1' ' :? ' - " ' ; ''EVlSNINtf Wfetld -CBiiGlffiii-PHaADEIiPkEA:; - TSJDBSDAY, MARGEt 18, 1920 TV n 30 Years m Export Banking TNTIMATE KNOWL 1 EDGE of the, needs and habits of the people, acquired by years of ex perience and actual resi dence in the countries themselves, is essential when transacting busi ness abroad. Our 23 branches in South America. 8 offices in Eu rope ana direct connections throughout the yxrld round out a service broad and com i prehensive in overy detail. Anglo-South American DiNrv,jLirvnitu t 2((W York Afncr. 4B Broadway 400 Questions Answered Free NEVER before in the' history of the United States have financial words and phrases been so generally used. Do you understand all of them? or is market newa "Greek" to you? A free booklet ex plaining more than 200 which are used constantly by brokers, bankers and financial reporters is yours for the asking. Ask for No. T. U.-843 JONES & BAKER SECURITIES WldenerBldg., Philadelphia FkcnnBiU, WoUutSWl Ktjtttni, Ra 2290 Dirtct trtvati Wlru Offices in 8 Principal Cities Philadelphia Markets WHEAT lUcelpts S1.04B bushels. Th' muritst was unohancea at erovemment prices. CORN necalpts, 11,021 bushels. Boart nd firm. W. quale nvr, as to quality ana location, at S1.70O1.S0, tho Utter for Nc. 2 yellow? !p0A,5;n?c',)l,18P,I butliel.. Advance If .Quotation! Car lets as to location ttVi&ffl?' i'Ba.0l,No. 3 white? SUM W1.04HI No, i white, 1.03l.O3'i, Ma?U?"ne?,ptJ!' .20 birrole and 2 002,. vJt 'Jni ',1 ck,,1 D.ul ,nA WIMlk- Quotatlonsi al,.10n .lb., Peknl Jn HO-b. Jute sacHs ltsi wi2Ur r1ni: wjftern, Io.7B(9 11.251 dc. do, nearby, 10,65Qlll hard luOlS.SOi prln first, olear. 10.60910! 1180018.751 fancy, sarin and city mills Patent, family brartd. IU71014.40; aaS,1? FL0UR WM ""10 Per barrel In PnbviBIONB ateady. Deef. In sets. ""? na alr-drled, B0a besf, kou'lil's and tender, amohed and alr-drled, 51ej park. nnVlf' Ma hm. 8- " cured, looee, 28i 2Hct do, skinned, loose, 2702801 do, do, smoked. 28O80o nam, boded, boneleia, 40o: Wcnla (houldera, B. I, cured, looee. 20oi $& fraoiwA 3oi bellte. In plokle, loose, breakfast baoon. S2es lard, 23Ho. f.SM171 """J- Solld-paakod creamery. Jncy, hlU-eoorlruf food. 70O72O1 sxtras JI,if?i!?.,",oi enrMt creamery, choice to tancy, 4717So; fair to good, B8toe; prints '"5HnT" at 77 O 79a for fancy and at 6O70o f fair to gcod. uS...?"4" nlhr. Free caeoa nearby UIi.!...' V.v'A Vr crate; nearby current ro celpts, 14.40( western extra flreto,, S14.40! HuiS"! .flri- !, "outhern ' U3.B0 SmTen "" Jobbln at 6068e per i?JIE.KSB teadlly held. Now Tori:, whole, milk, flats, held, fanoy. 3J4 O50o specials hither! held, fair to trood, 24 O2oi current P5 nominal) Wieoonsln. whol milk flats, 5SL?'.,.5fy' 2 Otoe: fair to rood, 2H .c: Jobblnc sales of fancy held roods, 820 j-i18 POULTRT IVwIs, fancy fat, 45 R Jjei exceptional lot llliheri do, medium, 420 f.5L.Jo'Jnf,rlori 8O40c. nrolllnr ehlckens. Si55JJot,-n,w'P,n 1 Ot lbs. apiece. 5WOo8prln chickens, average soft-meAt-e3, 42O440! do. Inferior. lRO40n Duo I X2unlLrooaUr' 80082c, Old roosters, 25f? . uucks, wwt rekin, 44O40c; do. In. dlan Hunner. 42048a do, Muscovy, 80 0 J'Jurkeya, 40045c. Pljreons, per pair. . ..PRESSED POUUTRY Fowls. fresh Killed, dry.plclicd. In boxes, weighing 4 lbs. and over apiece. 