wr J o ,1 I".' ( ; I'' I H li-"? -" te s EVENING BXJBMO. LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', ITHUBSDAY, .MABOH 25, 1920 D'ANN UNZIO PLANS FUME REPUBLIC Proclaiming of New State -Awaits Supreme Council Meeting on April 21 PEOPLE'S PURPOSE FIXED CHILE HAS NEW CABINET Padro N. Montenegro Becomes Pre mier and War Minister -Santiago, Chile, March 25. (Ny A I.) The president of Chile hns formed n new cabinet, tbi premier nnd minister of the Interior being l'udro Nnlusco Montenegro, former minister of war. Antonio Iltincui who. tit various times during the Inst twenty years has held portfolios In Chilean mlnistcrles, li ' hern appointed minister of foreign affairs. GRAVI DiSQRDINI A NA LIE TORINO Cli Operai Occupano Alcuni Sta- bilimenti ma Sono Costretti ad Arrendorsi l y the Associated l'resn Rome, March 'S. Flume is on the ere of momentous events, nays dis patches direct from that city. Captain (Jabriele IVAiimmslo niui'thr- Fiuinnu National Assembly have decided to pro claim Finnie u republic, but will probu My not taUe this action until after the ineticg of the Siitircnn' A'Vd Council nt San Hemo. Huij. on April '.'1. Italian troops yesterday forced the surrender of workmen who hud Milzetl the Miani and Silvotrl factories ot Naples, following n rejection of their claims for increased wages. The men had barricaded all entrances uud raised the red Hag. Workmen tit Turin have occupied the Fiat factories as n protest against the hours of work enforced there. Forgery of bank notes on h large scale at Flume has accentuated the dis tress caused by the paralysis of com merce. The populace, however, is de termined not to submit to the Jugo slavs. At a meeting of officers and prominent citizens, Captuin IVAinmtizio reatlirined his determitiutiou not to abandon the city until it was either "ntciallj inde pendent or a heap of ruins." A geucral strike for tw cut -four hours was called at midnight last night at Naples as a protest luulni-t the ejec tion of workmen who had seized two factories there. 2 PRINCES REVISIT VIENNA Government It Asked About Expell ing Brothers of Ex-Empress Vienna. March 'J3. (By A. 1U rdnces Sixtus and Francis of Bour-bon-1'urmu, brothers of former Kmp ress Zitn. are visitors in this city. This act was made the subject of an In terpellation in the National Assembly yesterday, the government being aked if it was in a position to expel them. The motion claimed their presence in Vienna "caused political miret and suspicion." Trlnce Sixtus claims protection of the French mission, while I'riuce Fran cis takes a similar position with the Belgian representatives here. STUDENT SOVIET A MYTH Undergraduates of Kansas College Played Prank on Professor ' Hays. Kan.. March 2.1. (By A I' ) I The student "soviet" of the Fort Hays Normal School hns cea-ed to exist, j In fact, it never did exist, according to the county prosecutor, except in tlie mind of one of the faculty members, I Casper Harvey, who resented an "ultimatum" from the .student body that every one connected with the in stitution would have to help lay the frchool running track jesterday or take a ducking. Professors Harvey and .lames Start, I with a student named l.hidqulst, re fused to take any part in the work, nud i were ducked in a pond by the exuberant I students. Harvey, upon emerging, tel egraphed the state board of education that the students had seized control of the institution and that u virtual "soviet" was in power. i And that, said the county attorney In his report, was ull there was to it ADVKnTtSKMENT COOPERATIVE PLAN OF SELLING SHOES A BIG SUCCESS Royal Boot Shops Policy of "Every Customer a Partner" Cuts Men's Shoe Prices $3 to $6 a Pair and Causes a Rush of Business jnMHg iininiieipnin D.v storm is tdc onij way in express tu,. new nnd big co operative selling idea introduced a I few dajs ago at the Koyal Boot Shop (for men i northwest corner of Thir ' 1nth and Market stree'-. and on the JWond Floor. r.'Oi Chestnut street j The plan not onlj makes "every man . a partner." allowing the customer to buv Sill sW, for Sin and $10 shoes for 57. but the privilege is extended with every pair of shoes bought. A tremendous Spring stock of over a I quarter of a million