& !.$ i a "'' : 'i" y '; 'f ..r Tt ,". P' v 1"- tit1 V. I , , " I r JUST. GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Is Proud of dclphiuns at Palm Beach She Comments on Various Happenings in Society THBRE sfems o 1,c much excllomont In Pnlm Hcnr-h the dnj-R over bno V.I! nnd a crowd of Hillntlelphlo men hive $ tocher quite w ;lft If am. ,Jlm proud to na.r tlio PhH;jlclnhl II. ..Mnil .sninp Irivlne befti on the I'fllnnUna diamond on Siimlny aftor rlc FuHor. Hare bv MrFaddrti. Till r PnHilcr. T.ennnrti Jnora, - '; irXrt Voffln. Tony rromwf II. Tlob ton and nodman AVanamnlter. 2d. nn tie Now York tenm ucro Ktlicl na"rrmorr-. hii'bsnd. niwrtl Colt, "harlle Hwnrts. Pouchis Ip, "nrr.V Ihhoo. Kdwaid IlMttoD. Hoy Oitlw. OuTtln TVItncr, Durid WagstofT nnd nill Itlchardx. Phlladplphln. you oc. Iind so ipan ,. that there verc two very good f,,h. The rn-oattt art coming up tlilj Vcok from Palm "wli. and will be nt thPlr Uo-nnont horn; until It In tine o Bo to Newport, though I hear hey hate not ilroMocl positively to go there this slimmer. It s rather hard to-be 5"n.o"?Sn. and yet not take part In things In Newport, so the deelflou may he to go tojwnc quieter resort. DID you know that Kll.mor Long streth and her ImabnmJ nrc back from the West? Captain Bhaiw la to ni- atlonrd nt Fort Myery near jsih. InVton. and so they wll move there. but for the present Kllapor w ami pi ig t the nittenhouse mid all of her friends are vicing with each other to see nor and give hrr n good time while tmc 13 hire She was married almost three " ' 111. I....1- JalI tirtf U(inm years ago now, and It Just does not necm possible that time ha fiono no fast, does It? I WAS interested to henr of Dorothy FoUrll'a marriage on Saturday in flak Lane to Charles lliomlpv. lou remember, she was Miss W ilmhcn. a Mster of Mrs. Caleb Fox. Jr. Her first husband died a couple of years ago. air. Ttromlev was married before, too. Ills wife wis Miss Brooks, n sister of Atusl bi-f Mitchel Brooks, who ia cngaRCd to Borothy Wilson. They expect to sail (or Europe next Saturday for their wtddlng trip. A: XI), by the way, speaking of wed- tmp trln. I saw Mrs. Chnrlcs Toung in the street the other dny look in; my well, hnving returned a few dm before from her wedding trip. They wmt South nnd nre now home again and Ihing with Mrs. Young's mother. Mrs. W'alnwright. Yon kuow. Mrs. Tcing was Miss Mary Costes. aid her marrfafe took place the 21th of .Jan nary When I saw her she was wearing a very smart tlircc-riuartor-lengtli top coat of brown fur nnd n very nretty' .mll Hirnn,l-i.n toniio lint nf lnox n ..V ,k,,i,mi,i.,i I., vnrim.,' fhailes of brown. Her one-piece dress of dark blue contrasted well with the biowu of the fur. I THINK the lecture and reading1 of his poems bv Cnplaln Siegfried Sax rnnrt, of tho Royal Welsh FusilierM ll'ng'and'H younc soldier poet), will hr xerv intorestu nn Wednesday. Slareh 10. He Is to speak under th" mi-nices of the "fight the famine" com. nilttee of the Women's International I runic for Peace nnd Fr's-dom, Th" affair will be held in the Cover Room of the Bellevue-Stratford. nnd the ptooeds vi K to the fniniu relief nhieh is under the direction of Herbert Hoout. 'Ibe patronesscH of the nfT.tir include SI". I'dunrd W. BHtl'o, Mrs. (leorge D dillo Jim. .Insner Ten ten ttrtnton. Sli's JIniv Burnham, Mrs. Kdward II f'oate Miss Fuuulc Travis Cochran Mr i. 1 1 H Donaldson l'lv Jlrs. Richard Oummeic. Jlrs. Car. roll llndse. .Mrs. William I. Hull. Mrs. Morri, .Tuotrnw, Miss Hlirabetli Ki.