Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 25, 1920, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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W- '...
twTorgan plays a 9 ll H55
and 4.50
Store Opens at 91
Store Closes at 5
Thlmfi at Noon
tyring Clothes Are Needed Now for Comfort ajs Well as Fashion
' .1
Two Kinds of Coin
Absolutely Necessary to a
Business Career
Cash capital of gold or its equivalent
in precious metal.
And capital, even more important,
in distinct mentality.
the latter often having a greater cash value in
founding and maintaining a business enterprise
than the product of the United States Mint,
which is at par or above it the world around.
' There is" such a thing' as "learned ignorance"
that sooner or later is at a heavy discount in
business life.
While the inscription under the dome of the
Manchester Board of Trade Building in Great
Britain still holds good, "A good name is rather
to be chosen than great riches," it also still holds
good that neither .
Names, Traditions Nor Sentimentalities
!are sufficient .for firm foundations, singly or
collectively, to establish a successful business.
Summing up briefly what we are trying to
convey to the young men and women who are
thinking, and thinking hard, of their future
course, it all comes down to this:
Given a healthful body and plain,
unvarnished common sense, with a mind
exercising careful, unhasty, ' well - balanced
judgment, the chances are six to one favorable
to success.
March S5, 1020.
Look for the Loveliest Wraps
Among Those of Duvetyne
Silk-and-wool duvetyne particularly, for this is the material the
signers like best to carry out their idea of drapery.
II Loose, flowing lines are the rule, with sleeves that are mere sucr-
JKstions and usually in one piece with the wrap, but there is one excep-
on a coat witn cape lines ana regular sleeves, some have yokes and
arly always there is a round cape-like collar, slightly gathered toward
le front.
Either beautiful hand embroidery or some of the soft Summer furs
re used an a trimming. The colors range through the prettiest shades
reindeer, browns, tans and horizon blue. $1200 to $375 are the prices.
Flrt floor. Central)
Smart New Spring Suits for
Young Women A 11 inDark Blue
There is not a doubt but that the dark blue suit or Spring is
more fushionable than everl
Some of the new models are extremely good looking, and be
tween $43.60 and $65 there are at least twenty distinct and different
styles from which one may choose.
There aro blouse suits, suits with plain tailored jackets, suits
button-trimmed coats.
with much braiding, suits with the littlo pony jackets, suits with
There is firm wool serge or Poiret twill by way of choice, all
the suits aro well cut and carefully tailored, they are silk lined
and the sizes Include 14 to 20 years.
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
Women's Hand-Made
Blouses for Easter
In the French Room .you can get a simple batiste with drawn work
for as little as $7.75.
A high-necked batiste with hemstitched frills and collar for $13.76.
A charming round-necked, short-sleeved affair with dots, drawn work
nd piping for $13.76.
A perfectly plain tailored linen for $25.
Tailored sports shirts of heavy white habutai for $19.76 to $35.
A lovely voile with hand embroidery and real Vulenciennes for $52.60.
And a great many others of equal distinction.
(Third Floor, Clieatnut)
Special Lot of Plaid Skirts
for Young Women $14.50
mc, with wide girdles, button trimmed.
I good velour. tfin skirts urn in Rtnnll nlnids there is a blue and
ln ml)'nation and another of brown and tan.
I iney are particulnrlv pnorl for S514.no. vount? womtn will like them
fi Wear wM sports coats and sweaters, and they are in lengths from
to 38 inches and from 24 to 30 inch waist bands.
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
Women's Pretty Checked Skirts
Specials, at $9.75
Made of army cloth, the stoutest possible material for wear,
"id then printed in small colored checks so that the tan ground
oo'or shows through. The combinations are tan and navy or
pcri?u8en blue und tnn ana hrown.
. The model is very attractive, being slightly gathered at the
waist with groups of large buttons fastening down the back.
(First Floor, Central)
Gay little squares of sheer Irish
non in any number of new and
'tractive Snrlnir color nn'rf T.
803. f
They aro all fresh and new, come
time to bo selected for Esster
Pink and white cotton bloomers
for women.
Batiste, $1.G5 to $2.25,
Sateen, $2.60.
Sateon of finer quality, $4.
(Third Floor, Central)
Of tan Russia leather, black Rus
sia leather and patent leather,
made with turned soles and two
inch French heels j price $16.
Cut steel or bronze buckles arc
$4 to $95.
All in tho Exclusive Littlo Boot
(First Floor, Murket)
An extra large, round shape of
excellent style and excellent silk
moire in black and navy. Nicely
silk lined and equipped with at
tached purse and mirror.
Women familiar with handbag
values will recognize this as un
usual for $8.50.
(Main Floor, Chestnut)
& jWagmftccnt Centerpiece
' 3ht JB antel Jfflarot eat'gtt '
Tho latest addition to he collection of fino
sterling silver in tho Jowelry Store. Without any
question this centerpiece is tho handsomest ono wo
have over seen.
