y PP 'v "itf ..V?-V - 'US 1 i !.,. 'T If , L ' f t i j t Fj MK.V LtV v U I u ,. ' M. m "4 tV &- s , . u .' I R, w $ ; p & a -M- i i i , ; A , uoj, auxummnLEa USED AUTOMOBILES t.rNn. n ' f ' I i'i". RELIABLE The High-Grade Used Car of Today linn reached a position among car buvflrn that rivals the new ear Industry. Each season flndi niora buyers turning; to tho He Ilftble Used Car Market to meet ' their car needs. Hundreds of buyers yearly nnd through us a practical way to cut their car cost In half, nnd still receive for their money new car sorvlco and perfect satisfaction. Sno Cars to Choose From LIBERTY 1010 Cltih Rondster: 4 pans, i tlp-tnp condition; shows no wear whatever A bargain. HAYNES inin Snort Touring; 4 pas.; mechanically perfect! equip tied with new cord tires. A snap. CADILLAC 1019 Sedan; practlcsllv brand new; ruh only 3800 miles; splendidly equipped. OLDSMOBILE 1010 Touring, small ' ! . excellent condition; nlso Touring. 8-cyl.. 7-pass . tip-top shape, at low price. KSSEN 1010 Touring: practically brand news used ery little; equipped with extras A snap, BUICKS 1019.18-17 Touring Cars. Sedans and Roadsters; 4- ami tl- cyl , Inrgrst arlety In the clt. Low price. 8TUTZ 1018 Roadster, very claav; alai 4-Pass, Sport Touring: both cara equipped with cord tlrei STANDARD 1010 Touring; 8-cyl : used only .1 months, mechanically perfect; splendid equipment. FRANKLIN 1019 Roadster: A-l condition, equal to brand new, splendidly equlped. A snap. VKLIE 1010-18 Tourlne Cars and Roadsters. Il-cyl . verv ernnnmi- condition; fully equipped I I A nun VJiir&B, US lOW as I w ' aw H ' 1 WINTER PRICES FOR OUR SPRING CUSTOMERS If you expect to purchase a car this Spring and buy it now you can save about two to five hundred dollars and get a much better choice. Cars will be scarce this Spring they will be higher in price. Our stock right now is large and our low Winter prices are in force for a few weeks yet. We will store your car free till you want to use it. Why not come in, talk it over with our Sales manager and let him tell you more in detail? A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS 1919 Buck tourlnB car. Orlclnal pilnt, also 1018 coupe. Both at bis reductions. 1920 Brand New Allen ? ine cars at a great saline from list price. 1920 Maxwell , u f ' n ca"- Hrand nw. at a big discount over list price 1919 Libertv A ""bout special wheels. 'Wry speedy and classy car. 1 01 Q flnrlofp touring car. Has been used ery little. n sedan and coupe Lata models, ceptlonully low price. also Ex- 1919 Scripps-Booth l-pass-enter touring. 8-cyllnder. 4 door Wire whee's. Very classy looking car. 1919 Page touring car. "-passenger. Used try lit tle. Big bargain. 1919 Chalmers t ? miles. Can be purchased at big sac rlflco 1919 Apperson f " lm enger. Wire wheels. Very exclusive lookins. MANT OTHER BARGAINS NOT LISTED ADOVE TERMS CAN HE ARRANGED ON ANY CAR ROMAN AUTOMOBILE CO. inc. 231 North Broad St. Used 1919 PAIGE "6-55" COUPE Reflnlshed. All cord Tires Equipment Westlnghouse Shock Absorb-Ts. Guaran teed. I2OO0 1919 Paige Flve.passenger Touring Car. with winter top: In first-class condition, guaranletd. S1450. Paige "6-51" 1017 TOURING CAR Seven-passenger. A-l condition: one spare llres run 7000 mtlos, prlco 11 8 00. Bigelow-Willey Motor Co. Pale Distributors 304 North Broad St Philadelphia AUTOMOBILE PAINTING The shortage of new cars for the coming season will mean a. rush In the spring to have the 'old cr repainted. If your oar Is In constant use. now Is the tlmt- to avoid discomfort of doing Without It for any length of time .ri.- ' ,u" '.V mu I. .n,l Inrie.t to , Our facility tor nign cuss rt-iimajuuK K fourd. Besides J keep our delivery Bromises promises. Wo bake each cont of flnlsh as appllfd. This not only saves time but cars so re- finished look better, wear J,0''"' ""'' ar" vj" '"""':" nSvn; fof hi.h'graVwoVk. only at u saving, call or communicate with ' oniy v . MARTIN-ALEXANDER CO. AUTOMOBILE REHIN1SHERS 1.IH1.0-1OU Jlu ;U1 Main 17S Dickinson A Rebuilt Vim Truck A YEAH TO PAY nebullt repainted guaranteed by man ufacturer and enulpped with new tires. A body to suit vour business A uoaT Vll MOTOR TRUCK CO, n,.H snd Huntingdon sts, NEARLY NEiW MODELS, TltOR. OUOHf.T OVERIIAULED HW; M.S.r.Jli".i!ftitl. 5Srii'ilnTn B 1 U 16 A6flUl. m,w ...w-. BBDAN Will sell mv receipt and Jndga Sedan 1 May delivery. r OHl5e. tourm-) d i $150. ha olltiilarsi lata I ft 50. balance, terms, saiusi ror OftlkwfcU. W , - . Convcntcnt Weekly Terms DODOES 1010.18-17 Touring Cars. Sedans and Koadstera, every car full equlppod and In tin-top con dltlon: at very Interesting prices MAXWELL 1020 Tourlnir; run 1700 miles: also 1010-18-17 Roadsters and Tourlns Cara; as low as 1400 PAIGES 1018-17 Tourlne Cars and Roadsters; A-l condition; splen did kill climbers; at low prices. MITCHELL 1910 Tourln; small Six u-paas.; very economical, spl'ndld hill climber; a Bfinp, OVKRLANDS 1010-18-:7 Touring Cars Huadsters, Country Clubs. Sedans and Coupes; 4- and fl-cyl models, as low as $400 HUDSON'S 1010-18-17 Speedsters Limousines, Tourlne Cars and Coupes, A-l condition; large se lection. Illc bargains, CHANDLERS 1019-18-17 Speedsters. Club Roadsters Sedans and Coupes exceptionally good con dition. Bargain. PEERLESS 1018 Club Roadster, ister. cars I Will I also 7-i-ass louring com equal to new. s-cyl models, sacrifice. CADILLACS 1019-18 17 Tourlne Cars Speedsters Coupes and Roadsters, Inure Mirlety; A-l condition Durgalns iwwvs rbuembeh ovit SAME A.D ADD11ESS RELIABLE Automobile Company ALL THAT Tin: SAME IMPLIES) 249-25 1 N. Broad St. AGES'TS WASTED SEXD FOR FltEE UA12GA1S BL'LLETIS 1919 StutZ tourlne car. C-paes-enger. Tully equipped. Low price. 1919 Essex t)urln" c. slightly used. A-l condition. Low price. Hudson SuP'r stx speedster Per fect, condition, also 7-pass-enger sedan. 1919 Moline Knight '""'" Victoria top Wire wheels. Exceptional op portunity to get a hlch-c ass iar at a low price. Packard Lato model with special built body. 4-pussenger Very classy. 1918 Cadillac tourln;, 7:paV enger. Wlrewheels Perfect condition, also 4-paasenger Cadillac 1918 Chandler Lat0 moiri ,our- ing car. also Cadillac dispatch model and sedan. 1918 Franklin -Pnger tour ing cir Elegant condition, s lp covers, etc. Oldsmobile Lat" modei- 4-pass. enger touring. Origi nal paint. Very low price. White tourlne car. Late model. Excellent condition Big sac rlflce. c ars 1919 Paige "6-55". LARCHMONT MODEL Run only 3100 mlles. Guaranteed; JIOoo. Paige "6-46" ' 1017 TOURING CAR rlacnoMSRu',VKWefSri)& r,t- 1918 Paige "6-39" Roadster. Guaranteed. 1830. AUTOPARTS SCHOBER, SSS9 MARKET ST. WILLYS-OVERLAND 1017. 7-passengnr touring. O-cyllnder Continental motor. In good running nrd-tr good tires. Owner It " " "" ' """" """"" ""' ". . FOR SALE Hudford and small Ford truck, very good condition. Apply Atlantic Re- I nnlnf. Co Mr C8pl,- 3M4 payUni, ve-i Philadelphia Pa . Wl)L8KLBY touring, 7 passenger, splendid condition nd limousine body, like new. .v.:.Bnriman- -00 Col"e Toron,' " , .7." , : r. T7SS TRICK, 2 tons rapiclty 1300: open sve- nlngs cash or terms. iimiDn .sales Kiv., 1714 N. llroad at UVEltl-AND roadster model 00: A-l mech $1(K, balance terms. Till 8 p. in , 1540 ( allow hill i VULCANIZING Money-back guaranteed tire rep-urs Service station C-4 motor fuel. 81 n a gallon Pierce 1427 Falrmnunt ave. lOltD delivery. open and panel bodies, over. k.,,14 linn Ul.np. farm TIM B n . '" 1.1ID Pallowh 111 st 'flll'XTON, 1V4 ton express body; bargain this weeg, open evenings; casn or terms Truiton Sales i uo, lii-t 7i iiroaa st. DODGE TRUCK, Jbl panel body! Ike n panel bodyl like newt tn halunp. terms Till H n. In Ir.ln Callowhlll St. MOON demonstrator, excellent condition, at bargain If sold this week. Terwllllger Euulpment Co., 2013 Market st. OVKHLANU tourlnKI lnt .mndalt inap, tm l.glanna tdtrtTlM. Till fi n 111.. ll4li CtkOVtl mt. TRUCK Ki ammerclftU PVI bo4t ll. or urmsv TBinf4 inawn Wm r. ' 1 SI A H EVENING PUBLIC PIANOS, I'XA VERS TUNINO.ETO. PATIti: distributors In Northeast: all models of machines and 3000 records to select from. F. A. North Co., 1813 E. Allegheny eve. 2130 N. Front st. r LESTER-made player, 1145 paid on It, will allow new purchaser all paid to continue payment. F. A. North Co., 1813 D.AIlegheny. $230 NEARLY new Krauch A IHeh small baby grand planot cost $000. 2039 Oerm'n. ROOMS TOR RENT CHESTNUT. 2100 Thlrd-floor suite, 2 rms , with prlvata bath; well furn.: steam heat! elec.i telephone; 1 or 2 gentlemen preferred! CHRISTIAN ST.. 2118 Furnished rooms for WALNUT ST., 1812 Very attractive rooms with private bathst new and really beau mm, ikiibi appointments ana service. WALNUT. 4405, Apt. 11-4 Attractive sec". ond-nonr front room; all modern convenl. encea. Phone Preston 221 J. ""' WESTMORELAND ST . 1418 Lsree attract front room, furn,. 2d rloo-. Tloe 71 sr .. . 10TH. N . 180 (HOTEL RUIIICl ' Up-to-date furn. rooms, electric, h.-w. heat, dally a.td weekly rates: conv to stations gond 'vim Dilations for travellne people, 18JH ST. N 131 Nicely furnl.hed rooms"; day or week: goodaecommodatlone: m' blocks from station. Thone Spruce 3328. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Two unfurnished roo-ns. conl floor, north of Olrard ave.. east of Broad t., for lleht houseketolne: give rates and fiill Information In replying. M 4US Lndgsr Ofnce APARTMENTS APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments a specialty. Sherwood Apt. Agency. 225 S. Droad st. Some very attractive furn. apts , some housekeeping. CHESTNUT ST. 1033 Unfurnished apart. ment: 4 verv large rooms, bath, kitchen ette, and porch, second floor; apor heat: electricity: southern exposure. si'HUCE SI. SMS Slntl aid en suite private bath- ooen flreplace: southern pn..ire etert-tr,lf rentlemen THE .aLADSTONE. 11th and Pine sts To sublet, an attractive 4-room suite and bath. furn. or unfurn : Immediate posesion. WALNUT, .opposite Rltti.nhouse tfiuate: choicest location 3.1-00-. bath kltrhen- ettes Apply Samuel f, Oayley. 1009 pine. Ar,AUT?.,E.N,T.s' J nnd bath. furnlshTd 210 W Rlttenhouse squaro. FURNISHED APARTMENTS I!AnT?tIiNTS Tw nicely furnished rooms and bath with strictly private famllv In vicinity of 40trr-and Walnut: comenlcnt to - car lines, reference required. Phone Sprues 2384. SI RUCE ST. 1610 A really beautifully fur mined second-fl-wr front (corner) suite of 2 rooms and bath, electric light, hot-water neat; maid service and linens 0128 L"DLOW ST. Flv rooms and bath H Months or longer: $100 per month. Kelr ''ei .- Co 14 1)enn , QldT iw-ust l'.'.'H FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent i light houskecplnggood location. 2333 N. 16th I't'BN. APTS., cent.'loc; by week If desired. Sherwood Apt. Agency, 22.1 8 llroad st. GFTtUANTOWN FURNISHED APTS . 8 rooms jnd"2"b"aiTs, for 0 months from April 1. Germantowo, splendid location. ocrlooklne park; 20 mln. u,"5noro,mcn,eor cltjr! 0 P" month. A 302, Ledger Office APARTMENTS WANTED APARTMENT, furnished or unfurnished, wanted by business woman for light house keeping; 2 rooms and bath on socond or third neor of nrhate house, or higher If apart 'nnt houe per-nanent tenant Address A 406, Ledger Office. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS AN ATTRACTIVE CORNER LOCATION Just being completed- 0 housekeeping apart ments. 2. 3 an I 4 rooms .Plus kttchenetto and bath; located at 1030 Spring Garden st (S E cor. at 20th): they combine jnany new and attractive features which wlll'uppeal tri vou. Inspection cordially Invited. For full Informitlon apply to SHERWOOD APARTMENT AGENCY 125 S Broad st. Phono Wal. 317 APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL COLONIAL SPRUCE AT 1 ITU T Select apartment famll" hotel in the e-,.. I of toe city: operating on the American plan: ur tabie will please the most exacting r;. PITMAN MAKER Jr Manager THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American plan C HELTEN AVE AND MORRIS st. OERMANTOWN THE1 LITTLE HOTEL 22.1 S Broad st A good place to llvo while li Philadelphia. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY NEAR Erie a,e 11th st . h.-w. heat 4 bed. rooms M5U0. 0th st . Or & bath 4 shed 40oo. Tioga t. l2SO0:Camac st., J1800 2-fam. apart 450u KIFT i UATCHELER 1144 Erie ae. Tioga 4816. "--w. OWN TOUR OWN HOME FOR JIOOO 2010-2048 North Iwrence St. Two-i ory hrlck dwgs . 5 rooms, range bath, gas main s'-eet: good order, sell separate. WM L CRAVEN'S SONS 1.140 N 7th st N W COR 6TH AND VINE STS. PhTia"XT phla. front on Vino st. 06 It 2 In , lepth on Ctn st. 13S ft. 0 In.- nnke offer. W II G GOULD 1000 Bailey Hldg. 2.153 N WATERLOO ST Double 8-story dwg., 8 rooms rented at 118 per month: underdralned: clear prlcn II' 00 WM. 1. CRAVEN'S SONS 1.148 V Ilh'.i "' DESIRABLE 11-room dwelling nil winT sor eq : modern conveniences. In first dries order and a comfortable home, pre-war price J Edonrd Lilts 240 N Kth it ' sSTe I.EHiail AVE J20OO Three-story dwelling. 7 roomi rnee and Kth, very large ard, early possession WM L CRAVEN'S SONS 114H N Tth ,t. MAKE OFFER 2122-2". Earp, 0 ro-ims rent .. 15.12 Woodstock 0 rooms rent ' ,' n A SOMERS SON 18th and Taeker " 1047 N. LAWRENCE ST 12800 3-story brick dwelling 0 room possession heater, range, gas bath goo I loratlon WM L CRAVEN'S SONS I.H.) .v "fft 7IO CARPENTER ST. et si 12 prooertles: full Information furnished r,n application THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO Mr Walker. Broadaidriiestnut sts 1301 N 12TII ST 3-story cor dwg u rooms, 2 baths: good order largi sard: suit pruiun iiii, v" uu -iisi-u jqr uuslnesH WM L CRAVEN'S SONS -H.V 7th "g SMALI. centra apartment building hand. somely furnished a a uibls central prop ertv. yielding an exce nt in, ome Sherwood nrlmnt Agency. 225 P llroad t 203H N .PHILIP ST to rar st Three story. 7-room dwelling range buth, under- drained not much cash needed WM I. CRAVEN'S SONS 1.148 N 7th. HOME HAUCiAINs" 2614-10 Ri-ed st ! 7 room houses with modern L'JKfS,n,&J'r,J'...r,'a5 280O. O a SOMERS St SON I Mb and Ta.h.r 1202-1218-1220 N. HUTCHINSON ST. 3- story brick dwelling 10 rms (near Glrard ave ) sell separate. oh p and easy terms. WM L CRAVEN'S SO-' 1648 N 7th st! 2SI7 N imnD STREET ror. Rush. 1842 N 13th street 3 eiorv 02 N 44th street ror Wallace. IAMFS r SIMPSON 210 Croier Bldr. 2410-242.1 NORTH Pimm D' Two brick dwellings 4 rooms chean encash- monthly leases good Investment f r WM L CRAVEN'S SONS jvih yntTth ,. 2532 2 IW T .. -fry . 0 7fnT-$To5 23.18 N Maecher st 142.1 E Oxford st t" ii.i? i ro,,rn- 1200 a story frame mn WM L CRAVEN'S SONS lljo y ' V-."' 1814 N 0TH ST Three-stor: ireo-story hrlck duelllnk- n rooms ronven. nres onfv 12800 clear early pos.esVlnn M I, CRAVEN'S SONS 1M N 7lh m" len WM 211.1 EAST ANN ST 14300 ,ir 3-storV Owe ling N rnnm. l.. sMe yard lot 88x1.18 to llull et ",m """ WM, L CRAVEN'S SONS 1 348 .y, 7th ,t. POSSESSION at settlement 2814 N Prank tin st 2.story. 7 rooms and shed, porce. Iiln Ublng; splendid condition price 3000 Msllnn 2841 N 8th st HI13-1085.1UI1 NORTH DAIUISTST- To co'ored huyers 3 sty 7 rms , aide yards near Columbia Ave. Sts : rango and bath WJif L CRAVEN'S SONS 1,140 N 7tn it 2211 E THOMPSON ST, $1800 : Two-story brick duelling, 0 rooms nice Immi. bath and range: sell ch.an WM L CRAVEN'S SONS 1548 N. 7th st H W CORllllTH ana jnerry su Three- story dwelllnir. lot 24x163 JAS. D WINCHELL 17th and Sansom sts 1227 N MARSHALL ST -:3-sty dwg., 0 r & bath good opportunity In business sert'n Chas. W Miller. 401-407 Commonwealth Rdg 1822 N. 13TH B. excellent condition. 13 nnma rholca for nrlvats fatniiv, inin.-. tlon by appointment. Phone Diamond 0881 14U0.I1-1S N 11ITII, 1401.10.1 J N Uhl( ...i tKVli nrlca $10,000 HIMO.N S'EIHS 1828 Poln tH ree3 ,ye, MODERN bldg, apt. and physical offices, with 2 stores, heert of Hty. owner selling trHre from huslness P 81 Ledger Off, PRICE J3T0O, nice corner store and dwelling, i ,o- lenlenres good business stand. Wick & vntimer, 4431 Osrmantown ave. 2208 PINE HT 18x70. 8 rooms and bath; excellent. locaGont very reasonable prlos, SAMUEL M OAYLEY 1000 line at. 1010 KPOKliBi iwo.story dwelling. rroVoi.,n,BLL. 5-15 N 17lh .t. "733-12-60 N. ORATS! ST. Two story, 7 'loms. ronvenlsnces: $2300. MALLOW, 2841 N. 8th st. t . 1400 BLOCK,. S. 23! m M8ssjR,f f 4 TwhWrnM LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rjTV 704 N. 10TH. 12 rooms. 2 baths, aide yard. .... hot.water heat, vacant. 1802 Swain, 10 rooms, central, 1028 Porter, 10 rooms, aldo yard. 832-847 Bambrey. 2 story, t rooms. SOUS Columbia ave.. store and dwelling, fids 1823 Green.' 12 rooms. 3 baths, hot-water .... heat, side yard. . ... .. 2016 Spring Oarden, 14 rooms, 3 baths, aide 1.10BOreen.'l4 rooms, 2 bath, double front. 180TMI. Vernon. 12 rooms. 2 baths. 1828 Green, 24 rooms, 7 baths. 1020 Poplar, 30x100 feel, 18 rooms. 2114 Spring Oarden, 13 rooms. 2 baths, side 1705.172.?rMt. Vernon, apartments. 8 baths 703 Corinthian ave., 14 rooms. 2 baths, hot-water heat, clectrlo lights, lot 18 xl20, to street, room for garage. 1820 Dlnmnnd. 12 rooms. 2 baths. 2013 Mt. Vernon, 14 rooms, 2 baths, side 2038 Wal'ace. 12 rcoms. side yard, hot-water heat. 1710 N. 10th. 12 rooms, monthly lease. 1001 Wallace, large dwelling; with garage, aide ard. 1021 Wallace, hmwnstone, 12 rooms. 2 baths. HlnrtERD II WORRELL CO.. 835 N. 17th APARTMENT HOUSES 18th st. near JrrTeraon. 4 stories, solid hrownston front side yard: lot 28x172 to rear street: 8 apartments, hot-water heat, electrlo light, hardwood floors. Green st near 20th. 8 apartments, hot water heat electric light, aide yard: both houses havo lira towers; others large and small HIBBERD B. WORRELL ft Co.. MS N. 17th. Ill'1 Columbia. 11 rooms 1826N. lflth. 12 rooms 17G00 1720 N. Ifllh J083N. 17th, 11 room OSOrt - ,n, join, iu rooms .,. (, 2001 E. Norrls stnro & dwelling; cor. 172.1 Mt. Vernon. 12 rooms, vacant.., iiua jn, iam, ii rooms eooo 0000 iU" -"t. 0 rooms 1027N. 21st, 0 rooms 8800 1728 N. 21st. 12 rooms 8200 1420 Lenox. 7 rooms 3100 2127 Berks 7 rooms 2500 Ml. L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 2010 Columbia av. Modern Residcnco 2211 Rittenhouse St. 0 ROOMS. 2 BATHS. ELECTRIC LIGHT EXCELLENT CONDITION EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT ST 807 N. 63D Three-story stone detached dwelling. 14 rooms. 3 tiled baths, steam heat, electric light; lot 41x128. A most beautiful home In a choice locality. CHAS. W. MILLER 401-07 COMMONWEALTH BLDO. FINE JN VESTMENT CLEAR PRICE J9000 1533-1833 E. Montgomery ave., 3-story (corner) brick dwelling and garage: 1804 190O.1808-181O-18I2 Tulip St.: flvo 3-story. 4-roomed dnelllngs. Annual rental $1044.00 Tax and water rent 188.10 Net return on 000O 1855.00 Terms to be arranged WM L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 11(48 N. 7th st. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION N El COR MARSHALL AND GREEN 8TS.: THOROUGHLY RENOVATED 11 room hrlrlc hnnsn; PltOTOORAPHtr! SKY. LIGHT, roomy SIDE YARD on OREEN ST., SUITABLE FORr BUSINESS PURPOSES: slie of lot about 23x30, Immediate posses sion. Appiy at wunaeries innay factory. iaoPesg St. (opposite 446 N 2d St.) 3835 North Broad Street Above Butler: lot 10x100- 12 rooms and : hafhs. hnt-water h.at etertvlMtv .. ....- nuetry floors, tile baths ,porch front: imme diate possession: will be sold at right price on account oi owner ieaing city. J. T. JACKSON CO. CHESTNUT AT 13TII Boulevard Office corner Rlelng Sun ave. GOOD INVESTMENT 810,000 clear price: 1331-1313-133.1 N. Warnock St.: three 2-story. 0-roomcd cottages: 1324-1320-1328- 1330 N. Alder st ; four 3-story 3-roomcd tieeiiings: separate yaras. Annual rental 51(121. 00 Annual tax and water rent -224,8.1 Ground rents 1 00 no Net return on 8S125 Is J 80 63 WM L CRAVEN'S SONS, 1540 N. 7th st. APT. HOUSE INVESTMENT Very modern and In excellent order: all apartments noA rented as bachelur apart ments: eacn apartment nas private batn. MEARS & BROWN 202 S. 1BTH ST. Several Desirable Central Dwellings AND BUSINESS LOCATIONS T, n T7.,U-ll "TH AND icio. is. vviuwutu SANSOJt STS. SALE 2100 Mt. Vernon; corner Jflioo 2102 Mt Vernon 14100 2106 Jit Vemnn 4000 2104 Mt Vernon 4100 2110 Mt Vernon 4000 2108 Mt. Vernon 4000 2114 Mt. Vernon 4000 2112 Mt Vernon 4000 1008 Mt. Vernon 5100 mf M' Vern-n 5100 OEOItaE L, PARKER. 1731 Fslrmount ave. 200 S. 17TH ST 20x7.1: 3-stnry store and apartments should yield handsome In come wlih s'leht lnnv"iits: bargain HARRY J. K0EHLER & CO. 1420 CHESTNUT ST Or F X nriLANV. Wet End BIdg . BROAD STREET 3140 North through to Rosewood. 3-story, brewn-stone dwelling 11 rooms, 2 baths, pantry, laundrv: ll.'t 000. G. C SEIDEL i. CO . INC.. 4lh and Callowhlll sts .128 W. DAUPHIN ST.. 7 rooms . .$2.ino 2358 N Gratis St., 7 rooms .... 2Q00 014 Locust st . and rear. 2 properties. lSRRsce st 0 rooms and bath .... 43(10 2010 Woverlv st 2 prope-tles .. 3500 THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Mr Walker Broad and Chestnut sts 19TH ST. ABOVE WALNUT Attractive residence; electricity: hot-water heat: tiled btths; parquetry floors; excellent condition, best central section for Invest ment good price and terms A 234. Ledger Office. 3643 MARKET ST. Near 88th st. elevated station, store and dwelling with 8 rooms ana Lain, can be pur chared at the rlsht price J. T. JACKSON & CO. cA1??tyT $7500 YEARLY RENTAL. $024 IMRT.Kfl AVK. REAR 1311 CAMBRIDH ST. Six court houses near 13th and and Glrard ave.: 9 story, 4 rooms each, separate yards; lot 28x72 fine Investment WM L CRAVEN'S SONS. 1.140 N. 7th at. " BARGAINS 2042 Fernon 6 rooms '1555 soil Moususin. i rooms .' S232 Sears 0 rooms 1830 1210 Bucknell 6 rooms ..... ..... 10J5 I J A ntlMl.lvr nt.- itu mm ie--r PHYSICIANS DENTISTS 1024 SPRUCE 8T. Most exclusive residential section of Phila delphia, lri rooms, 5 baths, snace for garage. Ueynnlus II wreennrir n.i n"iunm m ELEGANT location for nMslrlan1 beautiful single home, entirely modern, constructed especially for doctor's office garage at tached, location unsurpassed North Phlla. delphla Trust Co, Broad st Oermantown and r.rie aes NEAR BR6AD AND BERKS . 