?3f. ;j . -.1 if M" r v K " W, ';:; - fl-' :' I 'V? im yt . y."k -. ?, f Etfi$c? 'Jtoia&jffitt l - IIADEJHIA, ItoUX MABOtt & 1920 ' - ' ' iii I M tN ' WALLACE ADMITS THERE'S NOTHING WILD ABOUT WILDE ATTACK WRING TRAINING CAMP ACCOUNTS IMPORTANT nluimcs Stories of Rookies in Dixie Land Contain First Boosts for Future .&tars Memories of Lajoie, Chase and Waddelt By GKANTLAND KICB (CotvrioM, I0i0t All rights rescrvfd.) ..r. .nrln tralninK cmp news tlmt. important ' 'vrlic wnry vctcrn tWfl, in MiiWon chnnccs and the b anu?rccmlt to too bus. Burning n .nrlght 5' rccni ' . ft- Ilut, for ,flrt wing i , training enmp 11 'l8 nro Imiioi-tjfnt Jn b human ,,ocanlnrivl?c(l he ?' fy, rc",(,cr y.WW'i i mul ,I,B vl8lon bc "S'thJT'nre the first squnw'ta of Jto AVyo'WR flclgcllngH, Just hop-$?outofthonow. 0 rit first Intermingling win ...uJU. C athletes In the trn Inlng area "' "".'.tecn 5enr ."JSTSnit wtato ,omc cnteen jenrn ' R )n hai1 bSn" ud enly 5'tli the arrival of T'Z 1 ague enmp in early March ,t,c bgnm,.n softness to tho ntuios "!erC. herein the balmy mm secme.l $X sl'le by hWo with tho Sons of gat. . - Itn recollection still remains 01 pur Ll ontflehl drives and pegging .?. "j;Ti hnfk into the mnmouu, wniio '" um. ronlous notes us tnc pracute Bsk iRini Since then vc have taken W0Jm.mtrS'ofhrto trips only to draft i rixv ei.ttl.ig wlntlH and cold, rnlny i'. But the flwt recollection rema Inn t1 Jtronge t ..d spring training gill , utar tin- arrival of spring. The ! Sft.K an-ns up North are still called w'Hi ice and snow lias prnc- fully nothing to no wmi i.. w.v. nOAtn of thee spring memories from S another decode lemnin vividly clear. iT? bom bock to the nrrlval of a young Z K from t'allfornln, tnkns MTfirat major league workout. Within cen mlmtes he was a sensation. ScsVing his future greatness was IX of purest ray serene. He was fatiu ?lo-thron balls out of the dirt wkhanded with his mitt and relaying around before astonished voter I..Vilil reach various bases to cover 'ns could reach liorricai LARGESQUAD'FOR LA SALIT 20 NINE More Than 75 Candidates An swer Call for Baseball Candi datesPractice Next Week By PAUL PKBP More than seventy -five candidates We answered the call for baseball Initfrial at La Salle Prep. Mnnogci rWan annoiinceii touny inuj. iiruuui-e tail start next week, probably in I,- hut wpntlipr nermlttinc, the ns- 1 nlnnt'j for the nine positions will get to tiork out-of-doors. An ret there is no baseball coach nt U Salle. A tutor is to bo chosen by Monday morning, when the ntliletic ' director. Brother Edwards, will name tie coach. Amnni? the hie snuad who have an- nounced their intentions to vie for posi tions arc n number of veterans. Taylor. Veenev. McBride. White, Dougherty and McAniff won their letters last year. Of tlw lipw ciinilidiites Lokuo. n has- Vctball man, and Mony. formerly Ht. Joseph's star, stand out prominently us iwpectlve players. The Wot Funfield Itecreation Ccutcr frouuch Imve been obtained for prnrtice tod home games, the tlrst of which is to 1 plavcd with West Philadelphia Cath die High on April 8. This will bo u Catholic league contest. Tlie C uthnllc League schedule consists tt a double round roblu, and In addition to tKs La Salle nKo will piny Tonic FdioovJlarrisburg High, u number of ilber p V schools aud some of the uiuei JfoR trMaia Line. lITIio t.ii Knllo luml.