40a weighing 04 lba., 370 88oi weighing a lbs., 88O830i fowla. fresh Killed. In bbls., dry-picked, weighing 4 lbs. and ovir Apices, B80 weighing 814 lbs., 80 37c: weighing 8 lbs., 82OD40) old roosters dry picked. 2Pc. broilers, Jersey, dry-picked, BBOOOoi d, ordinary, noarby, dry-picked, fto OSBoi broilers, western, dry-picked, weigh ing 1H 02 lbs, apiece, 48050c; routing chickens, western, dry-picked. In bb!s weighing 4 lbs. and over apleos, 40C42c: weighing SH lbs. apiece. 37040c; weighing S lbs. aplrr- S037c: weighing 2K lbs. aplecs. 41042o western, oorn-fed chickens, 12 to box. 17 lbo. and under to dot., per lb., 4RO50c; 18 to 24 lb, to dot., per lb.. 480 f.Oci IB to U lb. .to doz.. per lb., 48080c; 2ft to 80 lbs. to do:., per lb., 40042c; 81 to 88 lbs. to dou 870S8c; 87 to 42 lbs. to dos 3788o- 48 to 47 lbs. to doz., per lb., 8HO tOo: 48 lbs. and over to dog., per lb., 410 42c; capons, western, weighing 8 to 10 lbe. apiece, 54 063c: some heavier stock higher; weighing 7 lbs. aplecr. 52o; weighing 0 lbs, apiece, 60a' weighing S lbs. apiece. 48c; tur keys, nearby, fancy, 580A9c; do. nearby, fair to good, 50S5c: western, fancy, 68 w Bde; fair to good. 88066c; old toma, 61c; ducka, Tfftrn, 8RO40c; geese, westorn, fancy. nSftSBi, do. fair to good 2AO80c, FRKSH FRUITS Apples, Per bbl as to quality. 40; do. per box. 204. Cranber ries, per bbl., 37. Oranges. Florida, por box. $3.4037.80: do, CallfornlB, pit box, I2.B5O0.3.1. Tangerines, I'lorlua nr Mi box. I20fl( Oraptfrult, Florldn. t box, ll.75O4.80. Btrawberrles, Florl. . por quart BOOflOc VKOBTAIILES White potatoes, per cwt. tSOB.83. Swret potatoes, southern, per hamper, H.16IB2.25: do, Jersey, per basket, $1.26(1.76. Cabbage, Now York, Danish, per ton, 1850100; do, Florida, per hamper, I3.2BC3.0B. Onions, per lOO-lb. sack--Fel. low. No. 1, tOG 11.30: do, No, 2, S3.BUO4.B0. Bank of England Statement London. March 18. Tli weekly BtaW ment of tho Bank of England ehowii the following; chnntres! Total reserve In creased 9,980,000, circulation decreased 1.715,000, bullion Increased 2,210,737, other securities deorcaced 10J,000, pub 110 deposits decreased 186,000. other de posits Increased 6,682,000, notes reserve increased 4,028,000; aovernment eeaurl- t. Inrensed fl. 572,000, tno proper' t SS of lie "ank?s 'regerve- to liability thl wSSk is 28.49 per cent! last week It wm i ?Vi ' rfh. dftoount rate Is 6 per cent RAILROAD EARISINQ8 . CANADIAN TACIF1C 1020 Increase L.-A -1 March.. $3,180,000 1483,009 &wT?:. feaSLoX 4.BB8.000 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS Did OT LkMU "VIA COLON" rJ ftco loorda trantmltted frr.n at iharpe 5j any Telegraph Co.) John J Merrill, president mnRcrp itoitvir. rn fENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA 8 riroad 8t.. New York Hecker & Co. Bankern nnrl TlrAlrttt-a Umbers of Philadelphia and Nm Terk It . " aixeuaugesi Yv- CPU- STU AND CUlidTNPT MSL Lawrinrf F. Rrnum X, r IC?JaFR. tU,UC ACCOUNTANTS ir,TBaiSi:: M" """ v: : ITNANC1AT. Meetings and r.leetlona 1 it .v "V1,""f' 1IMIN COMPANY Iin.:l ""' iuteiing or stockholders or fflfe'i'ipnco.. heldilarch 10. two ",?i Fi .-..T- ,r,0,or" 2!tr elscted to servs for mi. EfanVh.rr-w:'..r""n!T? ". t ...V """-"'"'. Murm. LafflM 1 finniTr?,fn1),"y- Ch"' c. F.bi: u. muswun OKHLT. opcrsian Annual Meetings THE ANNUAL SIKETlVfl oir rum he cJ.VrlS?.ii.lJ!& Ph adtlphla F.ec. tesaas U$n:!i?&vJffiXEL Mw blfo . dr SSSUlf mv Properly ii accoraance r.'