Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 23, 1920, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Campaign for 50,000 Members
1o Be Furtnerea-m. ruai.
Next .Monday
Lore certificates given
if it. Aamnnttrn tfV fiO.
Li" iffirt members In the Amcr -
wg muntr elective and ap-
poinUvo officers of all
tho posts of tho Second
district will pnthor at
n dinner in tho Lorraine-
ITotcl. Broad
street -and Fnlrmount
L,f,MraUy evening, for tho purposo
f was arranged today
J?n n. Hogan, district chairman,
. ?'. consultation with a number of
fffitclylOO, persons will Join, in
raSeneo. "which 'represents six
H Mn;r ...i.l!n nit nt i in central
rCm sF.' Median, Post 83, chair
. ! tho comm tteo arrnng ne for the
Wffl'Snnfereiico and. outline to tho
Kindiirts in detail tho plan whlcn
,.:v-.ui in tho county committee,
ihe post commanders who will confer
pfirdinc plans for tho Second district,
KhtrMrlth other elective and np
& officers nro H. It. Ttilly, Harry
Si Post 174; Raymond O. Shaw,
est 165; Df- A. 0. Abbott, tno Ben
StaFWnkHn Post 405; W. G. Morse,
ojt 430; Urianuo l'ciiy, xuomas
iXrts Rcath Post No.. ?8G; J. W.
;tudr. PoBt 204; Maurico G. Thomas,
Iffies.' Post 142; William R. Grady,
. i nffta TVtllfnm T T.tinlnn flnnr-rvn
rOK,V "lu,u,u " - ""! -vV.0w
not the uiual short measure
Rtniwick, Milne Cincinnati, Ohio
MtTcrtEix FtrrrcnEp. Co.
TiNtrv Axocbk Co.
A. Turner Post 140; Joseph A. Ma
lionoy, Lnwrcnco E. Dclancy Post 20;
&"& BT?.k.e& Sf","-Orubcr Post
i..i.i W 17"..' j"ii3uu, oi me
Captain Walter M. Gcarty Post No.
oiu, uari Haciis, Post 183, and R. 0.
No 180"' Thomas u- Flcs 1'ost
Ono of tho most impressive services in
jonncction with tho presentation of the
Drench memorial certificates to the next
?i kU?'n Philadelphia was conducted by
tuo Walthour-Bonsack Post No. 282 in
tho French Church of St. 'Sauvcur,
J-wcnty-second and Do Lanccy plnce
JJarry II, Hepburn is commander of this
Other posts in the city of Philadel
phia could tako a pauo from the book
of tho Prince-Forbes Past No. 7 in the
horticth ward, which meets nt the King
scssing Recreation Center, Forty-ninth
Rrrnnt nti.t r!...,.... .,... rnut. .
-.v u vuvaivi utvuiiu. xufH pust JS
functioning properly and has organized
committees to take care of every pliaso of
the Legion work. Its commander is Isi
dore Baylson, nnd it includes in its
iiii'iuucrHiiip wiiuam u.- iMucnch, Jr.,
tllft HPVIintl, rltatflnf ,tintmnit 1,'
committees and their chairmen arc as
follows: Americanization, .L 0. Con
cor, chairman; membership, C. H.
Baumann, chairman; employment,
Gcorgo O. Stranahnn, chairman; music
mm urnmauc, r;. a. uavis. cnairmnn ;
entertainment. Dr. John B. Becker,
chairman; athletic. Johc M. Powers,
chairman; relief, A, h. Taxis, chair
man ; ways and nveans, Dr. Seneca Eg
bert, chairman ; community service,
Frank J. Clarke, chairman: lceal nid.
Thomds II. Morris, chairman: medical J
am, wr. lioucrt u. rarrisn, cnairmau ;
grievance, P. Br Darrcl, chairman,
Through the carelessness of a fellow
employe; Jacob Levi, twenty years old,
2410 South Eighth street, who operates
nn aIaioIai- at 1 R(t Nnrth Fourth ntrprt.
was painfully injured this morning.
1j(W1 naa just. Bioppcu uia enr hi a
lower floor, when somebody reached into
the car, which was of, tho open variety,
and nulled the cable starting it. "Be
fore Levi could control thn car It had
become 'jammed above the top floor.
Levi' was tnken to tho Pennsylvania
Hospital suffering from a compound
fracture of tho left arm.
Thirty for a Cent
Advertising is remarkably inexpensive.
For example, let's use the simplest form of
individual communication between men one
ordinary post card, price one cent.
This short message could be printed on a post
This Message you are reading will be placed in
the hands of more than 5,000,000 people who have
bought this newspaper, or others, in other cities, to
This advertisement on 5,000,000 post cards
would cost more than $50,000 for one mailing.
To reach 5,000,000 costs less than $1500 by
means of this advertisement.
To talk to you, therefore, has cost one thirtieth
of one cent. -
Advertising space in the 'Buttcrick Publications in
for sale through the accredited advertising agencies
Butterick Publisher
The Designer
Everybody's $t.so a Year)
(fS.S0 a Year)
Tho Delineator
(f?.O0 a Year)
"APlace for Everything-"
and everything in its place
THE place for Shtlton
Lttms Automobile Fab
rics ii'in the motor car of
the man or woman who is
not satisfied with ordinary
things but who demands
fittness in everything.
In an appealing variety of
patterns and colorings,.
Sidney Bluhenthai, y Co. Inc.
395 Fourth Avenue, New York
Guimpes With Sleeves
Dainty Paris Shades' in net and lace a
charming touch of Fashion to any gown.
And the Guimpes in libertine really
they're very, very smart and absolutely new.
A new Collar and Cuff Set especially for
short-sleeve gowns. Of organdie and net.
From the itandpoint of QUALITY, our PRICES
are the most REASONABLE in Philadelphia
1008 Chestnut street
Every l BML HT
m it .3 lSxMmt
if i mifflMk
iir i ii s :3'virirrxiiiiiiiiiiViiViiiiiv j
'mmiramam hi
VI' JiiiiiH
1:1 HitH
Finest B
Hand-Tailored V JB
1019-21 MARKET ST.
largest Exclusive IMcn's & Boys' Store in Phila.
Mr. Hill Does It
In Every
icw rauern
. 'mUm'
Offers This Big, Timely
Special Sale of 1000
Men's and Young Men's
It does hardly
nd possible
nt in the midst
the busiest sea
son just about a
week before Easter
to 'make this startling saving in the finest new
suits of the season.
But that is just the way Mr. Hill does things.
He wants every man to know his new larger
slore and by making an offering like this nearly
every man in Philadelphia is going to become ac
quainted in double quick time
Boys' Easter Clothes
Boys' 2-Pr. Pants Suits
These suits are perfectly tailored
smartly styled and in all the new patterns.
All-wool fancy cheviots and mixtures.
Lined knickerbockers. Sizes 7 to 18 years.
Boys' Blue Serge Suits
The suits you want for confirmation or
dress wear. Fine quality all-wool blue
serge. Sizes to 18 years.
A nnouncements
Strawdri dge &Qom i er
Store Hours
Continuing the Wonderful
Reduction Sale of Shoes
For Misses and Children
Thousands of pairs of High and'Low Shoes at about
ONE-HALF , their real value as based upon present re
placement cost for equal grade. A special purchase made
several months ago, at much less than the value at that
time, and now to be closed out practically without profit,
although cost of production has greatly increased.
See these to-morrow:
Children's Lace Shoes now $3.60
Patent leather with white leather tops, black gun-metal calf
skin, and all-whito leather.
Misses' High Lace Slwesnow $4.15
, AL,L-WHITE leather, patent leather with white leather tops,
tan calfskin, and black calfskin.
Large Girls' Lace Shoes now $4.75
i BlacJL.Pnct?1 calfskin, ALL-WHITE leather, and patent
leather with whito leather tops.
Low Shoes for Misses now $3.85
An attractive collection of Oxfords, on broad nature-shaped
lasts, of black calfskin.
Large Girls' Low Shoes now $4.55
Oxfords, with neat round toes, attractive styles for -growinp
girls; of black leather. .
ISfc-y Strawbrldje A Clothfcr Blrhth & Filbert Streets
For the rending wear
and tear of youthful
outdoor play, these.
Jack Of Leather
Suits, $21.75
We have just received a fresh
now shipment of ' these durable
Jack O'Lcathcr Suits, to sell at an
unusually low price considering
their fine quality.
Jack O'Lenther Suits, as most
parents already know, have hid
den reinforcements of real leather
at all wear points scat, elbows,
knees and pockets. They are the
most serviceable Suits for spring,
time rough-and-tumble play
they arc distinctively smart in
style and they are obtainable at
this Store only in this city.
This special lot consists of Jack
O'Lcathcr Suits, of fine cheviots,
gray, tan and brown effects, and
in' brand-new Spring styles for
boyB of 8 to 18 years. Excep
tional value at the price $21.75.
Cheviot Suits Reduced
Of the many groups in the win
ter clearance at reduced prices,
the following arc attracting un
usual attention
Fine Cheviot Suits, 8 to 1C
years $17.75 and flQ.50.
Suits from our very finest lines,
S to 16 years reduced to $SS.50
und $28.50.
StmwhrldiK Clothlr
Second Floor. Filbert Street. Ilet
Tailored Hats
Becoming Straw Models
For Wee Boys and Girls
Even little fellows of 2 to 4
years look best in Straw Hats
with jnst a suggestion of man
nish effect in the shape of brim or
crown. For small girls, 3 to 6
years, Tailored Straw Hats in
clude models with wide or narrow
brims, smart bows and ribbon
streamers. Hats in black, navy
blue, brown, rose or Copenhagen
blue, some combined with white.
Newest styles in serviceable,
good-looking models $2.00 to
Strawbrld Cfothlrr
Tnlrd Kloor. West
Under Price, 38c
The accompanying Veil for
every hat this season. And
these arc just the Veilings that
smartly ' gowned women arc
asking for woven and fancy
meshes in black, brown, navy
blue or taupe, also some clear
open meshes with chenille dots
in contrasting shade. Really
exceptional at 38c a yard.
Strawbrldsc & Clothier
Aisle 13. Centre
New' Arrivals
Among the Men's
Neckties We Sell
at $1.50
Several of the foremost Neck
wear houses in.Amcrica have sent
us their choicest new master
pieces for our $1.80 line.
Crepes, Foulards and other soft
weaves predominate with pat
terns and colorings that reflect
springtime brightness without
sacrifice of dignity.
strawnrldse & Clothier i
Aislo 1, Market Hlrent
With Spring Smiling Through and
Easter Fast Approaching, Women
All Want New Apparel at Once
Some want Coats, some Suits, some Dresses, but they all MUST have "something
new immediately." It just takes Spring to make one feel shabby. And then
When Women See Suits Like These at $65
They Lose no Time in Selecting One
And with a variety of models, representing the
choicest types of the season, selection is simple and easy,
also a pleasure. There are Suits in this group that are
so beautifully tailored they have stood the test ot the
plainest and most severe lines. There are others equally
smart and attractive, that show plaits and tucks in vari
ous new dispositions, and belts and half-belts giving a
youthful finish. Some models hang straight from the
t shoulders, with the narrowest of straps loosely belting
them. There are models smartly slashed and trimmed
with flat silk braid, others are embroidered. Developed
in men's-wear serge, Poiret twill and tricotine. The
model sketched on the left is from this group.
Smart Tailored Suits at $47.50
These are all in belted styles, with box plaits, side plaits and
pin tucks variously arranged. Of men's-wenr serge, tricotine and
silvertonc, in black and navy blue.
Outing Suits, $32.50 to $45.00
Plain Jersey and heather mixtures, in Norfolk, yoke-back and
pinch-back effects, some pin tucked and showing smart little pep
lnms. These Suits arc the favored' for ccncrul wonr nnrl fnr
. ..... .. . wo w
traveling, as well as for sports. Black, blue, green, brown and Oxford gray.
? V Strawbrldee & Clothier
Smart New Coats for
the Easter Outing
Made in the short.sports lengths. Soft
wool velours in shades of tan, smartly
strapped with a leather belt, $22.50;
others of wool velour up to $35.00, some
lined throughout. Sports Coats of tan
camel's-hair cloth, $05.00 to $100.00.
Of heather-mixed jersey, $30.00 to
$55.00. Of black-and-white checks,
$22.50 to $55.00.
Three-quarter -length
Coats are Well Liked
Chiefly of yclours and Bolivia cloths,
soft and loose and easy as all Coats are
this spring, many lined throughout, and
shown in the fashionable shades, $30.00
to $45.00. The model sketched is $45.00.