-nllmll lrimi Is ilhfdiilcd to ploy the JIcNichol Five on (larch 10, at Forty-first street iind lantua aeuue. All of the MeNlchoU are jraduatei of La Salle, having en tered Penn later. Danny nnd Kddle, at i:uards; llarrj, center, and .llmmy aud oe, forwards, will be the brothers' line-up. Right-Cross Ends Selnos Bmton, Maui.. March C. Joe Lynch, tho Jiw York tmntnm, ImockeJ out UattllnR "Iwr of Iluffulo. in the third rounl ot a. ehe-rounrl bout horo lat night. Lynch g't In championship fiirin, and sent tho Jujalo boxer to tlio Hoor with a hard Tiint cross. Crawford and-tRay to Run Earton. r March 's. Bob Crawford. Mtayit b nftnatlonal runner and holder the national Indoor A. A. U. 1000 yarda !imp.,on,'hlp' h vS I'ccentfd tho Invitation tii inrapjie In h Kpcclnl tooo yarda' rare with ini?.y.' ,h" "I'nola A C: fihlelda. of J," 8u'e nd Heed, of Yale, next Wed JMSay nenlrnr In the American I-elon linns ai Trenton ft$ k ngia J f i l wt i f l ' I ' t WilyiitlU.WJIffiiJl Harry Uricht vs. Harrv I.ennnr. K. O. Joe Daily vs. Young Coster frank nicManus vs. Kid Potty Jack Tolund vs. Frank Darcy VALGER vs. MURPHY Ua,,"no,A!,1ur,i!llVurrto-fi,,.!"h"n POPULAR PRIcks Saturday Evening, March 6th tyuiUNALA. AT HERMAN vs. O'DONNFIl nrW.iii?1.'". STAB BUUTH "" lonasliy'H. 33 8. lltU St. lUMriUN K O. JIIK rowimming & Water Polo-r Columbia vs. Pennsylvania TONIGHT. 8llS p. S. WWOIITJUN HAI.L. 33d Hpruc, ,.. j ADMIHSION 80 CENTS -"ifSls: It. The grace nnd sSvlftncss of his play was uncanny. This youngster wns Hal Chase'. T II EUR is still another curious mem ory. It concerns penning it note that while Willie Keclcr could still go get 'cm and could still Indulge In scientific tapping, the .great veteran was near the end 'of his long and bril liant journey. And almost linked with this note was still another nnnounclng that young Tyrus Cobb, of Hoyston, Grt., wns taking batting practice In his home town each day preparatory to joining somo Clnss (J club lost in the drift of the bush. As Keclcr departed Cobb arrived. Kcclcr's 'average for a long span of years wns above .800. So Is Cobb's. No other bnll player can claim any such dizzy altitude beyond a twelve-year span. Keclcr and Cobb form a link of greatness. Who will step in as Cobb departs' to ndd another link? ONE of the most vivid pictures of nil belongs to n star then In his prime. No other bnll player ever had n quicker eye or a finer sense of timing. On his first day out that spring ho was batting ns if It were July. He had u knack of picking up wild throws off the ground with his bat of even shifting his grip and hitting balls thrown back of him. And tho first spring day lie stepped out for Infield practice lie looked as sure nnd ns certain ns If he had been playing all winter. The fact thnt he hadn't handled a ball for many months could never hnvo been told. I'iftccn or twenty chances, many of them bounding badly, were dug up in succession without a mlsplay. He made infichllng look too easy to be appreciat ed. His name was Napoleon Lajoie. Neither before nor since has the game produced nn inllclder who approached the big Frenchman In the ease and grace of movement. THKUI3 was u big, broad-shouldered liltOTier who onencd the snrlns with terrific speed. He was no kid even then, but for nil that he scrmed to disdain the "tnko-lt-ensy" methods of the other veterans. He had known one of his greatest years of the season before, where ho hud worked fifty -five full games und had returned forty-three victories. He looked