t grW5p r-tfbbjbjww'tt VI k'JH I' ,tf V J'";' "i'o.v ";: nA A, V " & . wYn, J''' f ' i B1-' (I &.' CMC dientng r 't V--1 ) ' Y 'f " ? tH:iBEBPHI, OTOTSDAYl MARCH IB, 1920, tin t The , wmm a M r"-fc Wext Chrmn' Mascot and Oneratbr : TetrazziriiPaus Income lax : AVianqn necord vwv v - w wwv w ' " ' X, V B Y '.'.'' . I 1 , Gr . l Mwsfsasjipjr'" sk"T" - z.rruvjtwjmmmmmmmmmmmmm'-irjrsi rraar-ssray. va ? 'ZSZTZZTT?."-"rTTi Ftr -w ..r. ' arHBaaVBaHaMeaIiJMM) BBJJr! BBBBBHBOi3BBBBBBHBBB?BiHBBVBBV iviBiiEHHHr w s,'5 iEi s X&cJtlBfBBvMjiifiiA' ? aaH 3bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbTx"?, o HEsffHftts'JiHLI BBMMflHHMHMrM fi. ii'aBBBBBri $i f bbbbA jvt 'rFwBir!i.jrfM BK- sL$ yj k v "H il3 'f38tf6a)E!HHHHMH!9P?lPw IfSF sbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbb 'aV 9BK;9?iBBll3HBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl9lB'ff bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbtbbbV1 sbbbWPKj - 'i ,. ;w. - iiiS . :.aMHHB bbbbbbWbT : ,': llBBIilKI & Esas- . .:i;isgif sesss&sse . rswm sasisffiM mwLJmm f, f M4fc4M WiiBb - .qv 1 " -w -( vmmmpmi b . BwvHHMHtapffHHSPVwv'-1- - - -- - ' - .-.--- . . ! -vvvMh a .. . . Ledger Photo Sorvlce 'ANTICS OF "NELL," the ship mascot, entertained the crew of the West Chcrow on its long, stormy voyage. Jumping through the "hoop" was the dog's specialty. International. HOLLYWOOD (Cal.) to New York on foot. She is Miss Eve Montaldo, twenty years old. The trip will end in August. Le'dcer Photo Service. BRYN MAWR COLLEGE STUDENTS appeared on Chestnut street yesterday, attired in their school gowns, handing out posters to pedestrians and placing them on automobiles in the interest of the-$2,000,000 Bryn Mawr Collego endowment. smm KMBHK?jai3S2SS2! ,- I Ledeer Photo Sen let. ERNEST L. PETIT, 7100 'Theodore street, wireless operator on the West Chcrow, a shipping board steamer, which has arrived after sixty days of mishaps 8r8SS HMTtigV m:m ,; ? , , ... 'BaBuniiBrri 1 1: - ii 's ?.' i ;Ti'ja .i?i r BHnH!' '. . -ya "Tsrw wuBa-. Kaii? B.f,ifcaWKv , i vr.-sj; ?,,, ij.'vt -. '. j4 v: K9$wfl uKi w 'IhP K1hHh!SBMI i-jfciff- ;-mk uflHyAHflMH ' (K9BbHHBBBBBBBBBnP!n TtJV HKv ' witw ir Hi f ' ' "TVy '' - SVwMh1bBBhb1BbB9B' f HVOi 1!'!'' 'ABBBvKJ i vbjj. ',0 , KHnHBHHHHHr ' '' IKmIVw tsP8r.. ,-MT' "?7ft i i'' - ' " ; SJ W If PWIKBBBIBBI;JBS!r )! ?.t.i' f i- v iw ' h 0HhbbbbbbbK ," vM': lKil:?';M- sim'i ?? M I lBPiHBHrJil--"5 ? ' JfcJ '-JnMm wr i iwkaiaBwiiBTaBsaaMaaiiini win.. - -6MMk '" v-4i'. - ; xwr' ri' v i .