r rX,'SKitJTVT ,-TBSM V -vw '. - A ?-.- -. t . -V. J r EVEKIN& PUBttC IEDOEXtBBlLil)teDiilAV rUESBAi, MXltOH -30, "1920 V w.'1 tl ir -. . . , e V 3 " "2 a I, i u- M :ai . SD-. 't REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY ttf A dfai estate or MERIT Ma2Ay ma: market BELMONT (lrtSfl Just a Few Real Specials Prices Right nSI Spruce A t. modern poaaesslon. ii.o'J lie l.ancey el i looms biij Imtn. bargain ,. 0.1. chanoellot at . room' and bath ir'dern pnaiea. m 1113 D-wov M (near (list nil Mr ketl. bargain fiOth mt l iiuim m corner modern. In closed porch vacant i-l V rimea. beaut""!. A . garage. S5.1. Lneuit 'I sacrifice pr'ce oi.iiu.h'" vi mot! i ii'n 411 X fllit at.. R room and bath. ep . ml nppoflunil.v , 11C1N ltnbart st . bargain for qulr sale Several Bargains in Business Properties 81. Id Market at 3 -lorv 8M cheater ave .1 -tor (1123 Woodland ave atore and dwelling MtlHtll fK!iiiiiiiiii';ii!nniii!i!iiiai!Li:ii!!iiiiiiti!!ii'!i!i n iheiiiiiiiimiiic Factory for Sale Small But Snappy TJenelnxlon, on Lehigh mo "i bright iheerv mall building no a good l7ed corner lot ih 1 a'r.n front". Immediate poealon k for particulars of rrcpoeltton No 1". CHESTER D. ROTTNER MOIIRIS liril.lilMi ,niii:ii'iiiiL'lrirjiii',wi"iir'i!'n'i.''i!i',"aiB I No. 6-8 1 South Delaware Ave. g DAVIS IIIITKI Five atorv brick proper'! irt ronni" evervthlng m nrt-rlae condition ".I g ft frontage on Delaware -n- trance from Ma-ket t wall sell this H desirable hotel rnperlv a. running g M huatne.a pos-easlon onev t.rm- urn- S 3 pic room on tho avenue for 1 store- g H thai could bo iiod f-r tho !i of a produro meata or ro.taurani i nnf.M g B Honor' in nno nnn noo poopio pa iiio m B ontranoo of thla rropor'V im-l' H Mastbaum Bros. & Fleisher g' 1 Z. - ! i a i i i A Central Properties Retail & Wholesale Districts Immediate Possession J. A. Richman Realty Co. 120D Minnmrr bluo conxER rnorKUTiK.v ;.MI X "3d tcor Sonsoatit" 3 atorv, 13 rooma hot-wattr hrat oloctrio light, aouthorn oxpo.uro 4iS v Indiana tcor Orknc . I1 tory 4 bodrooma. atsro and dollln. ault any bulna A I condition ait X Maraton tcor loarndi rooma. bath porch frnn' aouohorn oxppaure. poaaoaalon April 2.fl$ X. Lambort tcor Iiauphlni s rooma hath ahid Storo and dwolllnB cor in northwoai aoctlon. hotator hoat oloctrlc l,hl V .. . SPH7 N Orknoy (1 room bath M condition: poaaoaalon April call and aoo, ownor-tcnant 041 K. Hart lano (noar Krankford a ). ft rooma, bath rsrconrjE ir Mci rack EX s.Min aton lPnn "-" S.M W. r.ohiah a" niamond Jti SALE SALE 171.1 Mt .rnon at. IBIS X nrnad at. Ifi02 Croon at ' N ISth at. IKSOOreen n 1727 Falrmornt 1S20 Wallace at 1111 Drown at 1707 Spring Garden 1737 Falrmnunt ao 1K1A North at 1733 X IRthet 1R25 Falrmount ao 113 X IMth at 123 Falrmount ave ISO X rtth a 71N Shlrlox st 2011 Maator at 2301 X Park ave 2231 niamond ot George L. Parker Kairmoun'i SUITABLE FOR DOCTORS F.XCELLEXr cnx DITIUX 131 S 18TH ST 2017 WAUNTT ST 1721 SPRL'CE ST EDGAR G. CROSS Mil WALNUT ST HIRARP AYE lotoen 17th and 1Mb aun able for rhelclan llruwn el Im.iuo.ii 12th and 13th with properties on Olli- at rear. Hldn- ax- between Ilroad and l'ith with properties on Ilrown at roar IAMBS r. HIXON l.llt fll.lao avo SALE 1247 Tane rent ll r'i ijnnn 4333 Dorrett at good order J 121" (SEii L PAUKhll 17.111 Kalnnount a M W SL'SQCEHAXXA AVE. 17411 Tngh man ai . muat aell to close eatate t on rell. Mil flroon at k w con. 2irnr Axn diamond sts - E.ogant larce store end duelling. 10 room' T1IOS W l luiYCE.1 .Olio I Hi. mini. I t XrTNN garage bldff All laleht Imurovemenla, 20,000 "O. f lotatod near Ith and Wal nut eta f Qui. UMAX 731 lYalnit at 141 ll.Pl.M, T.'h w 72'! In- el , ni'x 1 mi purpo(it ' tultdble for girago or nth"r llOI.DMiX Ti Ualnui ' 02M X .'2D ST U roun lor SKIjiEl ' " 4ih bjth- parlicu l H IrwhUI l'31.:in KA KM 1 iirte-murv atom pnir ties S ' ' A liM 1 II" Walnut ' Fftetorle- Maniif.ietlirlnc Floora N. W. Corner 6th and Vine Sts. FRONT OV IXE ST fl'l IT 2 IX DEITH (.is KTH ST H- 1-1 11 IV MtKK OFFHR ALBERT H. LADNER. Inc. X W COR RTH tVD GREEN STS FACTORIES AN I! l'4CT"ftV SITES nulrri- in Philadelphia I "CIS s (iissncnc, I .''il Chestnut t FOR SAI E rn about 00c aq ft SU-lor brick fin toiv building facing A atrreie rlonty of light good power plant and tie ator. about 3.1 0O0 so ft building, ran be seen am time at 1Q3.V41 X Front at Phlla INDUSTRIAL PLANTS!, warehousea. acant Isnd raliroail and water frontage J I, STF.VEXSON t SON S22 Land Title FACTORIES AND SITES r ATI OX TOMLIXHOX LINCOLN ni.DO 1 nrelinu.ra la IP. 17 S D ST Large ft atorv bul'd'ng price fllO 000 fliuni.e( d. I nlted Itealtoia nnrlhesNt 1 orner Front 11 n.i Market hi lliillillng I i'l. I'iiilory MIe.. Etc. S 000 SO FT Kenaington dlit siding 37 000 so ft Central aiding and dock 3W acres- Xnrth Phlla tiding T acres P It It iraln Lino IS aeree lloth aldinga water front J AI AX MIHDI.FTOX (1112 Wliloner nida FOR SALE DESIRABLE BUILDING SITE 77AOH ST XI- All IIROAD JiEDOER OFFHE 80x04 c 110 lluafneu I'mnerllea and Stores 30,27 .1 N 1 UMHKItl-AND. lot. STxISS. 