SW "JBWtfJ WTE.BT .-1 F7' wfrFwt' , vr 7 Twpf,' f;.r;v,: i? P?,' "W V '"o.y . ," -vi W rtb ik , . (,., - . I .vv at ujc h'"j I 4 1 OSVlSN-ENa ? FUBLlU LEJOa'ElliLADELMlA, TUESDAY, MABOH 30, k 192ft1 25' 1, . 4 '.- ..'l If fOWING SEEDS IN DANNY ' ' By NELLIE L. McCLUNG Author of ".The Next of Kin," "Three Times and Oul cle. tfiwrloM.' '-' b'J ''"''"c ''acr Co' ' TS HTAUTS tills Biuui ttm J, Iturlon Frauds, a tcoman- Ti t.tnh Units and more man tne i ii. ...in. ..-. i tnfLtirc fir ihii iriiiri. Oftfinoii; ,,,r.iift throiinh her, !'!. notices., that her tcashicomaiiA 'Mtdrtn, subjects her to s6me uplifting V.il on motherhood, suggests- honks for & husband 1o rtan, una interests Until ivthe welfare of the family. S,jlB nomination day was drawing i car, which' had something to do with ! to. 11. rt.l.tlAu'll llltM f 1 Jute 01 MUUOIC liutuci o iiunji wioi thicker lolu 11UHal "" " ""iw jie czor und P.cnrl Watson, though, If course, she did not soy tho czar, c. nld Algernon Evans and that lit- l). Watson girl. Mnudlo, being a per lit little ludy objected to Pcnrl Wat An on account o( her fcennty wardrobe, I'd to the czar's moist little hands, but (Tf- Dnrker. knowing' that the czar's j(h'cr was their lon8 sl,lt' sto0(l flrm JMr. Ducker had sold to her that very morning, rubbing his hands and speak jo in tho conspirator's voice: "We nUst leave no 8lonc unt,,rnC(1' Tuls ls Ite time of scedsowlng, my dear. We 1 Tim czar n 'm iiiviv.vi. wi.j Ucccdeil to null Mm. They did not C le n a'live vlre until later. . HV . ait . f .1aII1i n linlni natlsfwl Pearl unison uchbuw ui uuu6 u;ai t Pearl answered with dignity. "I hate more fun In one day than Mnudlo Duckor'll ever hnvo If she ltcs to be na old ns Mclchesldlck. and Ii'h not thin nf frowsy standln' - round doln'-nothln' U'l,n( ... I.I.I- 1I f.. nlll... (I tri"'""'"" n,uo "" ,uu' '': . ii. "Tell tin nhout lt. Pfnrl." thpr ir''lVoMon't ' performing her fobon shouted eagerly. Pearl's Btorlcs bad n 'n slingish manner, inquires about chnrm, health and about her HumeroiM ''Wrll," Pearl began, "so know I ?:...... ..ihUrt her to SOIlle inililtnlll. wnuh Mr. Tl.-nnu'o 1lhl nvoru .1 and lovely ones they arc, too, all pink nnd cold with 'dinky llttlo Ivy leaves cniwlln' out Over tho edges of the cups. I piny I am at tho seashore and life tide Is coniln in o'er and o'er the sand nnd 'round nnd 'round tho land, far ns eyp can Bee that's out of a book. I put alt tliQ.dlshrs Into the big dish pnn, nrid'l pertend-thc tide Is rlkln'oh thcin, thdticli- It's just me pourln' on .the1 Water. The cups arc the boys and tli6"Salicef are the girls, the plates arc tho fathers nnd mothers and the but top rliluK nrn tho tinhlcs. Then I rush jn to save them, but riot until they cry Iord save us, w;c perish! ut course, I cH It for them, good and loud too people don't Just squawk at a time like that It often scares Mrs. Evans ccn yet. I wive tho bableB first. I slush them around to clean them, but they never notice thnt, nnd I stand them up high and dry In the drip-pan. Then I go In- nfrcr the girls, nnd 'they quiet down the babies In tho drip-pan; and then the mothers I brlnir out, nnd the boys and tho fathers. . Sometimes some qf, tho men make a dnsli 'out before the w'pmen. but you bet I lny them back in a hurry. Then I set the ocean back on the utove, nnd 1 rub the babies to get, their blood circlln' again, nnd 1 get them nil put to bed on the second shelf nnd tier soon forget they were so near death's 'door." Mary Ducker bad finished the ".Tnva March" nnd "Mary's Pet Wnltz," nnd had joined tho Interested croup on tho Inwu nnd now stood listen ing in dull wouder. "T rub them ' nil and sblno them woll." Pnirl went on. "and get them nil packed oft homo Into the china cup board, every mnn jurk o them slngln' 'Are we yet nllve und sec ench other'!' fnw?' Mrs. Kvnns tings it for them when the s there. "Then I get the vegetable dishes and bowls un'l silverware nnd all that, and Hint's on excursion, nnd they're all drunk, not n sober mnn on board. Thcv sing 'Soopqr.up, old boys,' 'e won t go homo till mornln' ' nnd all that, and crash 1 a i-ry bursts from every soiil on board. They have struck upon a rock nnd are irolne down ! Water pours in at the gunnel (that's just me with more water and soap, you know), but I nln t Mirrv for them, for they're all old ennnirh to know that 'wine Is n mocker. strong drink Is ragln', nnd whosoever If. deceived tuercby is not wise. jjut when the crash comes and tho swcllln wninrs Imrst In thev cot sober nret' quick nnd come rushln' up oh deck with pale faces to hec what's wrong, and I've often seen a big bowl whirl 'round and 'round kind o' dizzy and say 'woo Is innl' nnd s nk to tho bottom. Mrs Kvnns told mo thnt. Anyway. I do save them nt last, when they boc want whis ky ls dolu' for them. I rub them nil up nnd send them home. The steel knives they're tho worst of all. But though they're black nnd stained with sin tfinv're ullll oiiv brothers, nnd so We nivn them tho cold cure that's the bath-brick, uud they make a fresh ttart. "When T sween the floor T pretend I'm the army' of the Lord that comes to clear the way from dust and sin. let tho King of Glory In. Under the stavo the.bordes of sin are awful thick ihpv lnvo darkness rather than light because, their deeds are evil ! But .1 .nv thn 'sword of tho Lord and of Old enn !' nml let them have It! Sometimes I pertend I'm the woman that lost the rdeco ot silver nnu l sween mo imusc .lillcentlv till I find It. and onco Mrs I'Jvnns did 'put ten cents In a corner Just for fun for me, and I never! know when she's going to do somcthlns like ttint." Hero Mnudlo Ducker, who had been 1 stoning with' crowing wonder, inter -.. Iimaiii rt ImIi1u Afdtt a """ " ?'":" :li ::: r; n":.. a need not uuvu ,. in a 9 n . .l,niit thn feM. ul robe." 1'h? -dress that Camilla hud made for her was just waiting for such n occasion to nir its loveliness. Any thing that was needed to i-umnlcto her JJllet as supplied by her kind-hearted totrfM. tho cr b mo, Wr. ..iiu nfter her only sou us Pearl wheel ed him gaily down the wnlk. ii. una leiiiitlfiillv dressed in the finest of mull uud vnleuclennes : his cur tiige was the loveliest they could buy; Pearl in nor ni'iti uui mm ui n llttlo nurse girl to be proud of. But Mrs. Evans's pretty fnce was troubled. be was thinking of tho pretty baby lictures In the magazines, and Algernon tks so different ! And Ids uosc was litrauge. too, nud she had massaged it o carefully, loo, nna wueu, uu wut-u, vbuld he say "Daddy-dinger!" Tint Aleernon was not envious of nny other baby's bcuuty that afternoon, nor worried about his nose cither us he bumped up nud down In his carriage in rlad good humor, and delivered full kUerl gurgling "goos" nt every person Ka met, even wrowin;? mem aioug iuu Ktiect in the prodigality 6f his heart, ns is waved his lat. nanus uuu inumpcu lis heavy little heels. Pearl held her head high and was tery much tho bodyguard us bho lifted the weighty ruler to tho ground. Mrs. Ducker ran down tne steps ami kisscii Die" mar ostoritulioiisly. pouring out such a volume of udmlriug nud endear- ing epithets that I'carl stood in be wildcrmcut, wondering why sho had neter heard of this before. Mrs. Ducker ttrrled the czar iuto tho house. Pearl lollowing with ono eye shut, which was r way ot expressing perplexity. Two little girls in very Huffy short irts s.t demurely in tho hammock. eeplcg their dresses cleau and wonder- g u there would do too cream, w ituin ors .lamllo worried out tuo Jnvu arch" on the piano to a dozen or more tlent lltteners. Un