v 'tr V t w M ;v- fiV i!-' .' . v, 4' A " yti il ,i i 7 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHISdELPHLV, MdSfDAY, M&ftOH 'S 1920 i '(.. , 12. u S't.'-r r tV SENSIBLE' DIET WOMAN'S EXCHANGE FLORENCE ROSE FASHIONS ADVENTURES CYNTHIA ' - - ., .i ' r- V f- 3 rfifc.- it . J 4 ,H V 2'ea, Coffee and Sectioning) 5 Lire Mustard, Horse ; radish or Ovvrr'wh Foods Are iSot Suitable Some Recipes for Sweets t That Arc Wholesome and Nutritious as Well Delicious THOSE RECIPES vvhli;h Mm. Wilson Ratbcrcil to gether on tier trip to Northwest t'umiiln iill uppcur in tlifM1 col tmijia In ihc near ftitiirr. They nrc briiijf pippurrd, written up uml tir ningi'il in Mrs. Wllt-on'.t nsuiil' lul.v wiij; with incuu.i and drs-crlptloiis to Kvcuint:iiij litem. Watch for Them Please Tell Me What to Do Ity CYNTHIA MRS. WILSON GIVES FOOD FOR CHILDREN CROSSES HER AIMS WHEN SHE WALKS as currant jellj nnd tlicn brat until the mixture holds its shape. Vile In the pudding ami erv. t'liornlato Cornstarrh (.'uMmil I'lai'i In u .iiiin'cpan Tien . tin nf milk. (hit half iiiii of ,lil irnlii. Dili hvil tnhliipt, m tif cori'.s ! ll rh. 'in heel lubl spoons uf cut-on. Sir to ilis.nlvc the stnreli utid ther bring to a boil and rook slowlj for 111' leen minute. Now add " Uy MKS. M. A. WILSON lCopvrii.il!. 19:0, In Mr 31. t. II (Mom. , Ml Iwjhli ltcsrrml. fpiIC mother ii-lrrh to feed her chll JL dreu for their ph.ieal wrll-bin8 today so that the uih reaeli their ma turlty 100 per tout etlieient lu henllh. To furnMi Miitnblc and iiutritioiia food nt the present high price is b no means uu easv problem for the rnotbrr of moderate means. Now , in order to obtain the maximum amount of nutriment, the nuitlirr iiiiim i:aii .1 , fron, thr nips and then when cold II1CI Ot III iru!l a wen, i,ir u run .miv- ,vj,, ., ,1,,,, ,.Ms.tjiril 1 ICC nasi?. thnt vu -nuul'l pmii ii" I Sir tablespoons of stitjar. 1 Our tablespoon of rmiilla. Ileal to ml and then rlnn tin tard eups with eohl water. Tour cornMiircli and set n-ldi- to chill. rus 11 the Turn rne ,ltl( e This means flint vmi tnenls entirelv m-ihii-hI- and niuirt frm the rwt of the fuinil.v Thin im-luili-i the chllilrcu from uine mouths to tif teen years of use. Vliolcoinc. plain, vrcll-cooked foods should be the por tion of every child. It should be given in sufficient amounts to replace the en ergy that has been expended and to build up u reserve as well as furnish the material for growth of body struc ture. Voods that are not suitable for chil dren or that are in furious or difficult to digest are stimulants, such us tea innd coffee, and seasonings, such ut iuc car, catsups, spiecs, pepper, mustard, borecradisb, pickles, etc.. fried foods, pastries, veal. pork, sausage, kidney, cornbecf. dried or canned meats, greasy or oerrieh stews or gravies Well-cooked cereals, well-cooked maca roni, good home-made wholewheat bread, milk, eggs, fish, baked potatoes ami plenty of green vegetables, fresh nnd dried fruits, simple custards and nut - ' ,dlngs all thepp will furnish an nbun dant diet for the growing jouugslcr. Candy has no place iu the ehild dlet. An excessive amount of sugar causes an irritation of the di-licnli liii ing of the stomach and thus se up n ferraentution imd causcH iutejtiual ili orders. I'uudy and large amounts of sugar bpoil the appetite for the plain, tvell-cooked and wholesonnj foods and . prevent the child from eatiug sufticinil food, because the sweetmeats thenisile give tho child a feeling of haing hud sVCnpugb to cat. J Children who are permitted to have large amounts of cand and sugar an frequentlj subject to many of the child Jsh diseases; this is diw to the fact that ating liberally of sweets lowers the 'tality of the bodj . j, Tbo child's craving for .rets ma bi satisfied by a reasonable portion of tig. jdatea, seeded raiins. apnles. orange. plenty of good crranicr butter. Ml these foods are esseutial to the growii g child. Stewed fruits and u green salad shonld be included in the dally menu Somk simi'le ftoomrcs koi: Tin-; CHILDREN (iiugerbrcad Three-quarters cup of cw f Mums molasses. Biz tablespoon! of shortcnin'i. Two flips of jlour. Tteo level tablespoons of bakunj por 4cr, " One-half teaspoon of cinnninnn. t One-quarter teaspoon of ginyrr, j One teaspoon of nutmeg, One cup of teater. . Beat to mix and thrn pour ioio well ijreased and (loured pun and hake iu a .moderate oven for thirty-five miuules. Cocoanut Pudding Old-Time r rriitt wlilp Rite I'uddiiig l'l.icc ill 11 stiiicipui lour tilble.