- vr r -a" s;utsv"""-'v . v. " ", "" "" - - - -. hhhhhhmhhhnhbtmbhhbbck ;. ?.. ,r;r -r- r PBTjiHHiHHHiHBHHHiBMiwBnHHaBaanHfcMrfHssaDnanaBiBBiaBMtaH -w.rrr-r uu jwbM mwwv.wr." a - , k. t S'.F i! t'nderwcoJ . t'nderwood. .. . , Iulel """" HOLDER OI-1 RECORD for one-day flight 1300 TETRAZZINI, the singer, paying her income tax in $1000 bills in New York. Collector of miles in less than twelve hours. He is Major Customs Edwards is receiving. Tax Expert Thomas views the interesting scene. Albert Smith. Tidier Photo Service. MRS. CLARABELL JONES, Miss Mabel E. Peeples, Miss Rae G. Jones, Miss Isabel V. EchofT, Miss May Kennedy, Mrs. William D. Blank and Miss Helen Roberts (left to right) , who are conducting the postofllcc, candy shop, information bureau and (vheckroom.at the Methodist Conference being held at the Wharton Memorial Church, Fifty-fourth and Catharine streets,. In the- other photograph, Dr. C. E. Adamson (left) and Georg W. Burnham, a leading layman of the church. !( OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO v iii E ,';,iBBBBBBBJ ;i' '. & 1 -',',- tiiittMBBBBflBBSiM T3bbb1P1P ''F'BBBBBVm Xiu ' - H..iif. -..Wif,. &$?& wtr my) :mk K.X5SS Mmm " --JitfBB ' i- BBBBBBtt , ' jJbbk ' '-k, .bbbbbI JHBBrJBtJBBBBPR f rtMffiZmi r " International pRIK BROLIN, former acting vice consul in this city, has returned from Sweden to act as Swedish consul. BBBBffiBBBBBBBBfl BBBV ' " '"BB BB7,'. '' V'j'f 'BBBBBBBK bbbI3b Bb4c?- "9PbbI BBBfi fFBp,. 1 " J1WT!- '' 'B. ' 1BJ BBBBB kMrT.BBBB Pbb ,-&:-f-''-T?v'iXf- JBBB BBBBliiMiP aBBBl IhBHR jJHI BBBBi. 1 - imHVil max. . 111 linn 11 aaagoHaaBssai as THE BEAUTY CORNER i x. :::: iS i? , i -V- V i ' .( 1.5 ' vrifjr&v .-1 Centrul New Thoto IN CHARGE of Lithuanian affairs in Waihington. Ho is Mahhias J. Venikas. e!seMH(a2$sxsT.HJBiuK A CAN STERILIZER at tin- Kfi-bler-'W-yl liaking Co., 2(50 North Twenty-second street. The operator is George F. Blalsse, 2"nil West Firth street. Each can, .ffivnn n rmt-wuter bath. sterilized in eight houra ER at tin- Kffbler-'W'yl I'.aking Co., 2(i0 North Twenty-second street. The operator is George I'. Ulatsse, l, West . oCENK from .pn,.(n'H n.MBf" tn J.,. mn of , itlmii( . , . can, before be.ng filial with the baked products, is sent through this long sterilizing chute, and lur ng its yago is J cSholfc Girl? Hitrh Schoof' Loft MX FlWnWh0 m" V-0?11? in,g.ht jath, steam bath and then dried by hot air as it comes along on the moving belt. Twcntyolght hundred cnuu can bo lh0 LatnoUc Gil,B H,ff.a'ho' ft , 1fcnEK" IIcath M,rlam Shorty, -. I ptlLJ WmmmimmL:h' iBBiF!5SBK '?i f'imJeitWKri - ,1 " 'ammr'stTmem.v-:sff s BBBBhk KK'iiEiaK'r ' " . BBBBBBallKBKBBft.BK ' !"':BBBBjBBwKaBBfviaPneiVk' ., imiawjmtmmmHmMmrdwmstjmx r -''iFaPPPSLSfattBBBBWCWBa ' BWaiBeBBHMBBBHBK SRHh ''BjByPPBBBBBBHBBBMHBtj'BsS' ' ' JK' ; ' rJ W'BBBBBF . 1 Mario Conway and Ursula FarrclL MISS-MARY D. McANDRESS, 1609 South Taylor St., FWJJ l Photographs for thta feature should be eubmitteu tyza mil, addressed to the Beauty Corner, EVENING Public iiW w. M ..1". 41 ,.4fl' ' 11 'i 3 '. .a lh.'itWt .tfrbii2-M .f: 'I