s?, 1 0 " wsp,; , T'TTT; i5 ",vb1 -M v'fflt w '" r r ; -rv - w ; -'? p, ' .1 -f i-rj5a2Kst". . ,'wiHJHiijrwiiHUPc " j,Tsr:TBiaBMra?Brf' .bw. . .UMHUtinvs ." '." .GHTCW P.' ' 'fY.flfU&IVHMKU&KUUir. vtUKtTC J .dSKKiMl JH'.-TOfMWMHfjlWi J. W ''J,S (. 'TlBiHmTW"a IfcitTHBK tttJ . . k . s , .li ii. jS v i . a? . j" : WKIBBBOTWaWW!-',- :f t y tf f. .T -i.-i ".: tf . iHarvEiw,ii(" 'j v.5tw A I, .iXfi-ji J I , . fSsffwaRv .jiw " W4rffv4 tf. 4Mirr iSn5jBIHrfHwBHBHHIB5OTr5'f " 11 w V - ' ( f-V k. fe K I r '2?. & mi ,u . vr ' faienmg frobltc leoger T : , : PIADELl'HIA 'FRIDAY, 'MAEOH 5, 1920 Bergdoll's Court-Martial Starts in N. F. : Youngest of Twenty -Three : Dogs Fed by Battle Vllli'Cl piii'"i . T,Y3tfk JHPV " M'ayjjEi?' f i imim"w'ct wr,i tr ta taflMB;' JHb r , i r -'v "pTff" M- M W :af:ALsM SLifSKsBoza - - m r. VIVV -.... tt Hl ii" ' ' " " 55, ttfrK ikbHhIsB'I r MKMKj$Kk BiBB 0BfthMa . wbbk JfiBHHIH3iMky.vA yiAiB.tjxlBHH'VtMt IBBSinMIHiuilHllt f)&iBMtfHc ' i3Hl ii . . MiwyiftWMiW mtMatammmrtivt3H fVrt t"V liBH AHMOUalMBMHHHUHHBSBKjBfifi3fltfBflttrj888A??SflSBBtttEBdBttt fr!3iH9HIHiHHHHBHMRHHHBK IhVtft tlllUm'WVWWfrW BUan. ,; j v.k . -,. a., zxmzi; iij L)er Photo Sorvlt. THE COURT-MARTIAL of Grovcr Cleveland Bcrgdoll, the wealthy draft dodger, started yesterday nt Governors Island, N. Y. In tho general vlow of the room in Corbln Hall, where the trial i3 being conducted, Bcrgdoll is seated to the cxtremo left, his attorney, Harry Weinberger, sitting at the same desk, while in the background and to tho right arc members of the court-martial and court attaches. In tho olher view BergdoU'is entering Corbin Hall just before the trial, using his hat to hide his face irom tno cameramen. Close on his heels is a soldier, his guard, carrying a club. At tho left of tho page is Todd Daniel, federal agent, and at tho right is John J. O'Connor, an operative in tho federal service, witnesses in tho caso ksmssKmssmmmsmif . ,' J mjmmm mmn 1 1 ihimiw i mmsmmmi Ic -: srh 1H:1 mmmmm 'm lL-u..' . sssj, zj. LcJjer I'hoto brlc. Tho United States torpedo dcslroyei Stewart, launched at Cramp's shipyard yesterday afUmooi, and its sponsor, Mrs. Margarctta Parncll Stewart Steven-, of New York. Mrs. Stevens is shown waiting intently for the signal to swing tho bottlo against the hull of the destroyer. Idtfr Photo Service. Little Marie Christian, the twenty-third child born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christian, of 3211 American street. Sho is three years old. Jdcer Photo 8ervlc. Philadelphia's busy man. He is James P. Campbell, of tho Phila delphia dog pound. Three times a day he feeds milk to ten Airedale puppies from a bottle. THE BEAUTY CORNER OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO I ES53ES " " JMSEm liKria J. Dower, 410 Olivo street, is operating a thread-grinding machine at tho factory of tho Precision and T.hread-Grinding Mnnufac U& Oa, 1082 Arch ftreet By this machine threads nro cut into bolts, water taps, dies, etc. Ono throad to Uo tnreads per inch can bo cut. if i t -.,, r. , , Central Npw Photo, Major R. W. .Schroeder in piano that broke tho worjd's altitudo rec ord. Just in front of him are two hoso lines that furnished tht oxygen from tho tanks just baek of him. MISS LILLIAN DE. SALIS, 1761 South Bancroft street, I Philadelphia. 'li.u0J?nths f2r, ''s a(,ru 8mW ,e submitted through th$ mail, afiarmctio fho Beauty Pbmer,$WiH0 ubu'o.Lbdobh. , rl 'A if . fi l?rj'-v:,?A .' flW. V !' -U i i ? f- ..,LjrrtiH? , t JbAfil& n.' ' . tii Ml', .tia i L -l .IV tl M i-ji'j a. 'J