-poons of well-washed rice and Iheu add ilnr uml une"iuurli r rwpi 0 boilum 11 tiler. Cook until the rice is soft ami tin u add 7'iro cm 113 0 iitifA, Si-r tablespoons uf swjur, Tico tablespoon 1 of butler, Unc icell-beaten ryij, (tnC'half teaspoon of mace. Ueat to mix mid then turn into a bak me dish und bake iu a slow oven fur thirty minutes. Mrs. Wilson Answers Queries You Have Done Right A Faithful Render- No. dear, do not continue this friendship. n have taken Hie proper stand. It should not have been weesMir tor this man to tr.v to llnd out the kind of girl jou were; ou uiiifl have shown him b.v jour condui'l. And in any case his method of llmliug out b.v insulting jou Willi Improper joke? simply served to prove that he is not 11 gentleman. Let Mattero Alone In lguoranee -You would do well to drop the jouug mini who is willing to hem- and sas ugl.v things about .von I'lo-ic arc so intiiij others who would be good friends j"s not weilli while to waste time over this one. Disagrees With "Imogcnc" l)ear Cjuthia-Hiivc followed with Interest the letters sent to jour col umn. Can't "Imogcne" understand that what site sajs about "the reallv nice girls" not kissing Is all stuff and nonsense? 1 don't want to brag, but 1 have been brought up as well as the best of them and I look uud net it. too. t)o jou know, "Imogcne." or don't jou, that theie is a rtiiin time, a n-r-miu age, I mi-;!!! aj. somewhere he tweU scvriitei'ii mid twenty, when nu just can't gel along without a lillh harinle.ss loving? Sometimes it's the place, sometimes It's the boy, and theu again it might be jourself. Ot course, there's a lot to say for nnd against my theory, but if I'm wrong, jou think, let me know what jou think, anyhow. T.ctty IlonncJ" lyis the right idea about closing jour ojes when kissed; it Just cnu'l be helped or c.plaiucd, litlier. I.et lac know what you think, Cyn thia, through jour column, and oblige, It. 1). V. I'yuthia tliiuks iusl as she always 1 did. that promiscuous his-ing is anj thing but nice, and thut kisses should be kept by a girl for the man she loves , 111 11 win unirrj. auu uoi lur in, 1. . n-illt- MlS ! JKfltfliiK ttftni rtntl uHMrr...i..l .1 hiakaIk I lin result of wearing Just this particular combination of smart clothes onco she is used to It she will wnlk tlint way u net her or not she l wcariug n rape. hen she wears li suit or 11 coat she folds her nrms art hugs herself iu much the same way. Uvpu if she has n muff she walks In the snine wnv. Imlding the , iiiuff close nguinst tho arm nt about Ibe VIOOW, (Copyright, tn;o, by I'lorcncc Jloso.) Adventures With a Pwse The Woman's -' Exchange "JrV A new gall Ins been Introduced by the vicaring uf lhro gooil-.lnohlu; full capes. 'I lie wearer crosses tier arms bcnralh il ami hugs herself as she vvallis, producing a gait that lias 11 little swing anil it little bobble. II hccniiM's it habit, so that even when she wiar.s a coat or it suit she linoluiil.irlly folds her hands and trots along without swinging her arms Pick and Hurry. M. Pear Mrs. Wilson T am a reg ular reader of jour coluinu uml will be ph-iised to seo u recipe fur Ihe fol lowing: lltlttcrseoteh. candied pine apple how- to make peauut butter, bow 1.1 make tough steak leudi-r lie fore eiinkiug, how to cream scallops: iTiuj white of egg be inKcd with cream in enlarge Uic amount? Thank iugjou in advance, (Mrs.) A. C. Ilutlerscotrli 7'iro cvpi 0 Iiroirn sugar. One rup of irhitr corn sirup, ilm-hnlf run of iruttr. tiring to a boil and conk until degrees Tahr. or until it forms a hard ball when tried iu cold water. ISe inovc from Ihc lire. Stir iu four lable spnoiis nf butler 'and then pour into well-greased pan. Marl: into sipiares bed re il eonls. f, reuse the pan with salad nil. Afraid publish file 1 litter up- I Bachelors Are P .ir C.vnthia I'lias feu lines to II. 1'. K whose jpeiirnl 111 jour iut'-re.