Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 26, 1920, Night Extra Financial, Page 8, Image 8

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Two Parliaments, With Exten
aivo Powors to Control In
ternal Affairs in Ireland
l-nnHnn. Fob. 20. Tho hill Ur Inli
Wth rule, lone promifil bv tlio govern
H'ont. via prevented in tl,n l!'ie ',r
Common efrrliT. The lirt rcndl'-s
ua of the' tit1" nlonp unci wn n m -re
formality, p-elltninirv to taking up tlio
monuro nt the oinn (mlny.
T!ie preenl bill, it i tinilertoniI. nl i
htrr eominrntive' r'odv to tbj
nf(inre outHned bv Pre-nier Uo'l
Orrt Inst December. The Rovern
,fen' nroleet vnter- on the .ettili2 '
tip of two tiarlinn-enti In 1 'rlnnd. oni;
for the ntilli and one for the north.
Kor the north of tre'and th ure-i
pmb-oeed will probnb'y include the sh
counties mentioneil by the nremior with
powlh'y ffime s'lslit iiinilltViitlnn. ii1
a rniipqueiiC" of wliieh the northern
parliament will lie n verv nmrh -mnller
hodv than the southern orcnnizntloti.
One of the fundamental feature of the
bill ha nlv.-nv been a rouncll repre
ntlne the two parliaments, and It is
understood that thi rouneil will de
rive Its powers from the two bodies,
whieh will be reiponib'e for its selec
tion I'onwi of LecMaturn
The propoed leilatures will have
e.Ttprive powers nnd alo repreenta'
tmn in the Imperial Parliament. Sinn
matter as education, loeal Eovernment.
acrieulture. trnnportntimi. nmnirinnl
nffairs. in'iraneo. and the collection
of taxes will be under the control of
thppe two legislatures, while matters
of more .crlous import to the empire.
Mich ns foreisn nffair. defence, navipa
tion and the hicher judiciary are re
srrved for the decision of the imperial
Premier Llovd Georpe announced that
the proceeds of land annuities in Ire
land would be Riven as a free gift to
the two parliaments, and estimated that
this would amount to 3.000.000 for
the rear. This sum. or other equitable
provision will be made for the mainte
nance of the parliaments, if the gov
ernment's bill is accepted.
The report of the commission of la
Kr men which recently invest'ited con
ditions in lrelnnd i a stronit denuncia
tion of what is characterized as the
Tlritlsh inlru1e of Ireland. This, the
report declares, "would drive nu
spirited nation into decp-oated and
loncpi-nuH discontent." nddinc thut
"where the administration is not merely
unintelligent it appcurs to ne uenoer
atelv provocative.
"The economic regeneration of lre
lnnd. which would help materially to
destrov evisting animosities and speedily
efface the memory of historic wrongs,
cannot be successfully achieved unless
and until the political problem is solved.
The fundamental necessity there Is a
change in the political system."
Sinn Keln a Heal Factor
The report says it is undeniable that
the Sinn Fein "in some directions func
tions as the de facto government. It
has established courts. vhoe decisions
re respected, and issue decrees that j
are obeyed by n very considerable part i
of the population. "
The report expresses the belief that i
either a dominion self government. '
with provision for the protection of mi-
uorlties or a measure of self-government
determined by an Irish national ns-.
sembly elected bv proportional repre-
sentation. in both caes reserving de
fense and foreign relations to the im- I
Wm to
obtain G-4
Motor Fuel
in Philadelphia
iiinmobll- ( liii uf 1'lnl nlrlilni.
:i "mull ;Jd t
Allen A i-Nlnfl.
I ttptiin mil ICiflre Ave.
llrlDf hi i ir.i;:i-. HI I ( ourllimil hi
Uotler'a lnirii:i
Mill .Hill t I lllllo SV
lleliertmi (rue
Mi !..!! I lersreen Ate
i hanillrr limn, iicm Wood .
llurrls. I rri & ri.irl..
t -ut!i 2UI ..
