ISsHSlH gf!PPIfP w' ir.rfr Vtf JErtBJflJTWJIRV fi' f -'i .!-". 'Mt-Y v -H V 4, ' J.,W' v. 'ft ,. LlJ 7'5PWf .)WHll. (J -v ,. i, .. '.;.' .. r ' rkwSzJh yrJWix tte& vl " i "'WW V 1 .1L EVENING IUBL1C i LEDGBR-PHIIiADBLPfllA, THUKSftAY, MAttCH 4, 1020 NO FORECASTS ppApr nw AnDiAT r 'it Is ii Rrcnt thing wo urc not Rolng to feufltoalp the Turk, bill will help nu ' to IiIh feet llku any otlirr rnlniil i'o-1 ri." I I'lomler Nlttl expresses strong con- 1 1 vlctloiis 111 favor of restoring nornuil j relations with Ktissln. nddliijt: "Tlicro hijoiim be no more im-mumx wun it If i l ..... Km mm I uuei'imi nunii'3 or one couuiry nj -i other." i 'No attention inunt be paid to ru NITTf t LA PACE SULLTOIATICO Dnr.lnrnc:. Hnwnvnr. Pnssihilitv "!"' '" .bolshevlsm. he . . , , , "Ilurd of Revolution Lurks in All European Nations work i slogan of Italy tnent. ontlnurs. , Imnnrtnnti n!oli!ni-n?ioili flol iiml motierntion nrr in-, Pnmo Ministro cl'ltalia in ut the present mo- lis - treaty of peace to Uumuulu ami Jugo- be revised in favor of Clash Over Hungary .... Suiireine .Coiineil icsteiiliiy MOVES TO AID MAGYARS,' ZrlruZ. . morning, mid eonsinerauir murrvuiu m opinion arose unions the (ielecntcs. Uy the Associated l'rtss mainly In ronncqiieiice of the Italian ln.l,,M Afmrli 4 Premier Nlttl. of Miggcstlon that the frontiers assigned Italy, in an Interview printed by the 'XsoVK Manchester Ounnliiiit today, predicts a siavia should settlement of the Adriatic question. , th Mag.Miis. " '-nvo Sl,a.l llnd n way out." say, the,' JSSrHZt Wli 'premier, "nttd we mid the .lugo-'avs, r(,Irc.scntnties." the newspaper adds. will be friends. Don't magnify this vlni' 10 bine been opposed bv the frontier controversy by talhlng of .in- ZXt A pcrlallsm. Our peiMStent deniaml i'"" ,,,,. ,l(.nee treaty Into the ineUIng pot. the iieiilrn'ir.ntlon of the eastern eoat (Vneiiieiitly n situation resembling a . .1.. 1. 1..!... i- i. f..i;ti. ,.f ilrii.llool.- lins been renehed. It seems the altecatlou of Imperialism against impmbnb'e tlm una Intervista l'uhllilied nnil nislrllrjieil VnJer PKrtMIT M. 041 AtllhnrltA.t l.v lh. url nt Orloh'r rt. ttlT.on fltc at tliu PuHlortii-" vt Phllo- ilflphlfl. Pn a h. nrrtLiisoN, . Toslmiislor Oenoml. proved It mi Miieodllv be i'n- Sltnor MttI Is leaving Ioii(Ira, I maizo. IOn. Nlttl. In una Intervistn oggi pubblicnta dnl Man chester Ouardian, hn predetto una bI steiiiai!lone sulla questlo'ue Adrlntlca. Kgll ha detto: "Nol dovremo trovare una m:i per lr Uiiule hcremo ninlel eon gli iugo-nlavl. Non t deve gnnllare la eoiilroversia delle frontlere parhindo dl linpefialinmo. I.a nostra pendstcnte doniand.i ner h( nriitrnllzziuione della costa orientalo deirAiIrintleo prova quantn futile rla .... .. it i I'; - i iiminii tiMinv innip .11. .11 1 iii'i 11 iiti mm i "teelingnauirniiv exurs over '' r;"' " ; llln;ter. Is not llkelv toiraeeusa dl imperlnlisnio contro 1'Italln. because the future of some 1 alians s r u piintr imni . icr. 1 in . N , ,,, nMnB0 vi(:lll,ril Immediately concerned but then an eturn ,,, , 01 ' " r-, , , , j,,, pP1. ,,, coneerue il dl Sh' f B,llt,S,it,$ " " sau?Monn dedslon 'wMch bay have been , alcunl Italianl. ma clo' .ealmente o' '"Wt nfter nil. Is Italy demanding Prepared with the, approval of the other njijjtioijj. JI MnlMIra r lion .11 -n.ensatn In the Adriatic? She wants strip- f ' rrur-li delegates. .u-.."!' .1 i-iiii .,. i . , . . - - Villi lUU IIOPO lllbbJ 1 llillll Ml'llllllllllt ono suirAdrlnticoV Kssa ilnmnndu nnu strleia di terrltorio la iiunle 1 ' molto meno delle vittim:1 It nllnm de'ln mi-rrn Nnu si deve far confuslone tmrlnmlo di territory the population of which i 1 tlian the Italian casualties 11 tiie ;v.-r. Conservatlon of Coal UrBed Do not confuse c-Mies by tnlkimr n.r -. .... ., , , lP . ,, , eret treaties. Tim pact of London wt- Washington. March I. ll.. A. I.) conrenled only beeaiKe of the necessities isej-nuse or 111 esc '-' ." "' " ""' segretl trnltati. 11 patto .Ii l..m.lrn f the war. end. at any rate, t ho-who oxNliiitr In the s ip . "JD" ' f eelnto -oltnnto per le 11 Ha' di mgiil coinpmiu are. auer an, rue uai- m;uv v .mu ..i..- .-.......- ' ,r." gucrra til till UiiiHin ti.m "'ri , I Iii effect for the present the unuorm ; POWER PLANT FOR SALE SO Kilowatt, self-contained, direct-connected engine and generator unit, comprising Skinner Engine and Western Electric Co.'s 400 ampere, 125 volt, direct-current gen erator: rheo3tat. circu't breaker, main switch, seven 100 ampere circuit switches, ammeter and volt-meter, all mounted on two pane! marble switchboard witn angle iron frame; also leads from generator to switch board. In excellent condition, run ning and in use. Mav be seen at N. W. Corner Vin; and 17th Sts. Ian people Sees Peril to Uuroiie nirs f Cllr supply established by the Premier Nlttl declares that Kurope is railroad administration. In danger of permanently losing the po- -. sition she held In the world before the, outbreak of the world war. lie points, "on that Kurnpe is no longer 11 creditor, but is on the debit side ot the ledger. "There are possibilities 0f revolution. ' and these possibilities threaten us nil." I he says. "The tension must be relaxed. 1 How cn:i the vanquished pay Imlemnl- ! ties unless their productivity is re- s.torcd by ullocation of raw materials? IOu. Nlttl dichiaro'. inn.: pa For jurlher informctiov 11 S. 16th St. rhonr. Spruce 5171 apply Along tliu Ilooscvelt Iloulc vard i.s a bit of beautiful land that Spring touches before she conies into the bustlln? City. It faces di rectly on the Boulevard, and is near to nnd part of the most-wanted portion of this beautiful drive. May we bhow you just how easy it is to own this bit of land mid build your own Home there? Several large tracts for builders or investors. ? Dr&irrmQ 3c "Realtors f 'if . fniif n iv.'i il'.' 'ivorii Offer, Co'. I'.ii.m in lf. Uui. Le 05e ". Oeioji'B itattoi .he l'Kuropa e' in pcricoln di portiere pcrmnnentemente la poslzlone ehe mini tenno nel mondo, prima della grand" guerrn. VI e' posslbll til' dl rlvolt .lone, ma tale posslblllta' minaccin tuttl. Qiilmll espressc la fcrma con ..i,.i in fnvnre .11 ristornrc le nor- innt'l rrlnxlaul COD In ltUSSlO C dlfiSC die non tlovrauno pin osservl lueercujc negll affarl Intr-rtil (11 una nazlonc dfl parte .11 un'altra. Nlttl ha pure detto cue rordlno pub bllro In Italia c' Duono e cho In nazlonc sara' In grado dl compicre la Mia ri-cf-struj'.lone economlea. I.a rapprcscn taiiza nl I'arlnmenlo .11 tllttc le corrcnti polltlehc In Italia e' la mlgllorc nal M.guardla contro la rivoluzlouc. Kil lift termlnato .Heeii.lo ! "Nesstina nttenzlono devo csscro pre Ptutn ni rumorl circa II bolsccvismo. Un nrduo lavoro n modcrnzlone o' qunuto ha blsogno In questo momento l'ltalla." Lonilrn. I marzo. II Supremo Con cillo si riuiilrn' mil prlmi dl nprile 11 Han llenio, Italia, ovo I ncgoziati con I Jugoslav! taranho rlprcsl. I.a