Tho period of the decorations is that of Louis
XIV ana the hand chasing and open work is of the
most artistic and cluborato Character.
There is a large oval nlateau resting on feet,
supporting a massive urn with gold-plated screen to '
hold flowers. Tho price is $2900.
(Jewelry Store, Chestnut and Thirteenth)
MORE of those women's tricotine and
Georgette dresses at $38.50 have been
received in the Women's Fashion Salons. The
tricotines are navy. with heavy gray or red
embroidery and the Georgettes are navy,
black and Copenhagen, mostly beaded.
(First rioor, Ceritrul) ,
Spring Days and New Squirrel
Furs Go Together
For those days when tho air is
balmy and a woman wants but
a light-weight fur, tho pretty
gray squirrel furs suggest them
selves, for these seem particu
larly fitted for the purpose. And
there are squirrel pjeces in all
the fashionable shapes and sizes.
A smart new cape collar is of
soft, beautiful skins, and they
arc all of that clear, pretty gray
is $200.
Wide stoics, lined with cloudy
chiffons, are $185.
Little animal scarfs start at
And a perfectly stunning new
wrap is of a misty, gray Georg
ette with capo collar and five
generous bands of natural gray
sauirrel fur. It will make a
lovely summer wrap, and is $300.
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
Nf I U
Newly Landed Reynier Gloves
for Women
This is the first Spring ship
ment, and very timely it isl
Beautiful gloves are these Rey
niers, and this shipment is wholly
of fino French suede gloves gloves
of tho most velvety texture and
beautiful finish.
In the very colors women want
for Spring light and darker
grays, champagne color, rich
browns and pretty tans, as well as
white. They all fasten with two
pearl buttons and all arc pique
$6.50 tho pair and to be found
only at Wanamaker's in Philadelphia.
(Slain Floor, Central)
Nobody Likes New Clothes
Better Than a Boy
about her Easter costume, there
aro numbers of gay and pretty
trinkets, set with red and the
color is very attractive and com
bined with French gray finish
Necklaces are $2.50 to $11.
Pretty little earrings to wear
with her new hat are 75c and $1 a
Circles of red for her arm aro
And new bar pins are 50c.
(Jewelry Store, Chestnut nnd
An extraordinarily handsome
silk that is much used for panels,
draperies and trains for gowns or
for evening wraps.
The extreme edges of this bro
cade have become slightly soiled.
Thi3 is exactly where the seam
would come, so that it is not a
serious fault, but nevertheless wo
have made the price a great deal
less. It is now $10 a, yard. The
brocade is 38 inches wide.
(First Floor, Chestnut)
JUSTIC bird houses put
' up now have a better
chance of tenants than if you
wait. The correct types for
wrens, bluebirds and wood
peckers are $10, $2 and $20
in the House furnishings
(Fourth Floor, Central)
Nobody has a moro definite idea
of lust the kind of new suit or over-
N coat ho would like than a boy.
Suits and overcoats in the styles
that boys like aro here.
Back of their style there is sound
quality, the kind of quality it pays
to stick to.
There is here a wonderful assort
ment of suits for boys of 8 -to 18
years at $16.50 to $38.
Boys' overcoats of very fino fab
rics, beautifully tailored, in 3 to 10
year sizes, $18, $22.50, $30, $32 and
Overcoats for 11 to 18 year old
boys, $35 and $38.
(Second Floor, Central)
Spring Coats and Caps for
Very Little Folk
If baby's mother is wise, she does not
bundle him up too much and though sho
sees that ho is always warmly clad and
firoporly protected, sho likes to have such
ighter woight coats as these when the days
grow warmer.
Long coats of whito cashmere, white
crepe do chine and fine white silks, somo
hand embroidered and all daintily lined, $5
to $60. These are for the very little babies.
For children up to two years thoro aro
dear little coats of white serge, of white
crepo do chine or of lustrous whito faillo
silk or of crepes do chino or of taffeta in
delicate pinks and blues. These are most
attractively made, are in any number of
new styles and go from $10 to $50.
Little cans and bonnets to go with tho
new coats are of fino white lawns, of white Swiss and net and ore
as simple or elaborato as you wish. Many are hand embroidered,
and the finer ones aro trimmed with real lace. 76c to $20.
(Third Floor, Chestnut) .
$1 AND $1.50
Also it is in tho, newest Spring
styles, and that means so much to
the appearance of the Easter cos
tume. Net collar and cuff sets, trimncd
with lace, sometimes several rows
of it.
Dainty front pieces with the at
tached collar to match.
Colored and white organdie sets
of collars and cuffs. A number of
these are in the new round, deep
style, with ruffled edges , and a
black ribbon tie.
