Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 06, 1920, Final, Page 4, Image 4

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"TO, r -01) 7,7,
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Hand at 9; organ at 11, 11:55
and 4:50
Oilmen nt Noon
' 1 vs
March Sales Are Well Under Way in
Wanamaker' s Down Stairs Store
'Society Folk Conclude Chil
drons Parties Extend Too
Far Into Night
rrnmmmr- ? i 7
I Ok.
r ,
B ! &1
By. II
f- 1
twr "niwin luirp horn iMiotl In fortr
r.-vonilnrnt nnrcnts nt joiins bn nml
il 'I'r'" of tlifs rltv to ntteml n uirrtlnR
Mav ulr nomo or .Mr. nmi .iirs, t nnriroti
lm ,rnsll. Hr-vcnteentli nml T.ootut streets,
h i'j the afternoon of Mnrcli 1,".
'h V Hi. I,nrPf,'p nf "" mooting i to i1i
kr v FhIFS how the onlorfnlnment nf vniini
h, N " rbjroplc between the npes of twelve nnd
iP J wxtecn yearn enn be simplified and mi-
r' f Fop fcereral rear's the nnrtio hnve
? n srowliiR more elaborate nnd more
---. .., ...i- iiviii - mi.t; 11111 Kii'ttui,
later, and, in peuernl, the entcrtnin
tncn.tn have o nearly rnpleil the crown.
MP function thut the girls nnd bo
hftvo'becn deprived of the wholeome
fun of youth.
I'arenti have felt that their eliildren
Were TpMng opportunities with the dis
appearance of the simple parties that
Vecttl onrlv enoncli to mil hr-fnrp mlil-
, J-ight. Tliev feel that three or four
Jiourx or 'ontinuous fun are as mueh
as moot people, young or old, e:tn really
tijoy In one evening, nnd that effort
should be made to stnrt the parties
beforp 9 or 0:.'!0 In the evening,
MfMcmrnt In All Sections
Through all sections of the eit lm
ultnneouslj. the moiements have
Rturteil. nnd ulthin the last week hae
crystallized Into detinltc form in Chest
nut Hill und in the tcuter of toun.
Thbte most interested are mueh op
.posed to forming definite rules of whnt
fthutluud whnt shall not be done. They
want u simple association for co-operative
iuflucticc that will restore to jouth
its ical priiileges.
Tho invitation to the meeting, which
will be held Alureh 15. was signed bj
Mr. and Mrs. .lolin llnmptbn Iturnes
Mr. trod Mrs (Jeorge MePndden. Mr.
and Mrs. I'nul IneKIa Mill". Mr. nud
Mi. Ilobert L. Montgonier. Mr. and
Mrs. John S. Xewbold. Mr. nnd Mrs.
(Jcorgt-. S. l'attcrsou. Mrs. Itenjamin
Franklin Pcpiier, Mrs. Algernon Uoberts
and Mr. and Mrs. Yarnall.
t-."'e are not trying to do anthing
Mtraordlnnr ." riivs Mrs. XeuhnlH.
"Wpant to simplify the entertainment i
to that (he childien can get to bed at n
(suitable time. We don't want to limit
the parties, but we should like to have .
them confined to dajs in the week when
they wjll not interfere with bchool on
the following day."
Stafemrnt of Fortnightly Club
The. Tortnightly Club of Chestnut Hill
discussed the subject at its meeting this
week and issued the following state
ment :
It was the senso of the mcctinc of '
the Fortnightly Club of Chestnut Hill i
at its latest meeting, that the movement I
now taking definite form for simplifying
uie lives 01 young people ana for rnis
,ing the standard of conduct and of suit-
EfllilA (Vnci Vinu tn ry'u 1itirt tn.
Idorsement nnd that, as individuals, the
members will do their bst to further
buea a movement.