Ilea, the Tin M in : a V, alnul ?t.
Iluntlne I'.iik .urii;i.
I'.'i: Miinilne I'arU Are
lnlrrUlr UuM.ir ( .1
V North l.tlh -t
Kennrlli (.rice. ,)' North I'-Itli l.
l.oroiniilillK I 11 11 r Anirrlui,
3311 Mirkel -t
Mrllrnrj Imr tar
IJlii and Chi-.tnut Ma.
.Manor tturnsr. 117 IJurrn l..mr
-Norlll I'hllu. nti Silet A rrtlre.
:il.'5 North llro.Ml t.
rincr Auto SuimiIi (o ,
I HI I'ulriiioutit ie.
Ilrcrnt Ourncr. t.MH llMlthntirp ie
bli'uit Autoniolille (0 ,
f..Mh und Wnlnul sin
Snjilrr A Non -fiO I .N .'nth si
Apix-rnoil trnrj. Mill Uuml !.
II. II. I nilrrnuoil i ( n .
IO?.-, ll.nnllloo M.
rrnoii (mrane
Pnrkpl anil ira ur M.
lludkuu A r.irn Xni-iiu
flru.iil mill WimiJ S,
llroail li.iniEi' Win V lirunl s(
Cooper's Creek
Chemical Company
West Conshohocken, Pa.
1 Gbrkind -
m iT 5k ift. y Bt.
I im IL iff m I
--v 1 .rJ8t. i .
HKnaH i
IhMHL W RSfirB'SiKaBHa! i
Central Niv l'lioto.
Tlio royal artist of Sweden, whose
exhibition of war paintings In
Stockholm Is attracting much nt
pcrial parliament, would lv acceptable
to a majority of the Irish ; oiilc.
In conclusion the delegation holds
strouglj to the view that the ultimate
guarantee of belter relations between
the two (uuntrles lies in the Irish
tm.inli lifilnir unnvlnrtflil ilil- the pen.
nomic regenevntloa of Ireland rests in
their own hands.
Nonpartisan League to Expand
Great Falls. Mont.. Feb. 2(1. i Hy A
P. Plan-, of the National Nonpartisan ,; lo Kcrittorc Sell'lleo di Pa.igl.
League for the national elections pro- l Tl nf m0lerntn 0 ,, deve con-
Td.LenWVnlnl-rV.Wrn ilk itenere ? minaccia di ritirarsi dagli uf
Idaho. A. (.. Townlej. president of the J , curopel nia in sostniiza Insiste sui
league, announced yesterday in an nd-I " ,CUP FAdrlatlco del 0 diccmbrc I
dress before the nnnunl convention of , ' ' ' ' i
the Montana State Federation of La- scorso'. ..... . ,. . , ' ,,.,
bor. The league is pledged to a law! I Prirai Mlnistn Lloyd George e Mil
providing that the war debt of the leraml. egli aggiunge. tanno . con
Unlted States shnll be paid "by con- siderando la nota e l'nttltudlne che cssi
scripted wealth." ' dovranuo prendere, c si presume ehec
i I'On. Nitti sara' d'necordo, esil
nrox-ernnno nuovnniente di tiortare i van-
New City Government in Muskogee
Muskogee. OUla.. Feb. 20. (By A.
P.) Hv a vote of 2..04 to ll4 Mus-
kogee vetenlay adopted the city man -
ager form of government. It is said
to be the first city in the state to
adopt this form.
Sa. K3ImI
Laces for Lenten Sewing
Cambric, nainsooU and Swiss edges and insert-
real hand-made laces Val., filet, torchon.
Val.. filet, torchon and Cluny in machine-made
and the old favorites, Irish Crochet lace and
net-tops for boleros, vestees and jabots.