-tmg coin 11111 r-sir - urdaj ' 1!. 1'. K., You and I are in the sauii bout. Our cases arc nearlv alike. I am 11 n acetylene welder 1 niaki- I S:;i;.."0 per week; but I can't live ou ?l."i per week as jou are doiug. 1. pay ?11 hoard. Carfare, laundry atuf writing 'material cost mo around ?" per week. But then Ihere arc the clothes. You can't buy a suit or overcoat for S20 HI 1 now. Then then: is "the girl." I love her and she loves tin:. (I know because she closes her eyes wbeu 1 kiss herJi She likes candy, theatres and dances, so jou cm M-e what becomes of my iron. Suppose I got married there! Where woultl 1 gel ou.' Mire; .Move over i cups of milk, uud while biatiag place in u tui.iiig f. Scald tvvi the mill: is bowl One-half aip of fine bread ciumbs, One-half cup uf ruruanut, ,w Three tablespoons of tugat , J One tablespoon of butUr, - Pour the scalding milk over the $"ruinbs nnd then let cool. Add the jolk .of one egg and then turn into a bakin -Wish and b.ike in a slow oven for twenty TmiCUtcs. t'se the white of egg lij plae jns it in a bowl with one-half glass of The piocess neeesMirj In candied pineapple is tno long and ton cotnpli ca til for this cnliiiaii. Watch for it iu the fruit season. I' so the nut butter knife on ihe food hopper for milking peanut butter. Heat a tough steak with u meat a until ti infer mid then place on a platter atid cover with i('o tnblripooni of salad nit. Oik lahlripiinn of Itintm aire. Out tniipooii of nralcd union. Turn frequent!-, and let imiriuutc for one hour l'roil or parboil. Parboil and then heat the scallops in a cream sauce. My Dear Mr. Wilson About two wi-ks ago j-od published a recipe for pimento cheese. Kindly repeat tame, or tell uic what date i-arue was pub lished. Also Mudly tell me what I , could have for an evening gathering that would be iucvpensire iu the wav of a I Mitch lumli. Thanking jou in advjinei. 1 Mrs. 1 D. M. tsorr.i . but am unable to give date of the iis-ip-: would suggest that you look over lb" buck tilev within the last two 1 weeks. Itefrcblimciils for an Kvruing (fath ering Celery Radishes Pickles Rye nnd Whole Wheut Ilread and Rut ter Saudwielies Shrimp uud Cclerj Salad or Virginia Baked Mam with Potato Sal, id or Cheese and Bacon S.-iudw iclir Tea Coffee l , , , and iiiiike room for one more iu th 1 poop house. If T married her I would I hate to buy her clothes and "feed" I wo'ihlu t I? You will notice that there are more bin helors todaj than there were ten jiars ugo. Wlij ? Simply because they are ufraid. Afraid tiiat they can't sup port a wife as she is accustomed, "ics I she will keep quiet for a short time until family troubbs iuterferc Then again jou en 11 "live" (I term it "i.ist"i on ?"0. But jou have no home to take her to. She will have to eat peauut brittle inrtcad of chocolates (and go to movies instead of theatres. ! Sue can't dress in stjlo. Don't you know when jou are lucky and well off? I Well, I do. Tuat's why I'm still siugle. ( Better let the father of jour girl keep 1 her a while vet. tou ought to get --nuts at the bet theatres lit $l.."i0 or .'-! ea. si" where it CO.-t J mi ?lfl iui s pensive. N'aw . fella, better cloiek the "splic vcz" idea and keep ou calling on her uulil things look a little bright' r. A YOl NO BACIir.I.OR. "ashlon Talk by Florence Rose FOR every fashiou epoch thero is u different tort cf gait or walk or carriage. In other words, tho very smart jouug wotnnn of tndiy progresses along the avenue in ti difftreut way from that of the very smart jming woman of yes terday or the day before yesterday. And you can always find the cause for that typical or fashionable wulk 111 the sort of clothes that the very smart joung woman wears at the period iu question. Tho new way of walking is really not ridiculous at nil, and it is certainly not usual enough to be commonplace. But occasionally, now and then, as the out-ot-tovviier walks tbrougli the fash ionable theatre, or shopping, or hotel section lie is passed by a smnrl joung girl who bus aijnptctl tins new wall; ami well, the out of-towner feels that it is distinctly a product of New York, and that it is decidedly smart. As a matter of fact, it emanated fioni Paris because the sort of clothes that produced it hero emanated from Paris. And now for particulars. It was the rape that was worn so universally in Paris lust summer that started it. Oivcu u loose cape, a spirited young girl with a definite idea it getting some place at a certain time, Riven to high heeled shoes, preferabl.v short-vamped, and 11 fairly tight skin, but one that is also fairly short, and perhaps si pair of very short sleeves worn with short gloves on n coolish daj- for that is what they did in Paris and are bl ill doiug there atid over here. The smurt joung girl will cross her arms beneath her cane as the j-ouug girl in the picture, holding the capo with her hands. At all events she will give the luipresslon of hugging her T" AST week I spent a busy day in New - York-, but not so busy thnt I did not bud time to peep into some of the most , fnscinatiug Fifth inenuo shops. And at one 1 &aw some spring suits, ttuusu 1 ally smart aud trim models, for sur prisingly low- prices, considering Ihe high cost of everything this ear. "If Ibis were only u Philadelphia shop now," I .(bought to mv.sclf. "wouldn't I Jusl write all ndvcutlirr about these stills!" And then today, quite by, ac cident, I discovered 11 shop right here in our own cilj thai curries these same 'make milts. 1 saw one, very llugllsli ; looking und trim, of a rough tweed, .which is priced tit ?.jiUiO.' Then there were other guj Utile spring models in Irlcotluc and Imperial serge, some with . vests, othera quite plain in design. 1 feel sure that jou will be glad to know , 1 IiHt tlicso sulls rnn be purchased here, and 1 know- thut you will be delighted with the models ami prices. Kvci- since Dorothea gave me the lovely liltle powder bo of gold with its 'oiiisitcly enameled top mid its tiny puff and cake of powder, 1 have been wondering what in theworld I should do when that cake of powder had been 1 used. For I do not like to carry loose powder iu the little receptacle because I it is sure to leuk out boonrr or later ou 1 my best dark dress. But niv doubts aro uovv at rest, for I have fouud u shop thut .has tluy cakea of powder, coming in three sizes aud iu several shades brunette, white mJd flesh, for fifteen cents. When one cake of powder is quite used up one merely purchases a new liltle cake to lake its place. Isu't this nice to know. t know- where jou can get a slunuing Bolivia cloth coat, in full loose model and well -cut collar, for .$70.50. And If jou think thut isn't 11 real bargain, just shop around mid price coats. The coat I have seen bus no fur 01) it, so thnt it cau be worn ns. a spring coal, jit it is suQiricntly well lined to be warm etiougb for cooler days. It can be had in brown, taupe, aud blue, ami Is an excellent bargain. About Arctlo Regions To fn IMIfor ot iromait's Vaoti Dear Mndim As one of your dally readers, I would nrlprcciato very much if you possibly could settle it friendly argument hetvvecu two friends, nnu wc both happen to bo daily readers ot your newspaper, A. bets me that up in the Arctic re gions there exists: 11 phiec where they have six months continuous day auu six mouths continuous night. B sajs contrary, to this effect, thnt lie admits the home, but that the suu is ul wajs shining up in that region samp as here, but that it is dark aud not night for the six months. , ,, Trusting jou will glc us n solution of the argument, wo remain, R. C. AND 3. D. It. lu some places in the Arctie regions I ho sun-does not rise above the horir.ou through November and December. 'Ihere Is milv 11 ! lllelii nt noondnv. 1 roni April until the middle of August there Is no darkuess, that is, the sun uocs uui go below the hori.on. Washing Linen Dress To the Villtor ul Ifoinon's f'aoc: nni. Mmlmif -"What Is the i-icht way to wasli und iron 11 child's dark blue ilnrn dress? It always has wblto spois In it. MRS. A. B. The while spots probably come from starch Hint li.is not dissolved. Mncn docs not require iiuj special earn in washing. Simply wash It as ou would auythlug else in warm water and soap, rinsing it thoroughly before starching. You might' strain the 'larch before using It, so that there will bo no dnnger of any par ticles remaining iu the dress. Iroti it when it is almost dry and sec that it is evcnlv moistened. Iron the sleeves first, then 'the rest of the dress and finally auy trlmmiug or edging that is ou It. SHOWING DISLIKE OF WIND BY BEING DISAGREEABLE Not Only Malces Others Uncomfortable, but It Also Depresses Those Who Give Way to Their Feelings And It ' Docsril Dp Any Good Whlc how I hale March with its high winds 1" neonlo arc saying everywhere today. All through the yenr soino of thrau huvc been dreading it. Be- ore me month is over you n no sum to have this experience. You'll come icto n room nnd jou'll say pleasantly to some 0110 who happens to bo there, "Cold today, isn't lt?' "Perfectly nwftill" she answers you snnpplly, "Did you go fo the movies last uight?" you'll ask, trjlug to chungu the subject before bhc has n chance to bile your licnd off. "1 did not." she'll answer vehement l.v. "I don't go to the movies every night, especially iu weather like this," Y'ou may woudcr and worry about this. Could you have done something yestcrdayv that made her displeasure last overnight? But dou't worry about it. It's just tho wind. She's Just one of those people who detest wind, nnd think that it will relieve their feelings to express their hate by snapping at other people. Tiiey Know thnt they can suout their dislike to tho wind without doing any good to other people. Their nerves get Just as ruffled ns their hnlr in the wind, nnd they have no control over them. !i I can't sell, and as she Dances an 1 gi"S position 1 shoulder and couldn't po,ii waddle, but th enctly descnli voung woman of wnlkiug tin w ings along in this hug he will affect a little hip motion that you y call a hobble or n re is no word th.it will It. Now, tin smart '.ho gets into the habit way uud doubt less it is THE GLAD SURRENDER R IIAZKL. UKYO BAICIIELOR L'omrioM, 1)10. nt the 1'ublto Lcduer Co. Granville Burton, Jr., Is Horn '. After Lnuict blow man ins (Iran- vtllc Jlurtnn shi renb 1 that he dors not lover hrr and thai hr has married her to b- th; mothn nf his cbildrin. t!hc alio dmruirr r"H hi hm ahrain .tvanted a son, ihr i to become a mother m Ihc stiniiit' 1 UIAPTF.R XXV Ttlli; winter Hew b ou leaden 1 .. ... .-- Laurel j h little cream li-ie never lie. even to w nigs. it seemed to Laurel, for under hrr gay demeanor, under the light badi nage of polite coiiM r'utiou, it seeinei as though her heart stood still some -'times. If it hud not been for the gov little upartiueut wh re T d and Winona lived, she would Iuim been dcfperatel louclj . Sonielinii when she thought of it, it seemed 11 untige thing thut Wiuouu should Iiiim ImiI nil the luippi ncsfl utter all. W nmna who hud alwavs lnuglird nt love .,1m had mocked the ;ideu of a uuiu being true, and Ted, the scoffer, the inaierinlist. turned over tlilglit into an ardent lnver. ! Laurel uevei allowed herself to get morbid, however l.v 01 j day she walked '.three mills, sonietimrs more If the '-weather permitted, and she would come home, pirfrctlj lit with starry ejes and tl, lining cheeks to 11 romp with the ejllldren. tirace and Dulcie