thc'iaw-n several tie girls played croquet. There wero i boys at tuu, parti', wjiioru. was lng to havo tho .boys that fs, the nservamc boys' tho noxt day. Jlrs. cker did not bclicvo in co-education. ys arc so rough; except Wilford. He d been so carefully brought un. he .18 not rough at all. Ho stood nwk ardly by tho 'gate watching the girls ay croquet. .Ho had been left without station at his own rcnucst. Patsev Vatson rode by-on a dray wagou, dirty nd iolly. Wilford called to him fur- Ively, but Pntsey was busy holding !a und did not hear him. Wilford sighed eavilj . Down at the tracks a freight rain ehuiited. nnd bhuddcrcd. Not a boy was in sight. He knew 'h.v. Tho farmers wero loading cattle ars. Pearl went nround to the Hide lnwn there tho clrta were playing cronuct. Iiolding tho czar's hand tightly. What uro you plnylu ? " she sked. They told her. "fan you nlav it?" Mildred Bates skod. "1 guess I pnn." Penrl snld mndpKt.lv. 'But I'm nlwflvH tnn Iiiikv fnr cnmesi Ike that!" Mandie Ducker says you never lay," Mildred Bates said with pity In w voice. ilaudle Ducker ls away off there," ruptcd Pearl with the cry of "Oh. herd's pu uud Mr. Kvim. They're going to take our pictures'." Tim llttlo girls were Immediate! roused out of tho spell that Pcnrlic's story had put upon them, nnu began to group themselves under the trees, arranging their little skirts and frills. The czar had toddled on his unccr tain little fat legs around to tho bnck door, for he had caught sight ot a red bond which he knew and liked very much. It belonged to Mary McSorley, the eldent of thn McSorley family, who had brought over to Mrs. Ducker the extra two quarts ot mint which Mrs, Ducker had ordered for tho occasion. (CONTINUED TOMORROW) DREAMLAND ADVENTURES DOCTOR PEGGY I,y DADDV nw-ljjyyJV (Reddu Waod.Pecktr tells Penan hat the birds have been made ill bg ir. Jilue Bird and Dr. Blue Jag. 'he heet1mt nmnll nnd atnria Inr Urdland rldina Honnitu-IJon. a r6- if. Johnng Hull, the dog, comes haslxg tho tabblt, and on 7ifs back ,nmg licigtum.j CHAPTER II dohniiy. Bull's Sneczo 'OPPtTYMIOP, tho rnbbtt, didn't like iIoch. Tin HM n't like ilocrs bn- ItlSe he knnx? thnt lnim ItL-nH In ent Ibblts. So, wheu Rcddy Wood-Pecker kicked that Johnny Bull wns dinning Im. Hopplty-Hop set off helter-skelter hW'n the rnnil Pairirv hnil tn I'ltnfP tilt to his oars to keen from be UK Mown from his back. "HI! Hi! Go it. Johnny Bull. Catch Uttt rnhhlt!" TtllU. iimiul tlio lnir nn htb excited yells, not knowing that I e&TCrV Un ptftttif tiu vnUitl Tn.lnod 'Jhe rabbit wan hopping so fast that It fasti t strange that ho didn't seo he r. I. HI HI! Go It, Johnny Bull," r"uiu uiny again, ins yens mucin tOhnnV ltllll nn fnnfn.. I.nf linv EKnrnrl Upplty-Hop until ho went twice ns 'i. lue rabbit raced tar ahead or t dog and darted nmoug the bushes - tflj edge of BIrdland. There ho hid, 1?.UnS nd trembling. Don't be afraid' of Johnny Bull. He a slow nokn and can't catch you," welled Peggy, who thought It very any tho wav. Johnny Bull made his unky legs fjy without covering half Kiouuii that tuo rannit am in uis )fs. I - bhw uc rnii 1, L'UiVtJ inu, um MB Pkes mo nervous," squeaked the rab- "Let's have; some fun with blm,'1 Sled Peirgv. "Yon lion along lust ead of him, and when he tries to grab "I'll tickle his nose." But, supposing be does grab me, 'fit theni" sqdeaked the rnbblt, who un t willing to take any chances with Miny Bull's Bharp teeth. 