3 mry madam house and brick stable, suit larty with trims or automobiles III 000 ilKO. II McCltACKEN 2328 XV Lehigh Jalelnnnd 8111. , jr? AXOltTll 10TII 8T. 4stor hulldlng. " wll flre-escai. lot ITsBTi Price. ITROji MTHk aiislon r.sinta oi imhu ju. Jieaa Kl V. k'J m hl BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE JOHN P. FALLON .HOMES Walnut Street, 58th to 59th Street SOUTHERN EXPOSURE 2-STORY, ENCLOSED-roUCH DWELLINfcS; I0ROOMS PRIVATE GARAGE, PRIVATE DRIVEWAY THE MOST INEXPENSIVE HOME IN I'HILA. PLEET & B0GAT1N, Attorneys 710 SO. TENN SQUARE BLDG. TELEPHONE, SPRUCE 4734 a III 'II BMIIMIIWC ' I' ITlANKronil TOANKrOBH NEW HOMES In choicest section of Frankford Largest two-story semi-detached houses in city. ELMER B. HAMPTON ARROTT and OAKLAND STREETS Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. I CITY ' tlKBMAXTWVN stnhloa ! l A ... NEW MVRKKT ST . dnelllnK and alablf II rrnf i I'.IH lor O.U1CK a- I xv.IDKI. ". ' 4th and Callouhitl w r.-T riin.nKi,rin New Modern Homes ' ANNOUNCEMENT OF OPENING ticntrd In Ih d"tr.'o Jhn onil aortlnn noitli aid- of UI.. a s " " ": built of tho brat mannas i.ror-nrij L.li-. MohIIv nlannafl horn ompl. ; up to dalo T larco ronnta all-lllo bath hot uatpr lioat Iiie cji and oloctrlril haaomont laundr . aamp'o houe opn S4T WdU a' Kr.BOfSnX COI.l.tS.-" llulldrn SHORTLIDGE 311 S. 56th St. Bell 770 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION' 6100 BLOCK 1 LOCUST STREET Onb room- llRht 4 moro loft ; atorv porch fioot n and bath hot-ator boat . i- trio hardood floora throuahout tllod iath la.ionarv tuba ral open flrrpiacr room Baratro n at Aitoni roar aampio onu ..,-,-..... .." mi prmlo 1 to 3 p pi . Sunday 1 lo I p C1F.O It m I.IKBFtlMAN f'nt Lincoln tide MOVE IN TOMORROW n.i x .lotto' tctax and vou can inixo in tho bon aluo in nan Gr .l- A.. .!a 1h "- "'-' '.' i.Q.n ...! hnu '' n.anfnnn mr tT ""'; V Jlat "' rt rooma and bnth wld tnodorn a ir.rl .vrmninK airic-n boautlful homo with amall caah pn- CHAS. T. WAKEFIELD uts ctir.prxrr bt SPECULATORS and INVESTORS I have a f-w real or-poriunm. nub k aaio iohoioa MOO block Uan'ioad t. 5 houiea .'.TOO b ork O'ageave s houaos .1100 hick ti.agoaie 4 houo. 4io blok lot ai 3 h,iu a 1 (Oil block N H"bart t JOSEPH H.-KASS ,tr 01 37 UHKE1 kv;t NEW HOMES WITH GAKAGKS , 6100 BLOCK LOCUST , SI, room, ,nd h?th jj-i nn.nred I ..mrl. i nouao open .-,.,,. . - .- :.:;--',. - ,, . 1 f.Tlh and rhcm.iH vr A niv.i .it. ,i,."i-( 1 14S7 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 5200 Block Florence Avenue TIELOW DM.TIMHRE AVE Six ruoma hath all modern appointment- .-.tmpl' II"Uo Open All I'av I'r-ieni Price -000 HKO 14 1.IEI4EUMAV Ant MK 1.1m oln Hiilldlug 6033 LAT0NA AVE. ponh f-iTt hnt wAtrr at 4tt!rrriTnt hnt p r irifl ou'. ini-'Ston MAX M. ARNOLD S(M Ha! Kstati Trust P. -is Walnut SSD SttTH AXD WAL-XUT STS jaissesslon 2 1 fami apartments, each S rooms and bath 4l!tT AND PARKHIDK A E . 3-famllv arts . thoroughly mlern. ea h . roomj and bath nrumo J27O0, carrying i.nst tlU.10. rrlce 117 Ot'O nontHxs W - .1211 5635 THOMAS AVENUE Hnt w 4er hat i . i t rjt'ji ,r u f flnnh -x n'lcnal A If! lit II I bu l.El Pf'l I' M ami 1 .ir hwnod C" COXEM'H'V SI' P'.nh front fl ""noma and 1 -'i ", t r I lev huidwnori fl-inre Dutch ha maliogan and Uorv Nn lslied exposed bonnis in hJl. a perfi" t home. .Hllnd 4H1 I 1 917 S. 54tl Q.ipn!. l.n i.- onon . 1 sern iUt ich-1 modern, r I'UR. Gal,' lo Sherwood 1 .47 X llntli tl-,innnt "Ml XV FRAZlhlt T I50H bin. k. dfSirsble 2- -tor de. ing early poaie-.lon WII.I1WI LIMiBIt. I).''' l'"i1od H.dg . C1J-. i Ii atmit at ;liiut 170 HI'. IHAP.1XB ST Teriai-H poi.h 7 'sundry hot waior Hmint poa at sott'.ement pri. in reasonable FLETCHER 2ii2 l.ohlah mi aean P-'IIV XHillii -4tlOil block Locuet at I' luinii tile inih. gas eiectncm not vvai.r h'Rt par- ou-iin flooia Rxreeitod porchra open fire-I P Ii-Tk-i 7 itai '"!sjTr.Ll" ' '''" "hojie ni'YKns ' (.,..,,,1 -rv deelratlo nortorn dw-ltlnga ' r, n,nl"ii iwatlon II none and bath 14000 ,.i. I 4'J I L-dgtl "ft , " home iii yi-.its i-,cral r' iloelraul- modern dwel.lnga , nmenltn! lo'Mion ll re m and Path IIOOO up P 4.M 2U4 pimfcLloN Ar. S910 Che.tnut st WILLIAM T 20. Haerford ao l.t.OOII ' 33.000 iiMtnis Xa .berth Pa 7fi uniKPQ IN w p,'"iA mit THK U nvJUOL.O home buer Cpen evgs CARPENTER i WILSON ;; Market at l.r.RU4NTfllN' ;nn w HAINES We'lioc.ted i, 1 nouse. S 100ms .ill comer mm hoi water heat eii'i'rini) poseesslon Ma 1 011U 1(1000 , Ul, HFI.MFTA'I .Idllll U-imantmn ale FvVu S'J'OUY KrnidMtatli.il near Tulpe I1111 ki Station P"s. an ,1 JI- 1 J7.'50 ( rhoiio cnoatnilt Hill 1 1111 1 J i S.'VKt lunay little hume on I!