V , S2 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA-. TUESDAY, MABOH 1920 1( L' t (V :&- .$ v.- it i: t W " W "." ftf tw i r- bV r i .c M I" fc v ;. $3,000,000 Brooklyn Edison Company, Inc. General Mortgage Gold Bonds (Ten Year) Series B To mature) January 1, 1930 To b dated January 1, 1920 Intaraat payable January 1 and July 1. The Company, In ao far as permitted by law. will pay Intereit without deduction for any Federal Income Tax not In ezceea of 2 ft. Coupon bonds In denominations of $500rand 91.000; bends of 11,000 retjsterabla as to principal only. Fully registered bonds In denomi nations of fl.OOO. S.0OO and 110.000. Coupon bonds of $1,000 and registered bonds Interchangeable. Redeemable at the option of the Company upon thirty days notice at 105 and interest on any interest date. Series A Bonds hare been listed on the Ne- York Stock Exchange and application will be mad to list these Series B Bonds Total General Mortgage Bonds Authorised. Jl00.000.000. Outstanding. Series A S, $5,500,030. Series B 9 (this Issue), 93,000,000 Central Union Truat Company of Now York, Trustee TpOl information regarding these Bonds, reference J- is made to a letter from Mr. M. S. Sloan, President of the Company, which is here briefly summarised, and copies of which may be had upon request: Brooklyn Edison Company, Inc., docs all the elec tric light and power business in the Borough of Brooklyn (except the Twenty-ninth Ward), City of New York, serving a population estimated at over 1,600,000. The Company or its predecessors have been successfully engaged in supplying electric light and power since 1885. The General Mortgage Bonds are the direct obliga tions of Brooklyn Edison Company, Inc., and are secured by a mortgage on all its real and personal property now owned or hereafter acquired, subject only to $11,096,000 underlying bonds. The Genera' Mortgage closes the mortgages securing these under lying bonds, no more of which may be issued. Junior to the General Mortgage Bonds, there are outstanding $1,693,700 Debenture Bonds and $17,306,300 Capital Stock. Dividends have been paid at the rate of 8 per annum since 1904. The quoted prices for these securities indicate a present market equity over and above these General Mort gage, teonds of about $18,000,000. The Company has authorized $5,000,000 Series B 6 Bonds and the Public Service Commission for the First District of the State of New York has ap proved their issuance; additional Bonds may be issued for refunding purposes and for 80 of the cost or reasonable value, whichever is less, of addi tional property or securities of similar companies. In no event may additional Bonds be issued for property or securities unless net earnings, as defined in the mortgage, have been at least twico the annual interest charges upon all outstanding underlying mortgage bonds and all Bonds issued under this General Mortgage, together with those applied for. Additional Bonds may be issued only upon authori zation of the Public Service Commission. The table below shows the growth of the Company's earning power and the favorable relation between income and interest charges on its funded debt: Calendar Gross Year Earnings 1915 $7,000,814 1916 8,904,808 1917 8881055 1918 8,854,301 1919 10,850,114 Opera tint Expenses, Taxes and Plant Rescrre $4,669,030 5,014,050 5,011,982 6,162,446 7,499,102 Gross Income $2,431,284 3,190,758 2,869,073 2,691,856 3,361,012 Interest on Funded Debt $791,176 683,540 711,241 715,374 954,791 Balance $1,640,109 2,607,218 2,157,832 1,976,482 2,396,221 Gross Income for the last five years has averaged more than 3 Unles the interest on the Company's entire funded debt. For 1919 the Gross Income was more than 3 times the annual interest charge on the General Mortgage Bonds, including this issue, and all underlying bonds. Price 92 and interest, to yield over 1 ,Whn, as and if issued and received by us. It is expected that Temporary Bonds of $1,000 denomination will be ready for delivery about March 10 All leial dlail: perioininr. lo this issue will be subject to Ike approval of Messrs. Stetson, Jennings e Russell, r Sev York. Guaranty Trust Company of New York 140 Broadway FIFTH AVENUE