r; u ?y 1 1: - nfH EVENING- PUBLIC LEDGJB3R-PHILAI)ELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAEOH 24, 1920 37 V T.STATE gQB BALE -vt.vANiA--8t;ntmPAN HT, DAVIDS "..itirn lenldenc. cent, heat, eleotrla bsTACiisu .y'X'Zna 2 baths: lot no2oot f W.V. Ab'nnK?f t J. Nash. 1001 Chestnut. r " onllTH AMMIOBH. rS7n New dMched. 0 rooms and bath. 3750 iY.rdwood lioofi ?? and electtlo. VlVa'm' j'ott bromine, pa. "'WILLIAM, Lltntrch 8119. rrTSvELliINO, ving room, amine irtfEchenY 4 bedrooms tile bath. hoU fOWi- 7i raft Md leciricifcri luu. . r' '..' 'nARNKS. 1201 Chestnut it. BTBAFTOftD. " ,.Mm hrltk and stucco house, con- fiSSS I t. noHilr hMti 3 acre, of iffis beautiful view. YARROW & VAN PELT Pennsylvania Bldg. HWABTHMORK A Good Speculation Fortr-two "" bounded by 2 itpna roada. oulh of Swarthmore boroughs rnnvenlfnt to Ins large .Delaware ffv.r Industries at IMayitony and rtatter. substantial brick Colonial mod house of in rorms. hot-water hiit. electrcltv. 0-room tenant house, hot-walor heat! barn, garage and Jtlier necessary, outbuild inn: .uric; 13 COO, a purohaso which Is bound to enhanco in value. Chester Osborne 1524 Chestnut St. BEAUTIFUL Colonlnl stucco, hollow IHn I house: 9 rooms, bath, line oak shade, open rrplarr, ho'-water heat, pas, electric light; lllconv lot 7(1x150. or to suit. Apply XV. T. rrMPfln 1 Ainneret mr. nwnriiiinnrr. I .. willow tntovn tlNG MODERN HOUSE: 0 room, hot-water Beat, ciccinciiy, garage, po'mry nouses ttludinc In the sale 00 ehlckona. poultry l.n!nmnt. tools, etc ! this property well (KiteJ In restricted sections owner varntlng: linaln for 70on. WAit.Ncn jtuitfiiv. milow ornv en pnnne ni WYNNEFIKLII WYNNEFIELD Kvcltnt comr building tot. on R2rl ft below City Lines 120x200: train nl trolley, the bert building slto l:i this desirable suburb. JAMES E. DOLAN & CO. CYNWYD, PENNA. Cynwd 732 Overbrook 4383 THE GUMPS-FamUy Night at the Club ip& -.. .. , m By Sidney Smith AVIAt HtLt iTS Owrf W TO DA.T - JT 4 NWJ 3i i AT YHF- PRESENT m&m.WF?u& j NEU- YONIQHT ISTxe Die, NtQH fHI. IS PANmV N(,MT AT THE CLUB- C$EO.rAA.$0W bmisd rrtj OUT CnD NOT BPIMf- ruroC TM&1AST YAE- He aAlD WAS JHtr -ll-tr OF- THCIR PARTieS ku rfx oiwv fiL-V I . IL I r VJEUL- ixu B15- TweRE - S comb ON fou ot.6 N V r OA i f P I t5MERGfcTYHl& fclPTPi N CLQLLAft AMI COLLAO III ll S i T ) COLLAfiON A FIPTeCNfeMIRT- BUTTOf U&T-bWAwtxA I 4""'At V HI I All ( ANt AQOKRYER- rr'iVHB.'i.Ai.T J IAEtTiNC- rfi OUST J-.rtJtV sS. J1S 1 YODOANV YNWCf COftME . that mwi a MH J XXX 5tL I ZZt s- 7z fl L heaven -5J l -r?Ti r dSSs I Vfcw" ml .&JL w $3s-i i- . 1 .td ji v" . xOw'- .;i u ItEAI, ESTATE FOB SALB rrNxivi.vAN.A wtTrnmiiw BEAI. ESTATE BOB SALE PKVNOVT.VANIA HHIIURHAN TAHMI 8-Acre Farm Jor Quick Sacrifice, $700 tire to find a bargain like this; only 3 miles o county seat and depot town, near city 'idihi, mncnine-worKed fields. sprlnz- tttred pnnure. rne brook: wood and tlnv r ahoulrf PJV fnr- f.irrn. inn.rr.a unnl. rchnrd. other fruit: fl.rnnm hnim. hm.. i-nt barn for 10 heads second stock barn, ittslli mce 11 Btrout's Spring Catalog lirialna 33 states: copy freo. )Vl Acres, Just Over in Bonny Maryland, With heifers wafnrm. hnr. ........l.l i. .x.v. .' uvciiiiuik inr tuzuu: easy otomoblle. horse iii. tools, cto , I rnu, 'j mile to olnrei. schno a. etc otortus passes door: few minutes' walk to HUftiU'hAnna . riarb Injniu -ll .1....... Toouces blc annual InPome: stream-watered aiturt. eod. fruit: beautiful river view rom the 2-story residence: (10-fnnt hm 'IWi f?ul.,ry' h?i smoke, corn houses: Iprontable farm, dellnhtfully located and a iirrtln Details paae 40 Btrout's Sorlna- atiiog; Bares ins 33 states. 3 Money-Making Acres, Near Philadelphia, in iu&ny southern Jarawv nn n1Bin .. ..... i mile to railroad depots thriving;' town XiitJir .- " iV.n fiauco loam so I. 'ir.,."1 t0 aIf"a and ureat variety of i5SV. !.?" .ai"n?. la,t. W BTtw Into :iiH!.var",y ot frult' house, barn: ,Hj?nfoSwS.'r . mu,t t remove, names low !Jii?i0i' r11!"""!" home and farm value r small lnestment. Detail n-r. rk trout s Serine Cataloe Gamin. .11 .i.t.. W000 Down Secures 200-Acre "Fairdale Farm" S5aiin tourlnp; car. 3 horses. 15 fine mia,i'!.co"h" 2 bul1"' colt' Poiltry. waeons! ir'"!i . nnes reaper, binder, sulky Uiks ofe low.'' cltlator. narrois ..olin.p.ni? banter, dlwer. 20-honepower i.v ? ,."""' lon "t implements, grain. e." u". e"y'hln r I6000s"easy Rih Bi r, iu rituruRtj towns too acres tTre?I,5S"on elfty lm tlUaee.4fJ.oow rulVfeyaJ?": ."PP.". tlrobeY. laTg. I'neV it"rV.""iJSS. D,u,n',: J;0. " 'prneCOrcnh,".UiJe' e,',c' Details page 32 Str'out's" re . sti r la.'S,?'n. ". States: copy ""' "'tl llulldln. ihlla1.lnhl. Ly I'KNNM'LVANIA FARMH I CHOICE COUNTRY HOME Crawford-Built Homes at WYNNEFIELD tOCATED at 54th Street, Wynnefield nnd Woodbino Avenues, these well-planned J and substantially built Crawford homes reflect good taste, solid comfort and up-to-the-minute conveniences. From City Hall they ore only 12 minutes by auto through Fairmount Park IB minutes by train to Wynneflold Station, P. R. R. 25 minutes by Elevated to G2d Street and pass on Bala cars. All atom?, large lots, stone garage for two cars. Homes that are very worth while indeed, nnd among worth-while neighbors. Trices begin at $26,000. REPRESENTATIVE AT SAMPLE HOUSE. OR WM. H. WILSON & CO. SUBURBAN REALTORS 700-01-02 MORRIS BUILDING Members Philadelphia Real Estate Board J)J linhini'iK Iim" Branch "n.adlng" '" " lathselif",hmof",Jb,ill,ln"- " .. ..''"" .'let , hardwood noor ir . rihun'.'r.r1 "?!"" oods..trtanri fruit I Mine. A. r "'r'ry outbulldlnes. In- onin" :... " "."" a horses, all " ronmT maiibi Some of Our Many Exclusive Listings, of Which Wo Will Bo Glad to Give You Further Particulars ovnnnnooK New Stone House ready for occupancy May 1: will rrnv tain all modern Improvements, elec Irlo light, hot-water heat: IB rooms. 3 baths, 7 chambers, sleeping porch) southern exposure, large lot: plans and full particulars at our office. UAVEnronD Stone and Plaster residence: Immediate possession: near station and club: 1A rooms. 4 baths, 8 chambers: all improvements; hard wood floors first and second floors: garage for S motors: all In excellent condition, prlco reasonable. VII.LANOVA 2Yi Acres & Improvements con4st1nc ot stone and stucoo resi dence. S baths 7 chambers. 8 open fireplaces. Very excellent location. Old shade and orchard, surrounding Improvements of the Mry best. In vestigate. Low price. 13RTN MAWIt Remodeled Brick residence, on north side: exeellemt location. Second floor: 4 chambers S bath. Third floor: 8 chambers. 1 bath Hot-water beat, hardwood floors, gaa. electricity: garage: large lot. old shade. Possession at once. ST. DAVIDS Engllah-ityle house, contains 8 chambers. 3 baths: 2-car garage; 1 acr ot ground, well planted: best location; southern exposure; Investigate. HIRST k McMULUN WEST END TRUST BLDG. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE FOB GALE rEimB.xvAmA acnprtPAN PENNSYLVANIA ACmTKDAN rKNNSVI.VANIA HtinnitllAN iisciiiiiiinraM THEY'RE GOING QUICKLY These Special Offerings We Advertise Every Week, Because They Represent the Best Suburban Values. BEAL ESTATE WANTED BEAI, ESTATE WANTED - Germantown First Offering on Lincoln Drive A handsome all-stone residence of finest architecture! near Carpenter Station. This is unusual. Tor Instance : First floor, center halt, living room, dining room, breakfast room nnd completa lav atory, pantry, kitchen and laundry: 4 fine chambers. 2 oompleto tiled baths on second floor, all communicating; an ex cellent third-floor arrangement. 2-car garage. A homo built by nresent owner and built right. Prlco $40,000. We want an offer en this place. Stone Residence Lot 200 ft. deep, $14,000 On West Upnil nt.s semidetached, all stone 12-roem resldenco; beautiful loca tions rooms aro atl largo; a very fine hono. Exclusive Listing 630 W. Upsal St. A well-built stone Colonial home, with 2-car garage; 18 rooms. Including 8 baths, billiard room, etc.; larga lot. almoit half acres well-planted styub bery, otc. ; this Is first offering of this choice property. Price J33.BOO. Penna. Main Line AltDMORB Just Being Finished Beautiful Colonial Home Overlooking golf links! one of our mot attractive offerings; n, handsome place of beautiful design and best-grade con struction; 1ft rooms. 