-k-hricln Mrs. Joseph Kranskopf. Jlrs. J. lWse Low is, Jlrs. Wilfred Lewis. Miss I.Hrii McJlurtrie. Miss Violet Oakley Sirs, Charles Roberts. Jlrs. Samuel 11 Peott. Mis Oth Skinner. Mrs. Llghtncr "iimcr nnd .Miss Anna Woolinnu. DII.LIIL who is four, had been a - prMty good bov nnd, for tint mat ter to had Sister Betty, aged three. So mother called Bill and said: "Here. di-arK here are two nennies. one for Tin and otic for Betty, to put in vour hanks " Itillie took the pennies and ran out to Jietty. A moment later theie was yell, and as mother hurried to the noor Hetty run Iu calling, "Oh, Mother. Iillio thwallowed hith pennv!" To hirh Illllie. quite purple In the face, mnded, -No, I nwallowcd Bettv'n." NANCY WYNN13. ENGAGEMENTS Sir. and Mr,. Robert Riddle, of .107 Highway street. Rhertou, N. J., au nounro tho engagement of their daugh ter. Jllhs Mary Conrad Riddle, and Mr. Harold Jardinc Fluk, of New York. Mrs. Harry Courtney Shrlvrr. of 520 estiew avenue, Gennnntown. nn nounicH tl0 engagement of her daugh er. Miss Carrie Courtney Sbrivcr, nud Mr Jlnreellus K. McDowell. Jr son of Mr nnd MrH. Mnrccllus 15. McDowell, aho of (icrmantown. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mis. Olive.- Bo.rc Judson. of Chcl t'nliam road. Chestnut Hill, will Rivc n h nebroa on Thursdnj. April 8, in honor "I hrr niece. Miss Charlotte Churchill Marr daughter of Mr. und Mrs. Thert. .?,? ')l,t'111? Starr, of Chestnut Hill. ml Miss PhllllH Irwin, daughter of LaJtaln'"vin, of Washington. Miss tqnteV DC f nCXt s,ason,!1 dbu- .lll'sZl1 Tl1' J'" " fW' ' f '"1 fcOtltll BrOHll NtrPOt. will ..nlorlnl,. - opera lonlijlit in the box o 'oxes mother. JIrH. rhnrles 15. i II,,nM,s wi,J b.e Mr- u," A'rH. It fcnin.n' "f 15os,0: Mr. and til !. . . ..... ., Mil. 'It UlO iimiru .Mtl,.l. t.. .1 . . ... rn. .t '""'" " e nox or air. 'axes mother. Jim ri,..io t. s MAI. odger Sfrn. i obort McLean and Mr. Rudclyffc iioilipyn Mi k KHsnltftll. Li.,.l.l t . . Mr im.i Cr v.111," uauicntcr or I'rin. .. V1" IPNVP on I'ruv lor an iv i "'t.'0 b" ,,,p R"r',t o' Dean '"fti "qi'"1 ?1I1cCe"hn over the pram ' S,le m ttw"' ,h iuulor twn nlVVU ,d0 Pr'vaire d'Alaln "art nod her daughter, Miss Allx r nn7Mrt' Vh ,hv, h "lNl'"c r. and Mr. Lunghoruo Bullitt Dick. r tun, rwl"8'l vcmic chwtnut Hill, will "'irii to New York tomorrow. rfauVr'H Pron. Jr., and his C 'h.51""1"' Pemberton, of &iontTCti Ch;.',,,n.,,t "" WW ran. t n,,ay for Cnllfofia und will be Rone (or Kevernl weekn. Mrs. George D. McCrcary Mr K 0 e' U r&'U... " St.' fclna Sraver r?."" lu" ' n,rs- "owaril JiutVHiiif 'ooiconiery avenue, Chest- Te enert.i . "". al' Marllns, t MomlS. ,0 rclurn from Augwtii S'fo" "."tshorno l.na wu ' Oaklev rini.1 ii B,v.c",Bt '" """o New York ' I,oymom' wu of Mr, and Mr the Athletic Prowess of Phila- are entertaining T.ady Connlnnee Hen. burn UobKon. of tendon, at their home In Hose Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Haul have issued invitations for n reception on Friday evening, March 0, in honor of Lady Itnbfton. Mra. P. Williamson Roberts, of Villa nova. Is Htlll at Aiken. H, ., nnd ex pected to return home about Mny 1. Mrs. Walter Christie, of Ilryn Mnwr, Is convalescing from her recent Illness. Mrs, Charles Bavlg, of St. D-avlds, will entertain the Tuesday llrldgc Club at her home on Pembroke avenue, St. Davids, todav. Those present will be Mrs. John Dunliip, Jr., Mrs. I,. A. Watt. Mrs. Robert Rimer, Mrs. Hum bert Powell, Mrs. D. W. Coffin, Mrs. M. T. Scnnlan, Mrs. W. P. Cochran. Mrs. 11. K, Mumford. Mrs. Alfred Casey nud Mrs. John names. The Itev. Nlcho1asI. Vasey. 0. R', A., rector of Our Mother of Consolation Church, Chestnut Hill, and provincial of the Augustlan Order for the United StateH nnd Cuba, will snll for Homo oil the Imperator next Sntiirdny. Ho will be accompanied by the Hcv. Charles Orlseoll, O. 8. A., and the Hev. Thomas Dohnn. O. H. A., of New York. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Qulnby, of Wayne, entertained Informnllv InKt eve. nlng In honor of Sir. and Mrs. A. II. Aiken, of Merlon, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Horace Heaver, of St. Lukes School. Mr. nnd Mr. O. Burton Ford a their mm. Mr. Charles Ford, of IM Mouth Twcnty-flrel street, have r (urnod fiom a viuter'n crulHe to Pa T1--.-1- t vat nnd MO re jioach. Miami and in IliK'avnc Was nn uicir noiiso DOHt, jvucnimcil 1 1, Mrs. Mabel Whltlock, of Wajne, is in Washington) where she has been visiting her daughter. Miss Monu Whit iprk, who Is attending school iu that clt. A "subset iptloc. danco will be given nt the Saturday Club iu Wayne on Friday. The committee in charge of the dance includes Mrs. W. Allen Barr, Mrs. Pearson Courad and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mrs. John Dottercr, of Wayne, will give a dance ut the Saturday Club on .March 12 for her daughter. MNs Mary Dottcrer. who is a student nt Swarth more College. Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Kntzcnherg. of Township line, Jcnklutowu, and Mr. nnd Mrs, lister Wolf have been spend ing n few days as the guests of Dr. nnd Mrs. Bart rain Bcrnhelm, of Bal timore. ., , , . , ,., . r " ALONG THE MAIN LINE ., . M nilnm, r.,i,.Aii s,.r' nnU Mrs. Cliaunrpy Colwell, reinDropKo road, i.ynwyu, lcit on Mat unlay for Montreal. Cau.. where thrj will spend u few days with Mr. Col well's brother. Mr. Louis Colwcll. They will then journey westward, stop ping in Arizona nnd other western places of iutercst, including n motor trip through California, returning home Iu a month or six weeks. DELAWARE COUNTY Tlie niiislcnl clubs of the ruurrsity of Pennsylvania gave a concert, follow ed b a dance, nt the Media Annor ou Saturday evening, for the benetit of tin- Media Iliwnitiil. The affair was in cliaig6 of Mrs. James Lord Rigby. A reception iu honor of Seniitor War ren i. Hauling was held nn Saturday 'eiiliis nt tin; Pciiiisjlvanio Sli'ltno College of Chesty, nt which n number of members of the Rotary Club and their wives attended. Following this. Air .Trtllli WnnnmnbiiT- rnnfurriid rlpc-rnoa Miss (icrtriidelupou Senator Harding, Major William JI. Hlaek. I.lcuteuant ,lolin I'hilip Sousu, und Mr. John C. Joucs, of Phila delphia. Jliss Amanda Leeper, daughter of tho Rev. and Mrs. 8. Harper Leeper, of .Media, was entertained informally a few evenings ago, by the members of tho choir of the First Prcsbjtcrlnn Church, of which her father is rector. .Miss Leeper will enter the Presbyterian Hospital this ueok to train for nursing, preparatory to foreign missionary work. Mr. and .Mrs. 15. Shirley Borden en tertaiucd at dinner at their home near Mediu on Thursday evculng. Covers were luid for ten. Jlr. nud Sirs. William Taj lor en tertained the Fortnightly Club at dinner, on Friday evening, ut their home in Media. LANSDOWNE Miss Jfurion Almy entertained some of her friends at her home 'ou Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Balch entertained at u dance at their home on Wcst Baltimore avenue, on Satur day evening. Misa Florence Clement, of Baltimore, has bccD viditlng MUs Henrietta Bryuu. Mrs. .TohiivA. McKcnna has returned from Atluutic City. Mrs. Howurd W. Reed lias been spending fcoinu tlmo nt Atlantic City. The Junior Section of the Twentieth Century Club is planning to give n pluy at the clubhouse, in April. At the mceliug of the Twcutieth Century Club, to be held this afternoon, jutiiorH will furnish the program, which will include recitations, bongs and aoloa for tho pluno. Tho Tuu Delta Gamma Sorority will give a subscription dance ut the Twen tieth Century Club Friday c cuing, March 12. Jlr. and Mrs. W. Vernon Phillips nnd their family nrc now occupying their new home ou the corner of Lnnduwne and Lincoln aicauct.. Miss Florence Conway has been spending uomo time at Atlantic City. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mm. Jullu Rchcll, of Cherry street, gavo a Lcap-Year party iu honor of Miss Helen Fnrrell, whose engagement has beau announced to Mr. Bart Kcnlry. Among the guests present wero Miss Orace Farrell. Miss Peggy Furrell, MIku Prudence McBrido, Miss Auguhta Cos tollo, Miss Peggy O'Rrlen, Miss Leila Fraier, Jliss Anna Cochrutw Mr. nud Mrs. .Tordou Hawthorn. Mr, Jack Paris, Mr. Gordon Hehcll, Mr. Thomas Con. tello, Jlr. Thomas Zeller. Jlr. Charles Hawthorne, Jlr. John McGuugh, Mr. Albert Brown und Mr. L. Azzorill. Miss Maude O'Rrieu entertained Jliss Julia Fox, tho Misses Vlney und Miss Cecelia 15rl, of New York, at luncheon WWW Price and Quality , 'iiW iSitf I r VSvm LIGHTING I Wlfil$& FIXTURES j PvkVLrW aboiii Iht pnllnarT. The f M ILUf. , iiuatlb' I tlir hrt aud t lrflLJijJJ I (lie iirlrrs rUlit. , EVENING 'PUBLIC IS THE DOG REAL? I yiuys- ' I JIISS JIARY JIARKOE HOLSJIAN Daughter of Mr. and Jlrs. Gerald Holsman, of 2018 Locust street, and her pet dog last week at her home, 1304 North L'ightccutb street. Jlrs. Isaac Dctwllcr, of 10-12 North Twelfth street, will entertain the fol lowing at cards ou Friday afternoon at her home: Sirs. Collins Rogers, Jlrs. Richard Ocllers, Jlrs. William F. Hudson, Jlrs. William Brown, Mrs. Florence Watts, Jlrs. George 15. Spotz, Jlrs. Frederick W. Weber, Mrs. B. Frauk Raule. Mrs. Nellie Jllldreo, .Mrs. Blanche Baynard. Jlrs. Henry McCloy, Jlrs. JIabcI Kister and Mrs. Charles A. White. Jlrs. Henry Barry Is visiting friends in New York. WEST PHILADELPHIA Dr. and JlrN. D. N. Huslk, of Forty sixth and Pine streets, entertained at dinner on Thursdny evening iu honor of JliiH Helm K. ilufcik and .Miss Jlae (ioldstine. Coers were laid for eight. Jliss Husik's engagement waa recently announced to Jlr. a. a. Bobbins, of Norfolk. A luncheon followed by a theatre parly wus given Saturday afternoon in honor of Jli.s Esther V. Goldberg, of fi.'Mll Race street, whose marriage will tuke place on Wednesday, March 10. at t o'clock. The guests Included Miss Knthryu K. FranU. Miss Ottllda Fuhr. Jliss Helen (Jlntrr, Jliss Kutc Fanning nnd Jliss Lorraine Barnes. Jli.ss And DaWdxon. of New Cutlc, Del., was the guest of Miss Mnude Per rem, of .19.11 Baltimore uvenuc, for the uerk-cud. Miss Perrcm hus recently re covered from nn operation for appendi citis. Jliss Evelyn C. Standbridgc, of 230 South Flfl -third street, has returned from Atlantic City, where she spent the week-end. Mr. nnd Mis. Linus G. Smith celc-' brated their golden wedding annivcrsarv I last evening at the home of their son, Jlr. Curl I). Smith, C020 Jlcdla street. I I ROXBOROUGH Jlrs. Edgar Stafford, of 638 East Lcverington avenue, was tbo February hostess of her sewing club nnd enter tained the members at luncheon last week. Her guests included Mrs. Charles E. Rlduy, Jlrs. Frederick Rcbmann, Jlrs. William Spink, Mrs. Walter Fnr rell, Jlrs. W. Ross Haggart. .Mrs. Chnrlcs C. L'ddleman, Mrs. Owen Jlc Jlaster, Jlrs. John Audersou, Jlrs. George Drum, Jlrs. W. Thomas Boon aud Jlrs. Samuel Kcnwortby. Jliss Carrie Earnsbaw, of East Wal nut Inne, will entertain this evening at her home with the following guests : Jlrs. Erucst Ilarras. Jlrs. Arthur Stot lor. Jlrs. T. William Rldler. Jin.. Wulter J. Jllller. Jlrs. Churles Serv ieo Taylor. Jliss Jlyru Mitchell. Jlrs. Harold Hoffman and Jliss Jluy Watson. 1302 Walnut Street COMFORT PLUS An individuality of charming modes in mk imfim -1 i .tM i??lri , i'lmr-. BaC I -', hF ,Tll aV' V .'SwNi Ivi iaWU,J14.M.'A V1r' 'in ii i iniiri-ia-fi i am i i V i mmmmmmimmmm LEDGER- HIIADELPmA TOEgD AY, 1'hoto by Ilachracli SOUTH PHILADELPHIA The Redding of Miss Sara Poster, daughter of Jlr. and Jlrs. Poster, 2510 South American street, nnd Jlr. Her man Dorfman, of this city, took placo on Wednesday evening. The bride was attended by her sister. Jliss Fran ces Poster, as mold of honor. Misa Frances Herman and Jliss Squirnky were the bridesmaids. The bride groom waa attended by Jlr. JIaurlce D. Shuster as best man, Jlr. Levy and Jlr. Tobas acted as ushers. The cere mony was performed by the Rev. A. Wlnokur. After a trip to Atlantic City the bride und bridegroom will make their home in this city. TIOGA Jlrs. Herman Ferdinand Sehweller, of 2232 West Rstaugh street, enter tained at cards on Saturday afternoon with the following guests : Jlrs. E. H. Wnlloce. Mrs. Henry Jlortensen, Jlrs. Henry Ragatz, Jlrs. Edward Reid. Jliss Hcleu Reld, Jlrs. John Zabn aud Jlrs. Chnrlcs W. Glascr. The members of the Women's Chris tian Temperanco Union of