The Fortnightly Club has forty to
titty membprh and meets every two I
tweeksfor debates on subjects of tjmcly
1.ntcresi. in spcaKing ot tno moement,
Irs. 'Joseph Woolston. one of the gov-
rnorsot me cmo, saiu inni in wnntever
plans .they made tliey would work with
too 0tingcr people and get their co-
' uanoing cinses lor tnc xounger
(Iiildrcn that formerly started nt S
o'clock ..preceded b n simple supper,1
now start nt . or '.i :..u after formal
tinners' that grow more and more elabor I
ate."raid Mrs. Woolston. "Tlie parties'
ontinuc to midnight, nnd those who live '
Wilt of the city don't get to bed before !
tl o'clock, I
"There i elaborate dressing, too. The
better mothers lire atiriuus lo take n
tand and are ready to jnin in the move- ,
incnt Those nlio wmi't en opcrali' will
have to b'' exeludcd What we should
like to lime is malrj in sinipluit "'
WIr .lacies Starr. Mrs John W.
jlitarv nnd Mrs Jop'i C
nhv-c Interi sf(d
jrk are among
Upper Floor of Falrmount Avenue
BUIIdlng Saved From Flames
lire en'lv tmlH ile.'rnxeil tho dntc
More of fieurg" S Hellwig nt T832,
P'alrmount axenn'' und to- a tinn
threatened to destrov i'.e four stor '
ftirick building of winch fie drug store i
h ccupleil tli lirsl tloor, Ivii'i" n as Mer-
h-lH'. Hall.
I The fire stnrteil from nme nn'tnown
Ji allse on the liri-t floor and nfrr burn ,
Jug the inlenur of the drug store was t
eating its wn to tin- upper floors when
the liremen succeeded in stamping out '
(the fii'.m s
'. t)n the upper floors rf the building are
hulls in which are held dances, banquets
and lodge in' clings When the pre
started, a meeting was being held m
.oncnf t'jc hulls, tiut cer one got our
t Mr H'llwig. wholivf- m Logmi has
.hot btnted his lo-s, but oumute'j range
from ?-000 to KIOOO
The Cop on the Corner
Rr.K thej're nppltin' ih' gnl-vnnie
'fin in t' th' nt
'peal tli" Volstead
e err ,'
'Tis ru
eal but
llCtll sfUs MUSKie.
timpt i" ' "ngriss t r
"iwr sm die i th
thtm tli" 'v wrt ' '1N - '
luored tb o'e bm s not riallv
It onl pla in' pi' um
"Indecent i whnt I mils it " kiivi
Maggle "Whin u funeral's held 'n tli'
, part) moht cidKeriid is laid :im 'tis
ghpu'lith t tampei uit th" gr.ne "
"Politishuns wit their lumps on snug
IHlbllctv iobs is i 'sprmslb'i- fr th' at
timlitd bnd smiichin' " uns J
"ij po'ts lure bin r'ceived at wet head
qu.lirtrn tlinl ole .lawn i inishin' up th'
ivy oxer his mound He's hpeid I' tin1
Otfe grand I'H m er tli" i nnitir I lilins'
op'r o l hi -i ihijs lie's diffrint frm le
tinsl biillpWneis n' pruetiglitera b'eause
lie thli Us he kin um bnrk."
"I)'c realU think th' lank n' hie o'
citii'lnM wnnl ,'iiwn ISuil'jcorn back
HginV usks Maggie.