100 Chestnut Street
To tiscrs of
Pound ani
Looia Leaf
and Suppllea
8 J Blank Books J
Xcrv York Ofixa: SCI Broadway. Founded in ISIS
of the Common Capital Stock of
C. P. Goerz American Optical Company
and Other Property, at New York
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Francis P.
Garvan, Alien Property Custodian, will offer for sale at
public sale to the highest bidder, at the office of C. P. Goer?
American Optical Company, 317 East 34th Street, Now
York City, at 11 o'clock A. M., on the 5th day of March,
1920, 549 shares, par value $100 each, out of 600 shares,
issued and outstanding, of C. P. Goerz American Optical
Company, a corporation created and existing under and by
virtue of the laws of the State of New York, and certain
patents, rights and other property incorporated and set out
in the Order of Sale.
Full description of and information concerning the property to be
hold, t lie terms and conditions of inspection and sale and tho order
thereof, may be obtained by application to JOSEPH F. GUFFEY,
Director, Bureau of Sales, 110 West !2d Street, New York City.
Alien Property Custodian.
II Supremo Concilio la Prendera'
in Esamo Nella Seduta
di Oggi
rubllshfd and Distributed Vain
rnil.MIT NO. 34t.
Auttiorliit bv th ct of Oelobt" A
(JIT on HI at the Tontoftlce of PB1U-
!e,ph,aP a t. mmMWM.
PCBtmsPt-r OnerM.
I.onilr.i. "0 febbra o I.a liotn del
Prcsideiite ilson al Mupr' io . ounciiio
degll Alleatl, telativa alia qucstlone
AUrlatica, nra" pronta per cssere presa
n esnnie oggi nuatiuo il t oncllio st auu-
,ncra In seduta.
Xon ostante die gli ufficiali del Con
cilio non nbblano dato aleuna notizlu
relatlva nl conteuuto dclla nota, si np
prende che essa non contiene alcuua
ininaccln secondo la quale l'Amcrica si
. ritirerebbe dncll affarl europel. ma si
. Insiste still 'ailnzlone del piano per la
'sistemazlone dell 'Adriatlco sccono 1'ac
,cordo stablllto il gloruo 0 dlcembre
i scorso.
"Coucillativa ndla forma, ma ferma
nella sostanrn e dl-itintamente piu'
moderata dl quelle precedent!" c' la
descrizione cou la quale 11 Dally Mail
npprende si a npplicabilc alln notn del
Presideutc Wllnon. II giornale aggiunge
che In comunienzione dovra essere una
lispovtn soltanto airinghiltcrrn cd nlla
Francin, giacclie' I'ltalla pre-e un'at
titudine per la quale In nota uon puo
riguardarla. restanuo forma neu im
I pegnn che fallendo tin compromcso sulla
question-' Adrintica. il patto di l.ondia
! uovrebbe nndare in efTetto.
,. ,
Parigl. 2(1 febbraio.--La replica dei
presentanti italiaul c quelli jugoslavi ud ,
una intcsa tra loro.
I ,'J . ,., vl ,
, Iontlra, - febbraio. .L On Nltti.
' presi lente del Conslglio del Miuistri
(I'ltalla. -embra cho p rolutighera 'la'
' sua pertnanenza in ondra, alio scopo di
Uka. iinnin iv i enn ni-n iiipiiii. r
IX OL'R p!j'- we produce complete blank
books for eery purpose, designing thi m
to meet any Epccial reaulreraenta you may
Every probers ia performed In our oirn
factor- whk'.i dssurfs you of uniform,
high quality both in workmanship anil
iiawu 1
deflulro o qimnto meno avvtarc alia sua
dellnlzlono la qucatlonc Adrlatlcfl.
Da fontc nutorevole si npprende die
sarebbe imniincnte una riprcsa dl dlrcttl
ncgoziatltrn I'ltalla c la .Iitgosiijvln, ed
a qucsto scopo nvra Mtiogo quauto pvlni.i
tin colloqulo trn 'On. Nlttl i-il il
Minlstro per gll Affarl Kstcrl .lugonlarJ.
On. Trumbie.
Tra I due uominl vie o" stnto in
preccdenza qtialcho incontro, ma ogui
nccordo fu tmpossibilft'data la ititraiiBi
genza dletro la quale si trincero 'II
tapprescntantc dclla Jugoslavia.
Suburban Service Crippled and Situ
ation Is Very Grave
Paris, l'eb. 20. (Hy A. P.I Subur
ban service out of this citj was affected
by the railroad strike today, the Uas
tille station, which Kenes sections In
the eastern nart nf ilie eltv. lielni
1osed. Kiuhtv-three trnlns left the St.
i.azalro station, officials of the com
puiij stated, but only a tew ariived. At
tho Paris. Lyon and Mediterranean
Htation the situation was unchanged.
Syndicalism threatens to appear In
the strike nituntion, which is very
grave. Demands thnt all the railways
be nationalized are being made by
strike leaders, who continue their ef
forts to stampede all railroad workers
in the country Into the strike. In the
provinces tho movement s looked upon
ns revolutionary.
Memory of Koscluszko, Revolution
ary Hero, to Be Honored
Geneva . Feb. 20. fBy A. P.) The
embalmed heart of Thaddcus Koscl-'
uszko. the Polish patriot who fought for
the colonies In the American revolution. I
which has reposed In n bronze urn iu
the little chnpel of Chateau Ilappors
will. near Zurich, since 1W. Is to be
returned to Poland. Arrangements have
been made to transfer the relics to
I.embcrg nnd then to Warsaw tn the
near future, nccording to advices.
ucn ivosciuszko (lieu ai ugwii, jii ,
j tlll SwjM cnDton of Solothurn. In 1817.
his heart was removed nr.d retained
there when the patriot's body was taken
to Cracow for. burial. The heart re
mained at JCugwil until IS5", when it
was taken to Itapperswil. where it wn
given a special place of honor in the
Polish museum. It has been the shrine
of countless Polish pilgrims since that
Supreme In
The Super-Six Has
Always Been the
Pattern Car
ua. tt
Bkv'A'i -j-riiiStfitfAriirn?'ifiif- "'- ' '"--" -'. --.,. -n.1 ...... A'..-no, ,,, . ,
All Shades of British Political
Opinion Welcome His Ro-
turn to Parliament
pnii iTinM'Q nun K QPFM ils announced that she has received seven
COALITIUN b fcNU lb Sttul Lepnratc ivtatlous to become n can
. Ididnto for I'arllamcnt,
Hy tho Assoclaletl Press
London, Feb. 20. All political
questions arc for the moment completely
eclipsed by former Premier Asqtiith's
triumphant return to Parliament by a
majority the size of which astonished
cerybody, Including lils awn support
ers. The result Is universally recognized
as n notable personal achievement even
for a statesman with Mr. Asqu.th s
long record, while tho restoration of his
presence and influence In tho counsels of
Parliament is held to bo an event den
tlned to have Important consequences
in the politics of Great Urltaln nnd
iirobnbly tlio world.
Most of the newspapers heartily
welcomed the return of the Liberal
KRM.YS12 N. 9th
Open Day & Night
Oysters In Every Style
Planked Shad Dinner, 60c
hr rmi around hr liua
band'a neck. Imptorlni
him to buy
Lapln's Handy Pad
for removtnc rresit, road
and food status from
clothtnr. clovta. arata.
tc. llu many other uaes.
Costs Only ISc
at Drar. Department, Stationery. Gro
cery. Itardtvar and General Storn.
See Demnnatratlon nt 80S Chestnut
AABaaadMliflt2iSaH99aSflaPRwafta''''a OSQS ZlrflWjfiBafSiaBaaaaBHfJ
Hudson Outsells All Fine Cars
We have never sought to develop the
Hudson Super-Six as the greatest speed
and power car in the world.
It is true that in speed in hill-climbing
in quick acceleration no stock car
ever matched it. Official records show that.
But they are incidental. They were made
in tests to prove Hudson endurance
A Distinctive Design
An Exclusive Motor
Surely these great performance quali
ties are enough to account for Hudson's
five years of leadership as the largest sell
ing fine car in the world. Any owner
would take pride in a car that none has
equalled in any worth-while performance
Yet a large class of Hudson buyers se
lected it for an altogether different quality.
Gomery-Schwartz Motor Car Co.
128-140 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa.
FEBRUARY 20, 1920
i leader and some' of tiiem cc tlift early
dissolution of the coalition government.
Mr. Asn,ulh will take his scat In the
i House nest Monday nnd probably will
i make his first speech next week during
the deuate on tlio second rcauiug oi me
Irish bill.
The large vote cast by women Is
credited with, nllucnclng tho result, It
being contended on one hand that
women arc afraid nf the labor move
ment nnd, on tho other hand, Hint they
re Iriltutcd by the high prices, which
they arc disposed to attribute to the
present government. It Is admitted the
energies of Lady Jlonbnm Carter, Mr.
Atiqtilth'n daughter, Mibstantlally helped
In crniti ins victory for her father and It
The Times, which heads Us editorial
OTe Moat BoauliW
Car in America
The Paige Car and most prospec
tive car buyers have one
thing in common: Car buyers
want the most possible value for
their money and Paige cars do
give that value.
CUV A. WllteV Prssident
mzm-mm wm o?
Jkiffe Vistribulots
Thousands chose it with an eye single
to its beauty, charm and notable appear
ance. They hold none can surpass it in
distinction. For the Hudson looks its
supremacy in every line.
But it is idle to think that those who
primarily seek fine appearance in a car,
do not value the mechanical superiority
of the Hudson Super-Six.
That extra reserve power means utter
smoothness due to less vibration than
any other type ever achieved. It means
less than half load in ordinary driving.
That, too, is a matter of record. . The
official proofs are open to all.
In the exclusive Super-Six motor
efficiency is increased 80. Motor power
is increased 72, without added 3ize or
cylinders. Endurance is almost doubled.
Its type gives Hudson every advantage.
Why pay as much or more-for a lesser car?
.J ..
i Min
comment "A turning point,0 Interprets
It ns repudiation of the coalition gov
ernment, hostility to which, It Bays, has
been "driving electors toward labor be
causo thn people thought they saw
therein the only alternative." It wel
conies the return of Mr. Asquitli as a
"greater parliamentarian than any man
now In Commons. "
Mr. Aaquitb'i most conspicuous sup
porter of tho London press, the Dallv
News, predicts he will detach a certain
number of coalition liberals from the
government and expresses the belief the
last general election on the coalition
ticket hat been fought.
The, Dally Moll foresees u defection
of Liberals from the coalition organiza
tion add thinks Premier Lloyd George
will "move toward Liberal Opinion in
nn effort to retain the allegiance of that
Truck in ArnoricA.
, I
i. ii .' '
.:Y.lxs, . . .trn- .M..u,i.n&?M
i i iai Mr ".jiaHL' (.' .ili
VAiVr .
Which oi
the Three
Is Yours?
n Your Homt
No needles to change,
no scratching noises, no
wear on the record. The
famous sapphire ball never
wears out. Plays all disc
Big; handsome; solid
mahogany. The extra tone
volume makes this machine
ideal for dancing. Plays
all disc records.
Beautifully made and
hand nniched. Regular
conventional styles, ana
some unique designs, flays
all disc records.
Easiest Terms
F. A. North Co.
1306 Chetnut Street
rie.iB senrt mo a complete
description or
Supertone Phonograph J
Hanorer Phonograph C
Pathe Phonograph 3
aUo details of eMVKrw'
plan, without Interest or trM.
E.'U ' S-26-20
HKADINOl ' " "
8 Si
k-.: fr r-.Ll -: : ' '" ' ' '". sr-"v.