1 11 not let. bint hurt you," promised tsy. Hopplty-Hop didn't want Jgy to think bira n coward, so, after - uuu urunru liu II IUI1R IWIg WIIU ICh in ttckln .Tnlmnv ltnll'rf iiaiia iYn. bit Juniper out Juto tho putU of tho yVpotr )v Tvo pot-yoU," sniffed Jnhnnv Bull, and he went after Hop nitv-IIoi) harder than ever. But Hon plty-Hon went flying down the natb just one hop ahead of Johnny Bull's hungry jaws. JL'cggy was partly hidden by the leaves on tho twig and Johnny Bull didu't know sho was riding the rabbit. "Grab the rabbit! Hi! Grab it!" yelled Billy. Johnny Bull reached out and reached our, but bo just couldn't rench tho rabbit. And then Peggy, hanging to the rabbit's ear with one hand, reached back witli the twig until Bho could just touch Johnny Bull's nose. Johnny Bull sniffed and shook his bead, but bo couldn't get that annoying little twig nwuy from his nose. Jt teased him and It tickled him, and finally Johnny Bull couldn't stand it a Becond longer ho suddenly gavo a whopping nig sneeze. That sneeze caused a lot of trouble. Johnny Bull, as he gave it, was Jumping across a little brook that ran through a nog. The sneeze caused Johnny to duck his head, nnd when he ducked his head ho lost his balance, und down be plunked iuto the brook, rolling head over beels in the cold water. Billy flew off his back and landed flat in tho mud. Peggy laughed aloud. Johnny Bull and Billy looked so surprised and funny sho couldn't help it. And even the rabbit laughed,, twltcblug his whiskers so comically it made Peggy laugh even harder. Johnny Bull was mad. So was Billy, But when they picked themselves out of tho water and mud and saw who was laughing ntlthetn they forgot their mad feelings andgrinned up at Peggy. "You surely did fool us that time, regcy." gninted Billy. ''Woof! Fooled by -a rabbit( nnd I lose my breakfast besides,." sniffed Johnny Bull. "That makes mo sick I" When Johnny Bull said ho was sick, there was a rustling and (lurry iu the bushes, und out darted Blue Bird and Blue Jny. " "Sick I Sick ! Who Is sick? W'o'ro thu doctoral" they screamed. Then Peggy remembered whnt nlm hat! como to BIrdland for it was 'to rescuo the sick birds from Dr Blue Bird and ur. .mnu uujr, (TomoiToio ictlhbo tod how Peggy and ItiUy find a -hospllat in tfa Woods,) ' THE GUMPS 7 -Carp Cavair Closed at 37 By Sidney Smith CARP CAVIAR-- ANOYHEr? RAISE" -, ONLY A HALF- A pOlNY BOY THAZT'. 00 BUCK- JUST Clr-r UAT RIDE B POINTS MOKE THAT'S TMAT'S WNEN TMATS WNEN VMEVRE j iWOINti Yo SEE TN& S tAVr- OP- ME j-J II I "Tf- V -, . -' ' r I'M ONE UYYU3- BABY YWAT'S GfOtarfG, Yo WAUK OUT I OP YNER& MIYN A, PROPIT t VSJEa- IT'S ttriNk TO E - 'V& WORKED HARD I Took a chance - umy SbrouLbN'Y'i make mone? VHOW MAKJV GUVS IM YNIS VNORLD VJpOub TAKE THE LAT YEN THOUSAND eUCK. THt HAD AND SHOOT Y INA POPOSIYION LK& JTHAT? I &AS M. CrAME- . - aScTTrs J PVE BEEN ilTfrA1 BACK U&TTV(r THOSE, BIDS COP THI EA DOUGrW LONCy ENOUCpH- PPioA VOW ON -11 SHOW competT'ON - IP VEKVS WA ' NY THING TO DO WIYN IT- PVE tjOTTHC COORAQ& OFJQW, AND THE BACK SOWC OF A DiriOAOR SibNEy PETEYOw Space Is Limited -: -'.. -! By C. A. Voight ip . ip ii i i' SItsS SD SPiEHDiPtV 5K. . naamTTo Take T-That I ' veu,au.i caM5an s, j LATEST J ffk -P0UKW0V COV 5UREHASSTA15TEPA J WOU -READERS MAVfE 1 ( T f? n fam n VHAT HEAW J m OUAHREl IW OU FAMILY , I KliS; Jr . ' ( 3 ) I k ilinL-JTN ' CIRCLE VAT'ULEIFE I T f VSSE-3) sSqmeThIMg! Lg u , . . A. ... Aunt Eppie Hogg, the Fattest Woman in Three CountUa : By Fontaine Fox SCHOOLDAYS -;- -;- -;. .-. Bu DWICi The Young Lady Across the Way I jj . i ff -- - , SR? -V i n fot op a -mi,!. fi.y which cAne - sXS U,h twsSSM7fmwMli' V OOWM OH AONY t92 y I 11 ' I 7'v I The young lady across the way says ever since she had the flu bcr mother has forced her to take com pulsion of cod liver oil. exyosutc SOMEBODY'S STENOG- -The Paper Says So CopjtIkM. 1010. by Public I.eder Co. Bu Hayward H 'S's f ) St hy&St4J& r ? M r smoke -cisar- the t "CAP" STUBBSNo Wonder He Wan So Brave By Edwina a-WMMMMMMMMMMMMnsaMMM (MMMM)MMwiMMMMMMMiin PMWSaHMMHMMMiSWMMMasMMM-aMHiaM M-aMHMi - , -jVr , " .. ' , 11 -w r -m a .1 M a . $i I ,M m -i