OFFICE Fifth Avenue and 43rd Street MADISON AVENUE OFFICE Madison Avenue and 60th Street LONDON LIVERPOOL PARIS HAVRE BRUSSELS Clayton F. Banks, Philadelphia Correspondent, 421 Chestnut Street We da not iurntce the statements and flrurri contained herein but th' are tal.r from sources hlch vrc helleJ to be u cur-ite Republic of France Progress in the recovery of France from the World War has already given fresh evidence of .he characteristic vitality of the French people. We are receiving subscriptions for account of the French Government to The New French Internal 5 Loan of 1920 Redeemable within 60 years by semi- '' annual drawings beginning September ' IHth. 1920 at 150 which is equivalent to 1500 franca for each 1000- franc bond Subscriptions are payable in dollars at the rate of exchange fixed each day by the French Financial Agency in the United States, which is based on the closing rate of exchange for the previous day. This price will be announced daily in these advertisements. Pricfc Today $70.42 per 1000 Franc Bond At the normal rate of exchange the cost of this bond to the American investor would be $19.1 Our interim receipts calling for temporary bonds nf the French Government will be issued against payment in full in dollars. BROWN BROTHERS & CO. Fourth and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA Closer Prices Closer Terms Closer Collecting That is the trend of sound trade. That is the consensus of opinion expressed in letters we recently received from hundreds of leading manufacturers and wholesalers in every part of the country. Men with the vision to foresee any reactive tendencies of business usually have the fore sight to safeguard their resources against such reaction. They welcome the complete Protection and Sen'ice afforded by the American Company's Credit Insurance. It will pay Manufacturers and Jbbbers to .send for the full particulars of the American's Unlimited Policy. X. AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO. or NEW YORK L M. TREAT, president "Tll COMPANY THAT IMU TW UMUMITID POLKTr" XV J. Morphy, Manager J. F. McFadden, Gen. Agl Mutual Life of N. Y. Bid. Phone Filbert 5503 Philadelphia, Pa. . Pllrt SLUMP IN AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE PROFITS Earnings on Common Equal to $6.81, Against $24.17 in First Half of Yoar New Yotk, Mnrch 2. Surplus ram itiRs of the American Locomotive Co. dropped from $0,402.00S n the first half of 1010 to $1,702,170 for the last six months of the year. Tho respective equivalents on the common stock, nfter preferred dividend requirements, were $24.17 n sharo and 50.81 n share. Gross earnings for the last half of the year, amounted to $20.0a0,0R3, compared with $4n.4M,40S for the first half. For the full twelve .months tho total earnings were $70,113,681, con trasted with $108,023,521 for the fiscal jenr ended Juno 30, last. The report issued yesterday was in conformity with the company's previously announced plans to make, its fiscal year corre spond with Us calendar year. Tho balance available for dividends for the calender year was equal to $30.08 a share on the common stock, compared with $41,150 n share earned In thp last fiscal year. Commenting on the showing for the Inst half of the year, Andrew Fletcher, president of the company, said : "Tho business of the company for tho six months ended December 111, 1019, as was anticipated by the man agement, wns of low volume due to virtually n complctp nbsenco of orders from our domestic rnilwnys. The orders taken were largely from foreign rail ways, and were both on a cash and on n deferred credit basis. A larger volume of foreign orders on a deferred credit basis could have been taken, but the securities offered were of u character that in our opinion represented un usual commercial risks and were there fore declined. "The plants averaged for the six months period but 20.2 per rent ton nage production of their rated capacity and for the month of November, 1010, but 12.C per tent of capacity." Trom the $3.0.'18,?i00 profits of the last half year Mr. Fletcher said that there had been deducted n reserve of S4O1.30O for income and profit taxes. This left a net profit of $2,577,170, compared with $C,017.00S for the first half of the year. BUSINESS NOTES One of the yarn liotiara U Jnt bring ing; out skeins cut In suitable lengths for Immcdlato uso Instead of the usual lengths. The thread or yarn Is put up in envelopes. By supplying the ma terial In thH manner much valuable time, It Is pointed out. will bo saved uhlch Is now used to cut tho thread Into impropriate, length Tho new pro duct. It Is said, should appeal greatly to manufacturers who employ needle women. rtr W) f celelirntlnr It twentieth imilxersary. the Mllllnerv Jobbers' As sociation will hold what It Is salil will h the "greatest contention of mllllnerv lubbers In history" In New York on May 6, 7 and 8. Comet mniinffirtiirera lime nn com-TV-iInt to offer regarding the olume of business tendered to them, but many difficulties surround getting tho neces sary materials for manufacturing goods. If It lorn out tlint men refute to pa.r the new prices for clothing, manufac- liners profess to seo an example of an Philadelphia Markets GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Hecelpta. 40.001 'buehele. The marftet waa unchanged. Quotations were follows; Car lota, In export elevator, government standard Inspection, standard rrlcea. No. t red winter. $2.89i No. 1 north ern eprtna-, $2.30; No, 1 hard winter. J2.8Hi No. 1 red winter, garlicky, J2.JTS No. 1. red emutly, 12.30; No, 1 red, garlicky and mutty. $2.34, Tho United States drain Corporation purchases of wheat are baaed on tho following schedule of dlacounta; No. 2 wheat, Se under No 1, No. 8 wheat, flo under No. lj No. 4 whe?t, lOo under Nn, 1; No. B wheat. 14o under No. 1. CORNnecelpta Id 77ft buahets. fluppllea were email and the market ruled Arm but quiet. We nuolo new, as to duality Mid lo cation, at ) S3&1 08, tho later for No. 2 yellow . OATS Iterelpts, 12.412 bushels The mar ket a quiet but nrm under light offering Quotation: Oar lot, as to location No. 3 white. S1.6j1.024, No. 3 white, SI, 101 1.10ll(:Ne. 4 white. 10t,OOU. riX)UIl Itecelpta. 1,010,430 pound In sMck. The market w dull and unchanged, with bualneae chiefly In ipot good available below mill limits Tho following wero the quotation: Per 1V0 lb , packed In 140-lb. iut eacka Soft wnter straight, weatern, 10.73(711,23: do, do. nearby, SlO.OSifll: hard winter, straight, J.I2W12.50; do, short patent, tlSCHB.fiO: spring first, clear, 10,30 10; do, patent, I12BO18.10: short, pat ent. $13.301318 73: fancy spring and. city mllla patent, famllv brands, 114 10'?14.40. TUNC PLOUn. iwld alowly st former rales We quote at JDB0 23 per barrel In ack. PROVISIONS .Trade waa quiet and largely of a lobbing character but price were ateadlly held. Th quolallona1 Deer, In set, amoked and air dried. nOo; beef, knuckles and tender, amoked and lr-drd, 81c: pork, family, B2o: name, 8 r, cured, looee, 274328c; do, ekjnned. looee 2314 sr2flo: do, do, amoked, 2BH 028c, ham, boiled, honelc, 30c: pic nlo ahouldera, fi. I. cured, loose, 21c: do, smoked, 22c: bellle. In pickle, looae, 23c. breakfast bacon, 32c; lard, 24Hc DAIRY PRODUCTS nUTTPin Tho market ruled steadv at the lets dectine with sufficient lobbing demand to abeorh the limited receipts Quotations: Holld-packed creamery, fanry, high-scoring, finite, OCSOSc; extras, 03c: extra llreta, 02 flic; firsts, flOOSOo: seconds, BOfitlUc; swpel creamery, choice to fancy, (lfWOSe: fair to good, SlWO'lc; print Jobbing at 73 (27Sc for famy and at 62 (f 72c for fair to choice EGOS Offerings were more liberal ond the market waa, again weaker, but fine fresh stock met with fair sale at reUsrd figure. Quotations: Tree cases, nearby nrats, J18 per crate: nearby current receipts. 1 17,40: western eitra nrsta. I17.4O017.B1; weatern firsts, 10 H0iTlfl.O3; selected fresh fitgs Job bing at 00808c per dozen; cold storage eggs luminal I'HIIKHB vas In fair request and alesdv Quotation: New York whole-milk flats, held, fancy 31c. fancv held dpc11s higher: held 'a'r tn.soJd.SOdSO', c, current make, nom- nai, Wisconsin, whole-milk Hats. held, fancy. higher, held, fair fancv helri nrlal to. good, flotation c. Jobbing aalea of fancy 81c to held goods 83($34c POULTRY I.1VB Fancy ftj.t stock wa In Rood de mand and firmer with supplies well under tuitroi. wuotauon: row, una rat, jip 45c. do. Inferior. 