w K. .,V i;3 4 '- ' teVENKSW PtlBEfa vLI6BIIBiiiiU)BLPHrA, FRIDAY, 3TEBEUARY 27, 1920 I Ml Neighboring Towns Send Vol- untoor Dopartmonts to Save New Jersey Village phoned to Thorofqire, Verga, Wtstvlllo and Houth Weatvlile fire companies. Theae responded promptly and helped save the village. The volunteer Are fighters suffered Intensely from the cold, i Ice hamepcred tbulr efforts. All watr I was pumped from the Dclnwore riven Mr. Taltt owried hi? home. Hit loin Ir placed at $1500 on the house' nnd sr00 ou furniture, fully Insured. The Simons house was owned by James Tnltt, of B40T North Fourth street, Phllndelphln. Low, 2WM). Mr. Si itt'Uii lout $C0( worth of furniture. TWO FAMILIES NEAR DEATH j Fire, whipped by high winds thnt swept over the DMnwnr rlvrr nt 2 o'clock this morning, destroyed two frame homes nt National Park, N. .1.. and for a time threatened the cutire villace. The families of Samuel Taitt nnd lohn Simons, narrowly eseapd with ' their lives and suffered greatly from ex posure before neighbors were aroused and took them In. In each ease the husband, wife nnd thrre children, to ether with Mrs. May Winkle, aunt of Mr. Simons, were forced to stnnd In their night clothing In the bitter cold until th family of Edward Btcwart could be aroused to let them In. An overheated flue In the Taltt home, t Third and New .Tersey avenues, Started the fire. The Simons houso ad joins. When Mr. Taltt nwoke the first floor was filled with smoke, nnd he got his family out jutt in time1. The Simons family were aroused nnd escaped with less difficulty, as the fire had not yet eaten through the party wall. Neighbors turned out. nnd with buckets of wnter tried to stop the prog ress of the fire. Finding that hopeless, they dragged out Tnitt's piano und most of the parlor furniture In the Simons house. Then, the local fire de partment finding itself helpless with its chemical apparatus, the village hurlng no wnter mains, call for aid were "Gallfor VhilipcMorris Visit Our New Enlarged Muslin and Silk Underwear and Corset Sections Second Floor All Goods Charged Tomorrow Will 5sgs "1 " l" "' h wimT-n'S'nTAlVTTPt All Goods unargea Tomorrow will . GeOrfiette BlOUSeSl UKl AIM II -Appear on March BiH-Poyablo'in April $ Beaded Eihbroidcrcd- Tucked Frilled They are entirely differ ent in style from the usual blouses you have seen at . this popular price. 1 Their shndlnrs are tho tatest Admiral blue. leaguo gold, Adriatic, blue dawn and orchid. New ki mono or short sletves. STREET FLOOR Personal Charges Invited -25-27 Market St. Women's New, Silk An ideal glove for spring wear. Of heavy tr colatte In whit, klnrh and (fray. All Kites. HTKEET FLOOR Balloons FREE to Kiddies accompanied by their pnrent3 who como to our SECOND FLOOR nVf- Whence Cities .I I li ! U BOND STREET CIGARETTES Ul l jj Plain Entl.i Cork Tin fi i II W .ItCTUL Jtk. -- Vl TO TNI LIT H 'I oHELP! A Man's Ambition prompts him to seek a. bigger tleSd. where he can show ht real ability as an Adverting Afan agtr. This advertisement Is directed to tho attention of some Philadelphia manufacturer who believes In advertising und has need 'or an advertising man, ex perienced In every brunch of the pnrfefcston a man who knows how to create consumer demand and reach the retailer a-i well. A 119. Ledger Ofllce, Featuring for Tomorrow Dashingly Smart New Springtime Suits That Are Most Wonderful Values at Our Price Stores I The Safe M w Truq Formerly Riker-Hegcpian nnnntown Erie and Bread flt. tr Mirtii Atreet U9 Market Htreti 14 Sooth 85d Street Front and York Htrreie C SnOAD STRLXE ; STS.-OrR NEWEST BTOHE NOW OPEN 1S3t ChMtnnt Street 1110 Market Street 1811 Cbeatnut Street GprmantoMn Cbeltn Ai, SAVE! EVERY DAY CUT PRICES SPACE permits us to quote only a limited number of the most popular Toilet Preparations and Medicines at our low prices, representing real worthwhile savings. If you don't find the preparation you desire listed here, ask for it. You will find wo sell it at a cut price. 10c size Fletcher's Castoria $1.30 size PInkham's Vegetable Comp $1.50 sire Scott's Emulsion 1 S1.00 size Listerinc 14 ox $1.00 size Horlick'a Malted Milk. 16 oz. ... S1.00 size Father John's Medicine, large.. 25c size Carter's Little Llrcr Pills 60c xize Musterole. large $1.50 size Fellow'a Syrup, large 1 $1.10 size Nuxated Iron 50c size D. & R. Cold Cream. 4 oz 50c size Hinds Honey A: Almond Cream... 50c size Java Rice Powder 75c size Levy's La Dlache Face Powder.. 25c size Lyon's Tooth Powder 30c size Mennen's Talcum Powder 50c size Pepsodent Tooth Paste 30c size Kolynos Tooth Paste 2oc size Cuticura Soap 25c size Woodbury's Facial Soap 2.ic size Heecham k Fills 60c size Uroirio Seltzer 60c size California' Fijr Syrup 5Uc size Cuticura Ointment 50c size Dioxogen 6'c size Doan's Kidney Pills ir size Eskay's Food 100 U. D. Aspirin Tablets $1.10 elze Glide's Pepto Mangan 50c size Mcntholatunt Pint Peroxide Hydrogen $1.00 size Newbro's Herplcide $1.00 Wampole's Cod Lirer Oil l."c size Palmollve Soap 10c size Lifebuoy Sonp 15c size Lux two for 25c size Packer's Tar Soap 50c bize Mennen's Shaving Cream 35c Johnson & Johnson Sharing Cream... 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste Klenzo Tooth Paste 50c size Mulsified Cocoanut Oil $1.20 size Plnaud's Eau de Quinine Djcr Kiss Talcum Powder .29 .89 .19 .73 .79 .90 .14 JJ0 19 79 38 .39 .39 .53 .19 .25 .39 .21 .20 .20 .23 .49 .45 .13 .40 .53 .69 .69 .99 .45 .25 .95 .79 .09 .09 .25 .20 .45 .30 .37 .25 .39 .99 .25 rransparenf Handle Good Bristle TOOTH BRUSHES Urushen o( every WnJ ,r double, tripled, quadrupled In valu. -.1 -"Bluer uurHivea loriunaca to be able ' I'ffer this nperUl lot at a price that re nlnda vou of the olden daTs 1 ou should buy a quantity of lorn lur every memoer or tne family and have some In re. nervo for guesti. nralarly 33e. oaie mil 25c x. sthvfA w Vti ij1 ink iVBi'. X N w7eKS nit7..A hal X I La. Ill SW. ' 1 Mt Mmm ij m With the con stant clamor of high prices we have a true sur prise for the woman who has decided to pay about this price for her new soring suit. More than a dozen new models, each more bewitching than the other. Their masterful style touches and their unique swagger lines, combined with the superior quality ma terials, make these suits most wonderful values. All coats are silk lined. Complete rns c? the new colorings. mk The New Sport Suits&Coats Heather mixtures in nil new shades, jerseys and tho coats in polo coats also. Ideal for present as well as spring wear. 29 .75 CoatS f Individuality .75 'tt.rA la n flnnVi nnd smartness to these coats that lift them right out of the ordi nary. Their styles carry a wealth of new fashion suggestions and their materials nro of super qualities in velours, polo cloths, tricotfnes and bolivias. THIRD FLOOR 59 Yoll Be Delighted With Our Lovely New Dresses We Have Collected to Sell at 25-3975-4975 And up to $79.75 You would have to look far and wide to find a better or more complete assortment. More of an exhibition in their wonderful color array' and their new fnshion conceptions. Silks that shimmer and remind of warm, balmy days. Tricotines, Jerseys and serges in the new shades as well as staple colorings. Linei follow on adaptations from Parisian dcsijrners an well as th-. best models of America's foremost creators. THIRD FLOOR sBJli. A Big One-Dajj Special! Men's & Young Men's New Spring Suits io introduce mis iew Clothing Store We quote no value, but these suits were bought to sell at a higher price. As an intro ductory special this store is but one week old we offer them. full 250 brand-new spring suits at' this low price. Fine quality flannels, worsteds, cassimeres and homespuns in newest blues, browns, greens and mixtures. Choice of one and two button, conservative or form-fitting models, belted and half -belted models, slashed, regular or patch pockets. Overcoats They Must Go at Once, Therefore .50 vr n v wirnin Our opening was consider ably delayed. We bouirht a quantity of high-grade over coats that are custom made in every detail. We do not wish to carry them over thoutrh tneir present wholesale price is much higher. The man with forethought who will buy one for next season is in for a real good, rare value. 