E2Z53S fsrTwr' "',, 1 "l J l ' T 3 i S88MK-. JI'phILADBLPHU-, WEDNESDAY,- MABOH-a ; 1920 ,'t-A'ii. )M ,!.., t M Tl K J Foaf iw DelawareWith Safety Suits : Signs ofitie Coming of Spring : Long Time Treasure ' '''.. ' nu imi mil lfT mn RgwgSf; KgllgMamWthMiii IP; -- Eucntns Public Itfar mmmmmTtmymmmtmvvrrm&tsxrMP.zmam ' Ate SSRhf IsSe? l IHIK$&-k ri.waf j ',.1HJ PI .! W MM' -aJOXtwm- . . ' rv. v,.- -v w. v ... . ' V' wvt VA wWWrtrtWaMMH, AAs4AW4A. lAirivWHVMn fi'K Ledger Photo Service. I1IK ilOSEPII HAMILTON leaping into the Delaware river from tho fireboat William S. Stoklcy off Race street jtestcrday afternoon vK'Bt wearing a safety suit. Philip Wcisbrot is seen floating in tho water. At tho right a member of the StoWey crow is lending a l?fpMI "1 "rescuing" hand. Aviators crossing over water wear similar suits. V'ri ABr') 1 . Tr'i",l,M - - .. , r--vv wi)) w . , v rifl Jys"!'("SH""1 IJ 1 pJpaMBMBJDWTraaMMiPMMMLir jmi'ip iiniilUi ' ''Wifi'" T ' 5, ' l'1 tV -t" "j.',,V ' . . MMV wtiAV M"M.A 1 BJM JfjBWjMllMjpMja 4A K- m., c - ?-'- t i ..,, . . - . . -,.....--. -.,.. , ... . 1 rmB&mmamm. L365rMS4.V-.r?.'.; I .-T" t'rMM t y-'; .,. j.--;-. iiasiHanwjw sks? l-.?jfI -r:-,,?swi mfr&r&mzm mmmMwm &i m Ka KA(i ,K?MJ' SS?S5 r WXiu4(3.Arv'f 4cftW rt .'i:v . ;.stji;a' " toByM' B jV5jT?-OTi."t,v t'fi' Leaser Photo Service. GRAHAM LUCAS being taught tho art of rollcr- skatirig in Rittenhouso square by his mother, Mrs. Daisy Lucas. Prisu;wK;iw; Twmm 4 -vCJawfeWaSw'TXl AJ N ! I f ff &-. tjjssiaryarr ?rrr'r$riFg&&atoJti Zamaky Phllllpi. "..' v m.' - illllllllkW.;i''''' . irf. Y?xJ .V. t.V illlllllll icii t tmm: Ledcer Photo ervlee. SURE SIGN of coming spring. Tho 'baby,vtho coach, the nurse and tho patrolman on tho beat in Rlttcnhousc square. CJK3!sw V,r'y.T'g'j aT? ."Tv A-V c.irc. TVix ran tt -.x sA-tif 5&?i rw: Sal mZiR .-: hM.sa'W'i. KiAovviin r;iAr4i.,?''!airx. ttti,AtCT! By?SLsiriLsiiio:-fc IMI SE yy,'r'iyr.7'"'7nr.l i&sai rr,Tr!,1i Oray. Ledcer Photo SerrtnJ 'I'HK MARRIAGK of Miss Scvcna Moore, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. Moore, to Harry Paul Barnes, of Ambler, will take placo this ovening at 7 o'clock in Gcthsemano Baptist Church, Eighteenth street nnd Columbia avenue. Following an extended honeymoon they will resido in tho beautiful home at 11 Highland avenue, Ambler (left); Miss Moore (center) and Mr. Barnes at the right. THE WONDERFUL weather of yesterday caused tho flower venders to uncover their stock. Tho sweet peas and violets brought with them a breath of spring. I. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO Ml h M Ik w "fflr M m Pi-'Sii: vMHBH&m Miiliisi HHSiB wmKKM hfi0''mt'wm, X&MMd 8 1 ft MSJHi -IWWWlMw BMWlii'Ci5'JligS THE BEAUTY CORNER DR. JESSE C. GREEN, 102 years old, chosen for seventy-second time as treasurer of tho West Chester Firo Company. p&r&MSimzx&nzzz. CHRISTIAN MOE, Dan- ish consul in this city, wns recently decorated by tho King of Denmark. "'" " irni iaftS2ISi5:f?::iMm;B ,j ;ai) "muhi -1 . ;.. "t- di" 'bi .SB29L SS8?4 -M llii: : tTB J-WBB. -y - ' fcH ' J 4 ? .TH T rmHA. v.-..&j Bwnw vVAkJux'. !J iir'r;'M:"-wrv s- .-nniwBumftfc.. .. ,. r- . . '?bHHHHHHHHHMHBHHHHHHHHHHHHHHwxi' sVbVbVbVbVbSRSbbVbVbVbVbVbVxI-v WITH THE ASSISTANCE of this machine, John Ernhnrdt, 3467 North 'Ihird street, forges 1800 pounds of steel into finished" steel balls daily at the Atlas Ball Company, Fourth street and Glonwood avenue. Noto tho four red-hot balls in tho holder held 1 by ErnhardL Central Kewa rhoto, SOCIETY from many lands enjoy curling on tho ico at St. Moritz, Switzerland. Ledger, ... iK, . s ft- , . f ZL . mmmkim t., k; . j. !. ' , ';.. , jjgn . . JIHHB. Vl . . : .it i t' i i t Mff .' h- 'h. ': !, 'll ' " iauji MISS MATILDA JOHNSON, 1539 East Berks street, Philadelphia. j wrapo or ints wturo sftouw 6o suqmtUetf ttrou' w tio naif, addrf esed to Ae Beauty Comer. EVtNiNO P0DU J m si -Fi b tf . - i: u , l ' .i .. . . .. . ).-. j Mtrtfri-linMliitiiiMMhViiir i -i "I - -tJ'-.j,';.-'- . -.', ,. ;:,Vi. u, ;;,i!i.-,-,f .,. t i-'t 'rfJr Jr-'t ir" r, '-, -7-iM.af1(MWf.rf'-" -'" -J J'- .. J.JfawaJtaBaw,MfMiifcw.- v?.. ;,(-: