6 :$ V ' .-.-r- 'vr "" n I " 1 tr v 'Hi ,r BKAI ESTATE TOIt SALE r " CITY Moderate Priced Homes of Distinction Located in the 'Northeast" section of rhlltfciphin (WlMlnomlns). Thia is one of Philadelphia's rnost desirable semi-auburhan Zt i '".,.. It it T """"" junior oi t,nc city. Your dol ar will buy more here, than In any other part of the city, and there" plenty of toom, pure air and sunshine for the kiddies. Built for the "Home Lover" with the Maximum of style, comto.l and convenience. Close to Churches -Brhooh and Torrcdatc Ave Xcar $5000.00 Monthly Expense About $28.00 Mone semidetached: 3314 McKlntey treet (ona block north from 0200 Torres dale avenue).' Uundry tub and toilet in ihV iiiinn lee rtcT light g,7 raWe Vr'SiSictt Jl?tm', f" ' Pmnln. Hoi-wotcr heat "A" any lVankrord mr rh.,,l!wJ.V-.n) '";. garden plot In rear of hout PAUL G.- BASEHORE, Agent 1420 CHESTNUT STREET amucK C420 A NEW - i :-' A NEW OPERATION"" C1 HUTCHINSON STREET Between Wyoming Avenue and Loudon Street Sample House, 4722 North Hutchinson St. With and Without Private Garage A Few Houses Remaining in Operation on NINTH STREET Between NORTHEAST BOULEVARD and WYOMING AVENUE ., -M:1' civ above iiottsns contain thh iatest KB V- 3.VDUBil,KVAl,UB ,a "APPAKKNT UPON INSPECTION TAKH XORK nOAD Ort 5TJI ST. OAKS TO WYOMINO AVBNUtt DANIEL CRAWFORD, Jr., Builder and Owner nun LnJ rvi ramming 2109 WALNUT STREET 4-story stone and brick house; 16 rooms, 3 baths;, lot 38x231 (Irregu !ar), extending to Sansom street; Includes 2-utory RaraBo on Sansom street PRICE Hjwctaily Hiiited for professional otlices, apartments or as More for women's apparel. YARROW & VAN PELT PENNSriATANIA HUILDING ?KEiiniii;ii!iiiM GEORGE N. MARONEY and LUCAS A. DILLON FOrtMERLY -WITH TV. BRUCn BARROW Announce Opening of their Offices for GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS 908 Flanders Building Walnut at Fifteenth Street Factories Factory Sites Phone, locust 2018 MMMWMM FOR SALE N, W. COR. BROAD & RACE STREETS Lot 22.5 x 76 Four-story modern building in the most valuable automobile section. Immediate possession. ' a,UaD,c ALBERT M. GREENFIELD 1 5 th and Chestnut Streets' . Uuslnesa Properties and Stores CENTRAL LOFT BUILDING FOR SALE tWVi q L floor Pc: pni?sl0n of urtt flonr nnt Vi3i-ni tMH..ii "s " nit " '' huh ruiiin, t,pin S.iS'rn'bout W W- nentnla fsr I .', . flJlor." "Ufflclsjnt to, pay nioro than ni&T. c,nt """ on Investment, and iM rent"" occupy "r,t nor and b" BARBER, HARTMAN & CO. 1201 CHKST.NUy ST. 'HULL fJIOUY modern milt 15 O00 u.l i possess on. located rowi'r- n'f.l!.,ln,,on ml". Urge yard ft May 1 1,0",e"lon of 20.000 180 N 12th st v1 Lor- 6lh & Cuthbcrt "1 N m AND. 530-32 CUTHIIERT lipm- . LOT SOtflfl il'tt&BROWN Rrlt$j 8T ) " "" !M, rare en,BnJ;?i0,r'. building; abundant IMii-T."' "- HlorcM n.t Tit. m N.E .Cor. 25th & Lehigh Ave. "rtl-JAJMEB & V vf-' Wtfi ,Ve.r. rr'ci"r' linns & w'Nt HELL, 17th and San TjOSTORE, b toon... uZ. '.' iksksu bu"""i $ '"fri umi ' " "" "inland sts iAV.r?Wir I'loo wook south' i7."t . avif vs.'"i '" room, ami 't.-...;.. --" Vr! "' Ki blovlitir .V.; t. y i 1 ItEAL ESTATE 'gQIt SALE city , , -".I V.VI.Uf Siops, Double Unit of cars on VeSlna It, K. Station. $6000.00 Montlily Expense About $33.00 Artistic modern Torrcsdalo atenue, homes, 0500 block hn....t " rnorn.Kitcnen (and outkltchen w th and ouse. car ROOM. 203 OPERATION $60,000 ipnitiiitiBiiiiimii Business Properties MARONHT & DILLON ractorlea. Mannfaetiirlnc Flnor. 128.000 HO I i i ... . : aprlnkled, he.te.fand wlrJd: .if, 4 building. 4 acrsa: front; Phi. ...trieV ""i"";.J,.'?v river: ivTde'Sia "rn."-"'t?,., 2;: oSunVtllSf!1 railroad, v.,h aldlngs Annl niLr?;UM on .iiiiin ir m rii'r r.u . r.riw, ' -- ', ' .-..