39 iiw nsarsa A Delightful Array of Girls' Dresses Excellent Grade Linen Finish WRITING PAPER Lord Baltimore Is a papt that la adaptable for all uiwe, of excellent grade well flnlehed btock and elves an Impreeglon of dignity to your correnponuenoe nut as It l our blKCt aeller the eoit la moder ate. During l'ebruary only we wl'l ae'l 60 envelopes and a pound of paper cji. talnlne 90 eheots. total value of both being $1.00 for Chocolate Coated S Grains Full Strength 79c 2i CASCARA TABLETS Cascaro may vary in effectiveness. It de pends upon the selection and proper seas oning: oi the Cascajra bark and proper process in munurnciuringr. usually sold at 45c. Dunne February we sell a bottle of 100 tablets for 23c w M uxxu wla Of Silks, Chlffom, A'cs, Voiles and Organdies 4-98 h, 25 .00 A bhowlnc that will delight the mother us well os mnklnK the younK onm happy to own one of tlu-ne pmart frooka. Their youth ful style conceptlonH urn it reul tevcliitlon Trimmed wth ribbon Bashes. SUoa from 0 to 14 yearii. Children's Dresses Of Kinphams, rpo and poplins. Some h a n d amocked. Sites from a to o i.n m Infants' Spring Coats. 1.69 3 QR t fine serve. Hand smocked front and back. SECOND FLOOR Our Extraordinary Fashion Hats Are Wonderful Values at A Sale-Men's Furnishings We Purchased the Entire Stocks of J. P. Miller, Jr., 66 N. 13th St. To Be Sold at Big Savings 5 .00 Larare, medium and small shapes of lus trous libere, pineapple straw and Hsere com bined with hemp. Some are faced with soft shades of Georg ettes. Gracefully trimmed with fluttering ostrich, gayly colored (lowers and wingB. SECOND FLOOR VA I HilrS M Men's 2.00 Nefflige Shirts at. . . . Of mmlrns and oeicnlcR, In Mrlmd and flmired dofllP". Many wl'h pleated fronts. A few with detached laun dered pnffa , $ 1 .00 1 $3.00 Madras Shirts Of rich woven madras, in neat stripes, colt or laun- d e r e d cuffs. Many 1 .93 trn.de-marlc brands. 4.50 Sain Stripe and Cord Shirts. ...3.00 j 1.50 Rich Silk Four-in-Hands, at.... 93c "Interwoven" Fine Lisle Half Hose.. 65c I "Interwoven" Thread-Silk Half Hose 95c "Hoxford" Nainsook Union Suits.... 150 "Roxford" Athletic Shirts & Drawers, 95c 51.00 Silk Neckwear Stripes und figured designs M.imi' nlnln rnlnvs. 1.93 All open-end four-in- JK hands. DDC Cooper's Union Suits "Kenoaha" Closed Crotch Make Hlfrh-ffrAde kn't underwenr, In fall und uurlnc wcibIi Our prices aro much below regular. 2-00 2-5 3-50 S.00 6-' Men's New Felt Sorim? a .50 Hats 4 aJf-sa Several new ad vance sliupes in all new spring col orings. Fine quality felts, und their reffu lar price would easily be 2.00 more. Time to buy and kuvc! Men's 8.00 to 10.00 Shoes .95 Boys' New English-toe lasts and Blucher models. Somo In button styles and a few Oxfords in cluded. Black or tan. No mall or telephone orders filled. None sent C. O. D. All-Wool 1 2. SUITS 15 Alt sizes up to 18 Years Clothes that are built to stand the h a r ' strain und wea that n live boy irives hla clothes. Fine all-wool ma - teriais in a large variety of pat terns. Double stitched through out. Our price is, very special and as an introduc tory to this now store. F8HRB t i m ia l P Our Women's Springs .98 Hats Lovely new creations In a color ful array of wanted Mrawg nJ Oeorfette "lt-.tt TJrte fully trlmmtd with ribbons or flowers. Tomorrow a Complete Showing of Women's Newest Spring Suits & Dresses At Prices That Will Prove a Welcome Surprise 15-00-19-75-24-98-29-75 We could not begin to describe the dozens and dozens of styles tho matarlals and the now colorings. Uut every new fashion thought is interpreted in these BUits nnd dresses, and we have a real surprise, as the values are truly wonderful. Have Your Shoes Repaired While Shopping Old hhotM made like new. First olasa workmanship at reason able prlcea. i i Zfr Home of Style and Economy, $ il VW ,,.8.1,.. I', Ki$i?''k&L&',,-'&'i&!&& . I Jrfj jlml&'U t jiJiUkLji