she had learned t Iom as she had hoped she Would, uud the adored lier. Although thev till udni'reil then- father it wa Irflltrcl who In Id their heart-. Dulrb from the li'-t hud capitulated, and wOrucc, who, beiiiusc of her more rcii ceut uuture. had li'dd back for h time, loved Laurel none the less devotedly now that she had giveu in entirely. Laurel inaue u great many 01 uer ( baby things herself, although sho 1 locked herself up iulo her own apart ments and never ulloweu uny one 10 sec her work, ttnee 011 a rainy aucrnoon "Then wi hare it alniu said immediate!), and th - had party with Dulele'.-, fi-m-no cui,e- anil very weak tea t'lil noi, e 01 this time to au i mire. Mie let it a s.,.ret iinnii i,r t.iw.etj ber mother uud herself awl guarded it carefully. During (bis time LiimcI sw Grnn vile very fonunll.v . A seemingly de i lightful understanding existed between them, but of the iiiosr formal kind Weeks hurl elapsed since he had come I into the ivory and gold slttinij room, but in the evenings when they weri alone. Laurel sat m the library and , thej chatted about affairs of the dav. lleie .he never brought an) thine per 1 sonal. -he never sai. , many women sit. with small sen ing or nn.vtliiug ot the kind Sotiietiun sin pltijcd with the pagei f j, hook mid she 'was 11 1 wajs evquisitelj, dre.-snl. s,n wuuted liruuville iilwajs to rui( tuber her thsl way !ind she reserved the real Laurel the Laurel that hud beeu bottled up 1 lll-inr ui neiseii mr so mull) Wei'bs, tor W inona aud the children. In June, just h jear from thr time when Laurel had embarked on her great adventure with her prince by her side, and had wntcbid the June sun shine glitter on the pavements 11 bhe aud 'iranville drove to the church to lie married, liruuville Burton .It wa- , born (irouville Burton uever forgot lhat night. Something rose up iu him Hint lie could not fathom. When Grace had been boru he hud not felt this wa.v 1 about Ruth, and Dulcie's birth had not seemed anything out of tho ordlnnry. But when the doctors arrived, und n white-cupped, Immaculately sturched kept guard outside of the cream nur6c keni V UlternOOU nn,l f-ntn RItltA uitniptliln,- linnnnnA.I n.ili! Imd 1 ome Into the tirfvacy of the I n i,0,i u tn,l,l, n .it,t n.itoinii...i M.. .. .- -..-.. , ...... .. u..u... .. ...... llili.llllllUI ., room uud hud sat at tier mot net-s Knee wjhi, (0 rlsM ), tUP ru01 WDerp fin u small eu-nioii waicuiiig i.Miirri a 1 iUurcl was. to lie with tier. If be had white ling' r with adoring cjes aud ,eu himself he would have wondered kitting lis, illl a 11 1110111-0. bijeh -in idea, hut souiehovv he lie- Uticc in the ad of cuttiug off a ,.ri,t,., u, nnd he found himself at la t small thread Limn I hud miiiIcu down , mouutitig the stuu-s. The door opeie d thut led into Liiurel - silting room, uud the mirw came out. She looked at Granvillo llurtou appraisingl.v. To hrr he was not the great Granvillo Burton, bo was simply ber patient's husband. into the vivid little fuee, Ihc eyct. so like Granville s iu expression. 'Might wo have tcu u here?" Dulclo asked breathlessly. "I thiuk eo, dear. And invite SCHOOL" DAYS ARE JOY-DAYS for youngsters whose bodies are made stnmg and sturdy by rational exercise and proper foodIhe boy that is stuffed -with foods that have been robbed of min eral salts is a dull boy. Shredded Wheat is the perfect food for growing children because it contains all the brain-maldng, tissue building material in the whole wheat grain. Abneafc fast of two ShreddedWheat Biscuits with hot milk gives a zest for study and play costs only a few cents. KJ?cit5iWv YVSKvT A minute ago 1 was tpcnkiug abour the little cakes of powder you cau bu.v separately for your powder box. And 1 almost forgot to tell jou that 11 1 another shop you cau also buy cakes of rouge in several sizes for liflren und twenty -five cents. I rather have 1111 idea that, like me, vou did tint know that, powder und rouge in this form could bo bought separately as fillers for jour powder or rouge box. Send n self-addressed, stamped envelope to the IMitor of. Woman's I'agc. or call Wuluut .'