-..,-i. igrn ru. and C8th at SW? ?? Northeast sectlm. A,l condi. tlOll; 25 OOO an ft nmhn .il. K.,.mn.i.."L .Tl -v-.v Ion, uii.ii.mui, 7;u tvainut. jVDUSTRIAL HivANTS. warehouses, vacant iauu, iviiruuu a waier rroniage J. L. STGVENSCN i, SON. 822 Land Title l'OR SALE OR RENT on lone lease, modern warehouse or factory building, suitable fe? f,1? n"nfeiuring purpose; lot about Hoi can st " "P0"1"'- Apply 504 - Ami" PETEY Husbands Are Great Little Observers I r - I X . v errlill N. V. T.Ik... 1. f .. S "1 I f lThlMKUL iTCgrI,V-Dli"ER-S0Uv. A v c-AVoiRsz 1 I TakcTHu om e J J ST,LMow JV WCE N,A0A , - Mow ) uuJSr PTd Mt& TyJ A V'-i ) VSi AK "A ill Lw Ls SEE T.'.r J . i r u v , 1 , r ' Ttn""' f t y '-. - ; . . ... . . i ....i -i 4-' ' .,1, St..t7.. . ' W 'Vli 1 r t ' . . . , . . !.'. -i . 1 rt ' 1 r . 'N- . ,i -K . " " "f 1.?.l?i.t " ilI''fJ1 T ' . , . .1 ViJNlW 'TJBLl6 HEAL ESTATE EOK SALE . CITY Building I.nts, Factory Sites. Kte. READY FOR 'IMMEDIATE BUILDING All ttriet Improvements In. If you build hljhclaas houses, tbeaa trill Interest you, MAURANDOLMAN & CO. N, p. Cor. Broad and Chestnut at. A REAL BARGAIN AT $3 a square foot, 20,000 an, ft.! 1 75 feet from corner llroad nnd Mount Vernon! 7 blocks from City Hall? right In tlio automobile belt and au-o to, Increase In value. wonrici.ii a co, n.-.n n. i7tti ACREAtlE imestment 20 acrea on Iloule- tard, 30 acrea on Frankford ate DlBTCrUCH. 7.17 Wnlnut at. SITES. RAILROAD Penna. and Ileadlntt, 72000 ror ncru and up, according to loo ; Inquire for terma. Dleterlch, 787 Walnut. Stores and Dwellings SPECIAL 1027 Germantown ate.l iloro and dwg., 10 rma . elec. h.-w. heat: 2 fronta: garage prltllece: 85 trs. eatabllahed barber shop: business mrat or together: reasonable, Reesor. 2201 N. 7th st, 808 8. 11TII Store nnd dwg., In good Italian neignirnrnnofi: vacant. Tamane nou walnut. west I'liiiwtiiKi.riiiA PORNFR S-ctory realdence, cnmoltelv And thoroughly renovated I nar iUftry floors. -1 butha llvtntr halL Colonial 'n flntth, new Uk'httru: fixtures; fraraeo prlvl IaL; conveniently lornUd; immedlato poa ess.on. Piico 913,800. Eugene L. Towrisend4,;ndconraTo. S. W. COie 4dth and Falrmount ave.. for "ale, 3 apartmenta, lot 45x113 ft.: 3 street fronta: private earase; large side ayrd: flrat-clnsa condition: can be boutht for loss than one-halt ent elaht ears aro. riAnnEn hahtsian & co. 1201 Chestnut st. riNK .noMns. 8itnmvooD section! l'XOHKNCt; AVC: a very attractive witln atenue: all latest Itnprovementa; price IV00O to I12,()00 8 rooma and bath, 12 rooms and uatn also Dcautirut home, H rooms nnd natn, I perfect condition, 18300. A. P. CHAPMAN, 1 S7.1B Whitby ave. a. W. COR. 34th and Spring; Uarden at", for sale, 8 apartments, modern: lot 18x92: self-feedlne Spencer heater: all r'nted, UAHUKIl, JIAHTMAN & CO, 1201 Chestnut t, I110S. 52D ST. 3-story, modern: very conenlent. T n.i r rMni nr R207 J. IV1. V. E,IXDUIU nalto. Ave A TUULT beautiful modern semidetached porch-front. 4-story home, on cast aide of 40th at., below Walnut: In perfect condition; possession within. 30 to 00 days. Sherwood Apartment Agency, 225 8i P.roml. 00 IIAMl'DUN KOA1) (DUtn at. elevated ata.) The most beautiful home In West Phila delphia at 111,000 with private gnrare: mod. em. suburban style: possession, KOKItl.KU A CO.. 1420 Chestnut at,; F. X. DELANY, West End Wdg. B6T1I AND WALNUT 8TH. Possession; 2 family apartments, each 5 rooma and bath. 41st and Parksldo ave.. 8-famlly apartments, each 7 rooms and bath:, Income 12700: carry ing cost 1130: price 117.000 HOP.BINS, Walnut B240 Fort HALE 3 small houses In West Phlla delphla, 44th and Iancastei ate.: 4516-1S-20 Laird at. 0 rooms and bath, price. J2000; Immediate possession. Apply to Jrhn P. Lee, 1207 Wharton at. Dickinson 8R05 W. ir TOU AUB LOOKING for a homo that Is - (cai nuiur. yuu win do inierestea: 0721 Hoffman ate.: thoroughly modern and In per. feet condition. BWEETWOOD & SMITH N. W. 58th and Christian ata. 4TH AND CHESTER AVE.. 12 rooms and attic; electric lights, exclusive neighbor hood: convenient to cars: vacant. JOS. ALLEN POTTS B,i,g,, J6500 422S Chestnut at., 11 rma .new heater range and plumbing, hardwood floors, large yard: excellent location to rent rooms: poa- session 30 days: sell furniture at a bargain .... .itjtru n ,j , in o. quin St. 5040 Larchwood ave , 2 story, modern. J101 B. ,53d at.. 2 story, modern. 