greater than ever that spring. But before the season wns goue he was beginning to fade swiftly out v( the frame. Ills arm had sud denly faltered, never to get right again. His name was John Dwlght Chesbro.. THERE Is still another spring ory that dntes back even beyo mom- oud all this to the day when, wearing n college uniform, we were called i upon to step up nnd face n big, wild left-hander, lie had more speed than any of us had ever dreamed the hitman urm could carry. And halftho time lie wns lucky to get within five feet of the plate. He bcaned the lead-off man under the eye with tt fast one nnd that stricken uthlcte went to tho hospital for two woek to have his frontispiece replnccd. Thereafter each one who stepped fip maintained one foot in the wnter-bucket nnd tho other .about two strides from tho plate. This pitcher's name was Uube Waddcll. It may he snoxciny icith the north wind blowing. BU r. When the baschila ring tcith the old ling, hing, It's spring. HINDS RESTAURANT "Different from others" Combination Breakfast No. 2 Fruit-Cereal,2 EBR, Boiled, AT Fried or Shirred, Bread, 5C Rolls, Toast and Coffee 36 N. 11th St. Never Clmrd F0URSWIITHSW1L L CHASE PUCK HERE New Rochollo Team Booked to Face Off With Quaker City This Evening -vrAi ihc. Ice Pn'ncc, Forty-fifth and Jiarkct streets, this evening the Quaker Uty seven will meet the New Itochclle. Anc.Quakers nro getting in shape for tnc first Olympic tryout scries with the uoiton All-Stars. It was announced yesterday thnt the Boston team will be ''"c Mnreh 12 and 13 for it scries with ,he, Quakers. Pittsburgh A. A. will likely follow tho following week. ,. TJ',o Qunkcrs expect a new mnn in the line-up soon. He Is O. J. Mnlonc, who is working in tho vicinity of Phil adelphia. The New Itoehcllo team might be termed tho Smith Manufacturing Co., in view of Its having four men by that name in the Ilne-up. All of .the Smiths nrq said to bc expert stlcksmlths. This remains to bc seen tonight. Three of the Smiths nro brothers. Hunter. AVellington nnd O'Kcefo com plete the New Itochclle septet. Cap i V.l,morc- Hextcr, Henrlgues, Sou dcr, Baker, Clnrk and Shnrpless will make up tho Quaker City team tonight. Tomorrow the last big collegiato game will be played between Trlnccton nnd Harvard. This game will bc nn attrac tion for hockey fans. JIM HAFFEY TO SHORTSTOP ON THE JERSEY CITY CLUB to Local Sand'Loller Siaiis Play With Wild Bill Dono van's Ctttb During the 1920 Season TJfJILD BILLIAM DONOVAN, Plillu dclphian nnd manager of the Jer sey City .International ffionguc Club, will have n pair of local lads on his bull club when the season for thut circuit gets under wny late in April, ltceentlv Bill got the signature of Spike Daley, it Nativity pitcher, and a few dms ago ! . Jnmes ("Jimmy") Haffcy, 847 South Fifty-slxlh street, forwarded his slgued contract to the Skcctcr boss. Haffey Is nn iufioldcr and his favorite position is shortfltop., Jimmy has been doing a lot of good bull playing on the lots nround Philadelphia for three years. Wild Bill got his eye on the youth Inst summer, while Haffey -was shortstopplng with the Itomcnt Club, which nine won the championship of the Manufacturer League, returned on top In the inter city titular tilt with the Prutt-Whitnev Co., of Hartford. Conn., nnil ni.i against tho Pond Works, of l'luinfield, Previously Hnffey cavorted in the short jlcld with tho Fort Washington Club, in the Montgomery