!000, for names of shops where articles men tioned iu Adventures with n Turse may be purchased. For Rainy Days The Question Comer Today's Inquiries I. What material is heft for cover ing hnngers (lint are used for eve ning gowns? ". How can extra width be added to a smnll, clofc-litting toque? .". Of wbut material can home-made window shades be cut? I. Describe u novel pair of stream ers for n dainty bridesmaid's but. ft. What style of collar is unusual and attractive? 0. How can an "ironing board" bo made for ironing a baby's cops? It is a well-known fact that all elni dreu enjoy most the things that are privileges or for special occasions, ou will find rainy da.vs are equally loohnl forward to if jou have a rninj dav serapbook. Have iu a convenient place a box. bag or basket where till bright pictures, inagaziue covers, even lubel from fruit or vcgetuble cans, can be put Have ready a largo cambric .serapbook, scissors ind paste, but ullovv no one to work unless the ruin appears. You will tind the children will lovo their pla.v, aud the rainy da.vs will become a pleas urc instead of a problem. Good House keeping. Salurdaj's Answers 1. A spreading spider web in out line stitching makes n striking trimming for u dark dress. ''. If n wuiiiHU is the eldest unmar ried woman of the family she may have simply "Miss Jones" on her cards, otherwise she shdiild linvc ber full name. tl. Thu cockade of ribbon U n popu lar trimming for Ihe newest inilliuery. I. If the skin is dry and inclined lo . be scaly it should be cleanted with clenusing cream instead of noap 5. The pirsou who wears 11 topaz is supposed to be free from ineluu choi.v. and very serene and calm. 0. A pretty sleeveless blouse of georgette crepe bus eyelets lu both front and back, under the arms, and is lured with u silk cord. wr C all do it sometimes. After 11 succession of s.tormy days, who'll our arms are tired from holding um brellas und our feet arc worn out from shuffling nbout in rubbers, uud nil our old clothes have been wet through sev eral times, we get discouraged. The world is wholly dull, the sun has for gotten how to bhine. uud there is noth ing but dreariness everywhere. We. Hit und mope nnd think how miserable it till is, and all the time wc forget that we arc carrying within us u certain brand of sunshine willed cheerfulness. All wc have to do to release that sunshino is to rise n little above the rain nnd dark ness and let our natural cheerfulness show. Instead of thut wc let the weath er pull us down to its own level nnd make ourselves more depressed by mm pressing any possible good spirits. Wo loathe it so that we have to bbovv it that wc can be dlsngrccnblc, too. Wc forget that we could shninn it much bet ter by lotting out mis cnceriuincss unu showing the elements Hint they can go ubead and rain, wc dou't care. With a little exertion wc cfin lighten the globrii of the rest o tho household. The result of our efforts reacts iu turn upon us, and before wo rcnlizo it wq huvc forgottcu that it wan raining at nil. Yes, it's one of the easiest things li the world to let tho weather tako hold of us nud niuko our temper fit its own -variations. On cloddy, rainy days wc would like to bo dreary, dull, depressed nnd mopy; on windy daj-s wo let our nerves run awuy from us, oud wo aro dlsngrccablc, snappy nnd utterly impos slide to please. On beautiful sunshiny days we urc just nd pleasant ns we can be, hut why shouldn't wo? There s nothing to prevent it. Our character would bo weak Indeed it wo nllowcd our dispositions to bo governed like this hv e.vcry change in the weather. Wo cau't be cheerful nud plcnsaut nil tho time we should be very tiresome if wc Were. Hut we can at lenBt let tho weather break over us in its changing condi tions without allowing it to bend und swny nnd turn us like reeds ns if wn uau