"'i'here seems t' lie a heap n' people
toiutu' fr bis coninany." sas I, "whicli
in tli' reason thini fox iiolitislmns is
n'forniin' n " dump pint form. "Tis
ttald tb' saloon's th' pour man's club
"Hub'" stuffs Maggie, 'that's
' i
frtttfi' Tblm moist slatesiiuii had brtler
lihange their act. Auk en wife 'n
JU0her -whnt she thinks o' .the slmbln
ilfgumint I lell je. Mike, tli' ole cor
llpr wiloou will soon be but a sad
jnjinor.N "
"If r dope s right, siijn I. wit a
niltU, "if l.in lake two Utile gifts 1 got
JflHt f'liristmus '(1 purcil post 'em (' th'
fiirlu mooMtini ut t'i' Hnntli soneau In
AtftooL ia.usliiiigUiii "
4,I et'tf have u pivp,' fj.M Maggie
"fful urn Ihevr
"Token llitgeiiii .look sj-h I, pro
liHjUt' ccis "Fr th lust time gtixe upon
i(.sc ;eV J we favoj'itb pin-kef
800 New Silk Frocks at Great
Savings in Price
5 ILa
New Wool Jersey Frocks
Specially Priced
At SI."!, straight-line frocks rith thrco-quartcr
sleeves nrc attractively embroidered with self
tone braid. The colors arc navy, taupe, Copen
hagen and reindeer an J the style is sketched.
At $23.50, a frock from this group is also
sketched. The dresses are in navy, Diego, taupe or
Pekin, with contrasting two-tone wool embroidery.
Serge Dresses, Well Tailored
Special at $16.50, tho navy sergo frocks are
attractively braided. There arc also many wool
jersey irocKs, one of which is sketched. ,
Taffeta, crepe de chine, crepe meteor
and Georgette crepe dresses are in five
different groups, showing the jiewest
styles, good materials and careful work
manship Wanamaker dresses.
At $15
Taffeta frocks, particularly pretty for young women,
have draped skirts. They arc mostly in navy.
At $22.50 i
A great variety of lustrous taffeta and soft Geor
gette crepe frocks shows both light and dark Spring
At $25
Pleated frills, gay ruffles and silk embroidery adorn
taffeta frocks, and there are some- with long and some
with short sleeves.
At $29.50 and $32.50
These two groups includo frocks of crepe do chine
and taffeta in navy, black and light shades; styles for
women and young women.
A Special Group of Sample Frocks
$23.50, $25, $29.50 and $35
Wool Jerjey Navy Tricotine
Serge Taffeta
Many models, mostly one or two of a kind, with
good choosing for all women I
Good-looking serge frocks are special at $18.
A wpccinl group of navy tricotine dresses holds
much that is interesting, especially when the special
price is only $23.50.
The First Spring
Flowers Grow in the
Gardens of the
Millinery Store
Tho violets and the crocuses have not yet
braved tho winds of March, although some
sheltered nooks show tender leaves', but these
lovely hats of beauty and brightness can bo
worn now nnd will bo Springtime encourage
ment to all who sec!
Smart quirks of feathers or ribbon, flat
ornaments, straw chenille, raffia, ostrich all
tho new trimmings of the season arc used on
becoming large hats and very smart small
$9.50, $12 and $15
Also, wc arc able to show you some lovely
copies of new French hats.
Of Finest Organdie and
. Voile $5.75
And they aro prettier than over, it seems!
Five attractive styles of crisp organdie or soft
voile aro daintily hand-cmbroidcred, trimmed with
Valenciennes lace and wco rudlcs. One, especially at
tractive, is voilo with collars nnd cuffs and tiny
ruffles of organdie and pretty hand-cnibroidcry fin
ishing it.
Corsets Special at $1.65
Pink or white coutil corsets for slight nnd aver
age figures are in various models.
At $2.75
An excellent assortment of topless, medium and
wcll-boncd corsets, of pink or white coutil, batiste
or brochc, includes models for all figures from tho
average to the very stout.
Yards and Yards of New . pretty Pink Bloomers
Handsome Sample Suits for Women
$59.50, $69.50 and $75
Exclusive individual suits will add new joy to the coming of Spring! The
good quality silvertone, tricotine, dovetone, Poirct twill and duvet de laine are particu
larly adapted to fine tailoring. Some of the suits are quite plain and others are
braided or otherwise trimmed.
Rather Mannish and Very Smart
At $45
Of mixed suiting, the well-tailored suits are
made with shawl collars, narrow belts and clus
ters of tiny bone buttons. Jackets are lined with
plaid silk.
Silvertone and Goldtonc Suits
$45 to $55
Reindeer, Pekin and Copenhagen arc the colors
nnd you know the beauty of the materials! Jnck
cts ripple and show interesting vests. Other
styles aro trimmed with buttons or stitcher'-
Wool Jersey Sports Suits $25 $35 and $39.50
Brown, green and gray heather mixtures, the best of the season, are in an assortment of
models. Every young woman wants just such a suit!
There arc u great many pretty net flouncings for confirmation
frocks, lovoly colored organdies and somo lovely ribbon-trimmed
flouncings for kiddies frocks.
Delightful white or creamy net, tucked and ruffled, is $3 and $3.50
a yard. 40 inches wide.
For the children's frocks, white net has row upon row of ruffles,
edged with narrow pink, blue or white satin ribbon. 27 inches wide,
$3 a yard. ,
Organdfo flouncings arc $1.55 and $1.75 for tho tucked and $2.25
and $2.75 for the ruffled 'style. You may choose
White Rose Copenhagen or light blue
Flesh Maize Orchid
Pink Nile green
Hundreds of New Spring Styles of
Sports Coat?
and Wraps
to Please a Woman's Fancy
A smart tricotine full-length coat in navy and tan is
sketched on the left. $35.
The other coat sketched is an attractive tnn polo cloth,
half-lined. It is $29.50.
Jersey coats and cape coats in heather mixtures and
bright colors are often trimmed with brushed wool. Prices
run from 519.50 to $35.
Polo and Camels' Hair
are liawng a great vogue it isn't to be wondered at, for
they are very tmart with plaid skirts.
The polo cloth coats aro $19.50, $25, $29.50 to $G5.
The camels' hair coats, beautifully tailored and lined,
arc $55 to $97.50.
Full-Length Coats
of line clour, tricotine, bolivia. tinseltone and goldtone, in
regular and extra sizes, arc $29.50 to $57.50.
! U.PO
500 Yards of Crepe de Chine
Unusual at $2.25 a Yard
A good quality, 38 inches wide, in flesh pink and white, is most
suitable for undorthings, blouses, sports skirls and the like.
, Navy Blue and Black Silks
promise to be very fashionable this Spring, as usual.
Lustrous taffeta, 35 inches wide, is $ n yard.
Satin superior, 33 inches wide, is $4 a yard.
Sports Silks
' Natural-color pongee in pretty sports figures, 3(5 inchcb wide, is
$1.25 u yard.
Whito silk-and-cotton brocaded satin, 35 inches wide, is $2.23 a
Delightful Skirts
of Beautiful Materials
The Newest of the New
At $12.75 finely knitted, soft wool jersey in light blue or pink
forms a graceful skirt. The two narrow belts fasten with buckles.
At $13.50 light nnd pretty is a skirt of,Gcorgctte crepe with six
narrow folds of satin at intervals. White, navy or black.
At $16.30 tricolette in a fanciful weave is in white, navy or
black and the skirt has very attractive pockets.
Theso aro but a few of many lovely things that arc coming in for
Spring. Prices, as you sec, are very moderate.
All nt tlinm urn nr frnnnrmlolir
full and are well made, with elas
tic at the waist and knees.
Knitted bloomers arc 60c.
Batiste bloomers with hem
stitched ruffles arc $1.50: with
ribbon-trimmed ruffles, $1.75.
Crepe de chine bloomers arc
Dainty Georgette crepe bloom
ers with embroidered ruffles nre
Extra-Size Flowered Crepe
pink crepe flowered in blue arc
New Double-Panel
are of fine white muslin.
One style, with n panel front
and back and' scalloped bottom,
is $2.
Another, with a pnnel front, has
a fine embroidery ruffle at $2.50.
Special at $4.85
750 Pair of Women's Shoes s
400 Pair of Oxford Ties
The shoes arc of brown or black kidskin in lace style. The
.shapes are correctly long nnd slender and the shoes have Welted
The oxford ties are of gray kidskin with turned soles and
high, covered heels.
Two New Styles at $9.90
One-eye ties aie of black
patent leather with welted
soles and medium heels.
Tan calfskin pumps have at
tractive perforated tips. The
soles are welted and the heels
arc medium.
Specials in Children's
Black dull leather lace and
button shoes in sizes 0 to 2 are
$2.90 a pair.
Shoes of white leather (like
buckskin) nre in button style
and have welted soles. Sizes
6 to 8, $2.75; 8 to lOVj,
$3.25; 11 to 2, $3.75.
Just From France
Thoy are beautifully made
(as French gloves always are)
of soft pliable skins such
gloves women want for Spring!
Special at $2.75 a Pair
Fine glace lambskin gloves
in brown, gray and white havo
self-color embroidered' backs.
In white, they have black em
broidered backs, black wrist
liems and two bhtck clasps and
are all ovci.seam sewn.
Kidskin gloves in black or
white with 2-clnsp wrists, over
seam sown, are $3.50 a pair; in
gray, tan, beaver and black
sewn with white or white sewn
with black, at $3.75 a pair.
Kiddies' Coats
The coats begin at $5, for a
belted model of checked cloth, and
go gradually upward to$18 for
taffeta coats. Sizes 2 to 6 years.
Tailored straw huts are $2 to $8.
Absorbent Turkish
Towels, 50c Each
Heavy and fully
bleached, they are 18x34
Do You Know
How Near
Springtime Is,
And Have You a
New Spring Suit?
If not, you want to come
to the Gallery Store for
men, where new Spring
suits arc coming in every
day. For here you will
find only all-wool, Wana-maker-standard
suits and
there arc medium and
dark mixtures to select
from. The styles are the
semi - conservative type
that men like.
$35 to $45
(Oallerr, Market)
Irish Linen Table
Cloths, $7.50
Fully bleached damask
cloths are in four attrac
tive designg, 70x70 inches.
81 x 90-inch
Seamless Sheets
Of good, heavy, fully
bleached muslin.
c( rnlrul)
Does Springtime, Blowing In, Find Your
Prcttx whiteness to spread on
the beds for Springtime!
Crochet Spreads With
Hemmed Ends
06x80 inches, $2.
70x80 inches, S2.50
78x88 inchev, $2.7'.
8000 Inches, $3.
With Cut Corners and
Scalloped Edges They Are
8090 inches at $3.50 and $3.73.
Satin-Finish Spreads With
Hemmed Ends
618.", inchcH, S".
72x90 inches, $4.
78x88 inches, $:i.50.
76x87 inches,, S5 nnd $7
81x92 inches., $10.
With Cut Corners and
Scalloped Edges They Arc
64x85 inches, $4.
72x90 inches, $4.50 nnd $5.
82x00 inches, $7.50.
8'Jx92 inches, ?8.50 and $9
Satin-finish bed sets includ
ing spread and bolster roll for
Mngle beds are $7 nnd $7.50; for
double bedo, ?7, ?8, ?9 nnd $10.
Mother Natun. iicroclf, will S:Oon bo putting uuun hci best
tug of fresh, new gren, nnd how good it will be to see! Mean
while we can be putting down our rugs so that we shall have
more time to enjoy hers.
Axminster Rugs
60 ftft, $27.50 and $37.50.
.6.9 feet, $47.50, $50 and $60.
310.C feet, $42.50, $60 and $70.
i912 feet. $45 and $47.50.
!M2 fee, $47.50, $52, $75 and $85.
Velvet Rugs
6K12 feet, $57.50.
9x12 feet, $55 and $60.
Tapestry Brussels Rugs
6x9 fort, $22.50.
7.6x9 feet, $29.
8.3x10.6 feet, $32.50.