dollars' worth of Burt A. Packard's famous "Korreet Shape" Shoes, Thompson Brothers' I "Handcraft" Shoes. Charles Katon Co 1 Crawford" Shoes are being shown nnd I sold on the 'vo-operative spiling" ow. I price basis I Investigation shows that the public I response bus been astonishingly largo. and grow log every duy since the plan was inaugurated To make it pnv. ' however, the sales must rpnMi IKflll ' pairs a week, a Hgure which the busi ness not onlv gies assurance of soon nttaining. but of probably doubling. How did I come to think of the i"" operative p!n? ' said Mr. Peter A Hill, owner and manager of the Royal Boot Shops, repeating the question of his interviewer "Simnlv to cut the tremendous prices asked In Philadelphia for men s good shoes, nnd also because I felt a personal obligation In helping the public that stood so lo.willy bv us since opening our Basement Store four jears ngo, at lower than -elsewhere prices for better-than -elsewhere shoes. "Of course, making every purchaser n partner is the best policy we ever devisfd, because the public gets the big end of the profits, nnd p..i. them .., I..L- We could not. however come out safely DOUBTS KAISER CAN AFFORD TO PAY BOARD Ex-Emperor Virtually Broke, De clare Dutch Officials Not Heroic The Hague. March 2.".-By A P ) Dutch officials who say they know the real financial condition of former I Tmperor William of Germany arc (greatly amused nt various reports ema nating irom ueriin to tlie enect tlint William ga've monetary support to the l'actionary revolt of March IS. "In renllty the former emperor Is virtually n poor man." an official told the Associated Press tiiday. "There is a question whether he hns enough money to pny Count Bentinck. owner of the castle nt Amerongen. where Wil liam hns been staying, since November, J01S. whnt he owes him." According to another official familiar with inside negotiations between Wil liam of Hohenzollern and the Dutch ' (tovcrunient since the former's nrrlvnl in Holland. William has throughout dis played anthing but n heroic attitude, j So anxious has he been to secure Hoi llnnd's protection, he hns been glad from the very stnrt to give u pledge not to participate in political intrigues. It is said tliis pledge has been renewed, but whether the renewal was written or oral officials decline to sny. H is known, however, that it was originally oral. "We are confident he will keep his pledge, nn omciai rcmnrueu. I'jbllshod nn-t m.trlbulM Under PERMIT NO. 341. t Autriorlied ly the act nt October fl. 1017. on flla nt the Tostoftlce of Fhlla llplila, Pa. a. p M'ni.rcso?. foatmaiter General. sltunzlone del Gablnrtto e' scrla per l'nttltudlno dei socialist!, 'ma vl e tutta vla speranrn dl mlglloramonto, nncho pcrcho' 1 cnttollcl, per reaztone contro i socialist!, potrebbero schlerarsl com patti dnlla parte del Ministcro. In quanto nt voto di fiducin si credc che non potra' avers! prima dl sabnto, K' stato annunr.Into che IDConcll o Supremo degli Allentl si rluuirn n Sau Itcmo il 21 nprile'prosslmo. 11 Conslgllo delln Legn dellc Nazlonl terra' la sun p'rosslma scduta In ltoraa nci glornl U5 c "0 aprile. the French Peace Commission, due to tho failure of the United Statos to ratify tho Jj'rntien.Amerlenn treaty. Agree meat to thin effect. Contain Tordlcu Pn7s, was made between President Wil son nnd Premier CIcmenccau. According in the .Intirnnl do Geneve, fourteen Itusslnti and Hungarian princesses nud baronesses have been driven 'to suicide In tho resorts around LnUo Geneva, Switzerland, Indirectly Cable Briefs French occupation of the Rhlnclnnd limy be extended to 1035, according to Andre Tordlcu, who wos n member of Itomn, 2." mnr70. I.c truppe ierl costrlnsero nlln resa gll operni che si erano imnadronitl degli stabllimentl Mlnnl o Sllvestrl u Xnpoll, in segulto al rigetto dellc loro dnmnnde per tin aumento dl paga. Gll operni avevano barrlcnte ttitte le cntrnte degli stablli mentl cd innlbernta In bnndiern rossa. In segulto n clo' uno sciopero genernle dl 21 ore c' stato proclamato n'Napolt, come protestn per il trattamento sublto dngli operai che avevano occtipato I due stnbiliinenti dl cul soprn. A Torino eli onerni lianno occupnto i gll stabllimentl Flat, come protestn contro le ore di Invoro loro imposte. Cn dispaccio qui' glunto da Flume dice che In clttn' e' alia vlgllia dl lm portnntl eveutl c che Gnbriele D'An nunr.lo e l'Assemblea Nazionnle Flu mar.n hannn deciso di proclamare la repubblicn di Fiume. mn che probn bllmente tale proclnmnzlone non nv verrn' flno a dapo la rlunione del Conslello Supremo Allentn in Italia, a San Berno, il 21 nprile prosslmo. Da Fiume si se?nnlu pure ehe in Inrga scaln sono stuti perpretuti furti ill bniiconotc a causa delta paralisl del commerclo. I.n popolnzione, cio' nono- staute. e" detcrmlnnta a non sotto mettersi nlla Jugoslavia. In una rluuimie dl tlfficiuli e prominent! citta dini tinman! D'AnnuuzIo riafTermo' In sun decisionc di non nbbnndnnarc la citta' flno nl raggiuuglmecto delta indi pendenzn di rnzza o a ridtirla un am masso d! rovlnc. i ici circuu puiiuci m riiieue cue ju How Much Should You Save in One Year? How much DO you save? It should be Q of your vrRgts, no matter what your condition in life. Ordinarily, it should be much more. Tho majority of the world's most successful bus iness men owe their millions to the first $200, $500 or $1000 they saved from their wages, Make YOUR start today. We fay 3.6S Inlrt$t from ' Day You Depoilt and permit you to draw four checks a month. two countries. Some of the suicides were well known In American society. That tho American effort to mnko Great Britain dry Is a purely commer cial scheme has been discovered by the Egyptian Mail, a newspaper published nt Cairo, Egypt. Tho object, It Is said, A.K.N. BUTTER If you and your family enjoy good cooking and good meals, then you want the best butter. A. K. N. plays an important part, three times a day, in thnticnnda nt ffood homes. Dc cause it is "Bhlladclphla's Finest Butter." Tell your dealer to order It for you. H. It. AIKEN Wholesale Butler, Eggs, Margarines 1SB X. Delaware Art., i-iiun. !g BSs I I nil P1? 9 AM.tto NIGHT WHAT ARE The "VITAMINS? A little attention to food values will add to your health, happiness and working - efficiency.The outer coat of the "whole wheat contains a mysterious chemical substance called VitamineMwhich is essential to life and health. When you eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit you get all the vitamins, mineral salts and other tissue-building material in the wholewheat rain-all prepared in a digestible form. It is the most real food for the least money. s? "ESCOURT'S MEAT MARKETS AGAIN LEAD THE WAY CMcledi Occupation Telephone operat ing means work near home, short hour, agreeable associates, attractive surroundings- and hot lunches at cost. The salary is liberal while learning and is increased rapidly. There are annJrer sary payments, sick benefits and vaca tions with pay. Talk. with Miss Stevenson, 1631 Arch St. about this. :53dlOfelgnca5tTpamfj -cf Famsywania i - c 1 1 1 -BSi BSSS? Vts5 ! '- W m Asssl sT sV SSSSSSI W4JLha3 'BsL rl SSSSV -W Z BSSSsL''-BSSSSSSSl s jf II I I . il ' A I i 7 . , v 1 L l I 3 I i n .' I Will t V i If VnlSISti Jf, T ' IMtH 1 J rnmrni' B lifln Jinf aL !t LJi-. X ' I sVKl 'llskr lbL A' ! -I o T e by indirection to keen r.Ti ' ' Spring Sale of USED CARS March 22nd to 27th Inclusive NOT since pre-war days have wc had such an attractive display of Packard Used Cart as in this 1920 Spring Sale, at prices representing most un usual values. Late models, almost like new1-older models, repainted, overhauled and warranted various styles and range of prices to suit the needs of business, of the family and of recreation. When you buy a Packard you get definite intrinsic value, for Packard cars are built to endure and designed to keep their style their depreciation is slow while their use fulness is spread over many years. A used Packard "Twin-Six" will give you more economical, more reliable and more com fortable transportation than any new or used car you can buy for a like amount. The high principles of the house of Packard standing behind our used vehicles make this the safest used car market in the world. Used Cars of Other Makes Betides the USED PACKARDS, you will find cars of other makes at excep tional prices. Used Car Department Packard Motor Car Coupany of PHILADELPHIA 319 NORTH BROAD STREET I sV Cake That is the Pride of Philadelphia Homes In jHUnc Inch grade !wes nt Havings of !J to $0 per pmr were it not for me qiinninj mi Irs uliioh the eo-opent i tive opportunity puts within ever body' I rrach. It uaR leururd that the mnrgin of jtroso profit only rouged from 1.1 to 'J,. pr rent jnr piiir, figures that nre uot at all too low for safety when the tre mendous dully Increase of the crowds Is taken into consideration Of course there Is inui-h morn be hind tiix co-Qperntive policy that makes or its succes.s, Mich an immense qiiun ty purchases of high-grade nhoe. made to the firm'n owu specifications liv many of the country's foremost man tifacturers; central locution, big nnd tuick .turnovrrn and overhead charges Mltntlflcally reduced to the lowcut cost In fact the extent of the business under Mich a policy is virtually unlimited, be cause the advantage for each customer is extraordinary. This busy shop la the liasiment of rqrnvr Thfrtefntht and JUrket strf, operates day and night, mwjiiBajfTOrce on me. jod O u uiv (very p'Wiwrofajiirsj to ujt m if J Uncle Sam, in a Nation-Wide Campaign, Urges More Frequent Meals of Fore-Quarter Beef! TO BACK UP THE GOVERNMENT WE OFFER Specials for FRIDAY and SATURDAY Chuck Roast Short Rihs Hamburg Steak Hanging Ten derloin Steak STEW BEEF . 9, FOR EASTER" Small Sugar Cured O OC Regular Hams Shoulders Pork (for Roasting) . . .19c lb. Smoked Picnic Shoulders l9Yzc lb. Fresh Pure Lard (in 1-lb. cartons) 24c lb. Best Boneless Bacon ( p,1,". ) . . . . 30c lb. Fine Fowls, 3V2 to 6 lbs 38c lb. Fresh Eggs i ,n ) rurtona :ss.v,vn. FRESH I MEATS. aiAJ,v nvrioBS at 11 "" ' rTJssssssssssssVT . : ..... -i pbssw i ii i ii ihm asispissssssssssssssssssv n --m sa.Wrtyaau , wm m , , , HJ id i i llllll ' II ' 1" i . III I fit xWmLst I5;v m Mil ilkijlM svbsW C yfURGE USING CHEAPER MEAT 5 7 ' h vh ' ' ' 111 C i, Fair Price Commissioner Siv i' e'i' . Just-'as Wholesome iV?Uhy tord of post.,, !ln, iltcrat,lre .ppealine to' 4321 W i,. tne public 'to "Sao money en meat." bladi . , ... AL Ue ,win distributed by the Philadelphia (ordl I i'tl"'" io J.lk.'i LJ falr-prlre loinmlttce. A campaign for Thi I SSl"..:'.:. iartlal 0Uewv ot the country to avc money Mill i win pnlkct cmndiuon. tariff" w he March 23 to 27. ' "' t ,7 P Vnlgllt. 1,'mnlc II. Mpf.Intti. fnlr.n,U- tM..H p mlseloner. issud flu appeal for house xh!if 0tr -. wins i uu iuc cucapcr quis 01 m(St. .. ....I SBSF A which he said are Just as wholesome lA r . J .rT ssssl 4 l.n na tlie hlsher priced ones. "Ask your .ZlLs Br M W ' AE butcher tor chuei and brisket, Instead thoK sV I of chops and sirloin," be uld. V M J 52cdozlia m JkMlm 1 m lm m f - m ?g;a. jBM.-? sF arnf ssL m mSlt ';$ WHOLESALE ll " vil . , mmmmmmmmmmammmmammmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmsm t WZ 1 - m J.i '. r. . W BSr UiUlt,l" ::, llllliliU'N - " .u KVKJlV KflO (H'MNTKi;i TDHILADELPHIA is noted far and wide for its excellent cookery, for the skill of its housewives. Cooks and bakers, every one of them I But a vast number of them have given up home baking in favor of Philadelphia's great family baker the Ivins Baker. The tremendous demand for Ivinspound and Ivins sponge cake last year taxed our resources. We twice had to enlarge our bakery. And today we can sell every pound of Ivinspound and Ivinssponge cake that we can possibly bake. By "possibly" we mean according to our standard, and we know of no ' higher standard. It would be "possible" to make more cakes, but it would mean a sacrifice of quality. We have proved to our satisfac tion, finally and for all time, that Philadelphia is a quality market. We were threatened last year with all kinds of "price competition" by cakes of questionable quality. But neither in nutriment nor taste did any of, them measure up to the Ivins standard. So the Philadelphia verdict was: "We will stick to Ivins as we have for many years." J. S. IVINS' SON, Inc. JJAr of Gomd Bitcuila in Phlltdalphi tinea 1844 FQfftHRTS.6121 Woodland Ave. IiOtUUAl S. E. Cor. 1 Oth & Vine Sts 908-10-12-14 Ridge Ave. PRICES ''&d r,f"iifJ fmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 - . 1 '' t-." 1 ''..4 - . i? -. , . juBut-aritri 1 ii 1 fiini 11 111 1 1 tiissr il.MkiUltMJiHtl.: