npi -v IV t, as nt;1 M. t r u A' ?r.i .- X HV "sf v 5 ,, A- ' T'.J H-'l ... A e . I'. .. ' EVENING .PUBLIC .LEDGER rHILADEU'HIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1920 te - l- v B k I I i r H X A- r. srRiNo resort North Jersey Shore Resorts Jfc wr?;, & C S ATKNTIC CITY. N. J. 1 ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. i An-AirvGricaix Plaa Hotel iof LMsiinctiaiiandRe-dComfirt j riBBPStoor aABAO. I jCAPAcrrrsoo. UTrfftrJUJuzly iBN .e m.m b., . umiw i. m(mn Let us mike von feel at home n lii "tltv of Robust Health" Hotel Morton Oeen End Ylrstnla Ave. Capacity W0. ' Ewvator, private bnths. ete.t always open. I rvforrncEiJLO ( 1 AaClSIMCOrW)RT.XKYiaaMO CUISINE ' Xentuck. ave. t Beach. Cap. 800; modern , throughout eiv 5J up daily special wkly A me. r.u. Booklet MKCKLHY & FETTER. , HOTEL ST. CHARLES Ou the Otn.x front. Atlantic City, N, J. Acer. run. Kdw. E. Greescnp, Trustse. HOTEL ARLINGTON tlfhlBu v and Iifh. ?x. iunle ditr' Evry iippo nttnnt c) imam. Mod-rAi ralf Ov 's1 r..ror in mHngmf tiiitn 1 . 1 ; r li a 1 . . nt bat i runntnc wit Moderate ra n Opn a vr I H Arnold Qw nerhm fanngmn Try CLARENDON Hotel Virginia ille. near Reach. All rooms with bet and pom runntnc wuten privets baths. HOTEL BOSCOBEL '.'ralfyfl? Ilfi Ui Phone 1IT A B MAniON Weatminster Av " !"" ve ef , private baths ru'i water H ' wk v IS 00 up dally C Huh f, KI.U (Mill. V. .1, Of ) LAUREL in-the-PINES LAKCWOOO, N J Though but ..ty miles from New York. Lakewood is from eight to ten degrees warmer Fragrant pines serve as n barrier agaimt the raw winds Under the dire. ion nf Frank F Shute CV-n the yeur round Q. b: lVKKNEKaVII.I.K. PA. bUNSET HALL "n " t-,"" erlep, ary sir heiut ful mountain wj U klelHhmr, " asiirn e - N mm,'., um OEO S tlKVl Mer HTtl KRSVM.l Z p sVsMlTtlX D, C. Burlington Hotel AmeHrau snd I uropean HOirEIJKK, CLKAN i KRKRi P I I81M, 3A0 Rooms with llsth Vi.AO to S3 SO FIVE MtNlTKS ruc.M r:t-MTlll0 Wnvhinrtun, II. C pine iii.rrr. . c 0PE.MI MARCH AM) APIHI.AT Pine BIpff Inn i PINE BLUFF, N. C. in iniate is uellishKul Shi) IlorseUio I'udins; uuif Midwinter Canoelns ' t their best. HliMlrjteJ nooklrl on Request. PAW fVCr"lUASD Proprietor Comfort Your Skin WithCuticuraSoap and Framnt Talcum wm - - - O" TSs "i7i 5 . r tUA?& i0i 2sviii s r r ino nrsnnTo Monmouth Couniy,MtJ. The Richest and Most Beautiful Agricultural County In the Fairest State in the Union TtlKSH revorts on the North Jersey Const Boulevard, the most beautiful drive In America embody every attractive feature hirh could appeal to those secklnc permanent country homes . a cottnee for the summer, a place to spend a vacation or a week-end holiday Rivers, Bays, Lakes, Ocean and Landlocked Paradises Monmouth County Is pierced in every direction, from the f'othills to the sea. by the flneat rradi for automoblllup, rid ns ,tnd driving Bounded on the north by the Tlarltan Hlcr and Bay northeast Sandy Hook Bay: cast Atlantic Ocean , south Manasqunn Uier and on the wet America's wealthiest farm ing district These Resorts and All Monmouth County Communities are in the forefront of the universe for prcjresslvenejs All luoe riMMI SCHOOL CURR1CULTJMS. PERFECT -AMTATION. l'l III; WATKIl fcUFPLY mill COJI IMI.ri: HOAI), STKLKT AM) HHIIK1H SYSTEMS, nnil uro now cxi'f inline live million dollars for permanent iilghnfl". Bach comniunltv makes its personal appeal In the form of surf and still water bathlne, ocean front board walks. Inland bridle paths, landscapo gardening and marine spectacles Gclf clubs, boat cluba, tennis clubs, deep sea and lake fishing and centers of amusement. The Finest Country Homes in America Are Located in Monmouth County In these revolts will bn found thousands of hotels and boarding houses furnished and uniurnlshcd cottages and numer ous building sites In Ideal surroundings for health, recreation and amusement. The North Jersey Shore Resorts are reached via Pennsyl anla Railroad. Central Ratlroai of New Jersey. Philadelphia and Heading Railroad, Handy Hook Palatial Sound steamers and numerous other boit lines, and are linked with the great i. ties by a most excellent svstem of Improved highways. For descriptive booklet and complete Information address the Major of any lommunltj shown ort the map. :irfyX. VS J. & ATiA"CUJW - aT': 'N- ?r V & N9Brcvr yL Vo 3?iJr. s&s Ifle r "1 " fo8lJVo ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. U ne xiimea sice cdf GHantic City's Newest and TJlost Distinctive Ofotel Under management Ambassador Hotels System. o the Boardwalk, ret In the quiet, exclusive Chet riantlal district. Spacious sun decks overlooking ocean. Oympbony eoncerts every evenlni. Danolng In famous grill ana Japanese tea room. Caterlnc te eeieci sllePtele. Write tar booklet EraiH2BsMflMra TOURS ' I :WaafcaHsWgsM'ysrglLs 1 !M&wcMBtiKMMHE2KSsSM Ti TTr iTBMMyTiMBr isHiPilssWlli 1Tiii liif ' iwiiTsPT T While in Europe SaSafeSf ' "' S1V1TZERLAND 9 1 MlltSifi taacjuarieri Sm H &umEnMk9l THE world's most per- M JK'ml&M feet combination of H M-EHMBfr 1S '''' '' ! scenic beauty and WK MWMMmWvTy 't: 'Jn mediaeval architecture is iH B3 filitnHlllila JjLxmi found in Switzerland. The JW J MHL3!H uttie "Alpine uepuDiic 01- rW BHfriTJffll 1 y,iSuKstJm fer you the best physical f sSgsgiS$ nraWi Send for Pi.kt No do oon- ."W BMl'"'lTC1' MlD 'PlH ,.n .k umn . ..,,.1 fl,4lu ""Bstll mMxi I I. I fe'SUA I IKllill, 11, n .,..- -..r. u,.. I. Bill BTtllN I llilt. .yii ii. s ic enclcsinu 10c postage i-UK - wrf HijjiiJifJiji H ISTTsbV Official ARency of the ? ffl jll RfflI)s5,i'!rTO i;wiss federal wJI&m iWWsm RAILROAD PrxfMBCll i r.rtii -.c. vc -i MpZr Lf " Lf' . ir?7&7& Around the World Six Poi'sonally Conducted Tours during SEPT.. OCT., NOV. and DEC, Visiting the principal cities of the world. Also Tours to Europe and the Battle Fields, Summer Tours to National Parks and Alaska. Writ for DttaiU Whenever you travel carry those spend able everywhere Travelers' AMERI(MEXPRESS , M K. WANAMAKER'H. ViTt , s Haln Floor, Central. i T J CTw rhenet ZJEFPl UiuTi srniNo resorts .r,U0 LT ANlJifi" - sSoSAsvJoac L ATTNTIC CITY. N. J. A iii ba i a n d o r, .Vest I'orfci Ambtutador, XI tantlc CUv: Am basis). dor, Lo$ AngeUti Ass. tatsculor Sarin Bar hara, Alixandri, L TOURS American Express I r Cheques. J Sl Sprues jT 'a i IN MEMORIAM hrfPiJN9LLT,r-ln toni n1 lovln rtrnns. wPVf "5" dr mother. MART ' E. CON 1910 h0 rua this life March 84, ' JULIA. eatf KW&1' Vreh 22. .MARGARET, wit. of i-. Sjri,uh'"'.fn1 daughter of Aiuil. and i? wJ,.on2,1 V?nlln' Relatives andlrlends. R 'in 'M'J'odf ViX- inviiea. t0 funeral, Thurs ?.i?,' m- L420 8v Mtlnr jt. Solemn r- ?n."t-I?lW Bu S' Church 10 . m. int Holy Cross cem RALDERSTON. March 22. DAVID NEW. LIN. son late David and Anna Moore Bal ..nn- ,?UM"L rrl 8 " Friends' Meeting House. 13th and Race sts. BARLOW March 21. EVA CATHERINE. m,l.71iot c,!"r,8Vj5' rtow tnee Ulmer). Itinera! services Thurs , 2 p. m., residence of grandson John W. Barlow, 8348 I st. Int. P."'' Friends may view remains Wed , 8 to jo p. m. BRANNON. March 22, BRIDC1ET, widow MAIL ORDER Upholstering reconstruction and polishing ef old furnlturour specialty. Finest workmanship most moderate prices. Let our rap restntatlve call and estimate. Industrial ITnliol.A Fnrn. Co. Show Room and Factory Hon. ioth st. Write or rhone Walnut 1128 DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bring us. your diamonds If you want to realize the hfehett poislbla price for them. No matter what others tell you they are worth, ret our price before you sell. We par 16.00 to It 00. 00 (or each diamond more than others pay. Bee us and be convinced, We buy any lie, shape or color. Pawn tickets for diamonds bought. KELLY A CO.. CATA U3 crTTSTVVT ST. rhone Walnnt 7SU Suite tl-tt rrivate otPee 2d floor, over Ch1M Ret. BABY COACHES- Have your old coach made over like new. Cramers Mfg. Co. 273 S. 5th Street We call for nnd deliver. Write, call or rhone Lombard A333 nr Main 2412, p Napkins, 11.00 (houaand. Wax 1'aotr. J1.S0 for 480 sheets, A Toilet l'nper, f. ce. 8poon nnd rlntes. D Hat linn and Clxnr Unite. 1 Frg nmea. .t fcr 250. P tlai Hags for entar. Tj-newrlter Taners R white nnd yellow. Ire Cream noxe NoTeltle. EZRA LEVINSON ia 1,-J I)mhnrd 3270 Main S8.T7 D. PREVENT FIRE Remove eapee. Moelli' orltlnnles In loose waste piper. MAKE MONEY GARRETT'S HOUSEHOLD $1 Q BALER 0 Complete Mllh Wlreff, Try Our Tottiil rareel l TOILET PAPER lOCn-Khret ltnll. 10 rolls I. e I qunllt'. sheets 4Uini SI. 00 nlthln SO miles of I'lillidrlphin. AU IUndi Paper und Tv liiet SYLVESTER S. GARRETT 2.11) South Third Street. I'hllndelphla Old Reliable M ALONE Stands Back of His Bicycles Established 30 Years Always Has Bargains in New Bicycles rail and look them over. They are all beautlet i TIRE BARGAINS Goodrich, United States, Fiske, Pennsylvania, Grip Tite. Lllteral allowance on your old bicycle. Second hand lllocles. Eerythlnr In tho nirytle Line at Lowest Possible Trlcee Nickel plating. enam-Iinr brazing weld ing; all kinds of repair work KUurunterd We are cheaper than the chenpHt and our work Is better than the Iwst Lall und t, conilnced Open evenlnse GEORGE C. MALONE 1203 Girard Avenue, Philadelphia I'HONK. FOI'KVR 3123 8PR1NO RESORTS SPRING I.AKi: REACH. N. J. )S. gjjirv'iiSj ! U&SPRING LAKE BEACH, t jj3I5-PJSj.lfcjl TV& Sii" Ocean Paisort ofte Jersey Coast Js I jfill Eighteen-hole golf course ana new $40,000 clubhouse Bathing and tennis club with five courts and private tank. Two miles of boardwalk. Two bathinp; oavilions with spacious pools Superior hotelB and boarding houses offer excellent accommodations. Handsome cottages end attractive bungalows. Splendid train service via Penn. and N. J Central Railroads and Snndv Honk boats. Most delightful climate during May and June. For literature address CHAMKKU Or fOMMI'IN I). A touh proposition- TRYING to stretch 1914 telephone rates over a 1920 budget is bad enough. But worse still for us and you is the fact that we can't make the many improvements which are necessary in your tele phone service. As a matter of fact, we can't keep the present service going on the present rates. Let's be frank about it. We face 1920 on telephone rates tlxe same as they were before the war. They must It's yotvr savioB.' t DEATnU of James Drannoh. Relatlvea and friends in vited to funeral. Frl., 7:30 . m.. resldenoe of son-in-law, Andrew A. MJan. 008 N. 4Slh st. Solemn mass Churoh of Our Mother of Sorrows 0 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. URROW8 At Norwood. V., March 22. RODERT 11. MURROWtt axed 70. Hf'sl've." and rrlends. Atheletan Lodse. No. 412. F. and A. M.! Freerasn Chapter, No. 248, R. A. M. t ProteeUon Lodge. No. 243, I. O. p. K.i Union Veterans' lotion. Polloo Dept., j. It. R., Invited to funeral services, Thurs. 2 P, m.. resldenco of srandson, Robert II. Robinson. 1800 N. Old st.. West Philadelphia. Int. Westminster Com. Friends may call Wed, eye. RUCII. ftuddenly. March 22, MAR OARKT RUCII. 1180 Myrtle si. Relatives end friends Invited to funeral. Thurs., U s. m. Int, private. CAI.LANAN. March 21 EMMA KAOU wife of Thomas Callanan Funeral Frl , 8:3(1 m.. 055 N. Connstocn st Hlfh mass of requiem St. Iimatlus-B Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem i-f-rJV' . I" Dovleitown. March 23. 1AT.B. ' widow of William Carman and daughter of late Frederick A and .Sarah. :,F.'.rier,.. Relatives and frlonds invited to funeral. Frl.. 2 p. m . nephew's resldsnoe, Howard W. Hlbberd, 4720 N 13th St.. Phlla. Int Woodland Cem. vJflAh8MA-u..T- Mr,,n 21 MABBIj E. tnes Knlsht). Wife 0f William A Cassa. Rela fives and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs.. R a. m 022 N. Farson st. ,IIIh mass of requiem Church of Our Mother of Sorrows 0 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. M.Cr'iJ'WR'ri.R East Oranae N J.. v rcn.?C' ANNIR J . widow of Caot. Jos. Jl.'-C.thtr,nf, Relative and friends In- Vlttfl frt MVIrlua pfl... rt ( tSkl. 2n,c of son. 6O40 walnut it.'. Thlla. Int. private. South Laurel HIM T,FI-JTON. March 22. MARf J. CLAT N Wlfiit" services Wed, 8 p. m., 120 COMMERFORn. March 22, KLDANOR B wife of late Robert R. Cornmerford. Rela tlyes and friends Invited to funeral services Thurs. 2 p, m 1711 Mt. Vernon st. Int. Laurel Hill Cem. m CPK:rM-r"n "2. F.LIZA T.. wife of V?p.vlll",,?0?!c' Services and Int prlate, ' rl . 118 Orandvlew road, Ardmore. Ta. Friends may call Thurs.. 7 to 0 P m, COPEI.AND. March 23. ISARKM.A. "'now of William Copeland. Services Frl.. 2 "J;,'." D" I'ncey st. Int. private. CROSSON. March 21, DRlDfJF.T widow or Thomas Crosson, Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Frl., 8:10 a. m.. resi dence of aori-ln-law. David P. Deeian. 3131 Gaul st Solsm-i requiem msBs Church of the .Nath'Uv 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre l em CURRAN March 22. MRT CURRAN Funeral Frl . 8 a. m . lift Wharton St. Hllh mass Sacred Heart Church 0:30 a m Int. New Cathedral Cem. r,PvtV,,i1PVio,--..Mrch "2- ABRAHAM pAVIDRON. 823 Watklns st Funeral Tues . .irui ) DITFFY March 21. of pneumonia HltOH t husband of Catharine Duffv Relatives nnd friends, employes of ! R T warehoue. T ley at and Olrard nve . Imlted to funeral. i. J? .."" m. rldence of son In-law, Frank Oodfrev B03P Reno st Holemn re nitlem mass Churrh of Our Mother of Sor row, in n m Int Holy Cro. fern nUSENRKRO. Maren 22 ANNA I OUI V ?i'n?eENr?.nCl (ne Dode)."wlfe of f'aV AH.Dnr.1b.T"'. R"'d. 60- "elatlies snd fiends Invited to funeral services. Thurs. 1 !im."-fl221 Christian st. Int. private Fern- HENRY EBERHARDT.nhu.b.rnd ofthe Uti MAIL QRDER Leg Comfort P0".,' ""f'r from varicose veins, swollen leas, weak knees and an. kits or other lei troubles which rr?.ronstnt, certain support. tOUMHH LACKU HTOCKlNO win make you happv and easy. Throw away torturlnr elastics or troublesome bondages and foraret le troubles. Corliss Luted Stocklnes made to meas ure, nlthout elastic, wear for many months. Washable an 4 ennltary. light and durable Cost only $2.20 each, or two tor the Mine limb J3.76. and you'd Bladly pay much more for the support and ease. Call and be measured free, or write for self measurement blank No. .'. Hours 0 to 8 dally: Sat. 0 to 3 30. We also make abdominal belts (elas tic and non-alnetlr) to order. I'enno. Corliss I.lmb Sperlnlty Ce. 12I1-13-1B rllhert Ht..rhlla..r. Philadelphia's ureaiesi Dentist I i, years uf kuc- UA erss! Thousands of VA iwittl'l"'.. T ."- est abllshmentsl tallanlll M. IUTEP i ttllSlf ltsWllllA ff PAIM.E"8 MUTUCinH y IA1W COST K (rUU WORK S tn dentnl head- V. iioarters for per- 2 (net aatlsrartory jlrntlstry. Examina tion tree. 5 LOWEST PRICES 7 IN CITY ' OR. HYMAN 3th&MarKet ntt-- n. n ana. "usi .sCTaafeMfeSfeftSS HI'RINC. RESORTS HPRINO Ulli: 1IEC1I. N. J. be made adequate! J fttjtffil Wm IU.1 feisWtk. IlBsW' yrt"iwr S n- fl MMMayBMsi Wm 1 mm m.lC x o -yvvi It DKATIIB Karensten Eberhardt. ssed ntyty. ."1V tlves and friends, also Humboldt, lM- NO JUS. I. O. O. F,. and Southwark .Conclave. No. S, b. O. k V. M are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from Ms son s res deneo, 2011 Kmllv st. Friends may can Wednesday evenlnr. ' riCK. Jlaroh 23. CHARLEt MATTHEW PICK, of 1034 Chestnut st. .Relatives and friends. Mitchell 1-odge. No. 206. F-snd I A. M.. Osrmanton-n R. A., Chspter Nft 208, Invited to senlees. Frl.. 2 P. m.. Oliver I. Ilalr Illdr, 1820 fchestnut st. Int. private, FIEOHR. Suddenly, at Clementen. N, J , March 21. SltUASTiAN son .of John and Rose Fleer. ased 17. Funeral Thurs. 2:30 P tn . residence of Mrs. Harry jonnson, Clementon. Int. Rerlln. N J. ,,-.-mt FOITKR. XfarcW 23. EUZAIJET1I FRANCES, daushter of Ellin, and late Alexander Foster, Services Frl.. 2 n. m., lft Oxrord st. Int. private, West Laurel "FREAa. March 2l! STIA'HPTER K. FREAH, M. D . hu'band of Anna M. Jresj. Relatives and friends. Apollo I.odKe. N. 386. F. and A. M.: Vlellant Council. No 00, I O O. A.I Chosen Friends' Lodre. No. 100. I. O. O, F.: Western Ileneflclal Aas'n. Invited to funeral services, Thurs . 2 P m . 11 38 Crease st Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Friends may call Wed., after 7 p. m. ... m. OAVIN. March 20. CATltARINE. widow of Michael flavin (nee Kelly) Relatives nnd friends Invited te funeral, Frl, 8:30 a. m 418 N. Felton st, Solemn requiem mass Our Lady of the Rosary Church 10 a m. Int. Bt. OIL.I1ERT, March 28, OEOROP: M.. hus bind of Annie M. Otlbert (nee Moss). Rela tives and friends, members of Wlssatilekon Council. .Vo. 100. O I. A.. Invltetl to funeral senlces, Thurs.. p m. Flourtown, Tn. Friends may call Wed, eve, HAINES. March 21 Dr. 1IARRT A., late lieutenant Rase BO, husband of Marsaret F. snd son of Thomas D. snd Sarah J. Haines. Relatives and friends. Phllos and I.e Don Temps, start of Phlla. General Hospital, In vited to funeral, Frl.. 8.80 a. m.. 824 Kent road. Cynwyd Solemn mass of requiem Church of Bt Msthlas 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cro-e Cem ta HADFIELD. March 23, ELLEN M , wife of J. Wllmer Hadrteld, ned 48. R.oietlves and friends. Crescent Chapter, No. 104. O. E 8.: Rehoboth M. E. Churoh, Invited to fu neral. Frl., 2 p. m.. R035 Orlscom at,, Frank ford. Int. North Cedar Hill Cm. HALE. Buddenly, JIarch 21, CHARLES F,, husband of Msry A. Hale, of B2B0 Jeffer son st. Services Thurs., 2:80 p. m.. Oliver H. Hair Bide-., 1820 Chestnut st. All lodyes Invited. Int. Fernwood Cem. Friends may view remains Wed. eve. HARDY. March 22. ANNA M . wife ot John J. Hardy and daushter of Michael II. and Mnmaret C. Ryan (nee Dalley). Rela tlee snd friends Imlted to funeral Sat., R'80 a m , residence of parents. 3349 Rich mond st. Hlrh mass of requiem Church of the NatMty R V M. 10 a m. Int. New Cet-il".l ('em . HELP March 22 FRANCIS A .husband of Johanna Helf (nee CVDell). aaed 44. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs.. 8 30 a. m . 029 W, Clearfield St. Requiem mass St. Veronica's Church 10 a. m Int. Holy Cross Cem. ,, . HE1.MH. Msrch 21. MARIE, wife of Charle W Helms, ased 40. Funeral serv ices Thurs, 1 p. m residence of J. W. Vlckers. 2728 RldKe ae, Int Hillside Cent. Remilna may be lewed this te.. 8 to 10 HENRY March 21. of pneumonia ELLA J., wife of late Martin Henry. Funerni ervlces private. Thurs ,2pm N. K cor. Park and LehUh aves. Int West Laurtl I US fAfYt HERZOO. March 20. Mrs SOriMA HER ZOO (nee Kaplan), ased 08. Services Thurs.. .1 p. m., 895 Uelmont ae. Int. Ternwood Cem. Friends may call Wed.. 8 to 10 p. m. HOFFMAN. itfarch 22, SAMUEL N . Sr.. husband of Harbara Hoffman (nee Wanner), ased S3 Relatives and friends. Tonca Tribe, No. 211 I O. R M. ImlteJ to funeral, Thurs. 2pm Richmond and Hedley sts.. llrldesburjr. Remains may b viewed Wed., 8 lo in n. m Int Cedar IIHI Cem. HOOD. March 21, MILTON T., son of Thomas J, snd Edith J Hood (nee Llndaey). Funeral services Thurs., 2 p. m., 2314 Mem phis st. Int. private. Friends may call Wed. after 8 p, m. Dardanell C C. Invited. IRWIN March 22 JAMES IRWIN, aged 80 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Thurs.. 2 p m . 774 Martin at Int. private. Mt. Morlah Cem KAISER. March 22. MARY, wife of John P Katser. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Frl.. 8.30 a in , 3744 Qermantown ave Solemn requiem mass St. Stephen's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. KAL'PP. March 22. CATHERINE KAL'PP Relatives and friends. Ladles' Aid nnd members Emanuel Lutheran Churrh, In vited to services, Frl , 2 p. m . S418 Webster st Int, private. Friends may call Thurs. VKFATINO March 22, NELLIE E wife of Jerfery Keatlne and daughter of Michael and Ellen Cremlns Funeral Frl,. 8:30 a. m . late residence, 2480 S Bancroft st. Sol emn mats of requiem Church of St. Monica 10 n m. Int Holy Cross Crm KELLT March 21. CATHARINE C. wife of Thomas F. Kelly and dauchter Michael J. and Annie C. Callahan. Funeral Frl , 8 30 a m , parents' residence, 044 Union st. Solemn high mass St, Aeatha's Church. 10 a m. Int. Holy Cross Cem KENNEDY March 22, CATHERINE M dnushter ot lata Michael and Mary Ken nedy and cousin of late Ellen M. Flnn, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Frl 8'30 a. m.. 2114 N. Park ave Solemn A Word about renovating your aM 1 I 1.1 viasmooiio Innovating SgWicg GOOH.troadSt EidKi With the first touch of Sprinff your thought? naturally turn to the joys of a u t o m obiling, especially if you drive an Olds-mobile. Ol Larson Oldsmobilc Co. 800 N. Broad Street DEATHS hlh requiem mass our Lsdv of Sfercy Church 10 n. m. int. Old Cathedral Cem. KIRSCH. On March 21. 1020, JOBBrit KIRBCH. Relatives and friends. , alio Holy Name Society and Carpenters' Union. Invited to funeral, on Thurs., 8:80 a, m., tr",! late residence, 1031 County Lino road, Uryn Mawr, Pa. Solemn requiem msss at St. Thomas's Church. VUlanova, at 10 a. m. Int. Bt. Denis's Cem. ..... ,riv KOFFEL. March 22, nLtZARBTH KOF PEIj (nee Shlvely). widow of James D. Kof fel. Funeral services Wed., 8:30 P. rn.. 3420 N. 15th st. Int, Sumneytown, ra.. on arrival of 0:30 a. m. train from Huntingdon St. Station. , n LAFFERT7. March 22. ARTHUR JR.. husband of Mary Jane '-""'t1'. '", Hughes). Relatives and friends. Howlsyl. C. II. U., Invited to funeral. Frl.. 8:0 . m., 2018 South st. Solemn mass of requiem St. Charles's Church 10 a. m Int private. Holy Cross Cem. .- ......i. LANOAN March 23, NELLIE T daugh ter of late Thbmas and Ellen Langan. .Rela tlves and friends Invited to f ""?!. J7,1" " a m , Mermaid ave., Chestnut Hill. 8oIemn requiem mass Holy Cross Church. Mt. Airy. 10 a, m. Int. New Cathedral em. . . LriART. March 22. HELEN D )' of James F. and Ross II. .Leary (nee Rothan), nged 11. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral Frl. 7:30 a. m,, parents residence. 117 W. Dauphin at. Requiem mass St, Donlfaclus's Church 0 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. ... . . . LINDSEY. March 20. tM Aibury ave.. Ocean City. N, J.. BRAH M widow of Major E T. Llndsey British army, and sis ter of Oon, Hopton Scott Stewart. Madras. Indln. Int. nrlvats Fornwood Cem. t MANNeLla. March 23. ANTHONY, hus band of Olga Mannellft (nee qilns). jged B0. r.elntlves and friends, Imperial Lodge, No. 1003v I, O. f. F., nnd Temple Encampment, No. 100. I. O. O. F.. Invited to funeral serv ices, Frl.. 1 p. m.. 1033 S. 19th st. Int. pr vate. Fetnwood Com. Friends may call Thurs, after 8 p. m. ...- . MARTIN. Merch 23. JAMES A.. Sr,. husband of Susan Martin. Relatives and friends, all societies of which he wss a rrem. Ler. Invited to funeral. Thurs.. 8:80 a. m 23B8 E. Boston ave. Solemn requiem mass St. Ann's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy- Bepul- C MoCORMICK. March 22. FRANCIB Jy son of Francis J. and Catherine McCormlck (nee McShane). Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral, Wed.. 0:30 a. m.. parents' resi dence 40B8 Filbert st. Int. Holy Cross. McDERMOTT. BERNARD, of Shenan doah, ra, Funeral Thurs, Requiem mass 0:30 a. m. Int. Annunciation Cem. MoFADDEN March 10. WILLIAM, son Pf Patrick and late Carrie McFadden (nee Osbourne), Relatives and friends. Nativity school children, invited to funeral, Thurs.. 7:30 a, m., father's residence, 2987 Tllton st. Solemn requiem mass Nativity U. V. M. Church n a. m Int. St. Ann's Cem. McQRORY. Siddenly, March 21, MARY A,, wife of Edward J. McOrory (nee Cleary). Funeral Frl.. 8'30 a. m.. 1724 Ingersoll st. Solemn msss 0su Church 10 a. m. Rela tives and friends Invited. Int. Holy Cross Cem. McOURK March 21. MAnY. widow of Michael Mcflurk Relatives and friends In vited to funeral, Thurs , 8 a. m parlors Thomas C, nrogan, 54th nnd Vine sts, High mass Church of Our Lady of Lourdes 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed eve. ' Mclaughlin. March 22, mary. wife of James F McLaughlin. Funeral Thurs., 8:30 a m., 43 W. Seymour St., O-rmantown. Sol emn requiem msss St. Francis Asslsl's Church 10 s. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. McQUADB. March 21. CATHERINE, widow ot Mlehsel McQuade. Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Frl.. 8.80 a. m B440 Media st, Solemn requiem mass St. Gregory's Church 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross 'mcVAUOIL March 22. KATIE F, wife ef Calvin McVaush. Funeral services Thurs., 2 p. m . B143 Stiles st. MOROA.V .March 23. WILLIAM, hue band of Henrietta Morgan. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Frl.. 2'30 n m. ,00 Main st , Darby, Pa, Int. Mt. Zlon Cem MOSER March 2ft. MART, wife of Lewis Moser (nee Dougherty). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs., 8:30 a. in.. 8210 Sillier st Holemn requiem mass Nativity H V M Church 10 a. m. Int. Ilnlv Seoulrhre Cem. ' MURRAY March 22. ANNIE E.. Bister ,nr tne uev rnomas A. Murray, or Hender son. Ky Relntlves and friends Invited to funerni. Sat . 8.30 a, m.. sister's residence. Mrs. P J Carroll. 244 N. 4th st. Solemn requiem mass St. Augustine's Church 10 n m Tnt Ht Denis's Cem NEVILS March 21. ETHEL MILDRED, daughter of late Arthur J. and Alice Nevlls, aged 2.1, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed 8'30 a, m B4S S. B9Ui st. Solemn requiem mass St. Carthago Church 10 a m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. NOLAN Mn-ch 23. MAROARET. widow ot Andrew Nolan. Relatlvea and friends. Ladies' Auxiliary, Dlv. No. 23. A. O. II,. tn- UNDERTAKERS car When the average car needs overhauling the owner invariably takes it to the re pair shop and the repair shop in turn, sends it to the painter if it needs painting, or to the top man if it needs a new top. A service that is not only uniform and highly efficient, but exceptionally reasonable as well. There is no feature of renovating that we are not equipped to perform. KchM J DIAMOND DSMOBILE lllllllll llUliii . lllllllllllllllllll I Hill illllip JA- IfMSIfW H lsNslKsH I vS1' dM BsSs dWJWt ft StriR' Sepulchre Cem. unurcn a. m. lnt, n$ of M.TFayne2 .geq317HTrf ib.. res Frl,. 3 i .u. ' Funeral sViS nuntown. Xu Jo'cletle'- STJifJ? " O.r. m"FlbteoxV TSuVe."e8vnVll'1' H'm.11. MirS'SPiSR.r-.At Atlamie Cltv. V . Snh':r.?.C.'iTVa53t or late Thomas and ..Jnra', Mr. . Ella rbarve .' wSWSE ,6' &to. ,rFUNDT. siddeiily mJIW" c'". JV., husband of lite raSllnh. 25 OKorioB wife of the late Edward lVeno'avnNA x' . ""mil inurs, husband of. Jennie li. Buchanan o?iUN "i Kiln. A Fr,"nnch" c'o VSX ttf'lS' , a. m."Kfc privite. ' """"u Church, 1, ave.. West Phlladelnh a tn.mi'..?!i' P." ceaar Hill Cem. ", Aortli edar Hill Cem. .""ate, Mirth w:.- or late Fredrick' E TW" rtecknagel. Funeral services 54381 " SSpTrtVcV- 3:3 p- " Int' ""' 2? Bite-SlihV.-, Rettlverin1 ra. zmsns ffi-a ' liimtetSuf."".ir.n.- IK. rA-NNY-wl7ow"ro? -fiaSf1 5t BSU' Funeral Wed., 10 a. m. Ilwul.mhl.hS'1, Church of Mo'st PrwlMj.ffl'of'oSr Ur'J 11o5;ra.-..I5i' Private, Holy Cross Cem. BuwuiMi. aiarcn zi, ANNIE E.. wldn. I Gowen ave.. Mt. Airy. Tnt nerval. ' ll Itfla-UVM andrlend;. rtiTRnSSt ' invited to fSn;;ai"..'?::'"" o,-.yo"ir. sa:nsHf.."a aste!. &? oiifi. -T.M . . .' ""'" "eynoias, sio w Louden st. Interment Oreenmount Cemeterr "WS'J.1. "V.'Vt"5 ,w'?n?dsy ewrllnJ gL?.".?nt inflted ,to funeral.' Frl.? 8-30 STm.. nToVh. Jll" ."ldln.e.e: Kl Huntingdon t.'sSema i""''", '""" , ' .".vaj.on i;nurcn 10 a, m Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. ' nuuuun, Aiarcn 1, JoaKFH W inn of John J. and Margaret Slough (nee oils") Relatives and friends. Co. I. 818th Inf.. in vlted to funeral. Thuts., 8:30 a. tn . isol Rutl.r st. 8olemn requiem mass si Stephen's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Setu. chre Cem. SMITH. March 22. SARAH J . wife ef .D7.10 .M' 8m.llh- P'lav's snd friend . Tnt. prlvale:, "" D" '" ' J" niNuuuiiAtia. iiarcn 23, WILLIAM J . son of late William and Mary E. SnodgtaH (nee Rutherford). Relatives and friends In. vlted to funeral services. Thurs.. 2:30 p m 2043 B. Huntingdon st. Int. private Friends may call Wed.. 8 lo 10 p. r STECK. Suddenly, March 2e. JOHN C STECK. son of M. Clarence and Katherlns J1, ,s,Sclc .n,e Cook). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Thurs. Newtown Cem. Chapel. Train leaves Rending Terminal for Newtown 0:23 a. m. Friends may call Wed.. 8 to 0 p. m., flion Chestnut st. STRODE. On March 23. 1020. SARAH r. wlfo of A. Darlington Strode, oreii n; .nr Funeral services late residence. 337 W. Un'ca St.. West Chester. Frl. 26th Inst.. 1pm SWEENEY. Ms tch 21 ANNA A vVlfs ot D.inlrtl Sweeney, Relatives nnd friend. Invited to funeral. Thurs.. 8:30 a m . stij N. Phillip at Requiem mars St Edward 1 Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cera Auto funersl THOMPSON. March 22. OLIVE M WILEY, wlfo of Alonzo Thomson Rel. tlves and friends. Ladles' Auxiliary of 0r mantown Commandery, No. 82: Oermantown Chapter. No. 223. O B. S Invited ln f neral services, Wed.. 8 p. m . 6301 Germsn tO'-r nv Oe.-msntown Int. private THOMSON March 22. ANN M.. aged 80 Relatives and friends Invited to funerni H E. Jefferson st,, Paulsboro, N J SrrUo. Frl.. l'SO p. m. Int. Egleton Cem TUSTIN. March 21. MARY J. wife of George W. Tustln. Funeral Thurs., 2pm 1032 B. Passyunk nve. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem Friends msy cAll Wed, eve. VITA. Msrch 20. FRANK hustnnil ef Catharine Vita, aged 61. Relatives nl friends Invited to services, Thurs., 10 n m First Italian Presbyterian Church loth srl Kimball sts. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. WALTON March 21. JOHN M. hunhaM or u.DDio .1. i;r.DD vvaitnn. itemains ll l on view 4203 Chester ave., Thur., 1pm.' Services St. Philip's P. E. Churrh 42d and lialtlmor ave., 8 p. m. Int. nrlvate WARWICK. March 21. WILLIAM II husband of Elizabeth S, Warwick (nee llond Relative, and friends Invited to funeral ri. Ires Thurs., 3 p. m.. 402 State rosd, Uppr Dsrhr, Delaware county. Pa. Int. prlvatf Friend, may call Wed eve WELLER. March 21. F R E D E R 1 C IC WELLER. Sr.. husband nf Pauline Wellir (nee Hchmldtgall), aged 02. Relatives and friends. Humboldt Lodge, No, 33V. F. ard A. M.. Invited to funeral, Thurs. 2 n m B41 W. Erie ave. Int. Hillside Cem I'rlendi msv call Wed. eve. YOUNO. On March 22, ANNA O , daugh ter ot George and Bessie Young, aged 2 )tan 11 moa. Funeral services on Thurs. at J p, m residence, 1824 Point Breeze ave Int Arlington Cem, LEGAL AMVERTISEMENT3 jSS KSTATK OF ABRAHAM Bl!KVI.El. - deceased Letters testnmentnry en th. above estate having been granted 1 Fidelity Trust Company, nil persona ti debted to the said estnte are requested make payment, and thoae having clalmi .gainst the same to present tlumi withoui delay, at the office of the slid compan Nos. 82B-331 Chestnut street. Philadelphia WM T (JEST President PERSONALS MR. M. G1TI.IN Is hereby notified that his safe, stored In his name, will sold os the premises. 1818 S. 11th st April 2, 19-9. at 10 o'clock 11 in., to cover storage chart". Northern Storage Co., 181B 8 11th st LOST AND FOUND AUTO STOLEN. BEWARD-Hudson l.ljj touring speeder. 0-pass. 447SS, I'enni 11 cense l6.B58i gnen body, Stewart speedora eter: Penn tires. po)dyear Mare InltUla o L. F. between doors, both sides C.JJ lenses, mirror on windshield: stolen Jlsr 18. 1020. BOth and Walnut St.. Phlla Lorn munlcate with Insurance Co. of forlli .vmr lea. 3d and Walnut els. Phone .Loin w UARI'IN. Last. Tuesday evening IMh an Pine to 16Ui and Spruce, diamond i Plsttlnum barpln: suitable reward 4I5-" hpruce street. Locust 40.'3 v - HOOKS Lost, from traveling bgon PJJ", sy vonla R It. recently. 4 business t0,, books bearing my name -ft addrcs" 1 ' J'j Mile and wT.shlngton. n''"?'Mi,t will be paid for return to me, care loutne Railway Lnulsvlll. Ky R L Mclyejaf BOWKNOT. Lost, small pearl bowknot 1 ward I If returned to 2000 Hprucost. URAC'KLBT $100 roward for return ' Platinum and diamond bracelet MN , day afternoon. r,,' V-,, me Wnn Overbrook. Lancast r pllto. Uty n';fc wooa roan, sienun rt".Vif IS1 Bh.rwoo road. Overbrook . BAf-Lost. black silk M .","' ..-, iahed knUtlng nd handl b"t J nl9i llb ave. near City Line. Vdsy. 11 M '" eral reward If returned to Mrs. 11. Oguntg. Pa. -; rthi Mo'unPt rMo"rlih Cme.,ry APur ; -" , heen mad. fcr u.dupllcal. own Wm F Roper. Btn an- .. CERTIFICATE-Lost. cernncn.e - ( Uelmont Driving tub. former r (o ,, , I'oter F. J.nn. Reward ror rei '. (l1 ,,p. F? Jann. 6028 Kingseaslng nve ' , nllcatlon ha been mane ,v. - --- j tlORBU- Lost Sn.'o7"r"''.J- "'' vers. n fo.l. lumps on i,n, 1 ..unik at Newfleld. N. J 1 rewun.. Wllllainstovvn. N J - ..,. . 'fSvfwTl ttv.t.-P WANTED-gEMAH-- ALTERATION HANOI. ON DllBS" AS SKIRTS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOTMKNf WANAMAKER'S AxrFRICAN TELEPHONE AND AMERIMN.T nELL TKLEVHONE SYST I'liOtSiB OrBRATlNO. ....... rrrt OT A FIT 41s TER wbbiv MW.M8SSWMMW vert nSSWkoSUl m n.rv AT COST EXCELLENT FWOO d.v" , 8 A. M. TO B 1. M- M TO SEB 1 1 -.gjafiij mass ,. 1 , ,1 bwtiizisb. ifiiiAM,.: feiy '.,V.lW 11 n Ii? ' ' Wrt'M .',ji.,i.ii' y '. niUi rf'i'i S&UShm