9x12 feet, $32.50, $05 and $39.50.
Wool-and-Fiber Rugs
1x0 fret, $10.
8 3x10.6 feet, $17.50 and $21.50.
'K-12 feet, $15, $18.50 and $22.60.
12x12 feet, $27.50 and $30.
12x15 feet, $35 and $37.50.
Double Damask Cotton Tablecloths, $4
Satin-finished, full-bleachcd damnsk cloths in sovernl pretty
circular designs', 70x70 inches.
Linen- Finish Cotton Napkins
of good quality nre 20x20 inches. $3.50 a dozen,
We V1
Ol'-WHA I j? -V T
The enlarged Uphohstery Store, opening its Spring season of home cheeriness,
presents new cretonnes, drapery materials, curtain materials, etc., at low and special
prices so that you may put your home in Spring dress at a minimu: i cost.
And wouldn't you like to see the Upholstery Store in its gala dress? It is quite
worth seeing!
4000 Yards of Scrim at 20c
Cream or white scrim, JM inches wide,
with decorative tape borders, needs only
hems at top and bottom to make curtains!
500 Pair of Cross-Stripe
Curtains, $1 to $6.50 a Pair
The cross-stripe madras is in rose,
brown, green, etc., and the curtains arc
finished with fringe, balls or tassels.
Thousands of Yards of New, Fresh
Cretonnes 40c, 45c, 50c, 55c, 60c
and 85c a Yard
rti ru?'36upact3crae.,lraporic3-acak vrarcterHas
New Curtain Materials
Quite Pretty and Different
At 7."jc there is cream or whito cross-bar
marquisette-scrim that is 08 inches wide.
At 90c a very line quality of snowy
voile-scrim lias pretty mercerized. cross-bar
checks. 38 inches wide.
Most unusual is the cream net-scrim
that is heavy, yet quite lacy. It is 38 inches
i wide, with borders of woven design finished
wiiu tape. $1.15 a yard.
Many Drapery Materials, $1.25 Yard
knowICrry d0th' M "ld'CS Widc' iu bCOrC!' of l)iiUernsi Is reversible, you
nune'lWnlnln ,'n.Vner8ib,.C ,c,?,h H,1? Iovo'y roac tones, alternating
P TnU! in ?0'or "Iul ,lc'l?n. 36 inches widc.
wove n 1 1 p. tt, I bomclut ilJc yory heavy cretonne with tiny
omtlv,e.fl,a,0 IncSSwfJr1, Velou"1 bC"UllfUlly
CO Iind Tut InnlniD ...:,! ll :.,,. .
ilr8r. n,l ulboro i j?ml oTS" """' "W ""' Wm ""'""
Men's Hosiery and
Underwear at Small
18c, three pair for 50c, for
black cotton half hose.
50c a pair for part-wool, drop
stitch sports hoso in green, black
nnd two shades of brown; also
black cashmore-and-cotton half
63c for bnlbriggan shirts and
drawers. Tho shirts are high
neck, long or short-sleeve style,
nnd tho drawers nrc ankle
length. These arc all "seconds," but
with very slight imperfections.
(Clullrry, .Market) '
Boys' Shoes That Are
Like "Big Brother's"
You know how the boy ndmircs
big brother and how well he
would like a pair of really good
looking shoes that would be fun
to keep in good conditipn! Black
and tan straight-laco shoes in
English style aro in sizes 1 to
6- at 5.50 a pair.
Small Boys' School Shoes
at $4.50
Blucher shoes of blnck and tan
leathers have sensibly wide toes.
Sizes 10 to lS'i.
Heavy Tan Shoes for School
and Hikes
Sizes 9 to 13Vi, $3.50.
Sizes 1 to 2, $4.25.
Sizes 2M.- to 5V6, $4.75.
(Culler, Mnrlict)
Bird'seye, $2.45 for
a 10-Yard Piece
A good quality, 18 inches
wide, special at this price.
, r4.