3-story brick nwg.i o rooms; cosy nome; conveniences; choice location: early poss. Wil 1. LHftTft.i " ow.p. ,u ... ..,, p.. 1828 ARCH STREET LOT 22x100 TO REAR STREET: 4-STORT nwn . HIPK irOll AN IMPROVEMENT. CHAS L imOWN t CO 217 B. Broad St. OWN YOUR OWN HOME 017 N. Franklin st. TWENTIETH WARD 1330 N. Marshall st TWENTIETH WARD Lares dwellings: good location, fine home, WM L CRAVEN'S SONS 1348 N. 7th st. 2S28 N. SMEDLEY BT 7 rms. and bath. 2810 N 18th st.. 3-ety hrlck dwg., 0 nns. and bath: gord light, desirable location, THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Mr Walker. Broad and Chestnut sts. 2080 BAST TIOGA ST . $2700 3-story hrlck dwelling, 8 rooms 8243 NORTH, SALMON 8T . $1200 2-story brick dwelling, 8 rooms WM I. cnAVEN'B SONS 1348 N. 7th st. T314 PINK ST. This central brownstone- front residence, containing bathrooms. can be purchased at a jery low figure: pos- "sslSn at ssttlsment WHITESIDE Sic LKfiAll. ins" N. 11TH ST . 12ann Three-story brick dwelling, 10 room! con. venUncssegood order, near Olrard ave.i of. llrid at bargain: possession soon, WM L. CRAVEN'S SONS 1348 N. 7th st LOOK these over, six 4-roomed houses near 4lh "1lr,kVTal?ByA r.eJ??d' 13l Pr- H.narsj rftn'1,"'' . 1'UII SI, DIAMOND BT. "ear 17th A S.famlly apart-mentju-. ..PJ""' h nd Norrls, Phone Diamond 8833. ihiniKRD . WOHIIELL CO , realtor Ww. ITlh wsnt nrnnrs to sell iiinnn u, up. S480..N..PI' SVC? ? rooms' and batn; f"- .. .-wi na tunes sts $800 CASH 1010 Bedgfley st 7 roomsl all Vnnvs.1 82700. Worrell Co . B55 N. 17th. BAROAIN 2047 and 2040 Oarrett. TUnsT DEHrANNO, 1518 DlclilnVyn ,t. CENTRAL: 133 N. 8th St.: cheap to a aulck 'hMver. Lxwrence. Groskln IB24 Cheslnnr iiTllUOUD H. wokjikll & CO.. realtorsTBSs " M. 17th wsnt pronertles to ssll. $30oit up 2547 PAGE ST. Nice home: $8300: cheap ,....r ,, f,.f t-flaatnurj izaa. wal,. 4VAV i-opiar St. I a str.. Sim hath f.Tlrfih and MtliZ. "ill' Jlaeata t.tfT,M.r, 4 Wtu r) WHIIkas.; JH4U 'aU RE Alt ESTATE. FOR SALE A.SH0TZ Announces tho Removal of His REAL ESTATE OFFICE From 1839S.4lhStto 1329 ARCH STREET A. SH0TZ REAL ESTATE Locust 4079 CITY A NEW OPERATION HUTCHINSON STREET Between Wyoming Avenue and Loudon Street Sample House, 4722 North Hutchinson St. With and Without Private Garage A Few Houses Remaining in Operation on NINTH STREET Between NORTHEAST BOULEVARD and WYOMING AVENUE ALL OF ABOVE HOUSES CONTAIN THE UTEST FBA; TURE8. THE VALUE IS APPARENT UPON INSPECTION. TAKE YORK ROAD OR 6TH ST. CARS TO WYOMING AVENUE DANIEL CRAWFORD, 1828-30-31 to SO DALY ST. 3 roo-ns and bath; each 12350. 1221-23-25 EMILY ST. 4 rooms and bath and shed; each $2100. 1744-48-45-47 S. MOLE, ST. 4 rooms and bath nnd shed- each $2400. 1013-13-17 S. MOLE ST. 4 rooms and bath: und shed; each 12400. 2409 WHARTON ST. roi ms and bath; 1(1000 -3 story. 10 2040 S 10TH ST.- -0 rooms and batn; 33oo. 1728-28-30-32-48 S. TATLOR ST. 0 rooms and bath, laundry tubs; each 12800. 1330 and 1502 SHUNK ST. Store and 2 dwellings: store now vacant: good location for most any kind of business. Price. $13,000. WM. C. HEYDE S. E. COR. 15TH & SNYDER AVE 417-18 NORTH AMERICAN BLDG. Member Phlla. Real Estate Board 1727 W. OXFORD ST. 12-room dwelling. In ilrst-class condition; modern conenlences; possession within a short time. Wm. L. Craven's Sons. 2010 Columbia ave. Building Lots, factory Sites. Etc. $100,000 Prominent Chestnut St. Corner 121 x 200; 3 fronts Drslrable for manufacturing or automobile building LAMB & CO., 737 Walnut St 200.000 SO. IT., 1 and 3 and 4 sty. bldg.: sprinkled, healed and wired: site 4 acres: 13,10 II, P.: rwy. siding. 800 riverfront Phlla. dlst. J. Alan JHildleton. fac. spec. & Indus, enc . 002 Wldener iiiag.. r nua i.uTnnv himineae nrooertv far sale: busiest corner In city, 8. B. cor. Chestnut and 2d, sts Prudential, nn fi tn s noin pnones FACTORY SITE on Reading Railway, near Wayne junction: over auu-n. iruo vu railroad with sidings Apply only to. JOHN II. SHIELDS, York rd. and BHtn ave. Htnrea and Dwellings $43.95 PER MONTH Will put you In Immediate possession of store and dwelling In one of the best bus iness sections of Phlla. Dwelling has steam heat. elec. light, hardwood floors and bay window; It Is a business without parallel: 0 have been sold out of 14 during the past month. $12 each month ravs off second mortgaga: price $7300. small amount of cash needed; similar property In next block selling for $ll.uuu. Visit suite 303, R. E. Trust Bldg. CHOICE BUSINESS LOCATION St. w. ucrjnniiiuwu o. uuu Somerset st. Suitable for any business immediate possession DONNELLY & SUESS Lehigh and Oermantown aves. ' STORE. 2530 TULIP ST. (CORNER) Two-story brick. 0 rooms range and bath: B?,a tk-aVen's" sons- 154Tn v7thr-.. N E. COR 25TH AND LEHIGH AVE. Three-story store and duelling: for par ticulars OPPly JAMES D. WINCHELL. 17th ana panwam .'- Vi.TU AND COLUMIIIA AVE Large corner store and dwelling; good loc tfon: suit anv business WM. L CRAVEN oca S BOrt . - ...,- "Ilia N. VAN PELT ST ".story building, corner, occupied as cigar atore: possession March 14; good lot WM. I. CRAVEN'S SONS. 2010 Columbia av. J708 OAKl)RD BT rooms . bnth. price " 121100 John A Martin, 1027 S. 22d st Warehouse $30,000 Central 4-Story Warehouse 82x130 $40.000 Market St., 4-story. 14x98, with rear outlet. $75 000 Rental, $10 000 yearly; 4 buildings; 4th and Arch, $20,000 10x120 and Chestnut. to rear street; 2d $17,300 18x68; 4 story, elevator; 2d and Arch $18,000 4-story building, 24x103; vicinity 2d and Walnut sts. Lamb & Co., 737 Walnut St. Huslness Properties and Stores 2235-37 N. FRONT ST. Business property, $17,000; financed SUSQUEHANNA AVE. Between 18th and 17th, select business location CLEVELAND AVE. & SUSQUEHANNA AVE. Right on the northwest corner In an excellent business location WM BIRFN ",h snd Nnr'i" VYIVl. UUL,H Diamond 8833 NEAR 10TII t RACE; factory. 