no sircngiii 01 ennracter wtiatcvcr. Socialists Claim 1000 P. C. Qaln Madrid, March 1. Tho newspaper Hociallstu publishes n list of the suc cesses of tho Socialist party in the re cent municipal elections. It nsscrts thnt throughout Spain the Socialists elected I0S2 of their candidates, whereas ut tho previous election they gained less thou 100 scats. Tetrazzlnl III, Cancels Tour liuffulo, March 1. Mnio. Louisa Tctrazzini. operatic boprano, was stricken-yesterday in Eric, Pn., nnd her tour was canceled. She is being taken lo Xcw York under physicians' enrc. A Child's Prayer Hy STKLLA O. S. PISUUY Now I Ho down to pleasnut sleep All through the quiet uight. And safe within God's love I keep Until the morning light. Ho makes mo good and happy, too, Iu sleep, in work, in play. Ob. let mo know if this is truo At night uud in tbo day! The DIET during & after INFLUENZA i Cuticura Soap IS 1DEAL- For the Hands Sop,OtBtment.Talpara.3Sr effrywlwe. Forv&jnpteB JdrfM:CtlemrL4bortor!w4p1.X, Uftllia.UMl. Rich Milk Ot Malted Grain ExUact Nutritioun Digestible Instantly prepared no cooking Used auccessfully over $ century JoTGct Ask for W vwyu jfc V ': Horlick's Thus Avoiding imitations v ...I'. " 1H' '"!' -irU Here. Comes the Big PRICE SALE Sfarliiifj Today, March 1st UO SHOES 85 Mal?erichei;spiciercaXe! ilfesiF'Sfell III llllliS 'III I1 1 lly IVyTTIXn? S Z1 HIT "IT 81 SI IS I J fmjBr MAJJ1j-A-CAJ11j Ml i VWtm a blend of choicest fruits, seedless rai- Wlflf ifl 'Miff sins and spices. Mix MAKE-AiCAKE Vj 1 1 I fit according to the recipes in tho yellow Vh p!Ji'I nnd blue carton. A 25 cent carton makes llln , biff 2' pounds of delicious, wholesome ' ll! , ji ll cake. Serve at any meal or any time. ll ij I ill Children love it. f "!i fill ' Cut out this advertisement. Mail it with Jflli 'iijl two coupons from recipe slips in Jtfjl l J fUu MAKE-A-CAKE cartons, and your fi ( i,''"''pji2w name and address, and receive free a jff! , fll handsome and useful pastry knife. jSFm uiti 'igZ ATMORE & SON, Inc. jMwi I j If (iivJRji 1 10-124 Tnsker Street 0NW 1 1 fflfflll fir JSSt f Ey 1; ! 8undreliool. church .ocletleonr S U i ' lodges cn inVe money by Introduc. 1 S 1 ne MAKE-ACAKB. Wrlto for pl- Jf H ,K.I.. ' Sundr tclioolt. church octettes nnd lodees can inane money ur ..- Ing MAKE-ACAKB. Wrtto for Pf tit ulars or aik any groier. m Grace? J. ,. i Not One rl Model 1 But Thousands of Pairs of Shoes Still in the Shop Go in a at Onc'half Price. Somm broken of. huf- ell fce unions tht Sincere Personal Service 9 Thli meant 2 Pairs nt tho Trice of One. hundred of fi Itathtrs, alt littlt. traaon'n hot stylet. .nee ana button. All Doors Open at 10 A. M. Today The (tore will be clotcrl until 10 A M. today to prepare for this sensational Clean-up Sale. Then you may choose from one hundred styles of superb shoes at half price. Think of it I This sea. son's best styles out on 'tables going to quick buyers nt this unheard of one half price. Calf, Kid, Suede, Patent Leather; Brown, Black or Grey; also combinations to pick from. Buy for present or future wear Now or Never. Sale starts Today. No Mail Orders. No C. O. D.'s. No Ex changes. Pick Yours Early! Rayal Boot Shop it1d Floor Saves 2to5 .liiob-e-io Chestnut strAfr " - w - j r-i .V . jr.;na: vw THE MOST EXCLUSIVE BLOUSE SHOP IN PHILADELPHIA Opens Today at 1328 Walnut Street Lcnbert Blouse Shop, resplendent with Sweaters, Hosiery and Lingerie, will concentrate experience, knowl edge and service to' the purpose of creating the only high-grade, exclu sive Blouse Shop in Philadelphia. Blouse Specials Every Day As they arrivo from day to day wo are at tractively pricing many dainty und pretty conceits of the newest spring models. Our intimate knowledge und connection with the blouse industry qualifies us to offer you incompnruhlo values. 17 raae-ias couo out with Situs m S'iLJclc bald CXUtcdls ' Jftjawrou--."WaitittK to rtx ImixA,'1 i rmx$$$Aii -. PB IntsMjirfyfr 'MktaMSa." . h Hi " - i i J - ' ' ' Ifc