40&4tc. broiling chicken. fancy. sott-meateM. weighing 1H2 lbs, apiece, 330Oc: spring chickens, average, soft-moated, 43043c; do. Inferior. 40041a; etaggy oung roosters 30082c; old roosters, 23020c: ducks, white Tekln, 44046c: do, Indian runner, 40642c, do, Musocvy, 800 S.'c; turkeys, 40043c pigeon, old per pair, 35c; do, young, per pair, 45080c. DnKSSED Kino freeh-kllled stock waa well cleaned uu and firm. The quoUtlona follow: Fowl. fresh-killed. dry-picked. In boxes Weighing 4 lb and oer apiece, 40c, weighing 3H lbs , 373c; weighing; 4 lbs., 33033c row la fresh-killed, In bbl . dry-picked Weighing 4 lbs and oor apiece 3l)Hc; weighing 3Vi lbs, 80087c: weighing :t lb., 32V 3 Ic Old roosters, ary-plcked. 28c. llrollera, Jersey, drj-plcked, CBOiinc; do. ordinary nearby dry-packed B033 llroller. weatern. dry-packed, weighing m 02 lbs. apiece. 4803Oo. Uoaatlng chickens, western, dry-packed, In bbl. Weighing 4 ba. and ever .apiece, 80037c; weighing 8'i lbs apiece 34 033c- weighing 3 lbs apiece. :14033c. weighing 2U lbs. apiece, 41042c Western, corn-fed thickens. 12 to boa. 17 lbs and under to dnon per lb 4.104Sc 18 to 24 lbs to dosen, per lb.. 4.'WIHc: 2.". to 30 lb to dozen per lb 400 12c, 31 to 30 lbs. to doien. per lb . 83030c. 37 to 42 lbs to dosen, per lb 350 inc. 43 to 47 lb to drzen. per lb., 330,10c, 4s lbs. and over to aorcn, .mtiuc. i.apona weatern Weigh ' ' ' w LOCAL MINING STOCKS , TONOPA1I STOCKS Tlld Cash Boy .,...,.,, ,, ,07 uiier , 21 43 13 00 10 , -55 TononnK in t.i '... . .et Knd ... Tu West Tonopah .., i..OO tMVlDB STOCKM Allied OU Ida f,3 Jim MscNamara uaway Mlsmh Extenalon Montana ....,,., norm Btar Itescue Kula Alto Divide listener , , lien Hur .'!. " Sr.uh divide .,;..; D v do Kxienslon .... S v 5" Syndicate Divide Con Dividend .;.;;;; past Divide :::; Haabrouck Divide .. . High Divide ....". nevert Dlvldo Heno -Divide ., ! ..... Itoaetta .... silver King ...i'" '" Tonopsh Dlvldo .. Tnnppah ifasbrouck .. Victory Divide Verde DUIdo ... Zone. , , ,ni .in .01 1B5I 02 .113 .10 .01 02 .02 .tr. .02 .02 .03 2'i .10 .OS .11 .23 OOI.DFIEr.D HTOCKH ni lt.l. lllue Bull .... nooth ...;;;.; cod ....::;;;;;;;; Combination Fraction . CrackerJack Dlainondflold JJ B .... Daisy Floranca noldflfld Cons .. Oo dneld Merger "old Development . Oreat Bend Jumbo Intension nqnanns Ask .00 .23 ,03 .17 .11 .12 .10 2 OS .01 04 12 04 H .03 .1)4 .12 (14 01 01 .17 .0.1 .04 .01 2U 12 Oil 12 .23 .08 lon star Oro Bed Kills . fllver Pick Spearhead nparo Arizona United Kdert Mother l.ode . Nevada Itlll . Nevada Band . Nevada Wonder Promontarlo . , Teropa Mining Whlto Cipa . . . MISCELLANEOUS .02 .03 .05 .00 .02 01 ,0.1 .03 .00 .OS .01 02 .02 03 .2. .80 .1? 15 02 04 .12 14 02 03 Oil II V n'j n .01 03 .Ot 02 .01 ,0 .17 111 .01 .07 l. I'i 1 3 2(1 'i i 41 51) .112 0t 20 2'N GOVERNMENT BONDS Panama coupon 2s. 1030 . ranama regiatered 2 1038 Panama coupon 2a. 1038. ., Panama registered 2a. 1038 Panama coupon 8a, 1001.,, , Panama regiatered 3a, 1001 , Philippine 4a, 1084,.;.,,. , Philippine 4, 1033 . Philippine 4s 1030 .. . U R Gov coupon 2a, 1030. 11 H Oov rejistered 2. 1030 -IT a Oov toupon 4, 1023... U S Gov registered 4a, 1023 Bid 100 ion mo inn . ss 84 no nn 0(1 looj, 10()'4 100 too As, !o! '8 ni in 113 li'i I(l 101 irH 10 VI ZDcatl) . ApUrtOBn Msrch i, WILLIAM, In,,. - ".'; niuurger. runerai. wea , R lj -..... ulb ,v a ill, im, mm. St Cross Cent nJliL300 . Relatives and friend. Newi. A t.ll f.. i . UnICi1 ItQ U'n S IMfttiiriftf lnwltr.1 ( ..-"! ririfl v.i rt.i.i ..: Vi ..... '.i.' "I IneV fi-". .,1 v:-:l"J.i'' "' ' ."!" Von0CK. -.e, ,.... .Vt-( uci itiriruowil inTt Tirivnif, nr wV!NALV'77Fb- THOMAS M son ?,l3m' .nd M.tv Aaplnall. BelAllves ,3 .i lViA'. Ston'otter' Asn of 1'hlla,. B. Uted to funera . Wed. 2 P. tn 204 Da a. ware . . K.im... v . rt.iT-l. "'' can Tues. eve. n,iLT?ir"'iii 3r,1B "owell st . Wlsslno. ITJr.',' ttbl !;. LOUISA W. HALT. Fu. Bldg., 1820 Chestnut St. Int. private. irviil-w"0n.D" u 0f Pneumonia, Feb :s, P.LINtW", '""band or Jennie V. Bradfo'i iiia..i T1 runerai veu. in n. m r.v - .yiii. si, ini WVIIl, private, CathVdn! 