25,000 sq, ft. Walnut at abovo 11th. 40x123. Uth below Arch, 10x57. 18th st. above Chestnut, corner, 50x72. 10th st. above Market, 4-story store, 1IU02, wiiiIiiaw j iiai.-NKM. jitii unestnut st. Immediate possession Kive-story cen- tral business buildings. Particulars, O, C. SKIDEL tt CO.. INC, 4th and Callowhlll sts MODERN fireproof building possession first floor and basement Immediately, O, C, SKIDEL & CO., INC. 4th and Csllowhlll sts. BOLD to settle estate S. K.- Jor. 181b and Vine sts. I Immediate posstsslon. O. C. BEJDKL h CO, INC, 4th and 'allowhlll sts. COLUMBIA AVTB. STORE and -property I U Muivped mUj. store In JWiail ten, wwrvaawm SHSS) laflM I MAROP: 3?. 1020v REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 a- CITY Jr., Builder and Owner racforleg. Mannfattqrlng FACTORIES AND SITES S2I2 q' ' n'ar rront and Columbia. .5522 80. ft. near Front and Lehigh. J2222. " '. "" "" ae. and Church. IKnnfl en. ft. near Mh and Lehurh. 15000 BO. ft. tiear HHth mnA rha.tni,) r.i!9 '1' ' near Front "id Christian. 23000 sq. ft. near 12th and Wharton. s52t2. " " "' Front and Laurel, 2222R i. near 2Sth and Glrard. 2522 "i' " "ear Krankford and Orthodox. 38000 sq. ft. near 5th and Columbia. 5"000 sq. ft, near Front and Lehigh. JJO00 sq, ft. near Frankford and Lehigh. 70000 sq. ft. near 3d and Olrard. CORNER IVtTir nIT.rnr Btinin Lot 100x135, 1-story brick bulldlrur. 30x80. PRWrnAT. tvinmitntropa innnn I .'. near Delaware ave. and Race. i2x22 " '-' near Delaware ave, and Spruce. D0O00 sq. ft. near Broad and South. ... ,, , DELAWARE RIVER "I."', 'rentage. 1 mile from Market, suit shlpplnc or lumber business. Rrttnvi.ttr.r. Tirwien 100 ft. on -River and Schuylkill ave., x371 tvitii U ana j. iracKags- GARAGIC OTt RKltVinn STjlnnva North Broad street, prominent location. Possession June 1. Near Broad and Poplar, 6-story brick. CENTOAT. Tnirr TmTT.YiTV-na We have a number, and If you will state jwu ii-MuiiriiiciiiD. wm sena list. Also sites for ssme. . SITE8 TOR FACTORIES SiSSO M" " Schuylkill ave. and Christian. 21O00 m, ft.. lth and Indiana. Also tracks on N. Y. Dlv. of Pa. R. n. Patton & Tomlinson FACTORY Corner 0th and Brandywlne; lot size 00x87 ft.; 4-storv brick building; each floor 1128 sq. ft. area: opposlto Spring Garden St. '""'J' tft?""'. W,"O0. Address reply 531 533 N. Olh at. Immediate possession. JIlflMIBMIIIIB $:tt,UUU, Easy Terms FIe-story building, 8.0.000 eq. ft. ,,. , ,J,ar.?alnl Possession Vicinity Front and Glrurd ave. Also $35,000 Elegant 2-stnrv building 4024l) Steam heat, electrlo light, maple floors LAMB & CO. 7.17 WAT.Mtrp n-r Mtiaii l?oo.non Largo Plant Vicinity Chester 115,000 sq. ft. floor space 100 acres land Duplication cost $400,000 BARGAIN Also $115,000 Large Kensington Textile Mill 30.0 0 square feet Convenient terma arranged LAMB & CO., 737 Walnut St. 18.000 SQ. FT Ons-story brick- " 20,000 sq. ft. 2 story A basement- ...i.., 82.000 sq. ft. One story, "ding centr'- 1OOOO0 sq. ft. Central. """" 138.000 sq. ft One story, siding r,,,.. J. ALAN M1DDLBTON. bo ivfene? Hldr OAUUU Sq. M. of Floors JB.00O feet of land with R. R,-aldlnir in Master: potsesslon. easy terms. ' 3a WORRELL CO.. 653 N, 17th ONE DESIRABLE LOT. wltn railroad frTT age. northeast corner N, P n n .S Indiana ave.. 22,600 square feet: suitable r tonevard cnaljard storage or Ice ni.n? rr J. II. nilUAUa, 135 8. 6th at ' 7 BLOCKS north of City Hall rlmi i .u automobile belt 80.000 M. ft.. I,s, thin11' per foot. Worrell ft'eo.. 635 N 171, It n 13 SITES. RAILROAD Penna. and n.."l l?non nar ,,. ...a ..i""" !! Reading Ingulr. for terms. . DMgrbT'n loe. ; IN.?"8 THI AL PLANTS. . warehouses. "&. iffuuBiiiiAij J'LANTB. warehouses vaeiT. land: rnllrnad and water front.aa vach J. L. STEVENSON A SON. ""U,a -,. i. u. H.t-vr-.-Mau.-v t ho.v. .a ,7,-a PACTOJtY. N. E. sectlon-SOflbTT-fTT1-.-. ..condition: also 1 -story bu Idim. li" ,A;1 8000 sq. rt.: poss Dleterlch. 737 v.ly... '' WKST PHILAnKLrilfA ftJ.'JaiR ...,... ,, ,,, ,Ki a.g0ry a. ... LOFLAND, 71821 Woodland Av. $1900 Wa,;ryKe.fltV9'r0m """""" tt" Lofland, 7121 Woodland Ave. ,i:it ill iu vinr, !, izh xiirinn. .T able for most any business; will s'eii at V'l'wnlngt ."'Cl "J'""""- C' Ooldman! MOVE In any time. 5820 Chancellor Nir7 coiy. 8-rm. modern house; enoloi.d naVeh' best of order; priced right; key 8330 RS1 erson Conrad. 58 N. 10th st. ' L,m' TWENTY houses for sale. $2430 each- r'-m und Reno ste : 400 block north ol ' Mirkr? st. A Halgailan 4 Co., 117 B. notft .tl 50lli st, Phnne Relmont 8818. THREE-KAMILY IIOUHI5: PurchisereTn hav possession of apt,, 6 rooms and h.ii." ,V..rp;'S rom and bath ; easy terms. JAMES ri i and Sansom .i;"""''" U, private garages; WINCHELL. 17th OLIVE 8800 housts. rooms, porches: rent $20i nViil $2000 each. Empire Trust, 44th and Siln raster ave "" " 53 N. UOTlt ST-Stira and dwelling: boom ln section. Anoly Prudential Res,v r? 140 B 80y st Phone llslmnnl 8na'ty Co" 223 8. 62D ST.. Im'. poss.i lot 197o: nri 83.00O. Can be rented for $4200 a v.J!' ttimrftf t i irvnun ,., 'rua year. ....... . ...P... u.u una sansom TEN '.'.storv family awelMngsi finance, i " that $12 000 cash w I buv the groun KIT.PATRIClV, 1641 N gnrhro.!it'' 0013 HAVBRFtmii AVli... at the JunctlonVf 3 ma n streets; 2. story store and dweiii-V PRUDENTIAL REALTY CO. INC.? lJo" 00th st. 24 AND 20 N, B3D Hay window, a roomT bath, porch front) convenient to Uv?u"' sure to Inortaw In valu. P 603. Lsd'.e Offlos. - ""sr TO'CLOSB an estnto flbnee t.. near 40th 18 rooms. 3 baths.