3 baths, billiard room. tlrst-nVer lavatory, itcs every modern feature: sleeping porch, etc.: garage for 3 cars and 2 acres lawn. Offered at $37,300. Correct English Stvlc 16 Rooms, 3 Baths Ileautlful home at low prlc-: all larg mcuy: garage and oiot of ulmot H acre, with old shade: rooms: gas, eleotriclty; arage and plot n oia ennae: Seo us about owner anxious to sell thlT. SICniON Residence and Garage $15,000 Twelve-room home. 2 baths. 0 cham bers, open fireplace, etc; nil large rooms: gaa and eleotriclty; lot G0x240: 4. minute walk to station. CTNWTD Modern Residence and 2 Acres Few minutes' walk to station: hand some stone residence, containing 111 rooms; , situate on an elevation, af fording' excellent views, garage for 2 cars; mature shade and flno plant ing; 20 minutes to Droad Street Station; flue motor route to center of city; splen did opportunity to secure a flno prop erty with plenty of land within easv access ot the city. $30,000. A pre-war prlco of Reading Road Suburbs One of the Finest Listings that we know of In this auction lin Just been placed with us; a true Colo nial all-stono residence and garage for 2 cars: beautifully situated, with large grounds ot almost 2 acres; several thou sand dollars In shrubbery, trees, orchard, etc.: 18-room hou. Including S chambers, 2 tiled Lathi, built-in showers, etc: also including conserva tory on first floor, children's playroom on third floor. This houso Is 100 complete. Will Hell nnn.li l"low re placement value. OAIC LANE Detached All-Stone On Wide Street, $20,000 Best location: a substantial re!dcne, with IB large, spacious rooms, gas and electricity; lot almost half acre Thla place Is modern and In good condition Sea It beforo sold. Detached Residence and Garage, $13,500 Well-located 0-room house: very com plete: jran and elertrtclty; 8 minutes' walk from Oak Lane (nation; view over fine properties; certainly an attractive proposition for some one. BUY YOUR HOME THROUGH SMULLEN & BARRY 1206-11 Liberty Building Broad and Chestnut Our Brokerage Service Will Please You SJlMllllW CHESTER CHESTER crops and Pruthamntnn P OLD HflMFSTPAn (MclorulkTn f''r,m:J!lro?nl '2n dwelling, of frjflt f i"h"d'' ,b"'t ot soil, obund- , splendid loVaVi., "' "mrnI .17 outbu d qUm to "in iim,Io"J 0I mln highway: 18 v rv, !'' Jl-ll. Price. $12,600! net niilrlt -""". ilAflKK. Southampton. Pal uwntrv F.srnt n( ft? A i?!."!"- toarPnhicdX.;'a ""li... an.d omrV'b-aTh?1 ,''" ",0'"' house, "i "'mi In winter"" W.VU." In .eiiv. summer and ln ....".'"" ' vuw in u l2lLrms vvr .-.'. ?.r. 'S'ther. particulars 1 ALIll. " "oyiestown. Pn ..n.S,".S best .nil ...... ""'t. stimo hnii.. In """'" exposure, oris. : ";'.""'. . '"y equipped "Quoin.,,. ..V"'ns, W 'ffifflM lnrv all oronn. farming- poiieh ri,w!? anoo. mnj: ' "" poumampton. Pa. 'Acre Farm ! miles to station t. "fn and . room atone house,, large ". corn1 lwr,J1fon,1hfu!' chicken hou.'.. PlK ". Include i,i.. SUU """Pe: ror qu ck ston. '.r h.r-".' 3 cows. 60 chickens. ' IJtHJO pt cash ,,tai vr",,lne "unautiijaKR'S FARM AQENCr t- Oreen Lane. Pa "i-i -...h uii nnwLown nrnhph' r r. " . Beit enll .....J. "" ..-".V"' ul ?m sto. h.,mwd.? " trami 14 'lectrleliu ""'"." '"r - am 'tlldlni. V;" "V""''. all necessary .I. nw. lent on l' .'' ettat orrest m.; 2T2wW. ' . Acnpu -... ?" i'ii ntnne r.., ... .. lu w.,i,,TrHes' opa and entire equip! LaYe '.7,?.yA Mah 3,1'. at 11 a. m ; Houtbampton, Pa., agent We.i Hi.... n .."tone. road, cloi H bron"'V.:.,:ml,''"'Pha trolley, quaint inpl.ces.'KspAnV. n hlllton t.u .. ' . . r pumPea to reservoir un- for wayne. i'a HJT " ""-""". vyne. fa. sroDertv rA1!13 W! estate and Personal 'oti, bit 'i &",,""" .n "ulmevllle "ton, '? Unhir1,l?,.v",i? "nd Hng Corner! "". 10-room hn,...-.''.-"i.",.,"..'1 "in uii:."fl?'