BrM iflwll mm tin r , i- t ' C fc .,v;, X .n , ..fV A M M. v ,i I S t - A 5 T , i 5i v 1 i 1 i SS I "ll w ft I I ''ill 111' ' !ji W m OS 1 I if A ?. ? m ' B I 1 ; M Prr f eZ l m 22 iWff Y ff.PEDERAL AGENT ARRESTED Charged With Breaking Liquor Law During "Wet Revolt" . ".nn ""PiV Mien.. Mnreh .'1 ilir A I) (Jenrce F II l ntntiicrow, cliir-f SM lhi IJrntifl llnii!. L ..m .i -. VltMrtrnent of Justice, who roturnnrl nn iMonunr from Iron rnnnlv. Mini. ...t.... fs.WDn,. iipoli I yiirrxrntHtlvr of b Mvron II. iilkpr. In ll.wl Ji.. .n ttf i-1... .. -. ...... ln III". eetlnn with the1 'whisky rchplMou " mi i nrrcMed nt n liotel here a night b nn ncent of Hie Stat Food ami Drug Department 00 ft Clinrrn or vlnlntlnr. il.n ltn.,.. i.. Miinntevow was tiVen to nollpp lu.n.1 " -- ........ " iiiiiivi mw otmrtor anil reW-npe1 without hall to! appear in poller court todav Up ,1p Marpcl the uffnlr was a "'ramp-up." It' I rharced that Cuimnrrow invited the "cent Into hi loom and jravp him n drink of whiskv r5 Americans In Alntab Are Safe Constantinople. Match .'S.--(H.r A V,4"-;A" Amci leans In Alntab. where (Unorders occuied cnrlv In lVbrnnrv were safe on Tehrunrv 1 1. nceni-tliiivi Yi v.. nrrivctl Here fro rJ," V.'' n.r,rlvc'1 "' from The situation U quiet, but L' .'I" C11:" tftChrlH- nma .winor 1 Moslems rpfiiNp J?nB French troops are not occuprlnit i,""'j ronus -eauins to wiiicli are in fest-d by bindlta. teB A MESSAGE iTO 1 IBPllP I Concerning Spring Deliveries Bc3i'de the recognised shortage of new cars, freight embargoes now add to the already uncertain condition of deliveries There can be bat one outcome the utter impossibility of accumu lating even a small stock of cars for Spring delivery. At the first peep of Spring, how ever, there will come the usual mad rush for cars, and right here we wish to issue a friendly word of warning U'c nor any other dealer k-HI be able to take cars of that March and April demand jot Immediate delivery. There is a ray of hope in this plan o w CO w reserve now, and Velie Six Tou ring Sedan or G cupe, March or stipulated. April We are at your the wisdom of J fig, nce LaROCHE BROTHERS, INC. 1214 North Broad Street PHOVR POPLAR 4983 A MESSAGE fi H THE PAINTEK . I .works with certain chemk - cIs-tliat undermine healta,. . .Turpentine affects kidneys -and heart -white lead works- jnfo the bones and gives ,- lead poisoning, -i- L '-..- -Six days a -Jmmter works with these' dangerous chemicals - He r- - wants a 5- day week - Wjith 5 dy& pay.- -- - ' He wants 2 free days a - - week to et the poisons ooti)jr bis i -1 He needs those deysly m. ' i ' "1 Phiradelphia Partiers, r m E : si- WBt76-r I "I WIM J ' ' v am '.. i I HONORED ON "TAP DAY' John W. Hubbell Elected to Society at Dartmouth lohn W Hubbell. of this c Ut. n nmonu the juniors dec-ted to the ('Asque nnn uaiinuott nt the aununl TnptlnY ut Dartmouth, which beiiwi on the stroke of midnight last night nidi for throe scnlnr itiwlMlna Hip Snlilnx. (.'nanus nnrl CunntWt nml Hip Drn?n- were extended to the members ?i ,,lc Junior eins and n few seniors. 1 I. . . 7. . ' . ' accepted invitations. . .iMM.,11 11 ui-ucvru 10 dp mc oniy I'pnn swvnnln man admitted to any of the 1 , . ioentic HARDING ON TEXAS STUMP Sets Precedent as Republican" Presi dential Campaigner Port Worth. Tex.. Match 3. (Ut A JM Senator Warren O Harding, of Ohio, candidate for the Republlenn nnoldeiitlHl nomination, set a precedent in Miutliern polities today bv campaign ing in Texas. IIC Is the firnt nennh. llcnn candidate ever to campaign in nerson In this state. He spoke at th Chamber of Commerce. Hew odiiiwI to the itv by a commUtSc com- nosed