- electrlo, light. "ol.air heat: pessesilon 4un sultabli prlvitS.rAu A NEW OPERATION "" ' HUTCHINSON STREET t THREE O-roonvand-bath dwellings; Edca. wood st. below Lansqowne ave.; will aell to home buyers or In a group; excellent tm,ii. slllon KITy.PATRir'K. 134 N. mi SP" m&m glee; roh, HEAL ESTATE FOH SALE VEST rillLADEMTHA. "IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 5400 Block Webster Street Two story, porch front, 0 rooms, brick laundry, tile bathroom, Dutch hall, elec trlo lights, newly papered and painted. Ivory and mahogany throughout. .. Sample house. 0418 .... BENJAMIN H. LEITERMAN S21 'PENFIELD BUILD1NO . 1828 CHESTNUT ST. .. Walnut 070 Woodland 2087-3 PEACH STREET West side ba'ween Springfield and Warring. ton aves. 2-story, porch-front houses. Good condition. Sample house 1224 S. Peach Street Price $3 1 00 . WM. II. LOWER & SON, 2510 Columbia avenue. 902 N. 64TH ST. MOSS A TAYLOn BUILT Semidetached stone, house, 10 rooms. 2 baths: modern throughout: centrnt heating: can be bought at a reason able price. EDW. M. MOLL LANSDOWNB AVE. WEST OF 03D Phone Belmont 8079. Beautiful Sherwood Section 5710 Ashland ave 5717 Ashland ave 5707-00 Ashland ave... 3048-60 Pine st $0000 8000 7000 C000 H. BLAIR COOKE CO. TAnKER AND SHARON AVES. C6LLINGDALE BELL rilONE SHARON MILL 1 KEYSTONE PHONE DARBY 1 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 210 N. Robinson. 0 rooms, bath.. $3450 88 N. Mllltck, 0 rooms, bath,,,, nlOO 07 N, Mllllck, 7 roomo ,bsth.,,. 0500 119 N, Vogdes, 8 rooms, modern, 5800 1281 N, 80th, 3 story. 0 rooms,,,. 7700 0100 block De Lnnccy. 0 r.. bath 39.10 1140 S. Ruby, mod., 7 rooms, bath 4750 D. F. RYAN MARKET ST. -WE HAVE- 70 HOUSES IN WEST PHILA. Under Exclusive Agency WE CAN SUPPLY A HOME TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS Carpenter & Wilson 0229 Mnrket upen luesaay ana iriaay uvea. Call or phone No lists furnished. 283 S. 63d St., gfCjOjB,? J bedrooms, thoroughly modern; In closed porch. 6200 Hazel Ave.. Por5. rooms, . . . ... bath. modern. with front and side porch. CARPENTER & WILSON 0220 MARKET ST. Bel. 1037 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $27.50 monthly expenses, plus $8 addi tional to reduce second mortgage. 5381 BELMAR TERRACE .La.r.8? . rooms, hardwood floors, elec trlo light, houses In this street are In great demand, this Is vour opportunity. Owner on premises. Woodland 6038 W. MOST ATTRACTIVE HOUSE IN A CHARM 1NO NE'IOHDORHOOD' Willows ave.. be tween 53th st. and the Parkway; these nre 3-story porch-front houses. 10 rooms each, gas and electrlo light, modem plumbing; 2 houses ready for Immediate occupancy: near stores, schools, churches, park and tennis club, etc.: terms of sale are easy; f,.n?!mt.c,!"" "bou 'T a month. PEM BERTON ESTATES. Harrison Bldg.. 13th and Market sts. BAROAIN BAROAIN Seventeen 2-story apartment houses. 24 ft. front. C.V.4 ft. depth: 5400 block Chancellor, a rooms and tile bath, hot water heat. electrlo: beautiful fixtures and decorations: bargain to quick pur chaser. PEHLMAN, Walnut 8313. SURE ROAD TO SUCCESS: If vou own the maater key to 6800 BL. LARCHWOOD AVE. you with It each dav have unlocked the home to happiness, wealth and wisdom, which vou were heretofore In utter darkness; a MASTER KEY to anv home or thing leads: Its object to higher things- so. remember. If It's real estate, THE MASTER KEY is "CROSS," stands for all that's good. 50th and iJirohwood ave NEW MODERN HOMES IIe D rooms. every feature you want: value, usefulness appearsnee and location: the kind of home most women have hoped to own some day, so complete It's realty a wonderful home, compare with others: we're sure the price will surprise you, and remember CROSS stands for all that's good; SVth tand Larch, wood ave. 47100 3-STY. semidetached residence. 10 tpJJJ rooms. 2 baths. 80 ft. main street, lot 25x115 ft.. 5 car lines to center of city; also P. R. R. early possession. EUGENE L. T0WNSEND 8, E. Cor. 40th and Baltimore ave. 1250 S. 53DST. Three-story, corner, with garage for 2 cars: modern; good location: convenient: possession D. V. REDDING rKNADvB. 52d & Walnut, New Auto Section 6142 and 44 Walnut: 15 ft front each. 5210 and 12 Walnut: 15 ft front each. D t McCONNELL Spruce 3725. 1207 Harrison Bldg. A BUSINESS LOCATION VALUABLE CORNER 8. W. COR. .V'D AND STILES STS. HC MH I FR 62D BELOW IJ, 1T1IL0U1 T.lsnlBTrn l.c LOOK $4500 QUICK f 2-sty, 0 rooms, "hot-water heat. In the exoluslve Chester Avenue section. D. V. REDDING ?.1 ym-is.i-i ap. POSSESSION IN 30 DAYS SPECULATORS Eight houses, 6000 block Osage ave.; see sample 6040 Ossgo ae.i easily $500 for spring trade; 5 houses 400 block N. 01st st SPECIAL PRICE ' JOSEPH H. KASS 8137 Market Belmont nnita Speculators and Home Buyers 5012-14.22.24-20.30-34-88 Summer St.. : ,.r,??J?;, ",;" ",on porch, beautiful homy $3030; quick possession: act aulck-212-14 H. Cecil St.. 2 story, stbne porch. ' rooms and bath: beautiful home, $3850; quick r.nonVNv.inut1T3Al?.LMAN- "3 Wl?U,.Ct. " 4STH ST. rnree-story semidetached brick residence, containing 12 rooms, i bath, electrlo lights, hot-water heat. ' hardwood floors on first and second floors, Hied bath? built-in tub, billiard room on third floor lot measures 21x108; must bo seen "to Tb? an. prccialCus JOS. ALLEN POTTS 4003 Baltimore av $18,600 Near 4tlth and Larchwood av7 w"u" n.twin., ,u rooms, a baths tnmv srn In every appointment, hot-water heat electrlo light, marble shower conservatory etc : Ideaf location; garage; prompt "ossm. EUGENE L. T0WNSEND S B COR 4HT1I AND BALTIMOnm AVE $300(e 733 H. 60th St.; 8 rooms ami h..k : .rffi1"!1" Jt'Aow Baltlmo0rm)',?,1, JrSg. "h,l.-t:B?,,u'tchn,ShyP,mer! tM h"?