.? i-W'.s.dS'Ss: ' etr a..Z .,"i,l.,,",.l cti- qg2flHtur(1y. Wflfliny A .ll o . ni'iii ti. ann"J.l.r;. '- ..tnllei to Main Line town nd it. lon'liiT,"".'0. ! an.LIW. town rnoo on inrt .r.i ". " cnurcnes, 'jm all ouih?iiffl52i ,,on. house, 7 rooms :,( fruit for n.id,nHI Prlni house, plenty rrm. orit.dT' 5 2", liMI rJch Productive jurroundrd hv f.di 'arming community rmer," prc,y..?0 nB00j ''" of practical 'West p"Ch'.,,0oi, J- Thompson, real- Stilton -.2" '""""am road, l rn Is from .iJWH aaM ft,J'i. 4Vora.bton'ak0r..r..l7.o.n, S !!. running waer.ls.rg. fr Hit Xlri ""W" Plket 1U mtnutei -. t'vui iiurniinnrni hpwah i-.. iLan ... ' V. ' ."L . r "V.". , 'WUlfl. T GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY ESTATE Overlooking Mill Creek Valley Hern is your opportunity to buy a Suburban Instate on the P. n. R MAIN LINE; within 26 minutes of City Hall by motor. Tho dwelling contains over 20 roomu, with' ample baths, a number of open fireplaces, servants' quarters, etc. Thcro lu also a garage and stable, stone farmhouse and barn, tenant house and Krocnhouue. The grounds contain about 50 acres, a portion of which nre laid out In beautiful lawns, with oil abundance of shade and shrubbery, tho balanco being- reserved for farming nnd pasture. This proporty cemmunda a magnificent view of the famous Mill Creek valley. Wo will arrango an appointment at your convenience. WM. H. WILSON & CO. SUBURBAN REALTORS 700-01-02 MORRIS BUILDING Members of Philadelphia Real Estato Board CHESTER, PA. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INVITES INQUIRIES FOR MANUFACTURING PLANTS OR SITES LOWEST MANUFACTURING COST UNEQUALED SHIPPING FACILITIES BY RAIL AND WATER ABUNDANCE ALL KINDS OF LABOR & NEW JBttSEV SEASIIOnE OCEAN OATK OCEAN CITY, N. J. K"" IKe mrat desirable properties, unobstructed view of ocean, 1 block, from beach, corner prop ertv, 12 rooms and basement. 2 baths, pin try, steam heat, china closets, bookcases, etc , built In; completely furnished: porches 1st and 2d floor; garage; must bo seen to be appreciated: price $23,000. CHARLES E. MEEHAN ft S MW'.B ST PHIT.A.. PA HARRY F. STANTON REAL ESTATE BROKER EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS OCEAN CITY'S MOST BEAUTIFUL IIOME3 For sale For rent 415 8th St.. Ocean City. N. J. LARGE LIST of attractive new bungalows, unfurnished; one very attractive flat, one twin cottage, one newly furnished cottage, ono bungalow, 7 rooms, fully furnished. Apply only J. M. CHESTER, F. O. Bide., Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS Gentleman's Model Farm and Country Home ns ni-rn on stone road, 1 mile village depot; modern lroom dwelling, bath steam beefed, both electrlo and acetylene lighting sstem; B acres timber and brook-walered pasture: fruit orchard, a rial farm snd country home riiiiv ria"riled In '" new cotalogue Just out. KEBSB i. MNDERJIAN. U E. C. Airy 81., Norrlsiown, Pa . Splendid Opportunity 7i2 Acres $3500 Ideal country truck and poultry farm, good iolLV-room.tone house, large barn, bul d- Inia. fine condition: good loMtlon. near ; mfg. and railroad towns, abundant fruit: full do tnls.rthls and other country Places In new )gue just out cutaloi 0 IS. r country places in new RHK8E ft LINDERJIAN. Airy St.. Norrlstown. Pa NEW JERSEY PARMS POULTRY & GENERAL FARM One mile depot, hourly express trains Phila delphia, and Atlantic City 45 minutes! corner farm. OOQ feet frontage state auto real, nearl- IB acres, running streams small lake, line land, about 100 fruit trees, large Hiparagus bed. 1800 strawberries, 0-room house, attic, 10 foot screened porch 2 sides, bsth. toilet, washstands, furnace heat, range, hit and cold running .water, large barn carriage house, engine house. 2 new modern poultry houses 20x100 feet eschl Includes Eorse. wacon. carriage. Incubators, brood eVs. equipments a high-grade farm; price 10800. half cash. Write today, also send for our Illustrated farm catalogue for 1 020. RRAV A MACOEOROE. I77 Drexel Dldg.. phlla.. Pa., or Vlneland, N. J. FRUIT and stock farm for sals, 103 acres, 400 0-year apple. 