Tiogu will entertain the follow lug unions: Ger mnntown, Grace Peck. Logau, North west, Bcrcnn. II. L. Sells, Pnstorious and Schu.tlkill, and the Uulun Young People's Branch on Thursday morning and afternoon, JIarch 11, in the Tioga Jlethodist Episcopal Church. Tioga and Eighteenth streets, when en institute will be conducted. In the morning Miss Jfae Jlacklin will speok ou "OllzeDnbip for 'Wonicn." The guests will be enter tained at luncheon, and iu tho ufler-noon- the topic will be 'Americanlre. tion." Jlrs. John S. Heuton, prcsideut of the Tioga Uuion. will preside. The affair is in chnrge of Mrs. Henton, Jlrs Hannah Ray Fox, Jliss Edna Boyd. Jliss Emma Wlllinma, Jlrs. Margaret Duncnn. Jlrs. W. Yohey, Jlrs. George w,fe Mrs- Charlcfl Roat, Jlrs. Hcury Bobertson nnd Jliss Gorgas. Mrs. Frederick II. Woodhead. of .1712 North Carlisle Htrcct, U entertaining at cards this afternoon with the fol lowing guests: ,Mra. George Haertriek Jlrs. Frank Taylor. Mrs. .1. Frederick Greenwood, -Miss Sallie Rogcis, Jliss Cora E. Prince, Mrs. Albert IT. Tiiteur, Jlrs. William S. Apple. Jlrs. John JIawson. Mrs. John Sheets and Jlrs. Ernest Appledorn. Jlrs. Elmer Crawford, of WeM T-oga street, is spending some time in At lantic City. Jlrs. Frank Bartlett, of 47,1.1 North Jlorvlno Mreet, is entertaining the members of her card club ut luncheon and cards today. Poland Demands Huge Indemnity Copenhagen, JIarch 2. Poland is demanding 31,500.000.000 marks in gold (nominally $0,300,000,000) as in demnity from soviet Russia in the peneo negotiat ons now coing forwaid, the National Tidende learns. SERVICE SPRING GOWNS FURS MILLINERY RiiicCal'Iioii llyoad aftd Walntrf Sltcds k 11 ' i ft v That which distinguishes ono par. ticular man from another and nct.s him apart, is Personality. Applied ta hotels we call it Atmosphere and tho quite individual Atmosphere of the Ritz not only distinguishes the hotel but puts It In a very particular and very worth. whllo class of its own! n m :w 'Sii t WISSAHJCKON .Mrs. William W. Wilson will enter. tain at liyichcon nnd enrds-on Thursday at her hliitc, 221 Sumac street. Her guests, who are rrfembcra of her card club, will Include Jlrs. John A. Strusc, Mrs. Charles Wcim Mrs. W. R, ling gart. Jlra. Harry II. Thompson, Jlrs. A. L. Adams, Mrs. George Holland, Mrs. Bcnjnmln F. Heudrcu, Jlrs. Wil liam Ames, Jlrs. Pnxson James nnd Miss Edith Rlnhter. The friends of JUm Lucy Fox, daugh ter of Jlr. and Jlrs. Adum Fox. of Roehelle avenue, will be glad to henr Ihat hhij Is lecovcrlng from her recent illness. KEN8INGTON A leap year birthday party was given by Jlr. David Hagen In honor of his wife, Jlrs. Hagen. nt their home 2020 Jlaseher street, on Sntiirdny evening. The following gucfts were present : Jlrs. Jllnnle JleGowan. Ernest JlcGowan, Jr.. Jliss Jenn JlcCownn. Jliss Irene Bray, Jlrs. Jlnry JfcClliskey, .Miss Reailhu JliCluskey, Miss Helen Orn cotts, Jliss Cora Orncotts, of Ashlaiid, Pa.; Jlls Helen Galngher, of Atlantic City: Miss Jlnry Oairy. Jlrs. Pmil Bealer. of Wlldwood : Jliss Floieuep HaRen, Jlls Helen Ilngen, Mr. Jack JIcCln. .Mr. Thomas Alexander, of JIanshor. N. ,T, j Jlr. Andrew Alexan der, of Camden : Jlr. Oliver Cannon, of Camden ; Jlr. Joseph Conrod, Mr. Jletz Conrod, Jlr. George Wolfe, Jlr. Rea den Gnlheoth, Jlr. Joseph Laureure aud Mr. Charles Hanson. FRANKPORD The Sjtnphony Society, of Frnnkford. will Rive ii concert on Thursdn evening, when nn interesting program hus been arranged. The orchestra will he us slsted by Jliss Viola Broadbeck ns to lolst. Jlrs. R. Sidney and daughter, JIUs Janet Shlnev. nf Foulkrod street, are spending several weeks lsltlng friends In Boston. .Mrs. Frederick Smith, of 10.13 Hurri hon stieet. who has been isitlng in England for some time. Is expected home the early part of the week. Jlr.nnd Jlrs. William Pray, of loOS Worth street, entertained on Saturday eening nt n party given in honor of I their son. Jlr. Russoll Pray. Among tho guests wero Jliss Elizabeth Train gle, Jliss Harriet Eisenhower, Jliss Minnie Wutkins, Miss Ioua Daly. Miss Emma Koch, Miss Margaret Patten, Jliss Helen Prny, Jliss Jlnrgaret JIc Crate. Jliss Dorothy Swopc, Jliss Har riet Whyte, Jliss JIary lacker, Miss Florence Kugon, Jliss Jlinnle Sutcr, Miss Ethel Crcely, Jliss Anna Rrlslen, Jliss Florence Crosto. Jliss Dorothy Cheesman aud Jliss Dorothy Fulmer, Jlr. William Koch. Jlr. Arthur Jl Jlaster. Jlr. George Furey, Jlr. Harvey Gardner, Jlr. George Albiight. Jlr. Willlnm Hickey. Jlr. Harry Smith. .Mr. James Ellis. Jlr. Howard Dlls worth. Jlr. Joseph Shnnk. .Mr. Joseph Daunckcr. Jlr. John JlcDonough, Jlr. William Campbell, Jlr. George Carr, Mr. Frank Adam?. Jlr. Joseph O'Ncll, Jlr Harry Crookbiim, Jlr. Clement JlcKny. Jtr. Peter Pacuz7.o, Mr. Leo Fitzgerald, Jlr. Frnnk Adams, Jlr. nnd Jlrs. George llayden. Jlr. nnd Mrs. Walter Pray, Mr. and Jlrs. John Tay lor nud sou, Alviti. and Jtr and Jlrs. Howard Snriug nnd Jliss Helen Soring. MISS MORLEY BRIDE OF MR. C. D. TOWERS Wedding to Take Place in Trinity Chapel, Swarthmore, This Evening The marriage of JtUn Elizabeth Jfor ley, dnughter of Jlrs. Benjamin Frank. Hn Jlorley, of Roto Valley, nnd Jlr. Charles Daughtry Towers, of Jackson ville, Fla.. will tnke place tnis eve ning at 15 o'clock, at Tiinity Chapel, Swarthmore. The bride, nt tired in while satin gowu nnd tulle veil, will be clven in marriage by her brother, Jlr. Sylvnnus Grlswold Jtorlev, nnd will he nttcudrd bv her sister. Jflss Elinor Jlorley, ns maid of honor, who will wear pink sntin and white tulle The bride's smnll nieces, Jliss Sarah Jlorley Fusscll. dressed iu blue organdie, nnd Jlisa JIary Elinor Fusscll, iu yellow organdlo, will net ns flower girls. Their brother, JIaster Hcury Jloore Fusscll, Jr.. will be ring bearer, ami will wear a green orgundie bloue and pongee bloomers. The bridegroom will have his brother. Jlr. Robert Sheffield Towers, ns best man, mid his ushers will b' Jlr. Henry Jl. Fusscll, Jlr. Hnrold Irvin. Mr. John Jlinten, of Ro&e Vullej, and Jlr. Clarence Eugene Jljcrs. A small reception for the families will follow the ceremony nt the home of Jlr. and Jlrs. Henry Jloon Fussell, in Swarthmore. After n wedding trip, Mr. and Jlrs. Towers will lite In Jacksonville. Fla.. where the brldegtoom practices law. Tho brldo is the daughter of the late Professor Jiorlcj, of the Pennsylvania Military College, Chester. Sj It Isn't Necessary to QVU. individual natural method under the watch ful super ision of skilled women experts will reduce your welplit to normal and rid the body of all harmful toxins. VOU know the value of a jouthful face and figure but what are ou doing to benefit by jour knowledge? VOl can reduce or build up you may take the strain off your ncnes you may make your lifo finer and happier if you enjoy Health. Trial Demonstration Treatment Gratia COLLINS INSTITUTE w f FOR WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY Phono, Spruce 54SA W El5eGESa5 f r (itiiSS - K -sss-- PARIS PHILADELPHIA emporarp Quarters Second Floor of the Present Location 1422 Wtalnut &t. We nro now showing in our temporary showrooms advance models of Gidding's Fnshions for Spring We Will Remove to the Iiitz-Carlton as Soon as Alterations Are Completed. MARCH I9'20 FALLS OF 8CHUYLKILL Mrs. William Thompson, of 3520 New Queen street, entertained the mem bers of tho Women's Auxiliary of the Falls Young Jlcn's Association last week nt her home. Among tho guest wero Mm, William Clark, Mrs. George Stubblebiue, Mrs. George Foster, Jlrs. Icon Slier, Jllsa Anna Jlorrison and Jlrs. Johu Groves. A meeting of the auxiliary will b held on Thursday eve ning nt tho clubhouse of the associa tion on Queen lane, to nrrouge n spring and summer program. Jlr. and Mrs. John Hohen-Adel and (heir young daughter, Jliss Catharine Ifohbn-AdeL who hnve been upending the Into winter in California,, have returned to their home on Queen lane. NORRISTOWN Announcement is made of the engage ment