County League. Other clubs with whom Jimmy always put on n star game are the Southwark Foundry Machine Co. and St. Carthage Club. As u schofastlc T WO NEW RECORDS N TITULAR SWIW! Mario Hillegas Sets American Mark," Cunha Lowering Mid dle' Atlantic Time SIONS WITIJ SKEKTKUS Jimmy IIulTcy, local lad, (o bo on Bill Donovan's roster this year athlete Haffey did the shortstopping for Brown Prep in 1018. Hnffey Is nineteen years old, weighs IfiU pounds and stands 15 feet 8 inches in height. He throws and bats right-handed. SPORTS AMONG AMATEURS A BASEBALL league has been or ganized In tho county for the pro motion of nmafeur bnjcball among tex tile employes. This league, to bc known ns the Del aware County Textile League, is com posed of teams representing the follow ing establishments: Orlswold Worsted Co.. Darby, Pa.; Caledonia Woolen Mills. Clifton Heights, Pa.; Nelson Kershaw Mills, Cliftou Heights, Pa.; Kent Manufacturing Co., Clifton Heights, Pa.; Mark D. King Co., Phil adelphia, Pn. ; Wolfendcn Shore Co., Cnrdington, Pa. The officers of the Textile League were elected as follows; President, F. S. Bock; vice presidents, Edward II. Kershaw. Adolph W. Bosvn; treas urer, William C. Barnard. Jr. At tho next monthly meeting of the league mutters will bo taken tin con cerning the schedule and the officials of I lip. games. The. ltnercellc A. A., Il glitecn-elchteen-jenr-old traxellnc nine, would' like, to took dimes with tenm of that use. either In or out of town, nlTerlnE fair Ruaranteea How urJ I'lilier, J530 North Broad street. The t'olllni A. C. will open Ita third year In lusehKll on April 17. It would like to book mmeH with llrt-claa teams hmlnn Kroundg and offering fair Kuarautcea. V. It Clements, 1331 Moore street. McMullen A. ('.. one of tho stronccat bane ball teanm durlnc into, has reorganized for the coming season nnd would like to hear lust nlBht. from first-class learns either at homo or nway. Raymond Doelph, 1525 South Six teenth street. Kinsley A. A., of West Philadelphia, will open on tho 17th of April with Irlne Hnxter ns the. manager of the team. It has a fow OPen dates for In or out of town tenms offer ing fair Bjuamntccj. I., Sommer, 4il3 Qlrard avenue, Uoekford II. C, ft Ufteen-sevcnteen-year-old uniformed nine, would llko to slun a few Inflolders nnd , outfielders who are willing to Piny for the sport of tho came. Joseph Uoragh, 0218 Do Lancey street. Norllienst Juniors, n twelve-thlrteen-year-old fe, wants to txiok games with teams of tlwt age either nt homo or away. Joe Weinberg, 4Ho North Fourth streot. The IV. J. nnd H. It. II. nine would like to hear from nil tho first-class teams nround Philadelphia. 'S. II, Derringer. 22 Federal street, Camden, N, J. Rosewood A. A. n. flrt class traveling nine, would like to hear from all first-class tenms, especially I.ohMn A. A., Christ Church, North Phillies nnd trams of that caliber. Charles Adaml, IMS North Orlannu streot. The Golden Roil II. would like to ar range comes with nil third or fourth class teams offering fair guarantees Jnmes Kelly 2035 Almond atreet. Tho V. K. II. of Wilmington has decided to play Independent ball tho coming season and would llko to urrunge games with first rlass homo teams. Churl's Wlntrup, 007 West Twenty-first street Johnny-Asher K. O.'s Edwards ItMirdsloun. III.. March 5 Johnny Asher. .linntam champion A 13. F.. knocked out Johnny uuwaru in mo lourm rouna nere Eddlo McGoorty Beaten London, March C. Eddlo McCJoorty the American llnhtheiivyre!gnt. whs nVfinted last night In Urn thirteenth round of n bout held In the Hnlliorn Htadlum by Frank (1ml- Ldard. an English heavyweight boxer .Mr tloorty hrrl bln so badlypunlshed that Iho rcfereo stoppccT tho fight. A new Middle Atlantic and n new American swimming record were Inst night set up in the battles for titles In the pool of tho Philadelphia Turners in this city. Gcorgo Ciiuna,- the former Pacific' coast nnd Hawaiian swimming marvel, captured the nntional junior f0 nrd championship for men In u battle with seven prominent locnl natntors, and nt the same time broke tho Middle Atlantic record for tho distance. Miss Mario Hillegas. however, who set up the new national record, created the sensation of the evening. This little mermaid, who has not reached tho age of sixteen years, romped nway with the 100-ynrd breast-stroke race for the Middle Atlantic championship. Hlia shnttcrcd the national record by n mar gin of fully four seconds. The new natlonnl record is 1 :28. 5fiss Until Smith, of the Mornlngsidc A. C. of New 'York, hns held the old mark of 1:112 1-5 since last August. Miss Hille gas rnthcr easily defeated Gertrude Ar telt, of tho Meadowbrook Club, who has been ouo of the most consistent local performers nt tho breast stroke, by n clear margin of just three seconds. There, were only three entries. West Branch "Y" Reserves Win In ft closo gamo at tho West Hrsneh T M. C. A., tho West Oraneh Ileserves defeated tho P. n. It. Y. JI. C. A. five by a scoro of 10 to 12. II ) -r PHiiaoriPHi INDIANAPOLIS BOSTON ST LOUIS Kansas enrv CINCINNATI Jfl 7 Parcel Post Prepaid Anywhere (ft I - ffl J Extra . . ! Broken Lines While They Last $6.00 to $8.00 SHIRTS Silk and Silk Mercerized, Now a for $20 WOVEN MADRAS SHIRTS $260 $3.00 and $30 3 for $7.00 $1.00 to $1.50 NECKWEAR 65c 3 for $1.75 $25.00 to $35.00 OVERCOATS Cut to At ilicsc addresses only: Widener Bltlg. Arcade 926 Chestnut Stt dBLj&tf; f I'Q'i'iHnnk r-JSk MWEPw l"5-B?i?I'if KHrrrnHL. mm ;y fvM'cmfWti'rMm WmOOO PAIRS U.S.MARINE CORPS SHOES BL L , lLJlL X . JEi3IHBBstasK3sE KBEaKvmmSF "jm WiMmmfmmwM&&v$lmw T TliiB rsmmYTittmmmmrm'mmuii '.BsssTltfBBffltrirTlP" ai-gwmajaa&ai4BSt2gmjffi u. s. amor son 2nd. Floor 1225 Market 1425Chcskiti pedal Offer! An advantageous purchase enables us to offer one of the biggest values of the season in Men's and Young Men's Silk-Lined Topcoats $30 & $25 Values $' Pria Marino motortruck unloading shoes' for National Shoe Co., 520 Market St. Si I 1 . lKSPtCUD, j: ll Id, ' 'V (wit lit iW t It I! "".' ' oil All'. iW i'. 4 'fW r5oVjio ePis 32' Apr n B Xmmiiiiiiiiiiii.. VtgI1,rW1W'lrW n iffl I W M sHssVv '?, . A ilfilimTTr '" ' ' ' "wStmitmr 61,000 Pairs Marine Shoes Sale 19 Silk-Lined 'S SUIT Sale Price Usual $30 & $35 Values Many are worth more today at wholesale than the price asked. Biff savings if you buy your spring outfit now. Less Than They Cost to the Government Greatest Shoe Event Ever Offered Philadelphia. Government Description Thcso shoes are mudo of extra plump welchw ot darl! russet horse butts, full bellows toneues. blurtier puttern, box toes, to "caps. "PI'" lined with best quality 10 ounco tlrillliWi outsoles best scoured oalt tanned plump hides. Iron in thickness. These shoes ro also fitted with a tap or half faolo of best scoured oak tanned plump hirti a Iron In thickness, secured by brass ?a und "ooden peps- The