0432 naltlmore ate., 2 atory. modern AI-J,..uitCK''I-ENT Condition QUICK POSSESSION ON ALL. JOHN M. C.nNnunO. S207 Baltimore ay fnrnpr 5300 Lndowno ave., 9 rooms, uUiuci hot-water heat, elecflc llrhts, laundry, etc: room for a garage. H. S. MILLER T,ancaator"ave. $4500 Two-story. S rooms, hot-water heat, In the exclusive Chester ave. section, D. V. REDDING Chr CI OO Ilt.OCIC, Limekiln pike, 10." 1)0 080O block, Clearvletv St., J3500,' 5300 block, Crawson St., S3500 1000 block Medary ave., iseoo. PAP.KER & SPAETH 20th and Crrlten ave. OakLane 1118 8040 UPLAND BT 8 rooms, mod. Inc. porch 6525 Regent at., 6 rooms, mod. Inclosed porch 03,10 Regent St., 0 rooms, mod. Inclosed porch 0077 Relnhart st 0 rma , mod Inc. porch T Vf. CAMAC CO. 02,1 and Woodland M'JA MAttlfM'P A very good business property MICHAEL A. MAL0NEY 1021 H OOTH ST. CAN SELL ANY HOUSK IN WEST PHILa" ohde.rr WeaPadhTa' "lan any Conway & Co. B&c?5-Lgjrr3;;.'- 6813 ALTER ST. Newly renovated: Price onlv 15250: all modern 1mnrovemn, BAKER & SON ..,..,,.,. B50O BLOCK PINK ST. Immedlato posses" slon: 0 rooms, bath, hot-water heatT clee. trio light, hardwood floors throughout. P. J. MULLINB. 5C02 Spruce. n"i. "in END HOUSE. 6447 Addison at., thorouahllv modern. 0 rooms and bath: Immediate poi session; $0700. H. S. MILLER, 82d at below Lancaster ate. VACANT. 5000 blocl: Chester, i bedrix-ms, bath, porch enclosed, modern throughout Woodland 8441). C. W. SCIHVAUTZ ,00th and Chester ave. 0000 P.LOCIC UPLAND ST. Six rooms bath, electricity, newly papered and nalntl ed Inside and out: $3050. C. W SCIIWARZ UUth nnd Chester. Woodland 3440. ' 5rH AND LUDLOW Inunedlatn posse?, slon: modern throughout: private garage 12-foot drlvnwav. beautiful home kuhijKH, a-sa tv. 2Bth at. UOO HLOCK MARLYN ROAD Model home thorough up to dato. 7 rooma and porch' Including awnlnaa and, screens, $8200. dos. session HKCHTI1L. 3282 nidge w. ' P H 48TII ST near. Haxel at s, Moderated sliod 8-story twin. 10 rooms, 1 bath, lauii dry tuba. elec. light, hot-water heat, etc .iimb. . ,ii,w.. - - , .,. p. urnaq st $5500825 Presun st.. lo rooms, modern plumbing. lundry tubs; porch: large yard: 2 squares to 40th st, L; poss. at once J. n. R McCLURE CO., 18 S 40lh .. N. FRAZIER ST. (1200 block and 1600 block), dsslrabls 2-etory dwgs". early pVs. session Wm Undsr 621 Penfleld Illdg. 1328 Chestnut st Walnut 1768 "la.. EIGHT rooms and bath, poroh front vated. modern. reno- oinnn. mils t't ureexe. 445-147 S. nOTif Modern; vacant, financed" MICHAEL A. MALONEY. 102 i B. Both at. ' 5047 RACE Six looms and hath, porch. "ri f" "-- .s.-u , iw -.miimrine. ONtKoand dweillng for u a, ,-., .. rr .jn.it .. e . . iM";,'vi f, ', ft l.llM'tf IL. F .1" " At " ' .: .t , : -2 ". MDGBRPHITABELPHIAV WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1020 REAL ESTATE FOIt SALE WEST MlirAnKI.l'IHA J TAYLOR & SON 215 S. 42D ST. Mloten rooma 2, bathii best location In West Phlla.i beautiful outlook front and bade facing- 2 atreeta: oc cupied by owner for 18 ycar Price 112,000. MODERN CORNER Iocust and Melville e '. Colonial fin ish: hot-water lical. electric lights: 2 bathat hardwood floors: billiard room in basement; Immediate possession 111,000. Offer. . MELVILLE AVENUE Iteautlful horns, altuated In drorL of restricted aectlon: hot-water heat, electric lights; Immediate possession S. 42D STREET Most unusual offering; nutlnok ami surroundings unexcelled, stands alone. Colonial finish: electric, hot-water heat. Price J17.BO0, 4653 LOCUST ST. $0000: most attractive, modern 2 atnry; contenlent to hest schools and most attractive residential aectlon. 207 S. 42D ST. Eletcn rooms. 2 baths, eleetrlc light. Colonial finish S renovated throughout Immedlato possession. $12,000 Corner1 S. 41st St., near Walnut. 