-nton gt Wliter ry eas terms possession Utl. IKLMi:tah nrim iio-mantown ays Ikmhi WILL Hl't 10 room tmn house, large lot Suval at west of Greene rare chance. , Mtl. HEI.METAO .'.'inn d-rmantown ave I TWIN' HOUSE front lam lot 121 feet deep. II rooma, property t'IWil V "lIH IFIIIJItlUUi rniiais.lt ITI slifini Annilllla- nulla). For information apply r; AHSFORD. lrirB Hnd Morton sti Ci-rmaniown McCALLl'M tT ntBf Haines- Oood loca lion, small houae for 12100 a ro.il bar gain CARL HELMETAU 6tl09 lierman- iowii air HI PLEASANT ST Desirable 2 story house porch 1 bedroome handv location, onl 13100, posaeislon CARL HELMETAO. Minn tiermantown ave . lfo" WEAVER ST Choice small home 4 bedrnoma, all conveniences only 18300 ess) terms, possetsion i. mu. nr,i,.ii j,i Ati pHUH i.eriii-ii."-'. ave 2150 CONLYN 8T Six rooms hsth sll ion enlences. porch well built house, for IS:00t will finance PARL JIELSIETAO, J409 Germantown els, REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE MODERN HOMES lRn:, FEBNIIILI. IIOAP K.non Tliroo bodrooma. hotnator bra' oio trio (tarac": porch dnnhwl MIR XIAI5ION ST n:o Kour lrrtroomi. loctrk, laundry a: i w lUNsnErmr st JfiT.'.ft Ouoon Twin houao o 10 rooma; clo? l.ano alation Julv 1. 1". 1(. H po.araston 12.1 w l.Ol'DEX PT ts-no Throo bodrooma hfil-wator ba oloo iru t loc to Wajne Junt'ln 4311 MORRIS ST.. t'.'ill Throo tiedroom. hot-walor hra rior iri' . l.Vfoot drlonny, bcauuf'il nut Iflfil MORRIS ST.. neon Throo bodrooma Incloaod ncr h waior lioat. oioctrlc. garaco r--awnlnea and many othor addr 1 luroa iti.aski .wn ronxKR $u r.on Throo atory. 0 bedrooms .' hatha, tint-water heat oioctrlc; ap.t-o for caraso, boautlful outlook, mu-t aell quick lo aottlo an ratato. THOMAS H. EV0Y 4SO.I wxk avi:. $16,500 Semidetached atoro dnellln wlih gar ape emithern oxrviuro with 12 rooma and 2 hatha elrttrUjItx rarquot floort good location 2 aquaroa to Oermantown ae elores. tralna etc $9750 Pmflrtiirhd ston d?lllnr 10 rnomn. 2 balh lrtr,rlf parfjuetr fliors. ex tellent rondltton p r Torn i son TOM nner t . Oermantnirn BEAUTIFUL LINCOLN DRIVE Corner Property Firn floor IKIoj: r.'om dining room, ranter hall pantrv and kit, h-n aecond floor 2 Urge liedruoma dr-nng room and bath, third floor 2 bodrooma and bath hot-watar heat gae and Henri. Ii immediate poa- caaion Apply nil HARD HEY sn.v INr Main at and Va.nut lano M.wiayunk IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Stone dwelling Rnj garsgo, lo rooms ami 2 bathe- newly rapered and painted and modern throughout W- alio hie a f-w other propertle? that mn Interest ou II E PXXIS rn Rullei n nidi 47 W. CARPENTER ST. Pautful one und ttucrr, hom STtSOO, inf'1rn In vr rtiprf VKWMAV mi.!. 82.1. 2 Ormiififnnn a- HAUUAIX IH.Mio bu 3 atory twin houie" with larg- lot near Marihelm flub worm i lioon moro ait oulck'5 . pneon May 1 I ornia I ART, III;L.META(J JiioS Clerrnan- town m f.0.13 HKISKILIo Rent Jib, pru-e IID0O pot will fltiaica free, rhanca for reirale at 12000 i All!. HEI.METAO 5H00 German Town ae S12 XV IPSAL ST Very rnulce home on tine atr-t near atatlon. 10 rooma. 2 hatha hot-water heat, eloctrlclu . posaeanicn I17.M0 CARL HELMETAG. 0U U.rmn. town a. TWO STORV, B-m.Mtaeh'd nr Tuli horK n htatlon. pOr''lon Ma 1 $TJ"0 Phon rfunut Hill nflft ,T W WAf NtT LANK. 1 roomt, Uundr. rr '.mii rlfo y nan" f.01-1 fl in n TIMIs I 3432 X I.MII ST 3 itor porth front dweil Ing, poi,inn at once iKIDRL 4 CO I h .nil I'allnnMII ft. 3mki Hl.Oi K Broad st . 12 moms 113 non, 1 rno block Tioga at , 12 rooma. 2 hatha II'VIO rhono jfter 0 o'clock Tiog.i 'I20 W ( IIKSIXI'T IIII.L STONE HOUSE 13 ROOMS I IIRKE ACRES Two batv iatr heat and ail conve (.arce 10o ' i i troa fine o.l nliA c f PETH - a hfiX l'll ' KES rl'T SI I OOAX lH.mH;H.i.H3rini!njri..ikm,? rH:,iirTHiramiit;.:rrr'i!m,niurnm;ncincuncni:cRr2 1 Quality First Homes 1 I th St. & Somerville Ave. I mo xonTii Take T"r .I car tn Somerville ave. IVb 2 squares east The kind . f w horn- jou hae been looking f well built large room oery poseir . innenlence. good csr fariiuin i' i no i buy until ou have o n them MAURICE H. MATSINGER Real Estate Trust Bldg. It ainut 207 6j i M. other fl 4 tlelil Eala'e Floard II PsllWwlt lraiainmisiiiBiiniiiwiminMi'iftii! rttcuiiiMsiTrnn priibtii n niKii4ii.ntnnn 903 LINDLEY AVE. 3 ivn twin t 1 "on. tia'h And l&undry, m d irnmrn nit- DUMtimon MAURICE H. MATSINGER Leal Estate Tl lit Bldg striniiei Pb' H lrlt.hu Real Walnut 207 Etat- Hoard SKVeKAL vn s'trartu- corners on our pat 41iBI N u am (Tli at corner RuscomD st JSS00 4H01 N Marlne st cori.i i icuttanri st Iboiiii noil Somervl lo ate corner lltli st 111 000 MR Uuncannnn se romer Hi'ihlmon st 113 000, UlH Wummt ai i orner Marline st 113.00(1. It would pav vim to look those over J ALLISON PARKER 4713 N Broad St. 1107 WAGNER AVE. Thrf oedrooms Lath hot water electric Ineloied porch heat, THOMAS H. EVOY.vatnV?9 AVE 1S2B DLNBT AVE -2-artory. corner, porch, 0 roomi aid hih beautiful location. M II MATS I NO En. f Real Eitato Tmat nidg. WARNOCK ST 6238 N -sti rooms, bath nd kaundry hardwood throuxhoutl hot 1 water best, electric price J000 W f JACKSON. 621f Baltlrawt Va iK't ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PENNSYLVANIA MIUU'RUAN PTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiunniiiiiiiiimTT .Hiniiinii - Some These properties deserve your prompt consideration before sold beautiful and charming home for someone. 0VERBR00K All-Stone Residence 2-Car Garnge An Idoal permanont horn, locatfd In tho boat roaldontlal aacllon: con vonlont to train and trollov. contain itifr 7 chambora jnd 3 batha: central plant: Oorbrook artialan ttntcr; d cfttlonally large lot. ARRAXOB FOR lXSrF.IJTION BRYN MAWR A Few Minutes North of Station by Motor vorv aubatantlallr built atone real. A donco located cm on or me nisnt-i pnlnta In tbla aectton and command ln an extenlo Mow of aurroundliu homea of prominent Phlladolphlana. Th dnellltiK contalna 12 chambora and 4 hatha exceptionally well ar ratiaod anacloua porchoa. otorlooKim: I.. autiful lawn? of about 5 acres-, eaoy terma immi:piatk possession Beautiful Overbrook Home for Rent Furnished Klaht chambora 4 batha. F.leBantl furnlh(1. Oarase for aevrral cars with man quartera Reautiful apacloua lawna oi nvor tcrea P ArRii. ivrn to ocTonr.R ist GREENFIELD & TAUBE PENS' SQUARE Iicuat 4913 14 ii i. no llao im.4 .... ...... -M rrum PA I A FEW ot in- u.u- -." -" ,, h.llh ,r-.,M innilblnik il-ii'"' - . :-'.j ..-..in i .- . . , . ii- nil nniii. . ........ futchh-eon Ylr-j.n.1 hath .,2011 hlo-U X imh at HI' '",n nsou 7200 ".Mill 7 fii -1 B1I00 'i;.(ni lo .100 14,500 Il'.ds i iu:ir N lilih !' n- irewly papered id bath . . :..n ... i. v in h t ' i-.in m taih at Rr. and bath I ?', ? nth t 7 r hath and garage I lBiN' !2th at 3al twin 4S20 X. Ilroad. at .' ' i aw,i.' -.".,. 471', X Uroad -t in- i.iii'"". More, nnil Dwellings t OIlXK.It S. winan li -w heat. olec. . Hnmod. poa. H Hall 3252 (lormantown a. jvvttvi:vAvi,-4iL,iinnAN BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SEAT lr,h:nol:nv,;7o',dcVorgnar.agn.,, LrV'',glrdene,aot..gOf.be buHd.ngs are Pound. I M..M -hade and o4er.o..lilie a lake on tli. eatate ml prop-rtv Iihh been deje d- i nn iintMl a mn ..-. 'lit nuaiurB earn ii. I It I III. 1IUII - -- - - - - , . from lit Hall bv train and ont to golf and hunt clube. railroad aii'l tro,le . garage tf , S m'nu' i trolU com' ooi1 pchooln holrlii cars mrn iind Poultr niMiaca r- aViTu, r.,;'df A,,,?,,i4;.-vch,,.,r,u"-HERKNESS & STET50N t s i TITLE fIifj HOME-HOSPITAL ASYLUM 1 route 131 on. roadl. Phllndeirlila to Haiti more mam t i.ildlne ha 01 n.omp. convenl- , oncea. large gimnaaiiim. barn and garage, operated for in my ears in boya boarding school: commanding a fin- lew owing to thu , ..n-nt clcallnn II acres or grouna, in- Nindlnr flno rnnrpun with old shade. II oto- graph. andr -"'."oYtT.TDGn. I mi fl. tlh i-t llelmont 770. COLONIAL HOUSE Ton rooms 2 b.tl . rounded by old almdo I woodwork, haul wi l lilcltj lot 120x '"' 5 in T" rfei t order, aur hot water heat white floor. ha- and olec minuted walk Jenkln- I town station HERKNESS & STETSON I.ANTi TITLE IllMI P1XO "COLONIAL STONE HOUSE GARAGE AND 5 ACRES NKAR PHILA CPU KLT CI.L11 NEW GOLr LlNKb HEALT HnME" PRI1 , f PETERS "ON E Illi.HT PHOTOS Hum CHESTXI'T ST 1 tillNl'lli SluKli at Uladwyn 44.I.O0 Semidetached dwelling at Oladwyn 3 00 New bungalow 2 acres, overlooking Mill I'reek Valley . 0 000 Bn" . SJlls'lM" '"."A no .--taS'SSS I ,u "'",,'riAji'f HARRIS "" I 20, Haverford ave., Narh-rlh Pa 21TCRES ON STATE HIGHWAY Ml.DIV WAWA SE'TION ELEVATED I 1'. 1 in atoiio housr. modern plunildne, romp frm I Idas 0-r tep-nt hnuee early poai , ,, .rT l ll g. qOX Hill I'llL'STXI'T ST I I AM offering in n modern. 7-room 1 duelling with garaFe and I acre of ground. I about 1 111II0 from Wujtie Station Price! I for quick sale I2 000. Post Ofllce Rox No 7tl Ardmnre Pa i ! f-iolIT min from c.Oth t terminal, atone ft ' I .lucco dwg . 