-tS"m ,0b0.tMVdood- flooK: iSSileS, V,? 8 WESTPiriLADELPl.grna. Nr -dw,!Jjng,ood,lor Improvement; nrlca $5000 ""wrlun'y for ., D. F. McCONNiStj, "TVe. "'.. !W7Hirrlon I1M. SO HAMPTON ROAD (00th st elevate ..n M The most beautiful home In Wait pm?'' delphla. at 1 11.0 Mi modern. subuHir, '. : possess! ion. KUK111.1CU ft rn lj"n eu .' t- or F. X. DELANVj,nn1't: nui s 1001 S BOTH ST B BOTH ST 42io nininn , All iiesto; ien-f.TS.Vy 4 828 IT. nea .... "". " -U, I I " - -"l BVH TO SETTLE ESTA1L. 8 8-room dw.niJ-' 5107 to048I. lnqlusl?e, Hharsw-.1".."' and- i 0-room"'dwslling '652T Mas",? !! ', yjl NnNnoc.ah'".tmu,t b9 - yfssstti&i ,'ve, Hharswood iWjMms r.WM. .! r ' UI8.!Wb . PHA batht ged cou Ten houses near 50th and Westminster; good returns: porch fronts: near school and &&"' .Te,i fln,anceli.f;.ii0 e"chj mortgages $2000; single houBo $2750. P 501. Lrdgei IM0M7 JIEAJ, ESTATE FOB SALE WKST rillLADELrillA HOMES ALTi PRICES. TYPES ANlJ LOCATIOSI djAnnn 1103 a. oad t-i "... .' uuuuo room bathi nelottd img iTiOC. B82!l "neld ave.) atoryi r. I .pJUUe.rn, 8 rooms; bat&i breilSit I limnl and alaantna- ewiet. " I M3CraTk47th and Hai u-wtwlni 10 roomsl 2 bathsiZ!! 4tacnAfl844 ' aLarch vronA n . yUJUVl roomsi bathi mahoVanVi whltel papered throughout) Immed. poss "nlOOOO0'1!1 "n1 5neler ave.l 8-tta,, ) IU.UVU twin: moderni li roomj. "J baths: small equity. $15,000$!:, -tfrS&r.. u-iLfag ouirhly modern irarago on premlwa: 11 cottuitlon $20,000 .wrtis? modem Interior! unexcelled outlook and u. 9fi fW. 47th and Larchwood: ,. u.uuvow of Siege!' latest artit homes; 8-story; 12 roomsl a baths, enclo-i sleeping porch; billiard roomi garags doS 1? infl5h and Plnei a-story tk, hiikvwot, attic; 12 rooms; 2 bnb,'l aslllft iHn tlavVltt1 htm. tf4Jiani,-4 Mna.a.s a.. . '1 tructloiu open outluok back and front BROWN & FRENCH 810 LINCOLN ULDQ. P1I.UERT 4n NEW HOMES WITH OARAOES JUST COMPLETED SEE OUR NEW SAMPLE HOUSE Having sold our lust row of 28 haua.i wun private garagt a in less than 4 monti. WE NOW OFFER Jimlt.r Houses In the Adjoining Tlloc, 11711 A Rt KA,l vvmowsAve"f;re II SQS SO OF RALTIMORB AVE. Take Route' 34 In Subway to 53d and Baltimore ave., or Elev.i pass south on 0U Bl. YH1K BOUW11 O UIOCHS. ' JOS. A. McDEVITT 3213 CHESTNUT STREET F. JOS. ROACH. On Premises l I l l SIEGEL'S Artistic Homes aro nearly completed. . 47th & Larchvood Avenue Clarence R. Siegel Builder of Artistic Home3 on Premises I1III11S8 pinimaiiEniEiiimiianiij'iriLiiiiiiHiiiEiniiats Why Buy a Camouflaged Home? BUY A NEW HOUSE AND SAVE REPAIR BILLS Terraced Porch-front House3 $4500 and Up 66th & Elmwood Ave. Electrlo Lights Basement Laundrleju All-das Kitchens Yards that are "REAL" Unusually Large Lots 100 Feet Between Houses A Few With Oarages BUILT by ALEXANDER FERGUSON Kee WM. T. PARKER Office. 0022 Elmwood ave. EifalllMMliW 63D ST. APARTMENTS COnnS CREEK BOULEVARD BETWEEN MARKET AND ARCH Ideal Location and Transit Facilities. Thoroughly modem housekeeping apart ments, o rooms arid batn eacn noor, owi one of these attractle 2-famllr apartment houses In the most desirable section of l!n city; the Income irom one apartment win pay approximately ull vxpinsis of carrylci the property, UV an Initial outlay of a nominal sum tin cumbersome detail of paving rent will N eolved. For further paitlculars call on ul We are at your service. JACK KUTNER K (Member of Thlla Real Estate Board). Walnut 3240 Ask for Mr. Ingber. Race 1402. MODERN HOMES , 0033 I.atoim ave., 0 rooms und bth, 041 S. 30th st.. 7 rooms nnd bath 1000 Blork 8. 00th st . 8 rms. & b. 1030 S. Frazler st . II rms. and bah. 4218 Baltimore ave.. 10 rms. 2 bathi. 0130 Washington ave,. 10 r.. 2 bathi. 1(010 Christian St.. 8 rms. nnd bath. (220 Carpenter st., 10 r 2 b , garan 6723 Warrington av 0 r, and b., gr. 0100 Dlock Webster, 7 rooms i. bath 731 8. 68th st., 7 r. and b.. slors. 105 N, Cross st., 6 r, nnd b , garan. 1222 S. 58th, 0 rms. and bath, corner, MICHAEL A. MAL0NEY 1021 S. 00TII ST. IMMEDIATE- POSSESSION MODERN HOMES Handy to Stores. Schools. Csrs 654h Broomall, 7r.. h.-w. heat. elep. 2217 Bonaffon. 7r remodeled. 0524 Elmwood, 7r., corner, remoJslM. 2100 SL James ter. 7r . end hou, 1730 8 65th. 7r modern. 2425 S 01st. 7r.. modern. 0715 Elmwood, 7r corner. 2125 8. 64th. Br., corner; 100-ft. lot, 8U24 Woodland. 10r.. semidetached. Camac Co., 62d & Woodland IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6100 BLOCK LOCUST STREET Two story, porch front, 0 rooms and .baA I hot.water heat, electrlo light, hnl floors throughout tiled bathroom. statloM'l tUDB! car. Ira In r.a a 1 SAMPLE HOUSE, 0152 I.OCU9T , AfJENT ON PREMISES I TO 3 T M OEOROE II. LUMBERMAN 608 LINCOLN BLD11 . 700 Block Wynnewood Road (Moss & Taylor built), 0 roomi ' bath; mahogany and white tlnlili, '""'',! porch fronta: hot-water heat, electw laht. parquetry floors and an exceptWO" ally luxurious bath. Look this oer . EDW. M. MOLL LANSDOWNE AVE. WEST Ol' D Phone Belmont 8870 BEAUTIFUL MODERN "" HOMES In tlie Overbrook Section From $3000 to $20,000 WQ CAN FINANCE ANY FnorBrVn WU SELL IV. Edw. M. Moll "w-tagPVt?" Phone Belmont 8079 ,.-(. OPEN nVENINQS UNTIL 0 O'CW, :.--..-. r, .. .. . orLh frjo'l I "hott-a"!" her.ilitrlcliyi'prrce;iJ ' nnnn iiijih:k kauid r. anu .a. ji. i "". .""""." -". .j"u ninA rrnirn " MArlailt panrain. nnnc", -- ----t West Phila. Real Estate B0CO RALTIMORE AVKUSi, 7W. CORNER B8th aninsdoiwnJ h'.w. Iisat. ). ifght.roQin fof " IrnrwdlAle, MfMtflMI. 4WWv1s..l iissst4 w H;" If r J", fi Wil 4,ib ,f. W'ru 'ftr,-J. j: ih" f :vtj- VV, lv ", v - i-' v " ilMi MPs JW ,.-V iAljmimr V: RC-? A i i -v ,1- JiW'j, iTvl S )