Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 17, 1920, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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Jtuuyn or Terror
Cftnllniirtl Front Pone One
tjt(e', noronlliiR (o 11 tllxpnl-'. tto
H9ntcrlcu wltli lilm lit KtuttK
jJ'Largc contliiRonN of inipcriul ilt-fi-i
troops urc ut our dlMitf-iil," lio Mil
"lam confiilcnt c will miui'm! In ir
faring onfer In (irrtnnti wltliln nix 01
'clfiU las."
A' mob Imx utor'tioil Vroncli lietul
uaclcr at Hoini ami iilllnRotl ntiu
nod private Iiohm-m. tax a Hrrllu ilU
patch to tin- .liiiirnnl. Tin- iHor!or !
gan by pii nttmk on a I'ii-iipIi lnllltan
autotruck, tlio ilrhcr ami pornl I rrmli
officers narrow l cennliiR boiiiK IiiIip1
Poller ofliwrs wetf oMIgnl to lire upon
"the mob, the illapntrh !i.
Stuttgart. Mnrch 17 ill. A P -Jt
It doubtful If th" (Srrman Natlonu'
AwKinbly will bf nli'r to meet here to
day, as planned. Hitnue of the rail
road strike ii Kreat many members nil!
be unable to reach thN j-lty In time foi
the ODcnlin of the mmJoii. lilcli un
set yesterday for 4 o'clock this nfter-
nTn'covcrnmcnt circle there wax iinidi
optimism oer the situation thN mom-
"President Hlcrt Maud- Hun In ln
delermlnatlon not to ha; mix ?"""
with the new nslme at the capital It
the course of an lutcrWcw Pn -ideal
hbert declared : , .
"I am In complete accord with the
Imperial Rovernmcut. We have not mi
tardnlarf from the declaration
made on Friday nWit as to reply to
iho IntrRents' ultimatum. There can
to no q e-tion of an under-tnndh.R with
the perjured cuemle- of the (ierman
Kbcrt M.inds 1'lrni
"I replied to ii ti lest .1111 from Cm
rral Croeuer akiui m- l aw ut 1 Im h. ..
for a verbal dlscus-inu. but m. far n Im
not arrhed." P.bert mntimied "Cm
erol Merker had no conimi-ion froin u
to negotiate with the hisurscut... Wc
Z the contrary told him we must ad
here to the declarations we made 1 n
day night, and we Informed renroen.
tatives of the coalition parties wc mil
Insst on unconditional retirement ol
the insurgents.
General Merker. Dr. Karl tt ilhclme-
hclne, of the l'ru-iau miul-try. and ,
others armed at StutlRart from nrrllii
late esterd.i Member- of the Lbcrt
cabinet conferred for a lone time and
decided not to enter into mBotlatioin
Itli the deleRiition
rrenidint P.bert xcsl.rduv ass, inn
matters were liapiiiR themselves in a
Tor of his government i
"Wnrtmiberg ndhen- lirmlv to ii
he said, "and linden, ll.ivaiia. Hess, i
and Saxon us well as the whole of
northwest Ceruinnv also ake their
stand on the imppti.il constitution ami
loyallv adhere to u- Dnlv in proving
east of the Kibe have the in-urgent' . o
far found onv follow iiiR. but this fol
jowine I- being lecrnltid from the o'tl
Trussian reactimiari'- Oreat indicia
Hon over the situation prevails in muiii,
. ..isc, nivordliiR to telegram- re
us, tlio Ithiuuliiud and West
,i arc opio-ed to the few regime
through the actloil of In-urgents,
i-lons have occurred at several place i
leh have severel.v shukvu our cto
llu life and shatleied the people'i,
d iiipplv, re-pon-lbllil,v fall- upon
lusiirgent- of the Cermnii national
rt.v I have cnlhd the attention of
enernl von Luettwltz to tlieso conso
i tct ees If his plan I- carried out.
"The national assembly and the im
perlal council will sit temporal ilv in
Stuttgart, and members of the Crr
man national party will as-urei'lv kiep
ivvnv Oh the other hand, i.evcrnl ln
trtieiiileiit Socialists are alread.v heie
I 6nr uf tn 1- t, f.afcguard the (oii-tilu-
t i i in and rc-tore economic ordei uiiil
publli -diirltv a-sooi a- po-slb'e We
i shall iu-l-t on the rebel troop- htlng
vvilhilrawu from Iterlin and dl-baudefl
"It is now dear that the (ertuati tin -
tlotuil partv's rnmpnigti of Incitement
villi h It pursued for week- wa- aimed
nt tii( overthrow of the ((institution and
lieniocracv . ueiuocrucy or iiiiiiuiry re
action tliat I- the tUc'-tlon, aid I do
not doubt for a moment that the ovei
whelming innjorit.v of the German pen
pie is for democracy."
New Ministry Coalition Headed by
Doctor von Kahr
Munldi. Miinh 17 (11 A. P 1-A
new mlnl-trv ha- been formed in lla
variii, headed bv Doctor von Kahr. who
take- the portfolio of foreign affairs in
addition to the premiership Hcnrich
Krnst Mueller, of Melnlngm. a Demo
crat, who previously hud been reported
as the man who would form the min
istry, has been made minister of jus
the. llcrr Holler becomes minister of
The mlnl-try N a coalition of the
Demounts: and the popular parties. Pre
vious to Its formation Doctor von Knlir
had been miimd tulni-ter pre-ldent by
the Diet.
Plan Proletarian Dictatorship for
Lower Rhine District
Copenhagen, March 17 (H A. P.)
- A telegram fiom K en n.v- that at
the llrsl sitting of the nvoliillonary
woikcrs' copticil held on Monday after
noon, n (oimnittcf of lliiilv three took
over the ((induct of uffuil-
"llffoits arc being taaile.' add- the
dl-patch, "to secure lonunou in lion of
all three Socialist parties for the lower
Willie district and Wi-lphallii on the
ba-1- of a proletarian dictatorship."
A dispatch from Oldeuburg sa.vs that
at Wilhclmshnveu nil the offhers of the
garri-on whose attitude wa- "doubt
ful." namely, about -100, wire arrested
Fear Pan-German Domination Would
Mean Attack
London. March 17. (Hv A P.)
I'raeue advices say the revolution in
Germany Is producing anxiety in
Czechoslovakia, which ban Gcnaaua ou
two sides.
Czech newspapers state that should
allied military action against the Pan
German junkers be decided upon,
Cceho Slovakia prohabl) would join
the ullicd troops, as the establishment
of n Pun-German military rule would
mean sooner or Inter an attack ou
Czecho-Slovokla, which forms u barrier
lo a Pan-German advance eastward.
Fire on Slleslan Crowd
London, March 17. (By A. P.) A
military patrol at Gocrlltz, Prussian
Silesia, havitiB been drlveu back by u
crowd, ilred and killed two civilians, ac
cording to a dispatch from llerllu. The
government of Mecklenburg nnd
Sihvveriii have signed a declaration
that they are read to retlic in order to
avoid bloodshed, the dl-patch says.
General Walter, commander of the
Hcichswehr in the Wienish Wcstphallan
industrial region, lias convened the
workmen's councils to aid In maintain
ing order.
Workmen's Council at Chemnitz
Kasle, March 17. (Hy A. P.) A
dispatch fiom Chemnitz, the industrial
center In Snxonv with u population of
more than L'00.000. sns n republic or
woiMiig men's lounell ha- been pro
claimed there. A "committee of ac
tion" has been formed, (oinpii-ing ten
Communists, six Independent Socialists,
four Mujorlt Socialists and one Democrat.
I When your "inner-man "tells- 1
When your " Inner-Man" tells you he wants "just
a bite " for his in-between-meal appetite, suggest
an AUERBACH Chocolate Sandwich.
Two dainty layers of smooth, nutritious vanilla
sweet chocolate neatly wrapped in convenient
size buy it at any candy counter.
to California
Freshman President Falls From
Third-Story Window
Chicago, March 17. (Uy A. P.)
Miss nii7iibeth Chapman, jirisldcnt of
the freshman elu-s of Northwestern
University, is in a llo-pltal today seri
ously Injured n the result of u full
from n thlrd-slorj window of nt apart,
ment building where she had been im
prisoned by Bophomores to pi event her
appearance at n St. Patrick's Day party
of ttie lower class.
Miss Chapmnu was abducted from her
home Monday and taken to the apirt
ment. where girl students stood guard
over her! In an effort to escane Monday
night she made a rope from sheets and,,
attempted a descent irom a wirunw.
She lost her grn-p and plunged to the
sldowalk. Authorities of'tho university
began an Investigation today.
Didn't Know Back WasDrofton
Providence, It. I March 17- f1?
Av-P.) Ueubeii Owens, n n'"11" J"
tho United Slates navy, walked Into tl c
Providence City Hospital jesterday and
said lie hud fallen from u train t e
day before, mid wanted lo find o t
what. Ids lujuilca were. Physle.ann
said ho had a fracturd spine.
Big Ship on Trial Trip
The Utlinn Allen, n ;-.G(;,,n
cargo carrier, launched at the A'Aiif
& Jones Ship.vnrd Dceemhcr .11, l"l";
left on Hhs trial trip this morning. It
will go down the Dcliivvaro to break;
vv titer and lias aboard Piisey ft. Joucs
nflleliiN and officials of the lhncrgency
I'lcct Corporitlloti .
When v Indians biaudlit.
Prejcnts tofjic Oian&xQJMltoJ
W. J. STEWART. D. I). S.
Removed to 1203 Chestnut St
In artUMc un-ii-ctttblM dntitry on.
tour nnd xprfion renturatittn and im
proemfnt Hadnal tnAtmeiit of nvnr
rbe tl8htiln ln tt-tli
Kxtrnrtlmr. iirlndlne llrlllliis ml tim
Trentment hy u lalt lot ii il4Hii1tin
method whifh ti m unfll utjlv l1rlnu
In expert tiunU tlitit ml d Mt m w i
noon b cimpllrl d larn i ie It
AdTsn rtl r.nulrnl UriiHin ittU
lfff I I
illlllfl I I 1
- lllll llll I l
n yirTMiiii in nil i i .