12 rooms, 2 baths, electric lights, parage PosaiDinty. $11,000 43d and Sprue ata i Dutch ball hard trood floors, electric, 2 baths, posses sion Juno 1. $8500 Chester a, opposite Itelmont ncre Hon Center, affording most nttrartlte outlook: Dutch hall, electric lights, hot-water heat, hardwood floors $7000 Three story. largB porch front. Iltlng room, Colonial finish and handsomely papered throughout: cloctrlo lights, near 43d and Chestnut $5500 Bargain Two 3-story houses Hansom at., west of 30th! porch front, 8 26 S. 40th St f 121 N. 00th at., can b fln : 0 ft b 02d A Spruce, store & dwg., mod . pos S-S, -. cor. Arch ft EdgewTd. 0 ft b.,tln. 232 N. 02d, U k bath, ateam. eleo 5430 Spruce. ac 0 ft b.. fln'd: 14500. 102 NT Mllllck, 0 ft b. : good cond. o?,?!?.; MJ)- " ba-h: financed. B30O blk. Theodore. 5ib.igar.prlv. :fln. 0122 ft 24 Chancellor, 0 ft bath: 137.10 525-20-31 KlWanamaker. 6 nr.ii bath. 2J N, Dewey, O ft b , fln'd. J3MIO ..I K. nohltison. 0 ft bath, at'm heat 5035 W'dl'd, 3 ety..det , 30x100: tOflOO .1828 Arch. 8 ft bath; pou. 10x100. Vic. Jth st, U 0 ft b., sfm:gar.prlv. 702.1 Paschal!, 0 b. modern; poss. 0245 Hansom, flftb. mod. :poss,;10xl00 47N. Rpblnson. 8 ft b.. ren.. elec. 2421 S. 01st at.. 0 and bath. 8B00. 17 llurd av . Mlllburn, 8tb..alde yd. .1.155 Catharine. 8tb., bkft, rm mod. 6543 Media. 84b., el ,1i flrs.:poa. .10000 234 N. 04th at., ft b.: poss,; 11500. c?i.1 IJad'ngton, 7ftb..vac't:ren.:J3200 VU-X.'-l-y st . 0 ft b.. elect,; 15000, 103 N.OSd St.. 3 stv ,2-car gar.:21x!12 448 N Farson, Oftb., end liouse;S,2000 DUSINESS PROPERTIES r-it!!-' .?. 0,Ch.,?sty..new.rtnt 1270 0800 blk. Market f4). 3 stv.: good spec. oonA till:. Market (4). s side, 3 sty. 0100 blk. Market, several 0200 blk Mkt . 2 sty. $15,000. also corner Many Others We average 4 salca a day There must be a reason CALL OR PHONE. NO LISTS TURN. CARPENTER & WILSON , 6220 MARKET ST. DELMONT 10.17 WEST 1332 A OPEN EVENINQS Modern Homes i2it ?t.i5lh Mi' 7 r20m and bah- S2U J.'nJ'1'or pl.aceA rooms and bath. -ST Jl0AnAan.st,i rooms and bath. tRi & 8th ",".a r"n and bath, store '?? ross st.. 0 r. and b., sarage 0229 carpenter at.. 10 r.. 2 baths, gar. IMSE- fl."h,B'- 0 rooma t.id bath. ln?2 S; ?.raller u "oma and lmh, i;i? JJaltlmoro avo.. 11 rooms. 2 baths 5J2i Warrington ave.. 0 r. and b , gar, 6130 Washington ave.. 10 r. and 2 b 1000 lllock S. 60th at.. 8 rms and bath C20O niock Christian at.. 8 r. and h "ir Bioo sissk wisizi&rsz: ra,hii- Michael A. Maloney 1021 S. 60th St. HOME BUYERS INSPECT OUR SAMPLE HOUSE 6525 PASCHALL AVE. Onn block south of Woodland ave.' You will bo convinced that ws have something out of tho ordinary Our price of $8600 holds good for two more weeks only. Immediate possession. .Boautlfuliy finished mod em 7 and 8 room houses. Sample house open dally 0 n. m. to D p m AOENT ON PRBMIBbV' '"' SPLENDID HOME in irIIU!! FINEST SUDUnn: CEN TRAL HEAT; INCLOSED PORCH. LARGE LOT .,. J!HTOVERDnOK: ave TiiirVF,n.Yv.St0.IiEaN APPOINTMENT THE ACME OF" COMFORT AND CON VENIENCE rnoSor8.c3gAL HENRY S. REED 1112 CHESTNUT 8T 70 HOUSESKLXT rm T,,B CARPENTER b WILSON. 0220 Market at. DESIRA1IL1) dwg. H. Alden at. (800 bloc!;) early possession WM UNDER, 621 Pen ftnld Illdg.. 1328 Chestnut at.. Walnut 1768 VACANT 3131 Wobster. 7 rooms and brick tnundry: excellent condition nnn tidnn AptH 16000. Owner. 117 N. Fa nun 60TH AND OIRARD AVE. Wonderful busi ness location- first mortgage 15500, price $7500, JNOPSKY ft ORAVAT. B17 N. Wxh. TWO STORY, porch front. 3814 Pennsgrovo tautn anu wiraru ave.); eaav terms ARTHUR HOSWELL, 233 N 13th st DBiij) tiLUC-ii HAUrtELD ST. Modern - room and bath home. SWEETVOOD & SMITH. 68th and Christian sts ,YUU" THOROUGHLY modern home: 8 large rooms iiuuhi- uui aim vvasmngion ave. sec Sweetwood A Smith. BSth and Christian sts tM--nd.: g.. - - 4 . , . HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE UKST P1lir.ADKl.PHIA Distinctive Homes in Overbrook BUILT BY THOS. J. McGARVEY JBl SMBtnS I S Eg & fSE'sijlMWt'A1 u y ilimii LgJilgEjgj HEllMHiMlliig ! M"iBH',K!-SsP I? lis l III! Homes of Suburban Characteristics With City Features HAZELHURST ROAD (BAST OP BIST, NORTH Or COLUMBIA AVB ) TW0ST0UV 4 1)KD"001I8 WITH A TII.K I1AT1I, WITH 8IIOWKR 20VOOT FIIONTH rlttVATK (lAISAflfl Incloied nd bested porch (with Interchangeable ssM. Irge Ihitch lull with a real open B replace. Colonial finish (mshogsny and white). Etery Room a Sun fsrlor. SAMPLK HOt'SB NOW READY THOS. J. fylcGARVEY. Builder, on Premises Take "I." to 03d at., pass nerth to Columbia are., walk east one blok. (hen north oire bl?Lv fhene. QTfttrooV 6871. ainroiioi.iiiiiiiiftWiiifciiiw'iFiiK H I I VI r Siii aimnrurni n ri i HiUIIHllllllUiliiiiii? am rtu SG000 ,ird " K rooms; bath, look nnd locitlon. Chestnut .10 excellent out- $6800 U0,2 "rd Ht 2-story: r, """ modern, U rooms bath en csed porch. $7500 BM3 ifdflcld Ate 2-story, 7 modern'. 8 rooms, bnlh. break fast room: enclosed sleeping porch $7500 Preston and Urown Sts , a . . story: twin; 10 rooms; bath lot 80x140 ft, to rear atreet. $7500 315 Chestnut St. 11 rooms. yi cuu 2 b.lhg. xcii,,,, proposition f'ir ant's., act oulcklv. 9 !S7800 018 Pentildgo bt , 2-story n V'uuu twin. 8 rtoms. hnth n.mn heat, lot 00x120, $8500 BS4 Larchwood Ate 2-story v modern: 7 rooms, bath, new'y papered and painted, mahogany and white. SSOflflft 51at and Chester Ave, 3-story "PVU" twin. 11 room 2 baths thor oughly modern SQftflil Melville Ate . 3-story, mod .pjuuu pr , extfy re,p),eti n rooms: bath; unusunll.t reflncl sur roundings, 411 flOn 3rd and Spruce, 3'slory k?XX,JJV lwllli u rooms. 2 baths; , finished attlct elec. lights; Dutch hall BROWN & FRENCH MlilllM SIEGELS Artistic Homes nre nearly completed. 47th & Larchwood Avenue Clarence R. Sicgcl Builder of Artistic Homes on Premises ! I SPECIAL OFFERINGS These properties hato neter been offered, and are exceptional bus, either to home buyers or speculators, 2403.07 N Cleveland at 2302-21108 N. Colorado at 2210-12-40-50 N Unncroft st. 2243 to 2233. Inc , N. Chadwlclc at. 2400 block Orats st. (21 homes). Contain fl rooma and bath, modern plumbing. Monthly leasts. I300O each. 2210-21 W. Dauphin at.: 3-story, U rooms nnd bath, 13800 each. 2353 N. 21st at : 3-story. 0 rooms and bath, J450O. BROWN & FRENCH 310 LINCOLN DLDO Filbert 4076 SPRING IS NEAR YOU ARE- LOOK1NO rOIl A HOME SEE NASSAU ROAD BETWEEN SDTir AND C1ST STS OVERBROOK CHOICE LOCATION EVERT LATE FEATURE INCLOSED PORCHES. WITH HEAT GARAGE ATTACHED GOOD CAn SERVICE rURNISHED HAMPLE HOUSE 0010 HENRY S. REED ON PREMISES', or 1112 CHESTNUT ST. MOST ATTRACTIVE HOUSES IN A CIIAIIMINO N1SIOHBORHOOD. Willows ste between 68th st. and the Parkway: these are 3-story porch-front houses, 10 rooms each, gas and slectrla light, modern plumbing; 2 houses ready far Immediate oc cupancy, near atores. schools, churches, park, tennis club, etc.: terms of sale are eaav; earning about 147 a month PBM DERTON ESTATES. Harrison Bldg. (16th and Market ata.). 51 BALTIMORE AVE. Large, roomy property, best location In West Philadelphia; sldeyard, newly painted, thoroughly overhauled; $10,600, easy terms to business man, here Is suroly an opportunity. SWARTLEY 5211 Chestnut Helmont 1410 HOME IIUYERM OR HPKlV'I.A'rmVi Robinson. N . 800. Dutch hall, $3300 " npruce n;uu-u. garage, etc Da Lancay at., 6458 Frailer st 8 . 280-38-42-44 N W. ror. f7lh and Locust dwelling ana basement store: Interesting for quick sale J KUTNER, 618 Real Eatati. t".. 1221.28-25 S. StARKOE ST. 2 sly hrlck 7 rooms, all conv.t V4 mi. .' . .!!."" car. good Investment or speculation, get "i'j.v': -" -'-'" co u -iwii. Si. gl ilp . 3 EZ! t 1 "5 li eS al a m m m IN - -jrt-wH ,nk to .);:- HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE WKHT PIIII.ADKI.PIIIA n in ; ii jmi muni 11 11 itnii ti uf n lh i itnit irni ii ruun j n rr i 'Hir liii t'r: i !. i n u : i-Tn n h mrj D.:. t. - i .:. i uuca, xyyizs aiiu ucuiiuns C1 1 Kflf) On the Doiiletnr( ril .1 torv ithn. titter otcupiru; unusual open outlook .over Park, and Houlevard $12 000 'J,h ond Market t one v ' , of McC'atchy'a new homes cooipleted. Immediate possession gar- flge. SIS 000 H05 rin Sl 3-storj twin clee. lights; hardwood floors, entlrelt open front and back. $13,500 'r33 "a,l"m',"B Avc 3- Y ' atorv twin 1 1 urg rooms, 2 baths; elec llclil II. W. h"at. 11 foot frontage. $16 000 42,ld and Baltimore Ate . v ' 3-story apt house J23U per. mo. rental, immediate possession 1st floor $20,000 ''Ja ttnJ Hnruce stands .. a" v- rooms. baths, J830O spent for modern Interior, un excelled outlook for location $20,000 7tn nniJ Lnrcliwood Ate.. v ' corner one of Slcgel's or- tlattc homes, 12 rooms, 2 baths, sip, porch: billiard rtn. garage prltllesc. $40 000 ClaraBo 100x87 ft and ad WVUU Joining lot 2U0xS7ft lirec. situated In heart of residential section. 310 LINCOLN BUILDING FILBERT 4G7G AFTER HAVING SOLD OUR LAST ROW OI" 28 NHW HOMlife WITH OARAOCS TO INDIVIDUAL HOMnrllUiXRM IN LUS3 THAN 4 MONTHS WE NOW OFFER Similar Housea In the Adjoining Block of Willows Ave.&e5'ot5h4tslts. 3 GQH. S nr HALTIMORD AVC IT 18 QUITU UVIDCNTTHKY ARK THK DEST VALUE liKLNQ OrFURKD TODAY PRICE $8500 Every modern appointment Unequaled finish. IdeBl location on an 80-ft. street, NEW SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN ' Dally and Evenings by Appointment Take Route. 31 In Hubwav to 53d ami Baltimore ate, or Elevated: pass south on f2d at. Walk south 3 blocks JOS. A. McDEVITT 3213 CHESTNUT fTREET V. JOS. ROACH, On Premises 63D ST. APARTMENTS conns creek houlevard BETWEEN MARKET AND ARCH Ideal Location and Transit Facilities Thoroughly modorr. housekeeping apart ments. 6 rooma and bath each floor; own one of these attractive 2-ramlly apartment houses In the most desirable section of the city; the Income from one apartment will pay approximately all expenses of carrying the property. ny an Initial outlay of a nominal sum tha cumbersoms detail of paying rent will be solved For further particulars call on ua. Wo aro at your service. JACK KUTNER ""-"v.1 ' Vnut'YoAsfr'lner' Race 1492. NASSAU STREET BETWEEN 80TH AND 01 ST STS. OVERBROOK NEW HOMES IN CHOICE LOCATION GARAGE ATTACHED fup.ni5hB ?. no.o HENRY S. REED On premise-, or 1112 Chcatnut St. $3650 Only $8,dl.?o"nha.,2monnthn.yh,yre,u., ed reduce second mortgage. 1u'ra .. SAMPLK HOUSE 042 UPLAND STREET T ..... ,W. u. ." I"""001'"" house, complete In evory detail: shower b" electrio llghta, cto.; tako No in V.. Walnut at.. N'o. 11 cir "q Bubway or 12 car on Pine st. to 01st at uu"uy or -.-, .wvatia 1. tan tne $4250 th. on No """'in"isKSJ.,,,!L"?nJH'l st'rn Member- Philadelphia "SfiJ KiV 1 Estate Hoard LA ROB corner lot. 58th and llaverford ave gar.ght for determent, itood loction"Vfof Porch house 0 rooms and bath mtt. . stcry, store adjoining, located close nh. hi lunetlon of 8 car lines li" busy ?fiin" this la good at 15700. l "ec"l 1243 N. 00th st . doctor arolnr ,ti,..j ,,, .serine. 3-story 0.room5w7iirVlVrt0l!J,e'Jg; I 'A ORINNAN 0017 Haverfnr,t .... ahs'.eBc,V.c,WhV.r,rouV.t!-,v,,flSirL0"(:5 ?ornd,?.non:,,..on"' "'' 1 JOS. ALLEN POTTS w ualtlinoro ate. By C. A. Voight A.i"ii I REAL ESTATE EOH 6ALE in XT l-IIU.ADICf.l'IIIA Wm.H.W. INC. EIGHT SOUTH Preston 2JJ87 ypu have vcal'catatc tii ra;,i,i,iin, ill Kiuoiil , Vl The follottlng properties ir.g 5612 Willows Ave. JMIIlatn C Scull contains 0 rooms and bath hot-water heat etc . nak floors throughout tile bath and shower. hs kitdion nru-ed porch prlro In keep ing v ith Its tulue Corner Richfield and Chestnut Sts. A new' built ivsldencn In the Mill lwuriie section convenient to tho 00th st Icrmlnul, the houso Is 25x32 nnd contains 7 rooms and bath, enclosed porch gniage, jou ran. examine this attractlte aemlsuburban home by an :ointmnt 4 1st and Locust Sts. t nuaual talue In this tery convenient location, a 3-story, ecmiuetacneu nousn lth 11 rooms and 2 baths: electric lights, assessed at $7300 and lan hi bousht for $8230 4800 Chester Ave. Has been thoroughly renovated bv 1 he preaent owner, a 3-story atone nomo and garage- on lot 60x135; tho house contains 10 good-alzed rooms and 2 baths and hna every modern appli ance, can be bought at a very reason ib'o figure. Near 45th & Larchwood Ave. Modem, 3-story, enclosed porch llv. In room, dining room, kitchen, ti bed rooms and 2 baths, garage oak floors attractlte llghtlns nnd plumbing fix tures price $12,500. 