or both Democrats nnd Repiib osed of both nrnu-.. in- Mil to in lHlinS HtP In. ea dav ! we will allot you a L,ar. Koadstcr. arriving in cither Delivery at time service now. if you our remarks week the .J system. , i 1 ) LL fta 8 Di&tritt Council I Si5WlC" i f r r EVENING PUBLIC KENTUCKY G. 0. P. MEETS Woman May Be' Selected as One of State's "Big Four" Delegates 1mlsvlllo, K. March H. (lv A. I'.) More than 12000 Itepublicans of Ken tuck t were In Louisville today at tending the llepubllcan state convention, which was tailed to elect four delegates nnd four alternate from the state nt large to the Republican national con cntlon In Chicago nnd to formulate plans for the Itepiblican campaign In this state. A. T. Hcrt. Republican national com mitteeman from Kentucky, nnd Oov crnor Edwin 1. Morrow were said to be virtually nssurcd of luloiscment by the convention todav as two of the four delegates fiom the state at large to the national (onventlon. Some quarters appeared confident that Mr .lohn Oloer Smith. Frankfort, lo would be Indorsed by the contention but It appeared probable that n tight on the convention floor for Indorsement as fourth dclrgatc would take place Will II. Ilavs, chairman of the lle publlcan national committee, wns n spectator at the i onventlon H. C. L. Gets J. B.'s Divorce Business Reading, Pa., March .'1. Thirn two divorce decrees wer,e filed jesterdnv In one batch by Judge Wagner, twenty three of the applicants being women. Testimony In the bulk of the cases showed that the high cost of living was the prime source of differences, instead of liquor as In former jears. HOWAtlD VINCENT "PDQZ PoMhln Done Quick!) A Wonderful Polish for PIANOS FURNITURE AUTOMOBILES Sfid ?KNO At rVKNiTVi ousN vwi t sed for oicr 30 er on the highest era PIANOS Kl'nNWl RV Jtr AllTOMnilll.T J anrf "MfKniSM la cuarintecd to prcserie the AUMMI and prent It turning blue It protlu a lustar likn tn w with tli allchtest c-rfori SOr c'nt 1 eana, SI. poatpnlil sr.w riAnt. awt to sam Smv i'iyi'.ks, sits to ssioo HQWAmVIHCm xas-sts-aio at:-s4-s46 NOItTH OTII ST. wiNTKit nr.iortTs Early Rtservattoni Suggated. An.WTIC! CITY. V I & A"WJ I ev "W'httc one .tics the x Kj f nrcatcst xaiiety tit X jjj I 7 kcaicry, custom nnd sS55"?"fll'l'6 costumes." nCaftJl "jjfelil Spcnd onr vncatlon '" CTMf SWITZERLAND'S WSmStT ' 4Im restful atmosphere ffi$VwlMi i ''? 'n'f GL'NLIT ALPINK VALLCS, 1 , WaNr 'p!t,,sJ '-Jot Wlt a luxuiiant (lota, ciaic- I 'SmiJvrPjS fu' folcst-clad lii I-. towciinK, I "' r' "&fe, snow-capped peaks; a people, one I "WW " f.'gpg n thought and puipose, yet com- I Hntjl (jS po-cd of three nationnlities, and I Wiltfl , Ju th'co tongues, with different chai- I "TT il) """ " acteristic customs and costumes I LtMTjL Qu a" tnal and moie one sees n -5, . X Verf nr Part ft rnn'nNr a r -w " t.'i 'onio llnlrl Olid' inop -- ic ec;oitio to? ro(noc ' , - i$3lk Swiss Federal Railroads - zmkrj.. m:-r ji'p-ji. - Xii:II.I.I!. N C ASI.H.I.I.. . ( MWmPf ,,fWsrW r rsmMifi - JSSSSra-iWKi'iiai ( une iiinDassaciop (ttantic City's Newest and TTtost Distinctiue 'Motel Under management Ambassudor Hotels System. On the Boardwalk, vat In the quel exclusive Chelsea residential district Hpaelous aun dtcka orlooklnc ocean Symphony concerts .very evening1 Danclnc 1n ramoua erlll and Japanese tea room Catarlnt to select clientele. Write or bookUt waiajM'iPMroMi .sSfot ATUANIIUVJI i"i", . ArvAmericarx Flaivnotcl. of DislnvraoivRealComfirt wmasifonnv ajMAua. i camcity coo. WhfferAuzMrk It us maae yoi; feel at hara. In tb "City of Ilohust Ilraltb" Hotel Morton Ocean Knd MrilnU At.. Capacity !. Derator. prlTale batha. ale.i