17 1 .in .00 W Financial Briefs i ho uvernpe price nf twenty active intltivtrinl stocks mlvnnoed O.DS per icnt yesterday to 02.20. while tuentv mil roads ndvaneed 0.27 per cent to 75.01. The Xew York suhtreasiiry cninnl $5,000,000 from the banks on Momlav. reducing the cash net loss since Fri day to ? 10,010,000. Gcorst- K. Stanffcr. until recently, for several years, a uationnl bank ex aminer in this district, hns been ap pointed an nnsistunt rashier of the Fourth Street National Bank. .Tones Westling has become associated with Powell, Garard & Co., invest ment securities. mfiiicYJ W'1 .:-?'.W...l- UAA. a ..... t UIICIII A.JIUI-SJ II in lt)l. deneo Mantua, X J fATiii'ntii'i1' 7 f',1cn of hneumonla, l-ATIIL,niNn W.. wife nf T. W Il.lvln. t 002 K. Main t Cnalesvllle. Pa. Funrl servlcea at house. Thurs,. 1:30 n ni Ini servlcei tirtvnta T..Il,2&AJ?i".,n .. Doyleatown. Marrh I, J-'-LEN IHQLAN. aged 70. Itelatlve anj friends Invited to funeral, Thurs., 0 a tn ; ir-,".,.',I2C0. "' nry Fell. cor. Stale nnj ShV.C't 8t,'V, Doylestown. Pa. Requiem mas, Church of Our Lidy of Mt Carmel, 10 a m Int. ndjolnlns cam BROWN'. Feb. 27. MART A wife Mlih. ?'.'. J, i ."'VS!' "d daughter William anl late Bridget Crosaon and riter Rev. John M ..r"'0!1, .KS'a,LvS" st"1 friends Imlted te funeral. Wed.. 3:80 a. m.. M41 Aramlni f,vj ,. Solemn reqinem mas. Church el ''ntox?0 It m- Int -N'w Cathedral Cem n.n.n.SWN-Vbi .M- JAMES F. BHOWN. Belatlve and friend invited to serMc. lues, 7:10 p. m.. 2040 N 20th st. InL nln'.Vy..cm" Trenton. N. J cniviW""111"1! J- WILLIAM JUI.8 CHANINKL. Funeral aervlre Thura., 11 a. m. Oliver II. Balr Bldg., 1820 Chestnut at. Tn. nMvf, rr.,.iJvS2y,:n rrJ'o' of WILLIAM CARPLNTER. which wa to take pise. Aiarch J. J p. ni.. postponed until furth.r notice. DUA to H(tlv nti .rrli.nl trntii fl.l. j veston. i ' niChU'i'i'r,n7r1'D- sn- KMZABF.TII. wir. et 1 Richard J Cutler (nea Turner). BelatlvM SI" . ,,"a" mviii-a to funeral rvlc n . ?r J?- ,n.' "sldenco of son-ln-lnw Oeorge McDowell 2133 N. 8th et. ,lnt. North w59, ?! .T.v. friend may call Tues. eve. .,iiyi',?F'b- ?? HANNAH B. widow of Lewla Deavea. Funoral private, realdencs SA Sci,9iore W- Daaes. Oakinont. Pa. Wed . 2 -an o. m. DEMIN'O. Ib. 28, of pneumonia. CI.SIK. daughter of Joaeph c. and Joanna P. C, SiVllJf,' Jfunersl errvleea Wed.. 2 p. m. 003;1,i.,JVh,n',on nvo. Int. private. DOERINO. Of pneumonia. Feb 2, u. .;, Vil ru" " ,aui nu nary uoenns Service; Wed,, 2 p. in . 8302 Haverford avt Int. private DONNELLY. Of nneumnnla, at 3201 Pan SiPl.." ?b- -.8- HENRY F husband ot Mary O. Donnelly. Solemn requiem mi ti'.i Jr,m"s Church Wed.. 10 a m. Int co t " Brooklyn. N Y . papers l)6uqiinRTY Feb. 23, MRY wife ot ?")" .Dougherty Funeral Thurs H.30 a m 2811 Aramtngo ave. Solemn high ma-i ?,' ."""'"n Church of St. Ann 10 a m Int Ilolv Cross rVtn bills), under which the railroads of the iirD-N'N'-f pn'umonli, March l. ri.Lin TT..u.i u,t... i . ... " . ' 'i'i ii (nee Cay), wife nr lfarrv s n,mn v. returned to neral service Thura.. " o in.. 137 J PA.nn m. int private. .V.'iU'.'U'AN. Feb. 20. CHARLES H Interesting Booklet The Guaranty Trust Co. of Xew York has ;ucd a booklet on the trans portation net ol Jiiai (I.'srh-Cunimins uuis, unuer winch the ra United Stntes hove heen tL.IB . rri. . . ... tuvii unnrre. ilie levt Ot tile I.tW, as reported by the conference committee of senators and representatives, is printed in full nud carefully indexed. There U also given it summary of the act for ready reference, and it bilcf nccount of the history of federal te-;ulntlons pcr tainiuK to railroads and other rommou can-lets. liesinnltiK with (lie eimchnent of the interstate commerce mt in 1SS7 irresistible, force meeting an lmmoablei Jne 810 Iba apiece d4Ab."c wet&htng 7 1 apiece, nnc; hut there can be no creat1 Z;"X "nr.Z ".i. ..iu.UiVh ?Ia with pi-Ices for labor andlssajsr do western fancv sA3nr ,ln do! l,nilv " mn r.lilpflnnu mnv Vio ninile. 1"". aplete, njc. weigllllltt 0 lbs fhev .-idmll but lhr Mn hi. nn r-re.at ' .V'JlK" . PH. ?'? 'Sc . Turke a. near- cmcesslons , if.plnl. fi, IiaI nroa-mt Inlnld fair I . raa,, KS.IK.n Al .n.. , r .,.,.. , . .. , ,. 'Ducka. western. SbOilOc Oees Heitern. t'1 ii I ui rinrriri rru (iir iiirii nnirr n r..M., i,Aiq. .i . t- ., . .. , ... si. tie pelt of the maiidUatldv of tho 'tjiibc ' u" 'a'r l" K'" J ' iocoons has been leceUed by the New i cdccu ciiiiitc , "' ' VrirL' T7ur Aiipllnn Knle (Inrnnratlnn rnwiio 1t juiaiistiMAN. aged 30. Funeral services Thurs.. ln.gft . m lain rinnM ab. Inh p.r.u!.ati 5ft- Vernon Cem Friend mayi .,."'. ii i.oi, Anurie. tair ren JJ. U-.UIIIIDE Pltf VOST, widow of C. 8lim- per Earev. Relative and friend Invlt'd to fiiperai eerylces. Wed.. 2 p ni.. hrother'a le-ldepce. Willi. m Provnat, Jr. 122U Wal ! nu,.,t,.VV.rrhe'r.er' Vn- Int nfvate. I , ,' '?JJ,n J!l' 2S MARTHA 11. wife ot late Wllllan. P I l.her and dnughter of lit. JarUs tjnd Jlary Elll. aged OS. formerly nf i I Ishervllle, Pa Funeral service. Thur- . - ti ni. J3 N Pobinsoi t Int. prhate. I FORD Feb "S MlnlE 1 vlf. f li,. 1 The rrom which th s pelt was taken I J?!"6!;?!11' rulVi "$ ",". JPlo,i ' .i.,.,,, .,.. -n,i ihe kln I r hi! ", to quality, 4v0- do, ?","."?'?,- .arnr'LJ ,hn sI,"l.1BOCr3 7S Crenberrle.. per bb from a nhipper In the Mldille West animal fro: wns a mtasures fifty-four Inches from the tip of ihe nose to the tip of the tall. In width It measures thlrtem Inches on the fur aide, and its estimated value In the raw state Is about $50 Gold for South America New York, Mum h 2. -('miMdeiable Sold coin is being vtigaiteil for ship, mi-lit to Houtli A moil. -a within the uext few days. It will amount to t-vvvrul millions I'lN ( IAL NOTICE PHILADELPHIA OMI'ANV FIRM' MOHTtiAt.i: AMI 4 01. LATERAL' , TIll'sT 5 PEK t I.NT iOLI BOMIS, I I DATED 1IR(II I IT. 18:), tTAMl'KIl I'NDI.Il HINKI.Vt. I'lM) CONTRACT OF i I JULY 10. 1017. ' Sealed proposal wl I be received until 12 o lock noon huturdio, pril 3d lli0, at I the nfflr- of THE Pltii IIIES'T LIFE V.N'I) TIU'ST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA t N W corner 4th niul i twsmut ele Phlla I 1 ilelphla. Pa Trustee uml. i ihe Sinking Fund ''nntract d'tl Jul in 1017 with tha i I'lIILADKI I'HIA COMPWT proildlur for a Sinking I'unil In retmct io First Mortace I and (,-oinierai irui ., ner 'ni i.oit Bono, of the PHILXDELI'lin ttlMl'AVY, dated Tdarcb 1 1SII0, for the sale to ihem of all or ' any part of so n am ISonda of tlDOO each of said Bond which hae bien siamprU under i the terms of the Slnl.lng Fund Contract if1 July 10 1017 a. the turn of 1112 391 13 ap pllcable to tbn Sinking Fund will pay for In accordance with the terms of the said contract. Lowest bid .it a pi Ice not exceeding lOT1! pr cent of the par Milue and accrued In terest, within the number Muted, u 111 1 accented and the pirtli offering then: ad led at oiii and paMnent insd on sur render nd trinsfer of the Bond aecom panled b IVderal Income Tax ownerhto jertllbate for acou'-l Interest, on April 3. 1020. Interest on the llond-4 so accepted will osaae on April R, 1010. The trumee re3r tn right to rejert any or all bid not satisfactory io said trustee The offi-r of bidder unknonn to the trustee mut bo urtomiianled bv .alii factory referemes Should to or more holder bid the am lowest prh-e the numher of bonda taken ( from eaih will be as nearly aa prai tlcable pro rata Proposal should he Indorsed ' Propo.il for the Sale of Flrl Mortgage and Collat eral Trut S Per Cent Oold Honda of the i PHILADELPHIA COMPANY." and ad dresaed to ' , WINO President ' llir PROVIDENT I IFE AND TRl'ST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA N w tor tn ana cnesmut sts Philadelphia. Pa It Ll.l.lt-LI'.HIIIH fOMPANV I Irst Mortgage O'r Milking Fund (.old lloniU L'nder thv nrovUlona of the murtaave, nronnsnl fcr the nci ount of th nklng fund will be rnelved until 3 p, m. March 13. 1010. ai tli orfke of the Northern Trim fomnanv Truntee for the ! to It at th lotvost price not evueding 1112's of the r fsce alue and an rued Interest, of a many of the Hb-ne.rnenii noj ind aa 1J0 BOO will purchase AH tenders should be addressed to iho undersirnd snitTIIKRV 'IRl'ST COMPNY Trustee Oih anil Sni inr Qwrden t Cho ce eto-k mft iUi fair Io and alues Apple Der box bbl S408. do, per crate. 7Bcf2.3d. Oranges, Fior Idi. pr box. 14 258 B Tangerine llnr- Ida. per M-box. 13 3094.78 Orapefrult. Florida per box, II TBfT.t , straulu rrlea, Florida in-r quart BOffOSc VEGETABLES Potato-, of tine qualities were flnnl hold Cubbisr dull at iho late decline Onion ot UesliHble quality were again slightly higher vuotHtlons White pntators, Penn nyU.inla per it , 14 73ti3, do New York per cwt 14 70 W 4 DO Sweet potatoes, southern i r hainr-r $1 1302 40 do. Jer sey per basket, 1 10 B 1 h CabUigo, New t orlc Danish per ton JSOffilO, do Florida per hamper I1.B0O2 Onions pur 101Mb eek Yellow No 1 15 7300.23 do. No J 4 0 4 23 Prices Strong on Paris Bourse Paris, Marrh L I'lh-p -en. ... on me uourM- toila trnte IOCS inlltllllnL .. nn.. . .... 1 .. , r outlines' TlVA ".iVi " .. "' " .. " . ...t"'"?-''"':'! h .B"iW daughter oj .... .- - inn u uu iiiiii iii .11 i ihis i-ii iricii u mi j t miri 1.1 iaa . ., . , , - -- - .. w . - v. ... ,...--- . i.l-i a unci n 1 francs S'2 centimes. aerOm, Tlurj , 11 a m 1001 Diamond si Int prjVHt the llourM- totlaj. Three per cent r,onl '.'t. 'h-'r). Rlatle and frKn.U ies weii niinlrd m -,T .-..., -., iSUined Women's Sodality of Oenu Invltei .is weie iiuoicd at ,i Irancs 11L' .-en- 1 to fi-n-r:il Thur S n. m 1310 N. isth st :s; exchaiiBc on Loiidon, .JR finncs "'i1' i"i church ot oen 11 a ni int Auto funira' I y7THEVVH,TE FOR WOOD-METALOR PLASTER 4T 411 StOMI or ThomscnWoodRniahifiq Co, 'BmrmBSMKmttmmmmmmeeamBm (ar INSURANCE Thou Shalt Not Steal! DUT a great many automobiles are stolen. - We furnish insurance to reimburse you against loss in case you should be one of the unfortunate whose car is stolen. Let us explain to you these low-cost policies. H arris J.L atta PPV!CVT,VANIA BLDG. PHILADFl.ni'i a Locust 578 itacc 3430 TK M,-IIIP XOTiri'.S STKAMSIIII hOTICF.S eEHRET " SLAG ROOFING EHRET ROOFING & X, MFG. CO. u Ap DREXEL BLDG. .-& Forty FlVfcS POWER D PL1NT K i?ms New piftona and valves fur nished for ice machines. Ex pert repairmen at your service. Phone. Will. 1814 and Main 3441 nJl.rrUhUl.aK CIS CHESTNUT STRKCT En(llMartrUMnla CIS CHHTNUT OTRKtT ! J KM! ?i!W 'l 3 if flS Fafttf- raasrncrr and I'relshJ .Sei.lrri I lioonholm . I'hiladrlulila to llrlslol (Aronmoutli) , Netherpark I'lilhiilelphlu " Liverpool .InJUln rhlladelnlila (ilustow lj,rmunU New York " IMjmoulb. ( herbourit und LUernool Imnenitor New York " therbours urd .Southampton "" Veiv Vork " l.lrrrpool Itojnl tieorie .New York " Plymouth, Havre und Southampton '. alduf I'litludrhihln " Antwerp (olumhl.t Nen York " l.onilo.idrrr. und t.lusEon . ( hluana . I'hllailrlphU " London . Alaurrlaiila NrirYork " t lirrboiirE und .'uut.'iuiiiptuu ennnnla rhlhiildphlu ' I.unJun I'unnonln Nih ork I'ltrus. Dulirotnlk uml Irleste. "aonl New ork ' l'l mouth, Huinkiirir and laindon ( arniaula ,. .rK l.luriiool Royal tirdVar New York Plymouth, HaTe 11 ml Southumplon Maurelanla . New York Chrrbourc anil -oulliiiiiiiitoii "r0"'11 Y'ork ' I'ljnioiilh. t'lierhourc; und London (ulumbla New lork " f.iipdondrrr) and t.l.iscoit Imperator New ork ' I lirrboiirc and SuutliuiittHon K. A. ilurlu New iork " Lltrrponl l'or Lutrr Sulllnsa Apply in 1300 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA Mar. 3 AMr 4 .Mar Mur. 0 Mar 0 Mnr II Mar. II Mar in Mar. I Mur. IS Mar S11 Mnr 30 Mur ,11 Apr. 3 Apr. .Apr. II pr. 17 Ayr. 17 iil- II May 1 Mui III III 1)1' 111; pithi ntiti.li nifK HOLDLks irrun: iiimii.i: iiaudmahi. col tn aceorusn'-e win preferred atcek pro. e-ui Lllddl. THE BALDWIN Locomotive Works PHILADELPHIA Steam, Electric and Internal Combustion LOCOMOTIVES 1 4 HART OIL CORPORATION Incorporated under Strict Texas Lnwa 1 Dividend Stock Payable 1 Monthly No Bonds No Mortgages -No Indebtedness Tho corporation has interests in 8 PRODUCING WELLS--18 WELLS DRILLING 19 WELLS CONTRACTED FOR The i-orporation own oil nghtn under nearly 9,00 ie in tho Runner Texaa. dlMrlct. IcaheU to Uie larireat eoinpanlea opeinllni; In thn nld, to be Uave-lopM on a percentage baalB, the Hurt Oil Corporation receiving a pftrt of tho oil absolutely fren. .,.,.,,.. ,. . Thi corporation 1m controls 11.000 acres wall distributed over the fields which It has reserved to drill Itself Now payinjr 12 dividends from production. Shares now $1.00 each. Send (or Prospectus HART OIL CORPORATION GO Wall Street New York City H Rtllrtto broken mi utiwe blocks M rift to mmm y nn. nf tlie Company, the SiiDoie Hardware Company will rnel ttndtra until Ma) 81. Il'-O. tor the uurchaao at not to exceed t'.O.IOl nr ahara and accrued divi dend of o muih of in outatandlni- pra frrerl etnrk aa l'l eonaume t io aum of U7fil3l)7 t Ihe toweat prlco or prlcea named In uneli terdera HUPPI.UE DIDDt.i: HXRDWrt": CO i- o r -. t- -.,,.- Annnal ICIertlona IIAII.HOAI) Tim I'KNNH! VNI liMII-A.11 . . nenrral Ortite llroad RfTeat station I hiladelpMa and March, loi'O An election for threa Dlrritnra tu er; for the term of four veara to aurted thoat Ivihose term will oxnlra lih the ld rltctlon will I held on lurailna thr S3nl dny f,f Varrh. 1W0. between the houra of ten n'olocU m and nix o clock p m at tha I Oeneral "flee, of the OimnHny nroHd Mr-M I Ktatlon. Philadelphia At that tlma and plari a oto pr votea. will fclao bt taken on auch other aul'Jecl or aublecta ai ahail hava U.n dlrerted by the Stockholdera at their annual 1 mUtltia on tha OOi of March 102H ""'"' I m" I.KWIH NISII.MON. H,r.r...... .1 i Dlrldenda I rilllnKT.i'TllA "AKK-niTKftSj'ANV I0OH Finance ISulldlnc Pllladclpbla, Pa. inn rramr wunrirrir aiviuena or Z per nn the outatandlnv Cumulative HtncK of th ComiMiny. payable Xtareh 2. Iu2tl. ItAHOLD There arc openings in nearly all branches for skilled mechanics. Steady work; good wages; excel lent working conditions. A large number of the ways ure covered. NEW YOKK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION CAMDEN. N. J. Apply at Employment Dcpnrtnww at the Yard GREEN STAR LINE Greek-Adriatic Ports Piraeus, Salonica & Trieste Other Porta ua Induirinrnta Olfer Sailing From Philadelphia U. S Skippinf Board Sttel Steamers SS "ZAREMB0" ..Loadine SS"J0MAR," About Mcli.20 For I'tiithrr I'm f'ciinn .pfiUl CHAS. KURZ & CO., Inc., AttnU 10th Floor, Drexel lllilc, Phlla. Vioiie. l.imUi.d zii Main tiid MERCHANTS & MINERS Transportation Co. Katubllalird 1811 .Millions nf Paaaengera Currlrd .Not Lite l.oit COASTWISE LINES riillndrlplilii-Iloalnn, Weil., hut.. V M, t'lilllidrlnllla-H'niiliniih mid Jutknontllla, I'rldur. 0 I. M. I'relaht only until Miiy lat in. Pier IH. Mo. Ave. Vi Jlnliilrd 1000 NAGLE STEEL COMPANY STEEL PLATES AND ..IIEETS Pottstown, Pa. Phlla. Office, Hit Morris Iluildlng tent (20 lenta ijer ahare) haa heen declared aoia a ffullv naldl nf Cheilta will re mailed. Praferred aid) of ttocri Charles J. Webb Hi (Jo. Wool . and CnUnn-Yarn it Stale Bank of Philadelphia Fifth and Bainbridge Sts. STEAMSHIP TICKETS ' NOTICi:--TIIi: AMKRICAV HTKAMER I KITTUaAl'N.' from Uatoum. ate., ar. rivru hi i-iiiiNuciuiii rcurudrv iiU unn Will dlicharir unOf r fener! orJtr Conrlvtipe hould call at thla ofTlcf, urrendar btlli i J i a vB otiivrv tin EARN-LINE incori.ori.lra isBi U. S. Shipping Heard Ste;l Steamtf General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester A Steamer Mnrch Philadelphia Havana SS "Coquina" Loading SS "Lahc Foxboro". . .Mar. 5 SS "Lake Gaiera". . .Mar. 20 For ratei and particulars apply ti i Earn-hns Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth SL PHILADELPHIA. PA. Holland America L!HE NEW YORK to R0HERDAM Via Plyraoulh & Boulosne-Sur-Mer hulllm drill) eu on an mint 11(11. 1 AVM g. H, NoonUm anltinir not n 6 of alrUa la 8. NoonUm aalllnir not l.efore Mar J H. notterdam, lalllnK not befora Jlar, JJ M, r, Ainalerdum, aalllnv not hefnre Apr J rur """" inriiiw Inrnriiiullun appir Mf-iiSr ...i.rv. lout iviiiiini fu,, rnun order, alao Ilia their nermlta not riaimca ny a v. m. 3ior will bw etored or left on doc UI. flAAHB nn.v. Mal. ..' :k or.Cara at rlak and aiMnwi of ownert .thereof., All peft aotia are haraby cautioned aaalnat harborln ae fruatlnK ny of tbe crew, a no daWa at rsii&ft.Sfiteaaffi JP .Vl Java . Pacific Lint Itlreet htrilre, (uu Vriimlaiii f. NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES rH Cre tie , lien, AU. , , D A. OCHH. fiK. JL tfeaa. ii6.chtut su. now. JWllViir) h sr, fcisr'tiTV' rexel llldx.o JLll4lliBli. . T'l miL xk i. -v. mifir s&Efi&'ii&'Sti&.t,. , 1 U 'fi I t "LfSj SfJ 1lrt .. HN, .! It u?' -A' ihV .V) t'v.1,lH&4.r.ft.A'r5i''V,HWrV'4v wm j Tien ikaaitf-- if tllleAieta if til ll wk ., sJ k A ,'iWMPBilBBlwyrn Hb ' a. """: jBe ' . i Mn .aaai