228 S. 39th St. A wotid-rfully built and exceptionally finished 4-story house on lot 3lixl2i, has 14 rooms and 4 baths, electrlo lights steam heat, oak floors must bo aeen to be appreciated; Immediate pos session con bo had; price Is far below uctual talu . 319 N. 34th St.. A iiinderu home In n flei-ab'i- nl'i Uorhood, contains O rooms. 2 baths Colonial living hall, hot-water heat, electricity; price $10,300. Near 42d & Baltimore Ave. Has Just been redecorated and reno toted. J-stor! .house ttltli 11 rooms, 2 baths and billiard room, hot-water heat oleutriclU. oak floors first and aecond good buj at $13 r,00 Immediate possession 4034 Walnut St. Substantially built 4 atorv new residence on lot 25x216. to a rear street afford I tig spare for garage 13 rooms 3 baths electricity, early poa session Member Phila. Heal Announcing Our "Lalcst" Offering "Overbrook Homes MOST ADMIltATILT KITIIATKD TUT ENJOYING AI AWiriRT TUT ENJOYING ALL THB MARLYN ROAD FURNISHED SAMPLE HOUSE NOW OPEN 7?.'r- STONE rrtOVTS PRIVATE OARAGES ENCLOSED TWIN CEMENT PORCHES (HEATED) Central Plant Heat (INSDmNOONA .- . AN ALL-TILE I1ATH WITH STALL SHOWER UTD A MYRIAD OP IMPROVEMENTS AND INVOCATIONS THAT MAM THH1B HOMES THE MOST COMPLETH AND COMPACT 2 S TO ItT TTlm9 HOMES OPPERED TODAY MOSS & 5801 WARRINGTON AVE. Modorn; 0 rooms, bath garage $12 300 1026 SO. FRAZIER ST. Six rooms bath; modern 14 Suo 5621 KINGSESSING AVE. New house; modern throughout, 0 rooms bath; English finish $11 000 J. N. McMICHAEL iSth and Springfield ate Woodland ROns IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6100 BLOCK LOCUST STREET- Onl 1 more left. 2 stort pon-h front 0 rooms hi d bath hot water hear etrtri light barditood floors throughout tiled hath room sntlonary tubs reul open flrrplare, garaie in rear sample hous 11148 l.orusi st Ag(in on premises 1 to 3 p nt Sundutn I to I n m OEO H I.1ERERMAN 501) Lincoln RUlg Tlioroughly Modern Residence NT.AR 03D AND WOODLAND AVE Llchteen rooms, 2 batha, 4 open fire-plat-" gaa and electrlo, Interior wood work of white oak, garagn In rear to ncpominodate 8 cars caretaker'a hous. adjoining garage hot-water heat, lot mxisa feet Also lot In samo block, 145(188 feet can be tought together or spa rstel C 812. Iy-dger Office IMMEDIATE POSSESSION :7 7 i"nthl expenses plus IS addi tion ' i educe second mortgage 5831 BELMAR TERRACE la -so rooms, hardwood floors, electrlo light houses in this street are In great aemunu una i. jmjr upporiunuy. uwn. r oil premises ot Dr phone. Woodland 11038 V WH II WE Just listed a number of modern home- in this section ranging In prire . t-.niift ... ti nnn i,i.k ..,, . :' '!p .nil,, ....... . - 'v". ".i.i-i, win in. anil remember CROSS standi for all that's good In real eatata 3th and Larrhuood ave ov-itnnooiv section 2 t0n . hot-water heat, electric light, earlv im,i slon Empire Trust C ,44th a? i..gll .S2""- H020 Ft'NIHTON All coiivenlenre. ' slon at once '""ires, posses- LEONARD FRIES I. SON rn;0 M.rk., 5800 HL, OSAUE AVE II Trml r;,h ' -water heat, else lights It hoor.h' -ho1 si .ettlement; prieo $6200 P tioi f id P??t 017 S 54TII HT -Oato tnj-J1? i ant twin, modern, 7 rooma .if'1 ..' Cnmle i;$V N ilOth fs?,'.','.',,;t So. Mlh 167 N PEACH Eight rooirTi an -:T lentes eno nouse, rai ten LEONARD FRIES a, snv .... aiie io nome aeeKcrs nonsuit SWEETWOOD1 x-'it-r.auil Ot LO. . Smltl V W tor 5Hih nnd Christian fiTJ.-n . i .. r - B2t Ti aonn-Sfe. ?-' i ISHaSSlI THIS ADV la Intended a creat.te principal I OFI ANP) 7191 l!!ji' J A and subJoct to the approtal of ihi Indl UJl t '11 VVOOd and Ave vidual If I say when iVlnklnL. f '.' ".1.J I 1 "c wams?pRS!wa&f. .rvVsaLjir. . S l'",'i - isgirsllaTTllaWlill i tT SH i,.K.S Vf. i, jjt t ---! 't iUUA- S1'AT- iUJl JSAJUJ, V Llf V Kwr i'iiii,Mn:t,i'iii, i ' j Quick &Brc it1 . FORTIETH STREET i ,. West 450 f to disposi of or if uoit ai'd:fv oukwi lUlll JIUVI U lllly V. nrrercd. subject to prior sale Neighborhood 46th andJ walnut ts. p to the minute 8-itory brick, ooim tenient to elevated and surface lints; 10 rooms'. 