Tssiim iwi VfTf" &2 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-IHmADELPHIA, .THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2G, 1020 M c. ii ti Pit I. -r.' 'sAi rV "Salary $7,500; Income $10,000 i I there will be many hundreds of income tax , reports that will read ' sorrcthing like this. Do you know why ? "Labor earns money i Investing multiplies it" If the stock market is strange ground to you if you have known stocks which might go up but did not know how to make money by ycu knowledge, send at once (or our free booklet telling "The Gen cral Rulis for Trading." Ask for No. T.lT.-825 JONES & BAKER SECUMTIES Widcncr Bldg., Philadelphia PUomi Bell, Walnut 60uo Keystone. Face 2200 Direct Private Hires Offices in S l'rinc pal Cities L CANADA HALTS TRADE ' IN OUTSIDE SECURITIES' Philadelphia Markets Financial Interests of Dominion Take Action to Protect Homo Market I Toronto. lVb. 20 An embargo on Itrml'nit in stuck, bond or other ceurl tips from countries: outride of Canada will ro iuto effect totlnv. This drastic i action lin lioen tnkon bv the finHticlnl ' interrvtw of the dominion at the request of Sir Henri IVnyton. minister of llnnnro, in order to protect the home Mcenrltv market I Trading vnth American cxchauiic.' for cash will thus come to an end for I BUSINESS NOTES SMpmenta of burlap to tliln country from Calcutta during January wore Placed at 100.000.00- yards. 60.000,000 yards of which were consigned to the cast coast ports. JPrlres In (lie flMglnit Iron onil steel ITIttrket fire irnlnr nn nu-lntr lo IHa irrnw- u.t... .....I .......... .,. .. ... HhIi. a,..,.', . ." s .. . ..... . r- iir., li",..... ..'...i, ... X Iii..iff .rS'V,K u""na ana tiio tnnbl ty of nianu- tirntn Corporation a purchases Oi wheat are . fai-turitra inA,.Bl. v,i.. v..a,i,ia.. i.a..i ,, ih n.-,. ....... .. ..!,. . r i.MMnii i Bi.iurers 10 increase tnelr production because of fh lack of raw material, The last of the 1010-50 Arlionn Eryp. tlan cotton crop )ian been picked. The production of Ion staple In this district for the season was approximately 68, 000 bales, or double that of the 1018-19 season. GRAIN AND FLOUR 1 WHEVT -Receipts. 0I.43T bush The tnxrket u.in nucha used. Quotations ivere as follow a Car loin In export elevator Rev I eminent standard Inspection standard prices No 1 red vintr $'.'30. No. 1 northern eprlnjr. 12 30 N 1 hard winter. J..JK, .no i ren winter nariiCKv . in No I reil smutty. t! 36 No I reJ, a-ar. Imtvtl nn the rollcivlnx seh.lu of discounts. no. -' nai ue under fin l no ;i wneat, c under No I No. I whrat 10c under No. 1 . No fl wheat 14c tinder No 1 roitN tlen-lpta. :r, 3117 bush The tint ket was quiet but firm We ouote new, aa to quality and location, at $1.37ff 1.88; the lntt-r for No 2 sellow OATS Receipts. 1 1 0.13 bush Offerlnaa wore light and the market rulsd firm but nillel ?uot itions Cxr Ms aa to location No i' white 110.31 n:'i No A white. JlKltiliiH,. No. J while. IISIOOH rtaOftl ncelpts. 1,001! 13H POI'IIU! rfc Tr-id" wis slow, but mill limits - steadily h'd The quotation wer ns fo' los: Per IPO lba., packed In HO-lb. Jute sacks Mofl iiilr strnlmu ttrn lo 7f 11)1119 do do nearhv 1-H,11 hxrd winter stralrht, M'J 2ft'tfl2 "ft dj sno't patent 1.1W10 30 aprlng; flrat ctexr. 10 '0 W10. d p.ilnt tla.00013 10 shott uat ent 11.1.10(113 1. fancy pr!n and city We quotd at JOflP 23 per bbl. In eaclm In United States manufacturer nro et tlnff no encouragement from abroad In attomptii to reduce the cost of their products. In fact the first anniversary of the armistice showed that the prices of the raw materials whloh they are compelled to bring from other ports of the world keep on advancing wltho'it t!i time he'ns. thoiich there U n.i re- 1.!;"' . HW,'0...P''J?&.lt eiesr. 10 ;o "ih-". -,'A" -"' '" '" '" i..i trict,on nealnt mninc on marKln- on- ? - ih ffl 5':5" S'.'1'S .lv .' " , . , cep, fl,R, imp0.ed by adverse cxchanRC. '!v'6t.'brAnt. change:' Shortage of man spot mai Action was forced by the Minding of the UvI,l..V,f .. AVn? !! '!J,L,.,an.1 ".n-,?nwa terlsls. the crude, stocks. Intermedin!... ("aiiniHan spcurit.v market with bonds nnmiomuo and the colors continues and the run of and stock" from Ttrcnt Hrltain. under I PHUViaiUNts prices remains tlrrn. wlur-h the sellers leaped n hauiUoint Th market was qiilet and bml steadv i neeent news tins led to honej (lirtt pi ..fit ..wing to the premium on the ! air drTd so?. beVf km.ckl.r and under. . mf outlet win won be made for tho i iiniHiiau uoiiHr , smoked at.rt air-arled. nic; pork umiiy. It. n Mateipi-nt issued tonipht by the - bnm .- r l Im, 27r29c do. nnn.1 Healers' A ociation, intimation ; SJJVgg.i'T.'m.f'te CiJS, sJ?." p'e- wav rmcii uiai nriinn win oe ini.cn t'i prevent the imnortatlon of notiessen. t'aN 'pecially from the I'nited States, anil that the issuance of new securities for nonessential put pose in Canada will bo discouraged. Agents of American manufacturers in Toronto who learned of the proposed new restrictions were greatly agitated mid anxious for information as to the piubabl" course of l'ail'amcnt. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAll STOCK Illd r,h I'v Jim IKitW V.tcW'.rmra Mld-vay Mtmah Kstenston Montana North Star rt.cu Kula rononah Kxt . , W-st Knd . . Wt Tot . 21 II1 to .10 o: 21 2. IS Oil fk in JO nlc shoulders. S V euri-d. lnn. 21c do. moked 22c. hellles In pickle. loo 23ei breakfast bacon 32c. lard. 24jc. DAIRY PRODUCTS ni'TTnil Was quiet and again le loner Q.lo'Mtlons were Solld.packwl creamer) fancy, hlah-acorln Roods, flrata. 07 ! extras. KOo. extra firsts. o:83e; firsts. 30tf Sfc f"rnnda. .VHJfiSc WMt cremry. choice to fancy 08W70C fair to s-ood. 54tttS7c print JobbiPB at 7C97flc for fancy and at i'J f 7.1c for fair to choice. KlitlS Iteceipta of fresh esrs were well .leaned up and the market advanced 75c pr case. Quotations Free cases, nearby nrsts ji 1.. pvr crate nearpy current re ceipts ii, ..v. western firsts .tobblnu at ililtfdSc Pr dot cold storane kk ne-nmai clint:SK -The market ruied steady w.th a luir neman.i ana Hunt orrerinss quotations stocks of flax belleveid to be held In iiussia and much wanted by the linen mills of the world. Until this relief comes in some form, linens will con tinue to be abnormally high priced and tho new economies being organized In linen production will be held back. COPPER DIVIDENDS CUT New York, Feb. 20. Drastic reduc tions In the quarterly dividends of three of the four porphyry copper companies were made yesterday by their directors. Ctah Copper, the most important of the group, was the only one on which the usual dividend of $l.f0 a share was western extra firsts. 117 s.i declared. The cuts in the other three XI , 23 selected fresh CKi , ere as fnllntr ; Pliinn f'nnnpr feom 7,"c a share to 157ljc a share; Kay Con solidated, tfom (.tic a snare to .ic a LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS rhlraw, Feb. 26. 1IOOP Receipt. 28. 000 head lllsher. Hulk. H.151f 14.85i top. IIS. heavy 13,s3ifrt4 30; medium, 114.40JP 14.00. Ilsht. U4'St18t llM llht. '1J'' J14 M. heavy parkin , "VSi?&2 Bll. 10 40 picking mwi, roiwh. H2.23W12UWI Plus. I13 30W14.A1. n I'ATTI.r! Uecelpta, P030 bead IT'm. Peef steers medium and heavy, choice and Prime HO 73918; medium and Kootl. 13 73 common. 0 11 2. Hht. ,n,;"1 choice $11 (10lR.25i common and medium. IRSOffll' butcher cattle hrlferj.in.ou 9llh cows. 10Bn113O cnnr and cutters. 4.73nan, veal calves, I1B.;' f?o,lrr steers. $7 30&11 30. slockcr eteera, '"anKr-r-nrceipts. ii.cm head """ i,nmh. $17.30920 63 culls and common. 14fll7 23; ewes, m'dlum. Rood J"J:f,(ol?. til 234J II 30. rulla and common. 610.7o. liist llun-alo. S.Vfb.n.MT1.n--rterelpta 200 head. Steady """ rt celpts 230 head 1 hither. Jff?,i , ,ft llfXlS-rtecelpts" S too head I ..?.? blither heavv, 14 R04?n. mixed, M.VR0W 1(1 ..orliers in 7ffll1. Ilnht 'Ofke",1.,.,.ri.i 316 pls. J13 23013 30 rouih". $1-00W 'VirSl- 'AND tAMUS-neeelPta .600 head t.ambs 23o higher Lambs, HSUr-l. others unchanfed. nttshtiwh. I-eb. . 2 T''"'!"''' 1000 head Hlsher Hales. I14.30B 14.75. heaw yorkera, $1010 30. Unlit yjrkera, Jin ttlfrifl: nls. 114 7SifM3 23. ... , .. SHKEP AND I,AMnp neelpts, 200 head. fliesd. Top sheen. $15 30: top lambs. i-ua-ES rtecetpli. .10 head Steadv Top. $21 Ki.l St. lent.. Fen 26 --HOOS neelplj lO.non had ltlher Jlulk. Jl4".,?!1 hea.v HI.17SG14 60 medium. Ill Saw 13.1'. Mht. $131113 43 light llr.Me. J4"" WIXSI heivv packlne eoa moot,i. i-..np 3't2 73 pscklnT sows. rouh. $12tfl2.BO: plas 4I2W14 73 . , ..,.. ...iTTrr. n.Ainf. innn head, sieaoy. I nef steets medium find heavy, choice and prime tl.1.301TI3.r.n men'um j; "" inVKT11JK, common n10 23, llfht. toed and choice. $11 7Sff14 30- common and medium . 15.30 W 1 1 SO butcher rattle helf- ners and cutters. 4 7307 veal rales, IlKht ,. I New York, whole-mllk Oats held, fancy. 31c ,., ) fnc nrlii spe. ill, liivher, held, fair to Hood. .7 3li(fljiii-e current mike nominal! Wlscon ij sin. whole-m.ll flats hld. fancy, 31c; fancy and hsndv welcht. $12W17. ''1,Ssn"te", $!.O'3l1S0 sleeker steers. T 10.30 P11REP TtfcslpU. S00 head No earlj i Kansas City. Mo.. 1'eh 26 .- "ff"rr,JS: celpts 6X00. Htrter llulk $H "SJJJ- Ueaites $13 Mf 4- mediums. $13 S..'14.40- 1 u.his 114 10fll4 70; parkins sows. $12.2..l8 shaie; Nevada Consolidated, from 37'jc ,;,l Xtt:K fteeVipts moo hr".d strnns an is Kn a. 11 natd tii rasnr ii. . . -. .- he J epecla h .her '.held (IT "to iood. 30K HOUDCed, continued OH ,m Sillic jobbing sa.es of fancy h;d cuoda, S4 i 38Slc. ' POULTRY DIVIDE STOCKS WRITE FOR YOUR COPY OK Ot R Investors' Pocket Manual Gltlnc full Informnllon of all listed i.oa iinllurd securities. Scut free upoa reauesl. Scott & Stump Investment Securities Jlrmbero Consolidated Stock l.xrhanse of .New ork STOCK EXCH NGE BLDG. i'iiii.MF.i.riii llell und Urlstune frlcuhones Alll-d Pllde . . A.tn l)lld Pel-hr Ren llur C-nuKh fluid- t.lv'de Ext !Mv ) ndieatr f f'on . . IVtlJend . . F.ast DlMde HasbtiucU DImJs lllsh Divide . Jl'.ert Divide Hem rIv1d Hosett.i Silver Klnt Ton Dlv'de Tor. HalhTurk Ic'ory I)lv'd4 Verde Divide Zone .02 n.t .11 nxj 2u .7.1 .02 ii.1 .10 0.1 .0.1 .02 is .02 "3 .04 2', .10 .O'l 10 .10 riNWt i i ciit.M.x. -.i.i cnnt'iirtxrioN Notice i- hrerv ir'.en tat b a reoiu lion of o it aid of l r.-i r o the r.tienej -.nies t orporntlnn. n i"r will he taken at th resu,a- annu i rnetm t of h" rompAii' to tw. held on Xl.irrh 1. lOiO. at 2 o'clock p m . at the offi, ' 'he -..Tipany 1103 Ches'nu' at Phllad.phia n in the approval or disapproval uf a p p s d In crease n the capitxl stork of sard umpany from $23 ooo to i-joo.diiii nrssELi. srrtrw.'F. Secret irv 11 EDGr. DAr.N;-- Solicit jr KS AT MUUTIMi OI Till: l!!)KI Of "- 1I e.tnis of the Iuiioimii Mlnnn Co f Neradj. held this da it wis irrtred that the stock t.ansfer nook or tt. 0m nany shall cose 0t. Tliiirdi . K'hruarv UH lflJO at .1 p. t .. on ai count of the anijii Ineetltm of the atoekhulde s oerur-it j o Tuesdsy, 3farch 16 102O and hi t ii tn tr books sba'l open on 1dnsday Marcn 17. 1B20. at ID a. m P S HICKMOnn e... ,. Phllsde'phU Pa Februxrv 2(1 h.mi I Atlanta P,u Tlull i' loin i" ' n smb P-ac . t""rTt.perlark r.umf is n "is, V o n.N v .K .1.1 Con tlo'dOeld Merger 1.1 ,.t l.ev C.r h' I) id T imb t Ext nslon Keu in I .re tar , . . F!-d Hills ir Plrk Spxrhend OOI,DF1El.D STOCKS IVJ .02 03 .02 .0.1 07 01 02 23 11 01 12 o.. Ort .11.1 Ot ill o:t 13 .113 OS o 113 16 "3 .14 OX 13 OX ill 01 ii! 03 06 2 13 11 13 32 01 01 no .04 OS .OS 02 04 Mil .1.1 04 .11 HI IIS 04 MVE Pine fat stock ruled firm with demand absorbing- ths limited ofterlnrs. The quotations- Fowls. One fat. 42943c: do. In ftrlor JlitU40c hrolilrr; cMckens fancy aort meated. weichlnv l'j IT 2 lbs aplec. 30J?B3c sprln? chickens wr s ft-meated, 41 til 4.1c do Inferior. 3!'ft40c ettitsr voune roost-r- 2f80o. old roosters. 2SS26c; ducks, nhtle Pekln. 44fi46 do Indian Runner. 4i CT42c. do. Muscow 2Sfi.'!0i! seesa. fat 42W43c do. averaits 30tf3Sc turkeys, 40 4Xc piseona. old per pair S.V do, oung, pe- pal 4X4f30e DIinsSED Fine stork was well cleaned up and firm. The quotations are aa follows; I- .s. fresh-kl.le.J dr. -poked, in boxes We rhlns 4 lbs and o,.r a p. i'e, 40c. wplirh Ir.t 34 lbs. ,16037c we thins 3 Ins . M'C 3lc Pow a. fresh-kriel in bbts , dry nlckd - WeKhlrur 4 lra snd over apiece. 3Sc weigiina 3's lbs l" 9 30c vrelirhlnj a share to 2,"ic n share. Copper produ tlon by those, companies, it was an- a basis of no per cent, while prices for their products remained low. There ure also problems of back taxation to he solved and the directors decided that ultraconscrv utism was necessary in the financial policy of the four companies this year. tT,.vv Leer eteere choice and prune 111. Ill 14 30 medium and eood $11 23 ISl com mon $l33fl112"i llaht weight ood and rnr $11 WIS 30; common and m'ftm. $8 7$11 hutcher attle heifers. $6 .3 12.40; cows $6 SOW11 canne's and cutters. $4 00 4f630. M-al calxes. $I2XO14.0. feeder steers $7 03!3,2 23. stocUer steers. $0.23 FHEEP Ttecelnts. 2300 hesrt ftrone Lamb. f.17 23f20. culls and common. $12 17 vcarlinu wethers $!' S0O 18: ewes. m:-.ff13 30. culls endcommon. $3.23 in Xfl breeding ewns, t4t?14 feeder lambs $1". 21017.73 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Bank of England Statement LONDON. Feb. 'JO. The weekly i-tutement of the Hank of Cngland shows the following change: 'lotoi reserve . on'lnentel Can Co . quarterly K per increased 930,000: circiilatiou in- cert on common and 1 1'i per rent on pre crcased 2,SS0.000 : bullion increased I '-"'.J ,"-" Vpr" ' ,0 "ocK of "corA Dil'l'H1 0,l.Sl; 30,Pllrit,it;R increased .. p K,,e. Co nuarlerly of 1. per 1,001,000; public deposits tlecreascd rent on p.eferred navabie April 1 to atock other deposits S,01!J.0OO ; notes reserve decreased 00." .000. goTernment securities de Financial Briefs The New Ybrk Htoi-k Kxchaugo has admitted to list the following: General Motors Corporation on and after March 1. 1020, temporary rortillcatea for Jti.s 703,310 shares of common srock. Tho Dayton Power and Mght Co., $."70;000 0 per rent cumulative preferred stock. Middle States Oil Corporation, tempor. ory certificates for J000.070 capital stock. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. on and after March 1. lli!0. $5,371,100 common stock fi ond on ond nfter June I, 1020, $5,374,100 oildltlonul of said common stuck B. Philadelphia Itapid Transit Co., .$20,210,800 capital stock. Tho dividend of i per ceiit just de clared by the Logan Trust Co., payable March 15, again puts the stock on n 0 per cent per annum basis. It having been decided to pay dividends quarterly. Last December a semiannual dividend of 4 per cent was paid, or it rate of 8 per cent per annum. Previously the rate hod been 3 per cent Bemiaunuolly, payable in Juno and December. The average price df twenty active Industrial stocks declined 3.00 per cent yesterday to 80.08. while twenty rail roads declined 2.11 per cent to 73.14. Income account of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co. us wubmittcd to the stock exchange shows net Income after charges and tuxes of .$1,082,748. At a meeting of the Lehigh ond New England Ilailroad Co. directors, Itollin II. Wilbur was elected vice president and general manager in rharge of oper ations, efTectivo with the termination of federal control March 1. If the short interest can be judged by the borrowing demand in the loon crowd, which is about the only method Willi street has of gauging this condi tion, the short interest of the moment must be tiemendoiis. There was last night n big borrowing demand and such stocks as (ienernl Motors, Crucible, Re public and other speculative favorites were in keen demand. The New York Subtrensury gained .$025,000 from the banks yesterday, making u cash net gain since Friday of .$7,000,000. Middle States Oil Corporation con solidated income account for ten months cniled December 31, 1010. us submitted to the stock exchauge. shows: Net In- como, after expenses and charges, $1, 070,308, canal to $1.70 n Bharc, $10, par on $2,2o0,000 outstanding capital stock. Capital stock consists of 223, 1)00 shares, $10 par value, nnd 10,040 nhares of $1 par, exchangeable for shares of $10 pur at rates ot tcu for one. Therefore, In figuring out earn ings for 10 months, tho 10,010 shares, $1 pur, were changed to 1,004 of $10 par and added to 223,000 shares of $10 par value. North American Co. rcpoits for year ended December 31, 1010: Net Income, after tuxes and interest, $2,C45,007, cnunl to $8.51 it sharo on $20,703,300 capital stock, against $1,004,074, or Su.its n share, in iUx Charters Filed Dover, Del., Feb. 20. Charters filed here today were: The Cooper Corpora tion, capital $10,500,000. manufacture nnd denl In and with rubber tires and rubber goods of all kinds (L. 11. Phil lips, Dauphin D. Harton, local Dover, Del., incorporators) ; Southern Leaf Tobacco Co., Inc.. capital $5,500,000, to plant, crow and cultivate, treat and deal In tobacco, cigars, etc. (8. B. Howard, George V. Rellly and Robert IC. Thistle, nil of New York, incorpora tors) ; M. & M. Drnw Co., capital $1,700,000, manufacture nnd Bell hot rolled and cold-drawn steel and other products from steel, Iron, wood, etc. T. L. Croteau, M. A. Bruce nnd 8. E. Dill, local Wilmington, Del.. Incorpora tors), nnd Commonwealth Trading Se curities Corporation, capital $1,000,000, buy, sell and deal in and with merchan dise of all kinds (S. B. Howard, Harry O. Hand nnd Robert K. Thistle, all of New York, Incorporators). Eric Railroad Names Regional Heads Younestown, O.. Feb. 20. William A. Baldwin, general manager of the Trie Rnilroad, will be director of the Youngstown region under the reorgan ization of the railroad by which four zones will be established with head quarters at Jersey City, Hornell. N. Y. : Youngstown nnd Chicago, It was stated here today by officials of the road. R. E. Woodruff, now general superintend ent, will become regional director at Hornell. taking his stnff with him from here. The Youngstown region will In clude the present, Kent. Mnhonlng nnd Meadville division. The office force hero will be doubled, the staffs of. gen cral freight agent, general passenger agent, freight claim ndjustor, nudltor and treasurer coming here. LONDON STOCK MARKET Securities Move Irregularly, but Undertono Seems Mere Health London, Feb 20. While ectirl ties on the stock exchange moved Ir. ularly today, tho undertone of tho .,' kols was moro healthy. Forced liquid,! tlon appeared to have been coranlof.d .Th? gilt-edged section was eSDS ally heavy. Homo rails were ste.dV and Argontlno rails moved unward7, dividend predictions. "Pward on The oil department wavered huh sawiwa.at ii A Tho Industrials wcro quiet. Enormous Refined Sugar Demand New York. Feb. 20.-Tho dTm,Bn for refined sugar is enormous, coming from all parts of the country. D Iverles, however, nro somewhat Jt tarded to tho country by the liek t railroad cars, while local!" , Td liver es nro slow on account of transfer conditions. Prices nro unchanged. (t Tho Warner Sugar Refining Com pany allotted some sugars "SaT.t 10 cents, less 2 per cent for cash, bit is nllottlng none today. ' l),lt Raws are unchanged at OVJQOc LONDON METAL MARKET New Tork. FVb. 26. Cable advle.. celved at the N.w York Metal I KxehanitVthf. momlnr quoted prices In London rtodsvth.!! followa: Tin Spot, 40.1. n dscllna r i. futures. 408. off 13 10s. and a rMt. llis n drop of 14. Rales Bpot, 7n tons, fiiti. . 000 tons. Standard eopper-JJpot""itWu1r;' futures. 124 15a. both oft Ss. ". lessUV B00 tonst futures, 1100 tons. Buct7o!i. copper Spot. 128t futures. 131. both l1'' ehanre.1. I-ead Spot, 51 7a 6d: futur?.' B2 Ba, both off 10s. Spelter Spot fat" ' loss of Si: futures, 83. a decline of 7 TJ' 1817 1920 Fire Association OF PHILADELPHIA N. W. Cor. 4th & Walnut has given Its policy holders solid InOemnlty for moro than one hundred years and has never been bo strong financially as now Have you a policy In this old' and reliable Company? CHARTER PERPETUAL 1. nn ..,1 sf riinsii f 1 rss 1 iiii-ii-uet-u i". . "".,:" h-. .:,..- .-a n...alr, f- 1 ' mil iiiiLi ik . idkiutniu nim iiik'iuiiib w 3 lh 11'.r33e. O'd ro. siers dr -nicked, created 1 1.1WU.WU. Llie proportion .c Broilers Jersey, .ir. packed. BSWHijc. 0f the bunk's reserve to liability this, tiro. ;lrw..?S"S r?xTfw'Jl.hln? 114 I " is 17'02 P" wnt ' la!t week lt Wtt" Mroi ers. western nry-pAiKefi weiamnv is l ,. t . n , ,1 i it i ibe ap'tce 48 30c Uout.ns; chickens. 1 -4 J. Bate of discount is, 0 per cent. 1 western ilr-pfcclted. In hbls WelphlnB" 4j lbs and owr apiece. 30tt17e welahlns- St, DIITT.D trrr-c amp urrrretr lis unices 34 fiSSo. welshing 3 lbs apiece, BJJTTtK. EGGS AND CHEESE 31313c wr.rrlnjr 2 lbs arlece. 4142e N vrK, Feb 26 TU'TTBIl eas. U,i- Wistern crn fed ohlcUens II to .box 1 I celpts srti't tubs Creamerx. hlT'.er.than l'.s a-1 ..nje- m dorn n-' h l.trl'r ' rxtrae J 06c. extra .6V score). 03j. IS to 24 lbs to dozen, per lb. 138 Sc; 23 . firsts .S-. to 01 score, -.firtl. . packlnif to ,)n b to d. rn i" lb I1"' l. HI 10 stock .urr-tit niak- N"o 2 3s'ip 36 lb. 10 doz'n per lb 33 V 36c 17 to 42 KOOS II m Receipts. 32 S4.1 cises. Fresh., '.he .1 1 ( r. per lb. 3'ix3iJi 411 to 47 lbs, eathe ed 1 xtra Orets 00, do fl-sts 3ST ' to lnzen -, r lb . 33B.T6. 4S lbs and over to 30c: sia'e I'ennsvUanla ail neaibv western dr-er, "sen.- Capon- es rn WelK.i- hennerv white. (lrt to ..trii 64W6Sc: do i no sO'O , nnli., XI (I.X3,- tshlnr 7 Drown. e.ra. n.iw.nc; no n-iinerrn iirown MISOKt.LANKOL's Aniaro L nilerl "'l"-i V-vsdi llll M th. r I nd -d Rn.1 r on" itnrlc Vevads '.Vondr T."ona Mining ' h'te I'ps 1 o.' is Jl' 1'. 17 10 ! n2 ,lba apiece 32c. wcighlnu 6 lbs apiece. BOc: ""iE'rf,.0? r!,,""ts i',0. ')HJ- S7hS!: m ,.J ' ueUhina .' iba apiece ISc Tu-K.ys Delu- : .l 'linnsi. lrrular. Keeelpts i-630 boxes. Pana i wire an I Maryland. fanc 60c do Vir- ;5",1nlr:m."''. "?'"' ..'o,i, .,,, "Si l'" 1. iM . 1 A.i,.. ...fc,, e..,.. .o-.ii ,i 31e; do, average run. 2Stv2uc. state, whole t- n7 alnia and other nearb. fsnev. 3.stf.tic. uo, l?ni, ,.! hei.t rwfl ..nw-'OUe An J.11" 07 . rrbv. fAtr 1. rood K31?3.V. di western. tnl,?-"NIn"- U-l" ,,'JX . " -"-', " d0' Van ' .-, -.. iB. ;: .1. t ,,,.1 " run. .-.s u..--,c .,. fStrsv do. old tnms 4V Duiks western. I': 20 23 ...lS Tx 15 IlhldeniN 10. Tilt. UlhCM l.S (,. lut Wirkct st. Cxmiieii. S. J. t'ebruarv 20 1120 A nuarier j- dt dnd ot 1 lrr ,,. 'r II per share, has been declared on ths rapltal k of this .onipni p.iiHbi Marth I. I0 2I. to the stotk'mMo-s of record at 12 0 . it ck noon February 21. lu.'o Checks will b. mailed. u J II TOWNbE.VD 3d Treatursr. Rail Strike Depresses Paris Bourse IMrls. Feb. 20. The railroad strike hail 11 denressini; fl ! ou the Rourse tod'T TheoH tier ce it lentes were 1'intiil nt ."7 frnn. '111 centime: ,x .i"in".. nn I 1H11I..11 4" f''ic. "..". 1 en tirr: " pe cent loan v7 frnncs , .eutimes. The dollar wa nn itvd at 11 f. anc- "2 centimes r3I7 3'ir do. old tnms 4V Duiks western. '3S'B4llc, ticestf. west -rn fan, Jdltd... uj do fair to i.r m1 2"fl 27. FRESH FRUITS There ws s a moderate d0mar,d at rew.ed figures Qiiotatlone Apples, per 1 b as to qu.x It) $4'SV do. ner box $130fi3 73 eranhrrl -s per bbl 1111' do. per crte 73c312 3.i oranses 1"1 . rer lx lie. 11 23 tars"rines I'.r r'r ha'f h'x 11 nnt.'i Krape'ru t r,a per box t X083 7o straw berrl e 7'le . per cit . 2S,asiV VEGETABLES Tie rn.x-kt .a.s nult at thn (ollow i.c quo.alioTis Wt.lte tiut.itoa. Pa tier Cw t . IT"ti'i di V V pr r $4 "flfil 4 71 m -.,t ootatoee. so-'lieiu rr hamtr llt 2 3", do Jere p. lask-t 51 .'.ii " 1 S". ebbsce N' V Danish per ton. $10370. 1o Fli I'er hamper II 73. 10 01 I -ns. p. r 1l "lb sacks llu No 1 J3 2"03 75. J j S"o 2 53 3UU4 Liverpool Cotton l.lierpool. Feb. 20. Spot mtton was ipiiet today Ith prices steady on the basis of an advance of 57 points for middling, at 150. 44d The sales were riflOO biles. The receipts were .",2.000 bales, including 2." .000 bales American. Futtiis were -teady in the early deal ings. Spot prices were: American mid il'lna: fair. m.44d : .good middling. 32.14(1: fnl'v midilling. :!1.4-ld: mid dling. ,".0 4!d: low middling. 27.14d: irnoH ordinarv. 2".01d. and ordinary. 22.04d. ouartcriy I per cent payabla April 10 to stork of record March 23 Duxle Dsl Copper Co a dividend of 23 oen'e, payable March 30 to stock of record March 10. lanadlon I.ocomote Co. quarterly 2 Pr cent on common and 1 per cent on pre ferred. paable April 1 to stock of record Todd" Shipyards Corporation, ouarttrlv $ 73 nnd an extri $1 23. naable Marcn 20 ti stcK-k of reoord March 0 Vmorlean Locomotive, Co .Quarterly H4 n-r cent on common and li per cent on rr. ferred pajable March 31 to atock of record March 12 GOVERNMENT BONDS ma cou 2s 11I3 I . ma res. 2s 1038 ama cou 2 1 '"... ami re" 2s. .i' - ma cou ss, ii-ni . . . nama rcr 3s mill . Philippine 4s. 1031 . . . Philippine 4s, 1033 .. Philippine 4s. 103 , V S OoM cou 2s 103O ! s rio.t re 2s man 1' S OOVt LOU 4S. in: . it n,Hl rtr 4s 102., 1 D of Columbia 3-OXs 1021 BAR SILVER t Commercial bar silver was quoted 'in New York today nt SI .201.. sn ounce, a gain of V,c. In London, the 'price was S2.td. down d Bid sskod .100 101 .100 101 .100 101 .100 101 . 8S 01 . s at . nu 03 . on ti" . on , ax .10014 mi .1001.1 101 .tort mo'i .1118 108 7 STEAxmnir xotici:i rnnrui'i. it. PHOTOPI.VS 1.0(1 N Till. NT CIIMP.N I'llll.VDhl.l'HIA heiury 2". 102 Th fU 1 of L)irsi.to'e i.u.e mi. Jiv J. elated 11 J dir.de of 1'a'e $1 ",'i pi siiar payah e X ircli 13, lUiO. n j. kh( d i 0f record Martn I "12n li HN II WtMin . . ,,., minal Xleettnzs PMOTO PIAYS THRU COMPANY r 0flM ERICA The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the Ihcatie in your localitj obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of Amciica. gyp ri.NN nt 11 ic u . s. 1:. cor. siu " UJll l litstuut sts. Kebnurv 2 1020 T' e X a M-etinu t th e , knuld-Ts of Pfnn T..i j i j 1 Is; he d ai this ufl.ea on Thmitu. Itbn.iir. -.6. i'jsii. ,. 1 1 n. for 1 J " o. ' . , ion of d, rectors and ..- ... . .101 r ,uv other b isi. pus 1 jt n a 1-. .1-1. jn i.jre t- mi's' tna M.i'I". "U .M iip.u Si--.Urv ProoosaU Allmr, l-'h Morris Passyur.k Ave. Q FRnRnOK ":"-' ANO AJnambra lU. p,,,... kvs h is t. v-' tJiDrvjwr. hii,hhiiid .-., vi:V MH.17S MtNTEU in t-OXms. . UlXS'i7V .1 AK VNSr. OF UKCKN CiAIU.r Kusnwiii 1; ALLEGHENY $S?$X Si: , -hn i ' I.KVV 1 tJIlY rfc.I.CA KP riiKA'tKH PALACE i.' 1 n ;: ' FlAi'K 1 ".i uxitXEr ' OI N 1 P.V MTu:tr j I' l PBOPONAI n roll TIIK INMAM.ATHIN of a w .ivl.anr.it aisl-ni in shell shop case. siop and extension to forse shou' Office ot tns uffiki-r in Uliarte of 1 jj! e.nicion l raukfsid Ara-na P 1 j,e phla S'a. a.ed nropoei s ,.! 1,. rn.-.iej fr' until 3 11. m. Slarch l. ism, am thn. opened for io. I .s.ullatlon of a s'aro eatinc n h sta'ed 4o . Pans and apein, at mis furnl-j nn appi'-at on l'KUI't)SAL.N lull IHMIMI Office 01 1 uuki lertiia-in n,n. it k .oihlns and 1 3J pae Uu -ion Xjjni.iotis liutia- Inc. V. mn!. Kton. u Bealed wiupusa's In , '.. .,, s ractlvMl nere until 11 A. M Mxrcli 1. 1020. for furmshlna- all or any .-art of 221.000 sards Wool uuntlnc. Informati m on rs- guaet A PHI 1 O --' a"thompso.n .sts PRINCESS ,' "io'n u'm7 APOLLO ma r..sK o u:.v '-UUJA .f , , .", s' ?, r' M' 1 OH MOORE IitK OA LORD QUh.N ARCADIA c!?r&V?K ..""31 F.THEI. CfVTTnN" n VOCXO MRS W1NTUHOI' BLUEBIRD BAJl:-.T;'rv "EVANGELINE" AND Sale of Buildings and Equipment U. S. Navy Training Camp, Detroit, Michigan. Sealed bids for the sale of the buildings of the U. S. Naval Train ing Camp, Detroit, Mich igan, will be publicly opened at 10:00 a. m. on March 9, 1920, ac the Navy Recruiting Office, Journal Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. Catalog of this sale may be obtained from Lieutenant Com mander N. B. Farwell (S. C.), U. S. Navy, Senior Member, Board of Sale, Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Jljinois. BROADWAY J..3? ," l.r.W I OUV in IHC HLI.OVED I HEATErt f DITH1 ' MARKET STREET .nil 1 VJL. in A m l0 II 13 V M. MAHEI. NO Pit l.ND "I PIN-TO i 4 tp.. ceid Aes .' i" ; i .d v ii M'N'TITI El t.J ' K YOl'TII RFCFNT "-sKEKT .ST IUIo KTII 1N1-XJ1-'1' ' ' 43 4 M to 11 P 11 Tvin ioi.iri:s m , "XOTHlNfi Ut T THE TltCTII RIALTO ' f-Ton.vri. " ii-m i vy Vt tii.pi:hocm:n- t,i a ; r HRADT In THE r-i-.AP. MARKET ' M vftKET ST I1UI OW 7TII j Hi f , rt I I . . t, I 31 "T XP.T HDI.ME In ' 4IN-4 ,1 p THE IU1.DREX ' GREEN STAR LINE GREEK-ADRIATIC PORTS Piraeus, Salonica and Trieste Other Porta lndmements Offer We Are Now Receiving Cargo at Pier 78 South for U. S. S. B. Steel Stetmcr "ZAREMB0" Sailing From Philadelphia FURTHER SAILINGS U. S. S. B. Sleel Steamer ' HAZELHURST" About Marcb 20 Tor Further Particulars Apply CHAS. KURZ & CO., lac, Agtnti 10th Floor, Droxel Bldg., Phila P;one . Lemtord 5104 Main 1520 STEAMSHIP .NOTICES EARNLINE amvrvuraira ion U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester SS "West Bridge Sailed Philadelphia Havana SS "Coquina" Loading SS "Lake Foxboro". . .Mar. 5 SS "Lake Galera"'. . .Mar. 20 For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA fl i RUBY SAVOY I:n M-sKET STREET PEDDLER OT i.iem STANLEY '"'''rket" xhoe kith" COLONIAL ' ' 1SV-K ,r JRK-EN- r.AHI.Efl VICTORIA APK'T 'T A II flTII .. I v ,v- ' v-,.;rtL. A.'.M ' it "i r m , ,,,.. I ' ' ' '' l f I tMPKLSS 1IA1X ST MAXAYUNK i riv.t' oaii.y i i II. pin- xr.j'-D'iNAl.D 'a i i n'-v "iKitro'r uirni.K spi i:d i-'nt' ni.ivn ii'-n,.N-n MERCHANTS & MINERS Transportation Company Established 18S llilllons of I'sssenters Carried Not a IJfe Last COASTWISE LINES Phlladelphln-Hoston, M'ed., Sat.. 8 P l rulladelplila-rlmanaah and JjtksonTllls, Frldar. 8 I. Jl. TreUht onlr until M7 1(1. HAVANA Freifht-PBiener Prom Norfolk Ererr 10 IHrs S. S. "Ontario," March 1st rtr.l-Cla." Fare, iU. SperUl Hrxims Eitra ru Harrlss. Mailll & Co.. Iue. Ilooklnr Atsnts S5 So. William Mt N. ).! Norfolk. n Lafaielte Hlda-.. rhlln. Tier IS. Fa. Delawsrs A.. Phila. and Holland America i LINE NEW YORK to ROTTERDAM I Via Plymouth & Boulogne-Sur-Mer ' s. H. Xoorilxm Mar 111. Apr 17. May SI) ! x H, Rotterdam . Mar L'l, xtar 1. June 12 s. N. N. Amsterdam Apr 3 May 13 June III Tor rates nnd further Information nDtili Passemer Otllee. 1531 Wulnut Ht.. 1'hlla. I State Bank of Philadelphia' Fifth and Bainbridge Sts. ' STEAMSHIP TICKETS C? FA1RMOUNT -? SS'S.rfK BELMONT ,,!iVir U i-Hlll-RN- In Uli-IVIKJI-1 I tho N1XON-N1RDLINGER THEATRES m Passenter and l'rrlflit Krrilee KY IM' W -IIIIl-RN- In lOfi ML H IOHN'ssiX FAMILY nir-A,T,o -1311 Market ft Mldmsht ,i.p. ii'iirc in i.i.n- in Ri.lNY XMIl.ht. LOVE RL'NS IV'I.D 56TH ST. ,v pa. i u n't THEATRE Below fipucsl M TIXEE D..IV . v; FAItRAR In i , . vn us won FRANKLIN T,,,l-D 5 KITW 1ER Hi, 1' i 'OI ItOOHE In i!V lDIU) Qft" -l i'l'JE MARKET VI... i TAP. s, . , J.VI.1U VS.jlU.N CEDAR MiU r"Lx" .v vi. xl fa , . ETIIEI. i LAY TON in 1 1 IE TI 11 R a; faN , i , , IAUIA X DM E N T ' HA'mpn sii GREAT NORTHERN "?, svl ,';', iJEXE o'HRIEN n I HE PROKEN MELoi'V KR VM'Cl-oitU 111 .M.l.l- j XI..Nifa "., c- gur.r. 1 In THE L'.NI'ARDOVA 1)1.1. H1X JUMBO ,,'n(iNT, TiiThM6 a e hf;art o the hills IMPERIAL OJTII WAI.XUT STS. i MARY MILES M1NTFR NVH OI' ORELN' ilABLES LOCUST $, 1T0J "' i-THLBTS u.w ro.i,;nTh,?.ll'U'h,..3;'.lo " and H.rold Lloyd In "li Royal Slyneai' Nelherparl' Doonhom Vlndelliv K. A. Victoria Vuldura Parmanla Imprratar Vasarl Rnxal fleorje rhlpann '"niiimhl i Muurttai''3 fimonU ninnla panoonla K. A. Vlrtorla Tarmanl Royal nere Mauretanl Caronla . Columbia Iroptrator . . LEADER 4,8T DER 4,8T Titulrl NIXON r' MxRkct Bjr "j -I'HUl'B HATXKXVV'A In ! tPElAL rournr ' ' nl9 r THE HEOOAR PrtlN-i K" ' K.N'IOIITS an-d XPiHTIES'' LIBERTY DB0AP i RIVOLI Philadelphia to Mtrrnool ... Philadelphia " MrUlol i Aronmoutli) ltlllBOW I'l.iMioiith, ClirrhourK nnd f.lrrrpool ntufrp . . PI) mouth. Chrrliourc nnd I.lrenool ( hrrhoarr nnd fioutlmmpton I lifrpoot ... . . . Plimnulh, lluvre and Houtliampton. I undnii I ondinderry nnd filaernw hrrlMiurs; und houtliampton london Plimouth, llarrr and London I'atrim Dnlirornlk und Trieste I 1 1 rriMiol . . . . I iterpool Plwnonth. ITarre nnd Houtliampton. hrrlMiurc nnd Houtliampton Plymaiilli, Cherbourr nnd London lindonderrr and niastoir hrrlmurr and Honthampton .... Kor Ijiter Halllnfs Apply 1u 1J300 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA Phllndrlphla New ork Plilladelplila New York New York New York New lork Phllsilrlnlila New York New York Philadelphia New York .New York New York New York . . New Y'oifk .New York ,Nr York New York New York V 1TE I AKI-" ,n Bii'irt rj a w i v v tlli. 333 MARKET YTiTOT i STRAND ':i;wT , r,VLIl WW Yin 1 '. 'M ' Xf r in ' V. ERVWOMAN" '-'Ii XD riAN'SOM STS i IS T , .. ' !Y st.I.TQOV In "a 'I fKIR ANT) WARMER ' i - I (JO MODEL 2S ri7i' ?J. ,0f" i WEST ALLEGHENY AT "CHECKERS" i ;nvvr -alb m Al,9,,"ny rJJJJJ.. VV. .'.I ', T -. L LI .X ., ;, 1v ssss MIND THE PAINT HUH Sor nVnii' OrTORTUNE" PI IRPIv A 0TH MARKET BTS CVJIMrvi' 1LXTINEE DAILT DOl'OI.AS MscLEAN ond DORIS MAY in nu.xi a iuuii moaunu uuinyi Complete chsrt ibowln programs for ths week appears Saturday svsnlnr and 3undar. International Freighting Corporation Through Bills of Lading Regular fsnilincrK LilLML,iSt PHILADELPHIA to SOUTH AMERICA OIIIbe l rernnmlinm. BaMa. ftlo de Janeiro and Mtmttrldeo. Ilnenos Aires, I, Plata, ete. PHILADELPHIA to FRENCH ATLANTIC PORTS Lnlmottr, BullJInr, PhilarlelphU. 7 Drrafwur, New Y.rk Bordeaui, Ilarrs. Dunkirk, tie. nmr.Ks Tolophono Lombard 3033, 3834 Ttlevbon. Cortland 1110 Why we are better equipped to build your factory In Philadelphia, "The Workshop of the World," Steele stands foremost as the builder of industrial plants. During: the 55 years of our career as industrial constructors, we have planned, built and equipped many factories in Philadel phia of all sorts and sizes some of them among the largest in Philadelphia and in more than a hundred different lines of industry. Our knowledge of Philadelphia's industrial conditions is derived from more than half a century of direct contact with its commercial development. Our extensive experience in solving the building problems of most of its big manufacturing plants is the foundation of our present service to the manufacturers of "The Workshop of the World. That's why so many out-of-town concerns, who contemplate building in Philadelphia, first consult Steele. Not only concern ing construction problems, but also in reference to location, accessibility to water and rail transportation, power, water, labor, etc. Fifty per cent of our business today comes to us unsolicited through clients whom we nave satisfactorily served in this capacity. The other fifty per cent comes through our ability to prove in advance the dollars and cents advantage of our service. If you are a manufacturer thinking of building, rebuilding, or adding to your plant, consult us. We shall be glad to explain to you the value of The Steele Idea of Industrial Construction. 'Phone or write for an interview. WM. STEELE & SONS CO. Architects : Engineers : Constructors PHILADELPHIA TORONTO Teli. :, ll. SH , l-VI, 9a g ; PHILADELPHIA TORONTO liar. II -.Mir. N Apr. n 1 1., .vi-"-'i.Kf ',:..'''' J.ffi.'VwiiBy.Bari cLaWeV -uatf79rTrnanm'1sVv " Zrv i MMMl- WS0wSmKh - 3r,sj-N?. jrw vefKaYM s . . p j . . jKmnrssymissr: .TWft 1 MlilfcMrM Iituei) I i .JiTOl&Gtti3:.x3 : i ,j 1 I,, m mm i nn nmhm i mammmiai5mwmml Mill iMitJ i -sd ) -V A c "t5l I