7r , steam heat, gas A elec : i I ,t." n Pen I. Ilarnea 12111 che.tnut at ! I lliillillng i-r.f 4MTII 4 SI'RUl E STS . S W 100 bldg. lots Woodland ave . or 114. DUO Darby 40.000 A. 0O0 IS lots at Ilrookllne 160 building lots at Selleravllie .. Large lot at CXkmont Station . 17 acres nesr Dexon . . . "W acres at atatlon Davlnford, WM T HARRIS -OS Haerford ave. Narberth Pa 4, BOO tl.lOU 6.100 6,000 AMIII.F.R l-.VACRE FARM ft inllea above Willow Orov". Including S dwelling houses: all coi.venlences, barn capacity. 30 head of atoc-a f hoghouae. 250 head, chlilen houie. ranaelty moo chickens inrlngliouse. with --.".I ....,. urn nn and Imnl-menl hnll.-, riinninE h.ici -.. ...... -..- l pr vate barn and 2 haihouaes. apaciiy "' ' k... -n ,n--Hoiv. nn nl In. 10(1 best fainii i offend on the market, good location P 42(1. l-odger Otflce DltEXEL IIIIJ, tODERN stone dwg . elegsnt loos Hon.. fl bed rooms " C ADAMS, 141H Walnur l FOX illAHE T1IREB-8TORT. 15 rooms, hot-water heat, ileeirlelty. garage, lot H02I. Newman ft Ball. vl. aartfeteh M avhti anrnu n aasjA HJiai witanmi( s" JKXKINTOiYN HILIIDE AVE Ten rooma, eUetrloltS', garage. r'W. I lot SBxlldi vacant New. A L Bail, M3Ztrmarrtowir-re,-- - I xmiimTi''''''''''iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 n 1 1 1 m 1 1 n m i m 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 itttttttttttX i '""'" - ill" ..irninv ill AT HILTOX 8-room , " MbKlUN 800 feet by 120. Mri N. W. Cor. 12th & Louden - ' Kirhi more. bath Inrlo.ed. heated 1 porch enrage I REAL ESTATE FOR BALE rENNsvi.vANiA stintiniuN' iiiiiitiiimiiiiiiimiiniHimnn.iiim. Suburban ' GERMANTOWN Substantial Stone Resi dence Exclusive Section Thla la a nno all-slnna modern home, containing P maater chimbera and 4 batha. arranged In aultoai beautiful urounda abundance of rina old ehude. aoulhom oxpoaur!-. Karaie for .1 ears, with llvlnar apartment: convenient to Tulpchocktn Station and trolley linn. WEST SIDE CORNER Modern Stone Colonial This It a moat complete and charm ing, home In everv particular, contain ing on aecond floor 4 chambora. i hatha and aervanta" Quarters. In ell: third floor ha billiard room, bed room, bath and eloreroom: hardwood floors. 7 open flrcplacea. hot-water heat, electric llghta. Inclosed porchl exceptionally large lot. with j-w carage ard mana room and bath. WE IlErOMMKXD THIS rROI'F.RTT AXD UROB YOU TO SEE IT AT OXCE UUFOrtU SOLD. Beautiful Lincoln Unusual Opportunity A comfortable, convenient home In the Kngllalt half-timber l'e Mol durably conalructed by an able, ex perienced builder, not to sell but for hla own home. The plan la atudl'd and compact, with generoua ruoma there are well-lighted rhambera. i exceptionally appointed balha and a toilet room. Interior workmanahlp the beat of Its kind Including heat ing, plumbing, decoration parquetrj floors, lighting, vacuum cleaner. Carage with IMwr apartment, Clrnunds ano feet deep, roar lawn, poultry runs and kitchen garden. ARRAXOB ArrOI.NTMKNT 700-01-02 Morris BIdg. Members Phila. Real Estate Board iniiniHiiiiinniiiiHiiiiiity slnne and shingle buntalow. one-floor plan, large living loom and dining oom open fireplaces. 7 bedrooms. -l'Btna pantry, kitchen, modern host ing and lighting, etsblc. 3ti acres of well planted ground, possession any time , WYNNEW00D In hofi location all modem alucro lealdence. lal, floor, hall. llM'ig room, dining room, pantry kitchen and laundry. 2d floor 3 bedroom" 1 bath. 3d floor. 2 bedrooms and bath: vapor lion', electric light, garage, tan be eoen b appointment ARDM0RE Hri'k and frsmo resldenco and gaiuge let flopr, (.enter hall, living room, dining room pantry, kitchen and laundr : 2d floor. 4 bedrooms. 3 hatha. 3d floor 2 bodrooma. 1 bath, lot 110x2011. well planted, possess.on June 1 1U20 HAVERF0RD Krlek and frame dwelling, well Planned I it floor, fl bedrooms. 1 kith on 2d floor. .1 bedrooms, 1 bath on 3d flour stable suitable for a ruge, about 1 acre: old shade and f I lilt trees possession an time, rea sonable pi tic ST. DAVIDS Ready for uccupancy, atone and brick slu o residence In excellent condition 7 bedrooms. 2 baths, cen tral plant brut, electric light lot 112x248 ft t!000 .nn remain on mortgage BALA-CYNWYD Detached atinco duelling In the bet location In llal.i with unsurpassed outlook; lsi Hour. liing room, din ing room library. pantr kitchen and laundrv 2d floor. 4 bodrooma, 1 bath:8d flour 2 bi'droom. store room and bathl hardwood floore hot-water heat, eleclri' light, gtound 70x300 fl . garage for n cars within 3 niln uioa' walk f loin iU';on, possession May 1. 1020 FURNISHED HOUSES We are offering nn .ittracllve houses nn the Maine Lin- for rnt, furnished, for the aummer si-aon Samuel C. Wagner, Jr. 320 Commeroul Trust flldg. tntn ann Market ate. MII 1.111)1 I1NF. Miiii,iiiiii,!iiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiuiii;iiii!iiiiiiiiii!ni iwiiuimiwiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiH I 23 Marlborough Rd. I m Semidetached 'j-story stone g nnd stucco dwelling; 30x90; g hardwood floors; gas nnd clec h trie; hot-water heat; this prop I erty is very homelike in its j arrangement of rooms and will a nppcal to your good judgment; S possession; owner leaving city, j property must be sold this g wcck; open for inspection m every day and evening. Take "I," road, get off at C5th st., walk south 2 Fquures. If de sired easy term- Act today. Mastbaum Bros. & Fleisher' iTiroaMnnMg'igai1'"1''' , nnmiiiDiiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiii: ni'Ti.rni.K FOl'RTEEN-ROOM Ii ingalnw, hot-water heat gas and elei.i. til- and atucco stale roof: only 17.100 nk J140O cash re ouired other bargalnn ( HAS W RUSSELL Una Real Eatate Illdg IUII1I ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY SEAT Modern houie, garage ai elevation few mlnu' . and overlooking golf . 1 3Vi acres blah elk from elation i shade, house con hall living room. it iii, nrit noor i .n den dining room i.r taet room, pantry 1itv.an laundr "il floor. 4 maater a 1 large servants' bed "f hen third floor 4 modern conveniences. a bedrooms. 2 hatha hi room and balh over V,rnnm- halt). iM numerous open flrepiu. HERKNESS & STETSON 1 S3! LAND 'IITI E IllMLHINfl MVUtlllMOHP, MODERN dwelling situated In beautiful ground; contain! u rooms and 2 baths, all modern: lot 1011x820. garage for 2 care. nrlce 120,000: BO per 'ent can be left on ltt I morlgage. II. E F.NX1S ft CO, Bulletin nidg , . WVNCOTB COLONIAL HOUSE GARAGE AND 3 ACRES High elevation "hade vegetable and flower -.'ion nouse comaina rirai floor hall, living i mm. mom nanlry kitchen 1 library den. dining undry. second floor A I.r h-drooms 3 hatha third floor. 4 bed rooms, baths all conveniences me, bstn: an conveniences; numerous open nrepucee: iplaces: large rorrneil excellent value, HERKNESS & STETSON JMi LAND TtTLH niJPO; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .. ' , wl""""i oes rah s corner nRropAr,i 9 rcm:- '"thj all convs.: lot lOOx 10 Doltfer. n.-IT Rosl Estate. Trust nidg HAnnoxFiEfji HADDOXFIELD tB."i00: Kings H'ghwav. 13 lir;i.Kr.lt RBi Real EstPte Trust Ifldg r,AST nt.orrF-STnn UtB.V. "'fJUfKHTBIt. N. J J4fl.so: o rms'. i.i",.i,,,i"ir.on.l,,.i iawd. floorai; lot r0gl2ni i blk tn II. It. Dolk.r. 887 Real Ka Tr. Bldg niVKRTON" POSSESSION AT OXCE J . JCnom.V "'nor residence: rxinv.; garage lot flSxian. on hill near golf club """ CV,h,I".l!i,vVl0!L.,,n, Talmyra: d to is rms PETERS & SON. fiQ CHESTXUT ST XKW JirnWBV SKAmingg ATf-XTir TITY SUff-ESSFUL family hotl-t. fth mrtmm .... nianea; city: near : linen, silver, dlahea: best avenue In r beach; price JflO.000; $20,000 cash. Addre-a Owner. Tins f!33 FLOniDA, FLORIDA Timber, Ir. truck mil Imii land, orange and grapefruit groves; build ng and develoomenF. it-r-v iAnninL. V-C riero. FIs '" ftl NKW TO R K 18 Net Income The Investment of 180,000 n tn, etiulty of a modern S atory cortfr office building with eleator, size 4lx 1S3 hsndsome brick and terra cotta In city of 100.000, half hour from downtown Xew lork; win pet oer 18 per cent, rhsln Stores 7 Liberty S New Tork Phone Tort 744 Dep't Sole Agent. F.XXHVI.VAXIA FARMS 112 ACRES OLD YORK ROAD SECTION ir'imr'fro'r;0mr.,;hr1o:SelfIo,r,or,,!,,y nssaea farm, sionn Colonial house; Aral Boor, central hall, large livinr room, Ibrary. dining loom, pantry, kitchen lauudiy lavatory aecond floor. 0 bed ooms, 2 baths, tnlrd floor. 4 large rooms 1 small room: large new barn. 40 cow Italia. 10 horse stalls; garga? for 3 cJ?s -lilcken houses. sprlnghouse, tenant Jouse. apartmenta over -garage; main house heated by hot water and lighted oy elec rlclty and gas: all other build ings lighted by electricity; farm land of xcellent quality and In good condition: Lie o.d shade around the houses: meadow, running stream; convenient for Phlla lelphla business man to commute the year around, near rood schools, golf clubs, eto, HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING 87 ACRES STONE COLONIAL HOUSE Fourteen rooms, 8 baths, hot-water heat electric lights. o.-ven rtreplace., hardwood" floors, in.room tenant houae. large farm barn, aprlnc house, garage it, miles from Philadelphia City Hall by tr. " motor.' on pike near railroad atatlon: near good schools, go f and hunt clubs' hoOu.rm,2:eV0,d h.dWJKl HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE RLDO, STOCK FARM - l.."t mlnu'" 'rom Fhllsdelphla City lis I by train or motor, large stone ColonUl residence containing 14 rooms and 8 baths hot-wsl.r heat and all modern Improve; mpntst surrmindsd by old shade! s fine, is r. modern barns. 