.'l" otloro the m.iiini I'UI.Ul llv.rw. ZttWJmh """"' ""'' h .r.-.-TJ'.TV .. wuiiiyany no S10CK i. "rVM before fh II... hi .r.fy!.l '. company no stock fl KolV SwKcn J" m transferred on " wvpi 3ocrciry, POWER PLANT FOR SALE 50 Kilowatt, self-contained, airect.connected exninc and Sw erst u.nlt comprising Skinner Engine andWestern Electric Co.'s 400 ampere, JHvolt, dlrect-currentgen watwj rheostat, circuit breaker, main switch, seven 1W arnpere circuit awitches, re.te5 BRd volt-meter, all m.rMted 5" , two - panel mtrbltj switchboard with nelo iron frame; also leads fm Eenerator to awitcb- Jfl efj.1l&M& .it.t ri, iT ronmnon, run "WK arid In use. May be anMA' Corner Tta. no 17th Bt. f'or further information appi9 t. ns.i6Ust was, Bp,ot 647 Cash Bcv Tim Ttutler MarNamara Xflilivnv ....... ...... suziian nxi j; Montnne IS .Vorlh Utar 00 nffiriie F!iila .28 iTonopah F.xt JS .Wrst i:nd 1! I l.t T'nnnnith ............ .00 DIVIDE STOCKS Allied Divide 02 Altn mvlilA OB Tlelcher U lien Hur 03 HrciUKh Divide J Divide Ext H Divide iyndlcute 02 Divide Cons 03 Dividend , 10 Kaet Divide. 03 Hasbrouck Divide 03 Hlzh Dlvldo 02 Ilevert Divide lA neno Dlvld 02 Jtosetta 03 Mlver King OB Tonopah Divide 3 Tonopah Hasbrouck 10 Victory Divide 08 VerU Dlvld 00 Zone 26 QOL.DFIKLD 8TOCKS Atlanta O'J Illue Bull 02 Ilootlt OB 0 O D 03 Combination Fraction 03 CrackerJack Oil Dlamondfleld H B 01 Daisy 02 Florence , 23 Goldfleld Cons 18 Goldfleld ilerger O'l OOldfletd Deve opment . . . .08 Oreat llend 02 Jumbo uxi Ken anas Lotto Star Oro Bed Hill HtlvAi T!rt Bpearneaa u Mlb'CBLLANEOUS Amparo 1'i Arltona United 16. Eden ' JlPlher Lode 43 Nevada Hills, 02 Nevada Rand 20 Promontarlo l',t Nevnda Wonder 17 Tecopa, Mining OS VpMo Caps 18 :o .00 .01 Ask .09 .28 .17 .18 .18 .11 .27 2i e .08 .OS .07 .13 .OS J .06 .13 .OS .06 .04 .20 .04 .06 .07 24 .IB .10 .13 .28 .04 .03 .00 .04 .03 OH .02 .01. .30 .18 .03 10 .03 .12 .04 .10 .02 06 '.07 20 .no1 '.04 .26 .22 .13 16 Export Advertising Facts ' The expansion in export trade of this country with Latin America emphasizes the need of formu lating very definite sales plans. Careful cultivation of the field is necessary to build permanently. It is as important to reach consumers as it is to reach importers and dealers. The landed proprietors are the real buyers the men with whom large orders oriffinatc.. You can best reach them through LaHacienda Spanish and Portuguese Editions Monthty LA HACIENDA is read by the' big men of affairs in Latin America, because it carries a practical appeal to them Full 75 of circulation is to paying subscribcrs;S is to Over 100 leading banks throughout Latin America receive and remit for subscriptions to LA HACIENDA During 4fln . riM a. fl- f !!- ..... aai4 . rwl llAtswH 111 1919 nearly 2500 trade inquiries were received and listed in our Exoort Trade Bulletin sent to advertisers. LA HACIENDA for fifteen years has served to broaden the any prominent American nrms. it is touay marlrrr for manv helping them to get new business. CIRCULATION in excess of 30,000 copies monthly guaranteed and growing Our Department of Research and Foreign Bales Service will co aperate .with you on foreign sales work. Information upon request. La Hacienda .Founded 1005 Wm. H. Jones, Business Manager New Sldeway Building. Iloffulo, N. Y. K stern Offlrei n. M. rORTKIt. Adyertlstnr Mxr. 02 Broadway. New York Weatrn Offleet A. T,KA MORBlrtON. Mgr. Klmbnll Dldg., Chicago. III. KM Vyl'WmMUUeBSCU YJsBim VWWySlggssssssssssssssl STEAMSHIPS BTEA31inP3 Chlpana Maurttanla ... Italia rsnnonla VennonU Haxonla Carraunla .... Royal George . Columbia .... Maurete.nl . . , , K. A. Victoria Imperater .... Cannanla . ., Sozoula Royal George , Maurrtanla . . . Carenla K. A. Victoria 1300 Fassengrr and Freight Btxrlces ...rhlladelohla to London .,, , Mar. 90 ....New York " Cherbourg and Southampton Mar. 28 ....Neir York " Naples Mar. 27 ..., New York " Fatras. Dabromlk and Trieste) Apr. 10 . .rhlladplphlB " London Apr. 10 , ...iNew York " Flrmouth. Ilamburs; and London Apr. 10 New York " Liverpool Apr. 10 New York " Flymonth. Cherbourg and Southampton Apr. 14 New York " Londonderry and Glasgow Apr. 17 ....New York " Cherbourg and Southampton Apr. SI New York " Liverpool Apr. 21 New York ' Cherbourg and Southampton Mar 8 New York " Liverpool ., May IB New York " Plymouth. Ilavre nnd London May 10 New York " Plymouth. Cherbourg and Southampton May 10 New York ' Cherbourg and Southampton , May 22 Nw York " Flymonth. Cherbourg; and Liverpool May tz ... .New Yrk " Liverpool May 20 For Later Sailings Apply to WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS FIMabu-gh, March 18. 1I00S Receipts, 1200 head. Higher. Heavies. S18.230 1B.TS! hoavy workers. 81T1T,1: light york ers. llfllHO.nOi pigs lia.SOOlO. 3HBErr AND LAMBS Receipts. 3SO head. Steady. Top sheop. $14; top lambs. 120. CALVES Receipts, 80 head. Steady. Top, $22. Chicago, March 18 HOGS Receipts, 20.000 head. Higher. Hulk. $14. 60018.10) top. 118.23: heavy. tl4.80CV18.30i medium. Sirl.l0Mi.2A; light, lin.T0O10.3ni light lights, 114.830in,l)3i heavy packing eowe. smooth, I1S4T1B.0O; packing sons, rough. tl2.JIMtlf.83: Plas. I18 21W13. CATTLE Receipts. 9000 head. Strong. Reef steers, medium and heavy, cholcs and . .0 ftRMIX XO. mulllini anil daa.. m.G01.Jl common, j0.23ll,03i fight, good and choice, t2.28M3.in: common and medium. llOfJlS.JSt , butcher ; cattle, heifers. tT 3.1ffia.!3l cows, IT.23WI3' canners and Jitters. 107.23: veal calves. ti718: feeder steers, 0f13: stoclter steers, 87.80 011.23 BliEEP Receipts. 13.000 head. Steady. Lambs, tlO.7SU10.23i culls and emmon, 114010 not ev.es. medium, good and choice. $10 78014.23! culls and common. 13.730 10.30. No Change In Refined 6ugara New Tork, March 18. Tho local re fined sugar market remains unchanged both an to conditions and prices. Arri vals of rawn yesterday Included 27.000 bags Porto rtfcoB to Arbuckle Bros.; 6oR4 bags to the American Hugar nefln lng Co,: B9B0 bags Perus to Canada, and SOSd bags Porto TUcos to the trade. ENGLANDBELGIUM THE RED STAR LINE Steamor. "LAPLAND" and "ZEELAND" and the American Flarr Steamer "KROONLAND" nd "FINLAND,,--the Utter throe caulrjped for Oil-Fuel ail regularly between New York, Southampton and Antwerp. COMFORT, SERVICE and unexcelled cuisine are to be found aboard these splendid vessels. INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY "KROONLAND" March 24, May J, June 5, July 10 "LAPLAND" April 3, May 8, June 12, July 17 "FINLAND" April 7, May 15, June 19, July 24 "ZEELAND" , June 26, July 31 ymm. Ail bNuv 1 -JjfcS j RED STAR LINE VHHBZrSZ&K. 11.: Mg2 !FSK!J?mc.' J819 Walnut Ht.. Freight Ofllte, 40o- Bourse Ulg GOING TO EUROPE? I4raU Kate fcy the One Class Cabin Service or tka American Line P..4 M!a. t . . ",rtS1''' W- Ste.mer. SleiDKapa 1C.aaa.l to .. IFtll. Amamm Rooms With ielK""" " iTTr ''Mtiivui fJ.feVu'dr 11-. V j. . . rr,T, ath. tcT N.wYorkPlymiwlh--Clierbour--luh.rfl.isn "NEW YORK" ...M.r.27 Anr 24 M.. i . "ST PAlll" '- .Pr " My22 June 19 -raiuDELTHiA- -.?::.: Siil K289 si .nitnnAuuAL MERCANTILE MARINE CO ' " "",v" '"" walnut Ht.. Phlla. MERCHANTS & MINERS Transportation Co. Established 1854 MilHeo of rM enters CsnlU-r Not tils Lost COASTWISE LINES riiUilelphU-Bortn. Wed... Pat.. 5 P. U. I'lillaipriia-svnnoah ana juuisuvuis. rter riadelphla-elsvnnoah and Jocbisuvll rrelfjii gJnljr raiJIlSlav lat, l. ho. Del. Ave. Tel,, Lsaihird MM 1817 1920 Fire Association OF PHILADELPHIA N. W. Cor. 4th & Walnut lias Blven lt policy holilora solid ln?mnlty for mo.-e tliati one hundred years and lias never betn to etrontr financially aa now. Haa you a policy In thla, old and rellahle Company? CHARTER PERPETUAL EAENjLJNE U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer. General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester S S "Des Moines Bridge" Apr. 5 Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Foxboro" . . Loading SS "Lake Galcra" . . .Mar. 31 For rates and particular, apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Holland America LINE NEW YORK to ROTTERDAM fflu .n i-.i-dtaTO,fi,5.lTvtesiu';s: .ooNnewn:,i:.n,lbreu,,, wi " I'assengiT Olllee. mi Walnut St.. lfaliu Green Star Line flttVt!lT.lrnfani . .rtnAEuS; HA6VcA"X4,,"TTMTll Naillnv fsaiH ng.ia . mm pnia ateu mors I-onfllns urcli CO Hailing from ritlljd.iohla I H "JOMAIl" - ' VtV.V .' ,T..... ....i. - '..ouvwi .iiurcil CO -'H'.?,Jrvnl,a t-Ot. Inc., AgenU 10t moor. Drexel hldg.. PhnaV onei Lombarif 0104 Main l.i: Pbonei State Bank of Philadelphia steamship tickets International Freighting Corporation Regular Sailings Tkroogn BUliet UNE& iued PHILADELPHU to SOUTH AMWCA toss ?jft w?i,f;r-?. "na '. PHILADELPHIA to FRENCH ATLANTIC PORTS Berdeaur. Hart. Duafclrb, ete. Ufayatt BuUJing. Philadelphia, Ttepfaana UwWara 333. 3834 iJ v $550,000 Buffalo -Thacker Coal Company (Incorporated Under the Laws of West Virginia) '" ' First Mortgage Sinking Fund 6 Gold' Bonds (Closed Mortgage) Dated February 1, 1920 Interest February and August. Due February 1,1930 THE PROVIDENT LIFE and TRUST COMPANY of PHILA., Trustee. Pennsylvania State Tax Refunded - ' . Company agrees to pay Normal Federal Income Tax 'Not to Exceed 4cc Coupon Bonds in Denomination of $1,000 each, may be Registered as to Principal. , Redeemable aa a Whole or in Part at 105 and Accrued Interest. Mr. Edward V. d'Invillicr6, Geologist and Mining Engineer, describes this issue in a letter, copies of which are on file in our offices, and Mr. L. R. Reese, President of" the Company, has -furnished us with this supplemen tal information : . t Coal Land owned and leased by this Company is in the highly developed Kanawha Field, of South western West Virginia, on the main line of the Nor folk & Western R. R., and on the Chesapeake &: Ohio Ry., Coal River Branch. Its properties consist of 1005 acres owned in fee simple or mineral right, 2580 acres under lease, and 68 acres in surface right, with six modern, well-equipped mines, electrically operated, including tipple hoists, power plants, substations, miners' dwellings, stores, shops, supply houses, etc. Quality of Coal Mined r$ uniformly of the high-volatile "gas" type, with a relatively low percentage of impurities, furnishing a most desirable form of fuel and commanding an excellent market reputation. Appraisal of properties shows a conservative valuation of $1,153,852, only 10 of which is value of coal in leasehold. The -properties contain 12,152,- 800 tons of assuredly recoverable coal, and 10,357,400 additional probable tonnage. At the present annual rate of production it would require 30 years to exhaust the assured coal alone. . learnings resulting from operation during the calendar years of 1917, 1918 and 1919. as shown by audit of Messrs. Lybrand, Ross Bros. Sc Montgomery, before deducting taxes, depreciation, etc., when re duced to a twelve-month period, are as follows: Net Profit from Operation $253,392 b Interest on $550,000 1st Mortgage 6 Bonds 33,000 Surplus over Bond Interest $220,392 Annual Minimum Sinking Fund.. 55,000 Balance $165,392 Within the next five years, it is conservatively esti mated the mines should readily produce 600,000 tons of coal annually, which, based on the present net p'rofit of $1 per ton, should result in Net Earnings of $600,000 per annum. Sinking Fund beginning August 1, 1920, re quires the purchase of a minimum amount of $55,000 par value of Bonds' per annum, and as all Bonds purchased shall be kept alive and bear interest at the rate of 6 for the further benefit of the Sinking Fund, this minimum provision should be sufficient to retire the whole issue within 8 years. The Mortgage provides that as, a maximum Sinking Fund a sum of 10 cents per ton on all coal mined shall be paid to the Trustee, to be used to purchase Bonds, and also that half of all Surplus Earnings above Interest, Sinking Fund, limited Dividends, etc., shall also be used to purchase additional Bonds. Based on present Earnings and production" of 385,000 tons per annum, one-half of the Surplus referred to above should afford an amount sufficient to purchase annually an additional $100,000 of Bonds for the Sinking Fund, and if these Earnings maintain for 4 years, the whole issue of Bonds should be retired. Bonds shall be called at 105 and accrued interest, if they cannot be purchased in the open market at a Ip'wer figure, and, as stated above, all Bonds pur chased for the Sinking Fund shall continue to bear interest for the benefit of that Fund until the entire issue has been redeemed and the mortgage satisfied. Summary It is believed certain that the mar kets will continue to take large and increasing quan tities of pure, high-volatile coal, such as these mines afford, and since there arc few properties in the coun try that can produce fuel of this grade more cheaply than this Company, it is a reasonable assumption that its product will continue to bring a price which, over a period of years, should yield a very satisfactory profit. The security for the Bond Issue is ample, and the required coal production low for the number of mines, the estimated Earnings arc easily attainable with good management, and the properties arc sufficiently developed to insure the physical and financial returns indicated. Reports and Appraisals for the Bankers by Mr. Edward V. Mnvilliers, of Philadelphia, Pa. Audit by Messrs. Lybrand, Ross Bros. V Montgomery, Certified Public Accountants. All legalities have been approved by Messrs. Townsend, Elliott Munson, of Philadelphia. Price 92 and Interest To Yiel(t7.30 if Redeemed in 8 Years To Yield 8J0 if Redeemed in an Average Life of 4YZ Years Since all bonds should be retired by the Sinking Fund before maturity,) a Bondholder miv r,.oUi . . eventually receiving the callable price of 105 and Interest which would add materially to tfeVffitS rt!S ROBT. GLENDINNING & CO. 400 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. FRAZIER & CO. Broad and Sansom Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Tbs statements In thlo advertisement aro based vwoa Information oDtalned from official sources or from th we recard a reliab.s. Republic of France ProuTCM io the recovery of France from tht World War has already fjiven f reah evidence of the characteristic vitality of the French people. We are receiving subscriptions for account of thtt Fronch Government to The New French Internal 5 Loan of 1920 fadoemablo within 60 yesra by uml naul drawings beginning Septerabtr 16th, 1020, at 150, which ia equivalent to 1500 fames far e'ach 1000frmac boat) Subscriptions are payable in dollars at the rate of exchange fixed each day by the Fronch Financial Agency in the United States, which is based on the clooing rate of exchange for the previous day. This price will be announced daily in these advertisements. Price Today $73.80 per 1000 Franc Bond At the normal rate of exchange the coat of thin bond to the American investor would be $193 Our interim receipts eaUint for temporary bond ot the French Government will he iiaued against payment in full in dollars. BROWN BROTHERS & CO. Fourth and Chestnut Streets' PHILADELPHIA Unshackle Your Dollars The hoarded dollar is a menace ; it neither spins'nor weaves. The earning dollar, invested in well-established manufacturing companies, creates industry, which produces several times dividend requirements. If' e have a carefully selected list of PREFERRED STOCKS YIELDING 8 li-hich xve ran recommend io the itidit conservative investor. A ail for Booklet P P.L..S67 Iiollisler.While& Go, Klfe'l u.s North American Building: PHILADELPHIA C MCW YOrtK SPtUNOFini.D PROVIOKNCn CHARTERED 1836 GIRARD TRUST COMPANY BROAD and CHESTNUT STS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $10,000,000 Act.-.. Emo;". Tru.tw. Ou.rdl.n and Admlni.tr.tar Interest Allowed an Deposits Member of Federal Reserve System i.. U MORRIS, President Animal Matins. 25P Tim 8TATEI ANNUAL Mr.KnKdTr ! Co. will he hsld Uftntay, April X8 lh20 &t ............ w..v. ... Wir company. iiih ., ana tnin ave.. 1'Mladflphla Pa., at 10 a. m . to elect directors foi tiit ansulnv year SJ1.a '"iKV ul:h ulnesa iuiy pruii erlv com tor Ihs roMtmjr, r v ailKIvrON A. II inns. IHtideruL TlffK liiilim Mi iTr-.'I. vl;.' Vur. ...; .... ''... '"larierijr a f iM. J!! "" u,nainjr i -- ..... .wxnfir, puyauis Apr rCail '.dV vf 7 pm eftl m i q ! m r i , H '$1 m nn py tmb flon hav tJ (vUsnd ot t r j Q r 1 stOOk 9S9, t ,., (MirnVd) " "'" rm"n witWMli A, ' e .- v- VAST ,"" ',' " V1" il. ......Mtlaivu.. ... n iiriiitnillMllllll Il Hill I -V''.'v.-W rl viviAuiiarii rnDDU XTKW V.I. i ...,.; ' & . .. " sccrcurr o f rY(,. , f MH1U: fl Jxll 1 tear5?:.! i&&u&.y ..a .mr. .ti (. " 1 'I y nvratnnMia'isr i t i T V i "Ifi.3PRWMl