always oom. THE PENNHURST Ocean end XllshUsn eve, Always open. Kverr apnolntmant wm. u. tium. sTsttTMAL'J LEDGEE-PHILADELPHIA,' WEDNESDAY, MARCH Fall to Steal $500,000 Gema New York, March 3 (Hy A. I) It became known last night that thieves had broken Into n steel vault In n west sldo warehouse expecting to find pearls valued at $500,000, which had been placed there for safe keeping after hnv ing been brought from France. The gems had been removed by the owners, however, twenty-four hours before the arrival of the robbers, who nevertheless carried away SoO.OOO worth of mer chandise. I A ny Intorettlnir book by n c Unit lr Btorlen 15 pas's. 17 Win trutlnnn cloth lined bound price foc. FREE ,,, DOLL with Merv book Call nt our lor or sml BOo and wp will send 1011 book nnd doll prepaid, A. W. Pomcan & Co. 10IO Ofrmanto.Tn Atis The Perfect Water raint Goes Twice as Far 2" Act Now Don't Delay!! - Join our Bicycle Club now ron.Mivo Th sonnrr you Ipf jin know jron want n wheel tlio Niirer you nro of urttlnc It vrlipn jou want HI Ilrlalit ami farly wlirn sea. on oppnsl si.oo i)pnon mil .. . "ppiire ll. 911. INI llf.UIV lllll liv for On of Dttp nrii'dful BICYCLES tJ make to choose one a nner from Each Toln the club toli and own a .nt." ni once . It oulckly pan for lleelf In car- "n-e eavd ri.?. on wrtiTi i oh nr,i'Ti- III. II.I.fOTKXTI'll (M'; Broadway Cycle Co., Inc. nsl MMiuirr -t nun lirinrnornN nrr. I.M.MM. rrfri-r." wiTi:rt Ki:oms lbemurlc "Parh j fi : i i a m ns.. 1 1 WW si.oo Ui.iitv ii iii i Xnsj Xyi ft5hcuule,N.C. A "perfectly charminc" English Inn in the glorious out of aoor Land of the Sky. Real Southern hospitality, home like informality, perfect service, concen trated comfort in an atmosphere of refinement and taste. An "all the year" resort for pleasure and sport, on. of "those uholly satisfying pluces" Perfect Golf in a Perfect Climate Grounds adjoin Ashcvillt Country Club 3n America - - fln ncjUsh. Tinn A1I.ASTIC irij V J. l la bn i i u (f u t .W't l'or.i An boiiador. At lanUa City Atnbaattt' dor. Lot Anueltu Am' haiaador, hnntn Bar bara, Alexandria, Lot 4 .w'. Man warn HOTEL ST. GHARLESi I On th I Amer. a Orean I'ront. Atlantic Cltr N J, rlun. Ldvf, K. Orom up, Trustee, Try CLAKENDON Hotel Tlrslnla ,: near neach 100 rooms, wltb lot and cold runnlu wateri private batbai UpallftOibooUlet. Monrna Ifiitrhlns HOTEL BOSCOBEL Kpvjy a:s 116 up weea-lr PhnnaJIT A K HATtlON WKKNKUWVII.I.IC. TA. mJNSET HALL f.n " ' c" SUllJt' - ""fill home comfortsi erlsp, dry lrJ beautiful mountain walka nlalahlna. eoaetlna etc Not a aanatorlum Sf"rt HfaAtir. Mar WnnNKIlHVll.hK.PA. VARIIlNflTCIN. n. p. Burlington Hotel .Aenfrtean nni Fnmnean uii, uuirBOT SINU rJ7Ltr L . I. wiui iiain KrUPATIONAJ. tlotli Helen LEARN LANGUAGES AT THE BERLITZ SCHOOL JMl CimSTMIT RTRKRT Kntranco on lth Btrtel fly tha Derlltc Method Student! learn not only to read and write, out eapcclallr to understand and to apeak the fortlin Ian auaie. TntATi LESSON FnED Our sraduatca are In constant demand fat tood-parlna: poaltlon. Clreix Shorthand. ,h,l !ptfdr' ,m Completa buainaa and aecratarlaf couraea. Day and NlahL t-iaaaea. intenilve tralnlnr Unroll l'la r?;..1"?19' UI r wrlta for full .V.Vi"!r8 na cataiotua. 10H Chmtnut Ht, J..1 valine oi vom n in err t'hlladelphl "iinJG I'RINT KM'KltTS KAHN SiSOO TO SUVn!. ..' ,n trw wffk"l o oratlnua n RrinSrS Al"."",!".1 S"'. ,',,r . ' loklfl. CI?" Mo. ,nc" 02 """"" nwi" Ka?n""I Strayer's Buslncij College rhllaelphltj Greatest Iluatneaa Mehnnl 07 heatnnt Mt. l'hon. Walnut 8H niiKiir, LK8S0SS In Enallih and FY, .."P'rl'ncefl, woman teacher. SOS N. nohi Poplar 260 W 3M . ATLAiT10 cm, N. t. NEW JERSEY SCHOOL FOK ATYPICAL CHILDREN ETNOR PAItKWAV AND RmWKR AVK. MaraaU Park. Atlantlo City, N, J? -i.?i.JSti,S1 1 adjustment where -dallied Individual medical and educational treatment and tralnlnr. oomblneawlth tha jnorat nroualltlea of Attantlo Cltr ell" SJii,.i,,Jmu at" ,h? reatet phralral and 2'DiVidIv,Pmnt. I" Pervoua and hack, warn children D-lalU aent unon atipllcalloa. Veont Men a4 TUre t"!jn.?'' Tutorln for collexa ent. and law 11 P I ref Maher J'reparatorv US S Site .!?u.r. ,,l,,!!,.l".tM, l'rlptlo literature. "Thai Old Kellable," mnlled freo on requeet Pa-1 rpi j should contract AT OM'K to aacure hlrka from choice early hatches. i Wi: DO CUSTOM HATCHING llae your Incuhatlnir doni hv experts, rompartmenta holdlnc 180 exjs. J0.50. Hrlnu our rsex now . ORCHARD POULTRY FARMS on-!.1 '".V1. "tfher In the ( Ity) :wnr iiiiwt Mtreet. riiiiiidfii.htn. r FARM AND GARDEN FARM AND GARDEN ' IkalthVnp VlboroiJ0 ?L Beautiful Trees Rciutlrul trees Increne the value of your property. Buy big fellows that eire Immediate shade The Keystone Nurseries offer a complete stockof Nor way Maples, Elms, American Lindens, Tin Oaks, Shrubbery, and Ererirreens Including Koster's Blue Spruce and Oriental Spruce. Write for catalog. B. T. BARR A CO. KETSTONE hUUERIU E.i 17, Laacaiter, fa. PARCEL POST sss Painless J?. its to those mfferlnir with tooth troubles are assured If you lne yonr ttsth without coat. my long xperlenca to modarn meth-i ods to nait or mate rials and up-to-dato appllancei nnd. It Is plain to b teen why I un called Ainav lea's roreraost Dsntlst Crown & Bridge 95 to SO Work DR. HYMAN 9th & Market Sts. and Brnnchea Onen 9 A. M. I P M, rtnnuaja LesterOlayer EONARDr LAYER Inniirucliireil In I'lilliulelpliliit hnrenln In iihi il I'lnvero mill I'lnnoi, I.htri atorl. of lalklns; Mudilnri, I'lajer Holla nnil ltrruriU on liaiul, F. A. NORTH & CO. 1813 E. Allegheny Ac. 213G N. Front St. BIIASS BtUS REFINISKED rehirriurred nnd re iialrrd equal tu newi tlrat-rluea nnrk runr Hiileeil. Send postal, mm vtlll mil Crass Polishing Co 1 1 10 .Set oiul .Sr Upholstering natru tion nnd pnltilinz f ti'il rurmturtt uur si!1 ihIi i innt orKiiiunilip mot ii leran prlo a I t uur lep reaentatlta rail and estimate Industrial I'phol.A Kurn. to.! now Hniirn nnd Kattory i 116 V 10th It. "V ' or phone Wftlmit 11 'H DIAMONDS BOUGHT" ' Hrlng ut v i r ittanionda If ou want to realise the lu,'lnl poaslblo price for them I No mailer hni uthera tell ou they are worth, Ket our price before you all Wa pay 11 n tu lloo 00 for each diamond more than olhra pay He ua uiul bo onWnrrd We bu hir aliape or color Pawn tirU. a for d amnnrta bnurlt I KKI I.V A I O ( l I. 013 ( IIKHTVl'T 8T. ' riinne Witlinit 1311 hillt-e 111.33 , F'rlT-t- iinii 3d fl'ior, nrer rhllde' Heat u8.iniMu PRIZE CUPS MEDALS ZJ! Sunerlnr Ouiilll' M'ork. mailable ArtUtlc Dealsn mtd Hnlh lluaranteed. The RANKIN CO. II IK Chestnut 81 . Ptilla. Tatalne 1 rre I'lmnei iilnitt li07i IIIUIINHOS (Ill'hOI', ( I HIIION lll'.l'.l, II.ATK CO, l.'SO Illbert HI.. I'lillu., 1'a. 25c Fair Cushion Heel Vlatee that build UP worn ahoe heels at half cost of rubber heels, A child tan put them on S else pairs. 00 eta. lVear irell Nn worn lalhir to pull off. WRAPPING .? Spr B' 'wln -Trr I'M Ooiea, aotlet Pane, L ffWlfffWff 3, 1920 FORST IS FIRST EASILY AMERICA'S LARGEST EXCLUSIVE MOTOR TRUCK DISTRIBUTOR NOTHING BUT TRUCKS THAT'S WHY WE CAN MAINTAIN OUR PROM ISE TO GIVE YOU AFTER-SALE SERVICE UN EQUALED BY ANY OTHER TRUCK DEALER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FORST BROS., Inc. DISTRIBUTORS 822 North Broad St. Branches Washington, Norfolk, Pittsburgh D. C. Va. Penna. STKAMflltir NOTICES pSOUTH, AMERICAN Steamers of the United States Shipping Board will be despatched for KAZIL, URUGUAY and ARGENTINE J PUBLIC ai below: FOR BUENOS AYRES MOCCASIN (a), 8,000 tons displacement. March 10 ror RIO JANEIRO, SANTOS, MONTEVIDEO and BUENOS AYRES CALLAO (a), 12,000 tons. March 15 MARTHA WASHINGTON (b), 15,000 tons. March 30 HURON (b), 17.000 ton.. April 20 (a) 1st Claaa only, (b) 1st. 2d and Sd Class. For paasaoe rote and olhir particulars opplu to aiv PoMsenjir Agency or to MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE, Agents raseenier Department, 8!'02 Heater St.. New York J? ' NIPPON YVSSNKAISHV ..ssdiBW. V afsaBPaBC -ActrV T&ESrTf-C-v "CZ-J AIJU1 rBKlORT mHU ta tba Fa Bast rorlalflitly aw Tork ! tba Orteat U raaaaaa tnm-tOr. miu. huiim 'Naw Y , nrltlili Indian rarta Moathl. ru rvtlsulara ot Fasaasa or frtlsM Applr to Oompan'a Offlcea 17 BROAIJWAT. KKW TOUK. Um.WAT KXCHANOK. CIIICAOO. OOLMAM DDILUINO. nsUTIXB. IMMLiNis EARN:LINiE AMERICAN LINE U. S. ShippmeljTard Steel Sleanen Kant Mixll Rtenmera NEW YORK PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON Philadflnhi.t .Mar. l3!Apr.10iMr.y 8 New York . . Mar. 26 Apr. 17May 13 St.-Paul Mur.27'Apr.2iMay22 Sr. ttK-n&W Mongolia .".'.Apr.ipl Philadelphia-Liverpool .ivnrnnnl West Pool Mar 10 I Iteuina Mar. 2G Andalusia Mar. 31 Hacrford Apr. 5 I Philadelphia-Glasgow Ifialaliiul Mar. 8 Eastern Sea Mar. 20 1 Philadelpltia-Hambuiff I Wct Wauncke Mar. 12 ! West Celeron . .... Mar. 27 RED STAR LINE N CY YORK SOUTHAMPTON ANTWERP Kronnland . Mar. 17 Apr. 24 M.jr 29,Jul 3 Finland . .Mar.24Msy tiJuna S July 10 Lapland Apr. 3 May 8 Jonel2Mulr 17 Zetland . . I .'JunelO July 24 PhiladelpYiu-Antwerp Nockum r. 8 West Waunekc Mnr. 12 Nenier Mar. IS Western Plains Mar. 20 West Celeron Mur. 27 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE Philadelphia-London Eastern Shore Mnr. 8 j Western Maid Mar. 20 I Mahopac Apr. 5 I Holland-American Line Philadelphia-Rotterdam V .Steamer MarclilApril I WHITE STAR LINE NEW YORK CIIERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON Adriatic Mar. ZOjApr. 24'May 29 July 3 i.v ionic r.irEitroni. I Cedric . ... .Mar. 6 Apr. 10 Baltic Mar. 13 Apr. 17.May 22'june 26 Orisna ,, , End Apr.. ... I . Celtic . . . .May 15Jone 19'july 24 NEW YORK AZORES GIBRALTAR NAPLES GENOA Canopic . .Mar. 16Moy lllJuly i) Crctic . ...Mar. 31Moy 26July 21 INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY ttaa.a.Mfvaa fsM. t i ft VI.. I -a. lit Treliht omee. 40tt-8 Bourne nidi.; I'lilU. ' feadauarlers since ttlt STEAMSHIP TICKETS ESCORTED PARTIES SPECIAL CRUISES m0Ktd I VB " cr? '.slnCar-rtnNsSi liCARt 'm J -"r - -a. .- wi ii - - " .aavsaaaaalaMaaaasm.Weaaatas Jy s b Jr W i O ! FIRST8 i Sw ANY SIZE BTKASHHH MtTiri PASSENGER SERVICEn Fast Palatial Pass.njer Steamships of 21,000 torn to JAPAM.CMINA And MANILA From Seattle to Hong Kong via . Yokohama. Kobe. Nagasaki, Shanghai and Manila BEKTICM General Cargo Regular Servico ' "V mrtucnesier A Steamer March Philadelphia-Havana S S Coquina " Loading ' 3 S-UKe rOXDOrO". . . Mr. 5 b l S "J-aKe Ualera" . . . Mar. 20 a rm lit jak, . .. For rates and particulars' apply Larn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St PHILADELPHIA, PA. GREEN STAR LINE Greek - Adriatic Ports Piraeus, Salonica & Trieste Other Porta iL"IiiiiHT52nt Offer Sailing From Philadelphia U. S. Shippinf Board Sttel Steamtrs SS "Znrembo" Loading S S "Jomar".About March 20 Tor 1'urlher Purtlculura Apply CHAS. KURZ & CO.. Inc., Amnh 10th lloor. Drexrl Hide . rhllii. Phont: Lombard 5104 Main 1 520 BERMUDA deal Winter Vacation Kitort FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Fast twin screw, palatial ateainera S.S. "FORT HAMILTON" 11 000 Tona Displacement Falllne from evr York every Wednesday S.S. "FORT VICTORIA" ... 14 000 Tons Dlaplacainent Salllnt from New ork every SaturrtHv No pasaports reoulrwl for Hermu la lor further partloutara apply to rURNESS BERMUDA LINE furneaa llouae, Wliltehall Ht New Tork NOTICK--XII1,: AMEHK AV HTliA M IS n "KITTEOALM" from llatoum etc ar riveil at PnlladelphU IVlirunrv ju Hnrl' win discharge under aeneral order C'onnlnn... ahould call at this olflce. surrender ' bills of lading pav freight and receive delivery order, a I no Hie their permits with ua uoods not claimed by In m Monday March iar will be atored or left on dock or cars at rial! na expense or owners therrnr All bar. A..a BB liarallU a. .!... L . w ? ' Dental Hygiene KOOM1 Teeth Cleaned Only HthHoor 1208 Chestnut St, Children and Families by -. . early Conlrmt Iljslrne Trratment for l'ysrrliea ' or truitln any ot the crew as no debts o? I neir cnnirartina win na pa d hv the caiiiain c.r C1IAHI.KS Kimz 4 CO INC a,enta llll IH'I lllla4TlaJf(lt " JDcatfjs ArjJtmaEn. March I. TWU,tAlt huaa nd of Alice and son of laro rwiln aiJ annah AJburirer. Funeral Thuri . 8 3ftWJ i ' Sir1 PJfTcMl . fl.0nin requiem mal t. Kttmond'a Church 10 a. m. Int. lioij 1IARKBR. March 1. nRllKOCA C (nM Urr). wMnnr nt tnt.nh ll.n... ".r...n? ni "ltnia lnyd to funeral services Tours i 2 p .!?.' .residence of nlco. Jlrs. II. Itosijl ner. Boo N. 2d st. Int. Monument Cemk DARrtr. March 1 Bolornn hlah mass Bt. Elisabeth's Church l4 R. m. Int. Holy Cross Com. ' IIICKEL March 2. AMY H . wife ef John niokel. Relatives nnd frlendi InvllM to funeral service?. Thura . a n m, mm lllllem. aV"' f'lvato. "West Laurel vPr5hK,-l Doylestown, March 1, Ri'Wi DI.?LAN' Be(, .70 Helatlves an friends Invited li fun.r.l Th.,.. n . -1 K,",!2JI;0. oftnry 11I. cor. 'Htftte' tni Church ats., Doylestown, r. Requiem man Int. adjoining1 cem ULACKWOOD. At JTrliil. N J . Marph t CIARKNCn DLACkWoOD RSlitlvjr.n'i friends Invited to funeral. Trl.. 11 " m ?ervlcea at houa. Wienda may call Thurs , T to u p. m. Urlatol papers copy, RT.RTO.Vt. no TAltfn Tf t....... . Maraaret Ill.w Vw rw.mmI 'n.intiUA. .i frleuds, emplojes American ' Kxprees Cn i A. O. jf.. DIv. 10, invited to funeral tl i.oo a. m., 1704 Johnson st. Bolemn r. ?.,ll.em,n, fl(- Monica's Church 0 a. m. Int Holy Crosa Cem. EMilA HRAUNnn. Bervlcea Thura , 2 p ll'llini.tuiiiimvt l. of Clonaagloo, Queens county, Ireland Kn. neral Thurs.. 7.30 a. in., 1904 8 53d at. Bolemn hlith mass of requiem St. Kdmond a Church I) a m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. CltANTNnr. r.rfc i TVTT.T.rAvr ... husband of Sophia II. Cha'nlnal t"unoral ni '" nurs . 10 a. m., unver ii. jiair n dr . 16J0 Chestnut at. Int. private. .COOK March 1. MOSES r. hnibjnd n( Knthanne cook. aed M Relatives and friends, all orders of which ho was a, mm ber. Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2pm. Bo ??,weJ.' ' Wlsslnomlni. Int. North Cedar Hill Cm nrtvsTnr.T.v nr.i. i oAvwir .. . of Thomas Connolly, nelatlvcs and frlemN Invited to funoral, Trl , 8 10 a, m., resldenra Mrs. It. Downing-, 2437 K Cumberland ii noiemn requiem mass nt. Ann's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Crosa Cem. COtTT.TirtT. Jtart n TAfVCf k,,.l.RHA .. Lucy Coulter, funeral' services Frl . a . n et. Int Mt Morlah tem. rrh 1 liini.ip i. h J of Kathryn Scollln CulUn, aged no, 2U2 ,'i t'lenaani avo , vi ,Mry. uisn ma llnlV PrOa. Plltin.h T.l On n. Tt.l fVA Cal(iral Cem r.lniirtlTV t...u nn v.Anr u- .a Jai.iea Dougherty. Funeral Thurs , R 30 a m , 2811 Aramtngo ave Solemn high mini of requiem Church of St. Ann 10 a, in Int Holy Cross Cem. DUNN. March 1, RM.IK TI (ne Clsvl, wlfo of. Harry S. Dunn. Relative- and friends Invited to funeral eervllee. Thura . 2 P m . 137 N' Paxon et. Int private. ISnUAR March 2 MIMA T . widow of William Rdgar, aged Ml Funeral Trl . 2 "0 P m, 720 Robins nvcr , lawndalo Int Northwood Cem. I5IMER.VAN, Feb 20 CHARI.KS IT niMEHMAN. aged ni. Tuneral services Thurs , 100 a m 4810 riorence n: Int prlate, Mt. Vernon Cem. Frlonds may call Wed , 7 to to p. in . EVANS March 2 JONATHAN CLKAVRn husband of Kllinbeth A i:nn- 1'iini-ral eervlcea Thura , 2 p m . 117 Montgomery ave, Cynwyd Pa. Int private rtSHRR Feb 28 MARTHA H wife nt late William P I Isher and dnughter of lata Jarvts and Mary Kills, aged 08. formerly nt rishervllle. Pa Funeral service. Thur' , 2 P m., 134 N. Iloblnaon et. Int. private, FRIES March 1 KMni.INK daughter of late Phlnens and Almlrn Fries FuneMl services, Thurs , 11 a, in , 1001 Diamond st. Int nlite FUCH8. March 1, ROSE wlfa of Oeorge Fuchs (neeE'kert) Funeral Thura., 8 3d h m . 3010 N, 7th at Hlih maae St. Henry s Church 10 a m. Int Holv Releemer Cem t OAIXAOHKR March 2. MICHARI. T husband of Pathnrlne Oallagher (nee Phi', lips). Relatives and friends 20th Diet Pi lice OHIcera. InMted to funeral, Sst , 8 .11 a m., 1807 Ranstead al, Solemn requiem masa St. Patrick's Chutch 10 a. m Ini Holy Cross Cem. OALL-EST1I.,!. March 1. I.TDIA I wl a of Joseph If, (loll Relatives and friend", all organizations Invited to funeral servl-ei I'rl., 1 p m . Hi'OS Dlttman st . Hntmesburc Int private, Churchvlllo. Pa. Friends insv Mew remains Thurs 8 to 11) p. ni , OBART. March 1. WII.UAK H son of Anna Harvey and Into lMnard "W. Rearv. aged 17. Relatives and friends Iml'ei! to funeral services Thurs , 1 p. m . 1C20 N. 12th at Int. private, Chelten Hill. Cem arur.VHriI.MEH Suddenly lUrtu I. FItCDERICIC C . liusband of Agnes Geaan. hlmer aged S3 HelathCH and frlepdi Mitchell Lodge. No 20S. F and A M Phlla. Consistory. A. A S R of F l U'oshlntgon Camn Nn H81 I O. S of A Court Ludlow. No 278. F of A ; Phlla Butchers' Vereln, Invited to funeral, Ihura . P m , 228(1 N, 12th at. Funeral sen.cea First Reformed Church, and Dauph a etr . 1 p m. Int. private OKR8TLAUBR Feb 21 WAI.TKU A son oi Fred and lato Wllhelmlnu Oerstlauer (nee Link), aged 24. l"unernl Thura i' o m . residence of parents 10I0 N Oih ' hit rjreenmount Cem OII.BERT. March 2 ELIZAIIETH. wldov of Thoman W Gilbert aged 7S RelilivM nnd friends Invited to funeral aervlces Frl 2 30 p m . residence of aleter, 4fl31 (lrlacom st. Frankford Int East Cedar Hill Cem Friends ray call Thurs oe. OOIJX 'ITH t Atlnntlo City. V I. March 8MON husband of Lillian S (loldamlv axed 02 Relatives und frlenlt Invited to funeral Ihurs , S.l,'. n in , 0 Pla Place, AtlantIo City. Inl Adath Jeshur m Cem . l! f 0 a. ni fiOR.MVN -Feb. 29, SARAH A. wl'- t Daniel P. Horman. Tunoral Thura . 2203 i 17th et Solemn high masa St Monica s Church 10 n. in. Int. Holy Cross Cem URAL'ER March 2 FDVA M v.l of Tacob (I Orauer and daughter of Oeorx- e I Marie -chlnn, residence of parents 7J.' v Tork st Due notice Mter. OREKN Mtrch 2 I OUItA I' ' t Frank 11 Oreen agtd C3 Funeril ar n Frl , 2 p m 30JH N Iv. rence si I aieeninntmt i'em View remains Thura - HAIinHIT At 22J7 N n.'d st Marcl ' ELLA MAdOON wife of Hheward llaseri luneral servlcea Tliura , J n in St sinli I hurih, Rain P.i Int private. Omit do HALDERMAN Minh 2 CORAM w'a of Samuel 11 Halderman of Llanenh Manor. Pa Funeral parlors Charles M Htuard Ardmore Pn Moil , 2 p in Ini private HAMILTON' March 1. JOHN J bus. hand of Salllo Hamilton (ne MiKenn Rtlatlvea and friends Invited to funeral Fil . 8 10 a m , 304'. N Orlenna at Hlrh nma of requiem It Veronica's Church 10 a m Int Ht Dominic's i'em HANCE At Coatesvllle Ta , Feb i' TinNRY HANCE. nged 70 Relative- a id friends Invited to funeral without further nutlie. Rodgers Funeral Parlors. Hoi dm town N. J, Thura, 1 P in lilt llord n town Cein HAYTER Feb 28 CLINTON hmlu 1 of l.llllun Hayier Helativea and frl nH Lodge FasunL Tribe No Mt) I O It 'I , InMted to funeral servh e Thurs. J P i" ROI1 Upland st Int lrnwood I em I'rlxida may view remains Wed eve , HENDERSON March 1 SL'i: wife I Samuel J Henderaon Iuneral I'rl . m 4""2 N l.'.th st Int private HESS Marrh 1 ANNIE L , wife of 1 ie; odoro Hess Relative and friends lnvii-I to funeral Thurs 8 30 m , 2U14 Poplar et Mass St Francla a Church 10 a ml Westminster Cem I rleuds may cll " J eve HODOE. At Plalnfleld N J Feb ", ROltEItrA.V, wife of ltamond D Ilod Servltea Tliura , 12 noon parents iai dence 4013 Hazel ave West Phlla I ' private West Laurel Hill Cem HOPKINS -Feb 29 MARIA I deugi r lato John nnd Catherine Hopkins ileum i and frienda, II V .M Sodality, Si r ! ward's Church Invited to funeral Ihura 8 80 a m 2B0J N ilth at Solemn requie n mass Ht. Edward's Chuich 10 a m I New Cathedral Cem JONES Entered into rest on M in Mi i 1 In Bermuda, .NORMAN .MUItl"ir KALNI7. March 2, HYMAN huslaid " Ina Kalnlz aaed ni Itehtlvua J friends LOOM N'o 54 Moaoa Mnntlfo ldge I O 11 S Lndv Waalilunlim ' n N'o 1 Invited to funeril Thurs 2 V 1323 N .'3d al Int liar Nibo Cem KEEfJAN March 1 I El ITI " ' William Keegan and daughter of let" " . Hani and Huaan Mock Relatives and friar Invited to funeral, Frl J n P . JT-'H "" . land st Frankford Int North Cedar ' Cem Remains may be leed Thura e KOIILER March 1 MAX ROHEIII' h band of Emma Kohler (neo Kpenlfl Uvea and friends Mlnnawa Trlba Nn 7 (' R. M , Invited to funeral servleei 7' . 2 p in 2144 7lh st Int Nnrtnw I l,,iOLM-On Maich 2 MARY P '"'Vi widow of lain William V Kolm .J,u"r '" servlcis on Friday at 2 v in ,"e"',i?.,, 1817 E Moyamenslng avo Int prl Friends may call Thursday eve KUIIL Msrch 2 MART 0 . wife of J"; eeph Kuhl and daughter of Jams; and li. Kerwan aged 20 Relatives and friends s sooletles o? Ht. Auaustlna's Church JnV lo funeral Fr . 8.30 a m. 60S I Wood jr Holemn requiem mass, Pt Aiu"n" Church 10 a ro Int. Holy Cross Cem LADNF.R Feb. 20, t Carllilf r LOUIS A. hushani of Bertha B If1i,,r0 aged B8 Relatlvea and frienda i'fi'" funeral services, Frl . 2 P m Prlors l.n Mack, 060 N tith st , PhlU Int. P""" Omit flowers ..-. . i. of LFO Feb 20 (JERTRUDF: A wIM "I Charlea J. Leo and daughter of ( 'hsrlei Anna Schsmpp, aged 20 I "uneral JJS'f,, 2 p. m., 0308 Rlalnr Hun ave.. fZilt Phils, int. nr vale. 1'rlends rail Wed te( LEVY Marrh - HF.NniHTTA w . Simon Ivy (nee Ilaum), aged 70 ,n,'"f"i ; Frlmmal Ijdgs, rt lj A . "tlttd to funf ; Prl.. JO a m,. 1BJ5 Courtiand it. PI. " yate. omit nowars . .-vu r MMUIIUnNKn.t-,Mreli 1, AVF.XIH, ', m ,". Mrrh l, J. JOSHPIt, ann et ' Jamen and Jennie Harry nolatlvsa an4 friends. Court Kalrmounl. r. of A.j Altai 1S& "fSSFaSWfc ln.vlteU.0 unrl Vt, VM hntnalstr Kjr. Ay near Beach. BMV. Wwte' Thono Wivlnut 6(65 -' ftxut u wjiiy.f 9U wjily.j J.W j duy. C. BwM enKMjmaoMm Kl, a b. m.. 3iT(, ittfj"- f"' P1,vf,T, n fTr(v- ' u.i. js.u. j.i.. it. 'V v . . T"r tr mm&tM ' n tllrMiht. nj ' - !.' r i ht,'u 3 " ns'JlL5L'"''a ."it-. .v'Vy'''--1'"' in. Vu4 i-, . '" 7a--r -- - ft k'o rWifjSrfu A JCi-"T'Htteu' ',' 'T V ,lr f r Wlrw '-v "" r tlf UP Ta--, m. . aTMiaa tiA ti rfH' ' sPPMBMyW'WflWil. i ' ,ii-..i it r fwysjie 'a , w.v