3 good-slxed tenant houaea and small tenant house: 3 eorlnghoueee, poultry houses hoahouaes. Icehouse, clubhouse etc sll hulldlngs In flne order; excellent quality of land, extensive meadows, with running stream large enough for boating and bath. Ing: railroad station on farm; good roads; near good schools and well-known fox-hunt ing club and golf club apple orchard; would make dealrahl- dalrv or horie-breedlng farm. or norae-breedlng fsrrr & STETSON t LAND TITLE ni.DO i ONLY A FEW. FARMS LEFT IN WILLIfl- TOWN TIIWNSIIlt', UIIEBTBR CO,, PA Five have been sold In past fl monthi, Here la where letlemtn'f sports ad sleek fsrms prevail. PromtnanfShlla. business and pro. tenlonal men have farms here. Slons roads, Electrto power lines, telephones productive soil, woods, water and environment. 1 have tor sale ens tract of 038 acres! a small one of 8T acres. ... ... A. 1 liniilg-jHAfl. -"Ttmv idfirWt csitfir( fENNBYLVANIA-i-StmimnAN rmf saPsasae-ess- I I Bk A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mtys i nimiilfirWv . VAYA fH ul- X . i iuiiit;o . : ra ii B Every place a : : tj ' MERION . l ( IDEAL HOME : El s-fr-,te For Small Family : U fjJMlfcpB A well-built Encllsh-style residence, I WMmKwinmmmfmmftt containing 4 master chambers and 2 ; z f) InWiasffiJKsfflsfflllffllufEpI baths; with servants' quartera of 3 - II , ImH 1smlffiBlnmSDsMJ roomi and bath! large lot, with 2-car - - Wi lu jjfffljf(flljrf gatage: southern expojurei convenient I lffl j4X4Tt4-t-r 1 lt-fit?-rf I stu Hilt to atatlon; possession about May 1. ' yS (Q BTTafmilffilitttfttttllrl Hr OAK LANE H 0 SlBlliil Exceptional Suburban Home z X m'MMMM-W With Garage Near the City III SllliH This desirable residence occupies a z XJ (r tEfl!mtmxiXS picturesque site overlooking 'the nelghi ; - N V's" jj JP4f,JTH 1 1 H fl j f I B J 1 1 Bull rjiaPaBi ll borlnc tetatesi corner rroperty,abeau- ; - III J "jtyiMflRfllffiW ti. tlfully shaded; modern stone garage, z - 7 ' imif Mnetiilll 1 1 lllil 1 1 littilsMlaM I old-fashioned garden; detached II II ( TtllnrfflerfflrrnlltnlliffllBrM It w.M Colonial-style stone house. In excel- Z Z Mt ) Bk llluJiUlHliisiasaHHffiii JlS" DriVe '"" conl,lon' w',le central entrance, -; - l J3 iWlll1 ssmlllilM JJIW "111 VS wnuc wooawora. electric ugni, naru- - - lyy r, ''ffK iffl li Mil III osllllll lla, FT1-- wood floora, fireplaces, 8 bedroom', - - f 1 " lllssinMuTlnMasTJnrsllf'l n. vt 2 bathe; A minutes from atatlon, 8 , I Z U M.( 8l jr TfliTmrrrrwrTT1 ftTn IW1 ll Hl blocks to street car. Early posses- - ; M C ij JniiintfuIUM J . -- t m'iKiwimBirKKa mtswt s . WAYNE : U :mtmWMMm?- Near Wayne Station we ars offering Z W a ' jj Bil Kb Kfl ififB Riir 1 BE " an attractive English-style residence- Z - II ..It-MM li la'. Hi IWIMIsUiIsbI i liii In the heart cf the beet residential - X). Ill H Bl wk ffUS rrllrf) ifHHllHTil eeclfon. Containing fl chambers - - - Z M fl 'M j1 "jWl nilUj lltKt IfflllMi'laWl I ' modern appointments, rentral plant Z - Ia VI fill I'll tMBlilll llMll lllsTcl lit III IBIJlnwHr' heat: recently redecorated; large lot - I f aJsMij .'"'"'"yiaRE wl,h nne '"' iSA 158 h iniiui "i m as asa I " I L Hil aMV nnl HIV Iflei H PM Wi wtr JFi ,c ' B 1 1 n 1 1 ii 1 1 1 ii 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 iy ikit J XFv JF.nsBV Hltimnnav anHJLT.0' ,-roon2 nou, nd barn, lot -r.8r,0d i."WyA? ?" A- Mannlon. nlackl wood P. O, nienholm. N J COM.INOSWOnn gSSl I .. M mi MLM REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ari25Sg5Sgcg To New 1 2-Stqry BWg 1716-18 Market Street : : W r- WHifiiirann i f Ii JiMSSS."B For full particulars apply to C. J. MITCHELL COMPANY 810 LINCOLN ULDIl. B ZfSEIi m HEAL ESTATE WANTED jamHEMBIlIM WILL Concrete Building, Tinving one hundred thousand lo one hun dred and fifty thousand, square feet. Railroad Siding Preferred HEYMANN & BROTHER WIDENER BUILDING "imarii!iii'Mrinitimi!i HEAL PSTATE FOB SALE , BEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT WBW JF.nBF.V SKA8HORF. ATlNTIC CITY Sor'ri-g'yain'aVe' pr-tT. -FRTATE WANTED BMALL tLAhBJa?':lfrblt!UJrSrh,S K creek. i, ui " !Y...J.kl.. -lit. l-rtna and nour ""r,.V;u tt1 inrhTr -vallable. M 1" l-niiaaciMi"- . - - v-ii-i T. L!flTii ivaMTKD TU KENT, June till Bent., rrop WANTBU i "' J Un CCOmmodationa . rl.0"KwJ fo? ilrli' camp; within 2S en. no "..- e cttv. p 433. Ledger untee. Vlimtcu-Io rent In OverbrooK on yearly lea. lar hou"' 'urnlne(1 or un'ur ""Wn'r"." 'AT.t Mount Holly. X. J. O- - zz. . .vr whu hftvo you for mile -- - r r ... BUTERB "A"..;-,,",.,. i LedgerOffle. -r'- ' "" rARiia with posslblll WANTED to r.nv.o. .,.-.. - -, rt . a - (lair . ...h Ol l"- U , A of thoroughbred meadow land . tor - ''". " ,- i,-rd.men i.,.rn.ay cattle; niao von..- ,-.,:, i of Philadelphia. -7..ihiv within lb miiea Answer 808 Walnut at. Room 811. REAL ESTATE FOB BENT crry FOR RENT N. W. CORNER 15TH&VINEST. IN THE HEART OF THE AUTOMOBILE DISTRICT ENTIRE BUILDING $200 MONTH POSSESSION AUGUST 1, APPLY TO SAMUEL ELLIS 118'i VINE ST. 920 AUTOMOBILE ROW Very attractive showrooms In the belt Incntloiie en Broad it. CURUS S.GOHSnN eaM n. mnano srwecr PHILRDELPHIH i AROK B-atorv building. Delaware ave, near Itace at. 20.000 to 40.000 so, ft " V OOI.DMAN. 731 Walnut at. Fartorlea. Mannfaelurlng Flenra Hjno aq, ft first flour, new bldg., 15,000 so ft , ground Boon siding: central Phlla.; xn 000 aq. ft., concrete const.: Kens, dlst. J ALAN M1DDLETON. S02 Wldener Bldg. 8,000 SQ W. n. .Iv. a. - fl 11 altlfl i 000 ill. it., ground floor. R. R. aiding. ALAN MIDDLETON, Factory Bpeclaiiet I lndustrtal Engineer. BOi Wldener Illdg. IOiUW J . and Buslnfes l'roperlles and Stores SEVERAL" desirable offices, alnify or en iulte; modern appointments: excellent light etc.! possession June 1 and July 1 Fuller King., i" " i DEtflid and a.sk routii vlHKa and ask rouiu wun inn; ano gtsi is monthly; etenograpner in duiici Ing. ealla and mall received ami osiiverea. uergis nidr.. eor. 7th and Snrtne Oardei ta "aia.JO W. HAOKRT PT, Hrlrlc bul ding frame building and slisd. sultabls for aula nWJE if Mccracken, 28 ay. nun r .ii-i.. '!;. 'i'hii, inifin PFAXBVLVAMA TARMS . noSSr&CnbgmgS buVer. J M Fronefl.ld. Wayne. Pa. BEAT. ESTATE FOlt nPvTT: CITY n Lease VI' ort r Mi III u t u Store and floors '' on a plot approximately' 8100 sq. ft. Suitable for EXECUTIVE OFFICES. SALESROOMS, &c. (No manufacturing.) Most modern, fireproof, daylight' building, with high-speed passenger elevators. IPf lo be completed about December, 1920 PEUCKERT & WUNDER, ARCHITECTS . AND ENGINEERS klf REAL ESTATE WANTED BUY BEAL ESTATE ROB BENT NFAV JERSEY SEASHORE VKVrvnn r-n-PTintrs lrnrt nr.VT We still have a choice selection of hlah-cls furnished cottaaas In Ventnpp for rant f the summer months rsnglng from 11600 lI 'i 'or me season-, our csr at your aii-a,,, posal (bv appointment) for their InspecHsn-f' lei us know vour requirements; open Bun-I dsa. VENTNOn REALTY CO.. 831n Atlt'-lr, n- n r, t I riutiuii , ,t. a NnnrpoRT. n. i. NEWPORT. II. I., house for summer. i:09 hall, drawing room, dining room. Ilbrsr;in -i.i.iuii .liii.i it uiiniia ruuui. riv . mi rooms. 4 hathrocms, porches and mm I' care for ground. Jl 12". Ledger onice si f FOB BENT PUBNISHED s FOR RENT Furnished 8-rocm houi In Nnrthu-nAil Vhll-it-lnhla I7S n.r month Write 1103 -Arrott at and give lelephonsj number. NEW JERSF.Y SF.SlltE ATMNTIO CITY VILLAS, oottares. bungalows, any fltaaan: all locations; cc apart menu complete Hits. ll. u. luviutin i-v... Guarantee Trust Buldr,, Atlantis CUT M0BTOAC.ES MONEY LOANED ON 1st MORTGAGE With Life Insurance Protection If the Insured should die, the pty menta cease, the debt Is canceled and the mortgage Is satisfied Apply for furthir lnortnattett, UNITED SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE ft TRUST CO. 603-003 Chestnut St , Phlla ISO NOTE ON M0RTOAOE8 lO Immediate sittlemints 1 1000 Unsettled estate lease Building association funds DEMPSKY ft CO. 37 B. lUthsL $50 Roil estate security IramH dint- settlement, lnlrr.it ol estates bought. Cash at one $2000 EDW. M nsri i jai n. IY1ULU im .1 f'Kl Plila dvyelling.. rentetl at 1 J P ' ", st lllllli caan, om n. .--r- .., COLLET. 1B33 !"" - SF.F. FINBERG .. . -i. ..j . tinm- buien. Iloomff Mortgagee r..- Vjjjj FIRHT MORTGAGES . for sals. ttfWtl I8t ""'l steal esch. . Pr cent l'""' fEMBEIlTI policies with each mortgage. 1 tD tj-ui-ATieR Harrison nidr . n 1 1 LOANS. REAL ESTATE AND KTA7'J j nrcLANY. 34 B. !.ff MTr SKrSffi frtlTW am s - - - 'Jl..,,,-ttgaMesaBsssaMagaas I MONEY TO LOAN aaaaaxeBSBssaaBaBweasssaaBesassiasagaaaa. ...tf oT?DAoSflf no Anu wnlE.nBn.s 128 MARKET ST T 1UDGE AVE AND OXFORD ST, 22D AND mm in "" WF. LOAN MONEY ......uiTiiUE PIANOS. ICTn ?,rroV.' LE9. etc, . you. mUW " while you, ure paying rv f Inan (of1 Write call or jihona Walnut oo" PROVIDENT LOAN CO fsarnrupni 1033 f'lir.nT.NiiT f i .DCAnv MfiNPY- n....nuiv wiTmten ft JEWF'!"1. United States Loan Society 1IT NWIIlll r.y'"l,-n i VXO Market 2a --"-" - ', .' V i fel , '.JaWMBaw 'I L S 'i f. rft-'iU i, I" v ... ' V-'i 'y&. l" r -T.L-fk , j r -i.