2 baths, enclosed porch and earaae, Colonial finlali oak floora. hot water heat electricity, pries $17,000 43 S. 44th St. W-ll Uullt 3-storv hrlck home fon jHlrilig 11 rooms. 2 baths and sledp. Iim porr"j. electric light and newly ln stalled Spear wartn-alr distributor Overbrook Section On Wvnnewood roml near JefTiirson strei a 3-story semidetached houtet 10 rooms and 2 baths open living hall, rebuilt steam heatinz plant, 2-torv solid row housen In thla locality are selling nl the fcure at which till house can be bought 110,000. V Near 49th & Baltimore Aye. , A renovated 3-story house on lot iif. feet wide Colonial finish, electric light. Ipff. unusually large rooms, oppwri, tuhlty for physician or dentist' "thlriP floor could b rented at a flgvre that ttould pav carrying charges of 'tne oroperty Price. $10,500. $7500 Thre stort near 4'5th and Plni: opm minx Ixill houas recently changed to Colonial finish, furnace heat and gas, 4413 Chestnut St. Th's Is a rare opportunity In the otnent market to purchase a threo tor renovated home situated on a main street, for leas than $7000 Whtt Colonial finish throughout Act quickly to get this one. 441 1 Baltimore Ave. t arge 3-story semidetached residence, with hot-water heat, electricity. 2s baths, modern plumbing; can ba bought" at less than cost of construction tody. Near 46th and Locust Sts. Rare opportunity to purchase' 2-stnri house with 4 rooms and bath on second floor hot-water heat and eleo trlilty you can buv this conveniently siluuted house for $8750 4024 Locust St. Desirable stone and brick house In m. coiitenlent location. Lot 00x115, garage for rive rara, house haa 12 rooma and bath hot-water heat and electricity. 4222 Pine St. The location and surroundings of this' we'1-bullt home will please you; tha lot Is 22x124; tacuum heat and electric lights, contains 13 .rooms and 2 baths. $30,000 We are offering nt tho abote prlc a detached corner realdepce In central West Philadelphia, In one of the best residential sections; the lot la 47x170; house Is modern in its appointments and contains 12 rooms and 2 baths. - Estate Board I- TVPirAf. irninnniv wwTmnwuMn- CONVENIENCES OF THE CITT ' West of 64th St. Sonth of Jcfferaoa. TAYLOR $400 CASH $25.00 PER MONTH iS? w " '"- "-TnAd ha.?.1 irtJ!rcld'd., 10 houses on basis of $400 cash and $25 per month: -' b.drooms very large. Think of such 2." opportunity at this time Act Sutekly. These housea in nn rt. .k... ji""-.If 1 ar. irolntr to repair them t 120041 SWARTLEY 3sl,ca4tOT A Corner in Overbrook Wynnewood Road ..i i. . T" Man c"nlder this John I,?., i 1,,ou", HemidetueliM cen-ral b'at hardwood throughout. 2 baths r.1B".nV;,0rCh ,0 "130 g.r.ge "hold: Only $10,000 Required SWARTLEY ' L'TOEf st - -!$ I'lIVIhDIATE POSSESSION 5400 Block Webster Street I o tor porch front, 0 rooms hrirk Hundr . tile bathroom DT.trJ. hVn b.V. lights itort and mlrannv ihm.T.hV.V: '""", IintTIV Ttiiir.H jm -,.... i i i'cni'" housv 54i.i BENJAM,N H. LEITERMAN "11r.!NKJCI'J f-DQ ,,, n-ftJ-s ' hestnut st Vr """ "'1 Woodland 31XT W 221 S. 44TH ST. Moderately priced 3 .lory 10 rooms and 1 hatha (0 bedroom.) electrlo lights baa.m.nt aundry. 2 perfect not-air heaters .". trelnr a temperature of 70 a... . ...... .w ...-?." "'" " "i. 4000 lf"5 R Alden -Six rooms and bath ... nrst-class gnditlon 'VntS?r5un., ui wix ex riAUNLH 810 LINCOIJM RLDfl ytlb.r .1. Hvi'irn'nTnM, , tiaki. - "?".'' "'"."" -n, io room, a.s A iins nirioiiy mooarn, with r;i: rid rarsge. most oxciutfvo yinJ SHW' dslphla t on 10 minutes fi5.If3 Hail For Prtlulrs) iddrfrom I IK'BT DALSKMEIt 8740 Qt tuaj SI'lll'CE BT.r-lrourTtoTr' , ,. i...,i ... 1. 1....... rur.?"'iyi ....1....1 ...i,i... - r-- t-. swicaia- .irtVlsd 1 w m. S T b.Sb".Ubi ?:W.W'r. ? TV 1 ', ""hit. ocauiiiu ly DSBeradi painted In white and mahoaanv r.:""" mnar . Ii7 T n:i.- . -M M I.'. 1 V3 m M 'M m v n , w ?rl - M XV S! rif ""Hi 1 V1 i Ml ,1 4.1 . OI A i j .S 5. m . .14-