raglonc delln scelta .11 San ltemo per II con vrguo del Supremo Couclllo Rtn nel fntto ehe Itoma era troppo dlstante c incuo adatta per coudurrc 1 uegozlati con I seibi. IOn. Nlttl, ehe pnrtlrn' quasi ini tnrdfqtnmeiile per l'ltalla. non tin iineova rieevuln alcunn repllen tlagli Stall 1'nltl cnii ilguardo nll'ittteggl iiiueuto ill Wilson suH'ultimn comunl cnzloee da parte del PrtniT Ministri "pntl' . t .1 - 11 Ln scsinuc delln Conferenza delln lnn.. vt eliliidrra' tiuestu sera In Lou- drn. dopo aver prepnrato II trattato eon In Turcliia. laseinnao in inie manicra ehe le conclusion! economiehe possano casere complctnte tin gli nsslstciitl. II trattato verra' consdgnato ai rnppre Kcntantl delln Turcliia II -2 uiarzo, in Pnrlgl. Private Chamberlain to Pope Koine. .March I. (My A. P.) Mon slgiinr Ilolealnus I'lichalsl:!. of llrool: Ivi'i N. Y . has been appointed private chamberlain to Pope lleuedlet, while Monsipnor .lames Knvnge. Krnest van Dyke, Joseph Morgan nnd SI. .1. Deni'i soy. of Detroit, nnd Patrick C. llaydcii of Nnteliez, Mls., were named domestic prelates. WOULD SPOIL POLISH PLANS Germans In Danzig 8eek to Annex Two Seaport, It Is Said London, Starch !. (By A. P.) Germans In Danzig have begun a cam paign in favor of a revision of the fron tier of that city, which was constituted 11 free state under the Versailles treaty, ho that they may be enabled to annex territory Including the. porta of Tczcw, on the lower Vistula nnd Hcln, nine teen miles northeast. ay8 the Lomlon Time, quoting dispatches from Polish nourcc. . . ... It Is declared the reason for this move Is that Polish lenders have pro posed to construct nt Tczcw or Ilftla a port "of dimensions worthy of a Polish hinterland having .10,000,000 Inhabitants." BRITISH NAVYACTIVE Warships Arrive at Algiers Move ments Believed Portentous Algiers, Starch . (By A. P.) A British squadron of four battleships, ono cruiser and ten destro'yers has ar rived here. Algiers is about midway between Gibraltar anil Staltn, the British na val base In the Sledltrrrunenu, whence strong British naval forces were dls- fetched eastward not long ago. A trttlsh fleet nf cxcentlniial strength arrived at Constantinople recently nnd there have been reports tnnt otner nuieti war craft were on the way thither in connection with the disturbed Turkish situation. FORMER PREMIER WOUNDED First Accounts From Budapest Said He Escaped Injury London, MnVch 4.-(By A. P.)-r Hfnnimn Tviedrlch. former Hungarian premier nnd present minister of war, who was murderously nttacked yester day while driving across " Budapest, wn w;rt""',,,r'1J?J?nnn1l r patch to the Exchange 'lelegrapb Co. from tho Hungarian cnpltnl. . First accounts stated he .apwl In jury. It is said hc would-be assassins were two communists. ENVER PASHA IN BERLIN Young Turk Leader' Said to Desire to Treat With, the Allies London. March !. (By A. P.) Tho London Times' Berlin correspon dent has received conunnauim nun. wholly Independent source of the pres ence in Berlin of Knvrr Pasha, the former Turkish war minister and lend er of the Young Turks. He is credited with (1 desire to enter into relations with the Kiiteulc representatives. There Is .no iodlcatlou, however, of a recipro cal desiro on tho Entente's side. "It would bo surprising," says the correspondent. "If tho Entcnto showed u disposition to respond to Envcr's ad vances, seeing that ho Is n figure. In tho extradition list presented to Ger many. Fosslbly partly for IM. Envcr Pasha is anxious to Icavi many. He no longer enjoys tha larlty which caused him to be t!jv!l "Turkish Napoleon." osWdOJ xnnt wnvcr sun is Intrhruln. ,1 Its of uo doubt." nlr,WlDJ Ml You. iteS)h&h(t ,-V ?rrET mj7i?