(Main Floor, Central)
In the durker shades, such as
blue and black, for example, they
aro most popular for street dresses
and, in the medium and lighter
tints, they are very fashionable and
certainly most effective for after
noon and evening frocks.
Wc have practically all colors in
these voiles, including white and
black at 60c, 76c, 85c and $1.25 a
(First Floor, Chestnut)
Laces of all kinds that are fash
ionable for Spring, nets in various
colors and pieces of Georgette
crepe that are sure to come in
handy. All a third to a half less.
(Kast Aisle)
Easter Petticoats
Six women out of ton never
feel as If Spring had really ar
rived until they have thoir now
silk petticoats.
Taffetas at $7.60 to $13.76.
Mescalines at $0.86 to $22.75.
Silk Jersey at $7.60 to $25,
comes in dark and light, gay and
quiet colors.
Then thcro aro lovely things
of Japancso silk crepe, white,
with hand embroidery, $15 and
Wash satin, pink and white,
1 nod back and xront, and seal-
. . ? """ oiik jerqoy at $y.ou io ?a. llnod duck ana irons, una bcbi- i
ft&$3"WWKljr?ltf M I v JCch of these three grpups-1 loped, $7,60
Beloved Babies Are as Plentiful
as Ever, but Good Baby
Carriages Are Scarce and
Mostly High Priced
Wo have just received, however,
somo baby carriages that arc
splendidly good and at the samo
time low priced.
Please note that theso are gen
uine reed carriages not imitation
reed mado of paper fUjre.
After wide inquiry we aro satis
fied that it is tho very best baby
carriage to be had for the money.
Specifications are:
Genuino reed body nnd hood,
shellac finish, tubular pusher, re
versiblo steel gear, upholstered in
corduroy, sanitary, detachable
$80 for each of,tho, carriages as
Mef .W t0WI ik tke picture ex-
ct that Uw eirwlnd shield, is not 1
&& 5 s
, jStSr i
included 'at 'thk
'Tatterdemalion," by John Gals
worthy, $1.90. A volume of stories
of wido variety, somo concerned
with the war, somo with English
life in the country or in London,
but all written with distinction.
"Travels in Philadelphia," by
Christopher Morloy, $1.50. Writ
ten with this author's usual charm
whiclj is saying a great deal.
'Vranco and Ourselves," by Her
bert Adams Gibbons, $1.50. Inter
pretative studies on a great variety
of subjects, from tho A. E. P. to the
significance of the Caillaux case.
(Main Floor, Thirteenth)
Mixed and plain centers with
floral and band borders.
In tho 9x12 ft. size, which is more
in demand, prices arc $25, $26, $28,
$30, $32.50 and $45.
(Seventh Floor, Chestnut)
llfE still have a little of
rf the blue - and - white
pheasant china at special
prices in the Oriental Store.
There are plates, platters and
berry saucers at a third and
a half less than usual.
(Fourth Floor, Chestnut)
Our Store of Bed Clothing is
showing some 'very good new
groups, especially of lighter quilts,
filled with cither cotton or wool.
Cotton-filled ones covered with
silkolinc figured on both sides arc
$5 and $7.50, others of the same de
scription, but finished with plain
borders, being $8 each.
Wool-filled quilts covered with
silkoline figured on both sides aro
$10 each, and $11 with plain bor
ders. All are in floral patterns.
The very nowest quilts received
are a particularly attractive group
covered with fine mull on a polka
dot effect, and in the much-favored
plain colors, old blue, old rose and
a pretty shade of green. These are
filled with fine whito cotton and
priced at $15 each.
(Sixth Floor, Central)
Fluffy Chicks and
Ducks Herald the
Approach of
You'd know Easter was" not
far off from all the signs in the
Candy Store!
Easter nests, filled with little
eggs and big eggs and chicks,
all ready to bo sent out, nro $1
Easter novelties, mounted on
cakes of chocolate and tied with
ribbon, are 75c each.
Fluffy chicks aro $1.25 to
$6.50; rabbits ore $1.25 to $4.
Easter baskets, 15c to $25
Chocolate eggs, decorated, 16c
to $2 apiece.
Bird eggs nro 60c a pound.
Yellow painted boxes, filled
with fine chocolates, aro $6.
Yellow bonbons with picture
of chicks, $2.50 a dozen.
Jack Horner pies for the table,
yellow or pink, with 12 favors,
Dolls with chicken, mounted
on cake of chocolate, 50c.
Plain cream eggs aro 10c
each; plain chocolate eggs, 10c.
Cream-covered caramels, 80c
a pound.
(Down Stnlrs Htore, Chestnut)
Men, What of Your New
Easter Clothes?
There is no men's ready-to-wear clothing
made in the United States that is too good for this
Men's Clothing Store to sell. There is no ready-to-wear
clothing anywhere that is better than the
kind to be found here.
The superiority of Wanamaker fabrics, styles
and tailoring is a reality, not a myth.
You can see it with your own eyes and feel
it with your own hands and test it by your own
You can see it in the suits and overcoats that
are here in such abundant selection for men who
want new Springtime and Easter clothes and who
want to feel that for the good money they must
pay they are getting the best to be had in ma
terials, make up, style, fit and general excellence.
There may be other stores where they might
f eej reasonably sure of all these things, bu this is
one store in which there is absolutely no doubt
about it. -
The new suits are $45 to $75, and they leave
nothing to be desired.
The stock of Spring overcoats is as large and
fine as we have ever had $45 to $75.
(Third Floor, Market)
Men's Easter Shirts and Ties
in Fine Assortment
A man can still get a good madras shirt here for $2.50, or he
can pay $15 for a silk shirt of great richness and beauty. In
between these two prices is a collection of shirts that people say has
no equal in Philadelphia.
Soft and starched cuff shirts, pleated and plain neglige. Shirts
with stripes in colors quiet or gay and shirts in solid colorings.
Of neckties the showing is equally noteworthy, whether a man
wants plain colors, stripes or figures. Prices are $1 to $4.60, many
of tho finer ties being imported.
(Main Floor, Market)
Men Like the Prince of Wales
Soft Hat
We were pretty sure they would, because of its pleasing shape,
gently rolling brim, softly creased crown and agreeable pearl gray
color, relieved by a black band.
Well-dressed Englishmen are wearing it because they like the
Prince, but well-dressed Philadelphia men are getting it because
they like the hat. To be sure, the'y like the Prince, too. No English
man ever was more popular in this country.
The price of this hat is $7.
(Main Floor, Market)
Men May Be Glad These
English Half Hose Were Late
It enables them to buy fine socks at prices based on old costs.
$3 a pair for black and white lisle with fancy clocks and black
lisle with Instep embroidery.
$3.50 a pair for whito and clerical cashmere with embroidered
clocks and "sleeping socks."
$4 a pair for derby ribbed lisle in black, brown and gray; green
mixed cashmere with embroidered clocks, and gray and navy derby
ribbed cashmero with embroidered clocks.
(Main Floor, Market)
Men's Heavy Cordovan Oxfords
Unusual for $11.50 a Pair
These shoes are made on tho squarish, wide-toe last that haa
come to be so popular with well-dressed men.
They have straight tips, wide, flat heels and are altogether
fine-looking shoes for so moderate a price.
(Main Floor, Market)
$16 for a Fine Black Walrus
Grain Traveling Bag
One of the most remarkable traveling bag opportunities we hav
been ablo to offer in many a day.
Good, stout, black cowhido makes this bag, and it is grained in a way
so that only an export could tell it from walrus. It has flat .brass trim
mings and a good fabric lining, instead of a leather lining, which is one
of the things that keeps tho price down.
A roomy, high cut shape in the most popular 6izc, 18-lnch.
(West Aisle)
A Good Time to Look to Your
Needs in Dishes and Glassware
The opportunity to buy dinner ware at less than regular prices 'li
now particularly exceptional because of market conditions and the irrke
iThsJSprinfr ?ale ,of cmnn and glassware covers a wonderful assort-'
merit of dinner sets; also a brilliant selection of fine cut glass and plenty
of light cut and other lower-priced glassware.
The Sale ends on March 31 Wednesday of next week.
Any goods oflfored in it that will not be sold on that day -will be-vew
wekomo back in our regular stocks at their regular prices on the day
(Fourth Floor, Chestnut)
House Cleanings Started and the
Housewares Sale Is Nearly Over !
rwlnoSw m0l'e dayS t0 get bru3hes and cleaninS things generally at
Chamois, cuaranteorl nnf. in Unnmn i,..j cc.
75c, 85c nnd $1. ' '
i cnther iU8tcrs for flne mahogany furniture,
Automobile and carriage dusters.
Oleino household soap, 0-ounco cakes, $8 case of
84 cakes.
ij1 ch feather dusters, very full and soft, 60c
BriBtlo dusting brushes, 75c, 05c, $1.15, $1.25,
$l.oO. T '
Extra strong atep ladders, hardwood frames,'
well braced, screwed together, 5 ft., $2.26; 6 ft.
King Electric vacuum dcanor, $38.60.
Housecleanlng sponges for paint and woodwork.
60c to $5.
Wanamaker Special dust-absorbing duotlnjf
clothB, 2 for 46c.
, Window-cleaning cloths, a&c each.
Excellent corn brooms, 00c and $1.
Sanitary economical wool wall dusters, wash,
ablo, $1.20, $1.45, $2.85 and $3. jSL Jr
i laxoap for washing, painted uurf teea, WH 4w
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