1 nHII I rffTTni llll IIIIIII III II I I irTt
r w JM"r 'r fill llllll II II II I
K Lf Lff HlHi Hlik HA K JHI llllll llllllmllllllllll III II I I I
i AUtKBACn ill
11 IflMlInll Dealers: If your jobber cannot supply you JfljP 0ILt . Wlra I III
ssK write us (or name of Auerbach jobber. P 11. ykMS I III I
ililV, D. AUERBACH & SONS -"""'- V" sS!M I
Esl-Slc HthAvo.46thto47thSt 0 Vj Vli' kWWaW&ZrkyU '
uliilW'T ' I' ' 'ijl .iOWo Ai zmm
"The Guarantee It
the Bank" for Me."
In the earliest days of the settlement
Mrs. Chandler arrived in Philadelphia with
eight or nine children. Her husband had
died on shipboard, and to indigent was
she nnd her little family that even tho
Indians took pity on them, bringing them
food und other presents.
Certainly this incident affords n com
pcllinrc illustration of the need every man
has of laying by money for that possible
"day of disaster."
Get in Ihe habit of puttifig by a little of
your income each week in our Savings
Department and so guarantee yourself
and your loved ones against future want
Staged His pwn Hold-Up, Ho Admits
Detroit, March 17. (Uy A. P.)
Harl Kldrldgc, offlco manager of a bak
ing company' here, who yesterday re
ported to the police t'.tut ho had been
held up arid robbed by three .,..
of the company's payroll amouutlh, il
$S0007 confused last night, ,L,
Ing h tho police, that ho .uS u"
own "hold-tip" with tho assists M
a friend, John "Winder. nsaIslan: of
TYROL WOOL is an all.
worsted finely knit non-wrinkl-"ing
damp-proof fabric of alrnoat
cndlesswear. No other similar
fabric has proven so satisfao
tory. Sold here only.
New Colors and
Ladies' & Misses7
Tailored Suits
29.75 36.75 49.75
Top, Street & Motor
32.75 46.75 66.75
Tailored Hats
Mann & Dilks
llll Li 'hi hih MM iSssss. 1 i .
avipifMK ' III jB
Why Crew Levick oil lasts
longer on overhead
Your overhead line sh.ifting carries perhaps the nrcateat
load in your plant. It must run continuously and
efficiently every working hour. 'I he best lubrication for
that shafting is always least expensive, for quality oils
always last longer that is the proof of their quality.
Pennsylvania crude oil is acknowledged by all .experts
lo be the richest in lubricating quality of any oil pro
duced in America, and it is very scarce.
All Crew Levick Lubricants are refined exclusively from
this base oil. They start out with inherent quality that
is the best, and they have behind them the longest lived
refining experience in America.
Fifty-seven years of research into refining methods and
lubricating problems go hand in hand with the best of
all crude oils td make Crew Levick quality.
Quality means heat resistance and heat resistance means
long life Crew Levick oils last longer, try them und see.
Ci'ew Levidk Cctipsctiy
rfovvYbrlc Boston Phliejd?lphie. Syrcus(r" Chicago
Drafting from actual photograph taken in Addroasograph Company'a
plant, Chicago, aborning Mr. J. P. Jackson, general superintendent, inter
viewing workman who has worked with Motor No. 43539 for IS year
Fifteen Years' ServiceWith Addressograph
Wherever absolute reliability of
power is vital, on motor-driven
machinery and on motor
equipped appliances for store,
office and home, Robbins& Myers
Motors have won a high place
for their, steady economical,
reliable power.
Among the 250 Robbins & Myers
Motors which comprise 90 of
The Addressograph Company's
factory motor equipment are
numbered many R & M veterans
of service. An example is Motor
No. 43539, which has a fifteen
year record of steady service
without repairs or breakdowns.
And it is a notable fact that, since
the adoption of Robbins & Myers
Motors for the Addressograph
machines sold to the public,
more of these good motors have
been used than any other make
of motor.
The Robbins & Myers name plate
is all you need know about a
motor. Look for it when you
buy a motor or a motor-equipped
The Robbins & Myers Co., Springfield, Ohio
PotTwentr.ThtetYiMtt Mmktrf otQualityFan and Motor
Omof-On Gbunhyb argesijprocuzers and zelinetso foil
Address Office Nearest You
1418 Walnut St., Philadelphia
Room 420 E, 30 Church St., New York, N. Y.
llobbtns & Mers
jHnBL. hdI
SSfrrfi in m
V i r
,1 -W
f.fa . - i'i').l gvlj.
mmmiJL&i-A,. iiHtf!iiyUMSjsjH.v tf ,j JjfflkwwtmugtiMLWrbuWmKnnm