Kpleopl Home, Wirrh . JANli .MI.T.S. airerl BX ru. neral erlee at Hi,IIp, "'m?nl1,"".a Kdareley nvr.. ThUrn.. IOiIO a. m. Int. ' '"'vHAUAMarel. an. John j., hunbam i jf JUrv T. O'ltarn (nee Walah) Du notlet of Mr-e.r '"in 1T12 v 'h H, ... OVE3 Mareh 8"i. WIM.IAH. X. huibana of lete r.llia A, Ovee. Service Trl.. S m., 70 N. anth t Int. private, iumaln m prach -M.rTR" n'i, Tmiup rJLc!' eon i or tn iHie ir r.nw.ru umi "",",:; n I'eaee. axed .'ill Nolle of funeral latr mi iivnillU Ifarh 'JT. ItVCHGCIlA I , widow of .Tatnre Hnpklna Redmati. of IId dnnfleld. N. 3 Ilelatlve and friend lv vlted to aeevlivr, Thura.. 2 n, m.. parlor P . huabnnd nf Mlt'l II. liobi-rt,, f',?1; K..nerl frnrn IIorahm rlenrI JtMllnj llnuae, Klfth-day, Fourth Month lit, IS" tuVlWB. r,iuintua, T,, J.. , 2 ANN fa ItnaKftH Tune'al from IJ;Jlt "cai..vCe1 gsi'iT-fiSirpo.: WnVSiV "" WAWBII. J.u.tand of Florerr. XI rtmiart , fnrvtr. Thur . I p m. Oliver H. n.ir Illi!;.. 1830 Cheitnut HVAS' -Mreh SO MIOHHI. J., h'"" nf Ute r-ath-r'n- rtvan. frme'ly ; trail, Ta. H.lailVf. ahd friend Invited I? frlenda Invllfd I? am W, Sernnnl funeral Tn ir n ni. t Int Hly Cfna rem, ert4 .Fvrleri-I '"vfcM Thdr. 2 ,". 11 r.. Cedar ae,, Mervhantvllle N, J, I"1- nrn'rimtrtr. Jlf s .amva. wif .ii..! ehepe l-Tinerai Tnura. n n, n.i p. ra, jl" H. fllmnann rt. Int. lt. Mor Int. Mt. Morlnh rem.. "rsTOi'AN. Of 1137 M. lltth , m."; 137 H. Ii nn ti.F! M daimte of lte Il'fM-1 'i if rlaijirtr or lle ItT'-i-i 'i 11. Hpeakmen Kerfle'a Pt.. ll ii if llalr Illd 16311 Cheatnut " ' .'.'.-'i --. ..'!- to--b,.. ar.d Ultra I a m flllVe at ln. nfivate flPBATT, i-rnun tidd'nly. March an. ,;''': huahand.of at Tnura.. 11 a. m. Drrcli r. SijiV "AlttON. Htryjef Jhur,, a a, tn,, parlor ?f Emjnuei Aihtr t on. ItiOa Diamond Vi! i,nLot P"h'In Jllnnlnwr, Hiutuimnd Jf'en'1"' il'O UrUnawlc)i-I1aiK-Clllndf Co.7 ' b-S- ?' W avlld to (aaral. Thur., fi'?i"rlftiKU-a Ift r.aidfic, fOVl. .BdMwieJ i. f,',i'80lPi n.rt 'Iarktl. .Int HaW :amil(ri T arid g"nu.,nt, CB1 Va. v. Mtwtan " late incnein .1, ennu i - 1 amlfh lewed t rv Tono At.i nlhand or ate iiniiwin ., ""v'i.".. ' vea and friend. Invjtad If lVrr.i Th' r , .. p. m.. rea denr nf nn-n.aw. rtdbeft - mllTi HI Chrperter , rrr.ilna "lav ll rJLl.A Wi.i .v. tt nil MArlah rem iDAl IfiOf Wallace ., March . '' 11 n m.. O'lveV II nalr n'd, l- ANN IB C'lie.tn'iit tJ"K,Vyn;lnMyCjinr .., ....nn k.,..n nt )Jne.h J M. Trnemn.r nelllv'e end Merin, rmpl-'-ee nf Ilerrr Troemxer lnWlel to aervice, jnura., a v. i 2211 W. Thompeon '". rM'' ,,, , plHamtie Walker (ne. Orv)Jv "".V Thii'iTa n, Mn ,r'Me-(e jjt TSnm 1 Wrlev OS Onlitand at.. Frankmfd. Int. N rt'irdnd f.m. TUmnln may h vll WwTV,n-LftM'.vh ftft. ,lUDM,lft vi ri tint.rt ff fiinr( will b. glvvn. mrAvi re-Mrnee, 1 add A '"lb 'j. .. .,a w!i. V"'h so t.plnr a,, nuuj nf El iallh Wetee. Pdnlral arvloa Wid.. u I i.::"iiTmi iim nf T..onrd r. Wrlrt.t. Funeral ieevlee Thit: ? IV 1 IT . J I at Huclel e if wnicn p wa , 'rvlttd. Int-It, Mqrllh Cffro. I 'rjLU'1 imir'r wW W'firKLI Trrlnehek ? I k, lM 1 1 1 MtlEtW A . 1 biUivl5r?f. ' 1 ' v? ' : -vI4.''. w "'". i u . ., v , vk.. j j1 .,Viare uh. -" . k ''tUA' . .J. - Jit-3! ? A. L$&titii HBHBKir - y iWimMn':; tmmifa