400 B-year peach, at falfa: suitable for tractor: elevation 600. "ArL SNEDAKER. Pattenburg. N J FLORIDA 20 ACRES, price only $700. wonderful bar gain; located In llay county, Florida. Wick ft Vollmer, 1 viermwinuwn .,r CIIICAOO. ILL. ELEVEN-ROOM corner houie. College ave., on terms to suit purohner at a saortfleo prfdi. Address C. IL IJoyor. 20 8. La Sill at., Clilesso. 111. NKW YORK Factories. Mannfartnring Floors TlilriaHAMTON. N. Y. , qrest opportunity for large manufaotureri Sent 00.000 to 100,000 sq. ti, floor spaooi ftrlu an! Ickawanna sidings, also connto- 11m wHh lUluli Valley ana Delaware una HH esbiah " - -' - .- ..... 'jw.j u... DT uriHlBu: vurrquuMvu w tiB4 wbw .iiutsKY snnunnAN DON'T PAIL TO SEE BARLOW fir, CO.'S ONE-ACRE FARMS HOME OrriCE, MAPLE SHADE. N J $5 Down and $5 Monthly PATS FOR THEM LAKEWOOD Suburban: Immediate posses, ston; comfortable bouse, 13 rooms: stable, garage. 2 acres for garden, fruit, chickens, etc.t $500 secures possession, balance on building association terms: photos. Com monwealth Realty Improvement Corporation Brll-BdB Drexel UUg. DO YOU want to buy a home? Tell us what kind and location; we will get one for you or If you have one for sale consult us: also farms for salo. V W. DUCKWORTH. Real Estate. Fire Insurance, northwest corner 0th and Cooper ats., Camden. N. J. Phone Camden 023. nVRUNflTON, N. J. RIVER BANK RESIDENCE FORMER HOME OF THE LATE GENERAL E. BURD GRUBB EDQEWATER PARK, N. J. Six acres. 20-room bouse, stable, tenant house, billiard room, bowling alley, etc, PETER8 ft SON. B08 Chestnut it.. Phlla IJELANCO THREE-FAMILY apartment house, netting owner 180 per month, and 6 rooms for himself, rent free: will ssorlflce for tSDOO: owner leaving state. UNITED REALTORS. Ino N B cor. Front and Markerl Phlla. NEW JERSEY SEA Sll OIIK ATLANTIO CITY T 107 S. NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE., furnished; price $23,000. IS rooms, 4 baths. Hot-water heat! posses sion. Corner Boeton and Pacific ave., 14 rooms, 3 baths, furnished; elegant location; price $30,000 OEOROB L. PARKER. 1B87 Chestnut at. i . .im niTv tm Knn r..m ..i. nr. Vermont, 18 r., 3 baths, eleo., h..w. beat; pos at once. Worrell. BBB N lTtb, REACH HAVEN TWO-STOR V . UUNQALOW, oonUlntng 12 room" " vJfcYj;tlr-tv s4" oo rens Mngleilde and Baldwin Hotels; price, rn $10 00". Taylor ft Son. a S 41th. twene fu OCEAN BITY BOO" HT. CHARLES PLACE, Urge corner lotl o. bedroom, maids' room, rirspluce, largn Po-'f best Warota garage for r gor t, tanve place, fopier. X, bedrocms. UirV meat garagei UU;hav .tUoirfc A LAROU LIST of attractive new bunga lows, unfurnished, 1 very attractive flat, 1 twin cottage, 1 newly furnished cottage, 7 rooms, fully- furnished. Apply only J. M Chester. P. O. Rldg.. Ocean City. N. J, 0a0 TO SS8 ASBURY, 2 stories; lot 80 by 100 ft., $A0OO: ono rented, 'no per month, other vacant: small cash. 1033 Walnut st. Phone Walnut ItSO . BTONK HARBOR NEW JERSEY SEASHORE VKNTNOIt FUR COTTAOEM FOR SUMMER RWNTINO ALSO COTTAOES FOR SALE POS3. MULF0RD T. ROSE LITTLE ROCK AND ATLANTIC aVES. BEAL ESTATE WANTED BEAL ESTATE WANTED YES . PI eatate requires expert nan VTF Tour rrnner'y should be listed WJet.Bi ". brnkeraee Arm. backed bv venrs cf experience. If you nave . a ta kte lor aie consult MAURAN. DOLMAN 6c CO. N. E. cor Broad and Chestnut sts. Our offlro has hecome known as conductlni.- a relkth'o and fc meat real estate t.uMntn by g.vli.' to lt clients rood mibsfvntial .arvlce if ou wont tj . l your houre or any other piece of real mate we will tw glad to have you call nnd list aims with us, or we will send our retire. tlculara0 ' " y0U rr ,uU fr- Kershaw fie Crowl B213 Cheetnn' ef I ' ,. i n ii ( t n : i WANTED i Properties for Rent in Central , Business District. Possession immediato or within 2 years. Waiting list of good tenants. Floors, stores and offices desired. Mastbaum Brothers & Fleisher t BEAL ESTATE BOR BENT CITY LARGE GARAGE with beautiful showrooms, storos and of fices, on Broad t. In tho best section of the 'lt.v: modern fireproof stoel and concrete building: BUltable for lirge automobile con cern or agency. Tt 310. ledger Office 64i2 N. 18TH STREET Three-story building, suitable for buslnem purposes, vacant. WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 2010 Columbia nye, Business Properties and Store DESKS and desk room, with light and heat. 115 monthly: stenograpner in ouuaing, calls receivea ana aeuverea. uerger and mall Dldg.. cor, OREDLE OLCO. studios. rerrt.,J. B 7th and Spring Garden at. 1708-ldChestnut Deslr. Jardella 1S3S Christian. Factories. Mannfactnrlng Tleor 4.0OU tSQ. FT., KENS ; POWER. 12,000 SQ. FT.. KENS.; POWER. 20.000 SQ. FT.. KENS, s POWER. c.ooo sq. rr,. central. 8.000 SQ FT., WAREHOUSE; CENTRAL. io.ooo Q. rr., wareho-e, cilrard ave. ARTHUR B. FRASER. 1013 SANSOM RACE 2830 SPRUCE 3383 KENT on long lease, exceptionally handsome bldg., about 12,000 in. ft. floor space, above Columbia, a few ft, from Broad: high cell ing: good light; would make model factory or office building: rent $10.000. n 321. Led. Oft. WAREHOUSE. 8000 sq. ft., central, paper rtletrlrt niETERICII 787 Walnut. OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. WOULD AN OFFICE appeal to you In a central building, equipped with electricity, excellent heating, plentiful hot water, careful and thoroueh caretaklng, service, having all outside daylight rooms, several being on Broad street front, it In addition your ofnee wero located right In a hotel whero you could also use your offices as living quarters and apartments, with a private bath and complete hotel service I' jou so desired? This combination ot living Quarters and offices should make a atrone ar- ceal to the business man who live at a club or stay sin lonn vrnen me lamuy is away in the summer. The business concern requiring ofllcea and living accommodations for a tran sient representative should find our special weekly or monthly rate for fully furnished and equipped oHlco oiid living accommoda tions attractive. Full particulars may be ob tained at. tho Little Hotel. 223 8. Broad. Phone Walnut 817. SUITABLE FOR DOCTORS EXCELLENT CONDITION 131 S. 18TH ST 2017 WALNUT ST. 1724 SPRUCE ST EDGAR O CROSS. 1411 WALNUT ST. 1800 FEET DESIRABLE OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT ARMBRUSTHR . FAUNCE yteal Estate Trust Bldg Filbert B74B WEST PHILADELPHIA (r PROPERTY OWNERS What have you to sell In South Philadelphia? WE HAVE THE BUYERS SEND FULL PARTICULAIts A F RUSSELL lBth and Ta.ker sts WANTED Two-story-and-basemont build- about 82 feet front by 02 feet deep, np crozlmtitAly H0ui nquaro feet floor space, with front nnd rear entrances; would consider niKlii Trim fiiiriivBii v fUv,uBlllI! aiUltL' full prtli-ulsr3 11 421. I.el.r nrriei ' 20,000-25,000 SQ. FT. mill space, good llehF with or without 123 H 5 . nio" capacity iui iir-g itiHuiiiiki 1 mmv ui rent: Biva lull particulars. P 817. Ledger Office. .iti.uu. to rem. tun) tuuse, it-room house with modern Improvements, unfur nished; suburbs preferred, c. S Cochran IP, n u mi. i-iiiiiiw ...iiii-nrn uno DESIRE tc purchase In W Phlla. modorn or semlmodern property, prlco not to ex. ceed $80P0, 2 or 3 story. P loo. ledger Office. WELL-LOCATED 10O. $4000 WORRELL ft CO.. EBB N" 0-room cottage; lot 40x 17th. WILL RENT for summer months, furnished house In Oak Lane or Oermantown eco. uui, uigi.i biiij, 4vyij vuuigr, Apt, tj 1 23B 15th st. 8MALL furnished bungalow tt or 0 rooms with bath: within an hour's rldo to Phlla : state terms and when available. M 1U7 Ledger Office. THE DILEMMA lly Fontaine Fox eO$fTI ' T JrjFBilSJ fa rlrJT raLW i wm. ii i -r ii irsss. KPrW CV 7.AAHI I Mfc. Vr '. J a i' Tsfi ? rLm TKNJ 2s. - 'v. mm ihdi rirvx ss. MlitIR BoWrf )S OpfUKED tAt 11.AM A DtUtA, CASH IP THfiY WltL IKf OUT TMB PALL DIAMOND OVflR BV MISTBR 3MITHls FENCB AHD MlSTCr? JMITH HAS OFPERCD A POUtAn IP IT IS POT dVER C).0Si fo JSTfif? SWOVJ.'Jts .l.A SUBURBAN WANTED TO RENT ON YEARLY LEASE Seven or 8 room house with modern lm- or gas ci-tach ti rrovements electrle nCht nouse preferred: In city or on main line of PhhTVao tailtiS 1 .".oyr" rid, to Phirads' pn ? .'"' to $B0, eat rfartory reference fur. Tift B3JW,"" l " ao"re.nCwVi.re ESTATE AND OWNERS, why sell your properties to speculators? I have clients who will buy at right prices. HERBERT RICE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE COLONIAL TRUST BLDQ WANTlit) 32 feet frnnr hv fj' lioOO square feet floor apac inm ciiitancrn B11V '" II 121 t.edg. r office SMALL fllrnlttlm.1 Kllnvaln... .. .. . 7 ,o6Pn?i tfS 'V"1 " -"ISSrV r. ATf,T,rAM,I'Y. w'nta to rent a ho;ro? 12 to 14 rooms for a jear, with prlvlleie Sf buying or rent f .r moM years an.r Phone Oermantown lt7 "ara. answer. StORE and loft, location Fron, t n.j . st , Callonhlll to SprucS .t "1 ." ",r. Bllirv llllll Fillaui.. . .. . suitable for hrvy"m.nnf;'etUVlnu,S.?; feet deep, approximately . wflh front and in ' entrance vfould consider renting with ivlley o Purfcdhg,.rlngff.,qt, tar. I' ft available and t 324 Ledger Offlee rtifr - . mj nuare -- u, cossession ti Mu.,- .... - ; .in 4 i.ii-on or gllir cirnn. ivi,k ......- near Phliadeirhla Answer i.r.nIl Service Wnreau IBni Arch "., 'U..,," """' jivo large lut huvere have von to ! T i-ARRINflTON 102S 'hd nartlculais. Vy Alontsomerv fcj.L.im wd nnVA r.iitfrB i... - yru to sell? Write particulars ffivi-tiv H SPIT7ER ft CO lBnaTen"n"ANKLIN What ave. have i n.wi. 4at-ju casn lor home in U'ee. in . L.dde'.Pr'"o-fflcYhl't hV0 & r?1 t CORPORATION Is Interested in warehoU; centrally located, w th siding Vkhat hV.: you for rent? P 117 Ledger , nfTie. l huve ANT Have several parties for .,.ii ,. torlea under 10.000 !l S h'.'.0: u? DIETERICH 737 Wal".; ., l hae WANT- tot you? XUVToVnf1- rvMiui 1,1, 7HI a Qfllh u, Stnilloe Wnnte.1 STUDIO WANTED, north llaiit .,',.. tails. Address 11 'Bill i iXfU?!' la- Factories A JlP rr tf toiy building about' BOOrTsT. VEST l'HIIDEIJ'IIIA BUYERS BUYERS BUYERS pVh?a"W..Mn0n.WvVhW.' are selling and could sell more If . hi.3 Ihem- t0fuy.:U Want QU'ck &V..!3 CONWAY fie CO. 67th and Cedar jv,. Woodland 1510 WANT, for customer- house, an nnn.eei' "no" near 40th and MiTket stin in,o modern h"ie. victn ty B8th and H.verMJS av. IBADpRR MARTIN- 0 N. 4d at f fJ $150 Store fie Apartment No. 122 North 62d Street Splendid Business Location Kershaw 6c Crowl chestnut HALL. S. E. cor. B2d and Sansom sts.. 30x l6; suit, for bus or dance ball; can give store on 1st floor with entrance to 2d floor if dered Hnrvev J Aungst. fi2d and 8ansom. 6908.08 MARKET ST Double front, sulta. hie for uny desirable business: Immediate pneeemlon D V RYAN BOOS Market at.. Stores nnd Dwelling RENT 3 Stores and Dwellings 220-231-233 B. B2D ST. Excellent business location Opposite Locust Theatre 200 and 800 Dollars tier month for entire 3-story buildings ALBERT M. GREENFIELD N. E. Ccr. ISth and Cheetnut sts. Philadelphia. Pa. i EAL ESTATE BOB BENT PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN MOUNT POCONO FOP. RENT Attractive furnished cottoeei and tngalowg with Improvements. E. E MERWIN. Mt Pocono. Pa. NTOV JERSEY SUBURBAN 1IADDONFIELD. N. J. For rent, furnisher! modern bungalowi every convenience; porches, garage, lawns, old shade, fruits, garden, chickens, sprinj; water. Phono Had donrleld 172 R NT.W JKRfJKY SEASHORE Wn.DWOOD CREST FINE COTTAaH. 0 bedrooms, bath, ran and electricity: garage: all convenlenoes: splendid location; rent for June and July only $275. H. L NICKERBON Wlldwood. N J. SRI ISLK CITY ITOR .ItENT. directly on Boardwalk; best lo cation: 8-room cottage, all conveniences for1 full season: act quickly; bargain; $S30. M. M- Bpfroney. agent. REAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT ?HKHTNrT HILL Very Desirable Residences for Sale and for Rent FURNISHED JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. CHESTNUT HILL. PHILA. Ball Telephone. Cheatnut Hill 133! OVERBROOK 0014 OVERBROOK AVE.. 14 rooms, garage, possession April 1: house open. OEORQE L. PARKER 1S37 Cheitnut st OCEAN CITY A LAIIOB list of attractive new bungalows, unfurnished: one very attractive flat, t twin cottage. 1 newlv furnished cottage t bungalow. 7 rooms fni v furn'shed. Apply only. J. M. CHESTER, r. O. Bldg. EOB BENT FURNISHED PENNSYLVANIA SUIIPRBAN Gentlemen's Country Estate on Elk River, Md. New bungalow, 0 rooms and bath; elegantly furnished and located on a high bluff over looking the Elk and Bohemia rivers and head of Chesapeake bay; running spring water, acetylene go lighting; 25 acres lawn and garden, wharf, anchorage, launch, stable, garage, etc.; rent May 1 to October 1. CHAS. L. BROWN & CO. 217 S. Broad St. "' vivc...-t. ox., oermantown Lrfirge. lurn.. o per wk : 2d floor: eharo bath with 1 other party; private, family; o mlrrute from trolleys and both railroad OVERBROOK OVERBROOK with garage, 12 rooms, bathrooms: every modern convenience. tiOl. Ledger Office NEW JERSEY SEASHORE OCEAN CITY FOR SALE Fully furnished, two hotels with 30 rooms e-vch well located, have al ways been conducted by owners Apply only J. M. CHESTER. P O. Bid., Ocean City. &" SUMMER HOUSES NEW HAMPSHirtB LAKE SUNAPEE Summer Homes, Cottages nnd Camns TOR nENT AND FOR SALE P Write for booklet. correspondence Invited. Floor Space STORAOE SPACE 3Sf0 VEHT GROUND FI-OOR NEAR StlTH AND MARKET .IAMES D. WINCHELL 17TH AND 8AN60M STS. PEN.V SYLVANIA SUBURH.VN RENT A FURNISHED HOME Wo offer a most attrac tive selection of fur nished h o u s o a with prounds in the popular aiburban sections near the City. Anything from a small cozy home to a mafjniflcent country seat. Advise us your re quirements early. SMULLEN & BARRY Broad & Chestnut Sts. (Liberty Bldg.) BEAt'TIFUL country nlace of a acres, old nti ubl shade and shrubbery for rent furnished from June 1 to October 1 month Pu ne AmHler IB? price JJ60 per OVERBROOK l iwafflimicjiajuWiiuti'jiuiiavEi BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN ESTATE HUIH'R In the heart of Overbrook (on the north side), an all-stone bous and 0 acres of lawn snd gardens bouse con tain., hall, reception room, library, dtnirg, pantry, kitchen, servants rooms, etc.t fi chamber and 8 tiled bath on tha second; 4 bedrooms and bst a en tha third. Eioellant bard wind fiojr. While enamel point. C.l.1 be rented furnished from April It, u October 1. A. D. WARN0CK 113 SO. JrJTH Si. SARGENT & CO., New London, N. H Headquarter Sunapee Region Real Estate. MORTGAGES WE REPRESENT 0 ef the largest building and loan associations and desire armiie. tlons for flrst. second and split mor??",??. In any section of the city or suburbs; monev loaned on Judgment note WILLIAM JampS KKOOH Lanrl Title nide M JAJ,t3 $B0 NOTE ON MORTOAOES .TO Immediate settlement 11000 Unsettled estate loans Building association fund DEMPSF.Y A CO. 37 S. 16th at. Rel dlate estates bought $50 TO qnnn rnw m m r iaa a. uwy ilx.,. in. imuku 12tn estate security. Imra. settlement. Interest Cash at once. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTQAQEd "l HERBERT RICE Real Estata and Insurance Broker Colonial Trust Building FIRST MORTGAGES for sale $3000, $8000 each. 8 per cent Interest; fire and tf'le TKjuoioe mw. wit iiiu, unit, ESTATES Harrison Bldg PUMBBRT N WILL HANDLE money on flrst and snooml HinrtnirM for nr Vila . . i "'U"1ft ""..'-''--.jrA-a-f.v-;- v?r vi Bsiufd i a m is ht i n.t . - -- eruritlei THOM . naa n loth et $aooo raT auiTOAOB wanted on cor t,ro?-!.bulldln" 20x00; ussessed 111 6oo rent 11104 per mum. n Kns TJi.i..A!;."'u' LOANS, HEAL ESTATE AND EdfAlM,' DEIAKY. 84 8. Broad tWest End Bldg.). W, If. BALL ft SON 438 LAND TITLE BUILDING MONEY TO LOAN a WE LOAN MONEY on FURNITURE PIANOS. VICTIIOLAP. AUTOMOBILES, etc s you retain posmsiIou wblla you are paying off loan. Write, call or phone Walnut 8BSS for fun provident l6an co. 1033 CHESTNUT ST. vrvtt rill TirtTinriTu imuuv ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY u Aliu ,;,-.... PER CENT 10 AND UP. -, .l'A. PER CENT iiirc.ururvr , 13S UARKBT ST tITTVlW vw IHh rvw 23D AND SOUTH STS. AND OXFORD 8T. READY M0NEY- niAWONpS, WATCirse atea Loan -c .. Jrti ')JIl fJil i 'I b.) ' , "ST 4 4 n ?l 1 ' j- ,ai m. United i)t ooocvifta nF; UUr ,roiU .'Wf ,. . v. , Pr'PWi .V1 (t 'iMii mTl iJWT'.P.Kl 1 roop garwro, UMVTXWUKt, 1 it MusnfiH HLMW4. 17US ,l! "s timtm X.Sd$KLKX I.- "r -v . HtQgy .fillips , "- ' "t'iIMill