& mm 1 1 ii' 11 11 ' 1 m Tsj-wjMMjb.fc-jt I. Everybody RAMESES What kind of Lamp do you want? Electric Lamps and Artistically Hand-Painted Parchment and Silk Shades I it a tall, stately Stand ard Lamp, a friendly little Lamp for your Guest Room, or a lino Lamp for your Living Uoom? Wo have such a lot of beautiful, attractive designs, in all the! varieties, you'll be sure to find just tho hind for your purpose, and at invariably fair prices. Dougherty's Faultless Bedding Hair Mattresses liox Springs Bedsteads 1632 Chestnut Street ;.i T&i&r, ViT WT- r."jfKv..'vl mK& ,tirs'V 'rfi'.V'M &!'& $0$& ??&wu vmM f4-iRl ??n?Si?l rtr.'iirftMM 5j m- VjpSISS . rtt- .j1 niwiia'f vl 03&itvA. If you wait 'til Spring you may wait 'til Summer! IF YOU have definitely made up your mind to buy a new car -&io it iww. Nothing can be gained by waiting until spring to place your order. You may not be able to get your car when you want it most. Enough cars will not be built to meet this year's requirements. Every manufacturer of good cars is in the same position. There is only one way to be sure of a Series 20 Studebaker car when you want it. Get your order on the books now. THE STUDEBAKER SALES CO. of Philadelphia liiatributora 847-849 North Broad St., Phila., P. "Thi is a Studebaker Year" laffife pi-K.vvyjj IpKWMj 'V IS- lit w. A.t if I x. ftti m, IMi ia.A3, m sA'OhA ISA V'iit'irh,- !ii' 5- m 1' ) v mm. mm OGK ri mm mm1 Mm' iWvMi in Mr. j-'.!:.vtW' h &-.,&&&,. . t$ ..- . ........ ..... ..a -l..-j..." ..j-.y'".' iXha Moot Beautiful Car in Amorica Ono Most Servic'tabl Truck in America The true worth of any motor car can best be gauged by the rebuying of former owners. Paige owners choose the Paige when they rdbuy. CUV A. WILICY Pmi&evt mmmmms mm c? Jki& Dirfrihabots 394 ?TH BR9A0 STRECT, PHILADELPHIA Where Big Business Men Congregate Go into the principal clubs, restaur ants, hotel lobbies wherever successful men gather and you vill find by actual count that 9 out of 10 men wear stiff collars. There's a reason for it. Stiff Collars arc clean-cut in appearance. You can prove this. Wear a soft collar for several hours and then change it for a' stiff one. Notice how the stiff collar makes you look trim and neat. Nothing will ever replace the stiff collar for style. Stiff collars to look right must be laundered right. They should be properly shaped, carefully washed and all the uncomfortable saw-tooth edges and rough corners removed. The bij? public laundries know how to launder stiff collars. They specialize in it and their method of laund ering actually adds longer wear to collars. The same careful attention is given tho laundering of 3hirts. When the big modern laundries arc caring for your collars and shirts you have the satisfaction of knowing that your gar ments are being laundered in a place as clean as your home. The laundryman calls for your bundle you don't have to carry it to the plant. For better appearance wear stiff collars for satisfaction send them to the large public laundries. Ask Your Present Laundryman About Family Laundry Service For the Who Family jLmmdry I JmmWmmmLlmmW R nbwc itect mKProperty In renewing old building and keeping new one young it absolute atturnnco of lighter depreciation and lower cott It cornea in n wide variety of styles and finiihe for mill, fac tory, warehouse, garage and home construction. And in all sixes (or economical use on any job. Metal Cornices and Bulldlm Fronli lurnUaad and put In plc Ltttottnfintin cinptmtc with you (n planning row lulMtnp cf nmojtllnt old ona. PENN METAL COMPANY, Ltd. 25th and Wharton Sts. rHlLAOELPHIA MUti el the Feaeut PENCOMculUiii. rWia, Colin. Fire Ooen.ete. Founded in 1866 The House that Heppe built Inaugurated One-Prico System In 1881 Downtown 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown 6th and Thompson Streets Heppe In the development of the piano no single recent improvement has done so much to increase the tone power of the upright piano as the Heppe patent which pro- -) viaes tnree souna- 1 lcinOS ing-boards instead of one. This gives to upright pianos a tone very similar in quality to that of grand pianos. The three sounding-boards are built in all Heppe Pianos. Prices range from $475 up. For people who are unable to play the piano considerable pleasure comes from operating a responsive player-piano. The most expressive and the m o s t ad- Piannlas vfnced pe of -ir lcUlUlOo player - pianos is the genuine Pianola, which is sold at the Heppe stores. The Pianola type of player piano is obtainable in only the Steinway, Weber, Steck, Stroud, Wheelock and Heppe Pianos, all sold at Heppe's. Whenever you have a few spare minutes drop in to one of the Heppe sbores and hear a genuine Pianola-Piano they are far superior to the average player-piano. Thetalklng machine question today is easily solved by the pur chase of a vic trola. It is the only machine that will assure you of real, nermanenr. reliable service. We have Victrolas in a variety of styles ranging in price from $25 up. Settlement may be made in cash or by charge ac countor by the Heppe Rental-Payment Plan, which applies all rent toward the purchase price. Call, phone or write for . cata logues and full par ticu-lars. Victrola VI " With Five Recordt $39.25 "C. J. Heppe & Son Downtown 1117-19 Chestnut 8t. Uptown 6th and Thompson f5ts. 0w of the Country's largest producers mdwSnersoj. t itmL wki : 4:. . hI9 Just What Makes Quality in Oils? Two simple factors determine the quality of ull lubricants I -The inherent quality of the crude oil from which the lubricant in refined. 2 The refining experience and knowl edge of lubricating problems behind the refiner. For instance, lake Uio lubrication of electrical machinery the difference in speeds and weightB, induced heat from steam or combustion chambers, load, thrust every variation contributes to the lubricating problem. Even the besl basic crude must be refined to the right formula to give the lasting power which is proof always of quality. AH Crew Levick lubricants ure refined irom the very scarce Pennsylvania Paralfine Base Crude acknowledged by experts to have the greatest natural lubricating qualities of any oil pro duced in America, The Crew Levick Company is Amer ica a oldest producer and refiner of oil. I'llty-seven years of constant inquiry into lubricating problems and refining methods is behind every Crew Levick product. The significance of nil this to you is that Crew Levick oils last longertry them and see. ' JwrUA Boston PhJkdelphU ByttcvP Chlnjo fa VAfUhmyOiln Snviutt sM&JMt A. . - : . J'W '.'"J. ! ','W-L "I1, ' , IWPWBS A-t t u'. B?a?jW!!s.". V)-''".jll v .'. V F"l -1-. mm 1 nummna '-