heels aro built 55 SJiioin llfu i abou T ft-Inch thick, cut from hernUck or mk tanned leather! ail heelllfts have grain on : top lifts nro Iron horse shoes, ufnch in thickness, securely fastenod to the hoel. Heel" "avo lour ,ro" '"Beer. c ofh sizes run large; a ulzo six. In These "("oe6 will (t a man 'wearing a ":e V In .Hvl an hoe. These shoes were " "- 1425 Chestnut Open Saturday Night it a Marines BRAND NUW. AND y.1 .2".,. ,'.rt bv tha fac samo ub "V'"NVa" rtnvirn tn TIIR U - -.i U - ,-., ,- FECT In. the oriKiii" j--. gam ;Ii "rhov nro the strong. Stnihoe?S?.rlV-fhoWJ Qovemment. Ju lna l,unB for MINKHH. " C H A N I C H. I5N- oiNKisns. C O N-SoadmknLi'aiuJ- KRS. JIUNTLlla, ETC. I I W Palr 1 1 y 1 1 Worth at Least B $10 a Pair j, Q II Jmmm mz? imfflMwm.temb i M.yxf eh- sn n Si'fcjr.! w?CMjm"m&r " ;vi $&mmrmmW&toffl fit I I yfs. Br nil liiA J n i i i il iij. , Our NEW PLAN Means a double saving in this sale. No high, first-floor rent; No expensive free-delivery ; No charges or bad debts; No unnecessary expense. That's why our prices are always lower. You Can Save $5 to $10 at Our Big, New Store 2d Floor 1225 Market 2 Big Stores 2d Floor 1225 Market Open Mon., Fri. & Sat. Evgs. r m l-v "?! 1 VARNISH SALE 33i3 SAVING 10 Days Only 919 ARCH ST. Parcel Post Prepaid Anywhere NATIONAL SHOE CO. The Beit Quality Interior, Exterior Furniture & Floor Varaiih Ftctoriei, lloleli, Officei, Apirtmenti, Contractors and Horns Owntn inoold not mill tail onuioil opportunity to pnrcLaie HIGH GRADE VARNISHES All c.V. Fmm Ai Pint to 1 Gallon Can. All Varnish Sold From Our Regular Prices, Lets 33i PROMPT ATTENTION lu mail, uk rnunn uiwwia Js ASAM BROTHERS, Inc. (fg 917-919-921 ARCH ST. w.. IMS. ,,w,i JTI'r s I 1 I i ysjiii .Open Daily Till 6 P. M. Saturday Til! 10 P. M. ISth and Chestnut srfstfWVssHaVsWi. Mr .sr Mr atm J r HfV mm House AyM Wm.m Men and ''4 W Beginning Today Beginning Today Last Big Drive Clearance of This Season's Suits & Overcoats Embracing Nearly Every Famous Nationally 'Advertised Brand of Clothes At Prices ONE-HALF What They Will Be Next Season 415 U Overcoats That Retailed rV All Season at ssV 25 & $30 I WHILE THEY LAST SHk1Ss 9aRk BHBIhWHP HJWBy Also Also tMMtMtMtMtuMiMMwmmmsiiamm Also 412 Overcoats That Retailed Up To $40 510 Overcoats That Retailed Up To $55 IQ7 Overcoats That Retailed Up To $100 $24-50 $33-50 $57-50 850 Suits at $33.50 & $37.50 in This Sale At Savings of $15 to $20 -15th and Chestnut Sale U. S. Govn't Rubbers for the Family EMERGENCY PURCHASE Of Every Description 1000 U. S. Slickers; army regulation. All fresh, $Q never been worn .... RAINCOATS jSm Amsm 800 Mens & Women's U. S. Gov't Cloth Trench style Raincoats; same as pictured. Regular value $18, $l O now. Moleskin Trench Coats, for men and women. Tan and drab. Regular value $OC $45, now " U. S. Gov't Hip Boots, large sizes. Regular $ Qf vP 1 sCi now Mail Orders Filled Heavy Police Rubbers; $0 regular value $3, now. . . " Light-Weight Rubbers, $1. Money Belts, 25c 820 Chestnut Street irfntoaanwrnurzif 820 Chestnut Street NNXNI ST Ifwi Wholesale and Retail 'f I You Don't Need a Guide to Lead You to Our Factory for the Best Buy in Men's and Young Men's Suits. Save $10.00. VACTOUY-TO-WISAILKU S. E. Cor. 9th and Sansom ? J ' A -A sXl .1 's "& V t . ; J1 Sts. I whhhhJ i Ctl!Jbria A. C. rn. rWl Mm . bmx lio VI' A WIND-UP S20 MARKET STREET i i r'iimTmni.TFTjn v mmmww i; ii. i' t ir. A .11 "s .. f". ' .,h1 .V, '-