of Jliss Gertrudo Levy, daughter of Jlr. Abrnin Levy, of 5.17 Arch street, and Jlr, Harry Errlesson, son of Jtr. nnd Jrrs. JL JI. Errlesson. of 252 East Jlnln street. The marriage of Jliss Levy and Jlr. Errlesson will take placo in Philadelphia on JIarch 2.1. They will live In Norrlstown. Jlr. and Jlrs. Walter dc Prcfontsin, of 104 West Fornnnce street, enter tuined the members of the Jlozart Club at dinner, followed by a musical at tbeir home. Among those present were: Jliss Ruth Woodland, Miss Rachel Batty, Jliss Dorothy Jones, Jliss Alice Morris, Jliss Blanche Deery, Jliss Elsie Davis, Jliss Dorothv Clowcr, Jllsa Knthryn Lloyd, Jliss Beryl Hart and Jliss Corn JIny Arnold. WALTON ROOF Dancing 9 P. M. Refined Entertainment r;0. 'na NEW ATTRACTIONS HM MOOHi: AND ANNA DK Mlt.ITA. Tho Hand fUw Wlnnl Htnl the Harpist ..,. ,.. .nv.P:n AND SANDS T;vn..9!rl". i Ln?l ! ''"nd ' Harmony" MSIIA PAniVA AND COMPANY Virtll Dancvrx HOHTON AND I.A THISK V 1 li Clown nnd th Human Doll UNA SCHALI, Tim Pnrnondllty Olrl cinAcn wnms 'Iniilnr Cemf4Jnn WRDNnsDAY MPECIAI, Shewlnr nf Movloa TUin of Ont OOI.DWYN PICTURE NIOHT THE JANE P. C. MILLER CONSERVATORY 102S CHESTNUT BT Walnut 127 0AHK6 Private Lessons Daily Modern, Esthetic and Fancy Dancing Physical Culture Hnllw to nnt HOCKEY TONIGHT, 8: 1 5 P.M. Princeton vs. Dartmouth OUNERAI. hK.TINQ 9 00 P. M Phila. Auditorium & Ice Palace I Mil MARKET 40TH TlrlcMs inn bo liml hi Hpaldln'a. 1510 Chlnnl. nr t 11.1a Sn pynn Squar-.. During the LENTEN Season Get Ready for Your Easter Dances By Taking Individual 4 DANCING LESSONS $5 IN OUR PRIVATE MIRRORED STUDIOS RY tkaistu rv.ACur.nn 1520 CHESTNUT ST. OFFICE GOD Ph L'. 3IPS for Appointment CORTISSOZ SCHOOL Unlvemlty i:xtenlon Society Announces be. cau of lllna o( Maurlco W. Broi-kwell B. R. BAUMGARDT JnK A'lTHr.RSPOON HALL. WED AKT. AT 4' "VENICE T,IE C,TY OF (l?t'ol5N (Prnfuinly Illustrated) TICKKTS. r.Oo. 75i- Unlerslly Entenalon Box Olltc. Wltliereroon Bide. ACADEMY ,SEDNUSDAY0fIAc8,:i: Violin POLK Recital by RUDOLPH TlrkMii. Heppi a, 1110 Cheatnut, I?, 11 80, 11. 75c Peoples b Kens Ave & Cumafland AUita jiat. DAILY eauty Trust C Walnut ab 8th. Mat. Today BOWERY BURLESQUERS asino nRPWPI A -MAT TODAY. 25c. 33c ' Evk , 25c. 3Hc. BOc 4 76a . tnenT;11 Little Peggy O'Moore MAIIC1I R "NEARLY MARRIED ' Be Fat! jn I M 4 Bellevue Court Building i I A I o f 1 T i'ho walnut street ) BMxamn , tKtuiitlilTCT Wh ifAmcnT bt. Anovn istii 11 A. M. TO MilB r. M. NAZIMOVA IN A Nt:W PHODUCTtON STRONGER THAN DEATH ITtOM I. A. Jit. WYUB'8 BTOIfT 1214 MAltKET HTHEKT 10 A. M., 13, 3. 3.iti, CHI, 7:40, 0l30 P.M. Klret Preanitatlon of Screen Ileproductlon of Atunrtua Thomas' Famous Tlay (MM1& EBMD A l'uramount.AMcraft PIctur FEATUniNO LIONEL BARRYMORE In tho role hn created In tho tarn Minion WI3I.1. WORTHY TUB PATRONAOH or i. tlir AUMIUKK Utr lir;AL,L,I tlfili PH0T0PLAY8 ARCADIA CHRSTNUT UHI.OW 11TH 10 A M, 12. 2, 0:43. 0:13, 7:43. H.SO P. JL uouuta uonis MAC LEAN MAY IN PAIlAMOUNT-AnTCRAPT IMCTURU "MARY'S ANKLE" ADDED "TUB CHARMINO MRS. CHASE" A Mm. Sydney Drow Comody VICTORIA MA11MJT STREET AUOVR OIH A. M. to It.ir. p M. rcrleia Presents Klrat Showing of ANITA STEWART IN THH RACING PtAT "In Old Kentucky" A Spectacular. Bnatlonal Melodrama, C A P I T 0 TI4 MARKET STREET L 10 A. M., I'.', '.', :i;1D. 0:43. 7.43. 0 0 P. M. DUST1N FARNUM "' ""SfRVJS. THE CORSICAN BROTHERS Added Benion Comedy, "The Grocery Clerk' REGENT MARKET bT. Bel 17TU Dorothy Dalton 111 "BLACK IS WlllTli" It A. M. to 11 P JL MAJIKKT STREET AT JUN1PKR CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE DOTT1E CLAIRE & MAIDS 'TUrrtCOATS Olhfr Arln Worth While BROADWAY I,r",d ne,;,A., FASHION MINSTRELS St 8 "FcTLuTnYE "EVERYWOMAN" CROSS KEYS MARKBT BTj Bel. COth "MABEL BE CAREFUL"" rillLAPKLPHIA S FOREMOST THBATRtlS GARRICK last 5 EVGS. MAT. TOMORROW A RIOT OF FUN! p AbiaMMCKUWmuJiralfrodaclOT NKXT WEEK SEATS THUTtSDT wgui.M.,i t CvrilAOHOINAIlT! The ED. WYNN CARNIVAL rmsT ' EDITION a joyous, jazzy, music nnvun with ED. WYNN (Himself) , Rrlllltnt Cast an4 floM Mrtal Choru HOOK AND SONOH DT ED. WYNN ' FORRFST GTTS AT 8 15 ' V-TltJiJ 1 MAT. TOMORnOW ' IN'RTANWMKOt'a n.r-(.L.:ci r,o ' 1 JOHN CORT 8 BREEZY MUSICAL COMEDY LISTEN . LESTER WITH ADA MAE WEEKS iHJX STARTLING CAST CF- l"U...iIAKKIUi, SI.NQERS AND DANCERK RROAFi WWHTS AT 8 118. LJlJrL MAT. TOMORROW GEO. M COHAN Prennnts GEORGES RENAVENT In the New Cnnvdy of Youth, Love and Temperament THE nai vilMt ilDDroiOTinr t? VlilLJU 1 1 D L.1L GENIUS nv 10HN t wiNTTRE ntANria nnj, METROPOLITAN OPERA HOL'HK Friday JVIch. 5 ' Hi" PPearanca n CONCERT BY JOHN If ft ( T 1 R T H If V c l I t V U I , K GREAT rOPtir.ATJ miMDii, srvra n. ti bo. ta oo nog chestnut st "METROPOLITAN 0PERIubUSE TIROVD TOPIAR PTS ONE WEEK ONLY llEfllvvivo NEXT MONDAY EVG M VRr i V? ! DIRECT FROM 6 MONTHS RUN IN LONDON PERCY HURTON PRESENTS LOWELL THOMAS WITH The L$st of the Crusaders Allcnby in Palestine and Arabia The Arahlan Nlrtita Kntertalnmant Which Took London and New York by Storm The $100,000 Production of Over 500,000 People and 60,000 Camels Etry ivenlnc except Tuesday at S'SO Matlneea Si-dnfdHV & Siit 111 i! In lrl Evenlner-SOc to IS Pop rt.i ud ffl to n mam. rtnnEns Now heat hv SALE STARTINa TOMORROW MOIWINO. Downtow n TK-ket Omce. una Chestnut St EITH'S EVA TANGUAY World's Oraatest Eocntrto Comedienne Aibertma Rasch & Co, .JPfcP"F" Ince Creations ' r'"t rFarr4l, J C Morton A P Q;hera. DUMONT'S Kmmett J Welch Mln. ? w xmuAf et.nirA'fi T.nAniNri rwAraa reetlon I.B0 ft J. J. SHtSaWt , A RIOT! LAST ' NITE i. AT THE .j S H U B E R P THEATRE1 TAKE IT ; FROM ME -.4 Created More Cheers', Enthusf nstic Applause and Uproarious. wl Laughter Than Haa Ever BeforK Been Heard in Four Walls of L Philadelphia Theatre. AMERICA'S: GAYEST MUSIC All V SHOW Top. Mat. Tomorrow 1000 Seats at ttifc LYRIC EVGfcr2: MATS. -t WED. &. SAT.. 2:29.1 ?SmooTw BEST SEATS $1 "MR. HODGE ) I'G- nuLwiTircn AT HIS BEST" philji. rbooriv' w i i. r. I A m "" HODGS In Ilia aralet Rucceaa "THE GUEST OF HONOR' Ann PUT NIGHTS AT 8:18 AUtLrril Mat.. Thur.. & Sat.V LAST 5 NIGHTS JIOO MAT. THURSDAY ARTirUR HAMMEUSTRIN'fl SEASON-a MUSICAL SUCCESS SOMEBODY'S SWEETHEART, WITH A 100 CAST TOR-T1CKL1N' TUNES I.AUC1H-LADEN LINES and the Beit Blnglne Chcrus In Totrn NEXT WEEK seats thursdat ; A II. WOODS PrenenU ' A 1'rlvolouii J'arco of Kemlnlno Foible UP IN MABEL'S ROOM;1. With These Incompatible Karceurs: HAZEL DAWN. WALTER J0NB8. JOHN AnTHUR and ENID MARKET And a eyjTMrtlna; company of equal merit THE SENATE MAY NOT RATIFY THH TREATY HUT REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS ARE FOR FRIVOLITIES WITHOUT RESERVATIONS TRET AGREE THAT IT IS a muaitiNa LEAP TEAR RIOT a OF WOMEN BEAUTIFUL AND OAT a OF COMEDIANS e DEFT AND FLIP OF BONO BIRDS LUTE-AND-TJIRJC.IJJCE OF COSTUMES DARINO AND Vrvm OF bCE.VBRY SURT AND STARTLING OF HATmEB SAGE AND 8UBTLE CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE FOR THREE WEEKS ONLY NIGHTS (ecDt Gat.). 00o to $3 60 Pop Mat. Wed. Best Seat ll.BO, WALNUT UAT,-JrJiuna. S8C to tb , W UVENZNQB, SOaXo f 1X4 "7 DAYS' LEAVE; ORIGINAL NEW YORK W6DUfVlnMr,fc THB GREAT ALLIED V1CTOIIY PI AV METROrTAERTVlT8 Tt TON.CHT MARTHA hi; 2"V..lt".T.n,? .J',".ni. Mr ms. narrientos. p.rinl. ntm . a .'ui,,, 4.,.,i. uiiirirnii. rrirtwi CI Jesta. Lurntl. CoiiJ fanSri.CT beats HOB Chestnut St Wal. 43 j? Wal, UitlluK& ACADEMY Seatfl at Heppo's, lllo nwi..ll PHILADELPHIA r ORCHESTRA Sat. wun?$ Sntnlst) WJ.HV.' b ft t f ;'i '..! X tU IrM ' 1 i t H ti i I X t Tt "J t-t rrT "J t1 l'J II "!ff,'ll!f, . Trocadero "5yLJ!r. wiut wwMUp; W iwi uujuaa ivtsiib" rf - . . si i " toll t 3--,.'r ifV -. . i S.rH. M," ' - Wt H-tft-'W w-fijrf l,'t4? laOTVUfl.. .r.t'y v Mi'- . -oiiV . . -i",. i I t. ?... ' ' V JH. Hyj'.;i t-JiSlllr,Y ui' js J i' r.t -i' -& 'Ji&Z? i 'Jt A, - .ci i lJjv lii ra. Maurice Bpwtr Baul Pk D "i?1.- .AC1I OTU 8T8, Don t Borrow Babies or 3fou " c1 la a Huff OIVKN, 0 S n