Smart, Practical Coats
For General Utility
These arc in tho longer lengths, and
come in poplins, serges, twills, tricotine,
velours and Bolivia cloth the latter two
materials in tan nnd taupe, the others in
blue and blacK. 1'riccs .fuu.uu l0 iu,uu,
Coats in Extra Sizes
Of serge, twills and poplin, in bWck and blue;
also the shorter lengths developed in velour in
good street shades. An excellent collection of
special models, for women wearing sizes 40 M to
50. Prices $35.00 to $60.00.
IV Strawbrldsre & flolhler Second Moor, Centra
ji r
; ,
Second Floor, Centre
A Fine Selection of New
Silk Frocks for Easter
From $55.00 to $92.50
Scores of models, and every one so
nnniltlflllf Pnnrlnrl nvnnna P.ntirfA! n
softly-plaited crepes de chine; new spring
foulards in tho most refreshing patterns;
elegant tricolcttcs, so straight and
slender; closely draped satins, and prac
tically innumerable bouffant taffetas, and
silks-and-laccs mingling in the most pic
turesque fashion. And one sees tho
lovely figured crepes Georgette fluttering
he;v and there. The model sketched
($G0.00; is fashionable to the last
touch it is of taffeta, and in navy blue,
and the boufiant effect is achieved in the
most approved way, by accordion plait
ings; the bodice is plain, the neck-line
round, the sleeves short, and the loose
girdle is sashed in the back.
Lovely Taffeta Frocks
For Afternoon Wear
With plaited, scalloped and apron
tunics, trimmed with narrow frills, cord.
ing or braid. Some with draped bodices termi
nating in sahh bows, some in bloufcc and straight
line styles. In navy blue, Flemish blue, taupe and
black. Price $47.50.
Silk Dresses, $22.50 to $375.00
Wool Dresses, $16.50 to $210.00
- y Stralirldic f. Clothier Mrcond K110r .Mrct gtrcet
Easter Toys
For the Children's Easter
gifts, fascinating Toys and
Dolls, Toy Ducks, Chickens nnd
Rabbits, some on wheels. And
such- Novelties! Baskets and
Buckets filled with 'Toys for
o wonderful surprise.
Strawbrldee A Clothier Pourth Floor
This is the Men's Clothing Store
of Greatest Activity Because of
Unrivaled Variety and Good Values
We sincerely believe that this Clothing Store's stocks, methods and service
encompass 'a greater number of advantages, more real inducements to its cus
tomers, than can be found in any other Clothing store in this city. And these
advantages are even- more pronounced under present conditions than in the
almost-forgotten days of over-production and low prices.
We have the largest assortmont of high-class Clothing in this city. We place our
orders months in advance of the season, for such quantities as insure lowest possible cost
and, in the past three years, especially, we have anticipated rising costs and saved our cus
tomers many thousands of dollars.
Wc are the exclusive Philadelpliia distributors of the Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes,
the Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothing and the "Alco" Clothes, and toe notv have large
assortments of SPRING STYLES in these three famous lines, also a variety of models
from other reliable manufacturers.
We strongly advise, however, that you-make early selection, to insure getting the
most becoming model from your favorite manufacturer, as production is slow, and no as
surance can be had that duplicate orders for models in stock can be filled this season.
All These are Esp ecially Attractive Values
"Alco" Worsted Suits $62.50
Finely tailored Suits, of high-class smooth
worsted fabrics; regular and stout sizes.
Dark Blue Suits $48.50
Unfinished Worsted Suits, in single- and double
breasted styles for men and young men. Practically
all regular, stout, short and slim proportions.
Medium-weight Suits $28.00
In a variety of excellent styles for men and young
men. This price is about present wholesale value of
identical grades.
Men's andyVoung Men's
Suits Special, $38.00
Of blue serge and of neat dark mixed fabrics.
' Tailored by specialists in youthful styles.
Smooth Worsted Suits $43.00
Handsome gray and brown effects; in regular and
stout proportions.
Top Coats $23.50 and $33.50
Autumn Ton Coats, of Hart, Schaffner & Marx
make, that we have carried over and are now selling
at much less than regular prices.
Spring Suits, with Two Pairs of Trousers $47.50
"Alco" .Suits of gray worsted, and Blue Serge Suita from another dependable manufacturer. Thev
are in excellent Spring styles, and aro unusual value at the price.
Smart Suits, with Two Pairs of Trousers $43.50
. . i?i.nBloi nn, do"ble-brcasted styles for men and young men, of dark gray fabrics, half- or full-lined
At this prjee they would be remarkable value without the extra pair of trousers.
-. Strawbrldjt ft Clothier-Second Floor. Bait MARKET STREET
Men's Soft Hats
Styles for Spring, 10 JO
Special at $4.65
A fortunate trade-circunibtancc
enables us to .sell thcfcc fine Hats
in five new shapes and four col
ors for the coining hcuson at de
cidedly less than the price they
were made to sell for. All sizes
to begin with to-morrow morning
but choose early.
stm it !,: A i loihl-r
Second Floor Miirl.el Street. Halt
Order Them Ndw!
A 1 r eady
our work
shops aie
h u m in ing,
turning out
A w n i n g s
fop nrilpi'H
S cat I v
sr, piacca. ii
1 you intend
to have nw nines thi year
yon eliould order nou !
There is a decided scarcity
of good labor and all indica".
tions point to a shortage of
Awning-stripe Fabrics as the
season advances.
If You Wish an Estimate
Be sure and bring measure
ments with you. It is very
easy for jou to measure win
dows or poichcs with buflicient
accuracy to guide us in esti
mating the price. Of course,
our workmen will make exact
measurements, after your or
der h:. been placed but it is
the elimination of costly prc
liminai estimutcs that helps
t'i nuiKi- our prices compara
tively low.
Sirnwondie I Clothier
'hird Floor Murket Street
Our Own "Wear
Ever" Sheets
Special, $2.95
They aro in the most
wiuited double - hed sire
Slx99 inches and tlu present
retail value i fully ONE-
roinTii MOKE.
However, this belated blup
merit was purcnased under an
old contract ant! is to be sold
at u price based on cost to us.
The Jot should go quickly
at -SatilJ').
MFMHUIItljp ,t I ,,hr -
'.'le IJ Flilwrl blreot
Hair Goods at a
Many women will be glad to
know that the needed Switch or
Transformation of wavy hair
may bo purchased at a remark
able saving. In usual shades, no
Cray mciuucu;
riiree-stcm Sw itrjflFG-inch spc
ciai J4..;j
All-around TraQUftrmations, spe
cial s.i.y.)
All kinds of Jriie Hair Goods to
aid in attaining a becoming coil
fur e Cluster Curls, Psyche
ruffs, Side I'uffs and Pin Curls. I
Manicuring, 50c
Struwbrldio ' Clothier l-trtt Floor
Ilalcony. Filbert .Street
Sterling Silver
Wedding Gifts
That can be bought now
at prices barscd on last
j ear's cost
Mover Vases ',.;.; t0 $a',.oo.
C a, idlest u-hs $l.'t.00 i $gilm
n pun:
Bonbon Disho, $10.00 to $10.00.
Bonbon Basl.-ets $10.00 to ic,.50.
Salt and Pepper Sets $6.00 to
Cltccsi and Cnul.-cr Diahcts
$-JS.UO to $51.00.
Bread TruysJt-JO.OO lo $',b00.
Sandwich Truys$J:.00 lo.tji.00
Coffee Set.i three puces $S'00
to $110.00.
Tea Scts$,'S0.00 to $000.00.
Sugar and Cream Seta$'.00
to $48.00.
Pitchers $'45.00 to $S0".00.
Mrawbrnlcp t Clothier
A le 10. Murket Street
Time lo Choose
New Bed Spreads
Hero am the kinds of Hod
.Spreads for spring nnd summer
use most in demand. Now tho as--ortment
is complete:
Crochet weave, in Marseilles dr.
signs, :s.xSH$.so and $',.50.
New designs in Satin-finish White,
Marseilles Spreads, HOxlO
inches $0.50 und $10.00.
Fine, light-weight dimity, SOxOO
inches $.',.00 und $4.50.
Satin-finished White Marseilles,
with scalloped edge and cut cor
ners, 80x90 inches $8.50.
BED SETS Of crinkled dimity,
embroidered scalloped edges.
Spreads, UOxOP, Sham to match
Himtvbridgn A C'lolhlei
.lle 11. Filbert Hlreit
Strawbridge & Clothier
,. . v
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I Co.1019-1021 Market St
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